"Are you sure about this?" I asked as we rolled down the backroad on the night before Halloween, everyone with their faces nearly pressed to the windows like we were kids instead of three twenty and two twenty-one year-olds.

"Very sure." Samantha said, punching my leg, giving me a long hard glare.

I gave her an apologetic look, neither of us had to look at Heather to say that was the reason for the punch. We were all very aware of Heather. Sitting in the back seat between Keith and Faye, she was the absolutely stellar looking blonde that was too hot, too cool, and too everything to be hanging out with some normies (Maybe even nerdies) like my best friends Keith and Faye, my sister Sammy, and me. I don't know how Sammy had done it but she had befriended the goddess, or maybe not friended so much as convinced her to hang out for the night because somehow the hot blonde had nothing better to do. Selling her on the fact that Keith, Faye, and her were convinced about some local urban legend being real.

The Sky Bus. Everyone in Defluer had heard of it. An old 70s style school bus that had somehow gotten onto one of the ridges, way up where a bus could not drive, the path supposedly was barely reachable by foot. It was unexplainable how a vehicle, much less a bus, had gotten up there. Mom and dad had heard of it, they said they knew a guy and girl from their high school who had claimed to have found it, confirming that it was already a thing back in their day. It wasn't just that the bus was up there in near perfect condition, that would be one thing but not urban legend level. No, it was that those classmates of mom and dad's had started a new twist. The idea that if you stayed in the bus all night, you would be granted a wish.

"So what did your dad say?" Heather asked, scrubbing her hand over her window to keep the condensation from building up from her and Faye breathing on the same pane of glass.

"That it's real." Sammy answered.

"About how they found it."

"He said his classmates said they saw the stop sign from the bus, at the beginning of the path, high up in a tree. Dad and all his friends went out, the summer after, but they couldn't find it." I answered, trying to keep the tone out of my voice that said I was the only disbeliever here.

"And... Why didn't they just go right out and look for it, if it supposedly grants wishes?" I told myself to be cool, just because she was asking questions like that didn't mean she was a disbeliever too. Even if she was, it wasn't like that level of hotty would forgo buff handsome guys for a nerd just because he also didn't believe in the supernatural urban legends.

"Because they didn't know right away." Sammy said excitedly.

"Yeah," Keith agreed, so nervous with Heather sitting next to him (I didn't blame him) that that was all he could manage to say because she turned to look at him.

"They didn't know how much their classmates luck had changed until the school year was over. When all of a sudden he was super popular, his parents won the lotto, some relative he'd never met or heard of passed away and left HIM a bunch of money." Sammy recounted, seemingly not so effected by Heather's presence as the rest of us.

"The girl he'd gone up with lost a bunch of weight, she got discovered by some modeling agency and went to Europe. I guess by nineteen she was married to some prince." Faye added, not so impressed by somebody who only wanted to be a model and marry a prince, but excited at all the "evidence" nonetheless. "When they heard that, apparently they used to call the girl Pizza Face Pattie, they knew there had to be something to what their friend. Something up there had granted their wishes to be rich and popular and to be attractive, famous, and marry a prince."

"I thought it was about getting good luck." I pointed out.

"Same difference," Sammy was not to be brought down by logic or facts, the others (Besides Heather I was excited to see.) all nodded.

"So a stop sign in the trees?" Heather remarked as everyone was clearly imagining their life with their wishes granted or their luck set to max.

"Yeah," Sammy quickly shaking away the daydreams (or night dreams since the sun was well and truly down) to keep her eyes glued for the prize.

"That you can only see in fall or winter?" A hint of snark to my voice question.

"Yeah." Sammy gave me another punch, I took it with pride. Then to Heather she put it. "We went out five or six times last week."

"Six." Faye corrected.

"Six?" I asked, I had laughed off their request to waste a Saturday afternoon driving out around the far ridges looking for a myth, I had not known it was not their first wasted afternoon.

"Which is what dad said him and his friends did." Sammy put in. "So after we got back the last time Faye had the bright idea that we needed to do something different. Early morning or after sundown. Because it might make a difference, somehow." Even Sammy couldn't actually say right out that the magic might only activate at different times, but she let it sit in a way that trying to get us to think that. "And so here we are!"

"Here we are." I made my tone cheery but still got a glare from my older sister who seemed to be trying to steal my friends.

As I drove on they told Heather of the highlights of the other six adventures. Seeing a family of deer. Finding an old rusted out truck. Seeing four people "having a lot of fun" up on a ridge. Then Sammy and Keith went over the supplies that they'd brought, backpacks of supplies because we'd have to hike to the top of the ridge to get to The Sky Bus. Keith pulled out a box of dozens of different LED flashlights that he'd convinced his dad to order off of Amazon.

I tried to watch Heather, wondering if she'd come along just to have a story to tell later. About the nerds who believed in The Magical School Bus. I could imagine her friends making fun of us. Talking about if we expected Ms. Frizzle to come answer our wishes, or which one of us was what character. But she didn't seem to have a sneaky wicked smile that movies and media said a person would have if that was their plan. She looked genuinely interested as she listened to whoever was talking.

I tried to watch carefully but she was too damn beautiful to think about anything but her looks, well her looks and the road. Heather wasn't THE popular hot high school girl but she was up there. Shoulder length blonde hair that wasn't as perfectly dyed with various highlights and lowlights as I remembered it when we went to school together. She wore a battered leather jacket overtop a white sweater, the former unzipped and the later tight enough to hint at her large chest. Despite the cold weather a sliver of midriff was visible before black jeans, fashionably tattered. Some worn in combat boots that probably had been chosen for the chance of a hike, but maybe not. I couldn't see the pants or the boots but they were still locked in my brain from her walking out of her house when we'd stopped to pick her up. Which I had never believed was real or would actually happen, Heather Fucking Lancaster!

It was during one of the moments that I was not checking out the beautiful blonde that I spotted the road ahead. Going from gravel to what looked like straight up dirt. No, not even dirt but freaking sand. I did not have an off road vehicle so that was not an option. It wasn't the first time I'd pulled a U turn, Sammy glanced ahead briefly before twisting back in her seat talking to the three in the back, otherwise even paid attention to what I was turning around for.

That's when I saw it. Halfway through the U turn on the old and quiet road where we hadn't seen a house in maybe a mile, I saw it. It was so startling that I stomped on the brakes and stared. A hint of red at the top edge of my headlights, like some demon cyclops standing on a tree limb staring at us with a glowing red eye.

"What?" Sammy asked, looking out the window but she didn't see it. I pointed, she still asked. "What?"

"Give me a flashlight!"

"What?" Sammy asked, still not seeing it.

"Why?" Keith hugging the box as if they were made of gold and sent a bill for eight thousand dollars a second right to his dad's credit card.

"Just give me a..." I reached back and grabbed one out, it was too small, tossed it back in and ignoring his hiss I found a bigger one. Rolling down the window as I figured out how to turn the damn torch on, before aiming it up at what wasn't just a tree but a rock outcropping with a tree in front of it. "That's what."

"Holy shit! It's real! It's fucking real!" Samantha had her face glued to the front window, staring up at the old stop sign that was thirty feet in the air.


"So that's why they said to look for it in Fall or Winter." Keith huffed, still amazed by it even though it was five minutes behind us.

"Yeah, during the summer it would be impossible to see with the leaves on that tree!" Sammy was equally delighted, she battered me with her flashlight a few times. Not enough to hurt but she was so tiny and scrawny that I doubted it would have hurt much even if she was swinging full tilt. "We told you it was real! We told you! And look at this path! Way out here where there aren't any Park Rangers to make it, there is a path!"

"Which means how many people a year have to find that thing and walk up this way? Or know where it is at and use it?" I asked, but kept some other things to myself, as the others thought that over.

What I saw, what I held back because it was ludicrous, was that the leaves were off of the trail. Not perfectly a hundred percent but there were so many trees along both sides of the trail, HEAPS! But 99.9999% of the brown, red, and yellow leaves were to one side or the other of the small path. A path that was made up of dirt and rocks but also some stretches of grass. All that dotted with no more than a leaf or two every ten feet. A leaf or two that sometimes blew away on a light puff of a breeze to join their friends rotting in the depths of the forest. I wouldn't say it was supernatural, but they would. If I pointed it out. I knew there had to be some explanation. Maybe the wind just naturally blew easier through the opening in the trees, thus clearing the path. Or something to do with the piles of leaves clinging to each other. Or something. Something logical and not "magic" as I thought they would all see it.

