Scott Galison was not long bereft of his most recent relationship, a reoccurring problem that continued to plague his life. Unfortunately with the demise of this relationship, he was at the mercy of his ex-girlfriend, whose name was on the rental agreement, and she wasn't in the mood to pull any punches. So in the end Scott was forced to go back to live with his parents and his sister, Bethany.

Scott's relationships had always started well. He was charming and was rather adept at the art of honeyfuggling. But they all ultimately became an unhappy mess when his girlfriend at the time realized he wasn't actually all that mature. It's wasn't that he couldn't function as an adult, he just wasn't very emotionally mature enough to take responsibility for his mistakes or completing mundane real life tasks such as housework. It was always someone else's fault or someone else's problem. When it came to fun and sex, those were where he spent most of his time, and when he was force to put them to the side, that's when the problems raised.

The most recent relationship was by far the longest. In the early months both Scott and Sinead believed it could have lasted a long time. However, Sinead wasn't like his previous girlfriends, who ranged from sycophantic to completely like Scott, which for the most part was fine: until it came to real life issues. But Sinead was no-nonsense, sensible, and almost the complete antithesis of Scott. But it worked: he infused her life with fun and she brought practicality to his. However, the longer it went on, the more the cracks appeared. Finally, the relationship was dealt a critical hit, when Scott's sexual appetite once again led him astray.

He was out drinking with work colleagues in a local bar, when he bumped into Holly, a friend of his sister Bethany. After he had managed to convinced the security she was his girlfriend and that she was over the legal drinking age, the two of them split off from the main group and found a quiet corner to drink and flirt in, and they ended the night having hot wild sex on the couch, whilst Sinead slept down the hall.

The fact he cheated, even with Sinead in the apartment, wasn't the thing that made the whole relationship crumble, it came down to fact that Scott wouldn't take responsibility for his drunken night of debauchery. If he had simply been honest and upfront about his mistake, Sinead may have been more accepting, but instead Scott put the blame squarely onto the shoulders of Holly and the fact he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing.


As Scott drove up interstate five on his way home, after spending a long day of selling advertising, his mind wandered over to thoughts of Sinead and how much he missed her. He pondered on how to patch things up, hoping that if he did, she would allow him to come back, even if it meant sleeping on that damn couch.

But he had no idea of how to approach the subject. So as usual he chose not to face the problem and pushed the thoughts of Sinead from his head and focused on this evening's plans of getting drunk and watching last night's wrestling Pay-Per-View on TV. Just him, on his own, with no adult bullshit to ruin it.

As he passed over the Grand Charleroi River, where his sister and he used to splash around in the shallows, he saw the familiar wall of trees, which meant he was about to arrive at his home town of Fairview.

He pulled up to the front of the family home, just as the orange setting sun was making its descent behind the house.

As he shut off the engine and gathered his things, a hint of excitement rushed over him. He was determined to enjoy the evening, even if it meant waking up face down on the living room rug with the TV blaring in the background.

As he opened the front door, he saw his younger sister Bethany leave the kitchen and enter the hallway. She was chewing on the last of something, with her eyes glued to her phone. She was bare foot and dressed in a pair of small shorts and a tank top. Her straight golden hair brushing the very tops of her almost bare shoulders.

Scott huffed in disappointment as he dropped his bag at the foot of the coat rack. He had forgotten about her.

Beth was supposed visiting their grandparents up at the vacation house near Whistleford Lake with their parents. But before they were due to leave this morning, Beth and her folks unexpectedly had a huge argument; things were thrown and doors were slammed. Beth and her mother weren't on the best of terms right now, however it was somewhat unusual for Beth and her Father to have such a spectacular blazing exchange of words. Out of all of her immediate family she was closest to him.

So Mom and Dad thought it best for Beth to stay behind, which meant that she was forced to miss out on a long weekend, an extra day away from school and the opportunity to shed the shackles of teendom and a much-needed reversion back to a more childlike state with her doting grandparents. Despite all the bravado, Beth was never too old for some grandparent adoration. But instead she had spent the entire day moping around the house, infecting the atmosphere with teen anguish.

Beth hadn't always been a troublesome teenager. In her preteen years she was delightful, with a goofy, bubbly personality, which lead to Beth being well liked at school. She was always eager to join in with activities and had a flare for games and physical activities.

But as the festering insolence of puberty gradually took hold over Beth, her parents and teachers feared that she was increasingly putting her social life ahead of her studies, and when the topic was raised on a number occasions, Beth saw it as a personal attack and it only served to strengthen her pigheadedness to do the opposite. By the time Beth was fifteen, she was in over her head in the muddy waters of emotions, peer pressure and unnecessary bitchiness, and it was now really taking its toll, not just on Beth but those around her too.

But now that Beth was eighteen, despite the difficult nature still being there in all its bold boisterous colors, there was glints of a change of attitude within Beth, which meant there was a light at the end of dank tunnel, though which Beth was driving everyone through.


Beth looked up at Scott, as he huffed his objections to her ruining his plans, simply with her presence and her obvious morose attitude. Beth retorted with a right sided snarl, and a huff of her own. Not only was she missing out on a trip away, she now had to put up with him.

"What?" she snapped "Oh yeah I get it..."

She looked down at her clothes and gestured to them

"... too inappropriate for school, hey? Yeah, well fuck you too. Fucking haters getting on my back about my shit" she fired again, trailing off to a murmur as she directed her attention back to her phone.

She quickly looked up from her phone again and glared at Scott.

"No, I know why you have a problem with what I'm wearing... actually y'know what, never mind," Beth added, before having second thoughts. Perhaps this wasn't the best time to start bringing up their turbulent past.

"Beth! I don't give a fuck about what you wear, all I give a shit about, right now, is having a beer and chilling the FUCK out," Scott snapped back bluntly, as he hung up his coat on a hook.

"Uh... okay," Beth was shocked and a little bemused by Scott's quick and sharp honest reply. "Uh Scott? Can I... have a beer too?" Beth asked with a sheepish, awkward smile.

Scott looked at her for a moment, trying to decide whether to let her have one or not.

"Sure, why not," he said hoping it would lighten her mood a little.

"Can you bring my beer in to the living room?" Beth asked, the sheepishness now replaced with the much more familiar Bethany emotion of audacity.

Scott rolled his eyes and pushed open the kitchen door.

"Fine," he responded as he disappeared into the kitchen.

As Scott vanished, Beth turned her attention back to her phone.

"No fucking way!" Beth muttered to herself, staring intently at it, as she brushed her bangs from her face, and meandered into the living room.

At the sudden realization that his evening plans were now ruined Scott sighed glumly as he opened the refrigerator door. He was now destined to spend the rest of the evening with his vexing younger sister, and the fact there was no parental rescue coming until tomorrow afternoon, only strengthened the frustration.

Scott picked out two bottles of ice-cold beer and the feeling of the cool soothing water droplets dispersing across the palms of his hands, dampened his frustrations slightly.

He reached into a draw, picked up the bottle opener, and popped the tops, before walking out with them, one in each hand. At least there was beer to calm the evening, if anything was to agitate things.

Scott entered the living room, and as he approached the side of the couch, he reached out and passed one of the beer bottles to Beth, who leaned over from the other end and took it from him.

"Errgh, Jag? Really?" Beth said with a disgruntled look.

"You don't have to drink it."

"I guess it'll do."

"So how was school?" Scott asked as he sat down in the arm chair, as far away from Beth as he could get without being rude.

