
But now she would have to share them with him. 

Wonder what it feels like to wear panties, he asked himself. The thought of his big dick sticking out through the same hole that his father's cock must have gone through to fuck his mother sent a stinging lance of jealousy swirling through his brain. But knowing that his mother had worn them, too, somehow made it all seem so erotic. 

Leaning down, he quickly pulled the sheer, silk panties up his hairy legs. As he did, his big, half-hard peter flopped out through opening. The silk panties felt cool on his skin. Silky and slippery, they cupped his ass and caressed it with their clinging tightness. 

"Cool," he giggled out, stepping over in front of the mirror and turning every which way to check out how he looked in the panties. Stepping back over to the chest of drawers, he poked through her brassieres and even found a peek-a-boo one with big, lace-rimmed holes in the center of the cup. Holding it up between his hands, he tried to picture what his mother would look like wearing it. Smiling, he shook his head and dropped it back into the drawer. Poking around a little more, he found a pair of sheer, black, lace-topped nylons. 

He had always wondered why women went to the trouble of wearing nylons? And had wondered if they got some kind of sexual charge from doing so? Why not find out, he asked himself, holding them up beside his hairy legs. A couple of minutes later he stood admiring his handiwork in front of the mirror. Running his fingers over the slippery, black nylons, he didn't care much for the appearance, but he liked the feel of the smooth material tightly stretched around his legs. 

Wondering what his mother would say if she caught him dressed like he was, he decided to find out and left them on. Another surprise for her, he giddily thought. 

Lounging around in the panties and hose, he poked around in her drawers some more but found no new discoveries of note. Finally tiring of his exploration, he made his way downstairs, he made himself a sandwich and had a couple of drinks while he impatiently waited for his mother to return.

Sitting on the couch, fidgety watching television, knowing that his mother would return soon, it didn't take much alcohol to give him a happy, little glow. 

Finally, he heard the car door slam out front.

She was back! She hadn't run away. She had come back to him. He couldn't wait to see her. But wait. What if it wasn't her, he suddenly thought? What if something had gone wrong and it was his dad returning, he frantically thought? He couldn't get caught by his father. That would ruin everything. Fearfully, he excitedly hurried over to the door to see who it was. Sticking his eye up to the peephole, a wash of relief and happiness poured over him as he saw his mother strutting up the sidewalk. Standing behind the door, he opened it for her just as she stepped up to it. Then as she stepped inside carrying a couple of sacks of groceries, he moved out from behind the door. 

"Ta-da," he grinned, closing the door behind her. 

"What's th..." she mumbled, her eyes dropping down to his cock as it jutted out through the ruffled opening of her panties.

"What do you think?" he asked her, slowly turning around in a circle for her. 

"Well, it's certainly different," she said, putting the sacks down on the table. "But it does a good job of showing off your cute, little ass."

"Do you like it," he grinned. "You really think I have a cute, little ass?"

"Yeah, but I don't know about your outfit," she said, stepping across the room toward the bar. "It'll take a little getting used to..." 

Stopping at the bar, she splashed four fingers of booze into a glass and quickly downed it, then refilled her glass. 

"I need this or I'll never be able to go through with this," she murmured, taking his hand and leading him up the stairs. 

In the bedroom, she turned and gave him a long, amused look. 

"Well, let's go all the way," she said, strutting over to her chest of drawers and pulling open the second drawer. Reaching inside, she pulled out a wispy, little garter belt and quickly stepped back over to where he stood watching her. Stretching it out, she wrapped it around his belly and fastened its little clasp. Looking down, Caleb watched her slowly stretch the lace-edged garters down to the top of the hose and fasten them one by one. Then, as she finished, she lovingly ran her fingers along the shaft of his penis that was now almost fully hardened as it stuck out through the opening in her panties.

"He looks kind of cute sticking out like that," she murmured.

Then, she eased her hand into the opening, gently cupping his big, dangling balls and gave them a firm squeeze.

"Are these full again...oh, I can't believe that I'm doing this," she mumbled, dropping his balls and pulling her hand back out through the opening. "Can't believe we're doing this. This is so wrong."

Then Caleb saw her eyes sweep over the dildoes on top of the nightstand. 

