The Orc Lord

A couple of days passed since the arrival of Shuna and Shion.

Like in canon, they both evolved into a Kijin, and now both looked exactly like in the anime.

However, there was a slight change in their behavior:

Unlike in the anime, it seems that since they're not his subordinates, but in a temporary alliance with him, they didn't seem to worship him as they did to Rimuru in canon.

Shuna treated him with her utmost respect, since he was the one who healed her, and the one that named them.

Shion also treated him respectfully, but only because he named them. She definitely wasn't the fanatical worshiper she was in canon.

In fact, instead of Shion and Shuna fighting over him like Rimuru, he had Lucy and Luna constantly bickering all the time.

Lucy was the fanatical worshiper. She outright adored him, trying to satisfy him and earn his recognition in every single thing she does.

Luna, on the other hand, was trying to seduce him at every act she does. Be it in public or in private, she would always 'accidentally' drop things, causing her to bend right in front of him, showing off her bottom, or 'accidentally' push herself against him.

However, Luke was no fool. He saw right through her actions, and knew exactly what her intentions were, but he didn't mind it.

As long as she stays loyal, and does what he says, he would allow her to continue with her tries.

It didn't matter at all that she was amazingly hot, or that he liked what she was doing or anything.

No. it didn't matter at all. Not one bit.

Next were Lucas, Logan, and Luca.

Lucas was constantly respectful towards him, as long as he was stronger than him.

Logan took it upon himself to become Luke's bodyguard. He was quite the fanatical worshiper himself, constantly following him wherever he goes, and trying to satisfy all of his wants.

Luca's behavior varied between public and private.

In public, he would act with his utmost respect, but in private, he would act more naturally, often trying to get Lucas's recognition, or trying to tease Luke about the girls around him.

Next, is Emilia and Emma.

Emilia, in every sense, was a tsundere.

For a second, she'll act nicely and respectful, and the other second, she would yell and curse him, though it happened only in private. In public, she'll just huff and avert her gaze.

She might call him a monster when discussing his prowess, but she did recognize him for his power and superiority. So, while she did shout and curse, she kept it to a certain level, in order not to upset him too much.

Emma was a spoiled girl. She would often ask for rewards for certain achievements, which consisted of head pats and to sit on his lap.

She looks up to him as a big brother, and would do anything to gain his attention.

In public though, she was pretty shy, so she would often hide behind him or Emilia

But the worst of them all, was the salamanders.

While he had a good relationship with Lewis, and he would often help Liliana with Luca as he promised, the other villagers were another story.

They outright called him their god.

Apparently, Liliana told the villagers about his control of fire, and now they worshiped him as their god of fire.

They would bow every single time they saw him, and run for their life for every single thing he asked them for.

He could probably take over the village if he wanted.

Now, the plot is finally here.


"Luke-Sama, the chief is calling for you" a guard said, after he entered the hut Luke's group was in, and kneeled in front of Luke

"Do you know perhaps what's it about?" asked Luke as he stood up

"Yes, Luke-Sama. Apparently, the lizardmen sent a representative to discuss about the orc lord"

'Is it Gabiru? If I remember right, his father sent him to gather the goblins. There was no mention of the salamanders...'

"Is that so? Then, I guess we should hurry and go to meet them" Luke said as he stood, and was followed by his group, as he made his way to the reception hall

When he arrived, among the guards, Lewis, and Lilian, he saw a familiar female lizardman.

'Isn't that the daughter of the chief of the lizardmen? What is she doing here?'

"Luke-Dono, it's good that you're here. This is the daughter of the lizardmen's chief. She claims that she has an alliance with the one who called Rimuru Tempest, and she wants the village to join the alliance"

"..." Luke didn't answer, and narrowed his eyes. He could see dozens of strings of some kind starting to wrap around him.

The normal human wouldn't be able to see them, but his enhanced demi-god eyesight allowed him to see them.

Emilia also saw the strings, with the enhanced eyesight of a High Elf, as she drew her bow, and said:

"Luke. This is..."

"I know" Luke answered, and then engulfed his body in flames, successfully burning the strings.

The guards immediately took a battle stance, as Luke said:

"Whoever tried this stunt, you better reveal yourself, or I'll kill your friend!" Luke said, and pointed at the female lizardman.

While Luke knew it was probably Souei who did it, and he isn't supposed to be his enemy, he can't ignore a threat to his life, or act like he knows who it is.

So he decided to threaten Souka, since he knew she's necessary for the alliance between the lizardmen and Rimuru

A few seconds after he said that, Souei did appear, and said:

"Why our princess is with you?" he asked in a threatening tone

"What are you doing here?? Where is Onii-Sama??" asked Shuna, stepping forward

"Benimaru is with Rimuru-Sama, preparing the attack on the orcs"

"Benimaru? Did Onii-Sama received a name as well?"

