Training part 4

Ryuk sighed and thought of what to do "In my battle with the beasts I didn't really show my stength. The first one was not even worth calling a battle. The second was a combination of my different wills fighting style and schemes. The final was a scheme aswell and luck. If the large beast didn't look down on me I would have died. I have not shown my trump cards like Black, my spirit guide or anything else. Although I a bit worried of master and this person seeing my devil form. Although no one has seen one before I can't shrug away seniors like this. I need to be more careful. Nothingness isn't the only enemy. In a way everyone my master included is an enemy so unless theres a reward or its about survival I should act normal. Sword heart is good I suppose, but it's not great. Yet it's not something someone like me should have just yet. I should just use intent.'

Sensei Taro said in intrigue "Don't think of using intent. During your fight although you used your sword very subtly without any feeling I could still sense the intimacy. You have achieved sword heart so show me."

Ryuk had black lines drawn on his face and he said in his head "I really don't get a chance to seem cool do I. I totally look like that person in the novel from when I was a child who has power yet is so uncool and stupid. I want to be that awesome, badass senior who everyone feels disdain towards and then is like "What! He's so awesome." Hah."

Ryuk connected with his swords causing the swords Riel had kept on a rack to sing in a beautiful chorus.

Sensei Taro similarily connect his sword to his heart and caused a symphony of steel to ring out.

Sensei Taro said "Although Sword heart is another stage it isn't that difficult to achieve. Although it is our highest in this realm it is quite easy to achieve. So don't worry about showing it off. The sword tao is much greater than you can comprehend young one."

Ryuk nodded and then moved closer.

Sensei Taro similarily moved slowly.

Like a dazzling dance they moved in rhythm each step with a meaning.

Ryuk switched his right leg out drawn and his left leg bent firmly attached to the earth. He pulled his longsword in a unsheathing manner and swung diagonally.

Taro moved closer and swung in the exact motion of Ryuks long sword hitting it slightly and causing it to fly past Taros face.

Taro had countered Ryuks attack with significant ease.

Taro continued his motion his sword swimming through the air and trying to reach Ryuks chest.

Ryuk pushed his chest into the sword and then using his short sword he swung at Taros head.

Although the moves were simple they happened extremely fast and with beautiful grace.

Riels voice sounded out "One point to Taro. 3 points to Ryuk."

Taro said contemptuously "There's no decorum in your sword. Its like a boar with a sword. You call yourself a swordsman like that?"

Ryuk didn't reply.

They moved back and came forward again. Taro had changed his style becoming what swordman could only describe as a raging river.

Although he hadn't started his movement Ryuk could feel the essence behind the style just from the stance.

Ryuk changed his stance with one leg held high behind and the other tip toeing.

Taro was suprised yet he swung.

Each movement was like the mouth of the sea chomping down with no escape.

Ryuk moved elegantly each time seemingly copying Taros earlier methods and doing exactly as Taro yet changing it slightly making the technique worthless.

Right as the style Taro used got to the peak Ryuks leg spun and he circled to the back of Taro. Ryuks sword pecking Taros back.

Taro smiled and said "Impressive. That weird stance allowed to easy mobility."

Ryuk didn't respond.

Riel replied "1 point to Ryuk."

Ryuk and Taro got back to their original places.

Ryuk went forward this time fast on the offensive.

Taro easily countered the sword slices and kept a smile on his face.

Taro moved suddenly oddly his sword dropped from his hand. Ryuks eyes were drawn to the sword that seemed to be shining like a brilliant flame.

Taro moved his fingers on Ryuks head.

Ryuk felt unparalleled pressure on his head. A mix of emotions seemed to bombarde his cells. Anger, greed, hunger.

Riel said "3 points Taro."

Ryuk moved back his face a bit flustered.

Ryuk whispered in his head "My maneuverability and knowledge of the sword is good, but he's much greater. His sword is tempered in the blood of war. I can sense how easy it is to kill me. He's been just testing the waters before now he's showing his ability by working his techniques into my weakness. He saw how perversely I like to control the situation and made an odd movement which made my mind scattered and thus drawn to it and easily beat me."

Riel said "3 points to Taro."

Ryuk 4 points, Taro 7.

Ryuk held his swords tightly they were the supreme form of offense and defence, but his body wasn't good enough for the best version of the style.

Ryuk looked up although he didn't want to dejectedly finish. He wanted to study the sword not win against someone.

Ryuk kept his short sword on his chest and his long sword behind his back. He took a deep breath.

He stepped. Dancing.

Taro put his hand tightly on the sword and struck it into the earth.

He pulled it put fiercely with rock pieces.

Ryuk easily broke them.

Ryuk "He's helping me."

Ryuk kept cutting the rocks and then like a tornado spun with his swords out.

Taro smiled and easily he moved his hand like a snake destroying the spinning swords.

Ryuks eyes were wide open and he shouted Loudly "My wealth!"

Ryuk didn't care about things like danger and stuff he cared about the benefit he could get.

He wouldn't even walk to do his business unless he made full use of his time. During his six month period of Continuous Cultivation he Continuously needed pills for stabilization, dieting etc. He didn't have a technique to do it for him so he needed medicine to do it. He would constantly visit Mongoose and wouldn't leave unless Mongoose atleast half of what he needed. Then he would use his status as Sect masters disciple and would bargain for various medicinal herbs and then ask the most senior alchemist to forge some pills for him.

The shopkeepers of the imperial sect constantly heard "Ah. My poor master. He is so busy taking care of the sect he can't even give me a few magic stones to buy my Cultivation resources. Ah I shan't not complain my master is doing his best for the sect! How disgusting of me to think I deserve anything. Don't worry my master takes care of you and I don't blame you if you can't give me this."

"Ah. How shameless of me! I don't deserve to be called the disciple of the almighty figure who represents our sect. I can't even pay for this. Master I'm sorry this mister might think less of you because of me! Ah this mister disrespects my master the sect master because I can't pay him!"

"Senior please this is for my master! He believes in the kindness of our sect and won't give me funds. Please Senior don't think about what ive said. My master must be wrong! You are a clear showing of that. I am sorry for my naivety and my teachers teachings."

Ryuk had scammed the inner and outer sect disciple's who were selling their items many times. Even daring to extort the elders and core disciples.

Ryuk had especially been happy about the sword he got from the mission hall elder as the sword he had before the shares he gave to a blacksmith who said he could reforge it.

Ryuk had made a total slam dunk in profit even excluding Rivera's contribution towards his soul.

Yet this time he had made a loss. His swords was destroyed. Sure he could reforge them, but the price of reforging one is nearly equal to the original. Last time he got two swords, and from reforging he got in terms of profit one. Yet now he was stumped. Even if he got two swords he'd break even.

Ryuk won no benefit.

Taro was stunned by the loud wail as was Riel.

Riel had heard about Ryuks profit mindset. Trying to get the most out of everything, but never thought it was this bad.

Riel made a mental note "Shouldn't let him gamble when he goes for the sect competition. He'll be stuck there."

Taro couldn't understand, but he also understood he went too far and Whispered "Your master is a sucker for tears. Just pretend to cry and he'll give you the good stuff."