Training part 7

Ryuk had wasted a month of his 6 months before the defy competition going to the Yang forest. A few days had also been spent, but they hardly counted. He had been here for a day before getting injured and spent 3 weeks to wake up and an additional 2 weeks to recover to atleast half of his proficiency. So another 2 months had basically and he had 3 months left before the competition. He had to spend a month in survival and then when he returned he had to study the jade slip his master had given with the stuff he was supposed to study. Then he had to train the other new techniques he got and ponder about truth. Then his master said something that stunned him. Ryuk had to go to all the various divisions from the alchemy division of the sect to the forging division and even to the formation, array, rune, inscription divisions as well. Not only that he was supposed to go to the various combat halls and train in all the weapons. Ryuk could accept all this, but his master said he needed to get an acceptable grade from each of the divisions reaching atleast acolyte or beginning level in all before the competition. Ryuk felt an intense wave of pressure from this.

Ryuk had been transported to a random location of the forest and first of all used his earth law as well as metal law and even water and fire law to basically make a sword. He used his earth law to find and excavate rocks with tons of iron in them. Then he used his metal law to extract the iron from them and some carbon then combined the two particals making steel. The process was simple due to the laws Ryuk had. Ryuk used fire law to remove any impurities and the water law to forge the shape and cool the sword to harden it. The end result was a crude sword which was although tough seemed brittle. Ryuk used heat and removed more impurities and the sword became more firm yet it was like clay in Ryuks hands. Ryuk sighed in truth he had no idea how to make steel he just knew he had to had to make a metal with a majority containing iron and a some carbon. He tried a few more tests eventually getting something decently strong.

Although Ryuk didn't feel any real need to make a sword he felt more comfortable with one in hand.

Ryuk had first looked and occupied a cave. He then went out and found a demonic beast at rank 5 and took it back. Then making it as scared as he could it began to urinate. Ryuk moved it around his cave killed the bear and ate it.

Ryuk felt that he didn't need to go out to survive, but he wouldn't be getting anything out from it.

Thus Ryuk went out fighting anything he saw and even stealing numerous beasts spiritual fruits and plants. Ryuk had caused such a terror during the first 10 days that beasts that saw him ran as if he were their natural predator. Ryuk had also continued his observation of beasts.

Days quickly passed with his routine of fighting, stealing and studying.

On the 24th day he came back in the evening. In his hands was a improvised bowl made out of hide and some fruit shell. Ryuk giggled happily "I can't believe that Water snake actually had some spirit water. Hahaha with this my law of Water with improve by an great amount!"

Yes soon his happiness was exchanged with a serious one. His spirit sense had found something in the cave, similarily what was in the cave had found Ryuk.

Ryuk was angry yet confused. The beast inside was a dragon or more accurately a wyvern close to a Evolution into a dragon. It had white armor like scale on his body like a soldier. It's orange eyes permeated with yang. It had long cuts all over its body and was looking hesitantly at Ryuk in fear.

Ryuk had almost completely suppressed his bloodline from leaking out yet the little that did could never compare to the wyverns impure blood. Ryuk was about to say something when he saw an egg in it's arms. A small crack could be seen. The same crack like image on the dragons face on the other side. Its eye had folded into itself and looked horrendous like a face had become crushed paper. Ryuk immediately understood that although the wyvern was stronger currently than the beast he had used to make this hospitable it had been feeding it's vital energy to nurture its child and that accompanied by its wound made it seek refuge here given how the urine had long since dried. For dragons having children was a rare thing and an extremely taxing thing and is carried out for its lower lineage compatriots. Some said this was natures balance. Dragons had to feed their children their vital energy to nurture it without it they would dry up and die.

Ryuk sighed and released his dragon horns. The white dragon was scared of Ryuks bloodline, but when it saw the horns on his head it cried in dragon language.

"A dragon? Who are you? Wait this aura of dragons... My eggshell I remember there was an aura similar to you... it belonged to true dragons! Our ancestors!"

Ryuk was suprised he understood this, but didn't answer and went near the cave and sat down like a Cultivation protector people who help during breakthroughs. Ryuk even sent sent some vital energy to feed the dragon egg.

The mother wanted to ask more as when it was young like all dragons had eaten its eggshell and had gotten some detailed information on many things inscribed by the qi attached to it. The main thing was the aura Ryuk released of a true dragon the greatest form of dragon's. The mother didn't though thanking Ryuk with its eyes and slept to recover and feed the egg.

