I was up late the night before Halloween working on an essay for class. All I wanted was to binge watch all things horror, but like usual I had procrastinated and put off most of the work on a five-page essay until the last night. My teacher was old fashioned and insisted on a printed copy being turned in at the start of class tomorrow. I tried my best to keep my focus on writing my paper, but I never close my tabs when I browse the internet so they are always there to tempt me away from my schoolwork. Facebook was always one of the websites I left signed in. I was surprised when the messenger app alerted me. I wondered who would message me so late, at this point it could have been anyone, I just wanted a distraction.

All thoughts of working on my paper vanished when I saw who was messaging me. It was Lilah, my first girlfriend's little sister. A couple of weeks earlier she had friend requested me out of nowhere, I wasn't even friends with her sister anymore. I had accepted and within a day noticed some of the sexy pictures that she was posting on Facebook. The last time I had seen her she had been a short and loud little girl who was as quick to scream a cuss word at me as she was to try and kick me in the balls, which always seemed to be one of her favorite games.

In my senior year of high school shortly after I turned 18 I lost both of my parents in a car crash. I had tried to stay with my older brothers but things weren't working out. I had been dating Vivian for over a year. Her mother had always had a soft spot for me so all Vivian had to do was ask her mom and I found myself becoming a part of their family. It was just Vivian who was a few months older than me, her mom, and her 15-year-old sister Lilah. Lilah became like the little sister I never had or wanted. I tried to get along with her but she had this amazing skill to always get under my skin. This skill combined with her knack for preventing Vivian and me from having sex more times than not by annoying us made me often take out my frustrations on her.

They each had a different father but neither one of them were involved in their lives so Vivian and Lilah lacked a male authority figure. I admit sometimes I overstepped my place and scolded Lilah for her crazy actions. I tried my best to try and help her out because I could see from her rebellious nature that trouble was going to find her easily. I was critical of Lilah and tried to help her out when she was in trouble thinking that maybe we could reach an understanding, but that never happened. We stayed at each other's throats the entire time I lived with them.

I felt comfortable in that family, I was finally starting to feel like I had a home. Right when I was starting to feel like I finally was dealt a winning hand in life I found out that Vivian had been cheating on me nearly the whole time we were dating. When I found this out from her best friend I packed my stuff and prepared to leave. I had nowhere to go but I didn't care, I just wanted out. My best friend needed to get away from her overbearing father and we were able to get a cheap apartment together. Even though I hated Vivian for what she did, we kept in touch sometimes over the last three years. I hadn't ever heard from her sister.

Once I accepted Lilah's friend request I went through the pictures that she had posted on Facebook. She was still petite but her body had developed curves in the last three years since I last seen her when she was 15. She now had firm b cup tits and a tight but well-rounded ass. In one of the pictures she was sitting on her bathroom counter and she was wearing a pair of short cotton shorts. They only reached the bottom of her ass and most of her thighs were on display. I stared at this picture and had a hard time accepting that the cute little girl had evolved into this sexy young woman. To add to the strange sense of familiarity to her appearance she still had the same haircut she had when she was little. Her black hair reached nearly to the middle of her back and was always straightened.

In the next picture she was bent over towards the camera revealing most of her cleavage. I couldn't stop staring at that exposed skin so it took me a moment to look up at her face. She was flipping off the camera and sticking out her tongue. There was a metal stud in the middle of her tongue. Being with a girl who had piercings, especially a tongue piercing, was always one of my fantasies. I wondered if she had any other piercings in other places. That first night I went through all her pictures and admired her beauty. She didn't have a lot since this seemed to be a new Facebook account, so I didn't feel like too much of a creep when I made it to the first picture that she had posted which was the most innocent out of all of them from only a few months ago.

In the weeks between the friend request and her first messaging me, it seemed like a lot was going wrong for her. Her posts were annoyingly cryptic. When people would ask what was wrong she wouldn't answer. When I see a girl upset I want to do everything I can to make her happy. This has probably lead to me getting into more trouble than I would like to admit but we all have our character faults. I wanted to say that I would be there for her but I felt weird messaging my ex's little sister out of nowhere. Now it seemed Lilah did that exact thing in the middle of the night. She messaged me a simple "Hi."

I couldn't believe that the girl I had just been picture creeping through over the last couple of weeks messaged me. I tried my best to wait a couple of minutes before responding so I didn't seem too eager. I lasted all of 30 seconds before I responded with, "Hello."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good you? We haven't talked in forever."

