Chapter One: Idyllic Home Life

Setting my controller aside, I took a deep breath and rubbed the fatigue out of my eyes. Checking the clock, it read 2:33 A.M. Far past time for me to crash, but I had gotten so caught up with my game that time flew by. Getting up and stretching, I tossed off my shirt and kicked my boxer shorts to the ground. I stood naked next to my bed, tiredly getting ready to crawl in. I checked myself out in the full-body mirror before turning out the lights- I thought I was an okay looking guy for a college sophomore- I played a lot of video games, sure, but I kept myself working out and in shape. I tied my shoulder-length black hair up in a bun before flicking the lights off and going to sleep.

Bacon and eggs woke me the next morning. After I was dressed my nose led me downstairs, as if I had a fishook in my nostril. My mom and dad were downstairs, fixing breakfast. They were just about the perfect couple, and set a high bar for me and my girlfriend. It was like they were immune to the passage of time, still just as crazily in love as when they met in college. Dad was shirtless, opting for a pair of shorts on this warm summer morning, and mom wore a fuzzy bathrobe tied around the waist with an equally fuzzy sash.

I got my good looks from my parents, and I don't think it's weird to say so. Everybody I brought home loves them- my straight girlfriends had a thing for my dad, and my bisexual girlfriends developed crushes on both of them. It was like they had supernatural powers of seduction without even trying; the funniest part is that my parents know, and try their best not to ruin my relationships. I never feel like I have to compete with them.

A knock at the door called me away from the smell of cooking food. As I opened the door, my girlfriend Kaia greeted me with a kiss.

"Good morning!" I said in surprise as I stood aside to let her in.

"Morning, Kissey-cake." Kaia said, using her favorite pet name for me. It was close to my frist name, 'Chris'. "Your parents invited me over." She said, walking past me towards the kitchen. Following close behind, she gave my paretns a hug. We'd been dating since my senior year in high school, and I couldn't have gotten luckier. My dad's strong arms wrapped around her in a hug, lifting her petite frame off the ground. Her long blonde hair fell to her mid-back, which she kept clean and soft.

"Glad you made it, Kaia." My mom said as my Dad set her back down. "We wanted to be the second people- after your parents- to say happy birthday!"

My eyebrows jumped up in slight surprise. I was still foggy from staying up so late, and I'd forgotten what today was. I gave Kaia a hug from behind. "Happy twentieth, babe." I said into her neck, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She melted back against me as I touched her, a dreamy smile on her face.

"Alright, kids, sit down. Food is almost done, and we have a present for you afterwards!" My Dad said.

Despite now both of us being twenty, our parents still referred to us as kids. I guess we'll always be their babies. We obeyed, taking our seats at the table and eating the hearty meal of eggs, bacon and corned beef hash that they had prepared- my favorite homecooked breakfast.

We chatted while eating, and after the food was gone, my mother retrieved a box from her room- it was about a foot across on all sides, and was wrapped with a pretty green bow. Kaia smiled as she carefully opened the present and lifted the lid. Inside was a framed picture the four of us took when we went out windsurfing at the beach. We're all smiling with our hands on each others' hips.

Kaia's hands went over her mouth.

"Oh, my gosh!" She exclaimed, lifting out the picture and inspecting the frame- the metal was engraved with flowers, and looked gorgeous. "Thank you!"

"No, thank you, sweetie. We've loved you from day one- you finally brought some class to our son's life." My mom said, with a matter-of-fact look at me. She didn't like my previous girlfriends much, and I definitely understood why. In High School, I had dated the 'bad' crowd pretty often- bad girls made for easy sex.

When I met Kaia, I knew I had found a diamond in the rough. I turned my life around basically overnight for her- I'm not proud to say I was in the 'white-nose' crowd, but I ditched them overnight for the future Miss President of the USA. Seriously, that's her goal and why she's studying politics. She has plans to run for a state House seat before she's thirty.

I'm not as much into politics- I watch the news and have opinions but I have no plans to do anything about it. My focus is more on animals- I'm studying veterinarian science with a genetics major- I want to get into canine and feline genetics and work on curing their diseases- our furry friends deserve love too!

