Being a Scoundrel.

Ryuk was chewing on some gum while Riel applied Medicine to his body. Ryuk said angrily "That brutish woman! Absolutely and truly a bull! I really can't believe she's from Heaven! It was just a joke did she have to be so Violent!"

Riel sighed and said "Tempting a woman is as harmful as tempting fate. You're the foolish one."

Ryuk said "Anyway Karma is present between us so tempting her dosent matter, but still! Just wait I'll do the exact opposite of what she wants. You want to shock me anddddd. Damn it why is their still electricity in my body. What I meant was she got annoyed at my flirting, just wait I'll even call her my wife! Hmph!"

Although Ryuk wasn't severely hurt or anything having lightning rush throughout your body isn't very enjoyable and perhaps even deadly especially with Ryuks heart disease.

Therefore Ryuk got treatment as time went on and he still wasn't okay yet his rage kept rising.

Smoke wafted from his ears and nose as he crossed his arms angrily.


Dion looked towards Mooneye and said "What are you doing? That wasn't like you. Are you really falling for that mortal?"

Mooneye snorted "What about you! Why were you fanning him?!"

Dion shrugged his shoulders and said "Hey, hey that's because he beat me in a game and I had to call him master for a day. You actually played around with him."

Mooneye replied "It's not what you think. It's just friendly rivalry."

Dion inspected Mooneye and said "Okay, okay."

Mooneye looked towards Ryuks house and poked her tongue out rebelliously.


Ryuk came to his house and sat down silently. After a bit he laughed.

He took out a book and read it as he muttered with slightly red cheeks "Except for the end today was pretty fun. That brute..."

Ryuk fell asleep. Truthfully he had spent a lot of his spirit when forging and had actually been mentally exhausted, but that added on to the excess consumption of his qi while chasing Mooneye left him sleeping immediately.

Ryuk went back to forging getting more and more attention as his excited personality came back and his forging therefore became better and better.

Ryuk was currently in his forging chamber going over a pouch with some small black crystals with an elated smile.

Ryuk had managed to make a pretty sum by selling his tools. Although one of his weapons couldn't get him a magic stone when he bulked sold he got a few. This added on to the ones he had before from his missions made him relatively rich.

Ryuk then took out a pair of rings red in color and said angrily "Those dirty demon royals! Why are their storage rings so hard to open?! I stole these two and yet I still can't get it open!"

Although Ryuk was extremely talented it wasn't like the Alchemist division where he was heralded instantly for his talent. Forging wasn't something where you could be talented and therefore be good at it. It required more than that and so although Ryuk was in the top percentile in terms of raw ability and talent it wasn't such a big deal for the upper echelons of the forging sect.

But the division head had personally taken a keen interest. She had continued observing Ryuk and found that he was an exceptional forger, but unlike the Alchemy division which had a higher standing and a more general coalition she had to work towards getting the extremely precious Ryuk herself. So she gave him various books from her collection even going as far as to give a few special techniques passed down from her family.

Ryuk gladly took whatever he got extending his knowledge even further.

A few more days passed and finally Ryuk was finished and he thought he had finally finished 2/4ths of his task now only needing to perform well in formation division and combat division. Suddenly the forging division head slammed in front of Ryuk panting her hair in a mess and her eyes bloodshot.

She exclaimed "I've given you so much help and your still not Kowtowing me as your master? You little..."

Ryuk was stunned and quickly dissapeared appearing as far as he could at the Alchemy division.

Suddenly the Alchemy head came out and looked at Ryuk smiling "Ryuk my boy! I want to ask why don't you become my disciple?"

Ryuk frowned and bowed saying "I'm sorry sir, but my master is Riel."

The Alchemy division head didn't seem to mind and had a smile. The Alchemy division head swagged his hand and said "That fellow don't mind him. Just say you want to become a full time Alchemist and even he can't stop you."

Ryuk bowed again and said "I'll be going now."