Things were civil right now, something that neither Scott nor Beth wanted to disrupt; it made a nice change from the usual unspoken maliciousness between the siblings.

"Oh my god it was like the worst day ever. Joel is being a total dick again, and the girls who have the hots for him are like, 'he's too good for you, you treat him like shit and cheat on him' and I'm like whatever bitches, they just be jealous coz no matter what, Joel keeps coming back to me and they can't handle that... And then there's this new girl who's like a total fucking freak and keeps hanging around us."

After listening to this stream of nonsense, Scott tried to find some words to reply with, anything to hide the fact he just didn't care about any of this.

"That sounds terrible" Scott replied humoring the petty teen melodrama. Scott was very tempted to make a comment about her treating everyone like shit, but he decided against it.

"Oh yeah totally... How was work?" Beth said adding to the civility with her own small talk.

"It was good, I mean the work was shit, but Lucy, my boss was wearing a short dress and she looked so fucking sexy, really showed off that tasty shape and those legs, and this new woman, Maddie, started too. She's seriously hot."

"Cool," Beth replied, humoring Scott's cock driven train of puerile banter.

As the seconds ticked by it was clear that neither knew how to continue the conversation.

"Let's see what's on TV," Scott said, reaching over for the TV remote and ending the lull in conversation, by filling the uncomfortable void with something that required no effort, but served no purpose in repairing social bridges. "Any preference s to what's on? Beth?" Scott asked his sister, who was totally oblivious.

"Huh... Oh no, what ever you want to watch."

Scott debated whether to put on the PPV he was desperate to watch, but then decided against it. If he was going to enjoy it, it was going to be without Beth constantly intruding on it.


Half an hour passed, with the two of them now resigned to mindlessly staring at screens, Scott at the TV and Beth was focused on her phone again, bathing in the artificial safety of social media.

Scott had already finished his third bottle of beer, the plan being that if he finished quickly, it meant he would have to get up for another, giving him another excuse to momentarily leave the room and the awkward atmosphere that permeated throughout it, and besides, Scott had been eager for another one even before he had started the previous bottle.

Scott stood up, maybe a little too fast, as he reached out to the back of the chair to steady himself.

"Another one?" Scott asked.

"Uh... okay," Beth replied, not really giving her answer much thought.

Scott opened up the refrigerator again and pulled out two more bottles, popped the tops with the readily available bottle opener and made his way back to the living room.

He passed the end of the couch once again, and extended the beer towards Beth. As she leaned over for the beer, but still keeping most of her attention on her phone; Scott unintentionally flashed a gaze at her now partially visible cleavage and savored the sight for a moment, before putting the beer into Beth's hand.

Then he walked back to the chair and sat down again. As his ass met the cushion, he looked over at Beth again. She was still transfixed to her mobile idiot device, so he took the opportunity to have another quick glance at her beautiful b-cup breasts.


Two hours passed, by which time Scott had got through quite a number of beers and Beth had only just finished her second.

Scott flicked his eyes over to Beth to see what she was up to.

"If you don't finish that I will," Scott said gesturing to Beth's almost untouched third beer, and taking a quick side glance at her bare legs.

"Uh no, I'm taking my time with It," She looked over at the line of beer bottles next to the arm chair, "unlike you... BRO!" Beth replied, ending it in a gruff mock jock voice.

Once again the conversation slowed to a stop, before Scott suddenly piped up.

"Hey, Beth why are you such a bitch now," Scott blurted out bluntly.

"Er... excuse me?" Beth replied shocked and unsure how to respond to such below-the-belt question.

"We used to be friends, you and me, now we have a hard time even being in the same fucking room."

"Well maybe you shouldn't be such a fucking meat head, and we might get along better, you prick," Beth fired back, still shocked at the sudden shot of venom directed at her. "You know what, I'm already sick of your shit, I'm going to bed," she added. A bitter feeling now running through her.

Scott watched his svelte little sibling get up from the couch, before flicking his eyes back to the TV.

As Beth turned to leave, eyes transfixed on her phone; her thumbs tapped away on a message to Hayley, her BFF, about how her and Scott had had a really nice evening until he turned it into a stinking pile of shit.

She sauntered past Scott in the general direction of the exit. She wanted to storm out, but she didn't want to give Scott the satisfaction of being right.

Scott's eyes shifted from the TV, to take a quick look at her moving past the closest end of the couch, just one last glimpse to savor before she vanished from sight. But what started as a quick look soon turned into much more.

His eyes started at her the two delectable domes protruding from her chest; the tank top that covered them, showed off every inch of their well-formed shape and the embossed outline of her bra. As she rounded the end of the couch, Scott's eyes moved down to appreciate her supple legs and followed them up to that pert pair of cheeks, that were shrink-wrapped in her tight pink shorts. Scott's eye ran up rest of her agile architecture reaching her shoulders, where her body extruded out of the baby blue, figure hugging tank top, and his gaze finished on the back of her head, where her golden hair cascaded down the back of her neck.

As she vanished from view, Scott wished he had got one more look at her alluring ass, and on that thought, he got up from the arm chair and staggered out of the room towards the bottom of the stairs, just in time to see Beth reach the top of them and her pretty pink ass on display for his enjoyment.

"Sorry about the whole calling you a bitch thing," he said, trying to be civil, whilst taking in the view.

"Why the fuck do you even care?" Beth snapped at him, as she turned around to look down at him The note of hurt in her voice didn't even come close revealing just how deep and ingrained the hurt actually was. There was much more she wanted to say to him, but she didn't want to open that can of worms, not tonight anyway.

"Look, I was just trying to... I dunno... understand... stuff. Look I know my being here has disrupted the flow of things, and I'm probably the last person you want living here. But I have no other options until I can get out again."

Beth sighed

"It's fine, okay?"

"Cool okay," Scott replied. If there was one thing he had learned from all his failed relationships, it was when to leave a volatile situation concerning an emotionally wounded woman.

Scott turned around and headed back to the living room to continue drinking.


Beth was still awake, even an hour or so after leaving the downstairs for the safety of her sanctuary, her bedroom. But all she had done was stare blankly at her own TV, pondering over and over again the thought that maybe she actually was a bitch.

Suddenly a familiar sound infiltrated her ears, and drew her attention away from what she was thinking and the show she wasn't really watching. It happened again. It sounded like someone knocking at the front door. She contemplated letting Scott get it, but she soon reasoned that it was probably a bad idea, especially if he was even more drunk and it was someone they knew.

"It had better not be Holly, or another of Scott's part-time whores," Beth said to herself with a disgruntled snarl, as she left the safety of her bedroom and entered the cold hallway. She followed the hall to the stairs, then trudge down them, taking a left at the bottom and walking to the front door.

"Uh... hello?"

"Please help, I need some help," came a female voice from the other side. Beth put her eye to the spy hole, to see who it was. There was a girl standing there in just a t-shirt, and jeans, and a pair of flip-flops on her feet.

"It's her, what the hell is the new girl doing here?" Beth quietly whispered to herself.


"We're not friends freak, so what the hell are you doing here?" Beth asked through the door, the puzzlement as to why Maeve was stood on the other side of the door was now replaced with panic and concern for her own protection, brought on by Maeve's obvious state distress.

"I'll try and explain later, Beth, but for now please open the door."

Beth pulled away from the door and paused to think. A minute or two later she broke the pause by reaching for the lock with one hand, and placed the other hand on the larger, lightly adorned door handle, then pulled the door open.

"What the hell, are you doing here? And how the fuck do you know where I live?" Beth said interrogating Maeve as she entered the house.