"Everyone doing okay?" I asked, feeling like I was betraying them all for keeping that observation to myself.

"Okay." Keith, who I was worried about most, gave me a thumbs up.

The rest answered about the same. Sammy would have been a dozen feet ahead, if not for the dark. I could tell in the way she was walking, getting ahead a few feet, stopping momentarily to bounce with excitement as she watched us catch up. Impatience in her expression and body language but she did not say a word. I thought it was a little funny because Keith was tall with long legs and Samantha was barely five foot and tiny but she could outpace my long time best friend easily. My dark haired sister with her big bright red puffy coat on, crazily colored leggings, and a knee length orange dress on stood out for more than just her energy. I caught her looking at Heather and Keith in a way that I didn't like, my sister was sort of plain and had never had any sort of relationship. There was times I suspected that she was gay and there was times that I suspected she had a crush on my friend. I didn't want her and Keith to go out in case he did something to hurt her or they broke up and that would make the rest of our lives awkward. I especially didn't want her to have a thing for Heather, because that would make it real real weird that I had a thing for the same person.

After asking my eyes went to everyone one, again and again. I was an avid hiker and while Heather was clearly still fit (Not just left-over from her track and swimming days.) probably still did jog and swim, the others were not so much. I only looked at Heather because it was nice to look at Heather. We were going up a tough trail, the fact that it switched back and forth was good, made it so we didn't have to literally climb, but still. Keith was lumbering along, training his flashlight at every sound, real or perceived. Samantha stopped just before calling out to us to move faster, her hands sometimes moving as she silently willed us to hurry.

Faye was the most reserved, I couldn't really tell what was going on in her head. The black girl had always been an enigma to me, ever since she came up to Keith and I in eighth grade and said she was going to be our, "Token Black Friend". We burst out laughing and once we were done and she pointed out liking our geek t-shirts, we were friends. I'm sure both Keith and I had crushes on her, I still did if I was being honest. If I thought that she was at all interested in me I would have pushed Heather aside to ask Faye on a date with me.

Faye was beautiful, I'll be honest and say a little of it was that she was black. That she was different from ninety percent of the women I knew in Defluer, so it instantly set her apart. Her milk chocolate skin, hair that she never bothered to straighten or change much from it's natural curliness. It was peeking out from her knit cap at the moment, probably piled up under there in the messy bun she usually kept it in. Big dark brown eyes, glasses that I never knew if they were real or if she wore them just to 'fit in' with Keith and my nerdy-asses. And speaking of nerdy asses she had this delicious one, sort of pear shaped she had the most amazing junk in that trunk. But she also had more than handful sized breasts too. One of my best friends or not, I was VERY aware of her. I wasn't "in love" with her like you saw in media, where the guy or girl said they couldn't even be around the person anymore, but I wanted her pretty bad.

Okay, it wasn't totally in control. There were times when I would feel like it was the tenth time in a week where I caught Keith and her hanging out, alone. That I would be jealous and want to scream out if they were fucking or not.


"I told you! I fucking told you!" Sam said, hitting me on the arm was not enough for the level of excitement of seeing a yellow object looming out of the dark, she had to jump on my back.

"Hey! You crazy?" Faye asked, grabbing my arm. We were far from the edge, really, but her worry was touching, also probably spoke of her having a fear of heights.

"WE FOUND IT!" Samantha screamed, it seemed her excitement was infectious because both Keith and Heather were smiling from ear to ear.

"We found something," Faye tucking in against me as soon as Samantha dropped off.

"Go slow! Please!" As my sister rushed away, not towards the bus but the edge.

"Keith get your phone out and document... Everything! Take pictures and video. I'm gonna do a circuit around the edge to make sure there is no way anybody could have driven a bus up here." Samantha told him and he nodded, both him and Heather pulled out their phones.

"No signal," Heather said.

"Me either." Keith said.

"Nope none for me." Then we discussed what carrier everyone was on; Heather, Sam, and I were on the same one while both Faye and Keith were on different ones. Three carriers and nobody had a signal. Sammy pointed her flashlight in her face, letting us all see her expression saying that that could mean nothing but supernatural. "Five phones and nobody has any signal at all?"

"We are out in the middle of nowhere, we had to turn around because the road literally turned to dirt." But once more I held back, being up high should probably mean that we were above anything that would be between us and the towers.

I smiled at Faye, rebooted my phone, turned Airplane mode on and off. I didn't really think that would help but it gave me an excuse to stand still, to 'protect' her. A couple minutes later all three of the others returned.

"No way up besides the path, there isn't even another ridge nearby where something might have eroded." Samantha held her phone out to me, she'd recorded it. Watching it on fast forward, she was right, but then again it was so dark outside of the torch light that who knew what could be there just out of view.

"It's a fracking bus!" Keith reported, showing us the pictures from his phone after we all watched Sam's video.

Not just a bus but a Defluer High School bus, according to the big black words on the side. It was far from 'in pristine condition' as had been reported, but it was in way better condition than it should have been. I was no expert but it didn't look like one from the seventies to me, but from the freaking fifties! My grandpa had a GMC truck from 1955 in his barn that had nearly the same front end as this bus. There was rust on it, some dents and dings, the paint was faded and not bright. Trees and bushes growing up alongside it but they bent away, probably because the paint was made of lead and was slowly leeching off. The windows were fairly dirty but intact, not one that I saw was broken, super remarkable considering kids my age and younger seemed to love breaking unattended glass.

"There was a sign on the door. I wanted to wait and read it with the rest of you." Keith said, Heather nodded, she had gone along with him and seen it.

"Okay, ready?" I asked Faye in particular but remembered to scan everybody so it wouldn't be obvious it was her I was worried about. Her because of the height we were at.

Everyone was ready and we walked towards the bus. With all the lights we had it was really lit up. I took time to examine what Keith had not looked at. The placement of the rocks... Well for sure those gave the impression that the bus had just floated down from the sky and gently landed here. Nope, I didn't point that out, just walked. I wanted to walk around the bus completely but that freaking note. It was duct taped to the door, then a stick was placed holding it place for when the tape wore out, which almost all of it had. Clear plastic with a folded piece of paper inside.

"Go ahead." Sam told me, wedging her way in between Faye and I to push me at the door.

"Me?" But of course the answer was me, nobody was willing to step close to it, they all believed that it was magical so were a little afraid. I thought they were silly considering they thought it would answer their wishes, but I had to get the note.

"Read it out loud." Samantha once I took hold of the plastic, pulled the stick away.

"That doesn't mean anything!" I said because the second I had the note in my hand, thunder rolled. While all of them prepared to refute that a huge gust of wind came out of nowhere, which it was for sure to do up here high above anything else. It hit the other side of the bus, we were protected by the yellow-ish bulk, for the most part. It rocked on ancient springs that squeaked but showed it wasn't rusted completely in place, it actually moved more than modern cars. After the first sway the doors opened a couple inches, loudly. Then they thumped into place, completely open with all of us staring at them, a second before another peel of thunder. This much closer so much more earsplitting. "It was the wind! It was clearly the wind."

"Maybe we should go inside."

"I don't..." Keith started with a shake of his head the dark interior but rain came quick and hard, with cries and squeals we were all inside the bus before anybody even thought. I pulled the door closed as the water was blowing in from the wind which had seemed to switch where it was coming from. "You gonna try and explain that Baxter?"

"It's autumn, there are plenty of storms and..."

"There was no rain in the forecast, that's why we picked today to go out!" The other Baxter quickly refuted.

"That was for Defluer! We're practically in Cydney, or Everett!" I was quick to point out that we were way out from Defluer, Defluer as we all thought of it."Read the note." Samantha said, peeling off her coat which was dripping water, putting it on a post as she examined the rest of the bus. I wanted to too but had to read, but did catch myself marveling because the freaking driver's seat looked a million percent better than grandpa's old GMC truck, which had been sitting out of the elements in the barn since the eighties, or so dad said.

"It started raining or even snowing just as you got here, didn't it?" I opened and closed my mouth after reading that, what was I going to say to that? Something about statistically there was always bad weather in this part of the country at this time of year? Sammy and Keith both bumped against each other in excitement, Faye even joined them. I pressed on so as to not think. "It always does, or so the note left for us said, and it did start raining for us. Bad. As soon as my buddy grabbed the note." The thunder had stopped, I had not seen any lightning which would have been pretty visible way up here. But the rain was tickling the metal and glass like all the firefighters in the state were out there hosing the bus down. "We came here in November of 2019, somehow with stuff to write a note, I bet you have something too, don't you?"

