Training part 3

Ryuk felt a smile stuck on his face.

"Last time I said my name like that was when I was abandon by the family. Haha I was as weak as a mouse before and now I'm going against a Goliath like being even when I'm so weak. How beautiful aint it?" Ryuk said loudly with a smile and two streams of tears.

The beast felt respect towards Ryuk. It had also been a runt and was abandoned like many beasts. Such is the law of nature. A kindness more than anything killing off the weak quick so they don't get attached to the world and long for life yet by miracle or mistake the beast survived. It ate and fought worse than a slave just to survive and eventually it became a king amongst all life.

Yes the beast felt respect, yet fury still shone brightly like a lamp in the dark. As the beast looked at its son the lamp broke. The fire spread like water outwards dousing everything in its beautiful orange.

The beast roared causing the sky to hum and the earth to shake. It said coldly "For killing my son you don't deserve my attacks you deserve brute stength. I do not look at you as an enemy I look at you as garbage to throw away. I Sergio shall flatten you until not even the earth can extract your particals. So you have no place in existence."

It then sped towards Ryuk with its full power.

Ryuk smiled calmly as if he cared little for the beasts aura or actions.

Ryuk closed his eyes and raised his hand. A ball of strings laid in Ryuks hands connected to 9 locations.

Ryuk whispered "Just sleep will you."

The places where Ryuk and the father beast had fought lit up in various colors. With a blinding light filling the surroundings a large blue beam shot at the beast hitting it in the chest and destroying its dantian.

The beast plopped to the ground. The force from before dragged its limp body towards Ryuk standing still right under his nose.

Ryuk smiled and he crouched down and his eyes met the large eyes of the beast.

The beast was in shock its Cultivation was gone and not only the mental stress the physical strain was harsh.


"Little one do you know how long I was studying formations for?"

Infact the formation Ryuk just used was one of the many studies he used as foundation for Gods disdainful gaze.

Normally people think formations, arrays and runes are about drawing certain patterns with meanings etc, but in reality formations and etc studies are extremely profound needing knowledge on the behavior of energy and the connection of laws etc. Ryuk just in case had been forming a Slaughter formation he studied for a long time using the locations he fought. Although not that strong due to the large beasts neglectful behavior and Ryuks control of its shape to increase the piercing ability Ryuk got an easy win. Furthermore he had studied the beast guides and most had their dantian in their chest. Any being has a dantian in either their head, chest, abdomen. Humans have in their abdomen.

"Although Im not talented in formations like brother Black Im still pretty good you know." Ryuk said with a smile.

"How did you know to plan this?" The daughter beast asked in sheer terror.

Ryuk said "Simple. When in slaughter I could sense this big guys bloodlust although slight and hidden towards me it was simple childs work. So I set up a formation to take him down."

After Ryuk said that he was about to whisper insanity, yet his master showed up alongside Sigrid and an old man who stood with a cane.

Ryuk walked over calmly and said "Master look at how I killed all these beasts. Hahaha!"

Riel said with a smile "Yes, yes. Good work. You passed the test."

Ryuk said "Master if this was a test I didn't need to kill anyone."

Riel said "If you knew you might have held back. Then thats not tempering your power its tempering your ability to hide. Both important, but you can't always hide."

Ryuk said as he looked over at the old man presuming this old man was the Master of these beasts "Master what about..."

The old man said as he waved his hands "Don't worry I don't mind. These one's needed training and if they lost that easily its their own fault. The big one knew yet he still went forward. Not only do you not respect my big brother you little conceited shit you dare act proud just because your strong? Sorry Uncle."

Although Ryuk was fine outside inside he felt a bit agitated a beast companion is family yet he acts as if their just bags meant to be used and thrown away.

Riel waved his hand "It's fine, its fine. Ryuk say hello to Sensei Taro he's the student of the Buddhist monk who issued the mission I sent you on. He arrived yesterday at the sect and I got to know so I asked him to come here and seeing your carefree attitude by sleeping outside just because Im there I thought to punish you. Ryuk sensei Taro is a swordsman and I asked him to come not only for you to get your reward, but to train your sword. The before test showed your survivability not your skills so rest and then get ready to train with Sensei Taro."

Ryuk bowed slightly and said "Hello sensei Taro."

