
After Ryuks declaration he shook violently and then black particals surrounded him forming a coccon. Inside Ryuk was brought back into the same world as before with four Mansions and an incomparably proud and Noble gold statue in the middle. Again their were beings kneeling reverently under the mansions. Their bodies a cheap form of the original ones which had escaped their mansions and rushed towards Ryuk.






Five voices superimposed in Ryuks head and he saw 5 giant heads staring happily towards him.

Ryuk smiled and rubbed all their heads saying "It's been a long time hasn't it? Last time we fought we had a draw. I don't suppose you want to do that this time?"

The azure dragon laughed it's ancient voice echoing out "Please. We let you draw with us. I'll let you know we are sovereigns who ruled over the Firmament. Our skills were tempered by the Universe itself."

The white tiger snorted "Please. You were like a little gecko spending your time reading, swimming or hanging out in the Eternal Azure forest. Furthermore it's because of your Kin that our families have such a hostile face towards us. Your daughter/sister nearly destroyed the world."

The Black tortoise chortled "You fellows are still the same at odds even in death. Right! White tiger you owe me. That gecko tried to steal your child when you were killed. If it wasn't for me who knows what would have happened. I had to leave holding the Universe up during the construction of the seas and heavens. Those shitty world pillars nearly collapsed."

The azure dragon said angrily "Turtle! You're basically my cousin! We are both lizards! How could you do that! I was going to either eat rhe the cub or become it's father and rule over the tigers."

The Vermillion bird said "That's the problem? Not that you broke our pact much less went after a child?"

The Qilin barked "Enough! You four this isn't the time to chat and argue. Ryuk we would normally fight, but since we have all accepted you their is no need, but I wish to send you to a special dream to train you. Your combat sense and skills. Everything."

Ryuk said "Anything that can make me strong. I don't want to lose those that I love."

The 5 origin beasts smiled and then began to mumble in a strange language.

Soon Ryuk was ripped away from that world and put into a world where the sky was a crimson red and the earth was dark and filthy.


The origin beasts looked faint and tired.

The azure Dragon said "I hope that this kid can save our Universe. We would be pretty shitty origin beasts if we let it deteriorate into nothingness."

The Vermillion bird said "Is that really so bad? From the excess nothingness energy a true Universe seed will be born with no creator. Life can start anew perhaps with no conflict and evil. Even the Buddha failed."

The white tiger exclaimed "He didn't fail he allowed life to choose. We are meant to be guides not decision makers. Furthermore to create that seed do you know how much life has to be lost? There is no way it is worth it. For all it's faults existence is extremely profound. It's faults make it beautiful."

The black tortoise laughed in a sardonic manner "Furthermore a Universe seed isn't exactly a win all situation either. It has it's faults as much as it has its benefits. Everything and everyone would be puppets and tools in the universes quest for perfection. It's too cruel to imagine."

The Qilin said "Ryuk dosent have some grand destiny or pre ordained fate. He is the one who defies the universe he has only one end to his reaction. Become the creator or die. It's a hard journey and a cruel tale, but one no one has any power to stop. We need to help him as much as possible because fate won't save him."

In Ryuks hand was a sword and only the howling wind accompanied him.

Soon the earth tore and undead beings crawled out. Some were draugr, some ghouls, some low bloodline demons and even servants of Yama the king of hell.

"Servants of Yama. The tenants of the fallen realm - Hell. How scary to think I would see some ghosts on this day." Ryuk said in pure desolation.

Heaven was the 2nd highest peak in the universe, but their existed another realm. Hell. Both had a samsara palace, but one focused on good souls and the other malicious souls. Hell was truly hell. It's emperor the Yama the first being to ever die. Yet in a shocking and extremely fearful way it fell. Every being died on it and it literally fell to the end reaches of the universe where qi was scarce. A realm as strong as heaven fell every being was scared still and worse yet no one knew why.

Ryuk looked at the massive hoard and felt cold sweat cover his back. His palms instinctively clung to the sword tightly as if the only lifeline in depravity. Ryuk took a deep sigh and then said as he held his hand out clenching it tightly causing a cold aura to flush through his body making his body composed and perfect "For my family."

Ryuk rushed forward his sword striking all the sensitive spots on undead pawns. Ryuk first struck the slow moving ones using clean and efficent moves which took no excess energy consumption. A draugr with flames wrapping it's body near Ryuk combusted it's core causing it to immediately deal out explosive stength in a singular moment. Ryuk without even batting an eye hopped upwards and then grabbed ahold of the Draugrs head and sent in violent fire energy and then threw it's whole body into a particularly compressed group of mobs. Normally the combustion of the core causes weakness later, but Ryuk increased the activity causing a violent pulsating energy to leak out. Boom! With a deafening roar a large group of beings died. Ryuk was pleasantly surprised to see blood and absorbed it freely allowing his Spirit guide to come out completely.

