A Story For A Friend

The seven of us checked in to the hotel around five p.m. I had been looking forward to this trip for weeks now, ever since we planned it.

My wife and my sister had put this trip together just a few weeks ago. After so many attempts of trying to get together had failed, they decided to take matters into their own hands, and plan a long weekend away together.

It was myself and my wife Mary, our daughter Sara, who had just turned six, my sister Karen, her husband Tom, and their two kids, Michael and Lynne who were both thirteen.

It had been quite some time since our families have been able to spend any time together, since we lived so far away. So we picked a destination halfway between us and decided to meet up for four days of family fun. 

I was really looking forward to seeing my sister and her family. 

As we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, we saw Tom unloading the car.

"Here long?"

"Only about five minutes. Karen's inside checking us in."

We all piled out of the car, and exchanged hello's with my brother-in-law and the twins. The kids immediately ran inside, as my wife chased behind them.

"So how have you been Tom, You look good."

"Thanks. You too."

We hauled all the luggage behind us as we walked into the hotel.

"My sister been treating you good?"

"He doesn't have any complaints." My sister said.

"Ears like a fox." Tom joked.

I hugged my sister, who looked absolutely stunning for a mother of two, and I told her so. 

"She works out like a fiend." Tom added.

"Well it shows. You haven't looked this good since you were sixteen."

"Yea yea, save the compliments for your gorgeous wife. At least with her they'll pay off."

"Don't bet on it." Mary said.

We all found our way to our rooms and settled in. The girls got two adjoining rooms, each with two double beds.

Tom and Karen found their way into our room, as the kids entertained themselves in theirs. 

"Well what's on the agenda for tonight ladies?"

"Well we thought we'd take the kids and get a bite to eat, then we can plan the rest of the trip over dinner."

Dinner was going well, until Karen got a sudden headache, and wanted to go back to the room. My wife suggested that I drive back with her, so Tom could spend time with his kids. All the kids were insisting on going to the arcade that we passed on the way to the restaurant. Mary said she and Tom would be okay with the kids, and that it would be nice for me to spend some time with my sister. I agreed, and Karen and I headed back to the hotel.

"I feel bad. You didn't have to come back with me. I would have been just fine on my own."

"It's no problem at all. We still have the whole time ahead of us."

"Well still, I didn't want to ruin your night."

"Don't worry about it sis, you're not ruining anything. It's really great to see you."

She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder for the rest of the drive back to the hotel. 

When we got to our rooms, I excused myself to use the bathroom. When I came out my sister was already changed into a long night-shirt, and lying on top of the bed.

"Well I guess I'll let you get some rest. Is there anything I can get you?"

"Don't be silly! Come here and keep me company. It's just a little headache, and it's already starting to feel better. I think it was just all the traveling today."

"Alright, but let me go change, and I'll be right back."

I changed into a pair of sweat shorts and a T shirt, got us a couple of sodas from the machine, and headed back to my sister, who was flipping through the television channels.

She patted the bed next to her. "Cmon over and have a seat."

I laid down next to her and got comfortable, as we caught ourselves up on each others lives, and made small talk about the crappy television shows.

"So is everything good with you and Mary?"

"Yea. As good as it gets I guess."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Well you know, as good as can be expected with a six year old running around."

"Ha. I know the feeling! Try having two sometime, and then come and talk to me."

"Yea well it'll get better."

"Not anytime soon. I think Tom and I have more sex alone than with each other!"

"Yea I know what you mean. My electric bill is sky high lately!"

We both laughed, and settled back on the television.

"There aren't any kids here now."


"It just amazes me how quiet it can be when they're not around."

"Oh…yea. Quiet."

"God the television sucks here. What else is on?"

My sister grabbed the remote and flipped around, stopping on the adult menu page.

"Ooh look little brother, the naughty channel. Want to check it out?"

"Not really. I mean you've seen one, you've seen 'em all right? Besides, what would Tom and Mary think when it shows up on the bill?"

"Aah well just tell them you hit it by accident."

"Why me?"

"Cause you're a man, they'll believe it more if we say you did it! So whaddaya say?"

"I don't know Karen. Watching a porno with my sister really isn't on my list of things to do."

"Oh please! your such a baby! It beats the hell out of anything else that's on, besides it'll give us an opportunity to see what we're missing."

I just laughed and shook my head.

"Good, now which one should we watch?"

She flipped through the description of each film, until she settled on the last one.

"Okay this will have to do."

She pressed the button, and within minutes, there was a big breasted blonde being pumped by a good looking man with a huge cock. I was really uncomfortable at first, sitting next to my sister, but as I began to focus on the movie, I practically forgot she was there. 

We sat in silence for a few minutes while the movie played on. It was then I realized that I was becoming a little excited, and I thought I'd better focus my attention elsewhere. After all, there would be no way I was going to be able to hide an erection in sweat shorts.

"Do you want another soda?"

"No I don't want another soda. I didn't even drink the first one, you can have mine."

"Great! Now what?" I thought.

"Maybe we should turn this off, I think they might be coming back soon."