"I see you found our toy drawer," she murmured, stepping over to the nightstand. "What are these two doing out?"

"Uh, I, I thought that, uh..." he bashfully mumbled.

"What? Thought that we might use them this afternoon?" she smiled.

"Uh, yeah, uh, that would be cool," he told her.

"So you want to put this thing in my pussy?" she said, lifting the gigantic black dildo.

"Uh, yeah, I, but it's so big, how can you do it?" he asked her as she rubbed the tip of the giant across her lips. 

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see," she said, replacing it on the nightstand and picking up the strap-on. "And you want me to use this on you?"

"Yeah, I guess so...if you want to," he mumbled. "Do you use it on, uh, you know, uh, Dad?"

"Like father...like son," she said shaking her head, putting it down and taking another sip on her drink. "Your father likes for me to do it to him."

"He does? Dad really likes getting it in the ass?" Caleb grinned.

"Yes, he likes it in the ass...oh, how can I be telling you all this? This is terrible," she told him, setting her glass on the nightstand and slowly unbuttoning her blouse. "I can't believe that I'm going along with this sick charade. This is so wrong! You and I, doing this..."

"But I love you, Mother," Caleb groaned. 

"A son should never love his mother the way you love me. It's just so wrong," she mumbled, shrugging her shoulders and letting her blouse go slithering down her back and off onto the bed. "And no mother should ever let her son love her that way. Never let a son do anything like this."

Caleb's eyes dropped down to her breasts as they quivered and bobbled in their lacy prisons. 

"It's just wrong," she told him, leaning down and retrieving her glass. 

Tipping her head back, she took another long pull on her drink and set the glass back down.

"Thank God for booze," she mumbled, her fingers dropping down to the side of her short skirt and quickly unbuttoning it. Running the zipper down over the swell of her hip, she let go of it and the black skirt skittered down her long legs to a puddle around her ankles. Stepping out of her skirt, she ran her thumbs down under the waistband of her sheer, red panties and pushed them down her legs. As she did, Caleb's eyes dropped down from her jiggling tits to the bush of gold curls that covered her softly rounded underbelly. Just seeing his mother like this gave him a hot, tingly feeling inside and made his cock twitch with excitement as it stuck out through the opening of the panties.

"How does it make you feel to see me naked?" she asked him, leaning down and sweeping up her skirt and panties.

"Good. It makes me feel good," he inanely muttered. "It makes me feel all hot and tingly inside..."

Frowning, she tossed her skirt and panties on the bed. Then, without saying another word, she turned and strode over to her chest of drawers. Caleb's eyes followed her twitching ass as she stopped in front of the chest of drawers and pulled open a drawer. Digging down inside it, she pulled out another pair of red, silk panties, a matching garter belt and a pair of sheer, red hose. 

"We'll kind of be twins," she said with a sad, little smile on her pretty, red lips as she stepped back over to the bed and sat down. 

Caleb didn't know what else to do, so he just stood watching as she leaned down and slowly pulled the sheer, red nylon up one her long, shapely leg. Leaning back down, she plucked at the clinging red nylon here and there and then reached for her other nylon. Pointing her toe, she eased it into the hose and began pulling it over her foot. Caleb watched on with feverish excitement as the red material crawled up over her ankle, her calf, her dimpled knee and finally up around her thigh. Grabbing up the frilly, red garter belt, she wrapped it around her waist and fastened it. Then she slowly, sensuously pulled the long, red garters down to the top of her hose one at a time. After the front and side garter were fastened, she stood up and turned to face away from him. 

"Want to help me do these?" she asked reaching around behind her beautiful ass and fingering the last two garters. 

"Yeah, sure," he bubbled, stumbling over to her like a child heading for the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. 

Taking one of the stretchy garters in his trembling fingers, he stretched it down over the cheek of her ass. As he did, the elastic garter indented the soft, pliant skin of her ass while he fumbled with the little clasp. 

"God, Mom, you have the cutest little ah, uh, butt," he choked out, reaching over and taking hold of the other garter.

"Oh, stop trying to butter me up," she fussed as Caleb pulled the garter down over the other cheek of her ass. "You don't have to shower me with compliments...I've already said that I'd do this, no matter how sick and twisted it is..."

