
The yolk color of the sun set upon Imperial sect. Disciples who had been in deep meditation came out of their dens and basked in the fresh qi and the warm sun. Many found the first sight of daybreak as the best time to cultivate, with great yang energies flushing the world giving off a refreshing feeling as if being embraced.

The various disciples who had occupations or studies to do set off.

Those of the logistic division of the sect were those who were less talented in any aspect of Cultivation, but were greater in finance and other secular affairs. Even though the division itself didn't amount to much they acquired quite a bit of respect as not only was the sect master the head of the division, they were also in charge of all disciples salary and benefits.

They all wore a long draping scholar robe and had deep black circles around their eyes. They occasionally let out a bear like yawn.

Yet suddenly a thunderous like voice spread, "Senior brothers and junior brothers of logistic division! You seem very unhealthy, you qi channels are messy and your body has great amounts of impurities. Why don't you take these pills, they will clear the impurities in your body and also enhance your qi flow for a relaxing work day!"

The logistic division disciples frowned as they exclaimed, "Which bastard shouted?! Damn it my head's aching, I barely got three hours of sleep and now this bastard is penetrating my goddamn ears with his vile voice!"

The logistic division truly was considered a mortal faction. Normally Cultivators would seek to act refined and above things, but the logistics division wasn't fearful of running their mouths runny with filth.

Yet as soon as they saw the voice owner they were captivated.

A certain heavily muscled disciple swept his hair back and brushed his clothes and went near to the stall where the voice was.

At the stall laid an enchanting man with black hair with long white tips that continued upwards in the form of snow. With two golden eyes anyone could tell this person was the most beautiful person in existence - Ryuk.

The muscled disciple said with a charming voice, "Hey pretty little lady, how about you and me meet under the moon and you tell me how you fell from there?"

Ryuk's lips twitched as he heard someone call him a lady... Looking up with eyes filled with resentment he said, "Brother open your eyes... I'm a man!"

The muscular disciple was taken aback and then fell into deep thought, "Hm... Does gender really matter in happiness?"

If Ryuk were to hear this disciples thoughts Ryuk would most definitely incinerate this man with Buddha's wrath, of course there was nothing wrong with what he thought, but Ryuk wasn't the person one should engage if they had such feelings. Even though Ryuk had yet to feel the flush of love and the tenderness of spring he was a man who loved women and anyway his [Overlord hunting the world] wouldn't allow him to ravage men as a man, if he was a woman maybe...

Ryuk smiled and interceded, "Brothers this pill is called Soothing Glow pill. It is very good at clearing impurities in your meridians and increasing blood flow thus you exhaustion will flutter away."

Another disciple picked up a pill and smelt it and said, "Hm. It is Soothing Glow Pill, just that it's hard to produce these so Junior brother should keep the pills."

Ryuk smiled, "It may be hard to produce, but your's truly is very accomplished in the Tao of Alchemy. Senior brother I also have quite some insight in medicine and I understand the human physiology and I can tell your qi is disturbed because of your unstable foundation and mental state. Here these Serene cloud pills or Endless pleasure pills will be good for you all for the price of 20 magic stones."

"20 magic stones?! What a scam!" A disciple moaned in agitation, "Serene cloud pills at most cost 10 magic stones per bottle! Although these pills are hard to manufacture they have a great yield! You Alchemists are all like that really, sigh. You should lower your arrogance otherwise you'll never make any sales."

Ryuk hurriedly said, "Although Serene cloud pills have a large yield, if you met a competent Alchemist you would know that so many pills spreads the medicinal efficiency and thus the effect is diluted, furthermore the process itself is very harsh and thus much of the medicinal powers are further lost so in the end all you'd get is some worthless slag. I have only produced three pills per batch of ingredients, furthermore the grade is plain grade level 4, 3 purity. Each of these pills could be sold for a whopping 10 magic stones, but I as your gracious brother decided to reduce the price and the result is you spitting in my face?"

Ryuk sighed and said, "Fine, fine. Since you are my senior brothers and junior brothers this young one can be amicable. Come close my brothers, come close."

A strange attraction drew the disciples closer to Ryuk, they gazed at the pill in his hands a refreshing and comfortable light green color.

Ryuk said, "Brothers this pill will be very good..."

One female disciple said, "Junior brother why are you calling only brothers and not..."

Suddenly a small pop sound like a fart spread and following that a explosion of green and purple gas.

The disciples unknowingly took in great amounts of the gas and fell unconscious.

Ryuk spread his arms and took them into his ring and dissapeared.

At the back of Imperial mountain a self created hole a group of Disciples in it.

They glared angrily at Ryuk who sat overhead with a smile as if a benevolent Buddha.

Ryuk said, "Brother's and sisters just admit me as your boss and I promise you great rewards in life. The heavens will be up for grabs and the you can bed the earth."

The disciples roared in fury.