"It's only ten to eight, they won't be back for a few hours. Besides, we both have the keys, so well know when they're here. Anyway it's just starting to get good."

"Yea but, I don't know…"

"Oh my God listen to you! You're worse than Lynne with all that whining. It's okay if your dick gets hard, that's what's supposed to happen. It's no big deal. It's not like anything I haven't seen before. Now shut up and watch!"

"My dick getting hard isn't the problem. My dick getting hard while my sister is here is!"

"Oh for God's sake. It's not like it's the first hard-on I've ever seen! What is it small or something?"

"No! I mean that's not the problem."

She laughed. "I know sweetie. Don't worry, I'm sure it's huge! I don't want to hurt your fragile ego, so if it bothers you that much, we'll just get under the covers, and then I won't see your massive erection. After all, I wouldn't want it to frighten me!"

"Your unbelievable, you know that?"

"Yes, I've been told before. Now just get under the covers with me."

I knew from years of growing up with my sister that there was no point in arguing with her, so I just slipped under the covers. She smiled at me and slipped in on the other side. She focused her attention back on the screen, but she had a crooked smile on her face, and her tongue rested in her cheek. Basically, it was her "Ha! I won again" look. I just shook my head, and thought of Tom. "Poor bastard" I thought.

Once again, I turned my attention on the movie. Two beautiful girls were locked in a sixty-nine. It's a good thing I was under the covers, because now my hard-on was raging. I couldn't help but feel a little self- conscious about my current state of arousal, being that my sister was right next to me, but I figured if it didn't bother her, then I wouldn't let it bother me.

As my cock throbbed at the sight of the two porn princesses going at each other, I couldn't help but feel a little "dirty." I can't remember the last time my wife wanted to watch a porno. Now I was sitting here with my sister. Maybe it was just me, but I was sure she had to be getting somewhat aroused, I mean, after all this was her idea. In reality, it was probably just her enjoyment of watching me squirm under the circumstances that was giving her pleasure, or so I thought.

I was lost in my thoughts, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the blankets slowly moving where my sister was.

"Is she doing what I think she's doing?" I couldn't believe it! My sister was playing with herself right there! My hard-on was straining against my shorts, and I could feel it starting to leak. My throat was dry, and my whole body was hot. I couldn't believe that I was so aroused. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine my sister in this way, but now that it was right here, It was driving me insane.

I didn't want to draw my attention to her, partly because I wanted to see how far she would take it, and partly because there was a side of me that thought she was just jerking me around.

Soon, it was no longer easy to ignore her. Her hands were moving steadily under the blankets, and her breathing was getting heavier. I finally decided to call her.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"I know what it looks like! Why are you doing it here?"

"Why not?"

"Because I'm right next to you!"

"So? If it bothers you, leave."

"It doesn't bother me, I just can't believe you would do it while I'm here."

"Why don't you do it with me? You must be ready to explode by now!"

"Don't you think that it's a little weird?"

"What's so weird about it? Everyone does it."

"Yea but not with their sisters!"

"It's not like we're fucking! Besides, we're under the covers. I can't see you, and you can't see me. Quit worrying about everything and just do what you want to do."

For some reason, she made a lot of sense. My dick was begging for release. I reached down and freed it from my shorts. I grabbed on to the shaft, and smeared my pre-cum around the head with my thumb, and began to pump my rock hard cock. I didn't take my eyes off my sister the whole time. By now, her hands were working feverishly under the covers, and her hips were rocking steadily. I matched her movements, praying to get a glimpse of what she was doing. Suddenly she rolled towards me, so we were just inches apart. She threw her leg over mine and pulled me towards her, causing me to roll on my side to face her. She looked straight into my eyes as she bucked her hips into her busy hand.. My hand was bumping into hers as we worked on ourselves feverishly.

"That's it, stroke that nice cock for me. Cum for your big sister. Let me feel it."

I needed no further encouragement. I thrust my hips forward, pressing myself against the back of her hand, and shot my load. It felt like I was cumming for days. Shortly after, I felt my sister grind hard into me as her own orgasm hit her. She started to shake uncontrollably, and her body stiffened. She let out a long groan, and finally collapsed.

We were silent for a few seconds while we caught or breath. I could feel my cum dripping between the two of us, soaking the sheets.

"Wow little brother, that was some load you had stored up. Don't you feel better now?"

"I do."

"See I knew you would."

"Well you ruined this for the evening" She said, pulling her nightshirt over her head and stuffing it under the bed. She snuggled in close to me. Her body felt amazing pressed against mine.

"I have a confession to make."

"Oh yea? And what would that be?"

"Do you remember that big party I had at mom & dad's?"

"Huh, which one?"

"The one just a few weeks after your eighteenth birthday."

"Yea, vaguely, but yea. I got pretty hammered that night."

"Yes, you did. My friend and I had to carry you to your bed."

"Aah that's how I got there."

"Well when everyone was gone, I started to undress you. You were dead to the world. Anyway, as I pulled your jeans off, your underwear came down with them. I didn't mean for it to happen, but that big cock of yours just flopped right out in front of me."

