Side story. Disciples of Imperial sect.

Disciple A: Inner sect disciple responsible for sect library first to second floors.

Disciple A walked around the twisting walls of books. He sighed the endless repetition beginning to silently kill him. He looked and saw a large portion of one of the shelves missing and his eyes became two large saucers.

He ran forward trying to investigate. A bit of apprehension and excitement filled him as he raced across the library searching for clues.

Finally he saw a big cluster of books. They were all the sects valuable mantras, scriptures, sword techniques, etc.

Yet his eyes darted on to someone else.

Inside the unnatural bowl of books was a boy with hair to his waist lying on one of the stacks his spine bent into two as he relaxed while reading.

The boy had black hair dotted with white spots as if he had run through snow and two beautiful golden pupils laid in a black iris. A amazingly beautiful face that could shake the heavens and more.

Disciple A felt his ears become hot and began to fan himself. He neared Ryuk and said, "Little sister. You can't do this, the library has rules."

He spoke very charmingly and kindly, he swept his messy hair back and a cheeky smile remained.

The boy was of course Ryuk who pulled his head away and said coldly, "Little sister?"


Disciple A walked through the sect with black and blue bruises, but he showed an ecstatic smile. He sometimes touched the bumps and as if remembering Ryuks fist he let out an excited moan.

Suddenly a female disciple walked over and said, "Senior brother [Disciple A] what happened! Don't worry I your future wife will kill that bastard."

Disciple A shook his head and said, "Junior sister Lan, let's end our relationship huh?"

The female disciple shook violently and screamed, "What!?"

Disciple A said, "I'm sorry today I met my true love and my life is devoted to him! I know I'll start a fan club for him!"

Disciple A went on to be the leader of one of the largest followers of Ryuk in the sect and mostly composed of men unlike the others.


Ryuk walked with a fervor a violent heat bouncing off his body, he looked and felt like the sun charming everyone.

An elder said as he looked at Ryuk, "Brother Yu, can you feel Young master Ryuks blood essence? It's powerful and domineering such that it even causes the temperature to increase. Look at his skin flushed red. His Cultivation must be absurdly powerful and! I wonder what technique he learns."

Ryuk thought, "What are these old men saying... Im like this because I'm sick! What fucking blood vitality!"

Elder Yu said, "If only my disciple could show half the results of Ryuk, I could die in peace. That unfilal bastard has been screwing around with women rather than Cultivating! Wait and see what this old man does to him! I'll make him a goddamn eunuch!"


Ryuk was near Mongoose hiccuping as he waved a bottle in his hand.

He said with a childish laugh, "I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk! Big brother Mongoose, you want to see me lift that Mountain?"

Mongoose moved back and forth and raised his hands, "Yeh! Do it, do it, do it, do it..."

Ryuk stood up and nearly fell over again. All the while laughing and repeating, "I'm not drunk."

Ryuk saw Dede and Luther and said, "Little sis, little bro watch carefully!"

Ryuk stood up and walked towards a large hill.

Ryuk crouched down and pulled hard. The hill uprooted after a little tussle. Ryuk spun the hill in his pinky finger and said, "Now watch as I become the first man to stand on the moon!"

With that Ryuk spun quickly and threw the hill and hung on to it.

Ryuk loudly in glee said, "weeeeeeeeeeeee..."

Suddenly Riel appeared and caught Ryuk and brought him back. Riel held Ryuk in his arms like a baby. Ryuk struggled in his embrace and said, "Wow old man alert am I right? Come on dadddddddddd let me go, im not drunk!"

Riel smacked the back of Ryuks neck and said, "You Disciples didn't see anything."

Riel was about to leave and said, "Clean that mound and if anyone asks no one saw a hill flying... it wasn't us. UNDERSTAND!"

All the disciples around sobered quickly and answered, "Yes, sect master!"


Ryuk rushed into Riels room and said, "Master did you hear a hill came flying and smashed into a middle sized sect full of shamans. The head shaman was even trying to break through. The sect suffered innumerable damages and are completely enraged and demand recuperation. I heard that they were thinking of coming to attack our sect because they made a amazingly powerful sword, but the hill caused the sword to fall to the depths of a crater that stretched on and on and eventually it was lost. Really I wonder which senior did it, we should thank him after all."

Riel smiled softly as if an enigma.

Ryuk scratched his head.


Diary of the ultimate chef Ahn Dan Tae.

• Today I was to prepare a large meal for the sect. It was tiring, but seeing the happy smiles on everyone's faces as they ate made me happy. Today I went another step on my Tao - The ultimate chef.

•Supplies in the kitchen seemed to be missing, is there a rat? Hm...

•I caught the person stealing food... it's the sect masters disciple. He said he loved my cooking and of course as the ultimate chef who wouldn't. I let the young and smart lad go. Ai. Being the ultimate chef means being lonely as we look down upon all existence.

•It's strange I caught the person stealing the food, but it seems even more food is missing. Hm, strange. Perhaps this is a trial from god to test my competency as the ultimate chef.


Servant Ah Dai, takes care of cleaning and organizing Ryuks affairs in the sect. His personal servant.

"Ai. Today I messed up in lord Ryuks personal Taoist chamber. Yet he didn't scold me and said it dosent matter. It really is the blessings that this little fool is the Lord's servant, I hear from my brother's the other lords bully and beat the servants. Yet master has complained about my attitude, he said a Cultivator must never be one who accepts, but chooses. I do not know what that means, but I will try my best."

"Today me and the lord had a long chat and he even guided my Cultivation, I made incredible advancement and I can become an outer disciple. I asked why the lord uses a Taoist chamber instead of another type of spiritual abode, because I didn't understand the difference between the difference housings. He said Shamans, Taoists, monks and other spiritual groups require different things. The lord said he is closest to a Taoist. I asked the specifics and he told me. Shamans require a sacred fire to do their enlightenment and curses. Monks require the deep aura of nature and peace. Etc."

"Master Ryuk got drunk yesterday, master is weirdly confident and powerful while drunk, but also keeps saying he's not drunk."
