My whole family was home for the holiday break. It was the first time we were all together in nearly five years. The first few days had been fine, maybe a bit awkward, but copious gifts and heavy meals have a way of smoothing things over...

The third day, however, my parents announced they had a thing that night - my Dad's company's Christmas party - and they insisted my older sister, Amy, had to stay home to keep an eye on us. Amy was not happy about it.

"It'll just be for a few hours, honey," my Mom said, already standing by the front door and pulling on her coat.

"It's not fair, I'm a grown woman with my own life," Amy said, "Besides, I think 'the kids' are old enough to be on their own at this point."

Amy was twenty-six, a good seven years older than me and eight years older than the twins. She had always been distant with us. The age difference, especially when we were younger, was a big deal. When you're nine and your sister is 15, she might as well be another adult. Amy was out of the house before I was in high school.

"It's one evening, pumpkin," my Dad said, tying on his scarf, "I really don't see what the big deal is."

"Luke and I have a date tonight," Amy said.

"You and Luke have been together for three years," Mom said, "I'm sure you can do it another time."

They kept arguing. Amy stomped around the living room and screamed at my parents. In the end, they left her no choice. She was stuck with me and my younger sisters for the evening.

"Be good for your sister!" my father called out and pulled the door behind him.

As soon as the door squeaked shut, I jumped off the couch and grabbed my own coat. With all the tension left lingering in the house, I figured it'd be safer for me to be somewhere else. Besides, I'd be doing Amy a favor, giving her one less 'kid' to keep an eye on.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going, Chase?" Amy snapped as soon as she saw me reach for the front door.

"I'm just going over to Shawn's house across the street," I said, hands in the air like she was about to shoot me, "He got a Switch for Christmas and we're going to play Smash Bros."

Amy rested her hands on her hips. She was wearing a light blue tank top and a pair of sweatpants, already attired for a Friday evening in. My older sister was tall - she even had an inch on me - with deep green eyes and wavy, blonde hair that hung down to right below her breasts. I knew I wasn't supposed to think of my sister as a sexual creature, but I was still a 19-year-old boy and Amy was smoking hot.

But in that moment, Amy appeared too angry for me to subtly assess her assets. So, I made sure to keep looking her in the eyes. For the most part.

"You're not going anywhere," Amy said, "Mom and Dad said we're all stuck here."

"They said you're stuck here," I said, "They didn't say anything about me. Besides, it's only across the street. It's not like I'm going to the Sudan."

Amy sighed dramatically. "I can't leave so you can't leave. Besides, I need your help to keep an eye on Jenna and Brianna."

"Please. What kind of trouble can two twin, 18-year-old girls get into?"

Amy cocked her eyebrow at me as if to ask, 'really?'

At that moment, as if their ears had been burning, Jenna and Brianna rumbled down the stairs and into the living room.

"What's for dinner?" they chorused. The twins were not identical, just born at the same time. Jenna was tiny, thin, with poker straight brown hair and a natural flush to her cheeks. Brianna was blonde like her older sister, but short like her twin. She had more of a heart shaped face with thick lips that seemed to always be curled into a friendly smile.

The twins had very different personalities, as well. Like I said, Brianna always seemed to be grinning about something. She was boisterous and outgoing. Jenna was more serious. Studious. Yet the two of them, by virtue of having been born together, were eternally paired. My Mom liked to say that the twins always ended up in the same place, even if they took totally different routes to get there.

"We're getting pizza," Amy announced and marched away from the door. I hung my coat back up on the hook and followed her, sullenly. I was as trapped as she was.

"Awwww," Brianna whined and flopped down on the dark leather sectional, "I don't want pizza."

"Can't we do something healthy?" Jenna asked, "Like steamed salmon?"

"What?" Amy spun on the girls. Her green eyes flashed murder. "It's bad enough that I've got to give up my life for you little shits, but now you expect me to be your gourmet chef as well? Well fuck that and fuck you!"

Amy stormed up the stairs.

"Ames!" Jenna called after our older sister.

"Wait!" Brianna shouted.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to take a bath and try to pretend like I'm not stuck here for another *sigh* eight hours."

"What about dinner?" Brianna asked.

"You little fuckers can eat whatever you want," Amy said, "I don't give a shit anymore." Our older sister stomped off down the hallway. The slam of her bedroom door reverberated throughout the house. Jenna, Brianna and I were left behind in the living room, looking at each other, nervously.

"She had a date with her boyfriend tonight," I said, "I guess she was really looking forward to it."

"I overheard her talking to Mom and she said they've been having problems. Maybe tonight she was going to try and fix things," Brianna said.

"I don't care what her deal is," Jenna said, "She doesn't get to treat us this way."

"Yeah, we're not the ones who made her stay home," Brianna said.

"Well, she can go throw a tantrum," I said, "But we still need to eat something."

"I bet we can rustle up something awesome here in the house," Brianna said.

When Amy was growing up, my parents lived in a tiny townhouse. I barely remember the old place, but Amy spent almost her entire childhood there. By the time me and the twins were going to school, my Dad's career had skyrocketed, and we now had a McMansion in a new development outside of town. The house was enormous with vaulted ceilings and hardwood floors. We all had our own bedrooms, even the twins, and there were three palatial bathrooms including a master with a big hot tub.

I think Amy resented all that, too. She felt like her childhood had made her hard working and successful, while we'd grown up spoiled and soft. It added to the separation between us and Amy. Like we were from completely different families.

The twins and I walked into the kitchen to forage. It was an open concept with a Vulcan stove like you see on fancy cooking shows and a monolithic fridge. The girls started picking through the supplies and leaving things on the counter. They were doing that twin thing where they barely used words yet had whole conversations.

"What about?"

"Oh yes! And the radishes."


I stood to the side and let them work. It was fun watching them. Not in a dirty way! OK, maybe a bit in a dirty way. My younger sisters were both really cute and the way they worked together, it was kind of hot. In a completely chaste, totally appropriate sibling way.

It was something I didn't get to see that often anymore. Now that I was going to State, the twins were the only ones living at home full time. They were both headed to UCLA the following fall. That meant this might really be the last time all four siblings would be together. At least until we started doing life stuff like getting married and having babies. And that was probably decades away.

"Hey Chase," Brianna asked, her head buried in the fridge, "Speaking of relationships, how's it going with Sarah or Lara or whatever?"

"Tara," I corrected her. My blonde little sister had her sexy butt sticking straight out and I couldn't help but appreciate the position. "We broke up."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jenna said, distractedly. She was staring at the food on the counter like evaluating an ongoing science experiment.