She looked down at my crotch, and then back at me.

"Anyway, maybe it was the booze, but I couldn't resist. I started to stroke you until you got hard. It was so beautiful. I had never sucked a cock before, and I wanted to try it. I figured you would never know, so I put you in my mouth. The feeling got me so hot, I stripped of my shorts and fingered myself the whole time. I sucked your cock, until we both came. I was a little disappointed that you never woke up."

"I can't believe your telling me this. I can't believe you did that!"

"There's more. Ever since that night, that's all I can think about when I suck cock. The thought of your dick in my mouth gets me off quicker and harder than anything else. I think about it all the time."

I didn't know what to say.

"The only problem is, you didn't know it. I want to suck your cock. I want you to feel it."

Without hesitation, she pulled the covers off of both of us, revealing her perfect body to me, and instantly dropped her head down and wrapped her lips around my shrinking cock. Her expert tongue and lips instantly brought me back to life. This was by far the best blow-job I've ever had. I watched as her head bobbed down on my cock, as if she was possessed. Her one hand stroked my shaft and balls while the other found it's way between her legs. She stroked and sucked me until I couldn't hold out any longer, and I blew my second load in her mouth. She eagerly swallowed every drop as her body began to shake again with her second orgasm. Her hand never left my cock, and when she regained herself she pulled herself back up to me and kissed me hard on the lips. As her tongue swirled around my own, I savored the salty taste on her lips.

She threw her one arm around my head pressed herself tightly into me. She gently stroked the back of my neck, while the other hand still lovingly stroked my cock. She broke our kiss, and rested her head on my shoulder. My eyes drank in the sight of her body. She was a perfect 10 from her long dark hair, to the tips of her toes. Her tits were perfect, and stood straight up with practically no sag at all. I could tell she really worked on her body.

Just as my mind started to relax, and get used to the soft touch of my sister melting into me, the phone rang. We both jumped, and my sister rolled over to answer it.

"Hello… Damn!…oh nothing, I just spilled a soda all over me…"

She looked at me and winked.

"Yea, better now…I think he's sleeping…did you have fun?"

She put her finger to her lips and smiled.

"Okay, see you then…bye."

She hung up the phone, and stood up. 

"Guess who that was! They'll be here in a half hour, we better get cleaned up."

I got up and started to pull the sheets over the bed.

"Wait a minute."

She opened the can of soda next to her that she never drank and poured it on the pool of cum seeping into the sheets. Then she pulled out her nightshirt from under the bed and did the same. She looked at me and smiled.

"You look like you've done this before" I said jokingly.

She smiled at me. "Attention to detail is what sets us women apart from the men little brother."

She set the soda back on the table, and hurried into the bathroom. I stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I mean let's face it, how would one know what the proper etiquette is in this situation? I fixed myself up a little, and yelled to her in the bathroom.

"I guess I'd better be sleeping when they get her."

"Hold on a sec, I'll be right out."

About a minute passed, when she finally came out. She was still naked, and my cock twitched as though it was the first time I'd seen a naked woman before. She Walked up to me, wrapped her arms around me, and laid her head on my chest.

"Thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

"For being my brother. What we did tonight was something I have dreamed about for a long time, and you made my fantasy come true."

"Oh well uh…you're welcome then."

She pulled away from me and grabbed my hands, pulling me with her as she walked.

"Come here. We still have a few minutes, and there's something I want to give you."

She backed up to the bed and sat down. She pulled my shorts down, and my cock sprang in her face.

"Mmm still ready."

She licked her lips and looked in my eyes.

"Do you want to fuck me?"

I almost couldn't answer.

"Yes, but we don't have enough time. They'll be here any minute."

"I guess we'd better hurry then."

She wrapped her ankles around my legs and pulled me on top of her.

"Sis, I want this, I really do, but I don't want to rush."

"I know, but if I let this moment pass, and we don't do this, I could wind up regretting it for another 15 years, and I'm not about to do that."

I figured I'd better not spend precious time arguing, so I pushed her down, and kissed her hard. She grabbed on to my cock and led it straight to her hole. She moaned into my mouth as my head slipped between her moist lips. She wrapped her legs tightly around me and thrust her hips toward me until my cock was buried in her. I pumped hard. I was thinking that I hadn't cum three times in one night since I was like eighteen, and I was trying hard to concentrate on cumming, because I knew it would take a while. Just then I looked down at her beautiful face. Her eyes were staring into mine, and her lips were parted slightly. 

"C"mon little brother fuck me. Give me your cum. Oh God I love you so much!"

I pumped harder and faster, and I could feel her pussy tightening around my cock. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, and before I knew what was happening, she had thrust one of her fingers in my asshole. The sensation was overwhelming, and I immediately felt my orgasm beginning to boil. We both came at the same time, and I collapsed on top of her. She pulled her finger from my ass, and stretched out underneath me.

"That was amazing little brother."

"Yes it was."

"I wish we didn't have to stop."

"Me either."