Ryuk sighed, "Ai. This poor monk here truly wishes to do good, but the heart truly lets one down. Very well this monk shall guide you."

Behind Ryuk a vague black figure appeared menacing to the extreme, a true horror.

Ryuk then began to speak, "Oh the spring glow shall guide the seven heavens to birth. The man of sin and evil, shall be guided by the truth towards the happiness of saints. Forgoing the six sense and give desires, one shall embark upon the endless journey to free oneself from the cruel mundane fate of reincarnation towards a reunion of conciousness and oblivion as one is destroyed in the Nirvana, yet to birth in a free form."

A golden light shot out from Ryuk and various vague images appeared beside him all various forms of Buddha carrying benevolence, pity, affection.

As if trying to absorb these disciples carnal desires the golden Buddhist glow fell upon their bodies.

A sort of peace formed in their hearts and their Cultivations expanded as they crossed innumerable hurdles.

They sat on the ground and followed the preaching.

"... The world contemplates the chaos and the chaos births the world, the Dharma acts and the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth smite the adversities of mortals. Yet it is our most desired wish to guide them forward, with no complaints we share the skin on our bodies and roast the meat on our bones, allowing the sickest dog to chew on our bones. The grace of kindness is more comforting that the wrath of malevolence."

The disciples below looked almost hypnotized.

Ryuk smiled brightly and put his hand on his chin, "Now lets see three options. First use these guys to sneakily send me more resources, second make a shop and use these guys as credible sources of verification and also suppliers of ingredients, or third I get one of them to steal everything in the sect storage and then hand it to me. If we get caught he takes the blame and I get the resources... Nah, that's way too mean spirited.... Hm is it? Argh! I'm really not that smart damn it, if this were a Cultivation or martial technique I could easily understand what to do!"

Ryuk thought of something and brought out Black.

"Little Bro what do think I should do with these guys?"

Black looked imposing after obtaining Greed his entire aura already changed, but his speed of Cultivating with the heaven devouring mantra was almost as fast as Ryuks. Especially since Greed had already produces a eternal foundation, Black didn't need to think about or wait and just quickly enhanced. Currently Black was at Foundation 8.

Black rubbed his head and said, "Big bro honestly I don't know... I mean I'm not that smart when it comes to this... I focused most my time of formations... I mean I'm sneaky and can make a heist to steal and gain profit like you, but this is your sect..."

Ryuk said, "Obviously noh, if it was something despicable or sneaky even I could produce a heaven shaking plan that could make me get innumerable rewards."

Suddenly Ryuk turned his head towards the north and furrowed his brows.

Black noticed Ryuks weirdness and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ryuk said, "One of my insects died and right before he died I saw something bad."

Black asked, "What?"

Ryuk said, "Hordes and hordes of powerful beasts and demonic Cultivators. The beast god sect is a traitor and their is going to be a war soon. Not yet though, at most four years or five till they actually go forward with their plans. Hm, they also seem to be going to a secret realm called the Void Sovereigns burial grounds. I should tell master."

With that Ryuk took back Black and the disciples and flickered to the sect.

He then went to his masters quarters and relayed what he heard.

Riel went into deep contemplation, "I suspected as much. Of the five sects there should be most probably two traitors. The beast god sect and the Nether spirit sect. The Ice palace has roots in Buddhism so I'm not sure. The Golden Lotus pavilion is most assuredly not a traitor, but there will most probably be many double agents among the elders and disciples. Even in our sect a few may be like that."

Ryuk nodded, "Master why don't we use something like a Rebirth stages self explosion to kill them all off in one go. A rebirth stage self destruction will most assuredly kill other rebirth stage Cultivators, if not severely injuring them."

Riel sighed, "Would you do that if you a Rebirth stage Cultivator. Those people are those who have survived sorrow and tribulation, they all have grand dreams and there's no way they would kill themselves even if the world was ending. Even if they are to die tomorrow they wouldn't, instead they would try for that one possibility at Immortality."

How could Ryuk not know this, Rebirth stage was the first quarter of the race and to quit there how horrible would that be. It all led to the idea of chance, the stars aligning once in a blue moon.

Ryuk sighed and asked, "Master about the Void Sovereigns burial grounds where is it?"

Riel pointed up.

Ryuk frowned.

Seeing this Riel explained, "In space. Humans were the first beings to mature to our maximum potential before our spiritual awakening, thus when spirituality showered world we were the first to adapt to the changes and conquer. Our ancestors struck when all the infinite races were infant stages of intelligence and power. Even space possesesed powerful beasts that were far greater than humans, but we had time and a head start and eventually all those races were killed off by humans. In space remains the various races ruins and thus they are our secret grounds. By the time we killed off all the beasts they managed to obtain some great power and thoughts, numerous inheritances exist in burial grounds and the such that possess great abilities to us. Normally different races can't use the same techniques, but due to the basic nature of the techniques even we can use them. If you are lucky you can absorb a beast bloodline."