Suddenly the forging division head appeared overhead and screamed "You old bastard Qiwai! Your division is always acting high and mighty when it comes to mine! Now your trying to steal my disciple?!"

The Alchemy division head retorted back "Hmph! Why would this Alchemy genius want you as his master! You coal cooks!"

The forging division head got filled with veins. Although coal cook wasn't bad, having heard it again and again the entire forging division hated it.

With a large fist strike a cloud of smoke filled the area where The Alchemy division head had been.

Qiwai said "Hmph! You brutes always resorting to violence when you can't use words!"

The forging division head snarled "Fine then how about this! The one who makes Ryuk their disciple is forever the top dog!"

Qiwai laughed "Fine!"

They looked around for Ryuk only to see he was gone.


Boom! With a loud echo a boyish scream could be heard throughout the entire sect as a boy on a flying sword flew as fast as he could from a beam of light.

"No! I don't want to! Leave me alone! I have Cultivation to do I don't want to study no! Please seniors how can you be so cruel. No! No! My qi is dried up, my meridians are weak, my spirit is empty! Don't please! Anyway I have a master this is bullying!"

The boy who screamed these things as he dodged left and right was Ryuk.

A beam of light flashed and nearly grabbed Ryuk when he said "7 chamber Cauldron!"

With that 5 Cauldrons colored in different colors appeared behind Ryuk and blocked the beam of light.

Two elders flew out one wearing a white coat and has a heavy smell of medicine and poison, the other a woman burly and strong with giant muscles that could put any man to shame.

"Ryuk my boy come back here! See how amazing you are at pill refining you can even form 5 of the 7 Cauldrons! You are bound to the tao of medicine just come back and read this book the 100000 medicinal plants of Xu! Your pill refining will flourish!"

"Precious get back here! I'll give you some magic steel if you come back! You've learnt my families 120 strokes technique you've taken my virtue how could you leave! I'll make you a fine forger now come back!"

Good teachers when having bad student's can be unbelievable in their methods, but when they meet a talented, intelligent and desiring student it's almost like a lover.

Ryuk had been like a vacuum making not only the alchemy division leader excited all the elders excited. Alchemy wasn't like normal Cultivation ways they didn't hide their pill formulae except for certain ones that had special roots to them everything else was meant to be shared and culminated in a perverse alchemic power. Furthermore many of the people wished to also get on Ryuks good side and thus also helped. Ryuk understood everything he was given and then something amazing happened. Ryuk after gaining all his alchemic foundation and some other external stuff he began to ask extremely profound questions some which required actual concocting. The elders and division head were happy to help considered how talented Ryuk was. In fact Ryuks talent terrified them it was almost divine beyond mortality thus more and more people helped because for some absurd reason deep within in their soul they almost dreamt Ryuk at the center of the universe and him concocting pills and gods came to beg him for pills and had to stay on their legs. They knew it was a dream, but on the off chance it came through they did their best to help so even if he forgot them their knowledge would be what made such an incredible person. Ryuk then after concocting in a alchemic Chamber for some time came out and then looked around and actually helped the elders with small things that made their pill making amazing. Like one elder who had a loose meridian in one of his fingers causing his qi to under covers leak out contaminating the pill.

Ryuk had hidden in a forest a bit away from the sect and he found a book lying next to him.

Ryuk picked it out and saw a hand come out. Suprised he dug out the dirt and saw a skeleton with a fancy robe. Ryuk looked through the manual called The way to being a scoundrel that is known across time. 1st: A scoundrel must always be dressed and ready at all times in the coolest way. 2nd: A scoundrel must be cruel with a kind smile. 3rd: A scoundrel must never be evil. 4th: A scoundrel must never back down in front of power. 5th: A scoundrel must always show off and get compliments. For if you're strong and no one knows whats the point . 6th: A scoundrel must have love in life. Whether men or women. 7th; Allows others to talk down to him, but not to those he cares about we are scoundrel's not scum. 8th: a scoundrel must do everything to perfection before enacting a plan. We aren't arrogant or stupid. 9th: scoundrel's must never do more than needed, but should always seek double what they get. 10th: Must never be forceful, but like a river natural. 11th Your temper must never be wild, you must be cool and tempered replying to insults with a light and handsome chuckle. You must slap their faces by making their world fall apart not mere words.

note: Don't have too many wives or husband's you may die.

