Fighting martial masters.

Shadow king said, "Brat, that scythe school of yours is really scary. It's really, really scary. Furthermore you have reached scythe heart in only a few days and the Scythe seems to be in love with you. Really how much of a monster are you?"

Ryuk smiled and said, "Ai. master you shouldn't say that, perhaps the heavens will be jealous and smite his beautiful boy. Ai, sometimes it's a curse being so amazing at everything."

Shadow king laughed, "Yes, yes! For amazing men like us sometimes we need to be careful, the heavens are after all like a jealous wife. Take too much without it's permission and you'll be whipped. Anyway brat, theres a martial meeting on endless mountain, the people fighting are basically ordinary mortals, who instead of training in qi, train in martial arts. You will be going there and fighting."

Ryuk said, "Eh? There's less than a few weeks before the sect competition and I have to do my body tempering and make some Medicinal pills!"

Shadow king said, "Ai, don't worry. The meetings tommorow and I can easily slip through the void and reach there. Plus I heard theres a ton of rewards and stuff for first place. Plus Fairy Sea sword will be there, hehehe. Ah, I really miss her curves!"

Ryuk said, "If you wanna check out some lady do it yourself!"

Shadow king said, "Hey brat this is good for your training too. Your sword heart is powerful Aswell, but your Scythe will always win, why? Your scythe play! Anyway dont worry there are countless babes there for you aswell, don't worry I'll share. I heard theres a girl under old Long tail who uses a dancing ribbon. She's said to be as graceful as a lotus and as passionate as a rose."

Ryuk said, "Master I want a powerful wife. A Pheonix among Phoenixes. Someone who doesn't allow others to create their destiny, who makes their fate and dreams from her own hands. A girl who can fight and protect me! I want a strong girl, who also has a big background who I can stea... sorry borrow resources from."

Shadow king had a wry smile and said, "Enough brat now come!"

Shadow king grabbed Ryuk and fled through the void.


Ryuk was never the sort of intelligent or conniving person, except in Cultivation. Even when he fights except for sometime he dosent purposely hide his power, because in his opinion he is already the enemy of the universe what is a few more gonna change. Yes, Ryuk isn't a sneaky type of person, but he is knows how to survive. Ryuk already has millions of plans to escape, hide, etc. Yet things like a martial arts competition really aren't something he likes. Yet here he is now wearing a bamboo hat and a ghoul mask with a scythe blade sleeping on his shoulder.

Ryuk told Shadow king, "Master are you sure we should do this? Sowing karma like this is very impractical."

Shadow king didn't respond, but he seemed to subtly agree, falling deeper into thought only to wildly shake his head and mutter something.

Ryuk pretended to ignore this.

Meanwhile as the duo climbed the long steps counting over a million at the moment Ryuk began to contemplate the sword and scythe as well as the bow.

Ryuk felt there was a restriction in his sword and Scythe. It wasn't related to his connection with the weapon, but rather his weapon play.

For example even with Ryuks fast and sharp moves he felt a sense of weakness.

His eyes tightly shut he contemplated the term Scythe first.

Ryuk muttered, "The lowest Scythe play is actually using a scythe. The second level is using anything as a Scythe for example a branch or finger. Third should be a combination of control to make even qi a scythe lacking a medium. Fourth should be making the world your scythe comparable to a pain kings domain this means the air, the cells of my opponent I can make everything a scythe. Then what is fifth, what is more. When can I achieve these states. If I achieve them what can I do?"

Suddenly the duo reached the top of the long and winding mountain that stretched thousand of kilometers into the sky seeming to eclipse all of existence.

The top was extremely flat as if the entire top of the mountain had been cleaved off in one stroke. Lining the sides like a wall were rusty swords, spears, daggers, etc. Even though the weapons were rusty, shattered and ancient they carried the aura of an indomitable expert. It seemed as if the calls of war could be subtly heard.

Ryuk as he experienced this felt a quote from a book he read as a child, "A sailor without the sea is nothing, a warrior without war is nothing."

