Falling into a trap.

Ryuk fell to the ground slowly. His fist had skin hanging loose. Even though Purple sage was comparatively weak in terms of physical strength, the natural advancement of becoming a truth sage in terms of physical strength was still present and furthermore even though the Purple sage used about Forty percent of his total power his qi quality was on a totally different level.

Ryuk crouched down and pulled the Purple sage's snapped head up and licked his lips.

His eyes ran red and he said, "You were a really difficult prey to catch. I can't wait to absorb your blood essence. Your beasts can either become my food as well or my pets."

Ryuks hand caught ablaze in azure flames and it devoured the Purple sage, turning him into a small drop of blood. It fell into Ryuks hand gently.

Ryuk smiled as he took out a beautiful green jade gourd. Ryuk said, "Your blood essence contains your truths, your qi, your blood everything. It's your life force and now my nutrients. I'll make sure to use you when I go back to the sect and finish my body tempering."

Ryuk stood up looking towards the deity which under his command fought the large mouth beast.

Ryuk sighed, "Ah. Really I can't believe that lizard just plopped away. Well the rest of the demonic Cultivators will be coming soon and Blacks arrays should be done as well. Information is the only way to make a profit. If I didn't know about the Purple Sages temperament, fighting style and more I would simply need to run with my tail between my legs."

Ryuk picked up a small bronze ring that had various inscriptions tightly dug into it's narrow shape.

Ryuk sent his qi inside and saw hordes of beasts everywhere. From all sorts of ranks. Demonic beast rank 1 to 7.

Ryuk first brought out all the dragon bloodline beasts.

Ryuk roared violently as the myriads of dragons coiled and roared furiously.

The dragons all fell to the ground with foam coming out of their mouth.

Ryuk said with in dragon language which he had picked up from that mother dragon, "Choose. Either submit to your king or..."

The dragons all roared, "Of course your majesty! It is these humble servants honor to do anything for you! Even if you wish to eat us or let us die with no reason we will rejoice and do it!"

Ryuk smiled and put them all in his Golden ring.

He then brought out the tigers who almost immediately attacked Ryuk who released a deafening growl.

They all sat fearfully like little cats.

Ryuk repeated his lines, "Choose. Either submit or die."

The tigers had split views with some choosing to submit and some to not. This could show the difference in the way Tigers and Dragons viewed their kings. Ryuk naturally killed them and made them blood essence.

The bird races were even easily with the supplementary commanding ability of his Phoenix and Vermillion bird halves.

The Turtle and aquatic races similarily easily knelt to Ryuk. Most were in fact indifferent and rather easy going with the change.

The ape races with his Yin ape bloodline. They were easy enough with their communal mindset.

Then came the trouble the races he had no control over.

He summoned a pack of wolves who's leader was a rank 7 petrification Wolves.

Ryuk said causally, "Submit or die."

The wolf king at rank 7 could speak English and said, "Hahaha! Human stop joking. You are a mere foundation stage Cultivator. My kin and I can easily kill truth sage Cultivators. So whats a small shrimp like you going to do? Furthermore look at your body. You are pale as paper and look dead tired."

Ryuk sighed, "Right, I look like shit! Ah, I wish I could just have a comfortable lifestyle sitting on a bed reading and playing with my wives. Why am I here killing demonic Cultivators and talking with beasts? Why? Why I ask you? Really, I wonder what kind of crime I did in my past life to have such a hard life. Ai..."

Ryuk then waved his hand and said, "Actually I can't do anything to you, but my body guards can. *Clap, Clap.* Oh boys!"

A rank 7 Sand sifting Wyvern, a rank 7 mountain descending Tiger, a rank 7 Steel swallow, a rank 7 Poison oyster all came and stood behind Ryuk exuding a suffocating aura.

The wolves fell back and barked. The wolf king screamed, "You four are you betraying Weibei?"

The sand sifting Wyvern said angrily, "Audacious! How dare you?! Our exalted god here showed the greatest of mercy on our pitiful lives and took us away from that disgusting scum and you dare slander my king?!"

The wolf king looked awkwardly and said, "Scum? Who fed you that 10,000 year old Earth mushroom? Who gave you that really nice Wyrn to mate with?"

The wyvern screamed, "Hmph! As if those mere trinkets with which he sought to manipulate and use me could be comparable to my kings kindness!"

Ryuk said, "Enough! Submit or die, puppy."

The wolf king screamed, "Atleast fight me honestly you evil brat! That is wolf cust..."

