Getting Close To The Plot

Hi everyone~~~

I have started to publish a new fanfic, called Shinji's Playground!

It will have shorter chapters, and hence, quicker updates

If you want to try reading it, go to:

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!


After naming the elves, they decided to have lunch. Lucas, Luca, and Emilia were the ones who were tasked with getting lunch, and the rest stayed in the elven village and set up a temporary camp. Logan, Luna, and Lucy were on the lookout, which left Luke and Emma with nothing else to do.

After half an hour later, they started to eat the food.

It wasn't long, before it started to get dark.

They managed to improvise beds from remains of beds from the houses and went to sleep in one of the houses that survived.

Luke woke up in the middle of the night, since he needed to go to the toilet. He walked a little, not wanting anyone to wake up and see him.

He quickly finished, and was about to go back, but then he saw Emilia sneaking out of the village.

Curious, he followed her, until she got to a clearing. She sat on her knees, and started to say:

"Father, I know that you're looking at me from up there. I'll be sure to get revenge for what they did to you. I found someone who can take care of my sister, and even got a name.

Please forgive me for leaving Emma, but I have to get my revenge. I hope she'll forgive me for abandoning her, but it's the only way she'll stay safe"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Luke asked, revealing himself

Instead of getting angry, she only showed him a sad smile and said:

"Yes. I have to avenge my father"

"I'm sure your father wouldn't want you to do this"

"I know he wouldn't. This is something I'm going to do for myself, or else I won't be able to live with myself"

"You'll only regret leaving Emma behind. Revenge won't make you feel any better"

"What the hell do you know about how I feel!!" Emilia shouted, but tears started to form in her eyes

"Because I was once in your position. My father wasn't a good father. He was a prideful man, who forced his opinions on me, and forced me to go in the same route he did.

He was an army man. He was devoted and proud in our country, and would've done anything for its sake.

But this same devotion and pride was the thing that killed him.

In an infiltration mission, the enemy made an ambush on his team, but for the sake of his pride, he refused to retreat, and died in the mission.

His pride was more important for him than his wife and son.

But despite that, I still wanted revenge for my father.

So I joined the army, in order to kill the ones that killed my father.

And I did just that. I killed numerous enemy soldiers, and returned victoriously. I was a war hero.

But one day, I looked at the news, and they showed the families of the ones I killed.

Numerous innocent people lost their loved ones, just so I could satisfy my desire for revenge.

I'm sure that you're father was a better father than my own, considering your respect towards him. But just like you, the orcs have families as well. Are you willing to take responsibility for their losses?"

"So what should I fight for? I don't have anything left!" Emilia shouted, as more tears fell from her eyes

"You're wrong. You still have something left, the same thing you wanted to abandon"


"Yes. So don't fight for revenge. Fight to protect the people you care about"

"But I'll still have to kill the orcs, right? How can I take responsibility for their deaths?"

"This what you have us for. When you fight together, you can share the responsibility with your allies. You fight together, you win together, and you lose together. That's the essence of teamwork" Luke said and put his hand on her shoulder, gripping gently

"Luke..." Emilia said in shock, and slowly fell into his chest, wrapping her hands around him in a hug, whispering "Thank you..."

They hugged for a minute, before Emilia released him and said:

"This time it was just a token of gratitude. It's not like I wanted to hug you or anything! So don't think that's it's going to be a regular thing!" she said with a light blush, as she pointed at him with her index finger

Luke rolled his eyes, and ruffled her head

"What do you think you're doing!?" Emilia shouted in embarrassment

"We need to go back. We have a long day tomorrow, and we need to rest" Luke said as he started to make his way back to the camp

Emilia pouted in anger, before smiling and following Luke

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

When Luke woke up, he sat up, and saw Emilia and Emma sleeping nearby, hugging each other in their sleep, causing him to smile before he stands up.

He noticed that their clothes also imbued with magic, so he didn't have to replace them. He also noticed that they've evolved.

Emilia looked a little more elegant, and her body also grew up, as she was slightly taller, and her body looked slightly more fuller.

Emma looked almost the same, as she was slightly taller, but no other changes were visible.

He looked at the others that remained asleep, and noticed that Lucas and Logan were missing.

He walked out of the house quietly, and saw Lucas on the lookout nearby, and Logan was nowhere to be found.

He approached Lucas and asked:

"I'm assuming that it's Logan's turn to get breakfast?" he asked, and received a nod of approval from Lucas

"He knows he needs to get different food for Emilia and Emma, right? They are vegetarian after all"

"He supposed to know" Lucas stated

"Are you two even sleeping during the night? I count myself as someone who gets up pretty early, but you two barely sleep" Luke asked

"We originally are nocturnals, so we don't sleep a lot. The young ones are waking up late, since they're lazy"

"Do you know what Emilia and Emma evolved to?" Luke asked

"No. I don't know about evolutions other than the ones of the werewolves. Emilia probably knows"

"Then I'll ask her after she'll wake up"

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

They continued with their idle chat, until the others woked up and Logan came back with breakfast.