Ryuk laughed inwardly, "Absorb beast bloodline? For me that's like saying get more cursed and trouble. Just as a Devil and the one who defies the universe the tribulations I face going from one stage to another are so painful, imagine if more stuff got added. Ai, I'd be too scared of that."

Riel having seen Ryuks thoughts said, "Hey you can use that blood essence to nourish your bloodline. Don't look down on it. In fact the first place reward from the sect competition is precisely in space."

Ryuk smiled goofily and said, "Master how did you know what I was thinking? Is this father and son bond?"

Riel threw a shoe at Ryuk and said, "Cheeky brat, other Disciples are very respectful of their masters and massage them. Not only do you bring me trouble, you are always bragging!"

Ryuk smiled and departed.

On the long stairs suddenly Ryuk fell down and vomited some blood.

Ryuk's eyes turned a ferocious red and he looked eastwards and he said with a hair raising growl as fierce as the ninth hell, "RIVER BENDING GOD! THIS OLD MAN WILL SLAUGHTER YOU, I WILL VIOLATE YOUR DESCENDANTS, I SHALL OCCUPY YOUR THRONE AND I SHALL TORTURE YOU FOR EONS TO COME!"

He turned into a Azure beam that cut through the air.

The entire sect was shaken with that fierce, grim and cruel voice.

Riel appeared over head and saw the maddened Ryuk and caught him with two invisible hands.


Ryuk roared before vomiting and coughing harshly ending up with him looking like a dead man with long spaced and loud breath. Tears formed on his eyes as he continued clawing.

Ryuk had a moment of clarity suddenly and made dozens of hand signs and thus various arrays formed and tightened around Ryuk and thus he fell unconscious.

By the time Ryuk woke up the next day was the day to go to the sect competition.

Grabbing his aching head and calming his restless soul sea, Ryuk sat up on his head and was prepared for the coming days.

He brought those disciples he controlled and told them produce a secret organization inside the sect, which could somehow survive a great battle and act as a safe ground for humanity. The revolt of the Beast god sect was something Ryuk had to consider very much.

Ryuk began to meditate and eventually a Deep golden halo covered Ryuk and Ryuks body began to converge at a point.

In Ryuks heart a small baby was born and began to cry, eventually that baby looked like Ryuk and most fearsome of all was the fierce physical body strength.

Ryuk expected that even his physical body Cultivation wasn't something others could handle and had to bring it inside. Ryuk additionally reined in his qi, such that his aura was presented very weak and fluctuated unstably.

Ryuk woke up early in the morning and headed up to the highest point of the sect there over a hundred disciple sat waiting.

Ryuk caught sight of Mooneye, Dion, Luther, Mongoose, Dede and various brothers and sisters of the four divisions.

Ryuk went obviously towards Luther, Mongoose and Dede his closest friends, yet his eyes gravitated towards Mooneye as did hers.

Yet the two caught each other and became flushed leading the two to snort and look away.

This time looked again as if by instinct.

The scoundrel technique automatically ran.

Ryuk looked at Mooneye and scanned her closely. Then he muttered randomly "36-34-36."

Everyone went silent trying to figure out what Ryuk said. Was it an insult?

Mooneye looked weirdly subconsciously she felt those numbers were similar.

Luther yelped as he realized and covered his mouth.

Mongoose said "What is it?"

Luther just shook his head.

A loud exclamation filled their position "Ryuk! You bastard!"

Mooneye was beet red her eyes flashed with lightning and she pulled out a giant hammer. Smoke whistled out of her nose.

The girls understood quickly, but the boys were still quite lost. They were not only young they hadn't been exposed to such things so it was obvious.

Ryuk realizing what he had done quickly tried to flee. He cursed madly in his head "That damn book! Im going to die!"

As he ran he remembered their was a art attached called the "Shut your mouth art."

Ryuk screamed in his head "So that damn art was so I wouldn't be killed by women?! That author couldn't have mentioned that when he talked about the vengeance women loved to keep close to their heart. Fuck! If I ever meet the author of this book I'll cut off his third arm and hang him naked in front of all the women he's heartbroken."

A long distance away in a small stone shack.

On a couch a man wearing a sarong was lounging Reading a book called "A virgin and a playboy." The man had lightning shaped eyesbrows and mustache. He suddenly sneezed and felt a cold feeling in his downstairs area. He stood up abruptly and said "Was that a ghost. Oh no is it going to be like that play "Ghosts of Grlfriends past" No! Ill never give up my ways you damn ghost!"

He then said "Oh could it be a fan of my novels is remembering me and thanking me. Well thank you patron. Wait! My books were tossed out from every shop! And only I bought it! That means that this punk must've picked up a copy without paying! Ah you little brat you owe I Qero a 1000 gold pieces! No consider it 1,000,000,000 gold! You owe me!"