The Spirit Emperor and his last request.

Ryuk woke up with wounds all over in a very beautiful grass plane.

Leaves sang songs as the wind blew gently. The sun shone without a hint of anger, very peacefully dropping up and down. The sky was as clear as a calm lake.

Yet in this fairy like land Ryuk felt innumerable pressure and danger. He had only felt so much danger when he experienced his masters truth.

Ryuk summoned the Rank 7 demonic beasts he had tamed and Ryo.

He led a giant campaign and conquered, devoured and overtook many beasts and creature's becoming the master of the realm.

Ryuk had spent about a month here and even if he missed the sect competition although he would feel a little bad, he wouldn't care that much. This place had innumerable resources and dense qi. In fact if only to keep a low profile and holding his Cultivation back even right after breaking through to foundation 3 he could have to foundation 4.

Ryuk was currently in a yellow pool with many herbs and plants floating lacking of any essence. A Rank 7 Audacious Monkey was fanning Ryuk with a smile and a large blush as it occasionally peeked at Ryuk.

Ryuk was after all supremely beautiful to even other races. His body, his manly part it was as if everything was perfect and delicious.

A goat with horns poking out of its entire body brought a gourd and said, "Baaa. Baaa."

The monkey said, "Master the army has collected this gourd from a rank 7 Wandering Panda. Furthermore they say they have found a Kunpeng. It has an extremely powerful bloodline and our scholars are inclined to believe it is actually from the Origin beast Wind. Kunpeng royal family."

Ryuk rose quickly he said, "What did you say? How could a royal family member of one of the top races appear here?"

The monkey continued, "Master the reason for this is because it's qi fluctuations are similar to The origin beast Azure dragon, Black turtle, Vermillion bird and White tiger. Just that it is weaker."

Ryuk asked, "How are they similar?"

The monkey said, "They say from the dominance, power and Laws expressed."

Ryuk touched his chin and said, "No it can't be from the royal family no matter what... It could be a half blood atleast second generation of the royal family. A royal Kunpeng with a pure blood must have mated with another beast and produced a mixed blood Kunpeng. It's either the direct child or a close descendant so the Kunpeng royal blood must be still present no matter how thin."

The monkey asked, "Master why can't it be a royal Kunpeng?"

Ryuk replied, "Kunpeng's by nature are solitary, hardly going away from their habitat. They are similar to the fierce nature of Tigers and Prideful nature of dragons. Furthermore Kunpeng's aren't overtly prideful coming from their water origins. They are accepting of all kinds of behaviors so it isn't impossible for them to mate with other beings."

Ryuk put on his robe and said, "Lead the way! If I can make it into a pill and absorb the pure Kunpeng bloodline then I can study the wind law and enhance my speed and even my water law!"

A four winged brown fish like bird danced escaping ravenous lightning.

Ryo sprang out from the sky and balled up. His hairs stood on edge and shot off. The fish bird danced and managed to dodge.

A monkey shot out with a pole. The fish bird slapped down with it's tail pushing with it a gust of wind. The pole the monkey held atop it's head fell down like an anvil smashing into it's head.

A playful laugh which haunted this beast for so many nights and days sprang forth and Ryuk appeared.

He said, "Little Kun how can you be so rude! I just want to deepen our connection. Come, come to big brother!"

The Kunpeng made weird fish sounds as if an angry child and danced furiously in the air.

The monkey who had a depression in its head came close to Ryuk crying and said, "Master the little witch is saying: You big bully! Stop chasing me! You and your stupid stupid pets! Don't follow or I'll get my dad to beat you up! He's really strong."

Ryuk was suprised and asked, "Little Kun is your Kunpeng blood from your mother or father?"

Little Kun flopped around.

Monkey explained, "My mommy, you meany! My dad's a super strong Emperor! He was called Spirit Emperor and even the Immortals shook in their little whites!"

Ryuk looked and monkey and said, "Wow. It's harder for any female of any race to mate with another. Yet I saw that... Hm, that could be a bit better. The mothers side has a stronger bloodline influence compared to the father. I can't wait to eat him."

Little Kun ran away screaming.

Monkey said, "You evil person! How can you say you want to eat me with a straight face!"

Ryuk said grimly, "Monkey why are you telling me that chase after him!"

Monkey grabbed the back of it's head and pushed it's tongue out.

Ryuk sighed and said, "Dragon general, Tiger general you two stay back you two aren't fast enough. Challenge that old bastard Boar king of south Return mountain and little fortune fairy."

The two bowed deeply and Ryuk turned into a red flash dissapearing from sight.


Ryuk chased after Little Kun for two weeks and finally was about to catch him when a gentle voice that shook Ryuks entire body sang outwards, "This little friend I hope you can let my daughter be. I've allowed it this far since she hardly has any friends."

Ryuks appearance quickly became gentle and he said, "Of course senior! Why would I dare touch such a beautiful girl! I would be kicked by the Heavens if I dared!"

Little Kun made angrily noises.

The voice laughed, "Little Cloud don't be so rude."

Ryuk after chasing Little Kun could now understand her and heard, "Wow! Wow! What a nice tongue you have! Just wait I'll slap my wings in your face then what?"