"I'm sorry, uh, I didn't mean to, I just wanted to tell you," Caleb mumbled, fastening the catch to the top of her hose. "I just wanted to tell you what a pretty ass you have!"

"Oh, okay," she fussed, picking up her glass and taking another swig on her drink. "I'm just on edge, that's all. After all, this is the first time I've actually came out and openly agreed to this in the light of the day."

"Uh, I know. I think I understand," Caleb told her, still staring down at her beautiful ass and thighs where the garters pulled up on the hose, scalloping its top edge.

"I hope that you do," she told him, leaning down one last time and pulling her sheer, red panties up her curvaceous legs, securing them around her rounded hips. As she did, Caleb saw that just like the pair he wore, hers were crotchless, too, letting the fat, droopy lips of her pussy hang out down through the lacy opening. After taking another long swig on her drink, she tottered over to her closet and stepped inside. And when she came clopping back out, she was perched atop a pair of red, patent leather, stiletto heels that had to be at least five inches tall. 

Then she pinged back to the nightstand and quickly finished off her drink. 

"So," she said, turning to face him, with the empty drink glass in her hand. "Is this the way you like your whore mother to dress?" 

"God, yes," he groaned out, "but you're no whore!"

"I feel like one," she muttered. "I'll be back in a minute. I need some more liquid courage."

Watching her walk, Caleb saw that she was slightly tottering atop the five-inch stilts as she tried not to show just how much the alcohol was affecting her. Walking over to the bed, Caleb crawled up onto it and sat slowly stroking his big, hard cock as he waited for her to return. 

Then, she came walking back into the room, jiggling and wiggling all over as she carried a drink in each hand. The wobble in her step was more pronounced as she made her way over to the bed and thrust one of the glasses out at him.

"This way we can blame it on the alcohol," she said, her speech slurring ever so slightly. 

"Mother, we don't..." he started, watching her set her glass on the nightstand and crawl up on the bed.

"Oh, shush," she said, leaning her head and shoulders back against the gaggle of pillows that rested against the headboard. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

"Yes, but..." he whined.

"But what? You can't have it both ways. You know this is wrong...I know that this is wrong!" she said, taking another sip off her drink. "If this is what it takes for me to do this, so be it. At least for now. Who knows what the future holds? So stop being a whiney baby..."

It was not what Caleb wanted. He wanted his mother's undying servitude. He wanted her and he wanted her to want him, without any reservations. But if he couldn't have her that way, he would take her anyway he could have her.

Then she leaned over, set her drink down and picked up the big, black dildo. 

"Besides, I thought you wanted to fuck me with this thing," she said, sensuously running its big, black tip over her pouty red lips. 

Caleb felt his cock twitch with excitement as the thought of fucking her with the monster tickled through its way his excited brain. As he watched her, she picked up the bottle of lube, flicked open the nozzle and squeezed out a big dollop of the goo on the rounded tip of the dildo.

"Strawberry flavored..." she murmured. 

Then, handing him the dildo, she spread her legs apart so wide, they were sticking out almost perpendicular to her body as she reached down to the oozing, pink gash between them. Caleb watched as she slowly fingered open the fat, gorged lips of her pussy with the tip of a finger. The lips wetly clung together for a few moments before they spread open to reveal the mysterious secrecy that they had concealed. 

"Well..." she softly murmured, running her hands down over her inner thighs. 

Scooting up between her widely spread legs, Caleb held the dildo in both hands and slowly lowered it down to the weeping opening of her vagina. With her fingertips, she spread the lips of her pussy away from the fleshy, pink wound while Caleb fitted the rounded tip of the black giant down between the lips. Looking up at her face, he saw she was watching him as he gently pushed and began to ease the dildo into her. The stark contrast between the glistening black cock and the ruddy pink of her pussy lips made it all seem that much more perverse and twisted. It was like watching her beautiful, pink pussy being ravaged by a black man's huge cock. Caleb was surprised by how easily it slid into her with hardly any resistance at all. Deeper and deeper, it slid down into the tight muck of her pussy, until at about seven or eight inches, he felt it nudge up against something inside her pussy. Looking up at her with a puzzled look on his face, he wondered what had happened. Had it hit the back of her pussy? 