Ryuk ran into the group with an extreme speed cutting up large amounts with a single slash.

Suddenly a large bear like ghoul hung over Ryuk and tried to pummel him. Ryuk spread thick soul energy outwards causing a ethereal shield to form. The bear slammed violently against the shield causing numerous cracks to appear shattering it instantly. The bear pulled it's arms high to make another devastating blow, but Ryuks hand was outstretched first. The various soul shards shot towards his hand forming a cracked sword. Ryuk pushed on with the sword stabbing the ghoul bear.

Immediately after Ryuk violently scaped the ground upwaeds with his tigers limbs causing his to create a long tunnel to which he shot at in extreme speed. Behind him a large hammer descended causing the world to shake.

Ryuk twirled on the ground full force being shot off by a slanted piece flying into the air. This allowed Ryuk to come to a stand without being vulnerable.

Ryuk saw a hell servant with pale white eyes climb from a massive quagmire.

A long hammer hung on it's shoulder prepared to shoot out like a mantis shrimp.

Ryuk opened his mouth and violent flames poured out melting the ground and consuming the servant.

The servant slammed the heavy hammer down causing the very air to move forward colliding with the flames.

Ryuk was in the sky hopping on various pieces of earth towards the servant.

The servant jumped up it's muscles flexing vividly.

Ryuk produced a large piece of metal to form. The material looked like gold, but it was too pure to be a weak gold. It was extremely strong and shone in an unprecedented glimmer as if a star.

Ryuk kicked off from it speeding downwards like a bullet. Causing the space to become extremely fragile as if the void would open up.

The servant straightened it's arms downward quickly causing a unprecedentedly powerful hammer to rise to meet Ryuk.

Hammer heart a form of hammer tao like Sword tao released. Like a strict and firm mallet ready to fine tune every substance under its might. Ryuk felt like a metal on a anvil.

Ryuk similarily released his sword heart. A feeling of slaughter, insanity and beauty instantly wrapped the world.

Ryuk wrapped his sword in azure flames that caused the temperature to rise drastically. To such a frightening degree that even the world that had been formed seemed to melt.

The two met and a violent white light spread outwards as if the greatest explosive ever seen. What followed the explosion was two figures falling .Ryuks arms were shattered with his bone sticking our with a portion of his rips and internal organs severely damaged. Ryuk sat on the ground forcing his dragon half to continually work with his Vitality law and qi to speedily repair his body while using the water law to manipulate his cells to work more efficiently and also his metal law to manipulate the mineral ions in his bones to work similarily. Soon Ryuk was back to a good shape, but another shadow appeared behind this one wrapped in red and gold armor with Wryms dancing madly. Ryuks shell sparkled into a beautiful golden as various lines and arrays born into it light up and formed a virtual shadow to protect Ryuk.

Another shadow appeared in front of Ryuk and threw a heavy punch.

Ryuk flapped his wings violently backwards yet still felt a heavy shot on his chest.

5 figures appeared above where Ryuk was.

They were all hell servants. One carried a sword, another a rapier, a claw, a scythe and boxing gloves. They shone with potent killing intent different from bloodlust which is obtained over killings and time.

The Rapier Servant rushed like and arrow pointing directly towards Ryuks weak spot his heart where not only his heart was weak, but due to his condition his body naturally had to adjust such that the meridians, blood vessels etc are all weak thus being a super weak point.

That wasn't all the Scythe servant jumped into the air blocking Ryuk the other servants did the same all moving forward.

Ryuk stood still and then! He slid slightly to the side grabbing the servant as it passed him and then twisting in a circle eventually throwing the servant towards the scythe.

He then shot backwards towards the boxing servant making use of his shell to block the heavy attack and then squashed the servant heavily under his back.

Ryuk coughed up a mouthful of blood his back ached vividly as although most of the damage was not on spread out and reflect towards the servant alot hit his internal body.

Before Ryuk could move again a claw stuck his face and he flew, but a sword fell impaling him in the heart.

Ryuk screamed violently using his strength to hug the sword servant tightly and to crush him.

He then threw the broken sword servant, but was hit by a claw and again flew.

Ryuk face was mangled with the skin around his mouth torn open and his skull partly visible.

Ryuk spat blood again and again coughing violently.

He placed his hand on his chest and whispered "Soul wrap."

A third purple eye partly spread on his forehead and thick soul energy formed various strings and healed his chest and heart and an incomparable vitality poured in.

Yet Ryuk was once again attacked, but this time he looked upon the servants eyes and shouted "1,000,000 hells!"

The servant stopped and became lifeless Ryuk dragged his sword putting it on the servants head and said "Didn't think that would work considering this is a dream. Thank god."

The servants head fell off.

"Now that I know this works hehe. Grandchildren your grandfather here is going to punish you all. The more bad you are the worse! Hahaha!"