Beth closed the front door behind Maeve.

Maeve was a petite girl, smaller than Beth, and a fraction slimmer, with very long black hair and eyes of light ice blue. Her face was youthful and pixie-esq with a soft, rounded edge on each feature, including her nose which was adorable and round. Her almond shaped eyes were slightly further apart than on most faces, but it just added to the adorable impishness.

"Maeve... right?" Beth asked, to which Maeve nodded. "Why the fuck are you here? We're not friends, I mean you're..." Beth looked her up and down with a look of disdain "and I'm like the most popular girl in school."

"I had nowhere else to go."

"There's gotta be somewhere you could have gone, instead of here?" Beth asked, to which Maeve shook her head.

Beth sighed, as the seeds of compassion started spreading roots throughout her mind. It had been quite a while since Beth had felt compassion, especially for someone she looked down upon.

"Well I guess you better come in and have a seat where its warm," Beth said, as she grudgingly ushered Maeve towards the living room.

Maeve entered the room, followed by Beth, to find Scott passed out in the chair.

As the kept their eyes on Scott, they moved along the couch, before finally sitting; Maeve at the end of the couch, furthest from the door, with Beth a foot away towards the middle.

"Excuse this piece of shit, it's way past his bed time," Beth said with an annoyed look on her face. "SCOTT!!!!" Beth bellowed, turning her attention to the drunk in the corner chair. "SCOTT!" Beth bellowed again, but still with no reaction "SCOTT!!!" Beth shrieked, to which Scott finally jolted awake.

Scott mumbled as his eyes slowly opened.

"Go to bed," Beth ordered.

As Scott stretched and prepared himself for the long drunken stagger to the stairs. He looked up at Maeve.

"Heeeeey Maddie, my faaaaavorite new girl, why are you in this place, you should be in your home, or in the work thing."

"Hey fuck face, her name is Maeve, not Maddie, I go to school with her... understand? Now fuck off and go to bed."

"Ooohhhh, fuck you bitch... I'm going to bed," Scott said, ignoring what Beth just said. He clambered to his feet, and staggered off towards the door. "Seee you later Maddie," he said as he bumbled his way to the exit, before pressing his hand to his mouth, kissing it boisterously and flailing his moist hand in Maeve's general direction.

"Scott, I said fuck off," Beth shrieked wildly, reaching the end of her tether with him.

"Ahhhh whatever stupid whore bitch, fuuuucking... with your sexy fuckin ass, and boobsies... heh... boobskis," Scott mumbled, barely intelligible, as he left the room.

"Sorry, he's such an ASSHOLE," Beth said, ending loudly and directed at Scott "especially since his ex dumped him."

"Don't worry about it," Maeve looked at Beth with a wry smile. "Just...thanks for letting me in... Hey mind if I have a beer?"

"Sure, if there is any left, I'll go grab you one."

"Uh, no no, it's OK, I'll get it, you stay here... Just in case he comes back and tries to ruin things again," Maeve said with a smile, before getting up and making her way to the kitchen.

Moments later Maeve walked back in.

"No beer left, but I found some spiced Rum in one of the cupboards," Maeve said as she pulled a large bottle from behind her back.

"What the fuck, how did not know about that? I love Rum."

"I bought you a glass as well... with ice too."

"Oh fuck yes" Beth said as her face lit up with excitement. Maeve set down the glasses on the coffee table and poured a double for Beth and a double for herself.

"So you haven't told me why you're here." Beth asked Maeve as she sat back down in her place on the couch.

"I had an argument with my folks, and... well... my dad chased me out of the house and I knew you lived nearby, but I wasn't sure where. So I tried a few houses, then I got lost and eventually I ended up here."

"I know how you feel, I had an argument with my parents this morning, I should be up visiting my grand parents with them."

"Toast?" Maeve asked with a bright smile.

"Yeah," Beth said raising her glass.

"To stupid fucking family, who you can't live with, or without."

"To stupid fucking family," Beth responded with a smile and a sip of her rum, bringing the merriment to a premature and awkward halt.

Up until now they had hardly spent any time together, let alone shared any form of pleasantries, so it was only natural for them to feel unsure about this whole situation.

Maeve slipped off her flip-flops and brought her legs up on to the couch.

"Beth why don't you like me?" Maeve asked.

"I..." Beth paused and sighed. She simply had no excuses. "I'm sorry. You don't deserve that kind of nasty treatment. I guess it's just fear of new people, and... well..." Beth was about to blurt something out, but held back. "But there are no excuses, we've been really mean to you, and you have done absolutely nothing to us. But I guess with the peer pressure and all the other girls feeding into the same shit, it just gets kinda out of control," Beth added.

Sharing that with Maeve made Beth feel good, like a weight had been lifted.

"I understand. You have an image to look after, if you didn't you would be just like us," Maeve said followed by an understanding smile. Maeve brought her glass to her lips and took a drink of rum.

"Well maybe being like you is a good thing, you're yourself, no pretending to be something you're not, no pretending to be better than you are, simply to win approval." Beth said solemnly, "and you're... like... super pretty," Beth added bashfully, hinting at her underlying sexual confusion.

"Wow, really, you think I'm pretty?" Maeve asked surprised.

Beth took a quick sip of rum.

"Yeah," Beth replied as she brought her glass down and held it with both hands in her lap.

"But I'm no way near as pretty as you, you're like the most popular girl in school for a reason y'know."

"Yeah I know," Beth grinned jokingly "So anyway lets change the subject. What do you like to do when you're not in school?" Beth asked Maeve, who was taking another drink from her glass.

As Maeve pulled her glass away from her lips to indulge Beth and her question, the two of them were soon deep in conversation about the interests they both shared.

As time ticked away, they moved on to frivolous school gossip, giggling as they put everyone there to rights, That was followed by hysterical laughter as they watched videos on Beth's phone. For the first time in a long time Beth had finally found a person who she could feel comfortable with, enough to actually be her self, with no need for pretense.

Beth looked over at the clock on the side table in the corner, by the arm chair.

"Holy fucking shit, you've been here like three hours."

"I guess we're a pair of super fun bitches then... Hey?" Maeve said with drunken jubilance.

"Yeah... Super fun bitches," Beth cheered, falling back with a laugh, clutching on to her half empty glass.

The two of them laughed for a moment, then settled again, but both sporting huge grins on their faces.

As they sat, no longer in conversation, Maeve seized the opportunity lay a little truth on her new friend.

"Beth? I have to tell you something," Maeve said awkwardly. "I... think your more than pretty."

"More than pretty?" Beth said with a hint of concern showing through on her face.

"Yeah... I think you're kinda sexy."

"Uh wow," Beth said with surprise "OK... I have something to confess too, I..." Beth paused trying to find some courage.

"It's OK, you can tell me, honey" Maeve said putting her hand onto Beth's.

"I... I think I might be bi? Well curious at least, and I've kept it hidden from everyone, especially from people at school. If any of my bitchy friends found out, they would ruin me." At last Beth's secret was out in its entirety.

"Wow really? And not even your family know?" Maeve asked.

"You are the first person in the entire world to knows."

Maeve placed her bare feet on the floor and leaned forwards to put her glass on the table. Then she took Beth's and put it next to her's. As Maeve sat up straight again, Beth moved in and kissed her quickly, before Maeve could make the first move.

Beth let out a little muffled moan as their lips began to slowly and tentatively explore lips of the other, becoming more and more addicted to the taste of them.