"Yes. We all received names from Rimuru-Sama.

If I may ask, why are you with that human?"

"We allied with him, and he healed us and named us. This is Luke Blaze-Sama" Shuna said, and gestured at Luke

"I'm very sorry for attacking you, when you only helped our princess"

"Who is that Rimuru Tempest?" asked Lucas

"He received a personal request from the Dryads to defeat the orc lord"

"Looks like it happened, Luke-Dono. The Dryads are finally making their move"

"Yes, it is. However, I don't know if I should ally myself with someone who sends an unreliable subordinate who tries to kill me without asking any questions" Luke said in genuine anger.

He was quite upset that Souei tried to kill him, even if it was to rescue Shuna

"I-" Souei started to say, but then a green glow appeared in front of Luke, and out of it grew a plant, which transformed into a woman with light green hair, and blue eyes

"I'm sorry for my unannounced visit. I'm Treyni, a Dryad. It's a pleasure to meet you.

I am the one who told Rimuru Tempest-Sama to ally himself with you.

I'm sorry that it became such an unpleasant situation"

"Oh? You specifically told him to ally with me? Not the salamanders?"

"While the salamanders are powerful on their own, I couldn't ignore your and your group's presence.

I asked him to ally with you, as the two powerhouses of the Great Jura Forest.

You both are powerful on your own, but you surrounded yourselves with powerful monsters as well.

I believe that if you two will cooperate, you will be able to defeat the Orc Lord

I would like to ask you as well to defeat the Orc Lord"

"Well, I was planning to do it anyway, so I don't see any reason to refuse, especially if it's a Dryad who asks me.

Do you know where the Orc Lord is?"

"Yes. As we're speaking, the orcs are invading the Shisu lake from the west"

"Well, then I'll make my way there right away.

I'm assuming you're going to join?" Luke asked Lewis

"As much as I would like to go, I'm too old to go with you to the battlefield.

I'll lend you most of my army, as they're probably more enthusiastic to follow you than me by now..."

"Thank you" Luke said, and then turned to Lloyd, the third salamander he named, and the general of the salamanders' army

"Gather the army.

We're leaving in 15 minutes"

"Yes, Luke-Sama!" Lloyd said, and ran out of the hall

"You guys also get ready. We're facing an army with 200,000 warriors" Luke told his group

"Yes, Luke-Sama!" all of them answered, and went to get ready, then he turned to Shuna and Shion, and said:

"You two go with him" He pointed at Souei

"Go and join your brother" he told Shuna

"Thank you very much for everything you've done for us. We will surely repay you" Shuna said and both of them bowed, and then went with Souei