"Lol, I know. I'm 18 now by the way."

I knew she had been 18 for a few months from her Facebook profile, this had made me feel a little less like a pervert while I had been looking at her pictures. "What, that's crazy, last time I saw you, you couldn't even drive yet."

"Yeah, I am all grown up now."

"How have you been?"

"I'm doing bad. Like always it seems."

"What's wrong?"

There wasn't a response for a while so I went back to working on my paper. A couple of minutes later she responded with "My boyfriend cheated on me."

The thought of someone cheating on such a beautiful girl really didn't make sense to me. "That is really dumb of him, I'm sorry."

"Thanks, it just really hurts. I loved him and I have no one to talk to."

I remembered how it aches to find out your partner was cheating on you. "I'm here for you," I said and meant it. It felt a little ironic that I was trying to comfort Lilah against the very same pain that I had suffered from her sister.

To this she sent several smiley faces and responded, "Thank you."

"If I was your boyfriend I would never cheat on you." She sent me several hearts and I sent back a hugging emote. I thought about how intricate courting must have been in the past, and how now a well-timed use of an emoji went a long way into getting a guy a foot in the door sometimes.

We messaged back and forth throughout the night, asking each other about how our lives have been since I broke up with her older sister. I found out Lilah had been living with her ex-boyfriend but was now staying back home about 40 minutes away from me. Despite the vagueness in her messages, I learned that she had had a rough time in the last couple of years. She was mostly guarded about her past but I knew it had to do with her recent breakup and probably some other relationship woes. I could sympathize with her about that.

I checked my phone and realized that it was past 3 am. I hadn't even thought about working on my paper since we started talking. Right when I was going to say that I was going to go to sleep so I could work on it she said that she was tired and wanted to go to bed. I said good night and a minute later she said, "I love you."

I reread those three words to make sure that's what they really said. The three dots popped up showing she was still typing and I expected her to say something more, but then they disappeared. My heart started to beat faster but then I realized that it was most likely the sibling type of love. I typed "I love you too." I don't know how I was able to focus on my paper because I had an erection nearly the whole time from the conversation. Even though nothing sexual had happened at all, just connecting with her again had made me happy, apparently, it made my dick happy too. After two hours I finished my paper just as the sun was rising. I quickly scanned the paper for spelling errors, and after a couple of fixes, it was as good as I was going to get it.

I hit the print button and turned my monitor off. I turned off the light, which didn't make a huge difference because the soft light of morning was already entering my room. I laid down while my printer screeched and screamed during the birth of my paper. I hoped that I could get a few hours of sleep before class at noon. My erection was still going strong after trying to sleep for twenty minutes. I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep without masturbating.

I grabbed my phone to find something to masturbate to. I was thinking about going to a porn site but when I opened my phone from the lock screen it was still in the middle of Lilah's pictures on Facebook. I decide that these pictures are exactly what I wanted. I scrolled to the bottom of the pictures and started at the first picture she had posted. As I swiped through her pictures I saw her developing breasts start to get bigger and her feminine figure starting to become more pronounced. She must have hit puberty late.

As her body developed so did her photography skills and confidence. She started to use different angles in her pictures that let me see just how perfect her whole body was, she wore skimpier clothing and posed in sexier positions. When I got towards the most recent pictures I couldn't take it anymore and was about to cum. I squeezed my phone as I approached my climax and quickly swiped through the last of her photos. The last one was of her in shorts and a crop top bending over towards the camera and sticking out her tongue. The site of most of her thighs, flat stomach, cleavage, and tongue piercing put me over the edge. I clutched my phone as cum started to shoot out. I caught most of it in my hand and cleaned up with some tissues I kept next to my bed. I had just enough energy to set an alarm for before class and then I fell asleep.

I think I dreamed about Lilah, but they were those half-formed dream fragments from when your brain just barely dips into REM sleep before peaking back up consciousness. My alarm blared at me and woke me up. When I saw the time I realized I must have hit the snooze button several times. I bolted awake and rushed to do the bare minimum to be ready for class.

As I hurried to take a shower fragments of my dreams began to come back to me. Images of Lilah topless, but her tits covered by some sort of fog. Of her lowering down onto her knees and unbuttoning my pants. Of her licking along my shaft with that tongue stud of hers. I still had an erection from when I woke up and it was throbbing at these thoughts. I didn't have time to take care of it so I tried my best to ignore my desires.

