Tsundere Alert!!

I wanted to clarify something that I didn't explain good enough in the last chapter.

When I said that he's a demi-god, I meant that he's a son of a god, and not a demi-god by title. He's not a demi-god by title, like Leon and Chloe, but he has a godly father/mother.

I'm sorry if I confused some of you!

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter


~~~ With Luke ~~~

When Luke woke up, he didn't expect to see two women sleeping at his feet, completely naked.

After a few seconds of staring, he finally recognized the women. It was Lucy and Luna, but they looked different. Their faces have matured by a few years, the fur at the feet and hands disappeared, and instead they had human hands and feet, but they still had the ears and tail of a wolf. The reason they were naked, was that their chests and hips grew, tearing the fabric that was their clothes. If they looked like they were 17-18 years old before, now they looked like a 21-22 years old women.

Luke stood up from his chair and looked around, seeing Luca sleeping behind the chair, Logan sat by the crater, using some leaves as temporary underwear, as his clothes also tore up. He didn't see any sign for Lucas.

Logan and Luca also looked differently. Their hands and feet also lost its fur, like the two girls, and they became bulkier. Luca looked like a 24-25 year old man, but Logan looked younger, like he's in his late 30's. To Luke misfortune, Luca also was naked, as his 'clothes' tore up because of his growth.

Luke took out a shirt, pants and underwear out of GOB, and walked towards Logan

"Use this" Luke said and handed him the clothes. When Logan took the clothes and wore them, a glow appeared around the clothes, and their size adjusted to Logan's sizes. Logan looked with a questioning look at Luke who explained:

"They're imbued with a magic that adjust to the body of the user" Luke said, while thinking:

'There are a lot of different staff in GOB. Weapons, armors, metals, clothes, and numerous magic items. It's way more convenient than what I thought!'

"Logan, where is Lucas?" Luke asked

"He went to get breakfast"

"I see. I also see that you guys evolved. Do you know what have you evolved to?"

"I and Luca have evolved to Werewolf Warrior, Lucy and Luna have evolved to Werewolf Amazon, and Lucas evolved to Werewolf King"

"What is the difference between a Werewolf King to a Werewolf Warrior?"

"The only difference is that the Werewolf King gets a magic affinity. Unevolved werewolves don't have any magic affinities. They can only have one, if they evolve to a Werewolf King, or a Werewolf Amazon"

"How do you know which magic they gained an affinity to?"

"There is three ways to find out:

By trial and error – you try to learn every kind of magic, until you find your affinity

You can try to find someone with detecting skill

Or you can try to find an item with a detecting skill"

Then, they both heard a groan, and turned around to see Lucy waking up and stretching, unaware of the fact that she's naked. She then sat up, showing off her naked chest

"Good morning, Luke-Sama" Lucy said with a cute smile and a faint blush

Luke used all of his willpower to look away, and not to blush and faint at this marvelous sight, and took out some female clothes of the same kind he gave Logan, and offered them to Lucy

It took Lucy a few seconds to realize that she's naked, and she blushed deeply, and quickly took the clothes from his hands, and run into a nearby bush

All of the running, caused both Luna and Luca to wake up as well. Seeing them wake up, Luke prepared clothes for the two of them. They quickly noticed their naked state and both had different reactions. Luca simply covered his crotch, took the clothes of Luke's hands, and quickly put them on. However, Luna had a totally different reaction than Lucy's of Luca's

She put on a flirtatious grin, and started to walk towards Luke, swaying her hips

"Do you like what you see, Luke-Sama~~" Luna said in a sultry tone and bended over, showing off her breasts, as she took the clothes from his hands.

Luke would've thought that she's a complete slut, if not for the faint blush on her cheeks, indicating that she's just using this kind of behavior to hide her embarrassment

"Just put on the clothes" Luke said in a stern tone, with a faint blush on his cheeks. As much as he tried not to blush, there is a limit to how much willpower can do. Luna smirked, satisfied from the effect she had on him, and went to put on the clothes behind a nearby bush

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

After they all put on their clothes, they waited a few minutes, until Lucas, who also received clothes from Luke, came back with their breakfast, a deer.

Luke used two small branches in order to light a small fire, in order to cook the meat. At first the werewolves didn't understand why did he do that, as they were used to eat the meat raw, but after they tasted the meat, they quickly devoured it, claiming it's better than raw meat

After they finished eating, Luke said:

"I want to talk about what we are going to do from now on" he said, gaining their full attention

"Right now, the thing that we're missing the most is man force. We can't survive only the six of us for long. We have to get more people. Is there any village close?"