"What happened?" Brianna asked. She stood up from the fridge, a jar of mustard in her hand.

"She's a whore," I said.

Jenna nearly fell over.

"She spent the whole fall telling me how she was very religious and saving herself for marriage," I said, "Then I found her fucking some frat dude at a party."

"Holy fuck," Brianna said.

"That's what I said when I found her," I said.

"Bro, that sucks," Jenna said, "I'm so sorry."

"I'm not," I said, "I'm glad I found out before I fell in love with her."

"That's a good attitude," Jenna said.

"You'll never find us acting that way," Brianna said, "We'd never cheat on our boyfriends."

"We'd have to have boyfriends first," Jenna said, "Or, you know, do anything with them beyond kissing."

I understood where the girls were coming from. I'd dated other women before Tara, but I didn't have very much experience. I was too passive, that was the problem. Girls seemed to want a man to drive the action and I never exactly knew the right pedals to press or when. Instead, with my girlfriends, we would idle until she found someone else who knew how to hit the accelerator.

I wondered if the twins had similar troubles. Growing up with each other as best friends was nice, but it also kept them isolated. Insulated. Not that they weren't social - Brianna especially seemed to make friends with everyone - but neither girl was seriously dating, either.

"You're both very pretty girls," I said, "I'm sure you'll meet someone soon."

"Oooooo, Chase thinks we're pretty," Brianna said, flouncing around the kitchen.

"Bree, he has to say that, being our brother and all," Jenna said.

And here I was thinking I was wrong for checking out my sisters. Apparently, it was my brotherly duty.

"Don't be such a downer, Jen," Brianna said, "Just enjoy the fact that our big brother thinks we're sexy."

"I didn't..."

"I'm just teasing you, Chase," Brianna said and kissed my cheek.

"My brother finding me pretty doesn't exactly help with the whole boyfriend thing," Jenna said.

"Honestly, you might be better off waiting till college," I said, "People are way more mature there. My own experience excepted of course."

"I guess," Jenna said.

"Don't mind her," Brianna said, "She's just feeling a little 'frustrated' if you know what I mean."

"I am not!" Jenna said, and her usually pink cheeks went bright red. She grabbed a big slotted spoon off the counter. "You take that back!"

The twins started chasing each other around the kitchen, shrieking like maniacs. I let them make a few circuits before I intervened. Finally, I caught them, panting, and separated them both.

"You know I was only teasing, Jen," Brianna said.

"It's OK, Bree," Jenna said.

Then, as if nothing had happened, the two of them went back to work on dinner.


The twins were like a cyclone in the kitchen and eventually I had to get out of there before I was swept away. Instead I jumped on the couch and went back to enjoying my Dad's latest big-ticket purchase: a 70" 8K behemoth with surround sound that could cause earthquakes in nearby towns. I dropped in Mad Max, sat back, and let it blow me away. I was so engrossed in what I was watching, I didn't even hear my sisters sneak up on me.

"Dinner's ready," Brianna said. She was holding up a large plate with a seared steak, roasted potatoes, and a mixed green salad. It looked like something from a master chef, not two teenage girls.

"Holy fuck," I said, "You girls made that?"

"Well we found the steaks in the freezer and there was all this stuff for a marinade, so we whipped that together and then..."

"I don't need to hear about it," I said, "I just can't wait to eat it."

"Well go get Amy and tell her dinner is ready," Brianna said, "We'll set the table."

"Yes, hopefully she'll see all the work we've done and won't feel bad about staying anymore," Jenna said.

"Then, after dinner, we can all watch a movie together," Brianna said.

It was a good plan, I had to admit. Plus, I was excited about the chance to win Amy over. We may have been at odds, but she was still my big sister. That's something hardwired, I think. I wanted Amy to like me, kind of idolized her honestly. It hurt that she was so upset about having to spend time with us.

I bounded up the stairs, excited to tell Amy about what we (well, what the twins) had done.


The hallway was dark. Only a bit of light slipped out of my parents' bedroom. I assumed Amy had been in there, making use of the big whirlpool tub. I don't blame her. I'd snuck in there lots of times.

I padded down the hardwood floor. Past the doors of my bedroom, of my sisters'. I was only wearing socks and so I sort of skated my way along. I started to shout, to tell Amy about dinner, but something held my voice in. Amy was singing to herself - a bubbly, nonsense tune - and it echoed softly down the hallway.

My parents' room was cracked open, no more than an inch. Wan, yellow light escaped down the hall. I walked up to the doorway. Looked inside. And there, in a halo of golden brightness, I saw my blonde big sister. Standing in front of a full-length mirror. Completely naked.

Oh my God.

I knew Amy was attractive. But I really had no idea until that moment. Watching her through the crack in the door, it was like that old Greek myth about finding a goddess bathing in the forest. Amy wasn't just attractive or even striking. She was fucking incredible. Her tan skin and perfectly formed butt. The way her golden hair hung down in waves to the middle of her back. I watched as she flexed every muscle. The way her toned, thin core gave way to her wide, womanly hips. I couldn't even see her front, although it would only take a little shift in the mirror to...

"CHASE?! What the fuck are you doing!"

I startled. Amy was looking right at me, arms covering her most secret parts. Her face contorted with rage.

I stuttered. I tried to explain. I had come to tell her about dinner. I wasn't creeping on her through the door. I'd only seen her by accident and now...

I scampered back down the hallway. My heart ripping through my chest.


Dinner was a strained, somber affair. The food was exquisite, the meal straight misery. We ate in the dining room at a long, dark wood table with high backed chairs, under a jangling chandelier. I forced myself to focus on my plate. Every time I looked up, Amy glared me back down.

The twins had set us up in there with the nice dishes and cloth napkins, expecting a fun family supper. They had no idea what had happened, but they could sense the tenor of the moment, and so they ate quietly, as well. The clatter and scrape of silverware seemed almost deafening.

Midway through eating, the phone rang. It was so sudden, the atmosphere so tense, I nearly fell backward out of my chair. Amy answered it, speaking tersely.

"Yes," Amy said.

"No," Amy said.

"OK," Amy said. She hung up the phone and placed it gingerly on the table like she was afraid it might explode.

"Mom and Dad are going to be out all night," Amy said, "Apparently it's snowing, and they're worried about getting trapped somewhere."

I looked out the window. There were a few flakes, but it was hardly a blizzard. I wondered if my parents had been planning this little weekend getaway all along.

"Conveniently, they've found a hotel room out near them," Amy said, clearly reaching the same conclusion, "They'll be home tomorrow morning." Jenna started to ask something, but Amy glowered at her. The unsettling stillness washed back over us.

