After Ray has finished cleaning up the mess down stairs he heads back up to his room to see if the game has finished loading, only he finds that there is a black and white cat sleeping on his computer. He sighs and gently lifts the cat off the computer and sets it into the padded chamber as it will only turn on if a human lays in it. When he turns back round to the computer screen he sees the weird message and mutters to himself "who in the world is Mr Glass and why do they think I'm him? None of the games have been specifically made for a person so why is there a random name?" before clicking the ok button on the screen, causing a video to start playing, only nothing happened. All he saw was an empty chair with lots of files in massive stacks across the desk, after a few moments a man rushed past before noticing that the screen was on and rushed towards the computer before stopping abruptly and asking "Who in the world are you, your definitely not Mr Glass...are you?". Ray just stares at the strange man for a few moments before bluntly asking "If you dont think I'm Mr Glass and im definitely not him, then I've got a question for you. Why does a game that you sign in for online, that you can't preorder, asking me if I'm a person who I'm definitely not?"
The man is silent for a few moments before turning around in his chair and shouting "Hey Rinta get your crazyass over here, your stupid code got fooled by a frigging teenager and I Dont Know What I'm Ment TO DO!" After he said this an old hunched man with frazzled white hair runs over and stands beside the other man before looking at Ray before laughing, this causes the other man to look at him with a startled expression before telling him " Rinta I swear to god if you dont explain why your laughing like a mad man before you really start to piss me off" at this the old man simply states "If you think that this idiot cracked my code then your as dumb as him, even the president couldn't crack it and you think this spud can do any better. Alought that does beg the question, who actually did crack the code??"
As he was mumbling this, the cat had made it's way back up the stairs and jumps onto Ray's lap and goes immediately asleep, when the old man sees the cat he immediately gets an enlightened look in his eyes before saying to the other two "Now all this makes sense, so your the lucky bugger that Murphy decided to go live with. That cat is the only none person who can crack my codes, even a 1000 digit lock was solved first try. And do you know the thing that pisses me off the most? The cat isn't even that smart it just has insane luck, the the point where the things unkillable" after the man says this he looks at Ray for a few moments then just point blank tells him "Now as you know Mythical Adventures Online is just about to launch, and unlike other games it doesn't show any ingame stats, whether its damage or health or stamina, you dont actually know how much you have. This has annoyed many people as you dont know how strong you are, or how strong your teammates are" Ray just nods his head at this, as who doesnt know all this already. Its already blown up that the game has no stats, but that jush makes the game more exciting for him, the slight bit of fear you get from not knowing anything about anyone. But before he can say anything the old man starts talking again."But what most people dont know is that the game doesn't have a set story to it, that includes the main villain. It hasn't been made at all, that's where Mr Glass came in, we had selected him out of everyone we knew to play the character that will become the Demon King. But somehow you managed to get the account we had specifically made for him, but due to the fact that Murphy lives with you and he only stayed with me until I completed the game. I've decided on a complete whim to make you the new Demon King...