Ryuk slowly seeing the eggs progression later in the day released more of his bloodline aura and bloodlust causing no ordinary beast to dare enter.

Ryuk had also spread his spiritual sense. Ryuk had also converted some of his soul energy into soul towers so his spiritual sense would then be able to spread further.

Slowly days passed and the limit until of his training was approaching as was the time till the egg behind him hatched. Sounds of movement echoed out and the grating of scales against the shell sounded out.

Ryuk suddenly opened his eyes a frown kept on his face. A bit away he had found a girl at foundation stage 6 someone extremely frightening. The very pressure that her body emitted was a show of how unique she was. Next to her was a tiger with long brows and big human like eyes. The tigers fur poked out like a porcupines and it had a short stout nose.

The girl had a compass with a drop of blood inside it. Any animal that appeared in front of her wasn't spared as her tiger mawed it relishing in the beasts suffering. The girl would take drops of blood from the stronger creatures. She seemed more demonic than Black.

Ryuk stood up his aura spreading out as a warning.

The tiger found the aura and a mixed face appeared and it began to slowly retreat fear clearly marked on its expression.

The girl hurrumphed and caused the tiger to be colored in a purple aura.

The tiger and the girl acted as if they had now met great treasure and moved forward.

Ryuk sighed and moved his hand up and one could clearly see threads of energy wrapped on a finger of his being tugged.

Ten lines shone in a bright changing color and combined to form a star.

The girl snorted and did a hand incantation and called a large cauldron to form above her. It was red like blood and had various images etched onto it's surface. Ryuk felt the entire thing a bit disturbing as he could feel the agony of the blood.

The Cauldron sang like a roc and slammed forward. A barrier formed and tried to block the cauldron, but was soon broken. Some blood leaked out of Ryuks lip. The formation in of itself was already weak because Ryuk couldn't properly synchronize the essence of nature and his own and then there was the fact his Cultivation base was weak furthermore his studies into shield formations was childlike.

Ryuk then pulled another of his fingers causing a long 12 sided star to form and then unleash a hellish world upon the girl.

The girl still snorted and Summoned 3 more red Cauldrons bloody as if having been dipped in blood.

The formation broke again.

Ryuk this time coughed up some blood his eyes now angry. If his Cultivation wasn't sealed this girl would be nothing more than a walk in a park even if he had made a formation with conflicting energy sources. Ryuk slapped his chest where he had engraved on a stone a qi collecting array and then said "Hmph Ill show you a true formation then!"

He slammed his hands together causing a terrifying aura of heaven to release. A new formation made of 100 lines all overlapped again and again and again until a large 245 sided star formed within it killing intent almost liquid colored the sky red.

The girl no longer snorted and instead fear captured her she pulled out a talisman from her spatial ring and bit her finger and spat some blood onto it. The paper talisman rose and a blood figure donning an impressive armor set and having a long spear with 3 eyes appeared. The figure was not, but seemed so similar to the mighty Erlang shen. The figure roared noiselessly and slammed its spear into the formation causing small spiderweb cracks to appear. Ryuk coughed up a mouthful of blood, but took out 3 similar rocks to the one on his chest and slapped them causing a tideflow of qi to come at Ryuks call. Ryuk knew against her he had no chances without showing his real Cultivation and then he would lose. Ryuk didn't like to lose.

Ryuks acupoints spun violently his opened ones basically a black hole kept absorbing qi. His dantian like a pump flushed the qi through his Meridians and into his body as he forced more formation lines to light up. Ryuk slapped his hands together again causing over 10000 lines to light up. Ryuks qi had already had the slight hints of bloodlust, yet after he soldified his principals the slaughter law especially his qi was even more violent. Due to how many lives Ryuk had taken people who felt his bloodlust could faintly hear the echoing of fearful cries.

The girls eyes constricted and she called on even her life force causing her to age visibly and the figure behind her became more and more corporeal a now domineering roar echoed.

The lines of Ryuk formation combined as they raced left and right then with a boom a beam of light fell from the heavens.

The figure who's size was like a mountain shot up towards the beam of light. It stuck out its spear and mightily flew like a deity among the clouds against the blinding light which could only be called heavens judgement. It was breathtaking and had any artist been there to capture the seen it would be inspiring as a giant immortal rushed into the sky clashing against heavens light.