When we were finished eating, Amy announced that we would be having a family meeting in her old bedroom after we cleaned up. I washed the dishes while the twins dried. I could tell they wanted to ask me what had was going on, but no one said anything. Then we tromped upstairs like prisoners to our fate.

Amy barely used her bedroom. It was furnished for a high school girl who no longer existed. My parents had left it that way, I suppose hoping it might entice their daughter to visit more often? Or maybe, with so many other rooms in the house, they forgot to redo it? I don't know.

Amy had a big, white bed with pink carpeting and light pink walls with white trim. There was an old, lacquered white dresser and a desk. The room was otherwise empty. There were no toys or posters on the wall. It looked like a model or a magazine photo shoot. Girl Teen's Bedroom. Use code T1835 to order now! (Actual teen girl not included. Stop calling us, creepos.)

Amy stood in the center of the room. She motioned for me to line up against the wall, like I was getting in front of a firing squad. The twins sidled up to our older sister.

After her bath, Amy had changed back into her blue tank top and sweats. Her long, honey gold hair was up in a ponytail. The twins both had on dark leggings and oversized sweaters - Jenna's was gold and Brianna's was green. Jenna's brown hair was up in a ponytail like her older sister's, but Brianna's blonde tresses hung long and loose.

"What's going on?" Jenna asked.

"Yes, what's up with you and Chase?" Brianna asked.

"Apparently, your older brother likes to spy on his naked sisters." Amy pointed at me, accusingly, as she spoke.

"Amy, I swear I didn't mean to. The door was cracked open and I..."

"That door was shut tight," Amy said, "I made sure of it myself before getting in the bath."

"I'm sure it was an accident, Ames," Jenna said, "Chase wouldn't intentionally perv on you."

"Yes, Chase isn't like that," Brianna said.

"Oh, come on," Amy said, "You can't tell me you've never noticed our brother checking you out. I swear he's got, like, a permanent crick in his neck from looking at our tits all day."

To my shame, my younger sisters nodded ruefully. Damn. Well, she had me there. I knew I wasn't supposed to notice my sisters but, I mean, come on! You try being chaste around all that fantastic female flesh. I had to glance every now and again. I still felt bad about doing it, though.

"I'm sorry, Amy. Girls. I really am," I said, "What can I do to make it up to you? Seriously, I'll do whatever it takes to make this right."

All three sisters crossed their arms in the exact same way. It would have been cute if it wasn't so mortifying.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Chase," Amy said, "Since you spied on your naked sister, I think it's only fair that we get to see you naked now, too."

My heart stopped. Something about standing there in Amy's girlie-pink room, all three sisters staring at me, I couldn't bear the thought of being naked in front of them. I know that sounds like a double standard from a guy who was just waxing poetic about his older sister's bare backside. But there it is.

"Well?" Amy asked, "Get on with it."

OK, I knew I didn't want to get naked in front of my three, fully-clothed sisters. But I doubted that flat out refusing would get me anywhere. I needed to bargain this sentence down at least a little bit. "Why does it have to be all of us here?" I asked, "Shouldn't it be just you and me?"

"You've been staring at all of us all week," Amy said, "All of us should get to see you."

I looked over at the twins, expecting them to protest. Instead they stared back at me. Not completely angry, but not exactly pleased, either. Instinctively, I looked down at my outfit. I had a black, concert t-shirt on and a pair of blue jeans. I felt naked already.

"I only saw your bu... Your backside, Amy," I said, "And it was for, like, a second. So, what if I just turn around, pull down my pants, and, you know?"

No," Amy said, "I didn't get a choice in this so neither do you. It's naked or nothing." Her nostrils flared. She was already pissed about losing her date night and being trapped in the house. My inadvertent peep show had obviously put her over the top. All she had to do was turn green and burst out of her clothes and she'd be ready to join the Avengers.

I knew there was no point in continuing to argue. I only had one last hope to keep my dignity: plead like a dog. "Look, Amy, I'm really sorry. I swear, I barely even saw anything. I'll wash your car. Clean your apartment. Please don't make me do this."

"So, you didn't see enough, huh?" Amy said, "Is that the problem? You only got that one little glance and you think your skimpy body is worth way more than that?

"No, I..."

"Fine you little freak," Amy said, "Take a good look."

Just like that, my big sister reached down to the hem of her tank top and ripped it right over her head. Then she grabbed the waistband of her sweats and, without even pausing, stepped out of those, too. My beautiful blonde sister was now standing in front of me in a black lacy bra and matching French Cut panties. What had I just said about her bursting out of her clothes? Holy fucking fuck.

The twins turned and stared, flabbergasted, at their mostly-naked older sister. I was slack-jawed, as well. There should have been something funny about it. It was so silly, my older sister getting naked in front of us. Instead the moment felt dangerous. Electric.

Amy had long, tan arms and legs with a flat stomach. Her breasts - a perfect fit for her tall, lanky body - stuck out prominently under her lacy bra. I knew I shouldn't be checking her out, I knew it, but I couldn't stop myself. Before, I'd said my older sister looked like a goddess through the crack in the door. What I was seeing now, still covered in the most important places, would make a goddess weep.

"Is that enough for you?" Amy said.

I stood there, unable to move a muscle. My dick, however, had no such problem and snaked down my shorts, like it was trying to burst right off my body.

"No?" Amy said, "Well then maybe it's time for more drastic measures."

Amy gestured at Brianna and Jenna. The twin girls stared back at her. Confused. Our older sister couldn't really mean for them to... Could she?

Amy took both twins by the arms and pulled them gently back outside her bedroom. She closed the door behind them, leaving me behind in the pink abyss. The girls started arguing in hushed voices. They were clearly trying to be quiet, but they did a lousy job of it - I could hear almost everything.

"Come on," Amy said, "You have to help me."

"I don't care what he did," Brianna said, "I'm not doing that."

"It'll serve him right," Amy said, "It'll be a lesson he never forgets."

"That's exactly what I'm concerned about," Jenna said, "Being memorable."

"I don't see what the big deal is," Amy said

"Nobody made you take your clothes off," Brianna said.

"Come on! Us girls, we're sisters. We're supposed to stick together," Amy said, "You can't take his side."

A pause. I couldn't help but root for my older sister in that moment. What she'd already done - what she was clearly suggesting. This wasn't the biggest embarrassment of my life any more. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. And I resolved right there to make the most of it.

Maybe it was wrong. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be attracted to them that way. I no longer cared. I was going to see my sexy sisters naked, no matter what it took.

