Reincarnation and Wolves

Hi everyone!

This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome!

Welcome to my story, A Soldier's Reincarnation!

Seeing as that there are no good fics of TenSura (it's my opinion, at least from what I've found), I decided to try writing a good one!

The story will follow the canon, however, there will be some original arcs

I hope you enjoy reading this story!


~~~ With ? ~~~


That was the first thing the young man saw when he opened his eyes

He tried to remember how he got here, but the last thing he remembered is that he pushed the lady who crossed the street, so she won't get hit by the track, which led him to one thought:

'I'm dead'

However, unlike most people, he didn't panicked. After all, as a member of a special unit in the US army, he was taught to be ready to die at any time. However, his other side, the side that's he acts in home, which he calls his human side, brought him another thought:

'I got hit by a track! Can it be that it was the legendary Truck-Kun!?'

Yes, while on duty, he was a cold hearted soldier, off duty, he was your everyday happy otaku!

'But there is no Goddess here to reincarnate me, so maybe it's the afterlife? I thought that the afterlife will have more life in them!' he thought, chuckling at his petty joke

"You look fine, for someone who just got hit by a truck" suddenly said a woman's voice, and then a light shined in front of him, blinding him. When the light faded, a woman appeared in front of him. She was a beautiful woman with rich and curly blonde hair, and blue eyes

"Who're you?" asked the man

"My name is Diana. I'm a Goddess"

"So Truck-Kun sent me to you!?"

"In the most cases of reincarnation, Truck-Kun is the one who sends people to me. However, in your case, it was me personally who brought you here" she said, smiling warmly at him

"Why would you do something like that?" the man asked with a puzzled look

"I guess you really didn't noticed who you pushed out of the way of the truck, didn't you?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, even more confused

"I was the one who you tried to save. I was on a short visit on Earth when that happened. Even if it wouldn't have killed me, it would've hurt me, so as I wanted to express my gratitude by reincarnating you!"

"So you're reincarnating me even if you shouldn't? Won't it get you into troubles with other gods? Or you're the only Goddess?"

"I'm the only Goddess that responsible for reincarnation, so it won't do any troubles, but I think it sweet of you to worry about me~"

"Then I guess its fine… so what's going to happen now?"

"When Truck-Kun is sending someone to another world, I'm simply giving them a system, but since I'm the one that sends you, I can't give you one. Instead, I'm going to give you three wishes. You can ask for anything, unless it's too OP, since I do have some limits to my power" she said with an apologetic smile

'Three wishes…'

After a couple of minutes of thinking, the man finally spoke:

"Before I'll ask for my wishes, I want to ask a question"

"If it helps you to pick your wishes, you can ask me anything!"

"Do I get to pick the world I'm reincarnating to?"

"Only if it's one of your wishes"

"So if I'm not picking, is it randomly, or you're the one who picks?"

"I'm the one, so I'll try to send you to a one you'll like!"

"Now to my wishes: my first wish would be that I want to have the Gate of Babylon of Gilgamesh from the Fate series, with the information on how to use it, and information on all the items in it installed into my mind from the start"

"My second wish, is that I want to have a body with high physical power, and high endurance for both physical and magical attacks, and I won't need to keep training all the time in order to keep it in shape"

"If you're going to take Gilgamesh's power, I'll just make you a demi-god like him, which will also give you a large amount of magic. Think of it as a bonus. I'll also give you a clue about the identity of your godly father: your family is named after him!" she said with a wink

"Thank you for that. I'll be a fool to decline a bonus. My third and final wish is to become a swordsmanship master. I want you to install it to my mind from the start as well"

"I can do that, but are you sure that's your wishes? I mean, the last two wishes weren't any new powers. Personally, I expected you to ask for three OP powers. Most of the people who gets reincarnated use the system to get a lot of OP powers"

"I'm sure. I asked for those wishes, because I don't believe in individual strength. I don't like it when someone fights alone all the time, since it's very inefficient and stupid. As a soldier, I was taught to fight in a group, and I'm not going to change that now"

"I see. Well then, I guess it's time for you to go. I'll be sure to visit you!" she said, and then light engulfed her, blinding him. Just when he was about to faint, he heard her voice once again

"Have fun in your new world, Luke Blaze"


When Luke open his eyes, saw trees around him, and heard the flow of a river near him. He sat up, and then suddenly, he felt a severe headache, as information flowed into his mind. It took a few minutes, and the headache passed, and he got all the information

"Damn, that's a lot of items!" he said as he could think of thousands of items that was in the Gate of Babylon

Feeling his dry throat, he looked at his side, at the direction of the sound of water flowing, and saw a river nearby. As he stood in front of the river and looked down, he saw a young man with a bright short white hair, and bright emerald colored eyes. He wore a simple white t-shirt, and black pants. He also had a perfect body. Not too much muscle, but enough so you could see it in his arms. Judging by his looks, he was probably 20-21 years old

'Looks like being a demi-god comes with more than just one bonus. I look like an anime protagonist in an isekai harem show!' he thought as he sat on his knees, and used his hand to drink water from the river

After he finished drinking, he stood up 'Well let's do some exploring! Diana said I'll like this world, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure which world I am in' he thought and started walking in a random direction

After half an hour of walking, Luke heard a couple of voices saying something, however he couldn't understand what they said, since the voices were very faint, so he started to walk in the direction that the voices came from. As he got closer, he managed to understand what they said. The voices, now he can identify the owners of the voices as males, repeated three words:

"Hungry. Food. Eat. Hungry. Food. Eat. Hungry. Food. Eat" The voices said, continuing to repeat those words

'That's doesn't sound so good…' Luke thought, and then finally managed to see the sources:

They were big and muscular men with what looked like pig ears, wearing a full body armor. Luke saw their back, so he couldn't tell how their front look. There seem to be ten of these creatures, and they were surrounding something, while continuously repeating "Hungry. Food. Eat"

Since he couldn't see who or what they were surrounding, he looked up and saw a thick tree branch which he could stand on. However, when he tried to jump to said branch, he used too much power, and instead jumped with his head hitting the branch, making a loud noise

'I'm still not adjusted to this body's strength…' he thought, as he laid down, rubbing his head, and then heard a voice very close to him

"Hungry. Food. Eat"

Luke immediately used GOB (Gate of Babylon) and formed a golden ripple in the air, a sword launched out of it and he heard the sound of the sword piercing through flesh. He stood up and he saw the front of the creature, as the creature dropped dead, but the only thing he could see was his big belly, since there was the sword stuck in his face, preventing Luke to see his face clearly

He then looked past the creature, and there was a hole in the circle, at the place this creature was, allowing him to see who was inside. There were five people inside, three males and two females, who all had animal ears, paws instead of hands and feet, with fur from the paws to the elbows, and from the feet to the knees. They also had a tail, which if Luke had to guess, were wolf's tail, which is why he assumed they were werewolves. The hole in the circle also allowed him to see some of the faces of the creatures, who he thinks is humanoid pigs. Their faces resembled a boar, with two fangs at the sides of their mouth, and a pig's nose, but their most noticeable feature was their glowing red eyes. Now that he looked at them properly, the pigs looked familiar to him from somewhere

'Judging by their appearances, it looks like there was some kind of a fight here, which the werewolves lost'

Then, he saw three more pigs approaching him "I wondered who the ones that were so hungry, that they repeated a mantra of food, but it's just a bunch of pigs!" Luke said in disgust


