Training part 2

After Ryuk read that line aloud he took a moment to think. Then he abruptly began to chuckle as if he had seen the funniest thing.

"I've been looking at everything on the small scale. I totally forgot all the complications about me. First..."

Inside Ryuks soul his ethereal self looked towards the monster named nothingness. Ryuk sighed and then began.

Long strips of azure and crimson raced towards Nothingness. Nothingness awoke immediately and dodged.

With a snarl it asked "You bastard what are you doing?"

I didn't respond, but instead sent my laws and sword heart to fight nothingness.

shifting about Nothingness could be seen to be weaker as before in Ryuks chaotic mental state it was like a tsunami unwilling to allow any thoughts of protest.

I tried to communicate with my swords to block his way, but his might was just too great. Nothingness is a pinnacle type of law comparable to everything (the universe) so how could it be so easy to tame.

Ryuk and nothingness clashed again and again their strength about even.

Finally Nothingness who had its focus of a incoming blue flame was wrapped up by the strong vitality. I didn't stop there I entangled it in all my laws and abilities.

Nothingness was sealed!

Ryuk "It was hard, but that bastard is finally gone. I don't want him hearing my plans for when he comes after me. I need to make sure this bastard if he tries to take over ever again suffers. For now let me feed off of him. Go to hell and become my supplement."

After Ryuk did that he passed out. Due to the rush to adrenaline he wasn't able to notice how much he energy he was using and is now drained.

The sun fell harshly on Ryuks body. Ryuk opened his weary eyes and saw two large eyes staring right back with a sticky liquid falling from its mouth.

Ryuks eyes blinked in confusion and when he understood what was happening he screamed and kicked the beasts belly.


The beast had a large tiger like head and a small tiger body and after rolling a little it got up with a bloodlust tinged in its aura.

Ryuk took out his book cover and got ready to fight this beast. Ryuk remarked that although strong it wasn't enough to be scared so he decided to train his sword.

Ryuk put on foot forward and let out a breath. A cold feeling rushed through his head making his eyes sharp and his brain smart.

Ryuk released all his aura wildly causing the ground to crack. The beast jumped up as the ground split. Ryuk rushed up towards it and sliced down. The beast replied with a backhanded slap. There was a nasty cut on the beasts paw and it was thrown away.

Ryuk said "I thought you were worth something turns out your nothing not even a little fun."

Suddenly his hairs rose and his senses sprung to the peak. He tilted his head and saw a large wave of bright energy rush towards him. Ryuk used his soul energy and made large shields to block him yet the broke like they were built of sand, yet Ryuk just needed to slow it down or atleast make it's energy a little less.

Ryuk took out his long sword and short sword quickly the beam rushing so fast it was in front of him. Ryuk felt agitation yet the cold feeling rushed through his head and he felt calm.

Ryuks hand flew up slicing the beam.

*Cough, cough.*

Ryuk coughed violently as his internal organs were tossed around. He looked at his left arm which was skinless with white melted muscles in disgust.

Ryuk turned and saw the beast he just fought and a beast that looked the same except bigger and more beautiful exploding with power. Two large cyan eyes stared menacingly at Ryuk.

"Human child you dare touch my daughter! I'll kill you!" A strong masculine voice explodes with the full brunt of the beasts aura.

Ryuk extended his senses and couldn't find his master and thought this beasts master must be doing something to Riel.

Ryuk felt the genuine bloodlust and without even needing to think released his form turning into a Devil.

The beast opened it's eyes wide and all it could feel was fear. Not just from the potency of this aura surrounding Ryuk feeling like a gigantic mountain on its shoulder's, but the intense bloodlust coming off of Ryuk.

Ryuks time exploring himself not only led to his understanding his existence, but also strengthening it. His common bloodlust which could at most be compared to mortal Warlords turned into something even more fearsome.

Ryuk took a step forward. The beast readied itself and suddenly heard a whisper.


Ryuk said as his entire aura changed and his stance aswell.


Riel who was far away was expressionless yet his eyes could be shown to be in chaos.

A old man next to Riel looked towards Riel and said "What the fuck is your student?"

Riel didn't talk showing he didn't know either.

Sigrid said "When you said that you wanted to test something was it this?"

Riel shook his head saying "Although he's more sharp and focused he's weaker than he was before."

The old man replied "So when people are tempering themselves some of their strength naturally disappears the rest becomes more potent."

Riel said again "It was potent yet it was without reason like all young people's should be, yet he's now straight. Furthermore he's much more weaker than before so much so that the loss of useless energy Shouldnt be correct."

The old man asked "How old is he to be straight?"

Riel said "About 17. I told him the truth about what he should do and he did it in a few hours. How scary is that?"

