『Chapter 4』Caт caғe

Third Person POV:

May 23, 20XX

•Once Lilong finished her shower,

she went back to her room and sat on her desk. She unlocked her phone that was charging on her desk and opened the group chat that now had 203 unread messages.


Emzo: Kay, so now its 1:36, what are you all doing?

Lume: mnd ur own business

Ezmo: Omg, out of all the people, you have to answer.

Crysti: Im now getting ready to go to my favorite cat cafe :D

what abt u, Ezmo?

Lume: Cat cafe??? whAT

Ezmo: Really?? Why didn't you invite mee? ):

Crysti: u can come if you want.

Lume: what about me?

Crysti: no

      *Lume sent a photo, tap to view!*

Lume: ur a hoe

Crysti: omfg

Elly: Hiii

Crysti ur going to a cat cafe??? :O

Elios: u lucky mf-

Ezmo: lmao

why is Lume so pissed wooosh

Lume: stfu

Crysti: u mad?

Elly: 💀

Ezmo: well anyways, I just wanted to know if anyone wanted to hang out ):

Elly: I would but im currently in house arrest because of Elios >:(

Elios: You're welcome

Lume: shut ur stupid ass-

     *Lume sent a photo, tap to view!*

*Lume has been removed from the chat*

Ezmo: lmao

thanks whoever did that

Elios: ur welcome.

Ezmo: Elly and Elios, what are you two doing right now?

Elly: im looking at cat pictures an stuff..

Elios is just watching TV.

Ezmo: really? what is he watching?

and why are you looking at cat pictures? that is so random lol

Crysti: can someone please add Lume again? shes spamming me nonstop until we add her back ;-;

Ezmo: Ask Elios, he's the admin in this chat

Crysti: where is he?

Elly, where is your brother??

Elly: he said he'll add her again later.

~    ~     ~      ~      ~     ~      ~      ~      ~      ~

    •Lilong kept reading all the messages that were pretty boring. 'Should I call Crysti...? I kind of want to go to this cat cafe. Maybe I can go if she still hasn't come over there..' Lilong was thinking. Making up her mind, she searched up for Crysti's contact and tapped 'call'. A few moments later Crysti answered her call.

"Yes? Lilong? Do you need something?" Crysti's voice could be heard over the line. "Hi, Yes. I was wondering if I could go with you to the cat cafe.. if you haven't left yet." Lilong asked, not sure if Crysti would accept. "Uhm, Sure. Im currently on my way, So maybe we could meet up at the cafe?" Crysti answered, her voice getting cut off sometimes. "Perfect, send me the location. Thanks." Lilong said before ending the call to go get ready. 'Maybe I should try inviting Elly?' Lilong said to herself. After that, she opened a chat with Elly to ask her.


Hey Elly~

•After 3 minutes, Elly finally answered.




Do u wanna come with me to the cat cafe?

Crysti is also gonna be there.

Maybe you could invite Ezmo (;


Haha, I would love to

but as said, I'm on house arrest.

Thx for the offer though.


Oh c'mon

cant you ask him if you can come with me

to the cat cafe? he could come too.


Fine, I'll ask but I

doubt he's gonna say yes.


Yaay, thank u Elly

cya later, maybe.

~       ~       ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~

   •While she waited for her best friend to give her an answer if she was coming or not, she got her purse and other belongings she might need. Lilong felt a small vibration on her phone, thinking it was Elly she got really excited but ended up frowning reading the contact name 'Crystiii' with a message that had the location of the cafe. She opened the message and observed where was the location and noticed it wasn't as far as she thought it'd be. Lilong nodded to herself memorizing the way to the cafe, she walked to a table near the entrance to her apartment where her keys were placed. She grabbed the keys, turned around to open the door then closing it just to lock it. After making sure she had locked her door, Lilong made her way to the elevator that leads down to the lobby.

•Lilong entered the elevator and tapped the number that said F1. The elevator reacted to the pressing, its cue to go down from floor 4 to the first floor. Once the elevator reached its destination, the doors opened allowing Lilong to step out and make her way out of the building's entrance. She exited the building and took a turn to the left. Making her way over she saw stores she hasn't seen before, restaurants or small shops. After finally passing these buildings Lilong found the location of the cat cafe just to be in front of her. Lilong walked in front of the building and stepped in, she looked around to see if she saw the familiar silver haired female. To her luck, it was easy to spot her. Crysti was sitting alone somewhere at the end, where not that many people sat. Lilong walked over to the female and greeted her. "Hey Crysti." Lilong said while giving her a smile. "Ohh, Hi Lilong." Crysti said after she acknowledged the presence of the girl who was now sitting in front of her.

•"Did you already order something?" Lilong asked, hoping she didn't. "No, actually. I was waiting for you." Crysti replied before flashing a grin. "Ohh, I see. Thank you for waiting. I hope I didn't make you wait too long." Lilong said then letting out a small chuckle.

"No, Its okay. I just got here like 2 minutes ago." Crysti said then turned to look around for a certain cat she had took a liking and to. Lilong hummed at her response. "Are you looking for something?" Lilong asked as she looked at Crysti looking around the room for something. "Actually.. Yeah. A cat" Crysti said without turning around to look at Lilong. "Do you like cats, Crysti?" Lilong asked the female who still looked impatient on finding this cat.

"Yes, I love them. Don't you?" Crysti said this time turning around to look at Lilong. "I find them cute, but I'm slightly allergic to them.." Lilong said as she scratched the back of her back. She felt Crysti staring at her as if she was the most dumbest person ever. "Are you stupid? What are you doing here then?" Crysti tried saying without raising her voice too much, but it was obvious she was angry. "Yeah, I am. Sorry.. I was just really bored, so I came to hang out with you-" Lilong said before getting cut off by a sneeze and a waiter getting near the table the two were sitting at.

Chapter 4 End.