There were groups of people all standing seemingly waiting. At the helm were all elderly people and even though their Cultivation was low their aura seemed to resound like a loud heartbeat.

Shadow king cleared his throat and said, "Shadow king legacy disciple of the tiny giant martial school and disciple Ryuk have arrived."

The groups turned towards Ryuk and his master.

Ryuk eyed them indifferently, but the whole time his mind was contemplating every person for strengths and weaknesses. Slaughter released and his mind became chilly as he analyzed all the data with a clear head. Insanity released and Ryuk began to formulate plans at every second for every thing.

Ryuk set his strength to about five percent less compared to his opponents. He didn't want to become too much in these peoples eyes. Yet he was confused what was tiny giant?

Many of the people present didn't know what Tiny giant was either. Yet feeling the suppression of a King they didn't dare say anything.

An old woman with countless wrinkles with her hair tied back and a bow hanging on her shoulder said, "Little Shadow you're here! This old grandmother has invited you countless times yet only now you come?"

Shadow king laughed, "Grandma Baba this can't be excused of course, but one can only blame fate for me being incompetent and not producing a good enough disciple."

The old woman laughed, "Hm. It's not that you dislike this old one right? You know when I was young even your master chased after me."

Shadow king returned a strained laugh and seemed like a junior. Yet Ryuk saw the flames of rage twisting with his golden eyes. Flames? These could be called Karma flames. Ryuk could see around every person a ring of fire. Some had golden fire, some crimson, some black. From what Ryuk understood Black meant someone had negative karma. White no karma. Gold good karma. Red blood karma. Blue severance of karma.

The old lady finally looked at Ryuk who seemed to be an empty void as all his energy was drawn in with none leaking out.

She frowned but said, "So this is your disciple. I can't wait to see how he fights. Yes, what weapon does he use? It can't be the abhorrent scythe art can it?"

Ryuk smiled and said, "Old ghost what I play with is my concern. Just hope your disciples can handle my weapon. Master why bother with these people, they simply ruin the view. Come, come."

With that Ryuk dragged Shadow king to the side and sat him down, pouring him a cup of tea.

Ryuk sighed inwardly, "I really wanted to be low-key. Yet everytime I'm outside somehow I'm forced to show my hand."

Ryuk was trying to repay Shadow king for teaching him. Yes shadow king had to teach Ryuk like the other division heads, but that didn't mean he had to pass Ryuk his own Scythe art. Weapons could be considered a true martial artists wife, similarly their techniques are like their parents. Rarely does anyone give their personal Technique away.

The old lady's proud expression turned ugly and she shouted, "You arrogant brat!"

She snorted and waved her sword sending waves of qi at Ryuk.

Ryuk Snickered and a booming sword light shot out from his finger and slapped the sword qi into nothingness.

Ryuk said, "Old lady don't you think you're the arrogant one? You hardly know me and you try attack me, is that the behavior of an elder? No, in my opinion using your fists so quickly towards the words of a supposed junior is the behavior of a child! My master is a pain king whereas you are a condensation stage expert. Even among those of the same stage your Cultivation is insufficient. Your Meridians are weak, your qi is impure, your qi quantity is half the size of an average Cultivator. In terms of age you may be my masters senior, but in terms of Cultivation he is senior and you dare use a disdainful tone and try and teach my master? Furthermore you as a martial artist don't have heart only an intent. Your sword aura is only slightly materialized meaning you can't use anything as a sword. You are in all aspects lesser, yet you dare to play with my master! How dare you! Learn your place, this isn't the secular realm where age matters. Your attitude show's you'll never be anything more than a mortal, you keep to those human manners and thus hinder yourself. Cultivation is separation from the world, exploration of the individuality."

Ryuk turned away and pushed the tea cup to shadow king.

The old ladies face turned crimson, but all she could do was stomp her hooves. In terms of Cultivation she lost to both the master and disciple.

Those from her group similarily showed ugly faces.

Ryuk felt the heated glances and said, "What? You want to go? Remove your gaze before I slice your eyes!"

A girl laughed. She had flowing golden hair and had a noble and overbearing aura. She said, "Aren't you being hypocritical? You just now resorted to dominating a group with violence."