"It's my cervix," she murmured.

"Does it hurt?" he asked her, seeing the frown on her pretty face.

"A little, but keep pushing. Just go very slow..."

Clutching the black giant in his fist, he added more pressure and felt it ever so slowly begin to sink deeper into her pussy. Moving his eyes away from her pussy, he saw that her forehead was wrinkled in a frown.

"Want me to stop?" he asked, pausing.

"No," she grimaced. "How, how much is left?"

"Just a couple more inches," Caleb mumbled, not believing that she had taken as much as she had. 

"Go slow and be gentle..." she whispered. 

Trying to be as gentle as he possibly could, he ever so slowly eased the dildo deeper into the tight clutch of her pussy and cervix.

"How much more? How much now?" she panted when there was only about an inch of the thick, black shaft protruding out between her clinging pussy lips. 

"About an inch," he told her. "Just an inch..."

"Push it in—push it all in—" she told him, thrusting herself back at the dildo. "Slow—easy!"

Having nothing left to hold on to, Caleb placed the tips of two fingers on the flattened base of the fake, black cock and continued to push. Watching it ease into her pussy, he saw her puffy pussy-lips slowly close down over the base of the fat dildo. 

"It's all in," he whispered, staring down at her pussy. There was no evidence whatsoever that her pussy had consumed a full twelve inches of big, black cock as her thick pussy-lips wetly clung together concealing it from Caleb's leering eyes. 

Then he watched the muscles in her belly tighten and the flat base of the dildo slowly oozed back out from between her pussy lips. The smooth, black surface of the fake cock was glistening wetly as it slowly slithered back out of her pussy. It was almost like she was giving birth to some evil, black cock as more and more of it came into view. It was one of the most erotic, sensual things he'd ever seen as more and more of the black cock extruded out of her clinging pussy. 

Finally, with a soft, wet slurp, the monster squirted out of her cunt and flopped down onto the bed between her legs. 

"I still can't believe it," he mumbled, reaching down and picking up the juice-covered dildo and bringing it up to his nose. "God, you smell so fucking hot!"

Smiling at him, she reached over and picked up her glass. Quickly taking another gulp on her drink, she set the glass back down and picked up the strap-on dildo. 

"It's your turn now," she laughed with a crooked, slightly tipsy grin on her face. 

"Uh, okay," Caleb said with a nervous grin, wondering if he'd made the right choice. 

Emily slapped her legs together, turned on her butt and scooted across the bed. Rolling off the edge of the bed, she wobbly stood beside it and reached down to the bottle of lube once again. Holding the strap-on with the big, pink dildo pointing up into the air, she flipped the nozzle on the lube out and squeezed out a big, gooey gush of the clear liquid on the tip of the dildo. Then as the goo started to run down the shaft of the dildo, she put the lube down and slowly ran her fisted hand up and down the fake cock, smearing the lubricant all over it. 

Caleb watched on apprehensively as she leaned down and quickly strapped the strap-on around her waist and pulled the others leather strips up through her legs. Then she stood looking down at him with another tipsy grin as she slowly ran her hand up and down the jutting menace. 

"Are you ready for some of this?" she asked him.

"Uh, I guess so," he muttered staring at the fake cock. It wasn't quite as large as his own penis, but he'd never been fucked in the ass and didn't know what to expect.

"Get on your hands and knees," she told him, reaching for the bottle of lube again. 

Caleb slowly rolled over onto his stomach and pushed up onto his hands and knees. He felt so exposed and vulnerable, standing on his hands and knees with his ass sticking up in the air and his mother standing behind him.

"You've never done anything like this?" she asked him as he felt the bed shudder when his mother crawled up behind him and up between his legs.

"No, uh, is there anything I'm supposed to do?"

"No," she softly laughed, seeming amused by his predicament as he anxiously waited. Then he felt his mother's fingers slide down under the waistband of his panties. Quickly peeling the panties down off his ass, she left him totally exposed and vulnerable. Then, he felt the rounded tip of the dildo brush up against his balls at the same instant he felt her spread the cheeks of his ass apart. Waiting nervously, he felt the tip of the lube bottle touch down in the top of the crack of his ass. Suddenly, he felt a gush of the cold goo trickle down the crack of his ass, running down and coating the pucker of his cringing asshole as it did. 