"There is an elven village not too far from here" stated Logan

"And how is your relationship with them?" Luke asked

"We have a neutral relationship with them. I've known their chief for a while, and he's a respectable man" said Lucas

"Do you think he'll let us stay at the village?"

"Maybe he would've, if it were just us then, but the elves have a deep hatred for humans.

One hundred years ago, the elves had to move from their original village because of a mistake their former chief made, causing them to split into two groups and find a suitable place for their village. One will look near human settlements, and the other one will look in the Great Jura Forest.

However, the group near the humans was attacked by slavers, and almost got copletely annihilated. The survivors managed to run away, and join the other group. We are going to the village of the second group" explained Lucas

"And there are no closer villages?" asked Luke

"Not one as close. The closest village aside of the elves' one, is one walking day from here"

Luke thought for a minute, before a realization hit him

"How close is the elves village?" he asked

"Thirty minutes of walking"

"Then we need to check it right now" Luke said in a firm tone, and stood up

"Why are you so stressed?" asked Lucy in worry

"If you were attacked yesterday, then the next place the orcs will attack..."

"Is the elves village!" Lucy exclaimed

"They might have already attacked yesterday. Before I saved you yesterday, I came across an enormous army of orcs.

The ones that attacked you yesterday was just a very small part of this army.

They wouldn't have any problem to split their forces to attack numerous villages at the same time.

We need to go there quickly, and help them in case they're fighting right now. If they haven't fought yet, we'll warn them, and if they already fought... let's hope there are survivors" Luke said, using his canon knowledge of the orcs

'I don't feel good about it, but it's the best way to get more people. I don't have any pack of wolves attacking me, or a village with dozens of goblins. If it were possible, I wanted to go to a village and show off my power, and make them submit to me, just like Rimuru unintentionally let out his aura, causing the goblins to offer their loyalty to him'

They didn't have to pack anything, since all of their village got destroyed by the orcs, so they immediately started to run towards the village. By running, they managed to get to the village in ten minutes, however...

"We're too late..." stated Luca as they looked at what left of the village. All of the houses were completely burned, and there were skeletons of the elves everywhere, indicating that the orcs ate the bodies

Luke walked forward, walking through the village, inspecting it

"By the condition of the houses and the ground around them, they were burned a couple of hours ago.

The attack happened during the night.

The orcs surprised the elves, as they used some kind of magic, or perhaps arrows, to light up the houses on fire.

The elves, were all confused and panicked, as the orcs invaded the village, overwhelming the elves with their numbers and massacring them" Luke said, analyzing the remains of the battlefield

"It's awful..." said Lucy

"Those pigs... they need to pay..." said Luca in anger

"However..." said Luke, as something caught his attention as he reached the second entrance to the village, and crouched

"Some of them managed to get away" he said as he looked at numerous footprints on the ground, leading to the forest

"Judging by the footprints... I would say two women, one around the age of 16-18, and the other is 10-12 years old" Luke said, while thinking:

'in human years at least. Since it's elves we're talking about, they can be more than 100 years old...'

"If I have to guess, at least one of them is an important figure in the village. If I were the chief of the village, I will try to at least make sure that there is a future for the village, by sending my children away, which means..." he said, before catching with his hand an arrow that was aimed at his head, causing the werewolves to enter battle stances, but Luke raised his arm, signaling for them to stand down, as he stood up and continued his sentence:

"That the survivors are the daughters of the chief"

"What do you want, human!?" said a female voice from above, indicating that they're on one of the trees

Lucy, recognizing the voice, since she knew the older daughter of the chief, from the times their fathers met with each other, said:

"It's me! Don't you recognize me!?"

After a few seconds, two figures landed in front of Luke:

The first one, was a blonde elf, with emerald colored eyes. She had a slim figure, with moderate chest. She had a bow in her hands, already aiming an arrow at Luke's head, and had an arrow quiver on her back

The other one was an elf with silver-colored hair, and navy-blue eyes. She stood behind the blonde, peeking at him from behind the blonde's back. Seeing her looking at him, Luke gave her a small smile, causing her to immediately hide her head

"I want to say that I'm glad to see you here, but it looks like you got enslaved by this human. Don't worry, I'll kill him and free you" the blonde said, looking at Luke with hatred

"He didn't enslave us! He saved us from the orcs!" Lucy announced

"The orcs attacked you too!?" the blonde exclaimed in shock, lowering her bow a little

"Yes. They attacked us, and almost killed all of us, if not for Luke-Sama who saved us!" Lucy said, gesturing at Luke

"This human did? He probably did it to enslave you!" the blonde said, aiming her bow at Luke again

"He didn't! He even named us! Can you see that I've evolved?"