Maeve pulled away, keeping her forehead pressed to Beth's and breathing heavily. She was less than an inch away from Beth's hungry lips, as she tantalized them with her absence.

"You tease," Beth whispered softly, to which Maeve simply grinned in response.

Beth moaned softly, desperate for more of Maeve's delicious lips, but Maeve just continued denying Beth of the satisfaction, with an open smug smile gracing her impish face.

Quickly Beth grew tired of the lack of kissing and ended her craving for Maeve's lips by eagerly pulled Maeve close.

Beth pressed her mouth to Maeve's and kissed her again, deeply and passionately. Then she put her hand on Maeve's chest and gently pushed her back further onto the couch.

Beth pulled her legs up onto the couch into a kneeling position, and in one smooth motion lifted her leg up and positioned herself onto Maeve's lap, straddling her. She placed her hands either side of Maeve's neck, just below her ears. With her fingers wrapping around back onto the base of Maeve's head, Beth leaned in for another kiss.

As Beth leaned in, Maeve came up to meet her. Their lips met passionately in the middle. Their tongues naturally reaching out as their lips touched, and immediately began swirling and dancing around each other.

As they kissed deeper and more lustfully, the heat between them increased. Beth reached for the bottom of her blue tank top, pulled it up over her head, breaking the kiss for a few seconds and immediately going back in to continue kissing.

Maeve instinctively reached around Beth's back, with her lips still pressed to Beth's. With one hand rested on Beth's hip, Maeve reached around back with the other, to pinch the clasp open on Beth's bra, and quickly removed the bra to one side.

With Beth's pert b-cup bust now free, Maeve's hand reached for the left one. Taking it in her hand, she softly kneaded it, getting it ready for her lips to quickly transfer from Beth's lips to her nipple. Maeve moved her head down to greet the pinnacle of Beth's left breast, and parting her lips, she took the nipple between them, giving it a sweet, gentle suck.

"Do they taste good?" Beth whispered, as looked down at the beautiful picture of this perfect pixie-esq girl sucking on one nipple, then going over to the right to pay that one some loving attention.

"Like two yummy cupcakes," Maeve said with an adorable grin.

As she looked up to take in Beth sweet smiling response, Maeve leaned the left again. She started to lick all over the breast that was nestled in her left hand, then spiraling around and around out to meet the sweet cherry at its peak, where she once again wrapped her lips around it and began to kiss it.

Maeve moved across to the other nipple. Bringing her teeth into play, she lightly nibbled on Beth's right nipple. As Maeve lightly dined, Beth reached down to the bottom of Maeve's t-shirt and pulled it up. Beth didn't want to be the only who was topless, and she really wanted to enjoy Maeve's small, perfectly pert breasts as much as Maeve was enjoying her's.

Maeve pulled away to allow Beth to pull off her t-shirt.

"Mm, ready and waiting, I like it," Beth quipped as she saw that Maeve didn't have bra on under her t-shirt.

"I didn't feel like wearing one today, or maybe it was fate telling me I was going to get some tonight," Maeve said with a grin.

As Beth lovingly gazed down at that beautiful grinning face, her hart fluttered.

"Your so beautiful, Maeve."

"You are too, gorgeous girl," Maeve replied lovingly gazing up at Beth.

"I'm so glad you turned up at my house, it's like you're an angel sent to rescue me," Beth said looking down at Maeve's lips, but before Maeve could reply, Beth leaned in eagerly to once again indulge in the warm taste of Maeve's talented tasty tongue, and a side of her scrumptious lips.

Beth put her hands on either side of Maeve's head and pulled her face up to meet her lips again. She kissed them deeply, with even more lustful boldness than before.

They both started to moan into each others open mouths, as their tongues moved from a waltz to a rumba, trying to take in as much of each other as their bodies would allow them.

Maeve murmured as she pulled Beth away from her lips.

"Beth?" Maeve asked.

Beth, ignoring Maeve, leaned in, hungry for Maeve's lips and kissed them with a smooch.

"Mm... I have -" Maeve tried to continue but Beth interrupted her with another kiss. Maeve obliged and then pulled Beth away again.

"I have something I need to show you," Maeve said finally reaching the end of her sentence.

"Um... OK," Beth said giving Maeve a moment to speak.

"But it's kind of a secret, so you can't tell anyone, OK?"

"Your secret is safe with me honey."

Beth waited patiently for Maeve to show her secret.

"Uh, you're kind of sitting on it."

"Oh sorry," Beth said looking down and immediately climbing off.

Beth, now kneeling on the couch, watched as Maeve reached down to the fastening on her jeans. Opening them up, she lifted her hips up off the couch, and pulled both the jeans and her underwear down. Then leaning forwards she pulled them over her feet and onto the floor. Maeve, now completely naked, sat back and opened her legs slightly to let something long and muscular unfurled from between them.

Beth's eyes widened in total surprise.

"You have a penis? And testicles? How? And... how the hell did you hide a package that big in those jeans?" Beth said in astonishment, but also utterly confused as to how she missed it completely, even when she was sat on top of it.

"Uh... Magic?" Maeve replied facetiously, with a small grin. "Me having a cock is not going to be a problem is it?" Maeve asked, rerouting the conversation slightly and reaching her hand over and caressing the side of Beth's head.

Beth gazed into Maeve's ice blue eyes. She saw that there was a slight magenta glint to them which she hadn't noticed before, but Beth's mind was busy on other larger matters to concern herself with Maeve's eyes right now.

"No... I just wasn't expecting anything like that," Beth said looking down to Maeve's magnificent appendage. All the confusion somehow just vanishing from her mind.

As she continued to look down at it, Beth bit her lower lip; it was almost as if it was calling to her, as if it was begging her to play with it.

Beth reached out and confidentially grabbed her new best friend's huge impressive member, and she slowly slid her gripped hand down around the shaft and back up to the top, where she stayed for a moment, softly rubbing the tip. Then she slid her hand down to the base again, and back up gradually getting a little faster on each stroke.

"Oh my god," Maeve moaned

"It's so fucking big and pretty," Beth said with gleeful fascination, as she gazed down at her hand pumping up and down, admiring her handy work

"It tastes good too," Maeve said with a playful smile.

"Can't I just admire it for a moment?"

"Sure you can, but make it quick, I really need to feel those gorgeous lips around your new favorite play thing."

"OK... OK," Beth replied leaning in.

She touched her lips to the large deep pink head, and slowly slid her lips around it. She engulfed it in her warm comforting mouth, whilst her right hand held the base to keep it steady. As Beth slid her mouth further down the shaft, she reached out her other hand and gently played with the velvety soft skin of the big beautiful balls nestled nicely below the tasty mast of Maeve meat.

As Beth picked up a slow but steady pace with her bobbing head, a blissful feeling of content washed over and she closed her eyes to bask in it.

Beth was excited by the new sexual adventure that she was heading into, and what made it even more exciting, was that she had a friend to share it with.

But, in the few hours they had spent together, Maeve had become much more than just a regular friend. She was the type of friend that Beth had never really had before. A friend she felt she could trust, and one who she felt she could completely open up to.

But as it had turned out, Maeve was also someone who was gifted in surprising yet impressive ways, and someone who could pleasure her in ways that a sexual moron like Joel couldn't even comprehend.

However, the best thing about Maeve was the fact she was all those things, in one beautiful amazing package.

But what Beth didn't realize was nothing was as it seemed.

"Oh you are one sexy fucking bitch you know that," said a very familiar voice.