The voice continued, "Little friend come to my abode in this world. Since you've come and done so much I should give you my inheritance. I just hope you can do me a little favor."*

The ground shook and a hole opened up.

Ryuk thought it over and went down.

Inside on a bed an old man sat looking dimly upwards.

Even though looking near death his aura was fierce and his body powerful.

Yet their was an ugly hole where his heart was supposed to be.

He looked at Ryuk and said, "Hm. You most probably don't need my inheritance considering your aura, but little friend if you could do me a favor."

Ryuk said, "If I can senior I will try."

He said, "I'm most likely not to have it, but I would like an alchemist to forge me a pill. It's called the Golden dream pill. If I can have that I will be able to peacefully die."

Ryuk scratched his chin and said, "Golden dream pill? Ah! You mean that pill that enables one to experience the best days of their life."

The old man nodded and said, "I am the Spirit Emperor. I conquered many stars and planets yet I also made far too many enemies. They grouped together and injured me. With my last bit of powers I fled to my Original realm and created a small realm. I will die soon and I wish to see my beloved Wife."

Ryuk looked at Little Kun who pulled the bed covers up.

He felt a slight ache in his heart and said, "Senior that is to mean you are human?"

The Spirit Emperor nodded.

Ryuk thought it over and said, "Senior I can complete your task."

Spirit Emperor opened his eyes widely and said, "What did you say?"

Ryuk said, "Not a high grade one. I can make one that allows one to see their Happy memories, but not actually experience them."

The Spirit Emperor rolled off his bed and got on his knees he said, "Really?"

Ryuk seeing this smiled and nodded.

He said, "As long as you can provide me with the materials I can."

The Sprit Emperor most probably normally would never agree, but not having seen hope for so long he agreed.


Ryuk sat down and called forth a large Purple Cauldron.

He pulled out a purple bamboo and condensed it into a drop and using secret art: Spider web he achieved a similar situation as before.

Ten hours later. Ryuk was pale and his eyes bloodshot. He had been carefully maintaining the temperature and various other factors all the while supplementing qi.

Inside the purple cauldron a river of gold danced madly.

Ryuk slapped the cauldron and a hole appeared at the bottom.

A drop of gold fell out, but a purple leaf caught it and then another and then right before it touched the floor another leaf, gripped the bead and then gently rolled it on the ground.

Ryuk grabbed the pill and wiped the sweat on his forehead and inspected the pill and with a smile he passed it to Spirit Emperor, "Senior. This little one has not failed. Here a Plain grade level 5 low quality pill. It will be able to induce a dream with your happiest moments."

Sprit Emperor swiped the pill and looked at it greedily he noticed his composure and apologized.

He sat down and ate the Pill. Ryuk similarily rested having exhausted himself.


Nine days later Spirit Emperor woke up and his body suddenly started to dissipate.

He looked at Ryuk and said, "Little brother I thank you profusely. As thanks I will allow you to absorb my soul and consume my body. Yet I have a request."

Ryuk said, "Say senior."

Spirit Emperor looked at Little Kun and said, "Take care of this little one and if you can take her to her mother. My wife's name is Diana and the princess of the Royal Kunpeng race."

Ryuk nodded and said, "I Ryuk swear upon my soul. I will do my best to take care of Little Kun. If I ever do him harm let me be struck by Universal lightning. My soul shattered and unable to reincarnate."

Spirit Emperor smiled and said, "I wish you luck."

Ryuk said, "Senior I will keep a fragment of your soul and if I become strong enough I'll bring you back to life."

Spirit Emperor didn't reply.

He talked with Little Kun who cried heavily.

Finally the Spirit Emperor departed. His soul was consumed by Ryuk and would slowly be digested. His body Ryuk stored to make a pill later. Ryuk dug a grave and lit incense.

He stayed in silent prayer for the dead with Little Kun for 81 days.

Finally Ryuk said, "Little Kun. It's time. We should leave. Don't worry my destiny is to become the creator! I will become one and bring your father back!"

Little Kun rubbed against Ryuks neck still sad.

Ryuk sighed and left.

He gathered his army and prepared to leave.

Yet at the edge Little Kun was stuck.

Ryuk sighed, "Little Kun don't think about this place. Staying here means nothing. Only by leaving and charging towards the heavens and above can you do anything."

Little Kun made sad noises. Ryuk gently patted him.

Ryuk then sped out of the void.

He came out and it seemed only a few days had passed.

Ryuk condensed all his aura into himself so he looked like he was not even present unless one physically looked at him.

He entered the Vampire city and began to rob them of their treasures. When he suddenly heard a man say, "Ah! The heavens have truly blessed us! Our Vampire race has managed to capture a prince from our ancestor race. He's a criminal or something you see. He's going to be sucked of his Bloodline by the princess and then killed. Not only will our princess rise to the sky, we will gain the favor of our ancestors!"

Ryuk silently listened and said, "Black? How is that possible? Their are only foundation experts here and Blacks combat power is only a little weaker compared to me. Furthermore how could Vampires do anything the bloodline restriction would give him full control unless he met someone with a higher purity... How could he be caught..."