I rolled off of her and stood up, pulling her up with me. We shared one last kiss.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'm not waiting as long as I did last time to have you again. We'll have to figure something out. In the meantime, I'll be thinking of you."

I got into my own bed about five minutes before my wife and Sara came into the room. I pretended that I was asleep as my wife settled next to me. She kissed me on the cheek and rolled over. I heard our daughter settling down as well, and the faint commotion of Tom and the kids doing the same next door. I knew my life would never be the same.

The next night Tom suggested that he take Sara for a few hours so my wife and I could have some alone time, if I would do the same for him later. I agreed. My wife and I had the hottest sex of our lives. I lost count of how many orgasms she had. I did things to her that I never thought she would agree to, but I never gave her the opportunity to protest. 

When we finished she snuggled into me and whispered in my ear.

"That was amazing. I don't know what got into you, but whatever it is keep doing it."

"I will." I thought.

"I think it's just the fact that we could get away, we should definitely do this more often."

"I agree. I'll talk to Karen later about the next trip."

"Great." I said.

Several months had passed since our vacation. The holidays were setting upon us, and things were quite hectic. My thoughts have been consumed with my sister Karen ever since I last saw her. Sex with my Mary, my wife has never been hotter, but I'm ashamed to admit that I believe it's because of what happened between Karen and I. I worry that what happened between us would be found out by my wife or Karen's husband Tom, destroying my home life, and my sister's as well. I don't believe my sister would ever say anything, and I know I never would, but the thought still haunts me. Some days I feel that what happened between us should never have happened, and I'm wrought with guilt because of it. Other days however, it's all I can think about, and I ache for when we can be alone together again.

It was just about two weeks or so before the holidays when my sister Karen had called my wife and told her that they would be coming for the holidays. I wasn't sure how I felt when my wife told me the news, but I knew it was all I would be thinking about until they got here.

I wondered if Karen and Tom's decision to spend the holidays with our family had anything to do with what happened. After all, we've never spent the holidays together, and I was sure that Karen was behind this decision, which made me even more anxious.

Finally the day came when my sister Karen, her husband Tom, and their two children, Michael and Lynne were expected to arrive. My wife had been getting the house ready for the entire week, right up until the very moment they arrived. It was my last day of work before my vacation, so I was able to leave early and give her a hand. It also allowed me to be there to greet my sister and her family when they finally did arrive. I must have jerked off five times in the last few days thinking about my sister. 

They showed up just passed four, and it seemed like total anarchy from the moment they got there. The kids were running and playing, and Tom and I were trying to unload all of the gifts from his car without them seeing us. By the time they had settled in, I was exhausted. On the bright side however, I had been so pre-occupied, that I barely had time to think about Karen and I. Her and Mary spent most of the afternoon in the kitchen, and yelling at the kids when they acted up.

Later that night, after we all had dinner and put the kids to bed, the four of us settled into the living room with some cocktails. I may have just been imagining it, but it seemed as though barely even made eye contact all evening. I don't know if it was intentional, but it seemed as though we barely even said more than a few words to each other. My mind raced as I tried to imagine what she was thinking while trying to stay focused on the conversation. 

After sometime, I realized that I had a few too many drinks in me and was feeling no pain. My wife announced that she was going to bed, and I said that I would straighten up and join her shortly, in hopes that Karen would take the hint and we could spend some time to talk alone. Instead, Karen and Tom both went to bed, leaving me to straighten up by myself.

I laid awake in bed, as my wife slept soundly next to me, trying to figure out what was going through Karen's mind. I got up to use the bathroom, and heard noises coming from the kitchen, so I went downstairs to investigate. I was pleasantly surprised to find Karen nursing a glass of water at the table. It was almost as if she was expecting me when I walked in.

"Hey bro. Come have a seat."


I sat down across from her and took a second to absorb her beauty.

"So" I said, trying to act cool, "What's new?"

She smiled. "Nothing, what's new with you?"

"Nothing really. So this is a nice change, us spending the holidays together. What made you guys decide to join us this year."

She giggled, and her eyes seemed to sparkle as she squinted at me.

"Well, it seems as though Tom's family had a change of plans this year, so he suggested that we spend the holidays with you and Mary."

"I see. So it was Tom's idea?"

She chuckled again. "Yes it was. Naturally I thought it was a good idea, so I called your wife as soon as we decided."

"Hmm. Well I'm really glad you guys could come. It should be a lot of fun. I can't remember the last time we celebrated Christmas together."

"Yea, it has been a long time."

Karen casually sipped her water, not taking her eyes off of me, while I pretended to be completely casual, looking around the room. We sat in silence for a few seconds, both avoiding pointing out "the pink elephant in the middle of the room".

Finally I decided that I had enough and decided to just put the cards out on the table.

"I guess it's just a bit strange."

"Oh yea? And what's that?"

"Well I just thought it was a bit odd that in all these years we've never spent the holidays together, and well this year Tom's family just happened to change their plans. And it was Tom's idea you say?"

"What are you getting at little brother?"

"C'mon Karen! You know what I'm saying here. Are you sure this little change of plans had nothing to do with me?"

