
The day rose and the entire city was agitated. Children had lucid dreams where they were heros who fought on this very stage thousands of times. Adults went with their buddies and wives all excited.

One man said, "Man recently I've been working too much and the physician said that I've accumulated a lot of stress in my acupoints and thus would have many problems like insomnia. I still had to work, but even if I didn't the physician said he couldn't do anything. Then yesterday a wandering Physician who came to watch the sect competition, put in a few needles and today I feel complete fine."

Another fatter man replied, "Yeah. I nearly lost my business last month, but this month my sales skyrocketed. Hahaha. Not only are the sect disciples rich and curious of our mortal items, even wanderers like them too."

A woman said, "I heard that the sweet moon Pavilion was fully booked."

A man replied to her, "That super expensive courtesan house? Wow!"

A brown man said, "Enough about that. We're nearing the Betting house, so how do you think we should bet?"

"I heard from a friend there's a really good choice picking the Beast God sect, supposedly they were humiliated recently and need some face so they will have some special cheating means."

A woman replied, "Yes, but that's not certain. I think the Ice palace would be a safe bet, they have a reasonable strength all together and won't lose most often."

A thin person said, "The nether spirit sect for me. I heard theres a really powerful guy there."

A small childish voice said, "What about the Imperial sect?"

People began to laugh. A man said, "Little Lotus don't even talk about them. Every competition countless men have lost their wealth betting on the Imperial sect. They've never managed to make it up the ranks, they are bottom feeders."

The one called little lotus was a feminine looking boy and he liked out of all the sects the name of the Imperial sect. It just so happened he had a few bits of money and was thinking of betting, while going towards the stage he met some of the uncles and aunties he worked for.

He had asked because he planned to bet on the Imperial sect.

Yet even getting this information for some reason Little Lotus felt that the Imperial sect would do good. So even when the betting for the imperial disciples was 1:100 or some absurd amount he still bet a little.


Within the stage the various emblems.

The Imperial sects Black moon.

The golden lotus Pavilion had a Buddha on a 12 leaved lotus.

The nether spirit sect had a coiling black fire.

The beast god sect had a strange crocodilian monster.

The Ice palace had a image of a distant Ice castle.

Under each banner stayed a group of growling prides.

Each red in the eye with a thick aura blossoming out.

Ryuk had a spirit sword on his waist and it growled as it sensed the aura around, it was agitated and full of bloodlust.

Yet Ryuks weapon wasn't the only one. One could hear the roars of spears, whips, daggers. Each showing a Cultivator with their weapon and heart connected.

Yet what suprised Ryuk was the number of special body types.

There were very powerful ones even amongst those from his realm.

A monk with his eyes closed had a, "Void sword body."

A white haired girl had a, "Revolving core bud body."

A young man had, "Gravity Field body."

Another man had, "A Forgotten darkness body."

These were all very admirable body types.

The strongest being the revolving core bud body. With this body they could produce core buds, meaning they simply had to stay in nature and could absorb various elements into their body. In battles no matter which element of attack if they had a bud of it then that attack would become their nutrition. And when the buds blossomed it would be even more worrisome.

Of course the other body types were also unique.

Yet none of that mattered to Ryuk. He had only one though to protect the sect where his the master, his friends and his teachers were.

The winds blew onto Ryuk's face.

Closing his eyes and then opening them quickly.

He looked at his sect Brothers and sisters and said, "Go out there. Don't fight for yourself or for honor. Fight to live, to protect our home. Even if our opponent is god stand firm and protect our sect! We are people who even if destroyed will never bend! Show them the pride of the Imperial Sect."

This group of disciples could be said to be the most talented of the disciples in the sect, but conversely they are also the one's who the sect has helped the most.

Their loyalty mixed with Ryuk's passion burst out like sparks.

Raising their heads pridefully the roared!


Just then a man wearing a green cap and green robes flew from the sky.

He wasn't that strong only at Truth stage.

Yet he carried with him an authority that could make people kneel.

He was a bit fat with a paleness on his skin and a vibrant baleful qi around his body. His eyes squeezed into slits with his large smile.

He landed upon the stage and the noisy surroundings quieted.

The commoners knelt as if seeing gods messenger, the loose Cultivators bowed deeply yet at the same time wished to be looked upon. The sect disciples and elders slightly bowed. Except the Imperial sect.

Yet people like Mooneye didn't even move let alone giving any face.

Ryuk naturally didn't either.

No matter how you chain a free stallion it will never truly be under your control.

The Imperial sect was the same way, their ancestors their lineage all destroyed! They were conquerors yet they were besieged. No true Imperial sect disciple would bow to the Spiritual realm even if they came and killed everyone one of them.

