Training, And Meeting The Ogres?

It's been a few days since Luke and his group have arrived at the salamanders' village.

After they signed the alliance, Luke and his group settled in some of the vacant houses.

After a few days without a proper agenda, Luke decided that it will be better for them to rest a little, before they start training.

During that time, he named the village's chief's daughter, and the village's strongest warrior, who both evolved into a Dragonborn, which allowed them to use simple fire magic.

He also named the chief, who evolved into a Salamander Shaman, which allowed him to use more advanced fire magic.

Today was finally the day he will start his training.

He was led by Lilian, the named daughter of the chief, into nearby open space, so he could train without worrying about causing damage to the village.

"Here you can practice without nobody bothering you"

"Thank you, Lilian" Luke said

'The most important thing I need to do is to get used to my new body.

Let's see just how strong my body is' Luke thought, and put all the strength into his legs, and tried to run, only to immediately find himself crushing into a rock by the end of the open space

"Luke-San, are you okay??" asked Lilian

"I'm fine..." Luke said, as he pulled himself out of the rock

'That didn't go so well... but at least I know that I can move dozens of meters simply by putting all of my strength into one step. I need to lower the amount of power I put into my steps, until I can run properly, and then start to subtly increase the amount of power, and get used to it, and then repeat the process, until I fully used to it' Luke thought, and started to lower his power, until he managed to run properly.

It's safe to say that by the end of the day, numerous fragments of rocks were found all over the place, and a bloody Luke returned to the village, startling numerous salamanders.

The same thing happened on the second day. And on the third day. And the fourth, and it went like that for a whole week, when by the end of each day, less and less fragments were found, and less blood on his body

Finally, after a week, he managed to not run into rocks at all, and was able to run with 100% of his power, and he finally was ready for his next drill

'I can finally start to train with my fists. Let's measure the amount of power in my arms' Luke thought as he stood in front of a rock, and used 100% of his power to punch.

Upon coming to contact with the fist, the rock broke into pieces in less than a second

'I know that I asked for a strong body, but I think that Diana overdid it a little... Well, I guess I'll do the same thing with my fists. I'll lower the power in my punch until I won't be able to crack a rock with one punch, and gradually increase the power'

Needless to say that he came back bloody again, giving another scare to the village.

This drill also took him a week.

'I think that it's finally time to try fire magic. But first of all, I want to confirm something'

"I'm sure that you're curious for why I have brought you here today, Lilian" Luke asked the nervous-looking Lilian

"Yes. You say that you needed my help with something..." Lilian said in a small voice

"Yes, and I'll be sure to repay you for that"

"You don't have to..."

"But I will. I'll repay you, by helping you with Luca"

"W-What do you mean by that" Lilian asked with a massive blush on her face. Luke noticed the looks that she gave Luca constantly, and knew she's in love with him

"You know exactly what I mean" Luke said with a blank expression

"I-Is it that obvious?"

"For anyone but Luca it is, but he's so focused on impressing Lucas, that he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings.

But it doesn't matter right now. I need your help with my training"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Have you learned the skill, fireball, already?" Luke asked, and received a nod of approval from Lilian

"Good. Then I want you to fire it on me"

"B-But it's dangerous!"

"Don't worry. Just do it"


"You want my help with Luca, right? So do it. I won't get angry at you"

Lilian hesitantly looked at Luke, before she shot a fireball at him, hitting him and causing a big explosion

"Luke-San!!" Lilian shouted as she couldn't see Luke's figure through the smoke

"I'm fine, Lilian" Luke said from inside the smoke, as it started to fade

'As I thought. I have immunity for fire. Now let's try to do something else'

"Luke-San, are you sure you're okay?" Lilian asked worriedly

"Yes. Now shoot another one" Luke said, and Lilian complied.

However, this time instead of simply standing there, he concentrated on the fireball, and he felt the same thing he felt when he looked at the flame at the center of the village.

How the fire is alive.

How she wants freedom.

How she's just begging for him to take control of it.

And he didn't resist.

He raised his hand, and thought of only one word


And the fireball immediately stopped a few meters in front of his hand.

Seeing the fireball hovering in front of him, he smirked and moved his hand under the fireball, and then he thought of how the fireball follows his hand, and then pulled his hand back, and the fireball moved together with it, still hovering above his hand.