Fifteen minutes later I was out the door. I made it to class just in time and turned in my paper on the professor's desk. I took my seat towards the back of the class and settled in. I was exhausted and had an hour and fifteen minutes to survive before I could go home and nap before my next class in two hours. I tried my best for all of five minutes to pay attention but I had already read the books the professor was droning on about and had no interest in taking notes. I stacked up several of the class's books and laid my phone sideways against it.

I spent ten minutes browsing the internet and going through different social media sites. Without meaning to I found myself looking back through Lilah's pictures. I was a little startled to see that it was Lilah who messaged me, and a lot more so when I saw her message. "So, I take it you liked my pictures?"

Does she know I'm looking at them right now, or somehow that I was looking at them last night? I swiped through her pictures and realized the stupid mistake I made the night before. I accidentally liked one of her oldest pictures. As I traced back through the photos I masturbated to the night before I realized I accidentally liked increasing amounts of them as I had squeezed my phone tighter. While before I had skipped liking a few photos every now and then, once I got towards her newest pictures and where I had reached my climax, I had liked every single photo.

I decided to try and play it cool even though I felt anything but. "Yeah, you are really beautiful. I had to like them."

"Especially the ones where you can see my tits and ass?"

Shit, she got me. I decided to double down and hoped for the best. "Yeah, how could I not like those?" From looking at her pictures I was starting to get a hard-on and I let it do the thinking for me as I added, "I wish I could see more." Unlike the previous messages she didn't read this one right away and I felt like I had finally overplayed my hand. I could probably expect a call from her older sister later yelling at me for perving on Lilah.

I tried to focus on taking notes as a distraction from my embarrassment. I still had my phone open and would glance at it occasionally. 15 minutes later I saw that she was typing. I was ready to apologize when she said, "Here are some more ;)." In the picture, I could just see her upper body and face. She had her shirt off and was just in her red bra, which complemented her slightly bronzed skin well. She was pressing her tits together so that the amount of cleavage between her tits looked even better, like the perfect amount to be able to rub my cock between. I looked around to see if somehow someone noticed my erection and could read my thoughts. Most of the other students were on their phones as well so we might as well have been on different worlds from one another.

She sent another picture with her bra strap sliding down her shoulder slightly. In the next picture, the strap hung loosely on the inside of her elbow. In the next, the straps were fully off and she was holding up the bra by cupping it against her tits. "I'm not going to be the only one sending pictures, am I?" She asked.

"I'm in class right now."


Lilah's argument was more persuasive then any academic paper could ever be. I got up and left the classroom. There were about 30 minutes left of class so I felt like I had more than enough time to see how this played out. I walked downstairs to the basement level of the building that was always less crowded than the floors above. It was perfect luck that there was no one else in the bathroom. I locked myself into the furthest stall from the door.

I had never masturbated in a public setting and I was nervous about getting caught, but the thought of getting the pictures to continue from Lilah helped me get over my nerves. I pulled out my dick and started to stroke myself. With my other hand, I held my phone and flipped through her pictures. Once I was at my hardest I held my dick up with my palm supporting it from below and to provide some scale. My dick was six and a half inches long which was about average, but it was thicker than average, a fact that I had always been proud off.

I had never sent nude pictures before but I guessed that today was a day for a lot of firsts. I switched to my camera and took a picture. I looked at it to make sure it looked good, but I wasn't a scholar in taking or viewing pictures of dicks so I figured it was good enough. I sent the picture before I decided to back out.

Almost immediately Lilah responded with "That looks like a mouthful ;)." She then sent me another picture. Her bra was gone now and she was covering up her perky tits with one arm. She had placed her arm so that I could see the bottom curves of her breast and only just barely covered up her nipples. She was looking down and slightly to the side, strands of her long her draping across her face.

In the next picture, she was cupping her tits and pressing them up and against each other. Her fingers were sprawled out and her middle fingers just barely covered up her nipples. I could see some of the edges of her areolas that were pink. I masturbated faster, I couldn't believe that I was seeing so much of this beautiful girl.

"I'm about to cum." I typed with my thumb, relying heavily on autocorrect to get my message across.

"Send me a picture when you do."

My dick was throbbing and I enjoyed what I had seen but I wanted more. "Send me a picture showing me your full tits."

