Pride of the sect.

The dance continued as it did. Many staring at Ryuk, yet he didn't take another person to dance. Yet that couldn't stop many from imagining how those smooth soft lips would feel upon them.

At this point everyone had been with a different partner thrice at the very least, yet Mooneye and Ryuk had only had one.

Yet Ryuk was flustered as he saw Mooneye talk to Dion very intimately. He wondered whether that kiss meant anything to her, because she seemed to have forgotten it and was casually chatting away.

Ryuk felt more and more agitation the more they talked and the more time went.

Eventually having been dragged along by the uncomfortable feelings he went towards Mooneye. He took her hand softly and pulled her.

She tried to stop when Ryuk said, "I have something to ask. So just come along. What you do after is your will."

Dion while looking at this smiled and said, "Hehe. I wondered when that jealous boy would act, ai acting the matchmaker for those two blind fools is such a difficulty. Yet that rashness of his, hehe how cute."

Ryuk dragged Mooneye to a empty room.

He was silent for a long time, yet he looked at her and asked, "Are you in love with Dion? Are you two together?"

Mooneye didn't answer him.

Ryuk said, "Tell me... Please."

Mooneye asked, "So we are that close to ask personal details? Then let me ask you why your means are so vile, what kind of shit did you have that was so bad to make you so demented. No, no matter what it was you shouldn't be so brutal to others."

Although she meant what she said, it in truth was more of an excuse to escape his questioning.

"I'm not brutal and cruel because I'm projecting my pain on others. I'm doing it because I don't want what happened to me then to ever happen again, to be beaten and to lose those I love without having any power to protect them. To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself. The world of Cultivation is cruel, everyone is trying to survive and you can't make such broad exclamations of good and evil. And anyway that isn't what I'm asking of you!"

Mooneye hurrumphed, "So... Anyway why's it your business?"

Ryuk saw Mooneyes unease with answering and how she projected the question elsewhere alongside answering in an indirect way about Dion and something swelled in his chest.

He slammed his right hand onto the wall blocking Mooneye. She angrily glared moving left, but Ryuks left hand blocked her. He got close to her such that their breath fell upon each other.

He stared at those large pool like eyes which glistened in a miraculous awe like the moon. He became lost in them.

He gulped now realizing what he had done. He looked away, but he felt a pulling force and came back looking at her.

He touched the side of his mouth with his tongue finally throwing out the words stuck.

"Don't go to him. Don't look at him."

Ryuk walked away as those words fell.

Mooneye was stunned and her eyes began to moisten for a strange reason and in her heart there was a blooming or electric sensation that shot through her nerves hearing this.

She said "Why."

Ryuk said "Because..."

Ryuk whispered "it will hurt."

Ryuk said "Because I don't know. Okay."

With that Ryuk left.

Mooneye stood still for some time and then sniffed she wiped her eyes where small buds of tears stayed.

She said with a laugh and frown "Really what's with that fellow. What does he mean he dosent know. *Sniff.* I'll do as I wish!"

As Ryuk left he wasn't in the mood to party anymore and sat next to Riel.

Ryuk wondered, "I'm being questioned and analyzed by her like I'm a criminal. She's not treating me with any respect... She's an obnoxious person with that twisted undisputable self righteousness. She's exactly the person I don't like, so why do I want her to pay attention to me. For me to be the only one in her eyes."

Like that Ryuk mulled over his feelings as the night passed.

Yet even in a daze he acted with manners as seniors and elders came and greeted his master.

Back in the bar.

Ryuk was laying with his arms folded behind his head.

Mongooses leg and around his waist, and Luther his hand around Ryuks chest.

Snoring erupted out.

Ryuk was looking at the ceiling silently.

He stood up pulling away his friends limbs and left the house.

He appeared in a forest a fair distance away.

Upon a small rock hill, on a flat place he sat.

He said softly, "Black come out for a bit."

Black appeared and asked, "Yes big bro?"

Ryuk waved a bottle of wine and said, "Drink with your brother?"

Black smiled, "Always."

The two filled the cups and sat shoulder to shoulder as they saw the moon move up and down like a rock in sea.

Black asked, "What's on your mind?"