The three girls marched back into Amy's room. They stood there, arms at their sides, like they were about to begin a military march. The twins looked so serious, so sullen, I forgot for a moment to be excited instead of nervous.

"Since you're so interested in your sisters, Chase, why don't you get a good look," Amy said.

Brianna sighed loudly and stepped forward. She pulled her green sweater up over her head and threw it aside. Then she stripped off her leggings.

My blonde little sister was wearing a thin white cami, almost like an undershirt, in lieu of a bra. Again, I tried to be respectful - to glance and look away. But then I saw Brianna's boobs. I'd never gotten a good look before. She always wore baggy, shapeless clothes. But now, in just her underwear, I couldn't miss it.

My little sister's tits were massive.

Brianna was shorter than Amy by nearly a foot, but her breasts were at least two cups larger than her older sister's. The blonde twin was admittedly curvy with broad shoulders and wide hips, but it still looked like she'd stolen her breasts from a far bigger woman. Brianna's large, dark nipples showed through the flimsy material of her undershirt.

Somehow, I managed to tear my eyes away from my sister's remarkable chest and saw she had on a pair of navy, boy shorts panties. A few wisps of unruly blonde pubic hair poked out at the sides.

Even Amy seemed impressed by her sister's massive rack. "Jesus, Bree," Amy said. The younger blonde blushed.

Then Jenna stepped forward and started undressing herself, too. She was wearing the same white tank top under her sweater as Brianna was, but on Jenna's body it looked like a completely different garment. Jenna was skinny, almost elfin, and her breasts matched her body. They were small, especially compared to her sisters', and slender. The tank top rode up a bit, showing Jenna's totally washboard tummy.

Then the brunette girl stepped out of her leggings. Her bottom half was also almost curve-less, with barely a butt at all. Like her twin, Jenna was wearing a pair of boy shorts panties, yellow ones. She held her arms at her sides. Her pinkish cheeks grew pinker.

"There," Amy said, "Make sure you get a good look at your sexy sisters cause now it's your turn."

My cock, already hard, rose to full mast and then some. This was already incredible. But seeing my sisters in their undies made me greedy. All I had to do was keeping playing Amy's game, let her feel like she was still punishing me, and I would earn a far greater reward.

So, I stared down at the ground, making a big show of my reluctance. Did my best to control my goofy, girl-induced grin. Slowly, I lifted my t-shirt over my head and tossed it onto Amy's bed. I lowered my jeans to the ground and kicked them off to the side. I was now standing in my sister's girlie bedroom wearing nothing but a pair of green boxer briefs. I'm not in bad shape, I'd been playing intramural ice hockey and it showed. Still, I couldn't help but feel a bit sheepish.

When I was done, the room went dead silent. All three of my sisters gaped down at my crotch like it was metal and their pupils were made of magnets.

I knew I was poking out before - I felt it. But I didn't realize how prominent my protuberance was going to appear. I wasn't just pitching a tent, I was preparing for the biggest circus on the planet. My penis pointed outward, as straight and solid as I'd ever felt it. My balls even ached a little. All covered up, I'd thought I was hard. Now I saw I was straight up steel.

"Wow," Brianna said, staring blankly, "That looks...?"

"Are they all so...?" Jenna asked.

Even Amy seemed a bit taken aback, but she quickly recovered. "It's just cause it's in his underwear," she said, "I assure you, our little brother has nothing to be proud of. Getting an erection over his sisters."

Amy's remonstration did nothing to affect my hard on. I had three gorgeous women standing in front of me in nothing but their underwear. My body didn't know that they were my siblings. Frankly, it'd be way more wrong if I was flaccid. Besides, I could see all three girls' nipples poking through their underwear. And the house was more than well heated.

"I'm sure you girls have both seen plenty of penises more prominent than little Chasey's over there," Amy said.

The twins both shook their heads.

"Nope," Brianna said.

"Wait, you've never seen one?" Amy asked.

"I mean, online, sure," Jenna said, "Mom has a plastic one she keeps in her nightstand. But never a real one in real life."

"Jeez, you two need to get out more," Amy said, "Well, you heard your little sisters, Chasey-Chase. Time for some home schooling. Take out that little sausage and show them."

I swear the room somehow got silent-er. Like the entire world had simply stopped to see what would happen. Amy, Brianna, and Jenna were all standing in front of me almost near enough to touch and nearly naked. The way my sisters were reacting, I didn't mind the idea of whipping out my dick.

But I knew, if I did that, the show would be over. The girls would look. Amy would pretend to be unimpressed. And that would be the end of it. As awesome as this already was, I was sure I could see more. I just needed to figure out a way to get my sisters to bare their T's and A's before my D came out.

Here's what I figured: Amy wanted me naked - that was her revenge and she was going to stick to it. My twin little sisters wanted my boxers gone, too. It would be bit of harmless fun for them and, what's more, probably satisfy a few lingering questions. Curiosity and pussies and all that.

I wanted the opposite, obviously. But it was three-on-one. Was there a way I could pull one of the girls to my way of thinking? If I balanced the sides, I knew we'd all tip over. I just had to make it feel like my sisters' choice instead of mine.

"Fine," I said, "You all get naked and I'll do the same. Just like before."

"Oh no," Amy said, "You already saw my butt in the buff. Take off your little shorts or we'll hold you down and do it for you."

I swear I saw Jenna and Brianna both smirk a bit at that mental image.

"Just take it off, Chase, and get it over with," Brianna said, crossing her arms under her giant tits, ironically making them look even larger.

"You really don't get it, do you?" Amy said, "How embarrassing it was to be seen like that. And now you have the nerve to stand there and demand a tit for your tat?"

"I got a glance at your back for, like, a second and a half. You've been staring at me mostly naked for the past ten minutes," I said, gesturing at my outfit, or my lack of one for the most part. My erection bobbed slightly under my boxer briefs, as if agreeing. "An exchange would only be fair."

"So, you'll do it, but only if your sisters get naked with you?" Amy asked. I noticed she said your sisters and not us. I thought back through our conversations. Everything that Amy had said and done that night. Had I read the room wrong? Were the odds already in my favor? There was only one way to find out for sure. I had to bluff.

"I think we should all walk out of here now," I said, "You can be satisfied that you humiliated me, and I can be well and chastised. I've learned my lesson and I won't stare at any of you anymore."

"Pssshhhhh. I'll believe that when I see it," Amy said, "You're not getting out of this that easy." Oh God fucking yes!

"If you won't leave, then we all have to get naked together," I said, the confidence practically radiating off me. Amy had told me everything I needed to know and now? This was going to be fun.