The Spiritual emissary had a unpleasant piggy like voice, such that even the loose Cultivator the Pig of Voracity was stunned.

There was alot of words about the Spiritual realms kindness and generosity, and some other miscellaneous stuff.

Eventually the Spiritual emissary clapped his hands and then said, "Well now that all the complicated stuff had gotten out, shall we start the fights?"

Each sect brought around a hundred disciples. To speed things up the large stage was divided into 250 equal pieces. Even though it was divided by a large amount the individual stages were still very large.

The disciples had already known which disciple they were fighting and without much communication the disciples leapt on to the stage.

Luckily the talented Disciples of the other sect were fighting each other, and the ones the Imperial sect were fighting although still tough with the surprise of our sects aggressiveness it would be fine.

Ryuk got onto the stage. The sword laid in his crossed arms.

Ryuk's opponent was rather large, with two thick gloves.

Ryuk observed his opponent and found that due to his size the best place to attack was the back, but he had an amazing reach that would make it near impossible to reach behind him.

The large man said, "Hey pretty fairy, how about becoming mine? I can guarantee tons of benefits."

Ryuk's lips twitched. He hated the word fairy...

As our personal referee made the sign we both began to advance at each other.

Although Ryuk might have found it a bit of an inconvenience reaching his opponents back, he never said it was impossible.

Ryuk stretched his neck side to side and tapped his feet.

He took out the sword and then shot at the opponent.

Ryuk caused sparks to fly as he clashed against the gloves, yet using the sword and glove as a extended limb he jumped up into the sky.

He gripped his fist tightly and pulled it back and like a heavy piston shot it out.

His opponent threw a fist upwards as well.

The two hands one tiny and the other large clashed and a sound of bones cracking resounded.

The big man felt his bones shatter, but like in a ramming cannon Ryuks fist shot at his face.

Teeth and blood flew out as the big man was propelled away.

Landing gently on the ground Ryuk looked at his opponent before turning around.

Ryuk ended his match in a few moments.

Yet as he was walking back under the stunned eyes of the spectators, groans could be heard.

They looked and found that the various sects fighting against the Imperial sect had lost.

As they defeated their opponents they turned around and followed behind Ryuk.

The Nether spirit sect, the beast god sect and the Ice palace all grimaced and thick killing intent shot out.

Yet Ryuk urned around facing them and released his Bloodlust. The thing he had since he was a child. The thing that made him a sinner and someone thrown away by everything.

Like a massive tidal wave it flooded everyone.

Shrieks could be heard occasionally from the bloody aura.

Yet it instantly dissapeared after appearing, and a laughing smiling beautiful man stood in its place.

Ryuk went and sat down with his master.

He called one of his junior Brothers and said, "Go collect the bets... Be sneaky!"

The junior Brother nodded and went away to collect their rewards.

Mooneye and the other aliens didn't need to fight.

There were 250 left of which the Imperial sect took a large portion of.

Those who normally bet on the other sects looked dull and lifeless. Meanwhile a certain Little Lotus looked at the cards he had and the results and gulped. He rubbed his eyes again and again, and eventually a crooked smile leaped to his face.

He stood up like a dead man and began to laugh.

Pumping his fist into the sky he exclaimed, "Imperial sect! Imperial sect! Imperial sect!"

Perhaps because of the shock of the century or because everyone was scared of Ryuk, his childish slightly feminine voice echoed loudly throughout.

In the Imperial sect the various elders laughed loudly, pride buzzing on their faces as a flush took over them. Even the finest alcohol wouldn't taste as good as this pride.

An especially older elder began to shed tears, he muttered, "Finally my Imperial sect has it's face. Hahaha!"

Another boisterous elder with a quick resolve said, "I like that kid! I'll make him my disciple!"

The pig of Voracity was rolling around in uncontactable laughter!

The Spiritual emissary clapped as well and said, "The new generation is truly pioneers of the future."

The tournament continued of of the 250 remained disciples then leapt to the 125 stages and began to get ready.

This time Ryuk fought a skinny man wearing a hood.

He looked lazily at Ryuk and sighed.

As the referee started the match the skinny man began to turn into a white blob which split again and again.

Soon enough there were twenty of this skinny man.

Each held in their hand a whip.

Ryuk scaped the tip of the Sword against the stage.

He then quickly pulled the sword up and a harsh sword wind passed.

Yet Ryuk opponent whipped extremely fast with each clone and the sword wind was destroyed.

The skinny man then shot out his whip and like ten nefarious snakes the chased after Ryuk.

Ryuk began to gently move through the tight formation of whips.

Bending as a whip flashed where he was, moving a step away from another whip. It looked enchanting.

