Body Tempering - Earth stage.

Ryuk woke up in his room back in the Imperial sect. He barely managed to sit up feeling pain all over.

Ryuk remembered that blue state he was in and questioned, "That state seems to be due to being enlightened on the Samadhi. Yet it's power comes from defying the Universe and something else. It seemed like the spirit guide in a way."

Ryuk tried to summon the form and chanted, "Nothing forms from something, the ethereal chaos births endless catastrophe. The earth is insignificant and the heavens are indifferent. All things precede the end and all things lead to an unknown road. To birth the Samadhi is to remove extremities and allow individuality to flourish, to prevent the endless Tao from stealing."

With that a blue aura spread upon Ryuk. Small flames danced on his body and Deep azure lighting nearing a purple hue flashed across his body, additionally Ryuk felt a sense of great understanding as if his comprehensive ability was tripled instantly. Ryuk then released his Devil form and the flames became more pronounced, the lighting much larger and even containing a chaotic force.

Yet at the same time his qi was rapidly fleeing his body.

Ryuk stopped the transformation and looked at his body. His skin was very smooth and clear, like a childs. There were no scars of bruises on his skin anymore.

A shadow flickered and came into Ryuks room. It was shadow king who eyed Ryuk suspiciously.

Shadow king said, "I won't ask how you defeated that person, but remember that you should never speak about it. Unless you are strong that is. Well, I give you my approval you've finished your mandatory training."

With that he dissapeared.

Ryuk had now completed all his training at the Alchemy, Forging, formation and combat division.

Now Ryuk thought he could finish Body tempering.

When he killed Sage Webei he managed to get many top quality materials, furthermore those assassins he killed also had extreme good body supplements.

Ryuk asked his master and was allowed to enter the Serene pools of the nine heavens. It was a large pool the sect had which containing extremely smooth energy and could help repair, solidify and do more.

He entered a small lone pool and took out many different materials.

He began to crush them and slowly diffused them in the pool.

It seemed like ants were biting and crawling all over Ryuk, yet he continued putting different herbs and treatments.

Finally as the pool took on a ravenous red color Ryuk submerged himself completely.

Inside Ryuk Opened his pores and the rich and violent medicine flooded in, earthly energies flushed into his spleen. They seemed to sediment on the bottom and Ryuk felt sick as if he had a disease ravenously hurting his body. He quickly mobilised his qi to make the earthly energies less viscous and began to move them easily around his spleen. His Tao body technique automatically started and a earth symbol etched itself into his spleen. The energies flushed into it and then an incomprehensible earthly energy diffused out and made contact with his skin. His skin began to look like cracked earth and his body a mud figurine. Eventually it all cracked away and another layer was there. After one hundred such layers, clear and powerful skin formed. It glistened like mud, but was as clear as the sky. Ryuks muscles didn't seem to pop out, but rather seemed to fit neatly into his skin and looked magnificent. Ryuks eyes shone in a brilliant yellow color.

Then Ryuk manipulated the fire energies with his soul energ.y He manipulated all the fire type medicines and his own fire type Qi into his heart.

Slowly the fire energies filled the heart, at the same time his qi and soul was carving and shaping the heart so that it wouldn't explode or fail. The energies hit heavily and wildly as if a caged animal in his heart, yet Ryuk clenched his teeth and allowed it to continue.

The fire energies with Ryuks control like a thread being etched onto a fabric began to integrate. The heart itself then began to supplement it's own fire energy to combat the external fire energies.

Ryuk felt his head become light and dizzy, his chest burnt with a mighty ferocity.

Yet Ryuk controlled it.

The Tao technique when Ryuk was losing control began to churn violently and under an almighty law, the fire energies began to enrich themselves. The fire energies then made a pathway of a fire symbol. The fire symbol looked extremely lifelike and seemed to palpate like a volcano. Ryuks Wings fluttered violently behind him as if in a panic. Ryuks skin turned a pink color and an indescribable heat shot out of him, boiling the water around him.