He then proceeded to play with the fireball, passing it from hand to hand

Lilian just looked with shock and amazement at Luke, as he continued to play with the fireball

'It seems that I gained a skill that allows me to control fire. After the first time I stopped the fireball, it became incredibly easier for me to move the ball.

There is a lot of skills I could create from it.

It's time for creating some skills' Luke thought, and thus began his fire drills

He continuously worked for two weeks on creating various skills from his complete control over fire.

During those weeks, since controlling fire became easy as breathing for him, he started to work on his swordsmanship.

While he did get the knowledge of a master swordsman, he still didn't have any muscle memory and didn't have actual experience in it.

Thus leading him to constantly spar with Lucas and Logan, using only wooden swords.

He also spars with all of his group constantly, until he saw that they developed their skills to a certain level, and took back the weapons he gave them, and gave them low-class noble phantasms.

After all, he can't let them walk around with high-class noble phantasms, and alert all of the strong figures, can he?

While he was training, the others have discovered their magic affinities.

Lucas and Lucy have an affinity for lightning magic, and Luna has an affinity to water magic.

Emma turned out to be a triple-mage, and has the affinities to the wind, water, and earth magic

And just like that, a month past, without any noticeable actions from the orcs or the dryads.

As Luke and his group ate breakfast, one of the guards approached them, and said:

"We have a situation. The chief is asking for your presence" the guard said

"Okay. Lead us to him" said Luke while thinking:

'Have they finally arrived?' Luke thought as the guard led them to the entrance of the village

When they arrived, there were numerous guards surrounding someone, as the guards made a path for Luke and the group to pass, the chief, Lewis is the name he gave him, approached him

"It's good that you're here, Luke-Dono"

"What's it about?"

"I thought that you should see it, before I decide something" Lewis said and gestured at the ones that were surrounded, and Luke barely held his surprise.

He saw none other than Shion, Rimuru's self-proclaimed secretary, and Shuna, the ogre's princess, in front of him.

They were wounded, dirty, and Shuna was even sitting on the ground, probably unable to stand, while Shion looked at them threateningly, trying her best to defend Shuna.

But the thing he noticed the most, was the fact that they were unevolved, which means that they weren't named by Rimuru yet.

They were also alone, without the other ogres

(Author: I'll refer to both of them as Shuna and Shion, but they haven't been named yet.

I'll specifically say when he'll name them)

"What are these two ogres doing here?" Luke asked

"They approached the guards and asked for some water and food" said Lewis

"And what happened to her?" Luke said, pointing at Shuna

"She got injured when the orcs attacked their village"

"Well, we can't properly talk with her when she can't even stand" Luke said, and took out of GOB a goblet with some elixir

"Give it to her. It will help her" Luke said and handed it to Shion, who looked hesitant to take it, before Shuna nodded at her with approval, and Shion took the goblet and helped Shuna drink.

After Shuna finished drinking, all of her injuries disappeared, and she stood up

"Thank you for healing me" Shuna said and bowed at Luke

"Don't mention it. I believe we should continue this conversation in somewhere more private" Luke said and looked at Lewis, who nodded in approval and said:

"You're right. We shall continue this conversation at the reception hall" he said, and led everyone to the reception hall

When they arrived, Lewis sat on the throne in the room, and Luke took a place near the throne, and stood there.

The rest of Luke's group stood at the sideline, except Lucas and Emilia, who stood at each side of Luke.

Shuna and Shion stood in front of them, with Shuna slightly in front of Shion

"Once again, I would like to thank you for healing me, and for allowing us to speak with you" said Shuna and bowed

"There is no need for that. It is the acceptable treatment of a guest in our village. Now then, I would like to know exactly who are you, and what do you want from me"

"I'm the younger daughter of the chief of the ogres' village.

Our village has been attacked by the orcs, and almost everyone has perished in the attack.

I and my big brother survived, but we were separated when the attack occurred, leaving me with only one escort.

Furthermore, as you witnessed, I've injured my legs, so she had to carry me, and it only made it harder for us to acquire food.

By chance, we happened to walk by your village, and decided to ask for your help.