"Yes." Keith said, while Sammy had started to shake her head, apparently he had thought to pack something she had not.

I didn't say anything about coincidence or... Well I just looked back at the note and kept reading, "Here are the rules. Well really there is only one rule. I didn't make it, I'm just passing them along, I would have left the other note as proof but I put it down and we can't find it. You'll probably do the same thing. If you want your wish then everyone in the bus has to have at least one..." I trailed off, staring at the next word.

"One what?" I shook my head, my sister's voice got quieter and if I didn't know any better I would have thought she had more than a suspicion as to what it was. "One what Gordon?"

"It's... it's a prank!" I told them, not wanting to read anymore.

"Read it. It's not you, we know, it's a prank." Faye just trying to sooth me.

"One..." I cleared my throat, "If you want your wish then everyone in the bus has to have at least one orgasm," Heather grabbed the note, read up to at least that word, then pushed it back at me, silent and frowning.

"Keep going." Faye motioning me onward, Samantha nodding.

"And not by their own hand either." It was a short sentence but I let the thought sink in, for them and me. "You'll know you got it right because it'll stop raining. The night is going to be longer than you could possibly imagine. We tried to deny it was real. We sat here and sat there and sat there. Then two of my buddies started making out. They... They said they needed their wishes. Next thing I know they're both blowing me and... Well we all ended up passing the Rule, with flying fucking colors! Way past just the one. Way past." I got a sense for this guy's personality as he wrote in for me to take a dramatic pause, then "Way past." Sighing, I went on. "Maybe we'll get our wishes, I doubt we'll be able to find this place again to leave an update for you if we do. Maybe we won't get our wishes, either way it stopped raining as soon as J..." I could make out the bottom of the J peeking out but they had written a name and then scratched out it. "Our last friend got off, for the first time. We didn't leave though, I don't want to speak for them but I know I never got off that many times before. I am writing this the following morning after we woke up in each other's arms. It's bright and sunny and warm. So... There you go. Have fun. Hopefully you brought some chicks. But even if you didn't... It won't be as bad as you think."

"No! Never! Not at all! Nope, nope, nope, nope." Keith said, as if it was me who was hinting at us doing something.

"Ouch!" Not wanting anything to happen between us anymore than he did but enjoying playing the victim. With a shrug I turned the paper over, twice. "That's it."

"That's it?" Sammy took it and read it over. Concluding, "That's it."

"Stupid." I don't know if Keith meant us for coming out here, him for believing, or just the note's contents.

"I'll start the new note." Sammy motioned for Keith to turn around, he did and she dug out what must have been right there on top. A notebook with a sharpie. She bit off the cap, Keith's light trained on her face while Faye aimed it at the paper. "We were given one rule. It was dumb and we know it's a prank. Plus I'm here with my brother and his best friends are practically like brother and sister to me." I felt some relief come over me, until I wondered if my sister was saying that to make it obvious to Heather how she felt about the rest of us. My eyes flicked to the blonde who was watching with amused interest. Back to Sammy, my sister's lips were doing this cute little move as she spoke around the sharpie. Sounding like an old time gangster talking around a cigarette. It was absolutely adorable because she wasn't doing it on purpose. "I'll pass it along so you can have a laugh too. The guy said him and his male buddies had a gay orgy. That they were told the only way to make their wishes come true was that all of them had to have an orgasm, if anybody didn't come..." Sammy glanced at all of us with a naughty smirk, marker cap still in the corner of her mouth. "I spelled it C.U.M." Giggling before going back to writing. "That nobody's wish would come true. Apparently even if you don't want anything to happen, it might anyway. The guy wrote..."

"I don't think he said they were all guys." Heather seemed unable to keep back any longer.

"Huh?" Sammy asked, I just wanted her to ask, "Wattayah talkin' about?"

"He alluded that some gay stuff happened but he never said that they were all guys, you three are buddies. Inseparable all through high school, but you're not all guys." Heather pointing to me and my two friends, I was absolutely astounded that she remembered, considering I don't recall her ever even looking at us.

"I think he did," Keith frowned.

"You don't even know if it was a he!" Heather pointed out. "There were no names."

"It was a he because he said blow job!" Sammy said, happy to put forth some evidence.

"Yeah, I think he said blow-job, his two guy friends made out and then gave him a blow job." Faye's voice getting softer at Heather shaking her head, unable to stand up to her confidence that we all had it wrong.

"Just read the note again, this time Heather will do it and everyone think that it's her reading it with her pretty girl voice instead of me." I didn't even know I had laid down the compliment, not until she smiled at me and I wondered why that smile was so warm.

"Yeah, think of me and not Gordon with his deep sultry tones." I don't think she was just being nice, or instinctively returning the compliment, I did have a deep voice. She made it difficult for me to not giggle with delight, thus probably ruin any attraction. Attraction I was undoubtedly only imagining she had for me. Except when she reached over... She ran her fingers down my forearm. Turning back to the others, but then glancing back at me while holding her hand out to them. "Hand me it, let's see."

"Baxter read it." Keith said, everyone looking at me.

"Baxter took it from me." I said, which turned everyone to Samantha who capped the marker.

"Ooh! I put it in the backpack." Pointing, Keith turning his back again, this time to Faye who looked, shook her head. Heather grabbed it, looking with the aid of the three of us pointing our flashlights in. Still the same results, another head shake. "I gave it to one of you then, right?" The others denied that she had, held up hands only occupied by flashlights. "In the notepad?"

"He said..." Sammy's thoroughly flipping through the notepad a few times, then patting herself down. Head snapping up, "He said we would lose it!"

"Shut up!" I growled but five minutes later I wasn't so sure because it was nowhere to be found.

"Be careful of our note, we lost the old one or you could get a laugh out of it too. Then again it's not looking so funny as everything the last person wrote keeps coming true." Sammy had the cap in her mouth again, saying person for Heather's sake.

"You look so silly like that." Heather giggled, reaching out to rub her thumb over my sister's bottom lip.

"Pah!" She spat it onto the notepad, blushing. "Sorry."

"No, don't be. It was one of the cutest things I've seen." My sister quivered with delight, I would too from the compliment. But also as Heather swept her fingers across not just Sammy's lips but most of her cheek and chin as well. "You have such a cute mouth. So... Quirky and..."

"Why is it so warm in here?" Faye asked, but got that look that said she was blushing, because it did seem like it was in a response to Heather possibly flirting with my older sister, but she pushed on. "It's a tin can in the middle of autumn in a huge rainstorm. It should be cold and we... damp."

"Wet? You really just avoided saying wet?" Keith asked teasingly.

"Uh... yuh..." Faye trying to muster attitude.

"Made it more obvious." Samantha whispered, I saw her attention go from Faye to Faye's mouth. "Speaking of cute lips, Faye has got the sexiest lips in all of Defluer."

"Whuh? Uhh!" Faye shook her head, her dark skin tone didn't show the blush, but I knew it was happening. The expressions and then the goofy smile.

"Yeah, I agree, so full and perfectly shaped. Like somebody drew them. You're not even wearing lipstick are you?" Faye shook her head to Heather's words, looked from me to Keith for help. I don't think I did anything but stand there, Keith didn't help, since he nodded his agreement to Heather and Sammy's assessment. "God I would pay to have your lips."

"They're the most perfect lips in Defluer." Keith whispered.

"Defluer or Cydney, Everett," Heather giving me a look, referencing my statement earlier that we probably weren't in Defluer anymore. But going one step further, "Kansas or Oz, still the best lips."

"Uhh, gosh you all, stop." Faye waved us away but we also, each and everyone, got long pleased smiles from her.

"It's the truth." Keith said, reaching out to our best friend, taking her hand briefly. "But it doesn't just stop at your lips, like... All of you is perfect and..." He danced away like somebody had shot him. Stumbling back, elbow hitting one of the seats, spinning him as he went down the wide center aisle. "I think it's fucking happening! Guys! I think it's fucking happening like the letter said!"

"What are you talking about?" Sam jerking her thumb at him, looking to us like Keith had lost his marbles.

"A few compliments and you freak out like a wizard is taking over your brain? I... I liked it." Faye was so fucking lovely as she said that. A hint of a pout, "Nobody ever really compliments me."

"I..." My mouth opening but Keith was there first.