"Why ever would you think that?"

I just looked at her while she smiled and pretended to know nothing about what I was talking about.

"Alright, have it your way. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm gonna get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

I got up from the table, and Karen followed. I proceeded to turn to leave when I felt her hand on my shoulder from behind me. She pressed herself against me and stood on her toes to whisper in my ear.

"Be patient little brother, it's not Christmas yet."

I smiled. "I hope you're not planning on making me wait that long."

She reached around and grabbed my cock through my pajamas, giving it a loving squeeze before I left the room. I couldn't imagine what she had planned, but I couldn't wait.

The next few days passed with no insinuation from her at all as to what she had planned. We were all pretty busy. The girls spent most of their time doing some last minute Christmas shopping with the kids in toe, while Tom helped me around the house, fixing some of the things that I have neglected over the past few months. One great thing about Tom is that he was always a handy guy to have around. He could fix just about anything, while I was more likely just to call someone who could. 

Finally, Karen had asked me to accompany her to the store on Christmas eve, to help her pick out Tom's gift. Needless to say, I didn't hesitate. Tom was on babysitting duty while Mary prepared dinner for us, and her parents who would be joining us for dinner as well.

Karen and I headed straight for the mall, and I nearly burst at the excitement of us finally getting the chance to be alone together. 

We got into the car and I began to drive towards the mall.

"So where do you want to go?"

"It doesn't matter to me, I got Tom's gift months ago. I just figured that since I wouldn't be able to give you your gift tomorrow, that I would have to do it now."

"Ah-ha. So where do you want to go?"

"Make a right at the next light."

My stomach jumped as soon as I realized where she was leading me. Without another word, I pulled into the parking lot of the only motel within miles of my house, and parked the car. She smiled as we got out of the car and headed inside. She paid for the room, insisting that it was her gift to me, and we made our way upstairs. We were barely through the door when we were all over each other. She threw me down on the bed, and slowly stripped down to the most sexy lingerie I had ever seen anyone wear. It was a bright red lace two piece, and left just enough to the imagination.

"Well are you just gonna sit there, or are you gonna open your present?"

I wasted no time in peeling off my sister's bra and panties, kissing every inch of her delicate skin as I did so. Again, she threw me onto the bed and pulled my clothes off, and in seconds we were both naked, and her lips were expertly sucking my cock. 

"Oh God, you taste so good. Your cock is all I have been able to think about."

"Karen, I've been waiting for this for months. I can't stop thinking about you either."

She began to devour my cock until I couldn't take anymore. In minutes I was shooting my load deep into her waiting throat. Before she could make the next move, I rolled her on her back, and dove my face between her legs. She was already so wet, and she tasted sweeter than any woman I had tasted. I ran my tongue up and down her sweet pussy to her asshole, savoring every second of my beautiful sister. Her body lurched forward every time the tip of my tongue dipped into her puckered ass. When she was ready, I slowly pushed my finger in while my tongue played with her clit. In seconds, her muscles tightened, and she came so hard that her juices actually shot out of her, soaking my face and the sheets. 

My cock was still hard, and before I knew what was happening, she was riding me with all she was worth. Her pussy was heaven around my cock, and she must have cum five times before I came deep inside her. 

We spent the next half-hour touching and caressing each other softly before we decided that we should head back. We made each other cum one last time before getting dressed.

On the way back we admitted to each other what we had both been feeling since our last encounter, and agreed that we couldn't let so much time pass without being together.

"All I've been able to think about since the last time is you. Even after Tom and I are together, I'm still horny, and I wind up fucking myself silly after he's asleep thinking about you."

"I know. Things with Mary are great, but I can't get you out of my mind. I wish we didn't live so far away."

"We have to do something. I've never wanted anyone as much as you. I've never cum so much and so hard in my life."

"Karen, do you think this is good? I mean things could get out of control, and I know neither one of us want to lose what we have."

She sat back in her seat and put her hand over her eyes.

"I know. I think about it all the time, but what are we going to do? I don't want this to stop."

"Me either. There has to be someway we can make this work. I would go crazy if we couldn't be together anymore."

"Well, I guess we'll have to think of something. In the meantime, we'll just have to try and enjoy each other while we still can."

With that, she leaned over and undid my zipper, taking my cock in her mouth once again. She sucked my cock until I was fully hard and ready to cum. She was fingering herself while she blew me, and I had to drive around the block twice so we could get off before we got home.

We arrived back to a full house, and nobody seemed to be on to our little secret, despite our disheveled appearance. My wife's parents had arrived, and dinner was almost ready. 

Dinner was going well, as we all were laughing and having a good time. I was finding it difficult to think about anything else but my sister, but somehow I managed to stay in the conversation. We were just about to have desert when the phone rang with what I thought was bad news. Tom's work had called, and was in the midst of a crisis that required his immediate attention, and it looked as though the holiday visit was going to be cut short. I waited anxiously for Tom to finish his conversation. He hung up the phone and announced his apology, explaining that he would have to leave immediately. My sister glanced apologetically at me, but before we had time to feel bad, Tom turned the whole thing around.