Beth opened her eyes, there was light hair on the legs and bushy hair at the base of the cock she was currently sucking on. Beth looked to the side, towards the origin of the familiar voice, but still keeping this big tasty thing deep inside her mouth. She looked up into the eyes of a smug looking Scott.

"Yeah suck your big bro's cock, you sexy little bitch," Scott said, running his fingers through her hair. "I knew you wanted me," Scott said with a smug grin.

As Beth continued to bob her head over Scott's firm manhood, she tried to stop. She wanted to stop, yet she still kept sucking. Then a thought appeared in Beth's mind. Had Maeve been a figment of her imagination to help deal with the fact that, she had wanted Scott all along, but didn't know how to deal with it.

She frantically tried to process everything, still sucking on Scott, still unable to stop. Eventually she resigned herself to the fact, that all that kissing, and Maeve nibbling on her nipples was in fact all Scott, and ultimately she wanted this. It simply had to be true. She couldn't stop.

"Hey kneel down there baby girl, so I can see those beautiful eyes, as you eat my fat fucking cock... And pass me the bottle of rum while you're up" Scott demanded.

Despite still not liking Scott, Beth had come to terms with what she believed was the truth, so she obliged Scott and his demands.

Beth got up from the couch and after passing Scott the rum, she moved Scott's clothing away from the place she was about to kneel in and then positioned herself between Scott's legs. She clutched the top of his strong thighs, then, opening her mouth wide, she maneuvered her head, and then her mouth around his towering pillar of muscle and slowly slipped her head down the length of it. As she began to suck, she looked up into Scott's eyes. There was no point pretending it was someone else now.

"Oh fuck, you are good, you are very good," He moaned, watching as his cock vanished between those delicious rosy lips. "Oh god Beth.... does my big fat cock taste good?"

Beth chose not to answer.

She silently grabbed the base and pumped her head up and down, getting faster and faster, working Scott's staff of meat. Scott took a long drink of rum from the bottle.

As Beth got faster, Scott's cock worked deeper into her mouth. She began to produce noises from her throat, as the back of her mouth was repeatedly filled with head.

"That's it baby girl, work it good... Fuck, I've wanted you on my dick for so long," Scott remarked, as he caressed the top of Beth's head. "Mmm, you know what?" Scott added moments later, "I wanna taste that sweet little pussy of yours" Scott said smugly, pushing Beth's head up.

Scott leaned forwards and placed his hands under both of Beths arms, then guided her firmly onto the couch next to him, before taking Beth's former position on the floor. From his kneeling position, Scott reached up and unbuttoned Beth's shorts, then yanked them down by the legs, and finally tossed them to the side. Then he slid his hands up Beths lender, to her hips, where he peeled her pretty purple tanga panties down, caressing her legs as he slid her panties all the way down and over her feet, where he threw them in the same direction as the shorts.As Beth lay naked and slouched on the couch, Scott opened her legs and her parted her pink pussy lips. "Mmm, I get to taste your honey pot too. Today is turning out to be awesome."

"This doesn't mean I like you now, 'cause I don't," Beth said breaking her silence.

"We'll see," Scott said leaning in.

Scott puffed on her soft pink filling, paying most attention to her hot spot. Moments later he retracted and kissed his way along her thighs, before going back to puffing on her. Beth let out a little contented moan.

As he continued to blow around her inner lips, Beth's breathing got heavier and heavier, so Scott dipped his tongue into her sweet fleshy lips, running it up and down. Beth quivering with a deep gasps.

Beth grabbed the edge of the couch cushion, and dug her fingers into them, as he continued to use his tongue. Suddenly she felt his lips on her clitoris.

"Oh god," Beth groaned in response.

He did it again, this time with a little suction. Beth let out a long loud moan.

Scott slipped two fingers up into Beth and hooked them around into Beth's g-spot.

Beth let out a loud elated squeal.

Soon Scott has his whole mouth open wide around the top of Beth's archway, flicking the pinnacle with the tip of his tongue, as his fingers worked her hot spot on the inside.

The ecstasy was rising fast in Beth and clutched hard at the couch, getting ready to pop.

"Keep going, so close... so fucking close," Beth moaned, as she dug her fingers into the couch cushions even more, reaching the edge of ecstasy.

Scott moaned in enjoyment, rippling vibrations out into Beth's dewy hot pocket of pink

"Oh god oh god oh god oh -" Beth's sentence was cut short. Her words replaced by a loud squeal, as her orgasm went off like a firework.

Then she loosened, breathing fast and heavy.

"We're not done yet," Scott smiled, as he got to his feet and reach down, grabbing Beth by the hips and pulling her towards him, before pushing her legs up to her shoulders and rubbing his big hard cock up and down between her lips.

"Mmmm you ready to get fucked sis?"

"Uh huh," she moaned with a nod, with a look of total ecstasy on her face. She still wanted to hate him, but he was so good.

Scott pressed his tip into Beth's petite pink pouch, and slowly slid all of it in, making her feel every inch of it.

Scott moaned deeply, as Beth's lips almost reached the base of his cock. Beth breathed heavily finishing on a moan of her own. Scott pulled out slowly, clutching the underside of Beth's thighs, getting ready to push back in.

"Oh fuck yeah, look at that shit right there," Scott exclaimed, checking out his cock as he pushed it back into Beth.

"Oh fuck," Beth said with a groan, as she also watched Scott disappearing up inside her.

Scott started to thrust quicker, pushing in and out, in and out, slowly getting quicker. Beth letting out a cry on each thrust.

"Fuck your pussy is so fucking tight, sis.... I fucking love it," Scott asserted, picking up the pace, starting to bounce Beth a little on the couch.

Faster and faster, really starting to bounce Beth. He leaned in to Beth, face to face, moaning with heavy breaths into Beth's open, moaning mouth. He pressed his lips to hers.

Beth exclaimed rhythmically, muffled my Scott's mouth, as he kept thrusting again and again.

Scott got back up again and started to use longer strokes, putting his left knee on the couch and Beth's right leg over his shoulder, all the while keeping the pace.

"Oh fuck, take it all sis," Scott said aggressively, pumping hard into her. "you're such a good little slut," he said picking up the pace even more.

"Oh god," Beth groaned starting to approach the edge again.

Scott was getting faster and faster, adding more and more power to each thrust.

"Fuck... oh fuck," Scott exclaimed approaching the edge alongside Beth, getting ready. Faster. Firmer. Over and over. In and out. Both getting close, feeling the edge coming up fast.

"Gonna fill you up bitch, gonna fill you up," Scott said aggressively through gritted teeth, staring into the orgasmic abyss. Beth felt Scott's grip tighten on her thighs, as Beth dug her fingers into the edge of the couch cushions.

"That's it that's it that's it," Beth moaned right on the edge.

Beth's head rolled back as she let series of loud gasps building up to a loud squeal, the ecstasy flooding her body on each thrust. Scott pushed hard and exploded inside Beth with a guttural moan. Scott continued thrusting, Beth's lips milking pump after pump of white-hot juice inside her. Both of their bodies tense in the grip of orgasm, until finally they were released.

As Beth lay there, exhausted, unable to move much. Scott leaned in.

"You were amazing gorgeous girl," he said with a smile, and kissed her sweetly, still inside her.

"Heh, you... too.... for a jerk," Beth panted, with a facetious grin.

"You look exhausted."

"I am," Beth panted again.

Scott pulled out, his cock still surprisingly hard, and he got to his feet. He picked up Beth's legs and moved her round until she was lying along the couch.