Since she woke up, Emilia had a light blush on her face whenever she was near Luke, and refused to look at Luke in the eyes, embarrassed from what happened during the night, which didn't go unnoticed by Lucy and Luna, one who was jealous and suspicious, and the other was curious and amused.

"Emilia, do you know to what you and Emma evolved to?" asked Luke, trying to start a conversation with her

"I evolved to a High Elf, and Emma evolved to an Elven Mage" Emilia answered, still averting her gaze away from him

"What each evolution gives you?"

"As a High Elf, all of my physical abilities improved, mainly my agility, and my eyesight. I also can perform more advanced wind spells, as elves have a natural wind affinity.

An Elven Mage is given more magic affinities aside of the wind affinity, and can perform advanced spells in all of his affinities" Emilia explained

"How much affinities does she get?" asked Lucy, who also was curious about the elves evolutions

"Most get one more affinity, which makes them a double-mage, but there were records of Elven Mages that received two more affinities, making them a triple-mage. We can't be sure how much and which affinities she has, until we check"

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

After they finished breakfast, Luke asked Lucas:

"Whose village is the one that you said is one walking day from here?"

"It's a Salamanders village" Lucas stated

"Salamanders? Are they different from lizardmen?"

"Yes. While lizardmen have immunity and affinity to water magic, the salamanders have immunity and affinity to fire magic, though it's been a while since there was a lizardman or a salamander who can use magic.

Most of the monsters can't use magic in their base evolution, unless they're a Disaster Rank B or above." explained Lucas

"I know that lizardmen are living in the Shisu lake, so it means that the salamanders are living inside a volcano!?" asked Luca in shock

"No. Even if they're immune to fire, it doesn't mean they're living inside it. The village is located at the outskirts of the Shisu, since they have a good relationship with the lizardmen" explained Logan

'So we're getting closer to the lizardmen... It's not so bad, since the final battle against the orcs will happen there. It also means that the village hasn't been attacked yet'

"Before we start our walk, I want to give you guys something" said Luke and stood up

"Even if you have evolved, you never had the chance to train your new abilities. So until you'll have the chance to do so, I want to give you weapons that will strengthen you even more" Luke said, and opened 6 ripples of GOB.

"For Lucas, I'll give you this spear. It's a special spear, that inflicts wounds that cannot be healed naturally or with magic. It can only be healed if someone were to kill you, or you will it to be healed" Luke said as he gave Gae Buidhe (One of Diarmuid spears in Fate/Zero)

Lucas received the spear and nodded at Luke with respect

"For Logan, I'll give you this ax. It's an ax with high destructive power" Luke said, and gave him a golden ax (It's the same ax Gilgamesh uses in Caster Class)

"I'll make sure to use it to the best of my ability" said Logan

"For Luca, I'll give you this sword. It's a sword with dragon-slaying abilities" Luke said and gave him Gram

"Really!? Thanks!" Luca said

"For Lucy, I'll give you this sword. It's an indestructible sword" Luke said, and gave

Durandal to Lucy

"I'll treasure it to the rest of my life!" Lucy said

"For Luna, I'll give you this spear. It makes you immune to any magic that affects the mind" Luke said and gave Mac an Luin to Luna

"Thank you very much, Luke-Sama" Luna said

"And last and not least, for Emilia, I'll give you this bow. Be careful when using this bow, since its arrows are very poisonous" Luke said, and gave Heracles' Bow

"Just so you know, I'm only taking it since you want me so much to have it. It's not like I'm happy to receive it or anything!"

"Onii-Chan, how do you have all of these weapons?" Emma asked with a curious expression

"I've been curious as well. I'm also curious about where are you putting all of them, and how do you gain access to them" Lucas said

"Previously in my life, I've been collecting treasures. I've traveled through multiple continents, collecting numerous treasures. Though, my first treasure is a special one. It's a key to separate dimension, where I can store all of my treasures" Luke explained

"So how much weapons do you have there? You used something like 50 weapons when you fought against the orcs" asked Luca

"I have too many to count. I also have items like the clothes I gave you yesterday"

"That's amazing! So you have numerous powerful weapons which you can use whenever you want!?" said Lucy

"You can say that"

'Who the hell Emma and I have allied with!?' Emilia looked at Luke with shock

'It will be even more worth it to seduce him now. A powerful man with an unlimited amount of treasure? What more a girl can ask for?' Luna thought with a predatory smirk, as she licked her lips

"Now that you're all equipped, it's time to start and make our way to the salamanders' village" Luke said

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

And Luke and his group started to make their way to the salamanders' village.

Unlike the first two days in this world, the third day was quite peaceful.

They didn't encounter any orcs, and the only times they fought, was to get food.

During the day, Luke spoke with his group, learning more things about them.

As the night came, they haven't reached the village yet, but were one hour of walking away from it, and decided that it'll be best to meet with the salamanders in the morning.