"That stuff's cold," he complained, his hips instinctively moving forward. 

"I know, but not for long," she told him, digging a finger down inside his asshole and spreading the goo around the inside of the opening of his cringing anus. 

A moment later, he felt the smooth, round tip of the dildo brush up against the fluted opening of his asshole. 

Then he felt pressure on his resisting asshole as her hands curled around his waist and began to pull him back on the dildo. His asshole began to ache as the fake cock spread it open wider and wider while it slid into his ass. 

"That smarts," he fussed, but tried to push himself back on the invading intruder that was making its way up into his virgin ass. 

"It'll let up in a bit," she told him, pulling harder as the pressure inside his ass built.

"How do you know..." he muttered. 

"I know," she softly chuckled. "I know..." 

Suddenly he felt the head of the dildo rub across his prostate bringing with it an odd sensation of pleasure.

"Ummmm...that felt good," he muttered. 

"Your prostate," she told him, "wait and it will get better..."

Finally, Caleb felt the little plastic base of the strap-on nudge up against his ass as the fake balls brushed up against his own balls. Now he was totally impaled on the evil creature. Then his mother slowly backed it down his rectum. 

"Stand up on your knees," she told him, slowly easing the dildo back into his ass and tickling it across his prostate for a second time. 

She held onto him, helping him as he lifted up onto his knees in front of her. Now he stood on his knees with her pressed up against his back, her brassiere rubbing against him as she ground her big tits against him. At the same time, she was slowly working the fake cock in and out of his slowly relaxing anus. Then, he felt her arms curl around his waist. One hand wrapped itself around his big, jutting cock and the other dipped down and cupped his balls. She began to slowly twist her hot hand up and down his cock in cadence with the fucking she was giving his ass with the fake cock as her other hand plucked and clutched at his dangling balls. 

The perverse excitement of being fucked in the ass by his mother, and the odd sense of pleasure tickling up from his prostate were quickly seeding the fireball down inside his balls. He couldn't believe that he was going to come while he was getting fucked in the ass. Was he queer, he frantically wondered? No matter the consequence of the thoughts, he knew that he was going to blow...and very soon as his mother continued to pump the dildo into his ass and jerk her hand up and down his cock. It was like he was getting jacked off inside and out, he deliriously thought as the momentum of his orgasm built. 

Then he felt his mother's hot, soft lips nibble up his neck and find his ear. As he fought to hold back the explosive charge building down in his balls, she tickled her tongue around his earlobe, leaving it coated with her hot spit. 

"Come Baby...Come...Come for Mommy...Mommy wants Baby to come for her," she whispered into his ear, giving it a little nip with her sharp teeth. "Come so your whore mother can watch her baby come and come and come..." 

The perversion of her words did it and tripped Caleb's cock into action. It suddenly lurched in her hand and spurted out a thick, ropy strand of cum that shot out and splashed down on the bed sheets in a gunky puddle. Another jerk and a second rope of cum spurted out of the head of his cock and down onto the sheets. All the while his cock was kicking and spitting, Caleb was groaning and thrusting himself back against her, impaling himself on her fake dick. Over and over again, his cock kicked and spurted, covering the bed sheets with thick, gooey puddles of creamy cum until at last his cock stopped spurting and spitting. When it did, his mother tightened her grip on his cock and squeezed it, slowly running her hand down its shaft. Then, as her hand reached the flared head of his prick, one last big drop of thick, pearly cum oozed out of the big hole in the head of his dick and slowly dripped down to the bed trailing a tiny thread of cum behind it as it did. 

"You certainly made a mess," she softly laughed, letting go of his cock as it began to soften and droop. 

"I had a little help," he grunted, wincing as she slowly backed the big, fake dick out of his widely stretched asshole. 

Once the dildo popped out of his asshole, she backed away from him and dropped onto her stiletto heels beside the bed. Reaching down, she quickly unsnapped the strap-on and let it fall to the floor where it landed with a loud thunk. 

"Crawl off the bed," she told him, reaching out and tickling her fingertips over his ass. 

