After Ray heard the old man asking him to be the Demon King, he didn't respond for a few seconds until bluntly stating "No, why would I want to be the Demon King of a game that I only want to play with my friends. If I become the " Demon King" then I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to play with them" as he says this he leans back in his chair waiting for the man to reply, before the man replys he looks something up on the computer "Ray Redfox, 17 years old mother and father died in a car crash when you were 14, somehow you managed to let the authorities allow you to live by yourself even though the money from the wills was used up 5 months ago. The reason why I changed my mind? Simply because you intrigued me Ray, so I hope you dont let me down, cause your 18th birthday isnt far away and we all know what happens if you steal a exclusive version of Mythical Adventures Online" he stated matter of factly.
Hearing this, Ray sighs before asking him "If I did become the Demon King, If, what would I have to do? It's not like I can just play the game normally, and you definitely haven't said about what I'd be doing."
"Basically you can do whatever you want as long as its something that a Demon King would do, so lots of violence and fighting. You could raise an army if you want or go solo, as long as everyone knows you're the Demon King and try to kill you because of it." is all he got for a reply from him, before the old man gets up from the chair and starts to walk away..."Wait wait wait, if I do decide to be the Demon King, what would I get from it. Cause I highly doubt that I would be the same as everyone else in the game" Ray says to him when he see that the old man walks away. Hearing this the man quickly spins around and sits back down "Finally you start asking the right questions, the first and probably one of the important things you get is the upgraded version of the chamber, which allows you to play the game 24/7 with no repercussions. This is so that it almost looks like your an NPC to other players instead of just being another person that has decided to call themselves the Demon King. The other main thing is that you will be stronger and all round better than most people starting out, then it depends on what you want to do but no matter what you do, you will find it much easier than nearly everyone else. The last thing is you can change your appearance to look more Demon like, just not too much that people think your a demon" he tells him.
When Ray hears about the new chamber he looks at the one he already set up and asks "What colour would the chamber be if I got it?" "Sadly we can only give you a black version as that's the one Mr Glass wanted so it's the only one we have at the moment, if you want a different colour it would take time and you would have to use the black one for a few days" the man dejectedly replied. "Oh no the black is the one I wanted, just wanted to make sure it would be the one i would get if I did take you up on your offer, which I might. Becoming the Demon King is starting to sound kind of cool. Ok next question, will anyone else be stronger than the average Joe or just me?" he asks the man before looking back at the screen.
"Very few people will be initially stronger than everyone else, only people like you who have been asked to play a very important role in the game, like you, the hero, kings of different nations, or famous adventurers, all of them have been chosen by us and given advantages to help them succeed in their roles." he replys. "Ok then next question, if I become the Demon King and decide to join my friends how much of this are they aloud to know, cause I dont particularly like keeping secrets from them." Ray asks the man in the same monotone voice as ever, giving nothing away. "As long as they dont know about us, your aloud to tell people as much or as little as you like, it's all up to you" he gets as a reply
Ray hesitates before saying "...ok I've decided. I'll do what you want and become the Demon King, but after that no matter what I do you guys cant interfere with it ok?"