"Then why are you here?"

"Luke-Sama realized that your village might get attacked as well, so he told us that we have to get here immediately!"

"A human did that!? But humans are evil..."

"Onee-Chan, I think that we should trust him. He looks nice, and he even wanted to come to help us" the silver haired girl said, causing the blonde to look back, seeing her younger sister looking up, into her eyes, and then looking back at Lucy, who nodded at her, and finally looked at Luke, and lowered her bow

"I guess that I won't kill you for now. But if I'll found out that you're setting us up, I'll kill you" the blonde threatened, as she put the arrow back at her quiver

"Thank you for putting your trust in me. I'll assure that you won't regret it" Luke said

'Not that she can kill me though...'

"You better will" the blonde said

"I guess that you are the chief's daughter, considering that Lucy knows you?"

"Yes. I'm the daughter of the village's chief, Emil"

"I know that it may be a bit hard, but could you tell us what happened last night?" Luke asked

The blonde quickly looked down, and squeezed her sister's hand

"They came in the night, and shot fire arrows at our house.

I and my sister were asleep, until my father woke me up, and told me to take my sister and run away. I refused to leave at the start, but my father said that they don't have a chance at winning, and that at least he will be able to save us, and that convinced me.

I went to wake up my sister, while my father packed up a bag with all the supplies he could put in it. After that, I took my bow and my quiver, and took my sister outside. Everything was on fire, everybody tried to get a hold of themselves, as those pigs started to invade the village.

My father took my sister in his arms and jumped on a high branch on one of the trees, and I followed him.

He then told us that no matter what happens, we're not allowed to leave this branch until the fight is over, and then he jumped down, and went to fight, but before I knew it, he was already surrounded by those pigs, and then-" the blonde said, as tears started to fall from her eyes

"That's enough" Luke said, as he saw tears starting to form in the elf's eyes, and pulled the blonde into a hug, and said:

"Let it out. It's not healthy to hold your tears, so let it all out"

Hearing him, the blonde started to burst into tears, crying loudly as she laid her face against his chest, staining his shirt as she hugged him back. The silver haired quickly join the hug, crying as well

As Lucas watched what happened, the only thought that was in his head was:

'I'm glad that I surrendered back then, or else my daughter was crying like that...'

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

When the blonde stopped crying, she quickly stepped away from Luke with a blush, locked her arms under her chest, and averted her gaze to the side

"Just so you know, what happened is that I just used you as a pillow, so don't go and fantasize that we hugged! You were just a pillow for me to cry on. A handkerchief for wiping my tears"

Luke rolled his eyes, thinking 'Tsundere Alert!!'

Then, he felt the silver haired tugging his shirt. He looked down, and the girl said:

"Can you give me a name too, Onii-Chan?" she asked with puppy eyes

Luke had to use the remains of his willpower, in order to not bleed from his nose from the sheer cuteness, and said:

"Sure. I'll name you and your sister, to show that we're friends now" he said with a small smile, as he petted the girl

"Why would I want to receive a name from the likes of you!!" said the blonde

"I'm sure that you want to have a name that similar to your sister's, right?"

The silver haired quickly looked at her sister with her puppy eyes and said:

"We can't?"

The blonde, unable to refuse to the puppy eyes (Author: I mean, who can!?), said:

"Of course we can..." the blonde said in defeat, while the werewolves, who watched the whole scene quietly, all thought 'He completely played her...'

"Great, so let's name you!" Luke said and looked at the elves

'I already thought of a name for her, the moment she told me her father's name...'

"Your name will be Emilia!" Luke said, and just like with the werewolves, a faint glow appeared around her

"Emilia..." the newly named Emilia whispered to herself, with a small smile on her face

"And you will be Emma!"

"Yay, I got a name like Onee-Chan and Papa! Thank you, Onii-Chan!" Emma said, and quickly went to hug Luke


This chapter is shorter than the first chapter, but it's still pretty long. I think that this is the ideal length for me.

Tell me if you think that it's too short or too long.

Harem: Lucy, Luna, Emilia, WIP