Gods and Demons 2

Demons are like Devils.

They bring evil.

They bring murder.

They bring fear.

They're basically the incarnation of everything bad.

Devils, Demons, whatever, they're both evil deep down to the bone.

The Devils I created, has the advantage of devouring to grow in power.

But what could demons get?

Gods are born extremely strong, but what are Demons born with?

A shit ton of energy?

Well, it could work.

It's not like they have to get a buff, but it wouldn't really be fair without it, right?

But there's nothing fair in this world either.

There's also another possibility.

I can just make then be born with the same strength as Gods.

An easy solution. But it's boring and plain indeed.

But I can't really imagine what else I could give them.

Hmmm...it really is hard to be the Universe.

I'll just go with them having a massive amount of energy inside their bodies.

That should be able to counter the Gods' insane strength.

「Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a male Demon Vessel.��

「Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a female Demon Vessel.」

Just like the two gods, two humanoid figures appeared in front of me.

However, they both had a crown of horns on top of their heads, while they were equipped with dragon-like wings on the back.

Of course, they also had the characteristic horns every demon have. And that is the two giant twisting horns protruding from their foreheads.

Unlike the Gods, these two didn't have muscular bodies at all.

The male Demon, was fat beyond what should physically be possible, while the female Demon, was slim and with perfect curves.

Quite the stark contrast.

And quite the odd couple at that, since they were going to be Demon King and Demon Queen.

Of course, the biggest difference was the amount of energy contained within their bodies, compared to the two Gods.

To be honest, it was like comparing an ant to a mountain.

That's how much, condensed energy was stored inside the Demons' bodies.

These bodies were only Vessels as of now, so there was no soul inside them though.

You could say they were just mere puppets.

The Demon bodies were physically a lot weaker compared to the bodies of the Gods, but their massive amount of energy made up for that.

It is still possible for mishaps, unpredictable evolution, and unforeseen circumstances to appear at any given moment, so a Demon might appear with an insane physique, while a God may appear with an insane amount of energy.

Nothing will ever go as you expect it to go, so I might as well have some fun giving these entities names.

「Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a male- and a female Demon Soul.」

「Use Minor Skill: Possess, to allow male Demon Soul, to possess the male Demon Vessel.」

「Use Minor Skill: Possess, to allow female Demon Soul, to possess the female Demon Vessel.」

Just like every other soul it wen-...alright we know what's going on.

I've already done this a couple of times, so no need to describe it in detail once again.

Now that these two Demons have a soul, it's time to give them a name.

Hmmm. Let's call the fatty Baal. Demon King Baal, for courtesy's sake.

Now, onto the female.

What could be a good name for her?

Let's...name her Gremory. Demon Queen Gremory.

That wasn't too hard at all!

Now it's just time to place them in their regions, and clone them!

I make a crack in space, that leads towards the territory of the Gods.

This place is full of plant life and vigor, with fresh air, beaches, and oceans.

I take the two Gods with me and walk through the crack, and arrive on the biggest planet existing in the Gods' territory.

「Use Minor Skill: Clone to make 100 clones of God King Rymes and God Queen Kola each. Each clone with 1/10 of their original power.」

Out of thin air, 200 other gods appeared, resulting in an overwhelming presence.

Of course, the problem was, all the 200 Gods look exactly like the God King and God Queen.

「Use Minor Skill: Modify, to alter the appearance of each clone of the God King and God Queen.」

Instantly, the identical facial features on each clone began to change.

Some got sharper features, while others got more distinct features.

Of course, all of them did still have some sort of resemblance towards God King Rymes and God Queen Kola.

However, now they were at least not identical.

I'm not going to give them clothes, housing, and living necessities.

They can figure that out themselves through time.

And it's not like they'll die from old age. They're immortal regarding age at least.

Now it's time to insert that impulse.

That instinct.

That deep hatred for demons.

「Use Minor Skill: Modify, to modify the Gods' instinct, instilling them with a deep hatred for the Demons.」

Now since I'm done, I walk into the crack in space I made before, and arrive in front of the two Demons.

However, this time I don't close the crack behind me, and the Gods are still not moving.

I open another crack and walk through with the two Demons.

This time I come to their territory's biggest planet.

The place that the Demons will govern in the future.

A place you could call a living hell.

The air was extremely hot, while the lands were barren without a single sign of plant life.

Lava and hot steam spewed out of the ground, while there were cracks everywhere.

Mountains...no, volcanos could be seen almost everywhere.

Now, it's time to do the same thing with these two Demons.




A couple of minutes go by, and I'm done cloning Baal and Gremory.

So I decide to walk out of this hellhole through the crack in space.

As I stand in front of the two cracks in space, I can see both Gods and Demons standing immobile in their respective regions.

I snap with my fingers and quickly close the crack in space since I wouldn't want them to see me...yet.

However, I didn't react fast enough...