Ryuk made an ugly expression and said, "Love."

Black slightly laughed, "Didn't you tell me that those kinds of fools who are dumbstruck by love are people you can't understand. Now do you?"

Ryuk said, "Please. I'm not dumbstruck, I'm just confused. It's a weird feeling you know."

Black shrugged his shoulders, "How would I know. I've spent my entire lives in a cutthroat castle. Love was never an option for me, and well now I'm basically holed up in your ring all day long."

Ryuk said, "Yeah, yeah. Hey I have tons of sad stories as well."

Black said, "Really? Hehe."

Ryuk sighed, "Cheeky bugger."

The two laughed and clinked their glasses.

Under the moonlight as Ryuk's heart was like a turbulent sea, his brother sat by his side within the darkness and silence and comforted him.

Meanwhile on a tree a fair bit away.

Dion looked at the scene, "As I guessed. He is with a demon. Hm, it seems Ryuk has more secrets than I thought. Seems he's not the inexperienced naive mortal of this realm completely."

Dion then pulled out a Token card shimmering in bright golden light, and faintly one could sense the heavens will upon the token.

After looking at the token his eyes dragged mysteriously towards Ryuk, he blinked a few times.

Sighing he crushed the glass token and let the dust fade away in the wind.

He looked up and said, "Let's see I suppose. Perhaps I'm wrong."

He then flickered away.

Ryuk and White even with their great senses couldn't sense Dion and were happily drinking the fruity wine.

The sun rose and shone it's hot rays towards the world roasting people like chestnuts. Many people laid in cool steams or in water puddles groaning about how they weren't food.

Ryuk woke up with the smell of alcohol pressing against his body. His eyes were dull and you could see he was still drunk.

Sending his qi alongside his meridians in one cycle, he immediately sobered up.

Black had already retreated to the ring.

Ryuk scratched his long hair, and then felt a stinging sensation behind.

He looked and to his surprise a giant crowd was behind him.

They all had those things called phones and were taking Photos.

They saw Ryuk wake up and said, "The Immortal Fairy is awake! Omg! His face when he was sleeping was so cute, but now against the sun he looks so beautiful! Argh, I can't control myself. Thank you Grandpa Sun, I promise I won't complain even if you cook me well done!"

Ryuk sighed turned into a blue fire that then dissapeared.

Arriving before a small mountain edge he walked into a cave removing his clothes.

He had spread his Spiritual sense and caught sight of this cave spring.

Ryuk entered the pure blue pond. He laid down relaxing, rubbing his face.

After an hour he prepared to leave, when he saw at the corner of his eye something shiny.

He picked it up and it was a small pink pearl, and even though it didn't emit qi outside, inside there was an abundant pool of qi.

Ryuk thought for a moment and then ate it.

Meanwhile a far distance away in a large expanse of sea.

A woman with ivory colored hair opened her eyes and blinked in fury.

She muttered, "I found my crystal bead finally after such difficulty only two days ago and now some bastard has eaten it?! I'll fucking kill him! Call Sir Luo, I wish to meet my father!"

Ryuk had involuntary made a great and powerful enemy in one swift move. This would probably be a perfect expression of Ryuks luck. Incredible fortune and incredible misfortune. Perhaps Ryuks luck could be Murphy's law, if there is anything that can go wrong his luck will automatically default to it.

Ryuk went to the bar and went into deep meditation.

In myriad thoughts a small seed grew.

It grew into a large tree the sought to climb to the sun. Braving through harsh winds and flashing lighting.

Yet after thousands of years growing someone came and chopped him down.

It fell even after all that work, despair consumed it. Yet at the base of the cut bark, a small sapling remained.

It grew again, facing harsher winds and harsher tribulations.

Finally it one day climbed so high, but then the sun as if angry made it catch fire.

Again it died, rage and failure like bitter medicine filled it's heart.

Yet again another sapling remained. Again it climbed towards the sky. And when it was again in front of the sun, this time it absorbed the sun like a fierce deity and ate the sun.

Then Ryuk had another dream. He was a shadowy creature that was holding it's hand down a cliff, a female shadowy creature hung upon his dangling arm.