Caleb backed across the bed and dropped his feet to the floor. Then as he watched, his mother grabbed hold of the sheet and jerked it back over itself, covering the big puddles of cum that dotted it. Once the sheet was folded back, she crawled back on the bed and rolled over onto her back.

"Pull your panties back up and come here," she murmured, extending her arms up to him and inviting him down beside her. Reaching down, he quickly pulled the panties back up until his limp prick was once again hanging out through opening in the front of the panties. As he crawled back onto the bed, she eased the shoulder strap of her pretty, red brassiere down off her shoulder. Slipping her hand down into the red, lace cup, she lifted one of her big, beautiful tits up and out of it. Lying down beside her, he watched her lift her breast up to him, offering him one of her big, swollen nipples. Pursing his lip around the puffy pap, he began to gently suck and tickle his tongue back and forth across it as she murmured out her appreciation. 

"I used to love breast feeding you," she softly crooned. "Your little lips pulling and sucking on my nipple felt so good. And it wasn't all maternal. I don't know how to explain it, but there was something sexual about it, too. It aroused me when you suckled my breasts and if Joseph happened to be around afterwards I would let him suckle my breasts, too. Let him drink the some of the mother's milk that I had created for you. And then we usually ended up making love."

"Ummmmm..." Caleb gurgled out around her nipple feeling a strange sense of jealousy.

"Oh, why am I telling you all this? That should have been something shared between a husband and wife, not a mother and son..." she fussed. "Too much to drink again...but it was the only way I could go through with this."

Gently sucking on her breast, Caleb slowly ran his fingers down over her belly, feeling it tighten ever so slightly. Tickling his fingertips through the soft, little bush of curls that poked out through the opening of her panties, he found her clitoral ridge and followed it down to her jutting clit. Then, as he slowly flicked the slippery nub of her clit with his finger, he felt her legs begin to inch apart. 

"I'm such a terrible mother," she murmured out, the gap between her long, lovely legs growing wider and wider. 

"No..." Caleb mumbled as he felt her fingers find his slowly hardening penis. 

"Yes," she hissed, clutching, squeezing, coaxing his cock back to life "Make it hard again. I want to feel you inside me. Inside me, moving, filling me with your manliness. I want you to fuck me and fuck me and fuck me...make me come and come and come..."

The impact of her words on his psyche was immediate and evident as his penis twitched under her busy fingers. 

"Yes," she hissed again. "Yes, make it hard—make it hard for your whore mother—make it hard for her so you can fuck her with it!"

Moments later, he found himself hard and stiff. He was ready for her. Ready to satisfy her gluttonous need. Ready to fill the emptiness between her legs with his hot, throbbing cock. 

This is how it should be, he deliriously thought, lifting his mouth off her swollen, hard nipple. Mother and son sharing their love in this way. No matter how terrible it was! Why was it such a taboo? Why was it different from sharing their love with anyone else?

Crawling over her leg, he moved up. Up between her widely splayed legs with his cock jutting out under his belly hard and stiff. Her frantic fingers were immediately on it, pushing it down to the hot, oozing hole that lay between her unfurled pussy lips. 

"Put it in—put it in—hurry," she gushed, running her arms down by his sides and digging her long, sharp fingernails into his quivering ass. 

With a loud grunt, Caleb lunged forward and drove his cock down into the tight clutch of her pussy all the way up to his dangling balls. 

"Yesssss..." she hissed out, thrusting herself up at him, taking him even deeper into the hot, sucking core of her womanhood. "Like that! Fuck me hard! Fuck your whore mother hard! Hard and deep!"

"Not a whore...not a whore..." he grunted as he began to work his hips back and forth, slamming his cock into her all the way up to the hilt on every bone-jarring thrust. Their panties and garter belts rubbed against each other as their bodies worked back and forth.

"I love it—love it—love it—" she groveled out, digging her nails in deeper, hooking her ankles around behind his thighs and pulling him into her deeper on every cunt-filling lunge. "I love fucking... I love fucking you!"