~~~ With ? ~~~

The orcs have killed most of their pack, and only five, including her and her father are still alive, but not for long, as the orcs were surrounding them. Usually, they, the proud werewolves would never lose to lowly orcs, however, the fact that the orcs wore a very thick armor posed a big problem for them. Only the strongests in the pack managed to pierce through the armor, leaving the rest of the pack without any means to attack them. The worst thing in the fight was the fact that the orcs immediately ate the ones they killed, and even ate their own kind! Then it turned out they gained their pack's abilities from eating them! The rest of us that left were injured and exhausted, and had no chance in defeating the rest of the orcs.

But then we suddenly heard a loud noise from the trees direction, catching the attention of the orcs. Then, one of the orcs went to check the source of the noise, and we used the time to rest a bit. Then, a sword pierced through the head of the orc and he dropped dead, and then we saw a human standing there. I hate to admit that about a human, but the human was way more attractive than any male that the pack had. He had a bright white hair, with beautiful emerald colored eyes. He also had a body that made me drool inwardly, and blush slightly. The human inspected us, until three of the orcs approached him, and then he said:

"I wondered who the ones that were so hungry, that they repeated a mantra of food, but it's just a bunch of pigs!" the human said in disgust

"Hungry. Food. Eat" the three orcs said, anger obvious in their voices

"I'm going to ask this once: Do you need any help?" the human asked, referring to us. It's obvious we need help! Why would he even need to ask!