Yet she fell, sorrow, unwillingness, depravation. It consumed him, and he cried blood tears.

Then another dream. Ryuk was an ordinary person with nothing remarkable. He wasn't handsome, he was overweight and unhealthy, his body had countless imperfections like asthma and long sightedness. His grades were bad, and he wasn't even popular and funny. He was a nothing. Only full of disappointment and moved only due to fear death.

Ryuk opened his eyes in reality, a soberness passed through him. Unlike many others he had an easy time. He was handsome, talented and had people who loved him, yet to wallow like a fool even with such benefits, if was mean and ugly when people with hard lives didn't. Ryuk felt shameful. Ryuk opened his hand and from underneath his nail a small insect came out.

It rolled clumsily, although it had gained intelligence it had clearly lost it's mechanical behavior and was thus stupid.

Ryuk said, "Little Q how is the situation?"

The insect made weird sounds softly, but it directly transmitted to Ryuks head. Yet the cutest thing was the insect put one of its rods to it's head like a solider.

"Master, the beast god sect and the other sects have been quiet. Our deeper soldiers have said that the 'betrayer' faction is waiting for someone. Senior centipede of the ninth corp, eighteenth party said that the person according to various information he's gathered is most likely the Spiritual emissary."

Ryuk nodded. In truth all this information could flow easily to his head, but to coordinate and decipher them individually would take too long so he got his insects to do that and send him a report.

"I guessed. There's no way the sects would act without the Spiritual realms agreement. Yet the degree to which they will help needs to be found. Promote that centipede and get more information for me." Ryuk said.

"Yes sir! Additionally sir the wandering insects we've sent out have found many treasures and natural resources. Most importantly Madam cricket found a pond with some strange dew, yet the dew contained a very mystical feeling and improved the Constitution easily."

Ryuk nodded, he said, "Alright. Make sure the soldiers are rewarded. I'll send the beasts to procure the treasures, I want Madam cricket and the other insects to coordinate and lead the beasts."

With that Ryuk dissapeared appearing in a wild area away from the city. He let out tons of weak beasts and said, "You monkeys here come and take your Q. Hey dragons, Tigers hurry up... Alright everyone got their Q? Then shove off."

The beasts left, yet they didn't see Ryuk send a beam of light onto each of them that hid their aura.

Ryuk didn't want them to randomly die. Now they look like normal beasts.

Sighing Ryuk looked to the sky.

Resources, effort, luck, talent. Cultivation...

Ryuk cupped his hands and a purple butterfly appeared. It looked vile and unpleasant to the eye.

It began to flutter away from Ryuks hands.

Ryuk said, "Goodbye Despair."

Ryuk smiled and walked back to the bar, but just as he entered he was captured.

Mongoose sprang to his feet as he saw Ryuk come in. He rushed over and grabbed his hands with teary eyes he said "Little bro! Do me a favor!"

Ryuk looked weirdly at Mongoose and asked "What?"

Mongoose seeing this looked behind at some other sect members who also sprung to their feet and grabbed Ryuk at various points and shouted "Please senior brother!"

Ryuk said angrily "What is it... and when did I become all of your senior brothers.. Ray your way older than me, Simon your in the inner sect and have been in the sect since childhood."

The Disciples licked his boots saying, "Senior brother you are like a pillar to all men. Whether you are young or old, you will forever be our senior brother."

A rather big built disciple came up then hugged Ryuk in a very compelling way and said "Ryuk we need you to come with us on a dinner with another sect."

Ryuk said "Which sect?"

The big built disciple said with fiery and lustful eyes "The Ice palace."

Ryuks eyes went wide and became bloodshot he pushed everyone off him and said "Are you insane! That all female sect?! I'd rather die! Interacting with people is already dangerous karma, interaction with female karma is completely horrible!"

Mongoose became a large giant and clung to Ryuk, So did 10 other sect members. Ryuk was being dragged along and his feet although planted firmly began to move. He shouted "You bullies! You absolute bullies! Let me be you malignant offspring of Asmodeus. If you wish to satiate your lust leave me! I shall not abide by your carnal desire!"

Everyone shouted "You have to senior brother!"

Ryuk replied asking "Why?!"