"I don't see how that's even remotely fair," Jenna said. Brianna agreed. But Amy didn't say anything. The twins both looked up at their older sister, waiting for her to shoot me down. The tall blonde stood there, thoughtful.

"Amy?" the twins gasped at once.

"Who goes first?" Amy asked.

"Amy!" the twins shouted.

"Girls first, like before," I said.

"No," Amy said.

My older sister shook her head firmly. Jenna and Brianna let out a deep sigh of relief.

I did my best to hide my disappointment. They were my sisters, yes, but I couldn't help yearning to see those three painfully attractive women get totally naked. And I really thought that Amy was on my side for some reason.

So why not take a shot? After all, fortune favors the horny. Or something like that.

But I'd misread the whole situation. I'd reached too far and now the opportunity was lost. I'd be thinking about those girls in their underwear for a long time. And wondering how I'd missed out on seeing so much more.

"I understand," I said, unable to hide the sadness in my voice.

"We should all take off our clothes at the same time," Amy said, "Agreed?"

Hell YES we were agreed!

Jenna and Brianna both glared at their older sister like this was a game of Risk and they'd just been betrayed. I, on the other hand, felt like I could light the whole room with my happiness. I was about to see my sisters' Kamchatkas. Or at least some excellent titties.

This time, it was Jenna and Brianna who pulled Amy out of the room. They dragged her along like a kid throwing a tantrum in a toy store.

"We're not doing it, Amy," Jenna said as soon as they closed the door behind them, "I'm not getting naked in front of my big brother."

"There's no way," Brianna said.

"Come on," Amy said, "You can't tell me you don't want to see your brother's... His thing."

"If you want to see it so bad, you get naked," Jenna said.

"It has to be all of us or none of us," Amy said, "That's the only way it works. To punish him, I mean."

"It doesn't seem to be working at all," Jenna said, "Unless the plan is for all of us to get naked."

There was a long pause.

"Come on, it'll be awesome," Amy said, "Especially if you've never seen one before. I bet Chase hasn't seen anything like your... stuff, either. Think of it as being, like, educational."

"I mean, maybe it's not that big a deal?" Brianna said.

"That's the spirit," Amy said, "I mean, you've already seen so much already. And that's just his boxers. Don't you want to know what your big brother's packing?"

"I thought you said it was tiny," Brianna said.

"You girls know I can hear you, right?" I asked.


One by one, my sisters filed back into the bedroom, looking mortified. I enjoyed watching them all over again. Jenna's lithe little body. Brianna's wide hips and massive tits. Amy's amazing... well, everything. And yet it wasn't enough. I knew I could get them naked now. Had to.

"Your little sisters have an issue with our agreement," Amy said. Again, always about 'my little sisters.' My big sister? She had no problem at all. I didn't even think to wonder why, I was just so happy it was happening.

"What if we have a compromise?" I said, "You all have two pieces of clothing on to my one. So, each of us can take one thing off. You girls won't have to be completely naked, but I will. We each get something, but no one gets everything."

It was better than nothing, I reasoned. Certainly, it was an improvement on staring at each other in a half-naked stand off for the next hour.

"So, like, we would all take off our bras and you would remove your boxers?" Brianna asked.

"I don't know," Jenna said.

"Seems fair enough to me," Amy said, "In fact, I'll even go first."

Just like that, my older blonde sister reached back, unsnapped her bra, and... Oh. My. God. The black lace fell away. Amy's amazing breasts sprung free. Bare, perky and beautiful. Tear-drop-shaped with little, erect pink nubs. You couldn't sculpt a pair that would come even close to the works of art sitting on my older sister's chest.

Amy crossed her arms under her magnificent mounds and tried to still look stern. The twins just stared back. There was a pause where I think even my big sister thought she might have gone too far.

"Fine," Brianna said, "What the hell." She reached down and pulled her undershirt off. My little sister's massive tits spilled out. It was impossible to imagine how, but that thin white cami had actually been holding Bree's boobies back a bit. Where Amy had grapefruits, Brianna had full-on cantaloupes capped with big, dark nipples.

Her bounteous breasts revealed, Brianna tucked her blonde hair behind her ear and looked away from all of us.

"Jesus, Bree," Amy said it again.

"They're not like, too bad, are they?" Brianna asked. Her cheeks were almost as pink as Jenna's.

"Are you joking?" Jenna asked, now staring down ashamedly at her own chest.

"They're awesome," I said, "Seriously." I was in a tough spot. I wanted to hoot and holler. To cheer in celebration of all this incredible boob-age. Of course, I knew if I acted like that, this whole thing was over. But I couldn't exactly purse my lips in disdain, either.

To my surprise, Brianna blushed all the more. "Thanks, Chase," she said and smiled at me.

Now both Brianna and Amy were topless and looking over at Jenna. She rolled her eyes.

"Not that much to see, anyway," Jenna grumbled and took off her top. Her breasts were small, though certainly not non-existent. Her plums only looked petite next to her sisters' more voluminous fruits. Her puffy, pink nipples pointed slightly upwards.

Jenna sighed, sadly. Brianna reached over and tweaked Jenna's nipple playfully, but Jenna slapped her twin's hand away.

"Oh come on," Brianna said, "I was only having a little fun."

"This isn't fun for me," Jenna said. Except it did sort of sound like she was having fun.

"Yours are pretty awesome, too," I said, "Just in a different way."

"Uh huh," Jenna said. She twisted back and forth slightly, "Can we get this over with?"

I stepped forward and tucked my thumbs into the waistband of my boxers. This was the final step. The end of our adventure together. I hadn't gotten my sisters to go all the way, but topless was pretty great all its own.

Now I'd step out of my underwear. Show them my dick. And that would be it. I kind of wanted to draw it out a little bit. To savor my last moments with my sisters' tits out.

I dragged my boxer briefs down. My penis - God, somehow still even harder than before - caught on the elastic and popped up. Like waving hi to my sexy sisters. I kicked my underwear to the side and stood straight. My cock, now an almost angry purple, throbbed like it was about to explode.

The room went back to that deader than dead silence. I could hear my own heartbeat, I swear. Could see it pulsing in my penis as it pointed impossibly straight. You could have hung a towel on that thing. Or a goddammed three-piece suit with a trench coat. Olympic divers leap off less rigid materials. You get my point.

"Wow," Amy said. Breaking the silence.

"Is that...?" Brianna asked again.

"Nooooo," Amy said, "No no no. I mean Luke's isn't even... Wow."

"God, does this whole family have a strain of sexual gigantism?" Jenna asked, "And why the fuck did it skip me?"