"Look! Look!" He pointed and only when he did did I realize that Heather's hand was back on my forearm, this time partially up my coat sleeve, touching bare flesh. It wasn't just that. Heather's other hand hadn't left my sister either, she was tracing away across Sammy's jawline. "You're like all over each other and you... Faye when we went to prom and said you looked great in your dress... You threw your phone at Baxter!"

"I had a bruise for a week." I remembered but despite Keith's words Faye was still just standing there pouting, staring at him as if he had wronged her greatly.

"Dude!" Keith said looking to me shaking his head. "You fucking stay over there and I'll fucking stay over here." Backing up further, scared.

"Of course why..." Scoffing, would have said more but he pointed again, at my hand... my hands... HANDS! They were... Heather had sort of pulled me closer and now I had a hand on not just her hip but.... Samantha's too! And I was pretty sure nobody but me (Hurriedly trying to convince myself it wasn't so weird.) would call it her hip, they'd all say I was resting my hand on my sister's tight little ass. "Shit! It is happening!"

"You fucking stay over there!" He told me backing up so far that he hit a seat in the back row and sat down. Quickly yanking his backpack off, slapping it into his lap, pulling up his knees for extra protection. "Fucking stay away!"

"Asshole!" Faye screamed, clearly thinking it was her he was talking to. Keith looked shocked, started to try and explained but Faye spun around turning her back to him. "You don't want me to stay away, do you?"

Faye was looking at me, I opened my mouth thinking about the time she had thrown a phone at me for even implying that I thought her beautiful. Except she was so fucking beautiful! Then in her emerald and black dress, now in her overalls and long sleeve t-shirt. Pulling her knit cap off her head, biting her bottom lip, pushing her chest out, and undeniably wanting me to think her attractive. I loved how messy her black curls were, I always enjoyed it when we'd all spent the night somewhere together and she'd wake up with her hair a total wreck.

"Me? What I want is to kiss your freaking beautiful lips! I want that so freaking bad!" I groaned, unable to hold back any longer as BOTH Heather and Sammy were willing me to answer correctly, my sister outright nudging me.

"Guys! Don't you see!" Keith warned but we weren't listening, how could I?

"Best lips in Defluer," Heather rasped.

"Me? You want to kiss my freaking beautiful lips?" Delight making Faye bounce my way.

I was aware of how bad it was that while I thought, "Wow she's totally channelling Sam right now!" it didn't make me want my best friend any less. Both Heather and Samantha pushed me at the beautiful black girl who I think I'd had my first sexual thoughts about. Her hands touched down on my face, cupping it and pulling at my lips, for sure wanting to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss her. My heart was hammering in my chest, my hands were on her wide sexy hips, sliding back towards the butt I'd wanted to touch since... Well since I'd known I wanted to touch girl butts.

"I can't believe..." And we kissed, I inhaled of her as I did, they were exactly as soft as I had always imagined. Her sentence was paused as we made brief initial contact, like she sort of worried that this should be dull and maybe uninteresting. Kissing her best friend. Then she moaned and was mashing her mouth into mine, slipping her tongue (HER FUCKING TONGUE!) forward and I was happy to slide mine across hers. I don't know why the kiss broke, I just know her forehead was against mine, her breathing hard and deep. Those brown eyes looking into me, worried I would not have enjoyed that. "I can't believe we finally kissed. I've imagined it for ages!"

"Me too!" Both of us smiling, relieved that the stupid pretending not to be into each other for the sake of the friendship part of lives was over with.

About to go in for another one, but then I was slammed into and it was all I could do not to trip over my best friend (and hopefully girlfriend!) but it didn't stop at just the collision. Heather was holding Samantha in both her arms, I just knew that my sister had jumped into them, the two giggling and kissing. Heather was strong but she had been a little caught off guard and she pushed me and Faye into the seat right behind the driver's chair.

"Oh shoot... Sorry Gordon... But your sister..." My sister wanted Heather and wasn't holding back any longer, the beautiful bombshell blonde did not have to finish.

Faye and I had sort of landed one knee each down on the seat. Heather had plopped down, much like scaredy cat Keith who sat opposite us quivering away. Only instead of putting a backpack in her lap she pulled my sister tight against her. Fuck it was about the hottest thing I'd ever fucking seen! The two looking into each other's eyes, only able to do that with Samantha atop Heather like this, because my sister was so much shorter than my high school crush. Sammy was gripping Heather's leather coat lapels. Heather had my sister's tight little legging covered ass in one hand, the other had gone up the orange dress right to the bra snaps.

"Heather! You got it in one go!" My older sibling was totally delighted with the brazen act.

"It's not my first rodeo."

"That's good because I've never done anything like this, so you're gonna have to teach me how to be a good bi-girl." Both of them laughing before the need to kiss overtook them.

"Uh... Sorry." I told Faye as we both looked down to see the sight of Sammy (My own freaking sister!) and Heather had made me so fucking hard.

"Don't be! Watching them... I'm... You know." Wet! With that, plus relief and amusement, I dropped into the seat right next to Heather.

Faye climbed into my lap much like Samantha had Heather's, gently and happily guiding my erection to a much more comfortable position. Knees to both of my hips my female best friend thrust her crotch into mine, both of us moaning in another kiss. Faye nodded, liking that it made me feel good, confirming it was as nice for her. Then kissing me again. Kissing me and kissing me and kissing me like we were trying to make up for the years since we'd gone through puberty and both wanted to do this.

"Suck my neck! Gordon! Mmmm! YES!" Pulling her clothes aside, exposing not just her milk chocolate neck but her shoulder as well, I latched on.

Her moans filled my brain, her crotch thrusting against mine filled me with lust. Wanting our clothes to just go away so our bodies would be together. Might have started that process but then I saw something orange drop onto one of the other seats, took me a second to realize it was Samantha's dress. My eyes flicked to my sister, no thought or hesitation that I should not be looking at her if her bra was undone and dress was now gone. But I looked and I groaned against the dark flesh that I was carefully sucking on, felt Faye's chin hit the side of my head, letting her see what was going on with her peripheral vision.

"Uh! Gord! Gord she's sucking your sister's titties! Her BEAUTIFUL LITTLE TITTIES!" Faye clearly as turned on by the sight as I was, she ground herself hard at me as I ground hard at her.

That's exactly what Heather was doing. Bra was gone, Sammy was gripping the back of the seat up by Heather's shoulders, arching herself to feed the hot woman her breasts. Heather was sucking on it, then grinning as Sam twisted away. Not trying to tease or deny the other woman, but trying to get both "beautiful little titties" sucked on at the same time. Or as much at the same time as possible. The slurp and popping noise of the tiny pink things releasing from Heather's lips nearly made me push Faye away to get at one myself. A part of my brain screamed about how that was my sister I was thinking about. But the general reaction was not disgust, it was... The mental equivalent of a shoulder shrug. I didn't actual give a fuck that she was my sister, I LIKED that my sister had such cute little titties with such tiny pink nipples.

"Oh gawd!" Samantha's face was painted over with such pleasure, but still boiling over with lust. Her eyes caught mine, she frowned. "Is it okay that you can see my boobs?"

"They are so pretty! Of course it's okay." Faye answer for me, reaching out but stopping just short of actually touching them, instead stroking my sister's shoulder and bicep.

"If my sister had boobs like these I'd be all about them." Heather's voice was deep with her own arousal, she did not stop short, she grabbed both of them with much desire.

"But... Gordon? Is it okay?" All of them were looking at me, all of them were worried about my answer, but not because they thought I'd be a pervert by being into my sister's titties.

"It..." I smiled, glancing towards Heather and then Faye before looking Samantha straight in the tits. "If my sister had boobs like these I'd be all about them.""Your sister does have boobs like these." Samantha giggled, the brunette who I had known my entire life turning them out of Heather's hands to beam them right at me. Heather wanted to grab them again but Sam caught her, held them to not obstruct my view. "I've never caught you being all about them."

"I guess I'll have to make up for that." A little worried about the judgement that would get from the other two ladies.

"Yeah?" Sammy was all excitement, starting to lean my way, thrilling me at the prospect.

"But first he's going to be all about his best friend's titties." Faye nearly yelled, worried that she was going to lose my focus. Somehow popping one of her overall straps so that it shot up and slapped down along her back in a very dramatic way. There was a shirt on under the overalls but my mind locked onto the prospect of finally seeing Faye's chest, instead of seeing the chest already bared. Didn't matter because Heather was hit with a little jealousy or lack of patience, pulling my sister back down into her lap, then tight against her. Faye staring at me with pleased smile, liking that she had stolen my attention back so easily. "You really do want me. Your best friend, you want me really bad."