"You just lay there and rest" He said leaning in and kissing her on the lips. To which Beth smiled, closing her eyes.

"That's it you sleep gorgeous girl, and don't wake up until morning," Scott whispered into her ear with a devilish smile, as he stroked Beth's head.

Scott stood up straight, turned, and walked to the door way.

He gave one more look at Beth, before stepping out into the hall.Scott was passed out across his bed, totally oblivious to the fact his bedroom door was slowly opening.

Beth poked her head around the door, and surreptitiously surveyed the room. Her eyes eventually focused on her completely naked brother, who was flat on his back, width ways across his bed and snoring loudly.

"Scott? Are you Awake?" she whispered, pushing the door open all the way, and entering the room. Beth was completely naked too.

Beth skulked across floor and up to the side of the bed. She climbed on into a kneeling position next to him. Beth looked down at Scott's flaccid penis and a facetious disappointed pout formed on her face. She reached out with a finger and ran it along his soft fleshy cock. When she reached the end, she pulled her finger away, and Scott's penis instantly hardened and stood tall of its own accord.

"That's more like it gorgeous boy," Beth said with a grin, before lifting her leg over her big brother and straddling him. "Ready to fuck my pussy big bro?" Beth asked Scott, who still had no idea what was going on.

Beth reached down for his hard cock and introduced the tip to her inner lips, and after she had taken her hand away, she lowered herself down around Scott hardened shaft.

Beth moaned, as she started to grind away, rolling her hips onto Scott.

Scott started to stir very slightly.

Beth began to grind Scott deeper into her, and Scott started to moan softly, still under the veil of sleep, but his body was aware of what was happening to him.

Finally, his heavy eyelids peeled open.

"Beth?" He rasped, more sober than he was before, but still buzzing.

Scott looked down at his cock, rhythmically vanishing up inside the beautiful slender teen that straddled him. Then he looked back up into Beth's lustful eyes, with more clarity than before.

"I fuuuucking knew it. You've wanted my cock ever since I pressed it into your ass crack, through your sexy bikini."

"Mmm, I think about that day whenever I play with myself, sometimes I even rub my bed post into my ass pretending its you," Beth groaned, as she bounced more intently. "Tell me more dirty things you've done to me Scott?" Beth said with another groan.

"How about when you caught me jacking off into your panties, did you like that?"

"Oh fuck yes, I wanted to be those panties. Anything else?" Beth moaned.

"Yeah, I've jacked off into your shampoo bottle."

"Mmmmm, your so dirty Scott, but thanks for coming clean."

"Well when you have finished riding my fat cock you'll come clean too," Scott said with a smirk. "Hey speaking of dirty, where's your friend? She can make my face dirty with that hot little pussy."

"She fell asleep," Beth said with a moan.

"We could always wake her."

"No, I think she left."

"Fuck, she was so fucking hot."

"Yeah I know she is," Beth said with a wry knowing smile.

Beth had reached a steady pace, between a slight bounce and rolling her hips back and forwards.

"Oh fuck, your pussy feels so good sis."

"So does your big juicy cock, big boy" Beth replied as Scott put his hands on Beth's slender hips, forcing Beth down his cock as far as she would go, then he started thrusting into her in time with Beth's bouncing hips.

"Oh god Scott, you have no idea how much I've wanted you inside me."

"Fuck, really?"

"Yeah, I have a confession to make, sometimes I come in and suck on your cock when you're sleeping," Beth smiled sheepishly.

"I knew you were a dirty little bitch. But it just makes you even sexier."

"You think that's dirty... how do you feel about you and one of your friends double penetrating me?"

"What the fuck? Really? Well if that turns you on, I'm all over it baby girl."

"Yay," Beth said happily, as she continued bobbing up and down on top of Scott. "Hey, I have another dirty idea, wanna take this to Mom and Dad's room?"

"Mmm, fuck yeah baby girl."

Beth clambered off Scott and back on the bed beside him. Scott sat up and got to his feet with a drunken sway. He turned to face Beth, who was also getting to her feet, but on the bed. Beth reached out to Scott and put both arms around his neck. Scott put his hands on Beth's ass, and pulled her into himself, where Beth lifted her legs around his waist.

"We might as well fuck on the way there," Beth said with a sultry look.

"I love this new you sis, you're fucking filthy" Scott said with a smile, as he reached under and slipped his cock back up into Beth, who moaned loudly as he slid inside. Then he grabbed her toned ass with both hands and carried her to the bedroom door.

His first few steps were slow and steady, so as not to become unstable with the extra weight. As Scott carried Beth out into the cool hall, his confidence grew and his pace picked up slightly.

Out in the hall, Scott carried his little sister along the hallway, then down the stairs. Scott's left hand rested on Beth's ass, feeling her bounce on his cock, as they descended each step. The other hand provided much-needed stability, as it glided down the rail beside them.

At the bottom they turned ninety degrees and walked down the hall away from the front door, reaching the living room door on their left.

As they passed, they heard the faint snores of someone asleep in there.

"I guess your friend didn't leave, shall we go wake her up?"

"I was kinda hoping it was just gonna be us."

Scott smiled, as he gazed lustfully into Beth's eyes.

"Sure thing sis."

At the end of the hall they turned right into a short hall with their parents bedroom at the end.

Scott pushed the door open using Beth's back and they traveled to the bed, where Scott climbed on to it, still holding on to Beth. Scott walked them both across the bed on his knees, and he finally completed their journey by laying Beth down beneath him, his cock still buried inside her.

Scott leaned in and kissed Beth's neck, as his free hands reached up to her breasts and her squeezed them firmly.

"So, who is this Maddie girl?" Beth asked.

"Mmmm, just a girl at work," Scott said between applying kisses to Beth's neck.

"You wanna fuck her don't you?"

"Well yeah, she's smoking hot," Scott said, pulling back to look at Beth, before going back to work kissing her neck.

"I can help you with that," Beth said.

As the words left Beth's lips, Scott realized that her breasts were growing an extra cup size. He pulled up away from Beth, taking a look at what was happening beneath him.


Maddie was almost identical to Maeve in facial features, albeit with a longer, more mature face and a few feint wrinkles. Her buxom body was much taller than Maeve's, with a long elegant quality to it.

"Yeah. So you want to fuck me, do ya?"

"Uh... but, how are you...what the fuck happened to Beth?"

"I'll give you a full explanation after, for now lets just enjoy ourselves." Maddie said pulling her feet up against Scott's ass, which pushed his cock in deeper. "Ohhh yeah that's it Scott, fuck my pussy."

Scott humored Maddie's request, how could he resist her. But despite the lust that was coursing through him, he was still reeling from what had just occurred.

"Oh yeah that's it, honey," Maddie moaned, as Scott cautiously started to make small thrusts. "It's all gonna be fine baby, we are going to be so good together," Maddie said reassuringly as she caressed Scott's head, which dissolved the confusion in Scott's brain, and he instantly started putting more force in his thrusts, slowly picking up the pace.

"Oh Maddie, you're so fucking hot," Scott said staring down at her.

As Scott looked down, Maddie morphed again right in front of his eyes, her breasts shrinking, her entire pussy tightening around his cock, as her body frame shrank, her face growing younger and rounder.

"Maeve? Wait... you're Maddie... aren't you. What the fuck is going on? This is freaking me out now, but you feel so fucking good" Scott said with equal measures of panic and lust

"Its Magic, Scott" she replied, her hips bouncing on the bed from Scott's thrusts. "The thing is Scott, I have the power to fulfill all your wildest fantasies, you just have to say."