"It is your duty as our senior brother!"

Luther said "They agreed to meet us only if you came!"

Ryuk shouted "I'll tell My master!"

Mongoose replied "He won't do anything because we didn't hurt you and anyway this is our chance to interact and perhaps stay the night with some of the most beautiful women in the world! We don't have a chance at immortality let us have some please Ryuk!"

Ryuk shouted "I want immortality so fuck you!"

A junior brother of Ryuks said "Senior it would bring more negative karma if you stayed. It would show not only the girls we are meeting, but the entire Moon Goddess sect and all their admirers!"

Ryuk stopped resisting causing everyone to stumble back and crash into the wall breaking it wide and in the street everyone gazed at them weirdly.

Ryuk said "Hm. You're right. Lets go then."

Ryuk then stood up swiped off some dirt wore a blue robe with the a Tiger descending the mountain drawn on it.

In a large pavilion, on the top most floor.

At a table where four people sat with groups behind them.

There was a fierce tenseness diffusing in the air.

Ryuk sat at the table where three other prides of the sect sat. He had not seen these three yesterday. Of course as heavenly prides of their sect, they would always think themselves above such things. They spent their time Cultivating or enjoying their pleasures.

From the Ice palace a cold beauty wearing a long veil over her face. Her name was Rasi and a core disciple of the Ice palace.

From the Nether Spirit sect was a small boy with pale skin and white hair, and red eyes. He looked very much like a child, yet there was a large amount of death aura spitting out of him.

Then a macho, disdainful man with red hair, wearing a sleeveless jacket over his bare chest. From the beast god sect.

And Ryuk who tapped his fingers with his eyes closed.

The macho man said, "Let's get on with what we need to talk about."

Every year when a sect competition happened this meeting between the strongest of the sects would meet. There were many things they discussed. Bets, prices for certain matches to be rigged. Basically this was where the issue of a sects pride was discussed. Most times the sects would select one sect to win in a cyclical like fashion allowing each to have pride and display it's might to the masses. Most of the times these talents could go on for a long time with tiresome fights that even though at first bring great attention, later on become dull and unwanted. The longer they continued the fight the more often the audience would look down on them. So they would either sell out the winner or discuss the winner beforehand.

The sect competition like many things dealing with the sect were a show of force and other things. It wasn't always simply a competition.

Of course that was for these people from this realm, those otherworlders play however they want.

Ryuk didn't know any of this before and once he found out he smiled greedily.

Although this thing was allowed by the sects it was only in secrecy, no one could really know this otherwise a scandal of untold volume would fill the world.

Then not only would the Human Sovereign take this to take more control, the sects would slowly deteriorate.

So if Ryuk promised and got all the money and then just didn't do it, wouldn't he make a grand profit.

So as they were discussing Ryuk agreed with all that they said. This made his fellow disciples worried, but Mongoose shook his head and gave a knowing glance.

They nodded and also showed each other a knowing glance.

If they didn't know what their senior Brother who scammed the elders of stuff was capable of then they might as well go into a hole and wait.

After all the discussions were over Ryuk had a big bundle of items.

Over 100,000 magic stones. 13 low graded mortal Spirit weapons. 10,000 lighting purging talismans. A token for the Ice pool and twelve branches of Dew tipped grass.

This was a very sizable amount even a top truth stage Cultivator would be hard pressed to Match individually.

Yet that wasn't all with a crooked and evil smile Ryuk said, "Go put this money into all our first matches. When they put their defences down smack them right in the dick! Hahahaha!"

Most of the matches they had decided on had at the same time so if they bet with the official betting house, they would make a big gain quick. The later ones would be problematic, but still manageable.

Hehe. Tommorow would be a day of humiliation for the other sects and uprising for the Imperial sect.

Yet just imaginary all that money Ryuk could barely hold in his laughter.

Of course Ryuk made sure to tell Riel.

Yet he also discussed many issues and items to take into account. In the past the Imperial sect never dared to do something like this as they were in a weak position and could only bear to kneel. Yet now rebellion was in sight and almost no respect and connection still existed with the other sects, so they now only had one answer for the sects. Wipe your bum and prepare to take it up the ass.