Ryuk then spun his sword around and all the whips were cut by the fierce and penetrative sword light.

Ryuk then held the sword up to the skinny man.

The skinny man sighed and raised his hands.

He then departed from the stage quietly and then went to a bench and slept.

Ryuk blinked in curiosity over this person, he seemed rather interesting.

Ryuk went back to his area.

Riel looked at Ryuk and said, "Your next opponent is someone skilled in soul attacks. Luckily I have a soul method here that acts as a protector of your soul. It's from the patriarch of old times and if one of our surviving lineage's, it's very important. Here quickly cultivate it."

Riel then passed Ryuk a small bamboo scroll.

Ryuk read it through and then closed his eyes.

The technique was called, "Soul convergence."

It basically converged the will in the soul into one concentrated form.

Sometimes it didn't even need to work like that. It says you can model your soul however you wish. Some make a maze, some a deity to protect.

Either way it's like a guardian for your soul sea.

Ryuk quickly mastered the technique and then in his soul. First a congealed soul energy began to spin.

Then Ryuks soul began to vibrate.

A small Ryuk emerged from the soul energy that was spinning. The small Ryuk had black hair and his eyes were shut tightly. A scythe laid on his lap. The small Ryuk was naked, yet soon a black red armor fit on the naked body.

Red veins rose up small Ryuks body. Bloodlust shot out of small Ryuk.

Ryuk opened his eyes and yawned. Evidently producing the small Ryuk as a guardian took a lot of mental energy and Ryuk was rather tired. In fact several yawns shot out in one go.

Wanting to lay his head on something comfortable he groaned.

Seeing this some of the female disciples became agitated, "Huh! Senior brother Ryuk is sleepy! He must want a pillow, but would a lap pillow do? My lap? Ai! Should I risk it and just go?"

Ryuk tried to open his closing eyes, but that just made him more tired.

Eventually he lulled to sleep and a soft comfortable pillow caught him.

Meanwhile Riel who was focused on the matches saw what happened and gulped.

The elders similarly felt their hearts leap to their throats.

Ryuk was laying on Mooneye's lap, and what's worse was that he was digging his head more and more to get more comfortable.

Mooneye herself apart from being rather startled didn't do anything else.

Time passed and the battles finished.

Then Ryuk woke up, suprisingly when he woke up Mooneye had a whole speech against him.

Muttering while half asleep he went to fight and sadly the opponents soul power couldn't even penetrate his soul much less make him need small Ryuk to work.

Coming back he again felt sleepy and rested on Mooneye's shoulder, much to her shaggrin, but not her action.

Ryuk opened his eyes and yawned loudly, curiously he muttered, "Why am I so sleepy?"

Mooneye looked and hurrumphed, "Aren't you just lazy?"

Ryuk said, "Yes, but normally I'm not this out of control... Hm. Perhaps it has something to do with that..."

Ryuk thought of three possibilities, one either he was poisoned and his body is going into a hibernation to deal with it. Two he had truly misunderstood the amount of effort it took to produce small Ryuk. Three on of his devils halves was undergoing some kind of transformation. For example the Pheonix on and off undergoes a Nirvana and is reborn, as Ryuk is 1/5 Pheonix he could probably he undergoing the same thing, or perhaps it's his Azure dragon half shedding it's skin and needing to rest for a hundred years, or his tiger side needing to climb the mountain to rest... etc...

Ryuk anyway began to silently meditate to take control of his body.

Rubbing his stomach as a ache came he looked at Mongoose and said, "Big bro... food..."

Mongoose took out a few pieces of seasoned fried chicken. Ryuk took them and gobbled them down quickly.

Finally at the end of the day as the red sun approached the sky, 5 were left. Suprisingly one from each sect.

Imperial sect had Ryuk.

The beast god sect Tulin who had the gravity field body.

The Ice palace had Yiran who had the revolving core bud body.

The Nether Spirit sect had Alos who had the forgotten darkness body.

The Golden lotus Pavilion had a monk with the Dharma name Small hands. He had the void sword body.

From this lineup one could easily understand the power of special Cultivation bodies.

The give drew lotteries for who would fight.

The monk got a free pass.

Ryuk was fighting Tulin.

Compared to the others Tulin was a bit strange. Everyone including the large people wore robes, yet he wore battle armor.

A black and gold chest plate with a ferocious lion at the center. Two gauntlets with claws at the end. Two large black boots and Pteruges. He even wore a spartan like helmet.

His muscles freely pulsated outside of his olive skin, and his mere stance reeked of dominance and arrogance.

By his side was a snarling Lion which had chains wrapped around it's neck which were tightly held by Tulin.

Tulin looked Ryuk over once, twice and then thrice. Gulping as perverse look covered his face.