Many voices agreed and roared in laughter.

Ryuk looked at the girl with a blank gaze, "Are you an idiot? I'm a teenager why should I act as a senior of these fools. I'm the youngest one here so I could be considered a child and thus my shouting is normal and not hypocritical. Furthermore didn't I just say that these human manners are foolish? Why should I care whether what I say or do is right or not, if I have power or backing I can do anything even killing you. Forget everything else, my master is the strongest and thus I am the strongest. So in terms of this group my master is the strongest and thus to this group comparable to a god. Would you question what a god does? Foolish girl."

Everyone went silent from the overbearing shamelessness and the overbearing dominance that came from his speech.

An old man then said, "Then young boy what if you add this old man?"

Ryuk looked at him and said, "Strength wise you may be stronger than me, and you may beat my master. Yet that doesn't mean my backing is finished. I'm the third holy son of the Imperial sect, I have countless Sages and kings as my background, not to mention rebirth stage Cultivators. So yeah old man sorry you don't amount to much."

The girl who laughed at Ryuk was fuming over the arrogance of Ryuk and roared, "So what that isn't your personal Strength! It means nothing!"

Ryuk looked over at her again like a fool and said, "Does a general not need an army? What's the point of personal strength if it can't beat the other persons backing. Then your only marking yourself to be killed. Ai, so foolish. That's not good you'll die and early death, but fine you want to see my strength?"

Ryuk flashed from his sitting position appearing in front the girl. He took our the cover of a book and slashed down. A torrent of sword beams shot out at the girl.

The girl took out a thin sword made of extremely fine jade.

She waved it and cut at Ryuk's sword beams.

If Ryuk's sword could be considered an unquestionable and unstoppable behemoth, then the girls sword was like a swallow easily moving between the sharp claws of Ryuks sword.

Although speed could counter speed, the speed needed for that is an extremely fast considered Ryuk couldn't be eliminated in terms of speed.

He even was able to catch up to Little Kun. A royal Kunpeng. Legends say with a flap of their winds they can cross from one end of the universe to another. They can mend the heavens, bury the hells and plunder the stars with a single flap.

Of course this could be considered exaggeration, but it could be said to hold some truth.

Ryuk sliced down again and the sword rays seemed to become excited and flashed like bolts of lighting, striking the girl repeatedly in her chest and limbs.

The girl roared, "Shifting winds!"

Her body seemed to turn into six green shadows pulled by the wind.

She then exclaimed, "Seven tipped sword glare!"

She struck out with an extremely fast movement.

Ryuk muttered, "Lion-snake swift fury."

Ryuk turned into a red beam and shot off.

He struck out with his sword and his fist.

His sword shot a beam circled like a tornado capturing the girl and his fist sent forth a fierce fist aura.

Everything is sword the second level of sword play. Fist is sword, palm is sword, wind is sword, water is sword.

The fist qi shot out, yet it was as if a million swords shot at the girl.

The girl struck down into the ground her sword and said, "Sword intent!"

A feeling as if the earth was being whipped again and again resounded and the girl fell into the ground dodging.

Ryuk said, "Sword heart."

Soon the swords every where around Ryuk began to hum.

They shot out from their sheathes, even the girls own sword flew away.

They all seemed to kneel to Ryuk.

Ryuk pointed at the girl and a dark sword light shot out like an arrow and just as it was about to puncture her a voice screamed, "Audacious!"

The voice was amplified by qi and easily caused many juniors to bleed from their orifices and some even fell to the ground and foamed.

The dark sword beam was shattered immediately.

Ryuk frowned and felt a beam of light fall towards him. It seemed to be able to dispell all darkness.

Shadow king roared, "Guren!"

Ryuk took out moon catcher.

He shot forward and bent the sword into his form as if combined with the scythe and shouted, "Graceful Dew catching!"

Ryuk seemed to be skidding on water and collected the speeding beam of light. He then spun around. He looked like a coiling dragon as he spun around.

Finally the beam of lights momentum was controlled by Ryuk and he shot it at the girl.