"Listen, I don't want to ruin everyone's Christmas. I'll just head back and take care of this thing, and I'll come back in a few days and pick you and the kids up."

My sister stood up. "I can't let you do that honey. We'll go back with you. I don't want you to be alone."

"Really Karen, it's alright. I'll be spending most of my time at work anyway, and I'd hate to cut our trip short. You never get to see Mary and your brother, and I'm sure the kids don't want to leave. It's okay, you stay, and as soon as I can, I'll come back and join you."

"Are you sure? Because it's really no…"

"I'm positive! Don't worry about me I'll be fine, as long as it's okay with you guys."

Mary and I answered in unison that it was just fine, and that we were terribly sorry that he had to go.

I thanked Tom for all his help with everything this week, and told him I was sorry he had to go again as I walked him to the door. He and Karen kissed each other goodbye, and he left. 

I did feel bad for Tom, but I also knew that it might be that much easier for Karen and I to spend some time together if he was gone, so I wasn't to upset by it. Just as we sat back down, fate took another wonderful turn in the form of my in-laws, who presented my daughter Sara, and Lynne and Michael an early Christmas gift. Three identical boxes were placed in front of them, each containing a stuffed Mickey Mouse doll, and a note telling the three kids that my in-laws were taking them to Disney world the day after Christmas. As the kids were jumping up and down and yelling, my wife and my sister were trying to convince my in-laws that they shouldn't have done such a thing. My sister was especially insistent that her children not go, but my in laws wouldn't hear of it. 

My father-in-law stood up. 

"Nonsense! We are taking the kids, and I don't want to hear another word about it. It's our money, and we'll spend it how we see fit!"

"Bill, Madeline" My sister interrupted, "I really appreciate the gesture, but I can't ask you to watch over our kids for a week. They are too much of a handful. This is way too much."

My mother-in-law stood up next to her husband. "Karen dear, it's nothing that we can't handle. The children are absolute angels. We raised five children, none of which were as sweet as these three here. It's not going to be any trouble at all. Besides, now the four of you can spend a nice adult new year together without having to worry, so just think of it as our gift to all of you. Bill and I adore these children, and it will be your gift to us to allow us to spend the time with them. You just worry about getting your husband back here in time for new years."

My sister, stood up and hugged them both, and Mary and I did the same. 

"Mom, dad, how can I ever thank you, this is so wonderful, but it's really too much." 

"Oh hush Mary! We're taking the kids, and that's the end of it! Your father and I have been looking forward to this for months, so I don't want to hear another word!"

I thanked and hugged my in-laws, and found myself sitting alone seconds later, as everyone went upstairs to pack up the kids and get them ready for their trip. I sipped my wine and smiled in disbelief of my good, no, unbelievable fortune. My mind started to race, thinking of ways to keep Mary pre-occupied so I could spend time with Karen. I always knew my in-laws weren't all that bad!

Christmas came and went, and before I knew it I was dropping my in-laws and all the kids off at the airport bright and early. When I got back, there was a note on the fridge, letting me know that my wife and sister would be spending the day together shopping etc. I was a little disappointed, but I knew that there was plenty of time, so I didn't worry. 

Over the next few days, I started to think that I had made a deal with the devil and didn't know it. Not only had I not been able to spend time with Karen, but I barely even saw my own wife, as they were out together almost every day. I started to think that this really wasn't going to turn out good at all, as I sat at the table on the third morning and drank my coffee. I was cursing under my breath when the phone rang. It was Karen. She sounded very rushed, and told me to get out of the house for a while and to come back no later then four. She told me to leave the back door open, and to be quiet when I came in the house before abruptly hanging up. My stomach jumped. I had no idea what she had planned, but it was obvious she had figured out a way to get Mary out of the house for a while, and was planning something incredible. I couldn't wait. I wasted no time in getting ready, and out of the house, double checking to make sure the back door was unlocked.

I spent a few hours down at the local bar, having a few drinks and killing time. I finally had a god buzz and headed back to the house. When I got there, I was very careful to be as quiet as possible. I let myself in through the back door, and quietly searched around for my sister. I knew she was there because my wife's car was in the driveway. I was practically shaking with anticipation as I quietly searched the house, wondering what she had in store. I made my way upstairs, and immediately noticed a flickering candle through the partially open door of my bedroom.

I walked over to the door and began to push it open slowly, and was suddenly stopped by what I saw. I had to blink my eyes several times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. My whole body became numb instantly, and my head started to spin. 

Karen was on her knees, facing me completely naked, and spread out in front of her, also completely naked was my wife Mary. Karen had one hand between her own legs, while the other held my wife's foot to her mouth. She saw me almost instantly, and extended her finger over her lips to assure me to remain quiet, smiled, and then continued to kiss and lick my wife's foot, her eyes searing me the whole time. 