"Really?" Scott said, his brain pausing to think. Naughty ideas flooded his head, as his body continued to thrust harder into Maeve.


"Can you be Lucy?"

"Our boss? Sure no problem," Maeve said.

Maeve's hair started to shorten until it was shoulder-length, then a full line of bangs formed at her hairline and every strand of hair started to lighten and turn a burgundy color.

Then her body grew much more shapely and buxom, her breasts gaining three extra cup sizes, and her hips widened, as her ass plumped up, becoming rounder.

Scott ran one hand down the leg of the rapidly evolving Lucy, whilst supporting his body with the other hand. Her legs were also increasing in mass, becoming the shapely pillars of beauty that he'd adored for so long.

Her face gained a more rounded shape, every detail exact, right down to Lucy's distinct make-up. Her lips took on a bright red matte finish, and her luscious eyelashes building up, complimented by the wing of eyeliner at the outer corner of each eye. Finally, a pair of black rectangle glassed formed on her face.

"How's this?" Lucy said, her voice now lower in tone than before, but now softer and slightly huskier.

"Oh my god, you look perfect."

"Well Scott, if you don't fuck me like a good employee, I will be forced to discipline you," Lucy said in a smoldering sultry tone, and an indicatively raised eyebrow.

"Yes Boss," Scott said with a gleeful look on his face.

As Scott gazed down at his long term crush, Lucy gazed back at him over her spectacles. Her red matte lips were parted and heavy breaths expelled between them, along with the occasional moan.

Scott thrusted harder into Lucy, running his hand up her stunningly succulent legs, relishing the thought that for so long he had lusted and longed this moment. He didn't care that it wasn't actually her, Maeve was imitating her flawlessly, so it was just as good as having the real thing.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck me Scott," Lucy said with a moan.

"Oh Lucy you're so hot."

"Fuck a promotion out of me Scott."

"Yeah, I'm gonna fuck you til you give me a pay rise and promotion."

Scott closed his eye to savor this moment.

Moments later he opened them again, and the realization of who he was now fucking, hit him like a surprise punch to the face.

"MOM? Please Maeve not my mom," Scott whimpered. "I can't stop fucking you, what the hell have you done to me?" Scott said as the panic built up more and more.

"Well the thing is, I can make you do anything I want just by touching you Scott. I could do it even if I wasn't, but it's so much easy by touch," said his Mom. "Oh Scotty, that's it baby, fuck Mommy's pussy," she added with mischievous glee.

Scott helplessly continued thrusting into his Mom, getting faster and faster, his body loving every second but his mind at complete odds.

More and more his pace quickened, and he was really struggling to ignore the ecstasy that was surging through his body.

Fast and faster he got until he let out a moan, then another and another, and he had finally completely submitted to the unavoidable intoxicating taboo.

"Oh god oh god," Scott groaned

"That's it Scott, fuck Mommy's pussy with that big fat juicy cock."

Scott leaned in putting his hands either side of his Mom's brunette topped head.

"I'm so close," Scott said followed by a moan.

"Me too, fill me to the brim with cum, honey"

Faster and faster the tempo increased, until Scott and his Mom both exploded, Scott shooting thread after thread of his creamy juice deep inside his mom.

"Ohhh my god," Mom squealed, Scott still thrusting, as another wave of ecstasy washed over her.

Finally, they relaxed and Scott fell onto his exhausted Mother. They lay there recuperating for a few moments, before Scott managed to find the energy to pull his upper body away from his mom and eventually he pulled out and lay down next to her on the bed.

As he looked across into the eye of his Mom, a hint of a magenta hue glazed over them. Then his mother's skin took on a pastel blue tone, and her hair turned black and grew longer and longer until it had cascaded down to her stomach, and gradually Maeve's original form returned to view, although with the addition of her natural blueish colors and a completely androgynous body.

Maeve smiled at Scott.

"What the hell are you?" Scott asked, as his breathing became more regular.

"I'm Batman," Maeve replied jokingly.

"No... seriously, what are you?" Scott asked with a severe sternness to his voice.

"Well, since neither you nor your sister will remember I was even here come the morning... I'm an Aes Sídhe."

"A what?"

"A type of Gaelic Fae."

Scott just looked at Maeve with a look of total bewilderment.

"Garlic Fay?"

"Dhaon'na dúr," Maeve muttered under her breath.


"It's not important... However I do have a secret to share with you Scott, but don't worry about blabbing about it to anyone you won't remember any of it anyway." Maeve said with a little mischievous smile.

"Oh let me guess, you fucked me for my sperm because you wanted to give birth to an army of weird blue things to take over the earth."

"Nope, even better," Maeve said as her hair turned from black to a warm coffee color.

"Remember me?" She said, now with the face, head and hair of Holly, but the rest of her body still showing the blue androgyny of her natural appearance.

"You... it was you. You evil little whore, you ruined my fucking life," Scott said venomously.

"Oh come on Scott, we both know you wanted to cheat, and let's face it, Sinead was way out of your league. Oh and FYI, I'm not evil, I just like playing with you humans. You're so gullible and ignorant, especially one's like you, Scott, you're moronic even by human standards," Holly said with a devilish grin, as she fully morphed back into her natural blue Maeve form.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Scott screamed, but unable to move from his supine position.

"Ha ha, really? After all we have been through together, you are going to try and threaten me. Why would you do that Scott, Why?"

"I... I," Scott said, trying to continue the fight, but it was all made completely futile by the fact he couldn't move and was now starting to become drowsy.

Maeve reached over to Scott's face.

"Shhh, sleep now," Maeve said stroking his head.

Maeve sat up, maneuvered her self round and positioned herself on the edge of the bed.

As Scott's eyes got heavier and heavier, looking at Maeve sat on the edge of the bed, Maeve started to shrink down, until she was about six inches tall and was completely out of Scott's line of sight. As she stood on the bed looking at the gigantic naked boy next to her, two little insect like wings raised up from her back.

Maeve gave one last smile at the now sleeping Scott, and a bright glow emanated from her chest, which quickly engulfed her entire body. Her little wings fluttered to life, and as quick as a flash she zipped out of the bedroom, down to the living room.

As Maeve fluttered in, she looked down at Beth sleeping on the couch. Beth was still naked and lying on her back.

Maeve floated closer to Beth, rapidly growing in size, returning to the same height as when she was last in here.

With her feet now on the floor, Maeve walked the final few steps. As she moved, the clothes she had shed onto the floor, glowed and dissolved into bright sparks of light that swirled up into dancing tendrils, which then merged into Maeve's bare legs.

Maeve reached the last place on the couch, with all of her once divested clothing, now removed from the floor.

She leaned in and kissed Beth on the lips, before moving to her ear to whisper something.

"Sorry my gorgeous girl, I simply couldn't resist playing with you, but for what it's worth, I really did enjoy our intimate moment," Maeve said softly, with an earnest smile. "See you at school," Maeve added, the smile now spreading across her entire face as she leaned in again to place a goodbye kiss on Beth's rosy lips.

In the blink of an eye, Maeve reduced in size and fluttered over Beth for a moment, then she zipped off out of the living room and down the hall to the front door. She crouched down in the mailbox and after putting her tiny fingers under the flap, she lifted it up, and flew through, the flap snapping shut behind her.

Beth was lying with her face pressed into the couch. She peeled her heavy eyelids open, and lifted her still sleepy head up off the couch cushion, which was moist with her drool.

