Training part 10

Ryuk was perhaps kind, but he wouldn't let that interfere with his desire. Whether others suffered by his actions and desires that wasn't his problem he would feel bad, but he wouldn't demerit himself for that. Of course he would protect beautiful things and rid ugly things that was just his truth. Ryuk like any emotional being couldn't be described by words he had no reason or rhyme in his acts. Sometimes cowards became steel veined emperors that ruled over everything with a strong fist, weaklings looked down on by all became people even gods could only be at a loss for, common trash could become the ones who unravel illusions and dreams no person stayed the same and so their already undescribable temper changed all the more becoming too hard to witness and guess.

Ryuk mumbled in his head "I had an idea to make hells calling more expansive. When im all powerful I'll send this ring throughout the Universe and those who have great luck will get it and then will be attached to me by karma. The ring will have everything they need to make them powerful and known throughout the ages, but as long as they require the ring I'll steal their luck through our karmic tie. Hahaha! I am too amazing aren't I! I'll become awesomely lucky and at the same time prevent any potential enemies being born! Wait this ring can't be like that can it? No it chose me I didn't find it so that means its not my luck or fate furthermore from what I can tell I don't have karma with the owner of the ring. If it wasn't for the resourced and knowledge of the sect I would have long gone underground and just cultivated in solitary confinement. All these karmic ties. I'll suffer im sure many times."

Ryuk was brought out of his thoughts by the smell of smoke, but there was something different in this perfume it seemed chemical almost controlled in nature. Ryuks brows creased in visible disgust as he smelt the smokes artificial aroma sink in through his pores and diffuse through his blood.


The dragon mother behind him seemed to become agitated as her eyes became bloodshot and her nostrils flared violently and angrily.

"You human scum! How dare you!"

The dragon moved its egg away and flew into the sky its wings causing large gales to consume the area.

Ryuk looked wide eyed at what was happening as it happened too fast to understand.

Ryuk grunted as he saw what was happening and looked at the egg storing it in his ring saying to Ryo and Black "Spare some qi to nourish the egg it's in an important stage of its birth."

Then he told comet "Put the egg under you! Make sure it dosent crack and that the temperature is right otherwise ill peel your wings."

Ryuk then sprouted his wings and flew into the air.

Riel was suprised as well, but soon as the smell entered his nose his eyes became narrow.

"It's easier to fight an enemy thats you know is coming to you than to fight a defending one in its territory. Good strategy. Ryuks now away from his formations and is easier to get sneak attacked. Furthermore she can see Ryuks protecting the dragon its making Ryuji's attention divide." Patriarch Crystal said.

Riel replied "I know, but... that art is... furthermore Ryuk he'll go insane if something happens to the dragons."

Patriarch Crystal said "All arts are just a way to attain your goal they are inanimate and have nothing called good and bad, furthermore this will help Ryuk in his rash temperament and ability to counter various situations with distinct features. It will also improve his battle sense and its good to let out all the stuff inside you."

Riel sighed as he knew logically speaking Patriarch Crystal was right, but he felt messing with Ryuk like this wouldn't be good for either of them. Furthermore he wanted Ryuk to understand the value of life, but now they are sacrificing a mother dragons for a lesson. It just felt as if Riel was letting Ryuk down as his own lessons were broken by him.

Ryuk caught sight of the mother dragon opening its maws and releasing a long beam of stone out. Everywhere the beam touched a layer of stone would form. Long pillars of stone rose vividly up and made a beautiful scene. Yet the destructive ripples made anyone who was present doubt the beauty.

"Hahaha! Why aren't you glad to see your mate?" A feminine voice erupted in chuckles as she raced across the tress.

"Die!" The dragon roared angrily releasing its full power even at the risk of injuries. A long beam of stone struck the girl and her tiger. The girl barely managed to dodge suprised the Dragon would do that. Her tiger although not lucky became petrified made into a stone statue.

"You damn dragon! Just behave! You know how much I had to beg to get that tiger from my master? Hmph I needed that blood essence you fuck!"

The dragon roared loudly in human language "You vile being I can understand using our bodies as resources that's the natural order, but how dare you use that cursed art!"

"Hmph I don't need your understanding beast and anyway it's just another way to win! Haha!" The girl replied

Ryuk then saw a large dragon similar to the mother dragon with blank eyes fly up. The potent aura of death lingered on its body and it cried in a shriek.

Ryuks eyes went wide and he felt fury and sorrow.

Black who had been allowed to send his spiritual sense out saw the same thing and said in surprise "The living body art?"

Ryuk asked "What's that?"

Black: "Its an art that is used by igniting the vital energy and blood essence and basically anything related to life like the life gate. This causes the death energy within the body to rise rapidly creating an undead zombie. Its basically a different version of creating a puppet, but difference is that one is done to a mindless body and the other changes a person on the psychological level. Its thought of as a cruel method which pollutes even the soul."

Ryuk nodded his heart still as he looked upon the zombie dragon.

Ryuk looked at the girl his became a bright golden and his voice gentle as he told the girl "I cannot say your actions are wrong nor can I disagree with your methods, but I find them unpleasant. I find the ugly. So I shall not allow it's existence."

"Fuck you! You think you're better than me? Im..."

Ryuk stopped her and said "I do think I am better than you. hehe."

The girls eyes squinted with large flames exploding in the brilliant blue.

Ryuk said "It's not my fault Im awesome. Blame the Universe for loving me so much and giving me so much treasure and opportunity. I'm not a main character or anything, but I feel I am truly beloved by the natural law. Otherwise considering my background I should be your servant rather than your opponent. Sigh it's such a bitter experience being so profound that you unravel and expose even your luck. I feel so bad for people like you with no such luck! Listen I don't want any more karma its too dangerous so how about you just kill yourself in body and soul?"