"Yes, really bad." I rasped.

The other strap went the same as the first, as if rocket powered. This time the front of the denim staple of Faye's cold weather wear dropped. The shirt underneath was long sleeved, decorated with different faces of all the characters from Seinfeld, all at different angles and with different expressions. I barely registered that, I'd seen it before, had been indoctrinated into loving the show by her. What I liked was how her perky tits were pushing out the front of that shirt. How she sort of invited me to take it off, with just a raised eyebrow and a shift of her sexy body.

"God damn!" Still all raspy as I revealed her midriff, dark and sexy. "Oh god damn!" A fucking neon pink bra that seemed to glow by magic against her flesh. The breasts inside were delicious looking and the alluring almost dance move she used to curl to the side and help me slide her out of the shirt was amazingly sexy. "You're kinda a jerk for not showing me years ago."

Sammy snorted and nodded, Faye rolled her eyes, Heather's turn to reach out and just shy away from touching what she clearly wanted to touch.

A dangerous amount of blood pulsed into my cock as both Heather and Samantha "helped" Faye out of her bra. Faye got the snaps and the other two pulled the thing their way. My long time best friend pushing her chest out, watching my every reaction. Her titties were astounding. Perky, handful sized, and they had dark black nipples. I'd had never been with a black girl in any way before and my brain seemingly tried to deny that boobs, much less the nipples on them, could be this dark.

"You're a total jerk for not showing me these years ago." I joked again, but in a strained and serious tone.

"You're a jerk for not showing me..." Careful to get my attention she let her finger fall until the tip was resting on my bulge. All I could do was tell myself to breath, because I could barely handle the idea that my hot best friend was touching my dick, even through my jeans. Shifting forward and wiggling her tits at me she playfully whispered. "How about we show each other everything."

That got a nod, or lots of eager nods before she slipped from my lap. The bagginess of her overalls did most of the work as she rose. With a sexy and adorable hip toss they finished their decent leaving her in light blue panties and dark red socks. I wanted nothing more than to watch her strip the rest of the way but she mounted her fists on her hips and waited. I understood, after a second, the sight of her topless and just in her undies paused me to my core as I held my shirt a couple inches up.

I had never thought myself much in the way of desirable, but I felt that way then. Faye giving a tremble as I took off my sweater and shirt. At the sight of my orange boxer briefs, just the color basically as I hadn't done anything but opened the fly of my jeans and grabbed the waistband, she grabbed the front of her blue undies. Not just grabbed but pressed her fingers in, needing some edge taken off of her arousal at finally seeing me in this sexually charged way.

I don't know how I didn't blow my load.

Somehow I managed to hold back, embarrassed and with minimal self esteem or not I was motivated to relieve myself of these damn clothes. Not just because the bus interior felt a nice warm temperature to very much explain the fog coated windows.

Piling everything up on my left, fighting the distraction of my sister and my (our) high school crush to my right making out. I was glad that the bus seats had aged so well, soft and comfortable grey velvet. My dick was hard as hell but it was throbbing because I was so turned on! I had never really had much pre-cum (Never even really thought about "lacking" it.) but there was gossamer strands of the stuff each time my dick jumped up off my flesh. My dick seemingly trying to make up for lost time it was oozing so badly. Then again I don't think I'd they been so turned on!

"Good god Gordo! Look at you!" I was glad she seemed to appreciate all of me, glad I had a liking for hikes to keep me to a modest fitness level. As much as I liked her appreciating all of me, the way she looked at my dick, that was REALLY NICE. "Good god Gordo! Look at that!" Biting her bottom lip the way she cupped herself seemed to change slightly, almost protective, somehow only then did I remember she was a virgin. "Mallory Deacon did not say you were so big."

"She..." I didn't know they were friendly enough to exchange such information, but now was not the time. "I don't think I've ever been so hard in my life."

"Damn Gordon!" My own sister's cry stealing my attention, for a second I thought she was just hiding her breasts from me, but I saw she was playing with her small nipples as she stared at my dick.

"I've had a lot of dicks Gordon," Not something I wanted to hear from my crush, but then again how could I expect someone as hot as her to be as pure as snow? Heather stared at me with total lust, her and Sammy ever so slightly grinding together, dry humping and for sure getting something out of it. "That's the fatest one I've ever seen!" Touching her flat tummy above her belly button she shook her head. "I had long ones and never liked them. Go too deep and feel like... Well they don't feel good. I... I... Well, I think my wish may have come true right there." Her cheeks turned rosy, she may have been more experienced than the rest of us (combined) but she didn't want be so open about her past. Didn't want us to judge her. Reaching over to stroke my shoulder, "Save some for me." Holy fucking fuck! Holy fucking fuckety fuck Heather Lancaster just said that to me, about my dick, wanting my dick to go inside her, for fun! Then her hand slipped to Faye's dark leg, because Faye had slide in, almost back onto my lap. "Please?"

"Uh, I want it so bad!" Was all Faye could say.


"Oh," Keith was still at the far end of the large Oval interior of the old bus. All curled up and shaking his head, Faye understood, I was the only guy, giving me a shrug. I got out, "I'll try."

"Thanks!" Both Heather and Sammy said at once, then Sam called. "Jinx! Lick my pussy!"

"Gladly!" Heather groaned and for being centerstage suddenly we (me) didn't seem to exist to them anymore.

"Uh hey," Faye whispered, making my attention swing back to her, instead of watching the other two strip.

"Hey you." Realizing that I had a nearly naked best friend who should be my focus.

"Foreplay?" Not exactly looking in the direction of the two loudly kissing and happily striping women.

"Probably should..." Considering where I had her, how close she was to being on my dick, I didn't want to but this was fucking Faye, if not her then... Nobody. "I... It's been a while."

"It's been longer for me." She said, IE forever for her. I smiled, gulping as she started wiggling out of her blue undies. "I don't... I don't think I'll last long either." Once more her eyes floated to the giggling and happy bi-girls beside me. "And I don't know when they're going to... Cut in."

"Okay." I'd warned her, I probably should have been gentlemen enough to promise her I wouldn't do the others until I'd done her, then insisted on going down on her, but I was so fucking hard that each freaking heartbeat that I was out and not being touched nearly had me spasming in pain.

"God damn!" I huffed when those panties came off and she revealed herself completely to me, well there was still the socks but...

"It's okay?" Dragging her fingers of both hands over labia, through her short of insanely tightly curled black pubes.

"It's more than okay."

"I haven't shaved since..."

"Wait you didn't expect the search for the Sky Bus to turn into an orgy?" Somehow looking her in the eyes, they were pretty eyes behind her nerdy glasses but there was so much to be seen! Of her sexy bod.

"No, for some reason it never even occurred to me." Snorting, smirking, and climbing back onto my lap. "It should have, it really should. What with Heather Freaking Lancaster and Samantha being with us, nothing says orgy like women way out of our league, or..." But she didn't want to say it, thinking I'd freak out about it, maybe that I hadn't even thought about the incest angle. "Or..."

"My sister? That that... That makes it an incestous orgy?" I watched her and she didn't flinch, I mean she did at the use of that word but she just watched me, worried that I would freak out, not disgusted herself.


"It's..." I wanted to look but knew if I did I would stare, there was some licking going on over there. "It's..."

"Uh yeah, for me too." Saving me from actually saying that it was a turn on. Her hand took hold of my cock, well enough that she pulled it so that it pointed towards the ceiling, then ran her crotch against it again. The clothes were gone, I worried that if I'd had a wish I'd used to make our clothes go away. But then again... it seemed worth it in that moment. She was so wet and warm, her face contorting with pleasure at the brief contact. She put me at her, not her entrance but her clitoris, I could feel the solid bump slipping from side to side as she rubbed my tip against it. My Faye leaning in close to whisper, "I want to watch you fuck her. I want to... See you two together and masturbate."

Of course I had no fucking answer to that, besides a greedy, eager, and I'm sure dopey nod. That sounded good to me. She was right, she would not take long, even before I agreed she was close. My hands going to her, distracted for a moment as I touched her. Legs and hips, fingers stretching out for her juicy butt. Coming back as she started rocking, thrusting, and rubbing me against her. It was like a dance move. Her mouth fell open, little moans escaping her as her entire body concentrated on getting off. Rubbing my penis at her clitoris so that she could come from something besides her own hands for the first time. Faster, that face couldn't seem to believe what she was feeling. Between my suddenly excessive precum and her juices, she was more than lubricated for this type of thing.