Ryuk felt this fire inside his body rush up his Skelton, then it pierced his muscles and tissues, his tendons every part was charred and then from his heart and indescribable heat then flourished and began to speed up the repair speed under a controlled environment.

As Ryuks muscles took on a deep red color and ethereal Azure flames danced on them the first stage was complete.

Ryuk then automatically started the next metal energies flushed through his lungs. Easily the metal energies throughout his body formed a metal symbol and yet again a indomitable metal power flushed through his body and seeped into his skeleton. Ryuk's Bones took on a a dazzling silver shine, a composite of countless metals to create the ultimate alloy.

Water energies flushed inside Ryuks kidney and formed another water symbol. Water energy permeated into Ryuks marrow purifying and flushing it. Ryuks blood took on a deep crystal color like the sea and its dense form became even greater. Underneath Ryuk cracks formed on the pool bed, a single drop of Ryuks blood was about the volume of a large pool, furthermore it was all condensed into a small drop size.

Finally the wood energies flew into Ryuks liver and carved a wood symbol.

Then the wood energies flew and infused itself into his soul. The soul sea rose like a large wave and splashed down. Within Ryuks soul the various laws even changed.

The fire law flew into the depths and a large Azure star shone in the distance. The Yang law flew into the sky and a large yellow sun formed, the Yin law formed a crecent moon. Night and day fit into this sea.

The Water law rose above the soul sea like a separate layer and was even deeper and further than his soul sea. The wood law produced endless vitality, the earth law sprouted numerous islands and continents.

The metal law turned into nine pillars which seemed to hold the world up.

Overlord law formed numerous skulls that caused the sky to become a deep red.

The natural law burst and trees burst into existence.

A hidden world formed in Ryuks soul sea.

Yet outside Ryuk shuddered as he felt like something was driving itself deeply into his form. His felt like little worms were running across his body. Like roots were being drawn.

Very quickly Ryuk's vitality was being sucked away. Rapidly parts of Ryuks hair turned dull and grey, and even though it wasn't obvious his skin was even losing some buoyancy.

Ryuk looked at this and sighed, "Immortal Buddha births the heart and the Dharma is preached. Enemies are resolved and allies climb the heavens. The heavens and Earth's revolve for the Buddha."

Behind Ryuk a dark Buddha with horns and fangs appeared and all the vitality in the world was greedily sucked by it.

Ryuk muttered, "One births the world, the other the energies of heaven and Earth, the other crafts the person's. The Tao is born of Yin and embraces Yang."

A complex trigram formed below Ryuk and various energies flooded into Ryuk.

Ryuk then took out a few talismans and chanted, "The self is born of heaven and earths grace. The self is matured by joy and tragedy. The man is one who must lift the sky and not complain of the weight."

Various protective layers formed around Ryuks skin in the symbol of coiling purple snakes.

Ryuk then began to flush all the vitality and energies present externally into his body. Like a violent flood his body was crashed countless times through. His organs enlarged and some even showed horrible cracks.

Yet Ryuk continued on, for he knew although the 4 organs were fierce to do, if he did the fifth organ and completed a full cycle it would be even more horrible.

Any Cultivator who practiced body Cultivation once they succeeded would be introduced to external chaos.

Chaos existed outside the realms, outside the universe. It was the purest more powerful form of energy in all of Existence, it can kill even saints in moments and only with spatial channels, teleportation arrays and Ascension can one withstand that chaos. The purity would depend on how strong the body Cultivation was, it could be said to be gods discipline and wrath for the arrogant masses. This chaos would at most hurt them slightly and if the person was very strong it could temper or even be absorbed.

Ryuk began to chant a mantra, "Agony breeds conflict, conflict breeds agony. The cycle is set and the beginning has yet to approach, the chaos subsides."