Sensei Taro replied "Yes hello. I hope you can enlighten me with those swords of yours later."

Ryuk nodded his head and said "About the demon subjugation in Yang forest its completed."

Ryuk didn't really kill any demon Cultivator it was just Black who is in his ring.

Sensei Taro nodded and said "Impressive the group that got killed had some very strong practitioners. Here you go."

Sensei Taro threw a ring towards Ryuk.

It was a normal spatial ring and Ryuk sent his qi into it and saw from a birds eye view everything.

Ryuk said in his head "This is much more inconvenient than my ring."

Inside the ring was 3 talismans from what Ryuk could derive a defence mechanism, a sword made of gold and inscribed with some inscriptions, and a bundle of incense sticks.

Sensei Taro said "There are 3 defence talismans Sensei Junpei. A sprit sword that our Abbott found in a volcano and incense sticks to calm the mind and prevent Cultivation deviation."

Riel said "Sensei Junpei? Wasn't Lady Yoriko the talisman maker of your sect?"

Sensei Taro grunted and said "An order was passed that all female monks were to be removed from the mountain. They have all moved to our sister sect."

Riel was stunned and said "Really? That's a harsh blow."

Sensei Taro said "Uncle can't you be a bit more gentle in your words."

Sigrid said "No wonder the reward is junk. Some shitty talismans and incense sticks you'll mass produce. The only notable thing is the sword. Why aren't you keeping it its pretty good."

Sensei Taro said "Master found it while coming back from an exorcism. He saved a town from a volcano and inside he found this sword. Its in good shape and very good, but it goes against our teachings. Furthermore It's so blood thirsty that even our warrior monks change with it in their hands. Don't blame me alot of our magic mines and even our countries have been annexed by the other sects. Ha..."

Riel said "I feel sympathetic towards you."

Sensei Taro looked and said in with small buds of tears "Uncle why are you smiling if you're sad?"

Riel said "Don't worry, don't worry! You better get ready my student isn't a piece of cabbage to throw around."

Ryuk held the sword and due to his understanding of blacksmithing he could tell the sword was good atleast according to the theory. The swords curvature and all around weight disposal was good. The composition of gold, red sand, Earth hearts combined into a very strong sword meant to be used with both hands.

Ryuk said in mumbles as be scanned the sword "There's hints of impurities. The 10000 hammer strikes of Reverta said that this coloring and energy deposit is due to the materials not combining their essence completely leading to it getting trapped and becoming dangerous. Furthermore I can smell red sand. If this was in a volcano I worry about its internal composition. Due to the high heat the sand would turn into glass and the sword is weak as shit. Ah if I had more practical knowledge I could find out all the flaws etc. My theory is limited and there are many different properties and sometimes a bad combination can become good. River Dan a wandering forger was once said to have made a extremely powerful sword from the heart of a divine beast which was fire attributed and the coldest stone. The very influx of contrasting energy increased the destructive power, but the sword broke after one hit."

Ryuk deposited the sword in his spatial ring in his spatial ring and then sat in lotus position and began to refill his dantian.

Ryuk whispered with knots in his brows "Using the laws is still extremely difficult due to the lack of qi to give it a form. This seal is truly a torturous blessing."

Sensei Taro said "Uncle your student isn't using a Cultivation method?"

Riel said "I asked him and he said he didn't want one."

Sensei Taro replied "Uncle his Cultivation will be hindered if he goes like this. Although his qi is quite pure due to his bloodlines I suppose it's quite bland."

Riel answered "Hm. Even I was shocked when he fought. Although I don't precisely know how pure his qi is it is above average. What should I do though I can't force him even if he has an affinity with one and I force him it'll be detrimental towards him."

Ryuk circulated his qi and after a few minutes his dantian was full again and thus his body was refreshed.

Ryuk stood up and brought out his swords. He said "Sensei Taro please guide me."

Sensei Taro nodded and got out a sword made out of a strange black material. Inscribed on it was various runes which seemed like a vacuum disturbing the environment.

Riel said "Only use your swords no qi. First to hit 10 points wins. Hits on legs, arms, chest count and 1 point and if you can hit the head its 3 points. No severe injuries. You are swordsman if you can't control your sword you instantly fail. Begin at my signal."

The two swordsman nodded.
