Realm of Reincarnation (3)

Sometimes it would be nice with a break.

After all, I've technically worked for hundreds of thousands of years already.

Not that it feels like it, but I can't help but think how old I actually am.

I feel like some extremely old grandma already.

But even then, it's actually not even old compared to how old I can get.

So it's not like I'll complain or anything, but immortality can be a bit boring sometimes.

But that's obviously why I keep creating stuff.

It's to keep me entertained.

Perhaps, when I'm done with the Realm of Reincarnation, I can take a couple of thousands of years off of work.

Or perhaps I should wait a bit, and create some entities that can govern over certain areas.

Perhaps I could even create a library known as the Library of Knowledge?

I could implement a system that automatically records everything happening in the universe, while also automatically collecting knowledge of everything.

It sounds over the top, but if I really am bored, it could be pretty interesting to see which entities will find the library first.

And what kind of knowledge they'd want to access.

Alright, we're getting incredibly sidetracked here, so let's go back to what we should be doing.

Since the Realm of Reincarnation is where souls reincarnate, I won't need to create too many 'soul-residential areas'.

Yup, that's the name I came up with. Soul-residential Areas.

Not creative, but a good old plain and boring name.

What else would I want to name it?

There's not really any need for me to name it anyway.

Someone else will probably do that for me.

Perhaps the Realm of Reincarnation will be like a real world, except only inhabited by souls?

A world full of souls, perhaps even kingdoms and cities will form from the odd souls that wouldn't want to reincarnate?

This would be one of the things that would remain undiscovered until that happened.

But already this makes me pretty excited to think about.

Perhaps these odd souls that will inhabit the Realm of Reincarnation, will actually be able to grow stronger in some ways, and at one point also be able to participate in wars and the like..?

My heart began beating faster even at the thought of it.

This could be something extremely interesting.

Something worth my attention at almost all times.

If it were to really happen, I would be incredibly intrigued.

「Use Major Skill: Creation to create a world fit for souls only.」

Surprisingly unlike the real world with colors, this world was lacking them.

And it was entirely different from the other galaxies if you could even use the term galaxy for this place.

You probably couldn't, since instead of planets and a ton of stars, there was one big piece of land, almost like a continent.

There was no sun or moon, but oddly enough there was still light, as the whole 'continent' was lit up.

Where the light came from, I couldn't see.

It felt magical.

As I touched the surface of the 'continent', my feet went straight through it.

Yet I felt as if my soul was standing on it.

It was an extremely unique feeling.

I'm really grateful for this system that the old Universe provided me.

It most likely knows what I mean even without me going into detail.

That's probably why everything has been so smooth-sailing.

It's kind of nostalgic.

It reminds me of my time on earth.

I never actually ran into trouble.

Alright, enough about the past, as it's the present that matters.

It's time to move onto creating some rules, and the entities that govern over reincarnation.

After that, I'll be able to connect this place to the rest of the universe.

And boom, we've got a fully functioning Realm of Reincarnation.