The moan that she let out was guttural, she fell forward against me, wrapped both arms around me to hug me as she came. My dick hugged by her fuzzy labia. My hot friend was coming because of me! Thrusting against me by the tiniest of margins she kept her pleasure going. I let my fingers trail everywhere I wanted over her beautiful body. So naturally one hand pretty much stayed glued to her ass the entire time. I softly kissed her collarbone, then neck, chin, and lips as she came out of her come. For a moment I almost freaked out, thinking... Very briefly, that it wasn't her fingertips that pressed into our cheeks, then mouths. But it was, fingers that were covered in her flavor. We ended up both licking at them, I almost ended up dragging her up to my mouth because the hint that was on her digits was not enough.

"Ready?" She asked, of course she wasn't experienced enough to just get it in there after my nod. She had to lean back, lift up, watch herself put me at her entrance, before she leaned back, and started down onto me. "Uh! Uh, oh, Gord... Gordo... Gordon!"

"Yes!" Arms wrapped around her I supported her as best I could, so she could slowly impale herself on my dick. I don't know if it was my pre-cum, her she-cum, or both but I could feel thick wet warmth rolling down my shaft well before her tight sticky oven enveloped it. "Faye! Good god yes!"

Once it was done, her slightly fuzzy and once virgin vagina all the way down on my swollen to the max penis, we just basked in that. Then she leaned forward and cupped my face, kissed me. Once more I was unsure what had happened, as something was thrown over us. For a crazy second I thought we'd been netted, by the cops or something, but it was her beat up flannel sweater with the lambs wool like interior. That she had thrown over our heads.

"Just us." She whispered, enough light in the well lit cab of the bus for us to still see each other even under the jacket. "This first time, just us."

"Yes! Of course." Unable to help myself. "Like it should have been years ago, ya jerk."

"Like it should have been years ago," A ghost of a smile but that was all lost as she rose up, the pleasure was more than I was prepared for.

"Good god! Faye! I don't know if it's because I've never done this without a condom or... Jesus you feel so good!" But I saw if I was liking this she was on another fucking level completely!

While she nodded she couldn't find any words, her mouth open, lip curled up. Eyes were big behind her glasses, she started at it better than the sluttiest girl I had dated. Gripping my forearms, both of us finding where I could grab her and she could hold me, to maximize her speed and strength. I marveled at the sight of her, wanted to kiss her but the pleasure was too much for her, not to mention how hard she was concentrating.

Beautiful brown breasts with dark nipples swayed with her movements. She didn't have a flat stomach like my sister or I had seen hinted at on Heather, but I still caught hints of the muscles as she worked herself on me. Her hands shifting a few inches pretty much on each up and down. Her eyes locked on my fairly pale seeming white dick going in her darker than almost anything but her nipples pussy. Peeks of purplish labia and actual pink inners visible as she moved faster, as she came up and curled so that just the tip of me was inside her, held there for a second, then smashed down.

"What's wrong?" I asked when she stopped, me deep inside her, her eyes tightly shut, head shaking underneath our cover.

"I... Your dick is so good Gordon." Strained and almost pained. Brown eyes finding mind, apologetic. "I'm about to come again!"

"Oh, that's okay." Wanting to laugh, to tell her that I would take that as nothing but a compliment, that she could come quick and often anytime we had sex now and in the future.

"When I masturbate I never get past two, then I'm done." Miserable because she wanted to get me off too.

"Oh." Blinking, shaking my head. "Sorry I'm... God you masturbate?"

"Of course I do." A hint of a smile, amused at how much that admission turned me on.

"When? To what?"

"Is now really the time?"

"You promise you'll tell me... Show me later?" I pressed.

"If I get to watch you too. And... If we do other stuff, I mean, I've masturbated thousands of times." She did that on purpose, knowing the huge number would drive me crazy, it did. "Now that I have you..."

"Alright, good, yeah, from now on we masturbate as like... Foreplay, or whatever, otherwise we get each other off." She pulled my hand from her hip at my statement, shaking it.

"Deal! And now we're legally bound."

"Legally bound." It was something we did on occasion, usually to ensure the other didn't let out a secret we had had to share.

We kissed for maybe half a second after the handshake, which I knew would be a new and permanent addition. Handshake and then kiss. Then her eyes shot open, shock, maybe fear. I was about to ask what when the fear turned up a notch, before I felt her pussy clamp down hard on my dick. I groaned, unable to believe anything could ever be so tight. And she was already a damn vice! Then she was slapping her hands against my chest, nails dug in, and let out that guttural gurgle that I was sure now she must have let go on each orgasm.

I might have asked what was going on but two things happened at once, a tongue rolled over my balls and Faye's other iconic cold weather fashion piece was pulled away. Plaid coat gone, the bright light of flashlights and the overhead ceiling lights of the bus bathed us. My attention snapping back to Faye before it even got away. Her hair was even more messy, like it was when she first sat up from sleep, before she could semi-tame it with her fingers. That and the orgasm face she was making would have made me blind to anything.

Which was proven because Heather had to shove her way between us before I even registered she was there. Right before, over Faye's shoulder, I saw Keith. Somehow even further away and in the corner, angrily denying us perverts over here. Which meant it was my sister between my knees. I could feel her forearms resting on them while she pulled Faye's big butt apart and licked there. I was jealous, I was glad that Sammy had "broke" Faye into this because I knew I would have eventually. That ass was just too sexy not too. Too sexy and I just knew that asshole would be so pretty and so dark.

"You saved some for your sister and I, right?" Heather asked, I started to nod, but then noticed she was naked. My jaw dropping and mind going blank... Well she saw it and it totally delighted her, she posed so sexily. "Hmm?"

I knew I shouldn't because I was pretty sure I was in love with Faye, but it was Heather Fucking Lancaster! The only reason she wasn't hottest girl in school was because Carly Meyers was not just too hot for dumb little Defluer, but too hot for our whole state. Any state besides California or New York. If Carly was here I would have died, I nearly blacked out from Heather as it was. As she was. Beautiful face smiling as I admired her. Perky breasts weren't vastly bigger than Faye's, but enough to just know they were at looking at them. Oval pink areolas, small rounded nips at their centers. A flat stomach that hinted at abs enough that I wanted to cover not just my own imperfect stomach but Faye's as well. And a pussy so smoothly shaved that I didn't think it was shaved at all, I thought that perfect mound had never had hair on it at all. That gorgeous labia majora had just the hint of her pink pleasure part peeking out, all of it wet where my sister (the lucky bitch) had no doubt licked it.

Heather Lancaster was kneeling naked beside me. Kneeling and looking like stone cold perky delighted perfection. Faye was on my dick, beautiful best friend Faye with her pussy spasming around me. The dark goddess coming and coming. My sister was licking from my taint, up my balls, over the hint of my shaft not tightly in my best friend's hole, up her dark bifkin, and all through the depths of her sexy ass. I should say Sam was happily doing that. Happily! Not just giggling and letting out cheery noises but actually saying, "Yummy." and "Yum bum bummy." and "Brothers candy coated balls."

"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum!" I called before thrashing.

Heather was playfully and prettily annoyed, she slapped my chest and waved a fist under my nose.

"You can't cum IN HER!" My sister said before pulling me out of Faye.

"Uh thank god!" My best friend said before falling to the long length of velvet bus seat beside me, a good five feet before it curved to meet the wall. Plenty of her room but she still landed, making sure at least her feet were on my chest and stomach, laying so she could watch over her shoulder. That ass! That bare ass was sticking up and it was better, way (way, way, way, way, way) better than I had ever thought. Big and juicy as hell! The crack slick from my sister's licks. "Uh god!"

As good as it was my sister took hold of my dick, MY SISTER! Older but smaller, smiling huge up at me now that she had not just my attention but my cock. Running her hand up it once had me nodding, I was so fucking close but I needed... I was shaking my head as she licked my shaft, opening her small hand up. I didn't care that she was cleaning Faye's very stick snatch off me, that that was insanely sexy. I wanted to cum!

"Ooh! It's even bigger close up!" Heather said before going down there as well, shoving my knee further apart.

"It's so hard too!" Sammy added moving aside for her, letting my dick shift back towards me and then pulling it away a few times, like it was a workout.