They all went to sleep, and waked up later than usual (except Lucas and Logan...), so they could be sure that the salamanders are awake.

They walked for an hour, and finally arrived at the village

"Who walks there?" asked one of the guards that stood at the entrance to the village, as the guards, two in number, pointed their spears at them

Since the village was located on the outskirts of the lake, the village wasn't surrounded by caves.

It was surrounded by a wall created by wood.

The guards, looked like a more realistic version of the lizardmen in the manga and anime, except for the fact that their skin was red.

"We are survivors from multiple attacks of the orcs. We wish to speak with your chief" said Lucas in a respectful tone

The guards seemed to discuss between themselves, before one of the guards entered the village, and the other stayed in front of them, and said:

"We are checking with the chief for your request. You'll wait here for now" the guard said

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

After a few minutes of waiting the other guard came back, accompanied with four other guards

"The chief has accepted your request. These four will lead you to the chief" the guard said

As they entered the village, Luke looked around the village.

There were at least 100 salamanders in the village.

Their houses were built of wood, and they had a big flame in the middle of the village.

However, the second he looked at the flame, Luke felt some kind of reaction from it, almost as if the flame were alive.

' I had theories of which god I'm supposed to be the son of... but it looks like it's like I thought it is.

Blaze is another word for fire, as such, Diana made me a son of a god fire.

I don't know if it's one of the gods from mythology, or is it a different one.

After all, Diana is the counterpart of Artemis in Roman mythology, and not the goddess of reincarnation.

It's possible for other gods to exist, just like Diana is.

There is a possibility that all of the mythologies are based on the gods that part of the same pantheon as Diana' Luke thought as the guards led them to their chief

"Welcome to the Salamndars' Village! Can I know who are my visitors?"

"I'm Lucas. The former leader of a werewolves pack from the east" said Lucas in a respectful tone

"And I'm Emilia. The daughter of the chief of the Elves Village, Emil" said Emilia in a graceful tone

"The daughter of the chief of the elves? What are you doing here?" asked the chief of the salamanders with wide eyes

"Like a lot of villages, the Elven Village have fallen victim to the orcs as well"

"Even the elves have been defeated. I'm assuming you want to ask for shelter?"

"I'm not the leader of this group, so I won't be the one to decide that"

"You're not the leader? Then, is it Lucas-Dono?"

"I'm not the leader either"

"Then who is the leader?"

"I am. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Luke Blaze" Luke said, stepping forward

"A human is the leader of a group that consists of elves? Are you perhaps-" the chief of the salamanders said, narrowing his eyes in suspicion

"I'm not a slaver. You're free to ask them. I've also named them, and we've been together ever since"

"You named them!? It means that you're quite powerful. Why is a powerful human like you gather a group of monsters? Human tend to kill most monsters they see"

"It's to defeat the orcs of course. Even someone as powerful as me can't defeat a giant army, Even if it is orcs' one.

I came from a faraway continent, so I don't have any allies in any of the nations.

There is no way I'll be able to convince one of the nations to lend me their army"

"Is that why you came here?"

"It is. Of course, I won't ask you to be my subordinates. What I want is an alliance between us.

In case you'll agree, I'll tell you information about the orcs, and even name a few of you if you want"

"I see. That's an appealing offer. However, I want to be sure that you have necessary information"

"Very well. Then I'll confirm something I'm sure you thought of. The one that leads the orcs' army is an Orc Lord" Luke said. Lucas, Logan, and the chief of the salamanders gaped hearing it, while the others didn't understand what was happening

"An Orc Lord... That's certainly disturbing... very well then.

To defeat the orc lord and his army, the salamanders will ally with Luke Blaze and his group!"

"Thank you for accepting my offer. As I promised, I'll tell you all I know about the orcs' army.

First of all, including the orc lord, there are around 200,000 orcs in the army"

"200,000!? I'm not sure that we all together can defeat an army of this scale..."

"That's not all. I'm sure that you're aware of it, but for an orc to evolve to an Orc Lord, he has to be given a name, and I know who named him"


"It's a Majin called Gelmud. Not only that, but Gelmud also named various monsters around the Jura Forest, so the Orc Lord can eat them and get stronger"

"That's certainly disturbing to hear... However, I'm sure you have a plan, or else you wouldn't have suggested an alliance"

"That's right. My plan is very simple:

Even with your army by my side, there is no way we will stand up to an army of 200,000 orcs by ourselves.

This is why we need to gather all of the inhabitants of the Jura Forest.

However, that's an impossible task for us, but it's not impossible for the Dryads.

As the guardians of the forest, the Dryads will have to act, sooner or later.

Until then, will work on getting stronger and also work on our teamwork.

I named my group only a few days ago, so they didn't have the chance to practice their new abilities.

I also received a new power recently, and I need to practice it"

"Then we'll act as you say. We'll practice on our power, and the teamwork between us"