This time it took her longer to reply and I started to slow my jerking down in case I got something better to look at. She responded with, "Why see them in a picture when you could see them in person. Does tonight work?" I had no plans for Halloween other than watching scary movies. The thought of being with her in person, of fondling those perky tits and her petite body pressed up against me put me over the edge and I started to cum. I moved my hand over my erupting head and caught most of it in my hand. Three thick ropes of cum shot into my hand and stretched across my fingers. I switched to my camera and took a picture of my cum filled hand and sent it.

"That's a lot! Make sure to save some for later."

"Ok I will try but who knows, maybe I might get bored during my next class."

"Careful you might get caught and be known as the chronic masturbator at school." That made me laugh. I wouldn't want that, but with the right motivation, I would be willing to risk it.

"Good point."

I leaned against the wall and wiped my hand off with toilet paper. I washed my hands and walked back to class. I was only gone for about 15 minutes. When I walked back towards my seat I wondered if anyone suspected what I just did. I tried not to smile so big, but couldn't help it. I felt like I was going to float away with joy but I decided to just go with the happiness.

During the day Lilah let me know that there was a costume party later and asked if I wanted to be her date. I said yes even though I hadn't bought a new costume this year. She asked if I had a costume with a mask and I told her I had a Michael Myers one from last year. She said that was perfect. My other classes were the ones that I liked more than the first one of my day, but after what happened I think that the one I left to sext Lilah in would always have a special place in my memories.

I was done with school around 5 pm and I went home and started to get ready. When I stepped out of the shower I saw that Lilah had messaged me asking when I would head over. I said I would be there in 40 minutes and rushed to get ready. Once ready I put her address in my phones GPS and started driving. Lilah lived in the next city over that adjourned the one I lived in. While I lived near the heart of the cities that were bunched up in the desert, Lilah lived in one of the outskirt cities that was more open desert then developed city. The sun was on its slope downward as I pulled onto the freeway and started the longest leg of the drive.

I had my phone connected to my cars stereo system and was listening to music. The messaging chime interrupted my music first once and then twice. At a red light I unlocked my phone and looked down to see that Lilah had messaged me. "Here's a sneak peek." After the message was a picture taken at a downward angle showing off her entire body. She was wearing a tight white button up top and with a large opening on top that allowed me to see down her cleavage, or part of it because she had one hand under her shirt caressing her tit. She was wearing a plaid skirt that didn't even go to the middle of her thighs. Her legs opened so that the skirt rose up allowing me to see most of her inner thighs. I was lucky I was at a red light because if I had been driving I probably would have hit a tree. While I had seen her in less earlier, the outfit as a whole added to her sexiness. I couldn't wait to see it in person.

I pulled off the freeway about 10 minutes from her address and followed a narrow two-lane road. For five minutes, there was nothing but cacti and other desert plants growing along the lanes. Closer to my destination the road expanded to four lanes. New businesses and housing developments started to pop up with increasing frequency.

The address lead to one of the only developments to be fully completed. Palm trees lined the streets which were fitting because Lilah lived on Palm Avenue. I pulled into the driveway and messaged her telling I was there. I got out of the car and as I stepped onto the path that leads up to the front door I saw that the main door was open and Lilah was standing behind the screen door. She looked like one of those beautiful dancers who dance behind screens, using their figures and lithe movements to attract. I had only ever seen them used in the backgrounds of movies and had mostly laughed at them at the time thinking of them as sexy shadows. Looking up at the silhouette of this cute girl turned young woman I now understood how the unseen could be so desirable.

I made it to the top of the steps when Lilah opened the screen door. Before I could say hi she rushed out the door and slammed into me with a hug. I wasn't expecting this so I nearly stumbled back down the steps. I wrapped my arms around her and absorbed her momentum by spinning her around like I used to do the few times we would goof around together. She couldn't have been more than 110 pounds and was easy to spin around and hold. She laughed and I couldn't help but get swept up in her happiness and laugh too as I had swept her up and around me.

I set her back down in front of the door. I was a full head taller than her and she looked up at me. She was wearing makeup that was just the right amount to accentuate her natural beauty and wasn't caked on. Her eyelashes were curled and she was wearing black eyeliner. The makeup complemented her hazel eyes that had once held so many different menacing glares in it but now sparkled with happiness.

She hugged me again, "I've missed you so much James."

"I've missed you too." The hug lingered. I leaned down and rested my head on her hair. She smelt of citrus and hibiscus flowers. Once she ended the hug she gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek and pulled me into the house.