She looked around.

It was morning.

Beth turned and sat up, placing her feet on the cold carpet. She looked down at her naked body, and for a second wondered why she was sleeping naked on the living room couch. Suddenly bits of memory came pouring back into her consciousness.

She froze, wide-eyed and in shock.

"Oh god, me and Scott... did we?" She didn't want to finish the sentence. She hoped that if she didn't finish it, it wasn't real. "But he was so good," she muttered, feeling unadulterated guilt for enjoying it.

Beth closed her eyes and put the palms of hands over her eyes and leaned forwards, trying to compose herself.

As she brought her hands down and rested them each side on the couch, she sighed heavily. Then she looked around for her clothing.

She spied her underwear down and to the right of the couch, next to her shorts. Beth tried to reach them from her seated position on the couch, but both were just out of reach. So Beth got to her feet and bent down to pick them up.

"Mmm I love the view of hot ass in the morning, especially when it belongs to my beautiful baby sister," Scott wisecracked, casually hiding the internal turmoil that was running rampant in his brain, whilst standing at the door completely naked.

Beth stood up, and turned around holding her underwear in the hand. She felt an urge to quickly cover up her nakedness using anything readily available, but she figured it to be a fruitless endeavor, Scott had seen everything already, or so she thought. She had no idea that in fact the last time she had seen the real Scott was when she told him to fuck off.

"Uh... Hey," Beth said awkwardly.

She may have come to terms with being naked in front of her brother, but that didn't do anything to help the fact her lady bits were getting a little cold.

"Have you seen mom, or anyone else around the house this morning?" Scott inquired shiftily, as he watched Beth begin to put her underwear on.

"No, I haven't seen anyone. Why?" Beth replied, as she pulled her underwear up all the way and let them go around her hips with a light snap.

Scott entered the room and sat on the couch, next to where Beth was stood.

"Uh... no reason, just thought I heard someone," Scott said evasively.

"So did you have fun last night?" Scott said with a cocky grin

"Um..." Beth considered saying that she didn't want to talk about it, to avoid dealing with it.

But as she quickly glanced at Scott's semi-hard eight inch cock, she realized there was no getting around this. So instead Beth chose to be honest.

"Y'know what, I did. I'm still not sure how to deal with it, it's crazy, and I really feel guilty for enjoying it, especially after the pervy things you have done to me in the past, like that time when we were playing in the river and you grabbed me pretending to wrestle, but instead you rubbed your semi hard-on through my bikini into my ass crack, remember that?"

"Hold on, I thought you loved that. You told me last night that you rub your bedpost into you ass, pretending its me."

"W-what? I've never done that."

"That's what you told me last night. We were on my bed and you were riding my cock, and you said that you play with yourself thinking about that moment, then you asked what else I've done to you, and I brought up the time you caught me jacking off into your panties."

"Oh yeah I remember that, and then I burnt them outside." Beth said with a disgusted look as that memory resurfaced. "Wait, hold on, I was riding you? When did I do that?"

"I dunno, you must have come in when I was asleep on my bed, 'cause when I woke up, you were on me, riding my cock."

"I don't remember doing that at all. God, was I really that drunk?" She looked down at the table with the almost empty bottle of rum, and the two glasses. "OK, that would explain it," Beth said starting to piece things together.

"Explain, what?"

"I think we were drinking rum down here, just before we ended up doing it on the couch"

"Wait... we did it on the couch?"

"Yeah, I gave you a blow job, then you ate me out and you fucked me," Beth said in a very matter-of-fact way, trying desperately hard not to let the guilt and awkwardness flare up again.

"Fuck I don't remember that at all," Scott said with a bemused look.

"So how did I end up down here again if we were doing it on your bed? Surely we would both have woken up there if we were that drunk?"

"I dunno... dunno," Scott said quickly, as he attempted to skirt around that line of questioning. He knew full well that there were other people, not just Beth, that got fucked last night, and not just on his bed.

Scott's mind drifted on to the memories of fucking Beth, Maddie, and Lucy, and a smug smile spread across his face.

"One thing I do know, is you were fucking amazing last night," He said to said with cool conviction, attempting to divert Beth's quest for answers away from the fact he had had hot wild sex with what he thought was their Mom, and the dirty feeling of pleasure that he had got from it.

"I guess you were OK," Beth said sarcastically with a wry smile.

"Really? Just OK?" Scott asked with some sarcasm of his own.

"Yeah, alright you were amazing too."

"Well since we both enjoyed it, why don't we enjoy it again right here, right now," Scott said flirting with Beth.

Beth looked at Scott in his state of undress, whilst he was sat on the couch. Her eyes ran the length of Scott's lightly toned body. As the sporadic twitching of Scott's package caught her eye, and it slowly began to get bigger again, the temptation starting to rise in her.

"Well?" Scott said, pushing for an answer.

Beth was still uneasy about last night, even though she enjoyed the hot sexual encounter with the big brother impostor. But the temptation to replicate last night was approaching critical mass, made only worse by Scott's insistence for and answer. If she did go through with this, that was it, what they assumed happened last night, wouldn't just be a one night stand, it would be taken to the next level and irreparably stain their relationship forever.

"Does this help?" Scott said, grabbing his cock and slowly running his gripped hand up and down around his rapidly hardening cock.

As Beth watched he brother slowly and seductively stroking himself. She simply couldn't shake the fact the sex they had, was the best that she had ever had.

Then finally Beth broke.

She bent over and started to move the things on the coffee table, with her ass pointing in Scott's direction. Scott positioned himself at the front of the couch and after leaning forwards, he seized the opportunity to pull down her underwear and sample all the tasty treats that were now being offered to him. He took a big long sloppy lick all the way from her lightly moistened lower lips and up to her tiny teen butt hole.

Beth murmured lustfully, masking the feeling that Scott seemed less adept down there, than he was last night. But they had had a late night and it involved lots of alcohol, so she figured that that must be the reason for his decline in proficiency.

In one fluid motion, Beth pulled away, turned around and lay down supine on the coffee table.

"Fuck me Scott," she cooed, lifting her legs close to her shoulders and spreading them for him.

Scott stood up with a cocky grin on his face and walked around to the end of the table.

He looked down at his sister's hairless, teen pussy. Instead of guiding it in, slowly, making her feel every inch of it, he grabbed his cock, and whilst aiming it in its general direction, he thrusted his hips forwards, impaling Beth.

His technique was as subtle as a subway train in the process of derailing, which utterly baffled Beth. She simply couldn't work out how he had gone from Picasso to Kanye West overnight.

Scott quickly picked up the pace, beginning to hammer Beth's hips into the coffee table and paying little attention to Beth, as he got his fill of her.

Beth was rapidly becoming turned off, especially considering how good he was last night.

But just when the situation couldn't get anymore unejoyable for Beth, Scott somehow managed to ruin it even further for her.

"God damn, your pussy feels like Mom's but tighter," he unwittingly blurted out, lost in the heat of the moment.

"Errgghh! Nope I'm done," Beth said with a disgusted and disgruntled look on her face. She grabbed the edges of the table and pulled her self away from Scott, and then quickly got up.

"What? What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"You just had to ruin it, didn't you. And Where was the guy from last night... y'know what forget it," Beth added, holding the palm of her hand up to her brother and walking away towards the door.

"I'm sorry... Beth, please... Beth, come on," Scott said, just as Beth was about to cross the threshold. "Yeah well fuck you too, fucking cock tease," he bellowed after her, as Beth vanished from view.