With all the attention, I couldn't help but smile a little, you know, cockily. I mean, at first, I assumed my sisters were just being nice. I don't have a porn cock, I swear. Maybe a bit thicker than what I suppose is average but not, like, freakish. My girlfriends had never said anything about it. But my sisters were clearly impressed and what can I say? I was enjoying the attention.

The girls were so engrossed with what was between my legs, they didn't even bother to cover their chests and I took the chance to examine them all over again. Jenna's tits were little but still hot as hell. Her puffy pink nipples especially. Brianna's boobs were, I mean, modern marvels of bio-engineering at the very least. They were like massive twin mountains set on a tiny island of a body. And Amy's breasts? I couldn't imagine a more perfect pair. The shape and size - gravity defying and mind blowing - all at the same time.

And that was it. We'd exposed all that we would. Nothing to do now but get dressed and go back downstairs. Dammit.

"You should touch it," Amy said, "Touch him." I heard someone gasp. I think it might have been me. I waited for another round of arguing. But instead, my blonde little sister smiled at me shyly and asked,

Can I?" Brianna's arm was already reaching, like demonstrating what she wanted to do. Somehow, I managed to keep my composure.

"Panties off first," I said. I swear I saw Amy wink at me as I said it.

Brianna didn't even hesitate. She simply slipped off her underwear and hurried over. I caught a glimpse of Brianna's thick blonde bush, but then her warm hand contracted around my cock and I wasn't able to focus on anything other than that. Those little pink fingers squeezing my shaft.

"Oh cool!" Brianna said, "It's like, soft and hard at the same time."

"Jenna, you should try it, too," Amy said.

"You know the rule," I said. Jenna didn't say anything, she just stepped out of her panties. I startled as I saw my younger sister had shaved her pussy bare. Her chubby nether lips were as pink as her cheeks. Jenna reached over and put her hand behind her twin's on my cock. Now the both of them were completely naked and squeezing my dick. Holy fuck. It took all my effort not to cum right there.

"Right?" Brianna said. Jenna blushed and smiled.

"Yes," she said, "So it's like?"


Amy and I shared a look. Twin speak all over again.

"Well, I might as well have a turn, too," Amy said, as if she were reluctant to do so. My older sister pushed down her black panties. She had only a tiny tuft of blonde hair over her quim.

Amy walked forward, swinging her hips, and pushed the twins aside. A woman amongst girls. I was pretty sad as the twins let go. But then their two tentative touches were replaced by Amy's firm grip and suddenly I couldn't care.

My blonde older sister hefted my dick in her hand. She squeezed and teased. Dragged her nails down to my balls and cupped them slightly. The whole time her eyes only focused on the object of her affection. My eyes, though, were glued to her. The twins, no doubt the same.

"So how do you...?" Jenna asked, "Like, you know?"

"Like, make him shoot his stuff?" Brianna asked.

"Oh, that's easy," Amy said, "Our brother's probably already halfway there. Right Chase?"

I could only grunt. My big sister had already started jerking my cock up and down.

"Can barely get my hand around it," Amy mumbled to herself. She started to pick up the pace.

My older sister was stroking me off while my younger sisters watched. I guess I was supposed to be grossed out by this? Or upset? I mean, that's what they say right, about doing dirty stuff with family? In the moment, I could only feel enraptured by everything that was going on. Getting a hand job was incredible enough. That it was my sister doing it only made it feel better.

I wanted to look everywhere, At everything. At Amy's breasts jostling back and forth. Her face screwed up in concentration as she worked my dick. At Jenna and Brianna as they stood back, naked, and watched us both. I could barely even keep my eyes open, I was so overwhelmed by my impending ecstasy.

Amy was right, all the excitement already had me on the edge. A few quick pumps and suddenly...

"Oh FUCK!" I cried out. My muscles went stiff. My body arched back. A stream of white shot out of my cock and splattered Brianna's gigantic tit. Almost as if Amy had intentionally aimed it there.

"Oh cool!" Jenna said.

"Awesome!" Brianna said.

Amy steered me forward. My next blast hit Jenna. Then Brianna again. I emptied my load onto my younger sisters. The girls giggled as I splashed them.

"That's a good boy," Amy said as I shot, "Cover your sisters with your cum."

My orgasm stilled, but my dick stayed hard in Amy's hand. A little trail of white spilled over her fingers. Amy stepped back toward Jenna and Brianna. Absently, my older sister began rubbing my spend into the two girls' skin. The twins sighed.

I slumped back against the wall and slid to the ground. Overwhelmed, overjoyed, by everything that had happened.

"Well Chase just put on a show for us," Amy said, "It's time for you two to do the same."

"You mean?" Jenna said.

"In front of Chase?" Brianna said, "But he's our brother."

"It's only fair," Amy said, "Besides, you can't tell me you're not feeling a little worked up after seeing that." My older sister sat down across from me and folded her legs under herself. She reached down and placed her fingers at the opening of her pink pussy.

"It's easy," Amy said. But then she stopped rubbing. "Sit down."

The twins eyed at each other nervously but clambered down on either side of Amy and matched her position.

"Good," Amy said, "Now show him."

I was surrounded by temptation as my three beautiful sisters all started working themselves at the same time. Hot girls rubbing off in 4D - it was like the best amusement park experience ever!

Amy never went further than teasing at herself slowly, but after some hesitation I saw that the twins were moving much more quickly. It was cute the way they mirrored each other. Brianna with her hand buried in her blonde bush. Jenna moving similarly on her own shaved snatch.

"Tell Chase what you're doing," Amy said, smiling at me smugly. She was barely even touching herself now.

"I... I'm rubbing..." Jenna said.

"Rubbing my clit, yeah," Brianna said.

"Kind of slow. Faster," Jenna said.

"Why?" Amy asked, "Help your brother learn."

"F... feels good," Jenna said.

"Oh yes," Brianna said.

"Tell him more," Amy said.

Jenna scooted forward a bit. "See? That's where my clitty is." She had a pink fold of skin beneath her fingers. Brianna came closer, too and showed me the same. The two girls weren't identical, but their pussies sure seemed similar. The room began to smell of my sisters' sex. All slightly different - heady and illicit.

"That's not where his cock would go, though. Right?" Amy asked. I noticed she'd slid back now. My younger sisters were so close, our knees almost touched. Amy may as well have been in another state.

"No," Jenna said. The brunette paused at her rubbing and pulled her labia apart, showing me her hole.

"That. That's where it goes," Brianna said, exposing herself the same way. "Going to... put a finger. There now."