We only need some food and water, and we'll be on our way"

"I think that it's acceptable, if it will assure good relationship with the ogres in the future" said Lewis

"I'll be sure to not forget your kindness"

"Then, I don't see any reason to refuse"

"Lewis, if I may?" Luke spoke for the first time

"Do you have any objection to help them?"

"No, I simply have a question to ask"

"Then I'll allow it"

"Thank you.

Considering that Lewis will give you what you want, what are you going to do next?"

"We'll leave the village without any resistance"

"That's not what I meant. Let me rephrase it:

Do you have any plans for the future?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you want to get together with your brother and execute revenge against the orcs, or will you try to settle down at another place?"

"I was planning to find my brother and then decide"

"And knowing your brother, what do you think he's going to do?"

"He'll probably want revenge for our tribe"

"Then, why don't you ally with us?

We are also planning to defeat the orcs, and any more allies will help, considering their numbers"

"But I'm not the leader of our tribe. It's my brother. I can't decide for our tribe without asking him"

"But as of now, your brother is missing, so you're the one that acts as the representative of your tribe.

And if your brother is after revenge as you say, then by staying with us, you'll meet each other eventually, as we are on the same side against the orcs.

It will be better than aimlessly walk around the forest"

"Of course, I'll take full responsibility for you in your stay. You'll be counted as one of my group, until we'll find your brother" Luke said, as he looked at Lewis for approval. Lewis looked at Luke, before nodding in approval

Luke then moved his gaze back to Shuna, and said:

"We also have Lewis' approval. All we need is your confirmation"

Shuna looked back at Shion, and had a silent conversation with her, before she looked back at Luke

"Then, if you're willing, please take care of us" Shuna said and bowed

"Then, as a token of our alliance, I'll name both of you"

"Even though I'm glad that you're willing to name us, naming is very dangerous! This is why only high-class beings are the ones to perform it!" said Shuna

"It's fine. I practically named everyone here" said Luke, and gestured at both Lewis, and all of his group

"Even so..."

"Don't worry, I'm quite powerful, so I can afford to name you"

"Quite powerful he says... you're a freaking monster!" whispered Emilia, grumbling with a frown

"As expected from the one who defeated me. If he wasn't strong, I wouldn't have lost" said Lucas

"Let's name you then" Luke said and moved closer to them, while thinking:

'I'm not supposed to faint if I name them. Rimuru fainted only after naming six of them. I don't know how much magic power Rimuru has compared to me, but I think I have enough, so I won't faint.

I guess I'll just call them by their original name'

"You'll be Shuna" Luke said and pointed at Shuna

"And you'll be Shion" he said and pointed at Shion

After he named them, he felt a slight headache, but not something he can't endure

"Lucy, Luna, can you help them settle in?"

""Yes, Luke-Sama!"" both of them answered obediently

"Thank you. And please make sure they receive food and water right away"

""Yes, Luke-Sama!""

"Thank you for taking care of us" said Shuna and bowed

"Don't sweat it"

'I don't know what happened, but I somehow ended up with Shion and Shuna!!!

What the hell happened!?

They're supposed to be together with Benimaru and the other ogres, but they said they were separated!!

That's the first time I'm encountering plot characters, but it's different!!

And if this is different, then there is a chance that other things will be different!

Usually, in fanfictions I read, the plot changes only after the main character changes the plot directly, yet I didn't do anything related to the plot.

Can it be that my mere presence in this world caused a change in the plot?

If that is the case, who knows how many other different things will be??

Is my knowledge of the plot even useful anymore???

No, I can't say it isn't. Not until I'll witness it myself.

I'll have to confirm every detail I know, to determine if it's right in this world or not.

Now that I know that things can be different than the plot, I'll have to prepare properly.

Hell, there is a chance the orcs will attack here instead of attacking the lizardmen!

If that were to happen, I'll have to use a high-class noble phantasm, since the orc lord immune to fire, and he has a regeneration skill, so low-class noble phantasms won't be enough.

I could also use those new flames I discovered.

But either way, it'll attract the attention of the demon lords who'll be watching the fight, and it'll be very troublesome to cope with Clayman's schemes, or even worse, if Milim decides to crush into the village, to 'introduce herself'.

Let's just hope things will go as they should...'