Kaia turned and gave me a kiss on the lips, and then stood up to hug my parents. She planted a fat kiss on my mom's cheek, and for a split second, my mom closed her eyes and had a very pleased expression on her face. Mom returned the kiss on Kaia's cheek, though her hands came up and gently stroked Kaia's chin- it was a subtle motion that I only saw because I was walking around to join the hugging. From where Dad was, he couldn't see.

Kaia glanced at me, and we both noticed the added affectionate gesture. We both had suspicions that my mother had feelings for Kaia, more than 'future in-law'. When we drank or smoked together (we're a pretty close group) my Mom would complain unless she got to cuddle with my girlfriend. Their hugs always lasted slightly longer, and had more affection than between Kaia and my dad.

My girlfriend and mom separated, and Kaia moved on to my dad. He gave her a spinning hug, giving her two or three rotations before setting her down. She gave him a peck on the cheek, having to stretch up on her toes to reach him. I started to clean up the plates when Dad waved his hand at me.

"You guys can head upstairs and play video games for a bit, we'll clean up." He said.

I smiled and gave them both hugs. I had known about they were going to give her a present, but didn't tell me what it was in case I accidentally spoiled it for her.

"Thanks, we'll do that." I said, leading Kaia upstairs. When we got to my room, Kaia grabbed me around the waist and started kissing my neck from behind. Her hair fell over my shoulders as she nibbled and gently sucked on me, careful not to leave any marks. My parents were merciless with their hickey teasing.

Her hands slipped down the front of my pants, coyly sliding under my boxers and gliding over my shaved-smooth crotch. Her palms gripped my thighs, teasingly away from my hardening dick. They wrapped around to squeeze my ass, lifting me up on my toes. I was already taller than her, but she loved to touch me and control me.

I spun around and kissed her hard, one hand climbing up under the front of her shirt, and the other going around the back to snap off her bra in one expert 'click'. I had one of her delicious tits in my hand soon after, enjoying the feeling of giving it a tender squeeze. Her nipple was still slightly inverted, so I gave it a gentle rub around the darker areola to warm her up. I dropped to one knee and took each breast into my mouth and gave it a brief suck, swirling my tongue around each nipple until they stood up perky.

In addition to stripping off her shirt and bra, my hands tugged down her denim shorts to reveal her tight black boxers- my boxers that she stole- and I stooped lower to kiss her bare belly, drawing deeper, definitely turned-on breaths from her. As I started to peel down her boxers, however, her phone started to ring. To my chagrin, she checked to see who it was.

"It's your Mom." She said, slightly surprised. I raised my eyebrows and looked at the door. She couldn't have gotten that far in the five minutes we'd been upstairs, wearing that bathrobe. Why was she calling from inside the house?

Kaia was curious about the same thing, and answered.

"Hey Dana, what's up?" She said. I couldn't hear Mom's responses. Kaia glanced at me and smiled. "No, not really. I can talk."

Kaia motioned for me to leave the room, making 'shoo' movements with her free hand. I buttoned my pants back up and stepped back outside. With the door closed, Kaia's voice was too low for me to hear. So I left, took a walk back down to the kitchen where I could hear Dad cleaning the dishes.

As I approached, he shuffled aside so I could move in to help. I rinsed and dried them after Dad scrubbed them.

"Mom called Kaia. Isn't she still in the house?" I said.

"Dana called her?" Dad laughed out loud. "Christ. Do you know why?"

I shook my head. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, nothing's wrong. Your Mother is just terribly awkward sometimes."

"So, why IS Mom calling Kaia?" I asked.

"That's not for me to spoil." Dad said with a wink. "Don't worry, you'll know soon."

He changed the subject and got me talking about something I really enjoy- sharing facts about animals that don't live in the local area.

"-and that's why Dolphins are often referred to as 'Rapists of the Sea'. And other creatures that fit the bill-" I was rambling when Dad cut me off.

"Shh, Kaia's coming down." He said.