Caleb's giant cock was going to the limit on every stroke. At first its swollen head just barely nudged up against her cervix, but then he felt her retreat back away from it. Arching her back, she dug her nails deeper into his bounding ass. One breast rubbed against his sweaty chest on the one side and the slippery lace brassiere rubbed against the other side. Her head was thrown back twisting from side to side with her mouth open, eyes tightly clenched shut, and her short, blond hair was rubbing up and down on the bed sheets, driven back and forth by the savagery of Caleb's fanatic attack on her hot, drooling pussy. 

It just got better and better every time, Caleb giddily thought, straining to drive his big cock even deeper into the hot, clutching muck of her hungry cunt. And she wanted him to fuck her and fuck her and fuck her! How could it get any better? He wasn't going to let her out of bed, or get out from between her legs for the rest of the day...

He could feel her ankles wrapped around his thighs, sliding on the slippery nylons, pulling him down into her on every stroke as she was making soft, little grunting sounds. He could feel her hot breath on his face as her breathing turned into pants. Staring down in at her beautiful, grimaced face, he could see a little drizzle of her spit leaking out of the corner of her open mouth. 

Who was this woman, he deliriously asked himself, pounding away at her hot, hungry cunt? Whoever she was, she had replaced the contrite, guilt-ridden woman he had found in the morning. This woman was a wildcat, begging to be fucked and fucked and fucked. And, he sickly thought, he was more than willing to oblige her. 

Caleb could hear his sweaty, juice-slathered groin slapping up against hers as their bodies beat against each other in a savage tattoo. Hot, sticky goo was gushing out of her cunt covering the panties and just about everything else below their waists as they fucked like the wild animals they had become. Caleb couldn't believe that fucking could reach such a savage level such as his big cock slurped in and out of the hot, sucking hole down between his mother's splayed legs. 

"Mother! God! Mother!" Caleb gasped, somehow finding the energy to kick up the pace one more notch. 

His ass was now a black blur as it jerked back and forth while his mother clutched and clawed at it with her clawed hands. 

Suddenly, his mother began to gasp and fight to catch her breath as her back arched so tightly Caleb thought it would snap. Her face was contorted into a grimace of agony as she thrust herself against him, clutching at him, trying to keep his cock imprisoned down inside her convulsing pussy. He could feel her pussy squeezing down around his cock every time another spasm of pleasure ripped through her brain. Caleb could feel the muscles in her cunt contracting, tightening around his pistoning peter, then releasing it and tightening again and again as she came and came. Fucking his mother was exciting, but making her come was such a stroke to his psyche, it made him swell up inside with perverted elation.

"Come...come...come in your whore mother...come in your whore mother's cunt and fill it with your hot seed..." she whispered as the contractions down inside her pussy finally began to weaken and die.

He could feel the fireball down inside his aching balls threatening to explode at any second as he began to pound away at her juice-slathered pussy once again. 

"Come, Baby, please come, come for Mommy, come in me Mommy's pussy..." she cried out, straining up against him, pulling him down into her deeper and deeper.

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh God," Caleb groaned out, thrusting his penis down into her gluttonous cunt as deep as it would go as it suddenly lurched and spewed out a gigantic gusher of thick, hot cum. It was ecstasy! It was rapture! It was euphoric elation, all wrapped together in one momentous celebration of manhood as it all filled Caleb's head with unbridled pleasure. His soul, his love, his all was pouring out through his cock into her, filling her with the virulent gift of life. Straining against her, thrusting himself down into her, he felt as if his whole body was melting and spurting out into her in one fiery gush after another. 

As he came, he could feel the sharp tips of her stilettos digging into his ass, forcing him ever deeper into the hot, sucking core of her womanhood. Like a black hole, her cunt was sucking him down into it and once it had consumed him, he would never be able to escape its irresistible hold on him. Now he was doomed. Doomed to a life lived in pursuit of the sweet, poisonous delicacy down between her legs. Down between his mother's legs! That forbidden secret between her legs that she had shared with him. And now that she had enticed him into that trap, he would never be able to escape. The more he had of the sweet delicacy, the more he craved it. Now that he had tasted the forbidden fruit, nothing else would ever satisfy him. He was hooked and she was reeling him like a floundering fish.

Had her guilt all been an act? Was it just an act to lure him to the bait? If it was, he had taken it hook, line and sinker and now he was her slave for life. There could never be another woman in his life... 

The End