He said, "Boy... Little boy's don't belong here on battlefield, they belong in the bed!"

Ryuk couldn't help feel this stereotype was both used improperly and also inappropriate.

Pulling out his sword.

He closed forward. Ryuk's eyes spun around and he cut up randomly.

Yet as Tulin saw Ryuk do that he couldn't help compliment Ryuk, "Not bad you found out about my trap."

Ryuk laughed, "More than that. You are rather talented. From what I can see you've done a training of increasing your weight to an absurd degree and then losing all your weight, again and again simply to understand the ebb and flow of gravity. Interesting and smart. Your indeed a talent."

Tulin frowned, "How..."

Ryuk waved his hand, "I don't care man. Let's just fight."

Ryuk then went forward in a flash and cut up.

Tulin smirked, "You are in my gravity field!"

Suddenly Ryuk felt as if a thousand elephants sat on my shoulders. Even a little movement took nearly all of him.

Ryuk opened his mouth and sang a Buddhist mantra.

It was a Buddhism art of "body is like a rock in sea."

It meant to flow it the force of the world not to fight against it.

Ryuk swirled in a circle as he bent with all his weight on one foot.

The sword cut at the Lion and Tulin, hitting them each.

This took a long time to describe, but it all happened very quickly.

Tulin was lucky as his armor protected him, but still he felt his bones in his legs break.

Ryuk then focused all his muscles with qi, and shot up with a uppercut.

Although Tulin's legs hurt they still worked fine as he moved back dodging the uppercut.

As Ryuk rose up, the Lion who had a severe wound all the way to the bone pounced atop Ryuk.

Ryuk fell to the ground due to the weight of the Lion and gravity.

The Lion started to tear away at Ryuks neck.

Yet Ryuk began to punch it's ribs, his hands like iron hammer slammed into the Lion causing it to groan in pain.

Ryuk who had been moving his legs underneath the Lion, in a bunny like stance pressed up like a cannon pushing of the Lion.

Yet Tulin who had just stabilized the pain in his body, shot out.

Ryuk stood up fast and the countered Tulin's fist with a fist.

They exchanged fists and kicks, all the while Ryuk began to falter more as the gravity didn't stop one bit and instead became more and more pressing.

Ryuk threw a fist, yet it was caught right in front of Tulin's by his hand.

Tulin was tired yet snarled, "Caught you. The gravity is already 100x our original gravity and it'll only increase. You will continue to be pressured into a human pancake, while I will not feel any different than normal."

Ryuk laughed, "Don't mistake me wasting my time like this as I can't defeat you, rather I wanted some training. Hehe, but your right thing's are becoming problematic."

Ryuk's fist changed as his index finger pointed out.

A harsh and dominating sword light flashed.

Tulin was stunned and moved back in a flash to dodge.

Yet as he was trying to protect his head fist, his torso went further back, but his waist below was open.

Sadly it was open.

A whip like sound shot out through the world.

Tulin's red face turned pale, his throat twitched and his chest pumped out and in in quick successions.

Falling like a piece of dead wood.

Every man present clenched their fists and pressed their teeth against each other.

Even Gods and demons would hide this day.

One man who had sharper eyes than others muttered in fright, "There's blood... There's blood! His poor balls, they're gone! They're fucking gone! Noooooooooooo!"

Ryuk himself was also in shock.

It seemed in that moment of fright from the sword light Tulin had removed the gravity field.

His seemingly normal kick, now not only contained all his strength and qi, but also the inertia of the moment of freedom.

In fact because of how strong the gravity was, Ryuk had to retrieve a good amount of his fleshy strength from the baby in his heart, as well as qi.

In fact if in the last moment Ryuk didn't redirect about 80% of the strength Tulin would have died. Yet 80% wasn't enough!

Quickly a Physician was brought to treat Tulin.

Yet Tulin was a mess, not only was the pain mind numbing the thought of losing his manly parts killed a bit of his soul.

While crying and gasping for breath, with a trembling voice he asked the doctor, "Doc... I'll be alright right? I won't lose my thing, right? i wont right? please tell me I won't lose my jewels!"

Ryuk looked to the sky and sighed in pity.

He felt really bad, Tulin wasn't really his enemy. Yet his sect was...

Tulin said, "Doc, you can't just let nothing happen! I'm still a virgin, I can't lose my thing without even having that experience!"

Suddenly a voice from who knows where said, "Why do you have to be the piercer? There are many mortal ways to change your parts into a woman's, or find yourself a good woman or man and do it in the hole of darkness."

Every man tried to find the fool who said that.

Tulin himself turned aghast and complained, "Whichever bastard said that, I'll kill you!"