During the early stages of Cultivation strength is hard to distinguish. A person with a higher Cultivation base always won, but as one reached higher realms the difference between Cultivation and talent would appear, such like the gulf between a king and a pauper. Even though both were born similarily naked, throughout their life they would live completely different lives. Body Cultivation disregarded this completely. A body Cultivation practitioner was far stronger and incredibly more powerful compared to a qi Cultivator. Yet there was always a fairness in the world, just like how those with Great talent could absorb qi faster yet had a greater volume needed to be filled, and those with lower talent a slower qi absorption but similarily a smaller amount to fill.

Suddenly red bubbles began to sprout. They looked like blood and soap mixed and floated eerily, but every movement caused chaos and ruination to ransack the world.

Ryuk closed his eyes tight and chains of qi spat out and wrapped around the bubbles of chaos.

Ryuk dragged them as hard as he could to his head, four limps, heart, spleen, stomach, kidney, lungs. Then more and more bubbles sprouted and Ryuk coughed up a mouthful of blood and captured more and more bubbles and dragged them to his joints, each and every bone was exposed to the chaos. Countless bubbles then sprouted and Ryuk roared as he dragged the all such that they covered the entirety of his skin.

The bubbles popped and drenched Ryuk. Then they dug into his pores like worms and passed through every inch of him.

Ryuk's arm began to distort and fall apart like ash.

Ryuks entire body had dissapeared and in it's place was a channel of nerves, blood vessels and qi channels. Suddenly their was a deep red aura spreading and slowly cells were born, tissue, Muscles, organs and finally he was back.

Ryuk began shaking as if cold and felt endless suffering as if having been dipped into a chaotic cesspool of torture and blithering frost.

He began to chant a mantra, "The heavens are incompetent, the earth is insignificant. The laws unravel and the world falls into endless doom and chaos. The stars shimmer and die, the end calls longingly. The sadness of life quells the spirit, the treasure of love is lost. The god has lost interest, but I heed not his call. The War, the Spear, the Dragon, the Forger, the Eternal, the Fairy, the Magician, The DEVIL. The Tao writes the begining."

A massive and river of celestial bodies fell upon Ryuks body.

A unbearable heat spread upon Ryuks flesh, and the ice wrapping around his body began to wear and tear.

A day passed, then two. Finally a week and Ryuk opened his eyes and fell to the ground sore and in pain.

He huffed and puffed.

He looked at the ceiling of the pool which had a marble dragon descending with a few green droplets falling intermittently from it's maws.

Ryuk said, "Good, but not enough. In this world of complexity where everyone is a special chosen chanced by fate and the heavens, I am a mere bug. Countless unbelievable body types, innate affinities and talents are greater than mine. Only with my understanding can I supercede them. Fate, how accused it is. How pitiful am I..."

Ryuk gripped his fists and said, "To live unencumbered by any, to show that my existence isn't a mistake, to see only the beautiful and be happy... I must keep fighting even if there is no hope. Countless enemies lie in wait..."

Ryuk slammed his fist down and said, "Hm! Countless enemies are present each sick and vile! Yet to simply allow them the pleasure of my suffering. To allow them any profit from my death, that I something I shall revolt and plunder! Even if we are to die shall we slaughter?"

Ryuk continued, "Yes, only sane people would allow themselves to cower in fear and understand that there is possibly no hope. Insane fucks like us can't stop, even if we no theres no chance we don't give a fuck!"

Ryuk stood up and said, "If we don't enter hell who would? Even if we must rot in evil, we shall smear the heavens! All those arrogant gods will kneel and the saints our servants! I shall conquer, I shall plunder, I am the the greatest Devil!"

Finally Ryuk walked out of the pool and from the cloudy sky a single beam of light fell. It fell upon a glorious face.

Ryuk looked up upon the vast world.

Seeing the cloudy skies, Ryuk crouched and then like a pouncing tiger flew to the heavens.

Pulling his fist back Ryuk snarled, "So what. Even if I'm trash, even if I'm sin, even if I am dead I am still the greatest and most beautiful being!"

Shooting his fist was as if a meteor fell.

The clouds parted and the sun's glow fell upon the entire world.