I turned and there was Kaia at the foot of the stairs, with a barely-contained smile on her face. She gestured for me to come up, and after drying my hands I followed behind her. We got back to my room and she closed the door, then moved to sit on my bed. She had a slightly dumbfounded smile on her face as she explained,

"Your Mom wants to listen on the phone next time we have sex. Specifically, she wants to hear me moaning. She told me all about the crush she has on me, how she feels guilty because we're together, and all this other stuff. Apparently your Dad is totally cool with it and has been encouraging her. He thinks it's a good idea."

It's one thing to suspect your Mom is in love with your girlfriend. It's a whole other thing to hear her confess.

"Wow." Was all I could manage at first. Then "Uh, well, uh- How do you feel about it? I mean, are you okay with my Mom listening to us have sex?"

Kaia blushed hard, suddenly very bashful as she looked down and bit her lower lip. Then she nodded, and looked up at me. It was adorable, and not all that shocking to me. Truthfully, Kaia was more attracted to women than men- Luckily I'm the exception. We'd had a few threesomes that she'd absolutely loved, but it was hard to find many women that we liked, and that liked both of us willing to do threesomes.

"I guess I don't have a problem with it," I said, "Actually it's a pretty hot. I think she wants to do more, this is just how she's starting. Testing the waters."

"More?" Kaia said, turning redder and getting an excited look in her eye. "You think so? I mean, I wasn't going to ever tell you this, but this seems like the right time- I love your Mom. Like, the same way she seems to love me. I felt the same guilt she did, for the same reason. I think we all need to sit down and talk it through before doing anything- even phone sex."

I nodded, and gave Kaia a kiss to calm her down a little.

"I agree." I said, "I'll go get Mom and bring her up here."

Kaia kissed me back, and let me go. She gave my butt a smack as I turned and left. I found Mom in the living room, wrapped up in her bathrobe and watching the news. I gave her a tap on the shoulder, and her face was beet red when she saw me. I gave her a smile and a reassuring shoulder squeeze.

"It's okay, Kaia and I just want to have a group conversation. Come up to my room?"

Mom nodded and came upstairs with me. Kaia was on the bed, stripped down to her underwear and stretched out to give an excellent view of her tight belly and lithe legs. Mom gasped quietly and stiffened up as she took in the scene, and even I was surprised.

"Well, I thought we were going to have a talk before getting to this point," I said. "but this is a good way to show you, Mom, that Kaia feels the same way."

Kaia smiled at my mother, who looked me in the eye, nervously asking permission. I smiled and nodded, gesturing for her to go closer.

My mother walked over and knelt on the edge of the bed over Kaia. She slowly stripped off her robe, revealing herself to be naked save for a pair of pink boyshorts. I didn't expect to see Mom naked, but she had a fantastic body. Tight and fit, with the usual beautiful collection of stretch-mark scars on her belly and thighs.

"Oh my God, Dana, you're amazing," Kaia said, moving closer to Mom. My girlfriend reached out and touched her hips, making her tremble with anticipation. Kaia brought their faces close, and gently pressed their lips together, running her hands up and down Mom's back and sides.

My mother sighed and melted into Kaia's arms, the two of them now kissing every available piece of skin they could reach. My mother eventually broke the kissing to strip off Kaia's bra, as well as her own. They admired each other's breasts for a few moments before caressing them. Their touch was soft, and I admired how sensual they were, just taking some time to silently trace the curves of each other's bodies with their fingers.

Kaia dropped between Mom's legs first, tugging her underwear off entirely and tossing them back at me. I had my cock out and was slowly rubbing some lube on to it while I watched the show. My mom's panties had a wet stain down the front, and I set them on my knee while I pumped my dick harder. I didn't really have an interest in sniffing them, but I was going to cum on them.

Mom couldn't hold back her moans as Kaia's mouth danced over her pussy. She buried her face in a pillow to muffle the noise as my girlfriend's tongue alternated running up and down the folds over labia, swirling around her clit, and shallowly pushing into Mom's vagina. My mother was loving every delicious second, using her free hand to caress Kaia's hair.