"Inside me," Jenna said.

"Feels good," Amy said, "But it would be way better with a cock, right?"

"I don't."

"I've never."

"Oh, it would. Trust me," Amy said, "Feel how that little pussy is squeezing down on your finger? That's cause it wants a big hard dick inside. And let me tell you, this is nothing next to that."


"Oh God."

"Well?" Amy asked. "What are you waiting for?" My older sister looked straight at me. I was harder than ever, as if I hadn't already been stroked off. I reached down, assuming she wanted me to jack it while the twins jilled. I just hoped I could hang on long enough not to blow before the twins did. My older sister shook her head at me.

"You girls need to know what it feels like," Amy said, "And there's a perfectly good penis right there."

I waited for the twins to stop. To argue. Instead they both just moaned softly. They were both working themselves hard. Their hands a blur on their clits. Their fingers jammed in their sex. They said nothing.

Amy jumped forward and pulled both girls' hands away from their pussies. The twins groaned in frustration. Their faces were red. Breaths coming in hungry gulps.

"No more masturbating," Amy said, "It's time you two learn how to do this properly."

I'd been hoping to see my sisters in their underwear. The thought of fucking them? It was like reading about Hogwarts for the first time and then going there that very day.

Looking back, I know this all seems strange. Why was Amy arguing for this to happen? I mean, was she as driven by my dick as I was? But I wasn't going to disagree with her in the moment. Not if it meant I could put my dick inside one of my sexy younger sisters. That it was incest - that it was wrong - those thoughts entered my head, too, of course. But in a backwards way that said all that made this better not worse.

Amy smiled at me again. She dropped the twins' hands. Reached forward for my cock and used it to pull me over to Brianna. She pushed the blonde twin back by her chest, gently, like setting a table. Then Amy took my dick and started rubbing the head over Brianna's hairy blonde pussy.

My younger sister moaned and bucked. Jenna crawled over to look at the two of us. Her little tits hung down over her twin.

"I know you want it, Bree," Amy said, "That big hard brother cock. It's the only way I'll let you cum. I promise it'll be soooo good."

"Doesn't it... Will it hurt?" Brianna asked. Her voice small.

"No, you're already so worked up," Amy said, "It'll feel amazing, I promise."

I couldn't imagine how this was happening. But even before Amy finished speaking, she started pulling me forward. My older sister steered my dick, resting it in Brianna's virgin opening.

"Go for it," Amy said to me, "Stuff your little sister full."

God. Brianna tilted her head at me, quizzically. Legs spread. Even lying on her back, her breasts looked huge.

"You sure?" I asked. I don't even know who I was talking to.

"Give it to her, Chase," Amy said, "She wants it so bad."

As if to prove her sister's point, Brianna tried to move upward with her butt. Bury my cock inside her.

I Inched forward. I felt my little sister's pussy wrap around the head of my cock.

"Ooooo," Brianna groaned.

Nervous, I slid back a bit. I felt Amy's hand on my ass. "Don't stop now," Amy said.

"I don't want to hurt her," I said.

Amy reached around and grabbed my balls. Then she used them to drag my cock forward. To plant me in my sister's snatch. I went forward as far as I could go. About half my bare dick was now buried in Brianna. Again, I pulled back. This time Amy allowed it.

"Help your sister," Amy said. I looked up and saw she was speaking to Jenna. "Come on!"

Jenna hesitated.

"Jeez, it's no big deal," Amy said, "You're twins so it doesn't count."

Jenna leaned forward carefully and put her hand on Brianna's boob.

"That's it," Amy said, "Rub it a little. Like, pretend you're doing it to yourself."

"I don't have tits like these," Jenna said.

"Nobody has tits like those," Amy said.

I felt a little give and instinctively I started sliding forward again.

"How's that little sister pussy?" Amy asked me.

"Ssssssoooooo good," I said. My penis plowed forward. Brianna's cunt squeezed it at all sides. Like she was trying to trace every centimeter of my cock with her snatch. And then I could go no further.

I was buried to the hilt in Brianna's pussy. Skin to skin. In my baby sister.

I heard Brianna's breath catch.

"You're a woman now, sweetie," Amy said. She patted Brianna's head affectionately. "How does it feel?"

"Full," Brianna said.

"I'm not surprised," Amy said, "Our brother's got a big one."

"Just... Just be still for a sec," Brianna said.

"Good idea," Amy said, "Get used to it. When you're ready, Chase will give you a few pumps, just to give you the feel of it. Then it's Jenna's turn," Amy said.

Jenna looked me straight in the eye, but she didn't say anything. Just nodded and went back to rubbing Brianna's boobs.

"Don't forget her other parts," Amy told the brown-haired twin. Jenna paused. "Come on dammit, do you love your sister?"

"Yes, but..."

"Do you want to hurt her?"

"Well, no..."


Jenna tentatively ran her hand down Brianna's stomach. When her fingers slid through her sister's blonde bush and hit her clitty, her twin nearly popped right off the floor.

"Oh fuck that's good," Brianna said.

"Really, Chase ought to be doing that for you," Amy said, "But we've got the extra hands so why not use them?"

I looked over at Amy. Being fully buried in Brianna was amazing. But it was also tortuous. The urge to move. To drive my cock into my sister again and again. It was almost too much to bear. My self-control was eroding. But I didn't dare disobey Amy, in case she put a stop to this entirely. I really thought that was an actual possibility. Clearly, I wasn't thinking.

"OK, Chase's going to start fucking you now," Amy said.

"I don't know," Brianna said, "It feels OK now but..."

"It'll only be a few times," Amy said, "You have to do it, or it doesn't count. Just five, OK? Five in and outs."

Amy's hand was still on my balls from before. Gently rubbing at my testicles with her thumb. My older sister used her leverage to slowly pull me back. Brianna groaned in frustration as I withdrew, then sighed happily as Amy dragged me forward till I was, again, fully ensconced in Brianna's sex. I felt the head of my cock hit an end point and realized it was probably my little sister's cervix.

"That's one," Amy said.

Jenna was still rubbing her twin's clit. I felt her fingers tickle my shaft. Moving faster now.

"Two," Amy said.

God it felt so incredible. Brianna's pussy clutched me tighter than any hand. Wet and warm and better than anything I'd ever experienced. I didn't want to take my cock out of her ever again. It was so good.

Amy let her hands drop from my balls as I made my third thrust. She could see I had the rhythm now.

"Ah. Ah. Ah," Brianna gasped. Her chest flushed. Amy shot down and held Jenna's hand in place. Pressed it hard into Brianna's clit.

