Realm of Reincarnation (2)

First of all, I need a place that should be around 1/50 the size of the universe.

Why you may ask?

I don't know why it has to be precisely 1/50 the size of the universe, it just felt like the right number.

And, it wouldn't make sense to have a Realm of Reincarnation at half the size of my main body either.

That size would just be way too big, as the souls reincarnate into the different galaxies pretty quickly anyway.

Of course, there will be souls that wouldn't want to reincarnate.

You could call them a sort of oddities.

A pain in the ass to be honest because if every soul wanted to reincarnate, the size of the Realm of Reincarnation wouldn't need to be that big, and take up that much space.

And yes, I know I could technically force them to reincarnate, but it's the afterlife.

They've worked hard, they've perhaps been to war, and I've already enjoyed watching them do so.

So it's not like it'll hurt if they choose to not reincarnate.

And I'm not completely some ways at least. *cough*

It's actually kind of weird that I've become like this.

If it was modern-day earth, I would probably be called a psychopath or something.

Not like I blame them.

I've created species only for the purpose of war, death, and my entertainment.

I'm technically playing with lives.

But I don't really feel much doing it.

Is this what the older universe meant by a lack of emotions?

Either way, back to the issue at hand.

I've got to create a realm completely disconnected to the world of matter.

Only the souls of the dead will be able to arrive in this place.

And yes, 'bugs' will appear, but it's not like I can prevent every bug.

'Bugs' will appear when you least expect it.

It's annoying, but it's not like you can fix them at a moment's notice.

And even if you fix the first one, a new one will appear.

It's an endless cycle. Just like reincarnation.

Okay, I'm getting sidetracked once again, I apologize for that.

I know you want me to create the Realm of Reincarnation.

So let us begin.

「Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a separate space at the size of 1/50 of the universe.」

Almost instantly it felt as if a part of me had been used up.

It was as if something was there, yet it wasn't.

Since I've already created the space that will house all the souls, I might as well check it out.

I flung my wrist and crack appeared in space.

Since I've already done this kind of thing multiple times, I'm becoming more efficient, and it's become a lot easier.

Either way, let's check it out.

I'm guessing there's nothing in this separate space at the moments.

Yep...there's nothing.

It's just like the abyss.

As I walk through the crack in space, I look around me.

Well, it does make sense that there's nothing here yet.

But at the same time, it doesn't.

If a house is placed on the ground, and you create a separate space where the house was, wouldn't the house be inside that separate space?

So shouldn't this place be full of all kinds of planets and the like, since this was created within the boundaries of the universe?

Why's there nothing here..?

It may also be because I don't actually know what it means to create a separate space.

There's always that possibility as well.

Or I've unconsciously interfered with the creation of this place.

Oh well, It's time to move onto creating a place for the souls, implement a reincarnation system, and create an entity and it's followers, that govern over reincarnation.

Perhaps some rules should be made as well.

Either way, we'll find out when the time comes, about what I need to make and what I don't.

And even if it fails, I'll be able to start over again...right?