Gods and Demons 1

I clasp my hands together.

Now, since I've created the devils in the Abyss, let's move onto the Realm of Gods and Demons.

But before that, yes I know.

Back when I was a human, there was only one Devil, and that was Lucifer.

But since I'm in charge now, there'll be as many devils as I want.

Enough about devils.

Alright, since the Realm of Gods and Demons is so big, it'll take some time for them to even meet each other.

And yes, I'm talking about Gods and Demons.

Not anything else.

Not sure what YOU'RE thinking about.

But, I'm not sure why I'm saying this either.

Oh well.


The oh so mighty beings.

The saviors of humans.

The good that fights against evil...not really.

At least not in my opinion, but hey, think what you want.

Since I'm going to create Gods, I might as well do it as I did with the first Devil...or in other words Devil Emperor Diablo.

Yes, I know that he's become a Devil Emperor.

I'm the Universe, so I'm omnipotent...in some areas at least.

Well, gods are associated with being divine, omnipotent, righteous and they serve justice.

So why not make them that way?

At least they'd be better at their job than in the novels and such.

Of course, I wouldn't make them omnipotent regarding the universe and the Demons.

They'll know about their own galaxy, and nothing else.

But, they're free to come up with theories of their own.

I'll let their imagination run free.

There's something else.

It wouldn't be exciting if there wasn't anything happening at all, right?

So we'll have to insert an instinct.

A deep hatred for demons.

This will result in fights breaking out almost as soon as the two parties see each other.

Of course, there'll be 'bugs' as well, resulting in that instinct to not exist.

Perhaps at one point, a mix between a God and Demon will appear, and save their Universe?

That would be some unpredictability of evolution right there.

Alright! ALRIGHT! I know you want me to create the first God, instead of me talking.

I get it, I get it.

I mean, I really do.

But why should I comply?

I'm just joking.

Perhaps I should slow down time for me, or else some sides will get unfair advantages, which have already happened to the devils.

Thank god I put an upper limit on them though, or else they'll probably already be strong enough to easily conquer a galaxy by now.

「Change the time scale from 1 : 1 000, to 1 ; 1.」

「Ding! Autumn Hall, has slowed down time, to 1 minute equals 1 year.」

I don't feel any different than before. But now I at least know that the time has slowed down, and it would be fairer, while also being unpredictable at the same time.

However, It doesn't seem like I'll be able to slow time down any more than that at the moment.

Alright, now to create the first God.

「Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a male God Vessel.」

Soon enough, a body appeared in front of me.

Even just standing near it, made me feel a sense of purity and wisdom.

The shape...well, it was like any human being, just a little bigger.

The God Vessel would probably be around 3-3.5 meters tall.

It had bulging muscles, long silk-like hair, and profound eyes.

And yes, you did hear me right.

I did say a MALE God Vessel.

Can you guess why?

Well, you probably can't.

Either way, I'm going to make a FEMALE God Vessel as well.

I can't be a sexist now, can I?

Even though I'm a girl myself...can a girl even be a 'sexist'?

Oh well, it doesn't matter. That's not important.

「Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a female God Vessel.」

Just like the male God Vessel, it appeared in front of me in no time at all.

However, unlike the male God Vessel, it's body shape was different...duh.

It was the same in height as the male version.

Unlike the male God Vessel, the female God vessel didn't have bulging muscles but had distinct features and muscles.

And of course, a plump butt and a fruitful chest were included.

You gotta appeal to the other gender right?

Alright, sorry.

Let's move on.

「Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a male- and female God Soul.」

「Use Minor Skill: Possess, to allow male God Soul, to possess male God Vessel.」

「Use Minor Skill: Possess, to allow female God Soul, to possess female God Vessel.」

Just like the devil soul, both the God Souls went into the bodies smoothly.

However, instead of just throwing them into the Realm of Gods and Demons, we'll have to make some clones of them as well.

But, let's name them first.

They can be a God King and a God Queen.

First off, the male. Let's call him... God King Rymes.

Now to the woman. Let's call her...God Queen Kola.

Alright, before we begin cloning Rymes and Kola, let's move onto the first Demons!