Ryuk shouted, "Did I say I care about your race or your lives? Your rules and regulations? Hah? Do I look like some naive fool to fight someone stronger than me? I have opportunity, I have chance you don't. If I didn't I would have died or be in a situation like this. Anyway isn't it in wolf nature to hunt one together. To bite down the strong to their level? I'm doing exactly what a Wolf king should do. Now I will no repeat mutt. Submit or die."

The wolf king hesitated before quickly turning and running.

Ryuk snorted and a large mouth opened from the ground and swallowed the wolves.

The few that managed to escape were stomped by giant Wales that had beautiful fairy like wings.

Their screams and cries resounded as they were churned into mush alive.

Ryuk brought out his spirit blood and absorbed the blood essence.

This continued with many others falling into the same fate as the wolves with only 4 other races agreeing.

Black came covered in layers of sweat and white powder.

He said frostily, "Wah. I can't believe I actually made it. I mean the concept and actually utilizing it was the easy part, but I could never get through the failings with the deficit in materials, material quality and even qi needed for it. Honestly how could I have expected to use such a medicinal study could solve all the problems. Wow, really wow. Ai. I see you've been busy. Aren't you a tad be cruel though?"

Ryuk said indifferently, "Why have emotions to people who won't care about them. Love and treasure your family and loved one, and be cruel and indifferent to everyone else. Doing otherwise would be unprofitable. Anyway it's done that's great."

Black sat down and said, "Perfect. In fact with a little tweaking I managed to make it undetectable to those under general stage."

Ryuk hummed softly.

Black said, "Really you wasted too much needless energy and materials to make the Five compound attack. To be honest though the making of a deity using a blood sacrifice as a medium was ingenious."

Ryuk scoffed, "It was simple. Don't joke. If you are that so called talent of the Demonic race doing something as simple and lazy as this is nothing."

Black scratched his nose and said, "Yeah, but some mortal like you to do it was pretty impressive got to say."

Ryuk threw Black a jade and said, "The jade marks a vampire camp. Let's go after finishing up here. I can't wait to drink their blood essence."

Black looked over the Jade and turned it into dust.

Suddenly a shoe came flying at Blacks face and slammed heavily leaving a red mark.

Ryuk angrily shouted, "Who told you to destroy my jade slip! I don't have any money you punk! That was the only jade slip I had."

Black looked ugly and said, "Jade slip? These things are as cheap as spirit rice!"

Ryuk said, "Yeah, but why waste money buying a new one when you already have one. Sorry, had! Hmph! You rich people really get on my nerves."

Black was about to speak when his attention was drawn by something else. He said, "Your guests have come. They have entered the formation."

Ryuk smiled deviously and said, "Let's go meet the new recruits!"


In a small valley a group of ten thousand or so demonic practitioner's from condensation stage to foundation stage stood grouped in a mysterious and complicated formation.

They seemed slightly dazed, flickering between sentience and unconsciousness.

Ryuk came close and licked his lips, "Perfect. Well Black turn on the soul killer formation!"

Black nodded and the formation was covered in baleful qi and grey and vile lines of filaments danced and penetrated the Cultivators.

All of them fell of the ground screaming as if a pig dying. Their conciousness was slowly being erased and their soul rewritten.

Ryuk sat down and began to mediate he knew the soul Killing process would take quite a bit of time.

A day later all those demonic Cultivators were on their knees and shouted, "Masters, your humble servants have awoken. Please pardon out tardiness!"

Ryuk said, "Hm. Now retreat back to your sects and Cultivate. Focus of becoming able to gather all kinds of information and then pass them via your soul to me. Go!"

The Demonic Cultivators all bowed and shot off in various light beams.

Ryuk said, "Alright Black let's go hunt some vampires! I obtained some information from Purple sage. They have a giant nest in the Cold Flower forest a little near here. In fact that nest is one of their ancestral homes so they must have some really good stuff."

Black nodded.

Ryuk mounted Ryo with Black and began to speed off towards the west.

After two days of travelling they arrived in front of a large forest with purple and white flowers blooming vividly. Their tendrils stretched up the thick base of the tree.

Ryuk said, "Wait do you guys smell that?"

Ryo said, "Yes master. I smell a precious herb. It seems to contain profound insights in Space. I think it is a Space jade flower."

Black nodded, "Hm. It must be. The qi fluctuations are just right to be the space jade flower. It's interesting though. Even in the realm of heavens their are barely any Space Jade flowers. Even throughout the various realms and the countless stars and planets, this unknown realm at the edge of the universe actually sprouted one. Furthermore it seems to be because of a mutation from a special meteorite which had condensed a spacial crystal. Really interesting. Their must have been many factors to add to this change, but even if we replicate it most probably will be unlikely to happen. Everything is chance and somehow this realm got lucky."