My attention was drawn to my wife as she began to moan loudly, obviously enjoying her moment. Her eyes were closed, and one hand was caressing her soft, beautiful globes while the other was busy between her legs. I was in complete shock, seeing as though I've never seen my wife masturbate. I don't mean to make her sound like a prude because she is definitely anything but. It's just that mutual masturbation has always been something that eluded her. She claimed that it didn't really do anything for her, and it was just something that she wasn't into. The other thing that floored me was her stance on lesbianism, the other thing that, despite my enthusiasm on the subject, she was definitely against. It's not that I ever seriously tried to get her with another woman, but she definitely knows that seeing two women together is a huge turn-on for me. She, on the other hand, although tolerant of my fantasy, never played into it. She had always refused to even watch a dirty movie featuring two women together, stating that for her, there was nothing exciting about it. It was becoming very apparent that she had changed her opinion.

I took several seconds to adsorb what I was watching. My cock was leaking furiously, and it felt as though it was just going to tear out of my pants. Karen's stare never left me, until she closed her eyes as she came. Her mouth opened slightly, she leaned her head back and her body bucked against her busy fingers. My wife was not far behind her. Mary moaned loudly as her hips lifted off the bed to meet her own probing fingers. Her head rolling back and forth as she came, and the whole thing was just too much for me to take. 

Karen's eyes returned to mine briefly. She took Mary by the hands and pulled her up. They shared a passionate kiss, and their hands roamed wildly over one another's body. Mary pulled away and smiled at Karen. She whispered something, and Karen replied, but I couldn't hear. Karen then pulled my wife further in, urging her on her hands and knees, giving me a perfect view of her creamy ass and her dripping pink pussy. Karen slid herself underneath my wife, and I watched as her tongue danced over my wife's snatch. 

I couldn't take it anymore, and I quickly released my throbbing cock from my pants. In just seconds, I shot the biggest load of my life, as I watched my wife grind against my sister's face in another glorious orgasm. If I too hadn't been fucking my sister, I'd probably be filled with jealousy.

I quickly zipped up and made my way downstairs. I had seen more than enough, and if I had stayed any longer, I wouldn't be able to control myself. As I made my way back outside, I wondered just what my sister's plan was. In my wildest dreams, I would have never imagined that I would see what I just saw. How the hell did she get my wife to do that? There were a million questions stirring through my mind, and I was dizzy with all the possibilities that could be explored. I couldn't wait, and my dick was already throbbing again at the thought of fucking my beautiful sister and wife. No matter what happened though, I would never forget in every detail what I had just seen.

I hung around outside in the cold for about a half hour before noisily making my way through the front door.

"Hello, I'm home! Anyone here?" I yelled.

My wife came down wearing a tiny robe, and It took everything I had not to smile and let on that I knew what she was up to.

"Hey honey, where have you been?"

"Oh just here and there. What's with the robe?"

"Oh, I uh, I took a little nap. Your sister wore me out shopping today."

"More shopping huh? You must be exhausted. Where is Karen?"

"I think I heard her in the shower before."

"Well why don't you two get yourselves ready. I want to take my two favorite girls out to dinner tonight."

Mary smiled and kissed me on the cheek before turning around and heading back upstairs. I heard the shower running, and seconds later, my sister came downstairs wearing the same robe I had just seen my wife in, and combing the water from her long black hair.

"So, did you like what you saw?"

"You are amazing. How did you…"

She stepped up to me and kissed me full on the lips.

"I can't share all my secrets with you little brother."

"Well then at least tell me where you're going with this."

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see. I'll tell you this much, you're one lucky guy."

"You don't have to tell me that." I smiled and shook my head.

"What?" my sister asked.

"Nothing. It's just I had no idea that either of you would ever be into…that!"

She laughed. "Well I'm sure there's a lot you don't know. But I can tell you that it was Mary's first time, so don't go asking too many questions."

"And you?"

"Me what?"

"I take it that wasn't your first time?"

She smiled again. "Let's just say that college taught me a lot more than just what I got my degree for."

"My sister the slut!"

"Hey, that's not very nice little brother. You better be careful what you say to me."

She playfully kissed my neck and bit my ear while her hand roamed over the front of my pants. I could feel her tits pushing into me through the thin material of the robe. 

"You have to tell me how you got my wife to do that."

She let out an exaggerated sigh and stepped away from me. 

"Well, we only have a short time before she gets out of the shower. I thought that you might need some relief, but if you'd rather hear how I seduced your wife…"

She lowered herself down in front of me, and quickly released my cock, instantly sliding her lips over it. I shuddered as the warmth surrounded my shaft. As good as it felt, it wasn't enough. I quickly pulled her back up, spun her around and pressed her against the back of the couch.

"I need you right now sis!"

She took the hint and bent herself forward over the back of the couch and lifted her robe, exposing her puffy snatch. She grabbed my dick and led it into her warm hole. I immediately began to pound furiously at my sister, and she tried her best to push back at me in rhythm. I felt her muscles contract around my dick and I knew she was cumming. She buried her face into the couch cushion, and I felt her warm juice coat my dick. I heard the shower turn off just as I shot another load deep into my sister. We quickly pulled ourselves together. Karen turned and kissed me hard on the lips.

