Training part 5

Ryuk immediately moved towards Riel. He got on his knees and Kowtowed. His voice echoed through the skies like thunder "Oh master. Look at your precious disciple beaten and bruised. Now I have even lost my swords. Master this little one dosent want to continue on his journey. The world shows no gold nor kindness only the bitter wine. Ah how the moon drops into the stellar basin noth, but a mirror for the suns sparkling glare. How cursed our the lives of such a crude time. I must like a plant wither and die in this harsh drought. Master just end me."

Tears poured out like rain to match the thunder.

Riel was suprised at this point...

" 'How the moon drops into the stellar basin noth, but a mirror for the suns sparkling glare?' what does that mean. How the moon exists pitifully simply to show the suns beauty evermore?"

Riel said as he tried to understand Ryuk.

Suddenly a large shadow passed overhead. Riel had already reacted, but he used to too little force and a large beast trampled Ryuk.

Riels eyes became colored in red.

The skies darkened. Darkness devoured the world and within it the only light was the Jagged forks of lightning.

Its brilliant Gold color like a blazing star shocked the world.

The beast Ryuk had killed was stuck by a lightning cage and turned into ash.

Taro quickly said "Uncle calm down. Ryuks fine."

Riel was still livid he knew Ryuk was alive, but severely injured.

Ryuks body although strong due to body Cultivation wasn't comparable to a beasts body. Furthermore beasts Cultivate the body aswell.


Ryuk in his dream saw a shadowy figure. He could make out his long black hair with grey edges like Ryuks. His beautiful golden eyes.

The boy had a handsome face not as beautiful as Ryuks although, but similar.

The boy was on a dragon flying. He was being chased by a figure Ryuk could only feel as insignificant.

Large things fell on the boy and he held out hid palm causing a large hand to come from the ground and protect him. He was strong, but was weak against this person.

Ryuk also noticed two observers one with black hair and the other white. They looked angrily yet like how one would look at scum at the insignificant being. They were extremely powerful and Ryuk couldn't even judge them.

The boy said "Let me out we are gods! How dare mortals touch us!'

he replied to himself "Shut up!"

"Fight this bastard he is not only humiliating us, but father!"

Ryuk looked closely at the boy and the boy looked at Ryuk.

The boy said with wide eyes "Dad?"

Ryuk was shocked and suddenly woke up.

Sweat covered his back.

Riel came in and said "Ryuk how are you?"

Ryuk looked stiffly at Riel and said "Master I had a weird dream..."

Riel was stunned Cultivators didn't dream as their soul got more powerful and they understood laws as they could see past lies.

Riel asked "What happened in it?"

Riel was worried. Sometimes Cultivators on extremely rare occasions like once a million years could see their fate.

Ryuk said "I saw a boy who looks like me being chased by another person. There were two figures who looked affectionately and reverently at the boy and disgusted at the other person. The boy was strong I think even more than you, but those two figures I couldn't even begin to comprehend them yet I felt no fear rather familiarity. The boy began to talk to himself. Then about his father the topic went to. His head moved and our eyes met and he said 'Dad?' I felt so happy hearing that. I felt only love and affection towards the boy, but I felt kinda of stressed as I saw the boy. Like he was really hard homework or something. I think he was my son."

Riel was shocked he blinked again and again confused and eventually shook his head and left.

Ryuk was there tilting his head confused.

Ryuk looked at the bandages around his body and the cracks spreading out like spiderwebs across his skin and had an ugly expression. "I can't believe Im alive. That fucking beast! Next time I see its daughter Ill fucking cook her in a pot! Ill curse their ancestors and strike down any one of their lineage."

Ryuk didn't really care about living or death. Life to him was a sad experience since he was alone and most probably would stay alone due to his own insecurities in putting trust in others and death was anyway just a phase and he would be reborn, but he still wouldn't allow anyone to touch his poor little life. He wanted to live forever longer than the heavens and earth. He wanted to conquer the sea of stars. He wanted to be the creator and have supreme control over everything.

Ryuk took out numerous pills he had extorted and 3 beautiful red pills he had taken from the Assassins.

Ryuk had read about these pills in his sects library. They were called Moonecrying tears. They are made from the liver of a 6 toed snake, the eyes of a moon kissing rabbit, the essence of the moon from special water that has absorbed yin in from the moon, heteroxenous moon walking parasite. The pill was cold as ice and seemed to express an intoxicating feeling such like wine. The Moonecrying tears pill is able to stimulate your yin points. Any being is born with both yin and yang. Men are yang beings yet they still have some yin as before we are fully developed we are both male and female. The Yang points in our body are in places where men usually grow hair as that is in humans that is a form of good yang. For yin its in the parts that are affected by oestrogen like breasts. The yang stimulation causes a more vibrant and active assistance similar to adrenaline, but more specialized and potent. Yin focuses on healing and development and thus this pill helps peoples natural healing factor ascend. Ryuks natural healing ability due to the wood law or vitality and state of existence was already out of this world so after Ryuk popped a few pills and a week of rest he was healed. Riel was stunned leaving his mouth agape. When Riel found out he had Moonecrying pills he was even more shocked due to it being a mortal level 4 pill needing an apothecary from the alchemist pavilion to atleast be grade 3.

Ryuk had learnt in the demon grounds that alchemy was divided into apothecaries and poison masters.

Apothecaries are further divided into medicine makers and general healers. Medicine makers are the ones who design the pill formulae etc they are extremely knowledgeable and are extremely beloved by all. General healers are those that are able to manipulate pill formulae for specific people and are those who actually make the pills most of the time for trading. Medicine makers are basically the theoretical side of medicine and general healers are the ones who are more adaptable and are suited for technical work. Of course these two major sides are split more into minor categories.