Sigrid said "That's not the only frightening thing that bloodline aura of his is deadly. I want to prostate myself lower than even the plates."

The old man said "Just let him be Riel everyones got their secrets."

Riel didn't reply.


Ryuks aura turned from a violent miasma into a storm of baleful chaos. Ryuk stepped again his eyes wide and his mouth curved into a great crescent. Not caring about the pain in his left arm he swung it down causing the air to split and the earth to shake due to the force. Ryuk sped forward and clashed with the beast many times each time losing yet the sheer brutality in his actions caused the beast to suffer.

Ryuk licked his lips in ecstacy and said "Come on bleed more, fight more, pressure me more! Fight with your life on the line will ya? Ah the rush when you get cut into is so intoxicating I can't handle it. Please fight more with all your stength please come and kill me! Please ah? How delectable of a fight with death strangling me hehe."

The beast was agitated it had cut at Ryuks skin yet there was hardly any damage and when it broke Ryuks bones and smashed him into the ground Ryuk just stood up looking more and more hungry.

Ryuk sighed as the cold feeling rushed through his head and said "Insanity."

Ryuks aura shifted again no longer a violent storm wishing to destroy everything now a conflicting aura like a fire dancing in the wind.

Ryuk said with a cruel smile "Ah your so ugly can you just die for this little one?"

The young beast roared violently "How dare you say that to my father?"

Ryuk said "How dare I? It's more of a kindness that a insult. I don't want to touch your ugliness my endless beauty would get contaminated that would be uncomfortable, and I dont want to kill a parent in front of a child without any gain. So just die will you?"

The beast roared in laughter "Kill me? How audacious! I..."

Ryuk stopped him and said "Can you not I don't want the whole speech. Lets just get to fighting why don't we?"

Ryuk raised his hand and focused causing the laws to coagulate on his palm. Ryuk then left it in air and then using his sword he hit it heavily towards the beast.

The beast however easily moved away, yet the adult beast wasn't Ryuks target.

Ryuk said with a smile "Ah now lets see which one you will choose little one. I want to see you two break. Hehe."

The ball of energy broke apart turning into numerous arrows of energy and they all raced towards the little beast. The father beast which had been casually dodging looked as those arrows approached his daughter.

It sacrificed its blood essence and used a special bloodline technique causing the space law to act violently and appeared in front of his daughter causing the father beast to get the full brunt of the attack.

The beast was filled with violent energy and every single one of its organs was partially or completely destroyed.

It laid there twitching silently as its daughter ran to it crying screaming in its language.

*Clap! Clap!*

The two beasts looked over and saw Ryuk walking over with a sick smile on his beautiful face. Ryuk said "How fun you choose to sacrifice yourself hehe."

The young beast was shaking in fear as she looked at Ryuk. She said with a scream "Don't come closer! Leave us alone!"

Ryuk said with a grin "Ah how I wish I could, but you see there's no gain for me, secondly your father attacked me for barely hurting you and third I really want to see your limits of sanity. Come on break so I can understand insanity all the more will you. Dont think bad of me this is just my homework you could say, but what do you think will make you break faster? Should I torture your father peeling his skin off inch by inch and feed it to you? Should I make you..."

"Don't finish that sentence child. I'll fucking kill you."

A voice Ryuk couldn't even comprehend on its stength broke out loudly.

The young beast shouted "Grandfather! Please save father."

A large beast appeared above it's giant body his the sun. Its large wings caused violent gales that could cut the skin and lightning so fearsome that the earth broke.

Two large cyan eyes like two blue moons shone down on Ryuk.

Yet Ryuk still had a Crooked smile on his face he looked at the beast and said "Hello mister. Took you long to show up. I have to ask do you have a hero complex is that why you showed up at the last second even though you were so close?"

The large beast was suprised yet more so it was finding it funny a little bug could laugh and find out about it.

Ryuk said "Well mister now Im going to eat you ok? No wait! I should make him break! Hahahaha how much data would I get from a veteran like this someone at Martial uncles Sigrids level? Hehe. Alright mister! Originally I was just going to kill you, but Im going to torture you until you break ok!"

The beast was about to reply angrily when Ryuk whispered "Let's finish this. Beauty."

The changing, shifting aura Ryuk had dissapeared once again instead something uncontrollable, unapproachable and beautiful appeared stunning everyone those watching in the shadows and in front.

Ryuks smile looked beautiful his eyes gentle. He looked over at the father beast and said "You're quite beautiful for your love, but I'll have to extinguish you. I will remember you as a beautiful being so you can die."

The father beast seemed to listen to Ryuk and it's fighting spirit dissapeared and it died.

"Father!" A sorrowful voice echoed out.

Ryuk looked in pity and then threw that away and looked at the large beast.

"Who are you?"

Ryuk replied "Ryuk."