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

~~~ With Rimuru ~~~

"Is this the majin?" Rimuru asked, as he looked from above at Gelmud who just landed in the middle of the battlefield

"What is this supposed to mean!?

How dare you interfere with Gelmud-Sama's plan!?"

"Gelmud? As in the one who named Rigurd's elder son?"

"Yes" the Great Sage answered

"And just when my new Demon Lord servant was about to be born!!"

"A new Demon Lord?" asked Benimaru


That's why I gave so many names!

To create the ultimate servant!!"

"It's Gelmud-Sama!!

Did you come here to help us??" asked Gabiru

"You fucking idiot!!

Just let the Orc Lord eat you!!" said Gelmud, shocking Gabiru

"A useless reptile like you is only trash! You only need to become the Orc Lord's food, and give him more power!!

You'll be useful to me in your death. Consider it an honor" said Gelmud, shocking Gabiru even more

"Eat him, Orc Lord!!" said Gelmud as he turned to the Orc Lord.

When he saw that he's not responding, Gelmud said:

"What's the matter!? Eat him already!!"

"What do you mean by becoming a Demon Lord?" asked the Orc Lord

"What an idiot... Listen!

You'll become the Orc Disaster, and rule the Forest of Jura!

That's what he and I want!!!"


"Why are you just standing there, you stupid pig!?"

Seeing he didn't react again, Gelmud just turned to face Gabiru, and started to form a red energy ball in his hand, and just when he was about to shoot it, a sword came flying from the sky, and landed mere inches from Gelmud's face

"AHHHHH!!!!" Gelmud screamed in fear and jumped backward. Rimuru looked in the direction the sword came from, and a few seconds later, someone appeared in the sky:

He was a young man with bright short white hair and bright emerald colored eyes.

He had wings made of fire, which is how he was flying

'Great Sage, can you analyze him?'


He's a demi-god. The result of reproduction between a human and a god.

He is superior to you in everything related to physical prowess, but you are magically stronger"

'A demi-god, huh?'

'Is he perhaps the strong individual Treyni-San told us to ally with?' Rimuru asked Souei telepathically

'Yes. He's Luke Blaze, a human who gathered a group of monsters around him, including our princess' Souei answered

"So you're the one who brought this monster here" said Luke as he started to descend

"Who the hell are you!? How dare you attack the great Gelmud-Sama!!"

"I don't think you're someone who deserves to know my name.

You're someone who uses others for your selfish desires.

I won't tell my name to the likes of you" Luke said with a cold gaze

Gelmud didn't notice Rimuru also was descending, since he was with his back towards him, facing Luke, so when Rimuru landed, he used Sticky Steel Thread and wrapped Gelmud with it

"W-What is this!?" Gelmud asked in shock

"Y-You little vermin! How dare you to stand up to a superior Majin-" Gelmud started to say, but couldn't finish, since Luke also landed, and punched Gelmud in the face, tearing the threads in the process, sending flying a few meters back

"You say that you're a superior Majin, but you're weak as shit" said Luke with a blank expression

"Damn you!! You're dead!! He's going to make the two of you regret that you hurt me like that!!"

"Why don't you tell us who "He" is?" Rimuru said and started to walk towards him with a smile, Luke follows him as he picks up the sword he threw

"Stop!! Stay away from me, you monsters!!" Gelmud shouted in fear, and ran towards the Orc Lord

"Help me, Orc Lord, no, Geld!!"

The Orc Lord, named Geld, hearing Gelmud calling him by his name, started to step forward slowly.

Seeing him walking, Rimuru stopped in his place.

Seeing him finally moving, Gelmud laughed loudly and turned to face them

"Prepare yourselves to die!!

Geld, make them regret the day they disrespected-" Gelmud started to say, but before anyone could react, Geld raised his sword, and slashed horizontally, decapitating him.

Then, Geld bent off to eat Gelmud... only for Luke to move in an amazing speed and punch him in the forehead, making Geld take a few steps back

'Amazing! I barely could see him moving!' thought Rimuru with amazement

'Looks like I managed to prevent him from eating Gelmud.

It will be a lot easier to deal with him when he's not a Demon Lord.

Though, he still has a regeneration skill...' Luke thought

"I'm hungry. Don't stand in my way" Geld said angrily, as he raised his sword again, and this time slashed vertically, only for Luke to block it with his sword.

Luke then used his strength, to push against Geld's sword, overpowering him with his sheer strength, causing Geld to step back, and raise his sword off Luke's sword

'You can't say he's 'just' superior in physical strength!!' thought Rimuru

"You're Rimuru, right?" asked Luke without looking back, as he blocked another vertical slash from Geld

"Yes. What of it?" Rimuru answered

"The Dryad told me we should be able to defeat him together. She also told me you have a similar skill to his "Starved" skill, right?"


"When I'll tell you, try to eat him" Luke said, and formed his fire wings, jumped, and levitated above Geld.

Then, he launched numerous weapons out of GOB, perforating Geld all over his body

'No way!? Is that Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon from the Fate series!!?? How is it possible!?

Is it this world's version of it?

It looks exactly the same!' Rimuru thought in shock


All of the weapons being launched are indeed low-class noble phantasms'

'So it really is Gate of Babylon? How does he have it?'

"Try now while his regenerating!!" Luke said as he saw Geld's regeneration skill starting to work

~~~ With Luke ~~~

Luke watched as Rimuru started "eating" Geld with calm

'What's the situation?' asked Luke his group telepathically

'Yes. We successfully defeated 25,000 orcs by now' answered Lucas

'Is it over?' asked Emilia

'It's ending as we're speaking. Rimuru Tempest is finishing the job'

'If you said that he finishes the job, it means that you defeated the Orc Lord by yourself!

You're amazing, Luke-Sama!!' said Lucy

'It's not true. I only managed to immobilize him, since he has a regeneration skill. This is why Rimuru Tempest is finishing him off, since he can counter that skill' Luke said telepathically

'I could use a high-class noble phantasm to just blow him up, but I think it's not smart to do it when the demon lords are watching...' Luke thought, as he watched Rimuru return to his human form, as he finished "eating" Geld.

He watched as all of the remaining orcs return to their normal consciousness

'Well, I guess it's time to establish the Jura Tempest Federation' Luke thought, smirking lightly


I always wondered why they let the orc lord eat Gelmud, when they knew he gets stronger from eating bodies.

Well, in this story, Luke was smart enough to not let him just eat Gelmud and evolve into a Demon Lord, hence making the fight a lot easier