Poison masters are most diverse and extravagant having many sub divisions. There are 4 main divisions. The equivalency of medicine makers are poison peers. General healers don't have a specific opposite as even poison peers are more practically capable. Then there is the disease demons who are known for creating bio weapons like viruses and stuff. Although as beings cultivate they stop being biological and become more like beings of energy no longer controlled by flesh and blood and thus bacteria and Viruses have no use the study is a very busy one. Many researchers in the field are busy engineering on ones that can affecting qi or to affect the soul, but the study is an extremely difficult one. Many have been working on making viruses Cultivators so they similarily become energy based beings and hope they will through natural selection or some process become useful, but there has been no success yet. There is the best of the poison academia the plague doctors they harness studies on poison, sickness and all sorts of other things they are basically death incarnate. Plague doctors have nearly gone extinct due to how fearsome they are. Some died during their own experiment's others hunted. Finally the leaders of all division's atleast thats what everyone believes but wont say. The soul poisoners. They are a extremely radical group known for their desire to unlock the soul itself. Some say their Ultimate goal is to poison the soul plane itself essentially killing everyone even the gods, some say to unlock the greatest mystery the soul, but no one truly knows not even them.

Ryuk himself had an interest in poison demons as everyone makes medicine there probably won't be a lack of it, but no one sells poison good poison. He could topple the saints with a strong poison even as a mortal. Ryuk sought the way of the plague doctors, but being how it is it's dangerous to even think of studying it even other poison makers despise plague doctors.

Ryuk did not turn away from medicine although he knew one day he'll need medicine and his enemy might be the only one who can make it. Ryuk then had two options either kill that person and take his memories or just be more knowledgeable in medicine. Ryuk although only what he got in the demon grounds was quite competent with his foundation on medicine and poisons.

Medicines and poisons were ranked;

plain grade

mortal grade

earth grade

sky grade

spirit grade

immortal grade

god grade

saint grade

Each having 5 levels 1-5 with low to pure grade each.

Ryuk had found out that medicine was much easier to classify even though it was fearsomely difficult compared to forging.

Ryuk had seen many levels and grades, but there was no set guideline for it.

Ryuk although knew of the ultimate dream of any forger. A legacy item. It's something that grows with your Cultivation or has some no way to stop ability. Like a necklace that can make the user Invulnerable for a minute or something like that no matter what even if you are the natural law. Death or whatever can be shaken off.

Ryuk had truthfully decided what type of legacy he wanted if he could.

It was a pendant that could create shields out of the materials he put into it. It might seem bad and worthless other than for defence, but to Ryuk it was the greatest ability.

He could make wings of shields even though he didn't need it. He could make the shields thin so they became extremely sharp and thereby lances. He could change the shape to make swords and his greatest desire was to implant various powerful metals into his skin and organs so he would be indestructible. Of course Ryuk didn't know exactly how to transplant the metals or what ramifications they could have, but the idea left him drooling like a dog. To Ryuk a shield wasn't round or anything it was just a strong, sturdy defence its shape was up to him. A mountain could be a shield.

Riel after his shock felt best not to talk about how Ryuk got it feeling some divine inference telling him he would have a great headache.

Riel sat down near Ryuk. Ryuk rushed to the ground and sat on his knees. Riel looked and said "Ryuk I know you love to kill and that's fine considering Cultivation nature and the such, but I don't want you to turn demonic or rather mindless. I want you to think about weight of life. The worth of it. Don't use your fists and destruction use your brains and understanding. If you killed of course the immediate problem would be solved, but the future issues that could form are severe. Kill, but realize the heaviness of the iron in that blood you shed. Im not Trying to make you a pacifist, but think about other solutions."

Ryuk was taken aback for a moment and after deliberating for a moment nodded. When Ryuk was young he felt killing as a way to tell everyone he was in control and he deserved his life as he was above others that combined with his natural bloodlust he carried caused him to see killing as more of a transaction in benefit of him that a actual thing.

Ryuk often would contemplate this same issue when he entered the sect and explored his self. As he comprehend slaughter one of his principals he began to look at killing differently yet it still seemed to be empathetic to him.

Riel nodded and said "Next matter due to your injury we wasted alot of time we were supposed to do for training, but due to your injuries your bones and body in general has strengthened somewhat so that's okay. We'll enter the final part of the training a survival challenge for 3 weeks. Ill explain the details tommorow, but take these."

Riel handed Ryuk 3 jade slips.

Ryuk used his spiritual sense to observe them and saw 3 techniques.

Sword of begrudging fate.

- Life is unfair treating all like mice in a sick game. When one sees the threads of death and the hears the whispers of oblivion a solitary sword of begrudgingly sweepstakes through the skies and seas. It's a gamble a chance of luck, but fate is cruel and only luck can be of use.

Third eye of control.

- If you ideals are correct those who hear them will follow. Strength is what determines the truth. A will beyond comprehension.

Body-mountain flogging.

- The body is your weapon. Like a mountain unyielding even against heavens wrath. Be the stillness and the firmness.

"Ryuk you might think you are strong and mighty, but you are not even comparable to truly strong truth sages or pain kings. I will show you less than 1% of my power."

Riel said as he stood up and behind him a four armed figure with flamed eyes. The figure has skin the color of old blood and was like a Skelton yet covered in powerful muscles. The image was corporeal yet intangible.

"Truth death."

Ryuk fell to the ground panting heavily.

"Truth isn't just a word. It's past mortality don't get conceited. That beast was with held by a seal and was arrogant. If Sigrid fought you would be dead with a breath."