Her orgasm came gradually, building for ten mindblowing minutes. Kaia gradually increased the speed and stimulation, working first one, then two, then three curled fingers into Mom's dripping pussy. Finally it took over, with mom making a choking hiccup before clenching up, locking her legs around Kaia's head and grinding her mouth harder against her pussy. Kaia had her eyes closed and was sucking on Mom's clit, helping her ride the wave.

She was left in a gasping heap, and Kaia finally came up for air. My girlfriend wiped her mouth triumphantly as Mom recovered from that orgasm.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. I love you. Holy shit." Was all she could breathlessly manage. Kaia gave her a kiss, running her hands over Mom's breasts and belly, before looking back at me. She walked over, positioned herself on my lap, and lowered herself down on my dick. I watched Kaia in mild shock as she seemed to violate the unspoken rule I had thought existed. That I was just there to watch, not participate.

Her tight body coated my dick with warmth. Mom watched, mouth open, as Kaia expertly rode me in my chair. Her eyes were fixed on the point where my dick stretched my girlfriend open, occasionally straying to watch her tits bounce or make eye contact; regardless, she was spellbound by Kaia's show. Her hips moved so gracefully as she ground against my cock, taking me all the way into her.

"Your son's huge cock is all the way inside of me," she said in a low, sultry voice, "It feels like it's halfway up my torso. If he came now, I'm sure all of that thick cum would go right into my womb."

Mom moaned quietly, transfixed in a haze of post-orgasm horniness, imagining her own belly being filled with cum. Kaia loved to raise herself almost entirely off me, squeezing her pussy down on the head of my cock before lowering herself down. Eventually I put my hands under Kaia's knees and lifted, so I was standing with Kaia still riding my cock. I got closer to Mom's lust-obsessed face, and she leaned forward to suck on Kaia's clit.

My girlfriend moaned with unexpected pleasure as I slowly fucked her. While my mother sucked her clit, she also played with Kaia's tits. I couldn't go too hard or else Mom wouldn't be able to pleasure her too. Eventually I did start to get tired, and laid Kaia down on top of Mom so they could kiss each other and play with their tits, while I got a fantastic view of their lower halves. Kaia lay on top of my mother, propped up on her elbows.

I pushed my dick back into my girlfriend, my balls slapping against Mom's pussy. The two of them moaned against each other, and I noticed that Mom was still using her hand on Kaia's clit. I could feel my girlfriend tightening up, and I recognized the signs of her own coming orgasm. I didn't want to blow it by cumming early, so I slowed down slightly. Kaia didn't seem to mind, she just loved being full of dick.

When my girlfriend came, she broke the kiss with Mom to let out a long moan, the veins in her neck bulging out. When she convusled, she pulled herself right off my cock despite my attempt to hold her in place. Collapsing on top of my mother, Kaia rode out the last of her orgasm as my mother rubbed tight circles on her clit. Eventually Kaia gave the signal for Mom to stop, and they lay there in contented, orgasmic bliss.

I was still sitting there with a wet, hard cock that was ready to burst. I grabbed it and started pumping, falling back to grab Mom's panties. I held them over my dick as I started getting closer, and Mom interrupted me.

"You don't have to do that, come over here."

As I got close, I expected Kaia to get up to suck my cock. But my girlfriend gave Mom's leg a pat, and my mother was the one to lean forward and take my dick down her throat. The mindblowing orgasm that had been building finally crashed over me, and I couldn't help but let out a loud groan as my load was emptied down Mom's eager throat.

"Holy shit, Dana." Kaia said as she played with Mom's tits. "You just drank his cum. I saw you swallow every load."

Mom's tongue washed my cock as it slid out of her mouth, and with a final suck, it was totally clean upon leaving her mouth. A drop of precum leaked out the tip, which she quickly and dutifully licked up. Mom looked up at me with gratitude across her face.

"Mom, you are absolutely amazing." I said, cupping her cheek with my hand.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this to happen. Not just with Kaia- but you too-" she stammered, blushing. "I just felt like a terrible, disgusting mother and a cheater."