She pulled me towards the living room which was to the right, opposite the staircase. We sat down on a large plush couch and started to talk. We filled each other in on what we hadn't gotten to last night. She recently graduated high school and had been planning to attend a local community college where her boyfriend goes to school. At the mention of him, she stopped talking and seemed to tense up. "Where my ex-boyfriend goes to school," she corrected herself.

I held her hand. "What happened?"

She sniffled and a couple of tears drifted down her face. I wrapped my arm around her. She nestled her head on my shoulder. "The same thing that always does with a guy I like. He cheated on me, left me for some big-breasted bimbo. Said I wasn't mature enough for him. He wasn't saying that the night we-" she stopped talking and I saw her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

I wasn't used to seeing her cry or be upset over a boy. The last time I saw her she wasn't interested in boys quite yet. I had honestly wondered for a while back then if she was into girls. I thought back to that tough girl and tried to think about what to say to comfort her. "Fuck him."

"I didn't fuck him. I was saying that on the night-"

"No, I mean fuck him. He is stupid for cheating on you and leaving you for someone else."

"You're just saying that," she said.

"No, I'm not. You are really beautiful." I could see her slight smile at the compliment. "Honestly, you are really hot."

"I'm really beautiful and hot?" she asked.

"Really really. Why else do you think I would have liked so many of your pictures while I was masturbating to them."

"You masturbated to those pictures you liked before I sent you the more revealing ones?" Lilah asked as she looked up at me.

It was my turn to be embarrassed, "Yeah I did. And because of your pictures, I have been horny nonstop for the last day. You are petite, but that doesn't mean you're not beautiful. Some guys like that, love it even."

She sniffled and said, "You're just saying that."

"I'm not. Your body is like a beautiful contradiction that I can't get enough of seeing." She looked confused by this and I didn't blame her so I rushed to explain myself. "Your ass is both juicy and firm. When I first saw it in the pictures you were posting I wanted to grab it and feel it to confirm that it felt as perfect as it looked. Yes, your tits are on the small side but they look like they would be a perfect perky handful. Years from now those other girls' tits will be saggy while yours still look amazing. You're beautiful."

"You really mean that?" She was smiling bigger now. She emphasized really as she said it.

"I do."

"thank you-"

"I'm not done. Your thighs and legs are flawless and despite being short your legs seem to go on for miles. You have the mouth of a sailor but the face of an angel. I was always thinking about how beautiful your eyes are." As if on cue her eyes seemed to shimmer in happiness to match her smile, the left-over moisture from her tears added to their glistening. "Your lips are so full and soft looking that when I see them all I want to do is-"

It was Lilah's turn to interrupt me as she pressed her lips against mine. They were even softer then I imagined. Since I first saw her new pictures I had been wondering what her lips must feel like, but it had seemed like idle wondering without any hope of an answer. Since we started sexting I went from pure fantasizing to anticipating. I felt breathless and energized at once by the kiss, and in more than just a sexual way. As Lilah grazed her soft bottom lip against mine I had a sense of déjà vu. The last time a first kiss felt this powerful was when I kissed Vivian for the first time. Lilah's lips felt like Vivian's, yet also different. The closest I could get to describing it was like the one time I accidentally walked into the girls' restroom back in middle school. There was a shock as I looked around and noticed how the restroom was missing any urinals and had more stalls. Exhilaration followed as I had always wondered what the girls' restroom looked like, and that was followed by the fear of getting caught.

All of those feelings applied perfectly to kissing Lilah. When I had been living with her family I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like to kiss Lilah if we were the same age. It had been one of my thoughts that I had always hidden. Shit, what am I doing, this is my ex's little sister I thought in a panic. I started to pull away from the kiss, our bottom lips separated so that only the top ones were touching. Before I could overthink it and pull away further Lilah leaned into me and reconnected our lips. She intensified the kiss even further by turning it into an open-mouthed kiss. I turned my brain off and just followed whatever paths to pleasure she wanted to lead me down.

After a few minutes of making out, she pulled away and looked up at me. Her makeup had smudged a little bit from crying. There was a single mascara stained tear left on her check. I kissed it away for her. "Thank you," Lilah said.

"You're welcome," I said and gave her another kiss.

"We still have hours till the party starts. Want to watch a movie?"

"Sure," I said.

She leaned forward and grabbed the remote from the coffee table and opened Netflix. Once she found a movie she wanted she reached over and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it over us. She laid against me with her head on my chest with one arm draped across my chest and was barely peeking out above the blankets. She looked both comfortable and cute.