I pulled back one last time, then buried myself forward. I felt Brianna's legs kick. Her breath slowed and she let out a long, frustrated sigh. She arched her body like trying to make me do more. Move my penis inside her.

"Feel good?" Amy asked.

"Oh yeah," I said. I realized she probably wasn't asking me.

"Ready to switch?" Amy asked.

"W... wait," Brianna said.

"Let your sister have a turn, you greedy little slut," Amy said, a bit of a giggle in her voice.

"I'm almost... Just a little more. Please," Brianna said.

"Fine, but you have to listen to me," Amy said, "It's my rules or we stop."

"OK," Brianna said.

"Chase, give her another five good ones."

I started pumping again. The same gradual, agonizingly pleasurable motion.

Jenna started rubbing again, but Amy pushed her back, leaving Brianna's clit to suffer alone in the open air. My blonde little sister reached up to rub herself, but Amy nudged her hand away, as well.

"I didn't say you could do that," Amy said. I waited for Brianna to argue but she only lay back. Her massive breasts moving up and down as I plowed into her. I couldn't help myself. I reached down and took both boobs in my hands. It screwed up my rhythm, but I didn't care.

"Holy fuck, Bree," I said, squeezing her globes.

"Less tits, more twat," Amy said. But she smiled at me playfully. I let go of Brianna's breasts and focused on fucking her. My cock moving in and out even faster now. After I did five thrusts, I started to slow.

"Oh God. ohgod. Just a little...," Brianna groaned.

I looked over at Amy.

"That's all," Amy said, "Sorry sis."

"Pleeeeease," Brianna said. She was pushing with her hips again.

"Hmmmm," Amy said, "You have been well behaved."

"Uh huh," Brianna said.

"Say it," Amy said. She made that wicked smile. "Tell me what you want."

"I want it," Brianna said.

"Want what?"

"His... thing. In my thing," Brianna said.

"Oh, come on, that's not going to cut it," Amy said. Despite being completely naked, she still managed to look stern.

"I want him to fuck me," Brianna said, "Please."


"Ch... My brother. I want my brother to fuck me. I know it's wrong but... Oh God, please let my big brother fuck me!"

"You heard your sister," Amy said and smacked my ass.

There was no thrust count now. No hand controlling my motion. I drew back and, for real - for the first time - started fucking my voluptuous, blonde, baby sister. My cock pistoned in and out of Brianna. Both of us grunting and groaning. Rutting on Amy's pink carpet while our siblings watched.

Suddenly Brianna made a huge gasp. Her whole body stilled. Except for one, important place. Her pussy. It clamped down on me like nothing I'd ever felt. Suddenly I went from lost in pleasure to right on the precipice of something far better. Brianna's legs stiffened around my waist, almost as tight as her twat on my cock. Her eyes went wide. Her face bright red.

I couldn't hold back any more. My cock exploded and as the bliss raced out of me, Brianna screamed.

"Oh ffffffFFFFFUCK!" the blonde teenager cried and fell back. Her breaths coming fast "FuckFuckFUCK!"

I erupted into my sister. Cum after cum. The rapture rolling over me with every pulse of my penis. Filling my baby sister with my seed.

Brianna seemed to slow, then suddenly another wave of pleasure hit her, and she screamed all over again. She shook. Her legs kicked out. Finally she fell back, mumbling, "Oh fuck. So good. So fuck. Oh good."

I pumped everything I had into my sister. My sperm, my soul, my very essence. I fell forward and held Brianna tight. Felt her humongous chest press against mine. She gave me a little peck on the lips, strangely chaste and sisterly after everything we'd shared.

"You're heavy," Brianna said and giggled. I lifted up and pulled my shrinking dick out of her. A long thin trail of white goo stretched from the head of my cock to my sister's dripping snatch.

"Oh fuck," Jenna said, "He came in her."

"What?" Amy said.

"Chase," Jenna said, "He came in Brianna."

"Oh," Amy said, staring down at my cock as it separated from my sister, "Well, that's not ideal. I mean, it's OK, though. He'll be hard enough for you in a sec, I promise."

"No," Jenna said, "Brianna's not... I mean we aren't..."

Amy suddenly shook out of her reverie. "You're not protected? How are you not on the pill, you're eighteen for God's sake."

"Neither of us is doing anything," Jenna said, "Was doing anything."

"Fuck," Amy said.

Brianna was grinning stupidly. Still awash in post-orgasm bliss. "My big brother came in my unprotected pussy," she said.

My pleasure started going cold. "I didn't," I said, "I mean, I couldn't. I..."

"It's fine," Amy said, "It was her first time. I mean, I doubt she's really, you know..."

Jenna eyed her older sister dubiously.

"It's not a big deal," Amy said, "We'll get some medicine in the morning. No problem. It was a mistake."

"It was," I said.

"Chase didn't mean to fill our unprotected sister up with all his fertile sperm," Amy said.

"I didn't," I said.

"It'll be OK, I promise," Amy said.

I slowly stood. No one said anything more. Amy started to get dressed. A clear signal that we could do the same. I was so out of it, I didn't even bother putting on my clothes. Just made a big pile and gathered it up in my arms.

I looked over and saw Brianna was still on her back, staring at the ceiling. She didn't look sad or scared. She just smiled at me.

"I'm really sorry, Bree" I said, "It was an accident, I swear."

"It's OK, Chase," Brianna said, "It was my fault. You felt so awesome and I... We're good. So so good."

I thought I should say something to my other sisters. I had no words. The house was so silent, it might as well have been empty.

I stumbled back down the hallway to my bedroom, dropped my clothes on the floor, and flopped onto the mattress. I thought I was exhausted. Everything that had happened. I couldn't sleep.

As I stared up at the ceiling, I realized I didn't feel scared or worried. I was still a little exhilarated with everything that had happened, sure. Mostly, though? The sad thing? I felt disappointed. As if knocking up my one sister wasn't nearly enough.


I stirred back to consciousness. My bedroom was still pitch dark. I felt a warm body over my legs. Under the sheets. Someone was in bed with me.

"That's a good girl. He'll be up in no time."

I looked over to source of the sound and saw Amy standing in the doorway. Light from the hallway washed over her. My older sister was back in her blue tank top and grey sweatpants. I started to ask what was going on, then suddenly I felt a small, warm hand wrap around my dick.

I'd fallen asleep naked, I remembered, but alone. Now there was definitely someone in the bed with me. I pulled the covers aside and looked down, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. To my shock, Jenna was there kneeling over me, my dick in her hand. She gave me a silly grin and leaned down.