"Yeah, I see!" Then Heather Fucking Lancaster told my sister the words I should have never heard. "Can I suck it?"

"Yeah! I would never deny you anything!" Oh for sure Sam had a crush on her, Heather gave her a look before opening her mouth. My sister blinked when Heather just stayed there, then got it. I could have freaking cried! WEPT! When the sexy spirited brunette grabbed the back of the blonde's head and FORCED her to take in my cock. Well not forced because Heather moaned at the taste and started bobbing her head, sucking loudly at the tip. Making me more than moan. "You like that bro? You like her sucking you?"

"Yeah! Yes, of course!" Heather watching me as she slurped at me, this was clearly not her first time. Even better she kept her hands behind her back, wrists atop each other like she was bound, sucking me with an even and steady pace. Faye dug her toe into my stomach, I ignored it at first but then she got her short toe nail in. I about said something but noticed she was giving me The Eye. I nodded, understanding. "Sammy... Your... Your turn to put my dick in YOUR mouth! Suck my fucking dick!"

"Yeah Sammy! Suck your brother's dick!" Heather said eagerly after popping free, spit across her bottom lip and chin.

"If you all insist on incest." Giggling, before aiming and then inserting.

"Fuck!" I tried to resist but fucking Sammy's cheeks hollowed out, her tongue rolled around the underside of my shaft, and her small mouth stretched around my thickness. Her hair was pulled back into two ponytails, that jounced about as she didn't just bob but tossed her head around as well. I put my hand right between them, atop my own sister's head, then shoved up at her mouth. "Fuck! God sis! Holy fuck! That's... That's so good!"

"Cum in your sister's mouth! Gordo! Please! Please cum in your sister's mouth!" Faye said before reversing, legs stretched out towards the bright shiny stainless steel wall of the bus cab, purple painted toes a feet away from touching, her head dropping onto my stomach. I took hold of her hair, pulling it up to my face so that her scent filled me, as I was about to fill my sister's mouth. "Make sure we see Sammy! We want to see your brother's white load in your mouth!"

"OH FUCKING GOOD GOD! I'M CUMING!" I screamed, before I gave them all what they wanted.

There was so much! I don't think that Sammy even tried, not really. There was a light in her eyes as she opened her mouth, but tilted her head so that the first massive blast shot up across her nose, forehead, into her hair, and across my hand. The second one she did get in her mouth. She also did let everyone see, rolling her tongue through what was somehow a fucking mouthful of white. Faye's fingernails digging into me, her hair pulling away from my nose as she perked up and nodded her approval. The third and fourth shots erupted to the right and left of my sister's face. She moaned, I couldn't see where her hand was but I knew what she was doing. Not just masturbating as I gave her a facial, she was coming as I covered her cute face with brotherly cum.

"Mmm! Yummy!" As she gulped the sixth load, squeezing out the seventh onto her chin, the eighth onto her cheek, the ninth her forehead. Twitching and spasming but still rubbing at herself even though she seemed oversensitive from her little orgasm. "Gord you had a lot of good cum for me."

"Yeah, I fucking did." I rasped my agreement, very happy.

"So sexy! So freaking sexy!" Faye stroking her fingers over my sister's cheek, just avoiding the cum streaks.

"Yeah, you are so beautiful Samantha." Then Heather was on her, not just kissing my sister again, but slurping my cum from her face.

"Oh my god they're so sexy and slutty!" Faye huffed coming up beside me, I put my arm around her, she noticed the cum there. Seemed entranced by it, pulling it to her mouth and then proceeding to lick it off like a kitten. Licking all up and down for any trace of the stuff she'd made quick work of, very bashfully adding. "We're all so slutty! Slutty sluts!"

Heather and Samantha were delighted and happy cum sluts. I was especially turned on to see Heather's tongue slide across my sister's cheek, pushing a huge wad of cum into her mouth, to which Samantha fed it back to her. It went on... for a minute, more than a minute, but they were still both surprised when it was done. At first just looking at each other's faces for any trace, then turning to all angles to find any secret troves.

That's when Heather noticed that her and Sammy were both holding a penis that was still very very hard. Her attention going to it brought my sister's. Heather gave it a squeeze that made me suck some air, expecting to be oversensitive. I wasn't. She gave it a pull until it was nearly aimed at them, my freaking sister opening her mouth, ready to suck it again. Heather let go and it slapped hard and loud against my body. Heather perked up, Samantha giggled (took a turn flinging my erection), and even Faye with a moan reaching down to feel it.

"You ready to go already?" My sister and best friend hesitating a little before entwining their fingers, Faye giving me a hopeful look, her eyes ever so slightly indicating she wanted me to fuck my sister.

"I... It feels like it." Some part of me said it was quick, real quick, even considering I had three horny beauties.

"Good! I need to get fucked so bad!" Heather spoke up. Faye did want me to fuck my sister, I saw the disappointment, the panic as she tried to think of how to swing it back to Samantha. Jesus!

"You're so bad! You wanna fuck me and my brother! That's like the full set." Samantha did not have any issue with it, she giggled, clapped, and bounced. Faye and I marveled at her cuteness, then shared a look that confirmed we both felt the same way.

"Hmm, I only licked you for like a second before you insisted on licking me. Not stopping until I had a very nice come. So technically you fucked me." Heather said as she rose.

Standing there in the center of the bus all the velvet gray seats seemed in the appropriate arrangement, as they were all facing her. Only problem was they were not filled with the large audience the sexy as hell blonde deserved. The flashlights where we left them on the seats seemed to aim right at her like she was on a stage, the soft orange glow coming off the old lights built into the bus roof fit her smoothly tanned flesh like it was chosen by a professional. Her freaking tits! Perky and round and perfect. She smiled as she felt all the eyes on her, including Keith's from across the room. She didn't dance but she did take a minute or two to pose, we all stared. Marveled at her beauty. It was her own horniness, nothing from any of us that made her stop.

I could have watched all night, the rain like the applause of a vast audience.

"I owe you still," Shifting one hip out before pointing to the seat to my right. "If your thick dicked brother fucked me doggy I could..."

"Oh yes! Please! Oh yes!" Samantha crawled across the floor and jumped up onto the place Heather had indicated, rolling onto her back and jutting her legs up in the air.

"Gordon," Faye rasped, sort of pressing herself into me. Or maybe she was just falling forward as I leaned in towards my sister. Wanting the pretty pussy that she exposed as she V-ed her legs. "Let's..."

"You want to fuck me Gordon? Fuck me while I eat your sister out?" Heather asked, not just asked but slipped into the open space between my sister and I. Her butt might as well be a work of art; golden in color, somehow juicy but tight at the same time, with a freaking pink asshole (Pink!) above taint, and just in sight below was her wet and beautiful cunt. She wiggled it all at me, looking at me over her shoulder as my sister pushed up off the velvet to nod her head in indication of what my answer should be. "That dick in my pussy and your sister's pussy on my tongue! Don't you wanna?"

"I've had a crush on you since I first freaking saw you! So yeah! I wanna!" My eyes flicking to Keith who had stopped hiding, sitting up now, watching with big eyes as I was about to do the impossible.

Holding my dick at the base I scooted forward, aimed myself at freaking Heather Lancaster's vagina. There was no blackmail, excessive booze, drugs, or millions of dollars that it should take to get a girl like her to sleep with a goof like me. There was just her looking so eager, like the time it was taking me was hundreds of years too much. She had certainly fucked more people than all of us, as soon as my tip touched her lip, she showed that. Angling and then shoving herself back at me.

"Fuck! FUCK YES!" Both hands slapping to her hips as I thrust forward, staring down at my dick being ALL the way in her pussy. Geeky Gordon Baxter's penis was in Flawless Heather Lancaster vagina! "Are you freaking seeing this Keith!" Keith groaned, totally jealous and in total disbelief. "I'm in Heather Lancaster!"

"In her and she's... Oh god that might be the thickest thing I've ever had in me!" If she was pretending to make me feel good, which I have zero idea why she would, then she was a better actress than could be understood. Turning her head up towards the heavens, mouth coming open, rocking herself into me. "Ohh, whoa, yeah, it's the thickest thing I've ever had in me! SO GOOD!" Delighted shock worked across her pretty face as she worked her pretty pussy at my member. "Fuck Faye! I mean FUCK! No wonder you came so fast!"