None of us replied, and then the human said "I won't help anybody who can't ask for help" he said and turned to leave. I took a glance at my father. I knew that he would never ask for help. He's too prideful, as most of the pack. But I knew that we can't win this fight alone, so I did the only thing I could

"Please help us! We need your help to defeat them, so please help us!" I shouted and bowed deeply. I know that my father and the rest is looking at me with surprise. I just threw my pride to a stranger, who might not be able to actually help us!

"Looks like one of you know when you need to give up your pride and ask for help" he said, making me raise my head, to see him looking into my eyes

He then looked at the orcs and snapped his finger, and then dozens of golden ripples appeared above him, and multiple weapons came out of them

All of us, both us and the orcs looked in surprise at the numerous weapons, before the human snapped his fingers again. When he did, all of the weapons were launched towards us. I closed my eyes, and raised my hands to protect my face from the impact… that never came

I moved my arms and opened my eyes and looked around, and I was shocked! Instead of hitting all of us, the weapons hit only the orcs, piercing their armors like butter, killing them instantly, as multiple weapons pierced each orc. I looked at my father and I saw that he also was in shock, but he quickly switched it to suspicion, as he glared at the human. As I also turned my gaze towards the human, he noticed my gaze, and smiled warmly, making my heartbeat to increase massively, making me blush at his smile, and I looked down to avoid his gaze, playing with my hair in embarrassment. The human then snapped his fingers again, making all the weapons fade, shocking us again, before he said:

"Now, let's talk on my compensation…"


~~~ With Luke ~~~

'So cute~~' Luke thought as he looked the one who asked for his help. She was a beautiful young woman, around 17 years old, with a black hair, tied in a messy ponytail, with sapphire colored eyes. She blushed massively when he smiled at her, and when she looked down and played with her hair she looked so cute~ However, when she looked down, it also made him cast his gaze down on her body, and now he had hard time trying not to get an erection! He knew it was a serious situation, but who could blame him! Her 'clothes', if you can call a piece of fabric wrapped around her chest and crotch clothes, barely held her big chest, which from only looking, he could tell was around 34-35 inches, wide hips, and thick looking thighs that makes you want to bury your head in them all day! He'll bet that her behind was also spectacular just as the front is!

However, he quickly averted his gaze, when he felt a killing intent from the man next to her that had the same hair color and eye color, who was probably her father, judging by his older appearance

He then returned all of the weapons into GOB with a snap of his fingers, and then said:

"Now, let's talk on my compensation…" Luke started to say

He saw the shock that was in the werewolves' eyes, and also a bit of disappointed look in the black haired girl, but he knew he did the right thing, when he saw the suspicion in the eyes of the black haired man, who he identified as their leader, lowering. He knew that it will be a lot more suspicious if he'll just save them and ask for nothing. Maybe the others would be happy, but he knew he would never gain the leader's trust

"Is what I want to say, but looking at your condition… I don't think that you can actually offer me something…"

The others looked at their leader, waiting for his answer

"You want us to become your servants, don't you?" the leader said

"I wouldn't call it servants, it's more like subordinates. I'm new in this country, and I need some allies. If you'll swear your loyalty, I promise I'll take care of you well"

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that. We're proud werewolves, and we won't serve anyone!" the leader said in a firm tone

"Then what do you say about a duel? You're the leader, since you're the strongest, right? But if I'll prove to be stronger than you, it means I'm worthy of your loyalty. One of the others can be the judge" Luke said, gesturing at the other werewolves

"Father, you don't have to do this! Let's just serve him! You don't have to get hurt!" said the black haired worriedly

"That won't to. I'm sorry to tell you that your father has to fight. After all, he's too prideful to bow to someone" said Luke

"You seem to speak from experience" said the leader

"You're right. After all, my father used to be just like you. He was a prideful man, who experienced a lot, just like you. He wanted me to walk in the same path he walked, just like you probably want your daughter to become the pack leader, just like you"

"Yes, you're absolutely right" the leader said

"And because you're like him, I don't like you. After all it's the same pride that killed my father, and almost killed you. Unless your daughter asked for my help, you, your daughter, and the other survivors would've died, just because you couldn't let go of your pride"

"Be careful kid" the leader said, making his claws sharper

"That's why you're not fit to be a leader" Luke said, and the leader dashed at him in an incredible speed. The leader then tried repeatedly to cut Luke with his claws, but Luke sidestepped every time or rotated his body, dodging every single attack. He was only able to do it, because of his training in the special unit

They were taught numerous martial arts, and to predict the enemy's movement by reading their body language

He kept on dodging, as he looked for an opening. He was taught that every warrior in the world, even the strongest one, will eventually have an opening. It didn't matter if it's because of exhaustion, desperation, frustration, or any other reason, an opening will always appear. And an opening indeed appeared

After a minute of dodging, he saw that the leader's movements became slightly slower. Luke could tell that before he arrived, the leader have already exhausted himself. Judging by the amount of corpses around, the pack have defeated more than 50 those pigs, with the leader probably defeating most, unlike Luke who haven't fought more than 2 minutes. The power the leader was using now, was the power he restored since Luke have arrived until the start of the duel, but it wasn't much. He could see the desperation in the leader's hits, as he tried to finish the duel before he'll be exhausted completely, and that made an opening. When the leader slashed with his claws a little bit too slow… Luke immediately caught his paw, and pulled him towards him, sending his knee into the leader's gut, knocking the air out of his lungs, and then, without leaving a second for the leader to restore his breathing, Luke punched him at the back of his head, sending him crushing into the floor, creating a crater. He then put his leg on the leader's back, applying pressure on it, and said:

"Yield. You don't stand a chance. I didn't even use my magical abilities"

'My body is even stronger then I imagined! I made a crater just by punching him to the floor! I think that I accidently broke his spine just by applying pressure on his back! I need to get used to this body quickly, or else I'll be useless! I only managed to dodge his hits just because he was already exhausted, and his hits were slower than it should've been, so all I had to do is to do simple moves in order to dodge, but if I'll have to do more complex moves, there's no way that I'll move the way I want to!' he thought, analyzing his first real battle in this new world

Seeing he got no reaction, he crouched and whispered "Don't make your daughter sadder than she is right now. She lost a lot of her friends today, and I'm sure she doesn't want to lose her father as well"

That made the leader's ears twitch, and then he heard him say "I yield"

Hearing his words, a brunette female werewolf said "The winner of the duel is…"

"Luke Blaze" he said, informing his name to the judge

"Luke Blaze!"


"Father!" shouted the black haired as she run towards her father, helping him to sit up

"Here" Luke said as he took a golden goblet out of GOT, and handed it to them. It was filled with a red wine-like liquid

"What is this?" asked the black haired as she took the goblet

"It will heal him"

The girl immediately helped her father to drink, and when he finished, all of his injuries magically disappeared, like they didn't exist

"Amazing…" the black haired girl said in shock