"Mom, Dad is totally fine with everything." I said reassuringly, helping her get back to the bed to cuddle with Kaia.

Mom laughed, burying her face in Kaia's hair. "Your father is the amazing one. He convinced me to be brave and try."

I climbed in bed and spooned my mother, wrapping my arms around her waist and giving her a hug from behind. My dick was starting to re-harden, and Mom pushed her butt against it teasingly.

"I'm going to be the killjoy and insist we have a family talk about this." I said as my dick continued to harden. Mom opened her legs slightly and her hand pulled it towards her pussy. She rubbed herself slowly against it, her breathing getting harder and deeper.

"We will," she said breathlessly, "but please fuck me now."

Without much more fanfare, I guided my dick into Mom and pushed hard. I drove deep inside of her with one easy motion, drawing a gasp from her. Kaia's face was bright and excited as she watched Mom's face while I made love to her. My girlfriend teased and played with her tits to heighten my Mom's experience, and my own hand stroked up and down her side. With my other hand, I grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged back slightly- just enough to make her arch her back and give me a better thrusting angle. Mom let out a low moan, and with every thrust she yelled "Oh!" until I pressed her face down into the pillow.

A primal rush came over me, and when Mom's face was pushed down like that, I got rough. I turned her so that she was face-down, not laying on her side. One hand firmly pressed her face into the pillow while the other gripped her hips tightly, letting me fuck her harder. My mother's moans grew ecstatic and loud, still muffled by the pillow. I was getting close to coming as well, even though we hadn't been going long. The need to fill her with my cum was overwhelming, and an animal instinct to breed my bitch was clouding my mind.

I snarled into her ear when I came, and I now noticed that Kaia was sitting a few feet away, masturbating with a hand on her clit and one playing with her boobs. Mom shrieked in pleasure as well as she felt my hard cock inside of her convulsing, filling her womb with cum. Kaia's mouth was wide open, and we made eye contact as I inseminated my mother. Crawling forward, Kaia kissed me and I returned it passionately.

I finally let Mom up for air, her hair a disheveled mess as she gasped and wiped away drool. My cock slid out of her, pearly beads of my cum following my cock. They started to drip down her legs as she rolled on to her back, an exhausted but content smile on her face as she rubbed her hands over her belly.

"Dana, your boy just came inside of you," Kaia murmured as she got between Mom's legs and started licking the cum that leaked out of her. "what if he gets you pregnant? You once told me that since Daniel got his vasectomy, you haven't been on birth control."

My heart leaped in panic. Oh fuck. Mom saw my expression and held her hands out reassuringly.

"Oh honey! Come here, it's okay, don't worry, it's okay. Don't be scared. If I get pregnant, that's okay. It's okay. Shh." She pulled me in close and held my face to her chest. Instinctively, I latched on to a nipple and suckled from her as she stroked my hair.

"Shh, it's alright," she said in a calming voice, "Mommy has been wanting to get pregnant, actually. Your father and I didn't tell you the whole story. He didn't just get a vasectomy, he got testicular cancer. We weren't going to make it a big deal because the cancer was benign, but it irreparably damaged his testicles and would probably make sperm with defects. For the safety of any future children in my belly, he decided to have a vasectomy. That doesn't mean we don't still want children- we want babies very badly, in fact." she said, pushing up on my chin to break my hold on her nipple and look her in the eyes.

"And with you in college, I've been missing you so desperately. I thought, maybe, if I'm really, REALLY lucky, he might leave a piece of himself with me when he leaves again."

Kaia was crying and Mom was consoling her as well.

"You two are so perfect for each other, and I just love you two so dearly. Anything I can do to stay close with you two, I will."

I hugged my mother tighter.

"Mom, I'm going to love you forever. While some warning would have been nice, I think I'm okay with getting you pregnant. I've not told many people this, but the thought of impregnating people is a major turn-on.. I didn't expect the panic when it actually happened, though."

"We don't know if you knocked me up yet, and won't for at least two weeks." Mom said coyly. "So we'd better keep trying- all three of us."

Kaia and I smiled at each other and nodded. It was going to be a fun summer.