Cultivation technique.

Ryuk smiled devilishly as he stared Mooneye down.

A loud growl interrupted this intense moment.

Mooneye bit her lip. She closed her eyes and said "Fine. I will give you some of the secret Art's from heaven. Mostly one's that aren't my families legacy. I have three manuals that aren't useful for me. << Suspicious cloud flow technique, 5 prolonged blood, breaking of death and life.>> These are the arts I can give you. This jade has a few incomplete techniques which every major sect in heaven is given. These 10 books I've received from people as gifts. Take them all, and now give me the medicine."

Ryuk smiled brightly as he got all of these Techniques. He handed Mooneye a spacial ring and inside were millions of pills.

Ryuk walked away after that.

Dion came close and said "Little sister I didn't know."

Mooneye huffed "It's fine. Anyway all those techniques are unwanted from my family and the rest are garbage. Plus what's he gonna do compile them all into some Ultimate Cultivation technique? Yeah right."

Ryuk in his room took a deep breath as he looked at the books.

He got the chance from his master and basically stole the information of all the Cultivation texts in the sect even getting some secret ones from mysterious abodes.

Ryuk said "Before anything I should first produce a basic idea of the technique I want. The form to make formlessness bend to me. Cultivation techniques are basically methods in which on extracts natural qi more specifically. They increase your intake of qi, your output strength, the quality everything is basically dependent on it. You can only have one school of Cultivation in life. Different from law and truth, perhaps Cultivation technique is the only thing that can be said to totally and absolutely unique. Even those from the same school using the same arts are different. I want something totally and absolutely unique to me, something that makes me stronger when weaker and also something that will help me always be strong enough. The greatest thing I can think of is existence - The Tao. Basing a technique on the entire compendium of the Tao is on paper possible, but realistically impossible, but it's the only thing I want. Every art whether demonic, honorable, sword, fist, palm, everything is Tao. Can I dare use the Tao in it's true form, rather can I dare think of being it's master... How scary of a thought."

Ryuk put everything aside and used a combination of the Blue dreams and myriad thoughts and began to study every technique to the utmost reaches.

Ryuk whispered after a indefinite years "In all this time will all this effort I have only just comprehend the true aura of these arts. Just this minute strand and it took so much pain and ache how laughable. No wonder their has been no one else capable of this task. Even if you live infinitely this effort and work is too much for a mind to handle. Not only that Myriad thoughts I had realized before how fearsome, but only now do I realize how world breaking it is. This is perhaps the greatest Technique in existence and I made it as a child how fun. Perhaps my devil Form and spirit guide may be a combination of luck and effort, but myriad thoughts is my sole property. Luck? I've encountered that situation many times in the sacred demon grounds. It was perhaps childish chance, but it was my effort and creativity that creating this formidable technique."

Ryuk said laughing in a white void.

Ryuk had comprehended the true essence of every art he had. Every technique whether one from saints of mortals had the same roots if you trace them of course one could become the master of it, but this is a truly difficult task.

Ryuk stretched his fingers and said "Now I've got the basics... let's now begin the birth of the Tao within me."

Time went by in an instant and Ryuk said "Ho ho. My mind is being distorted is it insanity or the natural effect of the Tao? Every single thought, every single subconscious idea is saying loudly as if screaming into my ear to abandon my truth and myself and become the Tao. It truly is beautiful and if I didn't have people I loved perhaps I would gladly forgot everything for your excellence, but I can't. I have things to do, people to protect and save. I'm sorry Tao, but I can't allow myself to be lost in your kindness. I am the Bloodiest Devil I will become your ally not your servant or follower. So give me your power so I can live!"

Within Ryuks mind a large stone monument fell down heavily causing storms. A brush appeared in Ryuks hand.

Ryuk swiped madly forming complicated lines and designs.

A large scene came to life with beautiful trees climbing a mountain, with clouds dancing, with rains and lightning, with storms of fire sweeping the world. The Universal constant of earth. A Yang bead as the sun, and a yin as a incomplete moon. A throne drenched in blood with swords inlaid in its back and arms. A repetitive movement of life the natural law. Heavy winds and blood seas. Sitting on three thrones a shadowy figure with white hair and red eyes and blood covered lips. Another a shadowy figure with purple hair and a tragedy mask on his face. The third was a man blurred, but with a smile. Time space everything seemed to distort in this picture. Ryuk had lost consciousness not because he was tired, but he was in a deep state of meditation.

Finally the image was done it seemed fearsome, but began to crumble turning into dust which scattered in Ryuks soul, then his body eventually landing in his dantian.

The Tao had been birthed within Ryuk.