"I'm so glad that we have this together. I love you so much little brother. If I could, I would let you fuck me forever."

I smiled and told her I felt the same way.

"Tonight," she said, "It's my turn to watch."

"What do you mean?"

"I told Mary that I wanted to watch her fuck you, and she agreed. You're not supposed to know so don't give it away."

She kissed me again and ran upstairs before I could answer. I couldn't wait until tonight.

Both girls had really dressed up for our night out, and they both looked sexier than I'd ever seen. I was one lucky guy, and I told them so. Mary replied by telling me that I had no idea how lucky I was just yet, and she kissed me passionately on the lips. My body stirred as I felt Karen's eyes on both of us.

"C'mon you two! My husband isn't here! Don't rub it in!"

I chuckled at that statement, seeing as how my sister was getting more sex than anyone lately.

"Don't worry" Mary said. "I'm sure you'll be okay."

We had a great time at dinner. After a few drinks and one lesbian experience with my sister, my wife was a whole different person, taking every opportunity to tease me when she thought Karen wasn't looking. I couldn't wait to get home. Much to my surprise, Karen was also very open with her flirtatious gestures on both our parts. By the time we got into the car, it was obvious that everyone was feeling good and up for a little fun. I started to get a little nervous as the reality of what was happening started to sink in. It was definitely possible that by the end of the night my loving wife would be aware that I was fucking my sister. 

Mary attacked me as soon as we walked through the door, completely unconcerned that my sister was in toe. Karen spoke up loudly.

"Well I guess I'll leave you two alone now. Goodnight."

What happened next almost made me pass out in utter disbelief. Mary pulled herself away from me and grabbed Karen. 

"You're not going anywhere," and Mary kissed her on the lips. In seconds, their tongues were dancing together. Karen and I were both shocked as Mary broke off the kiss. My wife turned to me.

"Did you like watching me fuck your sister today? Because I liked that you watched. Do you want to see it again?"

I didn't know how to respond. I looked at Karen who was obviously just as shocked as I was.

"She is so hot. I know she wants to watch you fuck me. She told me, but I think we can do a little better, don't you?"

"Uh yea, sure."

"Do you want to fuck her? She is so beautiful. I want to watch you fuck your sister. I know she wants to, right Karen?"

Karen, still completely shocked, managed to squeeze out a little smile. Mary stepped away from me and in one motion, slipped off her dress, revealing that she had not worn anything underneath. Her pussy was absolutely soaked, and I could see by the look on her face that she was in a state of absolute arousal. She quickly stepped up to Karen and undressed her slowly. When she was totally naked, they kissed again. Mary whispered in her ear.

"I want to watch you. Go undress your little brother."

Karen did as she was told, and I did my best not to act to eager. When we were all naked, Mary led us up to the bedroom. This new side of her, I have to admit, was a bit intimidating, but very exhilarating. Even Karen, who's always been known to give the commands rather than follow complied with everything my wife demanded.

When we got into the bedroom Mary sat down, and her hand immediately started probing between her own legs. 

"I can't watch you two anymore. It's obvious that you want each other, and it's only a matter of time before it happens. I just want to be here when it does." She looked at me as her hands wandered over her body.

"Did you know that your sister wants to fuck you?"

"I, uh…"

"She does, and I know you want her too. It's okay. I don't blame you. I couldn't resist either."

Karen smiled and sat next to Mary on the bed. They were soon kissing and touching each other. I sat down on the other side of my wife and began kissing her neck and breasts. She immediately grabbed on to my cock with one hand, while the other found it's way between Karen's legs. Karen and I both reciprocated, and soon we were all cumming. Both girls eagerly licked my cum from Mary's hand between kisses. Finally, Mary pushed Karen down on the bed and motioned for me to get into position. I stood between Karen's open legs as my wife guided my cock into her hole.

"You're gonna love it Karen."

Soon my sister and I were fucking once again as my wife watched. Mary played with her pussy and the three of us traded kisses until we all came again. Mary was definitely ready for some action herself, and Karen stepped in. Mary and I lay next to each other while Karen alternated between sucking my cock and licking Mary's pussy until I was hard again. Mary rolled on top of me and buried my cock deep inside her. She was wetter than I ever remembered. Karen straddled my face as I fucked my wife. I was in absolute heaven.

We spent the next two days fucking every way we could think of until the kids came back and Tom had arrived to take Karen and them home. 

Mary and I have never been hotter for each other, and spent every available second pleasing each other, waiting for the next time the three of us could get together again. She said she always fantasized about watching me and my sister fuck, even when we were still dating. I would never have expected it.

A few months later, Tom and Karen had split-up. It seems as though Tom has been cheating on my sister for quite some time now. As it turned out, his work emergency turned out to be an excuse to spend the holidays fucking his 22 year-old girlfriend. Karen found out there was no emergency when his boss called to talk to him one night. Karen and the kids are in the process of moving out of the house, and into a place a little closer to us. I never would have expected that either.

Mary and I can hardly wait until she's here.