Ryuk had read about countless proud, decent and heroic Cultivators, but he had seen people who have eccentric personalities rule the universe. He was especially fond of scoundrel's who were surrounded by wives who loved him even with his awkward nature, who never made a loss, who showed up and made all the genius's get face slapped.

Ryuk also was pleased to find his profit mindset was also in the manual. Also the author seemed smart as he or she knew not to sow karma with women as Ryuk had read too many foolish men die.

He read over all the different pages including a technique to identify various things like bust size. Ryuk personally didn't care to know, but thought he should since he had already taken it up.

After reading it thoroughly Ryuk burnt the Skelton thanking it for the book and returned to the sect which had calmed down.

An Alchemist disciple saw Ryuk and came rushing. Seeing this Ryuk put on a deeply lonely expression as he stared away.

The disciple was about to talk when Ryuk sighed suddenly "I must have really let down Senior Qiwai. I'm just trying to be a filel student, but I must have hurt his feeling and let him down. Not only that he must be embarrassed! Curses! This is all my fault! I feel so horrid!"

Ryuk suddenly seemed to see the Alchemist disciple and hurriedly bowed "Ah, senior brother. I'm sorry I was just preoccupied with my thoughts."

The disciple seemed to feel Ryuks pain and torment and began to tear up.

Ryuk said with deep emotion causing his throat to get choked "Senior brother what can I do? I really let down Senior Qiwai, but as a person and disciple I must always stay with my master! I feel ashamed! Senior brother might you know a cliff very high so that one may remove all shame from the heavens?"

The senior brother quickly waved his hands screaming "Junior brother nothing of the sort! Grandmaster Qiwai is perfectly fine he's just worried about you! There's nothing to be shameful of! In fact you should raise your chest proudly towards the heavens for being such an amazing disciple and person! Don't worry if Grandmaster Qiwai has an issue I'll help him understand and if he doesn't I'll fight tooth and nail for you!"

A cold glint flashed past Ryuks eye and he said with a teetering smile "Really! Senior Brother then I'll do as you say. Thank you!"

Ryuk walked away and the alchemist disciple kept watching on dazed suddenly he shook his head and with a frown he marched back to the alchemist Division.

The disciple then went on to recount his tellings with a little more drama and flare causing everyone's hearts to melt.

To be fair Ryuks beauty had inadvertantly caused the disciple to get charmed and then that added with Ryuks warm words it could make perhaps even cold kings cry. Thus the entire division was even more certain of it's plans to take Ryuk as their Alchemist prince.

They originally had some plans for getting Ryuk, but most were indirect and rather within borders, but now they were going for formal, direct and insulting plans. They got two Patriarchs and began crafting their plans.

Ryuk had done a similar display to the forging division heads eye witness causing the entire division to similarily band together. Forgers of course wouldn't fight for just anybody even if they were insanely talented. They were rude and bare chested people and peoples personalities mattered more, but of course Ryuks talent and even advice and assistance to many of the elders helped. To comment on another forgers work was considered insulting unless you were their teacher, atleast unless behind closed doors, but Ryuk didn't insult or critique their methods instead making them more perfect. Rather than feeling angry they felt extremely grateful as their legacy, inheritance was now more grand and thus their lives were more grand.

Thus two major divisions banded together to steal Ryuk from Riel and the cruel Cultivation world.

Meanwhile Ryuk in his room laughed as he kissed the book.

Ryuk said "This book is truly amazing! My previous methods are now like true weapons! My words cut straight to the heart."