"This is an amazing potion. It also restored my stamina, so I don't feel like I've been fighting all the day" the (former) leader stated as he stood up effortlessly

"Now that I think about it, I never asked for your names, didn't I?" said Luke as the rest of the werewolves joined them, standing behind their (former) leader

"We don't have one" the (former) leader stated

"What do you mean you don't have one?"

"Exactly what I said. Most of the monsters don't have names, and those who has, received them from someone with high magical abilities. Names are granted to unnamed monsters by an individual with high magical abilities. By gaining a Name, the monster becomes a Named Monster, becoming much stronger than before, and even evolving sometimes. The stronger the Namer, the bigger the jump in the evolution of the Named Monster" explained the (former) leader

'Hungry pigs… named and nameless monsters… I think I'm starting to understand which world I'm in… let's try and confirm it' Luke thought, and then asked:

"I see. By the way, which country are we currently in?"

"Right now, we're in The Great Forest of Jura, which doesn't belong to any country. Though, that might change, since we lost the protection of Veldora-Sama three months ago… I won't be surprised if the countries will try to swarm to here sooner or later…" the (former) leader answered

'That's settled it… I'm in TenSura! Diana was right, I really do like this world! I want to meet Rimuru already! If I remember right, Rimuru met the goblins a month after he ate Veldora, which means I'm two months after he met the goblins... if I had to guess, he'll probably meet Shizue soon, or already met her'

"Well, then why don't we start by naming you guys!" Luke exclaimed with a smile

"You're going to name us!?" the (former) leader exclaimed in shock, expressing the others' thoughts

"Yes, so stand in a line! We already lack in human force, so you might as well get stronger, so we can survive!"

They quickly formed a line. Now that he defeated their leader, they became much more cooperative

'Looks like the duel was useful in a lot of ways' he thought to himself

He looked at the first person in the line. As expected, the first one was the former leader

'Let's see, I'm not going to put as much as effort as Rimuru did in naming them, so I'll just base their names from mine… let's just hope that I have enough magic to name them all… I don't want to waste time like Rimuru did by sleeping for three days…'

"Your name is going to be Lucas!" he said, and a faint glow appeared around the new named Lucas, and faded

"I'll make sure you won't regret naming me" Lucas said, bowed, and moved to the side, allowing the next person in the line to move forward. Conveniently, the second one was Lucas' daughter, who looked downwards with a blushing face, fidgeting with her fingers, as she stole a glance at him every few seconds, before quickly averting her eyes

'So cute~~~'

"For a cute girl like you, I'll name you Lucy!" he said, and the glow appeared and faded again

The new named Lucy looked up with a bright smile, and said:

"I'll treasure this name for the rest of my life!" Lucy said, and bowed deeply. Then, she moved, whispering to herself so no one could hear "he thinks I'm cute!", but he heard her, probably because of some demi-god super hearing, and allowing the third in line to move forward. It was the same brunette that acted as a judge. Now that he could look at her more clearly, she was no less attractive from Lucy. She had a curly chocolate-brown hair, with golden eyes. Her chest was a little smaller, something like 32-33 inches, but her hips were wider, and her thighs looked as thick as Lucy's!

'Are all the female werewolves this hot!? And in the manga, after their evolution, the female goblins became hot, so it means that the female werewolves will become even hotter!?' Luke thought, as he started to imagine how the girls would look after the evolution

"I'm sure you'll pick me an appropriate name, Luke-Sama~~" said the brunette with a sultry voice and a knowing smile

Luke, because of his military training, managed to keep his cool, and not to blush and get embarrassed like his inner otaku, said:

"Your name will be Luna!"

"Thank you for naming me. I'll be sure to… express my gratitude personally" Luna said, with a sway of her hips, moved to the side, and in front of a very jealous-looking Lucy, smiling victoriously

Luke then looked at the next one. He had similar hair color and eye color as Luna, but seemed to be only a few years older

"I'm guessing that you're Luna's brother?"

"I am"

"Then, I'll call you Luca!"

"You have my thanks for naming me, boss" Luca said, and moved, allowing the last one to move forward. The last one was a mature man, with silver hair and eyes

"Please grant me a name that you see as fit" he said, and kneeled in front of Luke

"I'll call you Logan!"

"Thank you for granting me a name. You have my deepest gratitude" Logan said and stood up, and moved to stand beside Lucas, as all the werewolves were now standing in a row. Looking at them standing next to each other, he could vaguely infer the hierarchy:

Lucy and Luna was around the same age, somewhere between 17-18 years old, and youngest among the ones that left, maybe with Luna older by a year

Luca was the young warrior, who worked hard to impress the pack leader, who was jealous of Lucy, since she took most of her father's attention, and was probably around his age, somewhere between 20-21 years old

Lucas and Logan was the older ones, probably around mid-40, with only a little gap between their abilities, with Lucas a little bit stronger. They were the two elite warriors, who brought glory to their pack when they were young, but despite being rivals all their lives, they were still best friends

"Now that you're named, it's time to rest. You had a rough fight today. Use the rest of the day to rest and mourn over your dead friends. Tomorrow, I'll tell you about my plans" he said as he started to walk out of the crater, and then took a random chair out of GOB, and sat on it, as he felt a slight headache from overusing his magic, and let his thoughts about his first day at TenSura to drift him to sleep. After each one of them said his goodbyes to the dead, they all went to sleep around their new leader


And that's the first chapter!

I hope you enjoyed it, and will continue to enjoy the future chapters

Regarding of pairings, the MC will have a harem, though not too big. It will be around 5-7 girls, depending on how I'll feel as the story develops

Harem: Lucy, Luna, WIP

Regarding updates, tell me if you prefer short chapter, which will have faster updates, or long chapter, like this one, which will have slower updates