Ryuk said, "It's more luck for us! Space Jade flower can be used to make a extremely powerful sword or even study material for those who are in the path of the Tao of space. Luckily it isn't a flower of time that would be a waste, after all time is a incomplete art."

Black said, "What?"

Ryuk said almost as if in a daze, "Time. Time is unlike space and is limited. One may become a Time god, but no further. Why? Because the ultimate form of Time to move back and forth and forge a world self made is impossible. To travel back in time is impossible. Their are too many factors limiting it and furthermore it can't exist. The Tao is Infinite, but that doesn't mean things can just happen. To die one must be born. Time is flawed in essence and thus is worthless to study. Similarly is following demonic arts which in essence depend on others. Demonic arts need blood sacrifice, destruction and the such. Yes in the lower levels it is very powerful, but lets say a demonic Cultivator becomes a creator. How will he go further. He needs the blood of a creator, he needs the virginity of a creator, he needs people, but their aren't enough people once you reach a certain realm. The path of Cultivation can only be forged through individuality and allowance. Nothing can change that. Unless..."

Black gulped and said, "Unless?"

Ryuk said as he slanted his eyes, "Unless one understands - WHY."

Ryuk laughed, "Don't need to think about that now. Black come lets go get the flower."

Black silently watched Ryuks back. His eyes still and cool. He took a deep breath and followed behind.


Ryuk said exhaling deeply, "Luckily the guardians of the herb are just normal monsters. It would have been horrible if the herb had developed it's own guardian. The guardian would be physically bonded to the herb. So if the guardian was killed the herb would be destroyed and if injured the herb also injured."

Ryuk sliced his finger down and the nine tailed fox guardian a starry flower was cut up.

Ryuk walked and picked the flower saying, "It's only ten days old. Currently it's useless. If it can reach 10,000 years of age or more it would be extremely helpful! Black can you put on a Time stop rune so that the plant won't decay. Later we'll find a nice plot of land and grow it. I'm sure it'll be helpful."

Black nodded and drew a chain like pattern in the air than fell onto the flower.


Ryuk and Black investigated covertly trying to find hints of the Vampire race.

Finally they found a scout and killed him and rushed towards the location In his memory.

Starting from the outskirts and small villages to medium sized cities.

Ryuk grabbed one of the vampire corpses and slowly released an azure flame the body burnt away and a drop of fluctuating black, purple and silver blood remainied.

Ryuk put the drop in his mouth and said "Although their blood essence isn't pure it has its benefits. Drinking it increases the Meridians and even enhances the acupoints in the eyes. I can see much better. Even your big pores Black I can see!"

Black gave a flying kick and said "Just because you are beautiful you can't Bully me! That bloody handsome face of yours keeps annoying me it's unfair to the point a few words can make me explode."

Ryuk laughed "Ai. I'm so sorry im so so handsome!"

Ryuk caught Blacks leg mid flight and began to spin around laughing heartily and threw Black into a dilapidated wooden shack.

Ryuk and Black laughed violently and their brotherly connection had become deeper.


In a multi layered pyramid a group of men and women spoke in fury.

One Shadow screamed, "Your highness, these children are too much! So many of our clan has died and I have heard from information that they are consuming us like food!"

Another shadow roared, "We devour humans not the other way around! How dare they!"

A female shadow said, "What can we do. Only real sages can fight the two, but all the elders and even the king have retreated to Ghost Moon island preparing for the conquest in a few years! I doubt the kings or elders will come back for a few shrines."

Another replied, "Yes. I suggest we retreat. They are getting closer by the day and I am not sure the Blood Killing array will work."

A woman who sat on a twisting throne spat out, "We will send out elites to draw them to the capital and then open the inheritance grounds. We will send them into the inheritance dimension."

The shadows went silent in shock and said, "Your Highness! What do you mean by this?"

The woman said, "Unless they have the bloodline of a vampire and have the following protection jade from the ancestor's or a map they will surely die. Their are innumerable powerful beasts and traps. Even Truth sages would die without being prepared."

An older Shadow said while shaking, "Princess what if they posses a true domain weapon forged from the King Domain of a Pain King?"

The woman responded, "Hmph, the sects would never send out their prized disciples even with war they would at most be sent to the peripheral area. Furthermore those hidden families and wandering Cultivators never interfere in secular affairs. Any Cultivators coming this far are either wandering or lesser disciples neither of which would have the grace of a King. Anyway even if they do posses one we will use the True scythe killing formation to use it away."