"Yeah, it's huge in there, isn't it?" My best friend asked, coming up behind me so that her tits pressed into my back, her arms wrapping around me.

"Huge, but in a good way." Heather agreed, pulling forward, I almost yanked her back but realized she was not trying to get away.

"Uh god, what an ass!" Faye looking over my shoulder at my POV shot, dropping her hands to Heather's butt.

"Yeah, I agree."

"Huge, in a very good way." Heather had not heard, moving herself up and down my dick apparently felt too great to hear anything. I ground my teeth a little as she came away, back down, away, and then back down. Before her eyes opened, "In the good way that I could fuck it all night long."

"Heather! Heather please!" Samantha actually sort of rocking the bus she was bouncing with such need.

"Fuck me Gordon! Don't you stop until you fill me with cum, or I beg you to stop." Pulling away thrusting at me one more time before turning to my sister, she moved all of an inch down between Samantha's legs and my sister grabbed her and pulled her in.

"YES!" Samantha screamed in pleasure, looking around at all of us, then the blonde between her legs. Vibrating for a much different reason, "Heather Fucking Lancaster is eating my wet wet pussy!" The pleasure overtaking her and she snapped back into the velvet, still holding onto Heather. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, and she knows how to eat it too! So... SO GOOD!"

I couldn't see what Heather was doing. That same stupid voice kept trying to give me advice, telling me I should not care. But I wanted to know what Heather did, how she did it so well, because when (I hoped it was when and not if!) I ate Samantha I wanted to be at least as good. My mouth watered at the idea, I don't think Faye read my thoughts, she was apparently just a pervert like me. Letting fingers play over my dick as it came out of Heather, flattening as I went back in, coating them. Bringing them out where I knew she was about to lick them clean until she saw me turn in their direction, inhaling deeply.

"You get this one, I get the rest." Offering me her pinky, which had the least coating, but I greedily took it.

"Mmm!" Unconsciously picking up a notch in my speed at the taste, making Heather break free of my sister's tight grip to scream out my name. MY NAME! I would have never believed it if you would have told me. That I, Gordon Baxter didn't even look at Heather Lancaster as she screamed my name. I was fucking her but found myself entranced as Faye brought her coated fingers to her full lips. First a cute set of sniffs, her brown eyes a bit trepidatious at if she would like this or not. Pink tongue slipped out for a quick lick, and then she shoved all three fingers into her mouth at once. "Oh fuck yes Faye! Good god!"

"She's good!" I nodded, the little taste I had was indeed delicious.

Faye did it three more times, not just tracing those dark fingers over my dick either. Rubbing at the blonde's clitoris before lewdly licking her digits clean. She, delicately, found a way to slip a finger into Heather's pink. Inserting a dark finger into Heather's bright pink was super hot. Heather popping free of Sammy again at that, looking back with more shocked delight.

I wish I could say I had any fucking hesitation at all, when Faye offered me her thumb. It was after she stayed the longest, fingertips at the other woman's sensitive bump, webbing and palm rubbing along my shaft. Thumb working from the pink crinkle of flesh of Heather's fourchette, up over her small taint, and against her asshole. Spreading Heather's excessive arousal fluid all over that improbably pink backdoor, it seemed if Heather was a little wetter she might have gotten it in! I could feel Heather's inner muscles going, the near penetration was turning her on. I don't think Faye was experienced enough to know that was a thing, or just to try it. She was tantalized but the sight but wanted to give it to me. I sucked it while she cleaned off her fingers, her deep and beautiful brown eyes looking into mine, both of us overjoyed at how we had more in common that we thought. We were both next level perverts too.

We made Heather come. I'd like to say it was just me but it was a group effort. Not as fast as Faye popped, but most of my former lovers lasted much longer. However long it was I didn't feel close to done, which my inexperienced ass should have cum right away inside Heather Fucking Lancaster. Faye helped by diddling Heather, the blonde groaned with her mouthful that she was going to come, so Faye stopped feeding us and instead rubbed the blonde's pink clitty. Samantha was helping too by then, my tiny sister pretzeled herself to reach down and play with Heather's titties. It was probably for her own arousal but it helped Heather, for sure.

"Oh fuck! THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST..." But Samantha didn't give her a chance to go on, yanking her back.

"Don't stop! I'm gonna! I'm gonna! Sweet Heather the cheerleader! I'm gonna come! GONNA... COME... ON CHEERLEADER'S FACE!" Heather came first but Samantha was close behind, probably helped over the edge by all the moaning and groaning vibrations the blond was doing right into Sam's clit. Sam letting go finally as she burst. "YES! OH GOD YES!"

"Gordon! Fuck me! FUCK MY PUSSY GORDON! MAKE ME COME SO GOOD!" Heather screamed as soon as she was let go, twisting back to look at me.

She was fucking beautiful! She instantly understood what Faye was doing too. That pleasure filled beautiful face dialed into surprise, and then carnal approval. Having felt the thumb on her asshole, seeing it now in my mouth. I sucked on it eagerly like I had never outgrown the habit. I can't be sure but I think she had another orgasm right atop the other. Her pussy clamping down on me so much that I just had to jam into her and hold, despite what I'd been told. Eyes closing she fell to the velvet, onto my sister's thigh. All of us breathing heavily.

"One more?" Heather asked, starting to rotate around on me.

"Uhhh," Faye huffed in my ear.

"Yeah, let's swap Faye out for Sam." Knowing my best friend was horny again, I'm sure I had a red spot on my butt cheek where she was humping her fuzzy pussy against.

"Okay!" Heather said instantly.

"Uh! God! Uhh, is it okay? Really? You want to... Eat me?" Faye asked me, seemingly we all had a crush on the popular in high school blonde.

"Yeah! It'll be so hot!" Faye nodded her agreement to that, I ventured. "First my sister and then you getting eaten by her while I'm in her. So hot!"

"Yes! Come here Faye, give me that beautiful black pussy!" Heather slapping Samantha's legs closed, then giving her tiny ass a swat. A hard one the second time when my sister just shook her head in denial like she always did when one of us had to wake her up for school. That woke her up, the cry of anguish was higher pitched but still the same as when she was pulled from dreamland into reality. "Move it, go back there with your brother."

"Hey! Eh! Nooooo! Aww! Meany!" As she was pushed towards the seat's edge, rolling the rest of the way off on her own. "I was just laying there nicely and..." More complaints lost as she slapped onto the thick shiny rubber floor of the bus. Turning to see Faye taking her place, my best friend's eyes huge with eager anticipation, huge and locked onto Heather's mouth. "I see how it is!"

"Stop your complaining Sammy," I growled, I can't imagine she actually fell asleep just then but she was acting like she had been woken up early. Faye inspired the idea, remembering what she had whispered in my ear, about watching me fuck my sister. But I was eager to see it as well, "Stop being a brat and get over here."


"I've got something for you." I pointed.

"Huh?" The words processed, then lightbulb of chipperness went off over her head. "Me?" Like an excited puppy she darted over to me on all fours. "Hi! I want that yummy yummy stick!"

I didn't think it was possible but I felt more blood flooding into my dick. I know she had sucked it already but there was something deep and wicked in me that thrilled at me pulling myself from one woman and offering it to another. Amped up even more by that other woman being my sister. Amped up even more by Heather letting out a raspy laugh of shocked approval. Faye moaning, so turned on she couldn't help but touch herself even though Heather was moments away from licking her. My fucking tiny big sister looking up at me happily as I slipped myself into her awaiting mouth.

Heather was so wet! Enough that Samantha had to literally slurp at my dick because of all the stuff coating my piece. I put it in halfway, which made my sister's face go red, her eyes start to water with the strain of how big I was. Gasping as I pulled away, but slipping her tongue out and coming up closer when I slapped myself at her pretty nerdy face. Licking my balls and then the entirety of the shaft.

"Put me inside her." I told my sister, reaching down for her hand.

"Gordon! We're really going down the incest rabbit hole, aren't we?" Taking it and not just standing up but falling against me. Neither Heather or Faye were very big but even still they made Sammy seem so small. My sister still shorter than me as I knelt on the low height-friendly bus seats. Whispering, "All the way down it."

"You bothered by it?" But she was shaking her head even before I finished.

"Me..." I searched my feelings, mostly because I could see Keith across there shaking his head. "Me either."

"Sweet!" Sammy rubbing against me with her excited bouncings, her tits so small but a turn on to have pressing against me. Stroking me while licking her lips. Aiming it at Heather, "Sexy!"