A skinny man by the side wrapped in chains and hung up opened his eyes and two pale beams shot out. He said, "Jejeje. Little whore your plans will fail! Hahaha!"

The woman snorted and roared, "Take him to the Blood Bank! Until this bastard tell's me the fate of the vampire race he will be our supplement forever!"

The skinny man laughed, "Haha. Decisions write fate. Their is no preordained destiny. Where did you go wrong little girl? Being born, being born as a vampire or making him your enemy? Hahaha! How funny."


Ryuk ran through the forest, "Hey, hey Black hurry up! Those two have a really pure bloodline! If we make them pills or blood essence imagine the benefit!"

Black roared, "I know, but these bastards are really fast!"

Black suddenly opened his eyes wide and pulled Ryuk into the large foliage.

He said quietly, "Ryuk I can sense a formation is getting ready to open. It's power is comparable to the full powered attack of a medium grade Truth sage. Hm. The qi fluctuations of a secret realm."

Ryuk said, "Secret realm?"

Black said, "An inheritance ground. A void. A tear in reality into another dimension connected to ours. It seems to be from a Emperor stage powerhouse... This could be a profit or an extreme loss."

Ryuk said, "How big of a profit?"

Black replied, "If we are lucky. Like I mean super lucky. We can get the body of an Emperor stage powerhouse and can refine it. It will enhance all qualities of us! Yet if we are unlucky their are too many possibilities. First we could get torn up from the void forces. Their could be strong beasts or other ethereal creatures. Worse case scenario the Emperor is alive he destroys our souls and absorbs our bodies. Emperors are close to immortal needing half a million years to die normally. Furthermore they develop cores which can further enhance their lives."

Ryuk thought it over, "You stay. I'll go. If I can get that body I'll be able to cultivate faster. I need to become a God quickly."

Ryuk then said in his head, "No I need to become a Immortal before one hundred years of age and enter the Primordial suzerain realm. I will be able to bathe in the Primordial sea and consume the stars of The five Emperors. Once I consume the five stars I'll be able to get more of the Origin beasts powers. Furthermore the Primordial sea where the Primordial one the first life was born will be able to enhance my soul and body to limits beyond conception. Furthermore I need to quickly ascend to the spiritual realm. The Longevity Emperor should be being born in a few years. If I can consume him and his saint star nucleus... I need to hurry up. There's too many things awaiting me. Furthermore if this person really possesses a core then I can etch the Heaven defying rune from the Blasphemous Heretic race. I luckily saw that tattered scripture from my past life. I saw so many little bits and pieces when Nothingness first took over. In the place where my past self freed nothingness a thin piece of junk paper floated. I didn't understand it then, but now with the insights from the Demon sacred ground I can barely comprehend it!"


Ryuk sped through the forests appearing over a large city.

He pulled his fist back and shouted, "Five compound Nuclear Fist!"

Qi flushed out of Ryuk's fist and formed the five Compound formation and then a white beam flashed through each formation flashing in beautiful colors and then fell like a beautiful star.

The ground was covered in cold flames that could rip flesh off as easily as the sharpest knife in existence. The skies rained Black water than once it fell burnt like lava. A strange snow flaked down and once one took a deep breath in they were poisoned and died.

With this one destructive fist the large city stretching for over a 100 Kilometers was nearly completely destroyed with only a large castle hidden by a climbing red formation.

Ryuk sped forward and shot another fist forward, "Yin Yang shift!"

The Powerful and firm barrier shifted under the hues of darkness and light. It became as weak as paper such that even a light wind could drag it off.

Ryuk bit his lip and said, "Damn. When I invented Yin Yang shift I knew this Ultimate ability would be detrimental, but not to the point that three acupoints in my arm are damaged."

Ryuk roared at those in the castle, "When in front of me the strong become the weak and the... Well if I allow it."

The woman from before came out and roared, "Open the Inheritance grounds! Take this you fiend! Blood moon canvas!"

A line of red ink pasted on reality and drew upwards a red moon and red stars which then fell towards Ryuk bringing about great pressure.

Ryuk snorted and swiped his hand and a near invisible sword light shot out severing the moon.

Yet from that moon a flood of blood fell and pushed down on Ryuk.

Ryuk roared as if he is was trying his hardest yet his eyes had a slight fervor.

Ryuk was ultimately pushed between two stone Columns.

The Vampires breathed out deeply, but a tired laugh erupted out, "Hahaha! Fate is made! Fate is made! You have messed with the almighty! Hahaha!"