The movie was some cheesy horror movie that was funnier than scary. Of course, early on there was a scene of a bunch of the girls taking a shower together at school. I was still hard after our make-out session and from having Lilah pressed against me. I felt like a teenager again getting excited after a few seconds of tits in a movie. It turns out it was more than a few seconds as the topless scene stretched on for minutes as the girls talked and talked.

As Lilah shifted to snuggle closer her arm brushed across my erection. I twitched and did a quick intake of breath. I was surprised when two of the girls in the movie were left alone in the shower and started to make out. They then started to play with each other's tits and their hands roamed further down. It was incredibly softcore, but it was more than enough to make me harder. The camera panned down to focus on the swirl of soapy water descending the drain. After some heavily overacted moaning the scene abruptly changed to the next. I was sad that the director hadn't decided that the girls needed to fool around more to make the audience like them more and root for their survival once the deaths started happening. I really wanted some more character development.

Lilah trailed her fingers up my thigh. When she got to my upper thigh she paused in her advance and left her hand resting there. Five minutes passed without her going any further. The tension was driving me crazy. I wanted to grab her hand and slid it up the rest of the way myself but knew that she would continue when she was ready. After about 10 minutes of watching the movie, she started to press down on my thigh as she slowly inched her way higher. When she grazed the tip of my cock I couldn't help but sigh in pleasure and relief. She lightly ran her fingers up and down my cock never lingering longer than a few seconds in any one place. With each pass she started to add more pressure.

Lilah paused again, only this time with her hand resting on my cock head. She cradled her hand so that it was touching me. After the over the pants hand job she had been giving me I was more than ready for her to move things ahead further. Instead she just continued to rest her hand there. Fifteen minutes passed with her keeping me in this state of sexual anticipation. By this time the killer had already killed two of the clueless teens and I started to suspect that what I had gotten so far might be all that Lilah was going to do. Just being able to hold her was satisfying and I told myself to be patient with her. Things don't have to go sexual too fast. As if to contest this thought Lilah pressed down firmly against my semi-hard member. Between the warmth from the friction and her hands and the sensation of her fingers pressing into my sensitive head she got me hard again in seconds. My cock twitched at the reconnection of full contact between us. I kissed her on the top of her head. Once She had me at my full hardness she switched techniques and started to stroke me again. I moaned into her hair, inhaling her sweet scent as the pleasure built up.

Lilah stopped stroking me right when I felt like I was about to cum. I was afraid she was going to make me wait again before continuing. If that was the case I was going to start trying to get things to go further or finish them up myself. Neither one of these actions were called for because a couple seconds later I felt her hands start to fumble to undo my fly. undid my pants and reached in. The feeling of skin to skin contact after the teasing felt better than it had any right to. She held me in her hand for a moment, alternating between lightly squeezing me and cupping my member more firmly. After a couple minutes of this, she started to stroke me. There wasn't much room in my pants so her strokes were small and constricted. It felt great at first, but after a couple of minutes the awkward angle started to take away from some of the pleasure. She seemed to sense that it wasn't feeling as good because she started to tug my pants down to give herself better access. I lifted my ass off the couch to help her efforts.

Once my pants and boxers were around my ankles she pushed me so that I was laying on my back in the middle of the plush couch. She sat at the other end of the couch between my legs. She smiled as she slowly gripped my cock one finger at a time. With her teasing grip finally complete she started to work her hand up and down. Now that had the room to work along my entire shaft. She used long full strokes, no longer seeming to toy with me. Precum started to trickle out of my head. She rubbed it into my head with her fingers and then to lubricate things better. She increased her speed, bringing me closer to my orgasm. I leaned back and closed my eyes in ecstasy as she started to add a twisting motion as she jerked me off that gave extra attention to my head. I leaned back and closed my eyes, trying to savor the moment so that I could remember every detail later to prove to myself that this was really happening.

I was getting close to an orgasm when something moist and warm wrapped around the head of my cock. I looked down and saw that she had pulled the blanket away. Her hair was in her face but there was a slight part in it where I could see her pink lips wrapped around my cock. I leaned forward so that I could see her better as she slowly took more of me into her mouth. With her free hand she pulled her hair out of her face and made eye contact with me. At that exact moment she twirled her tongue around my cock head and licked the underside of it. The smoothness of her tongue stud as she worked it against my cock felt better than I ever believed possible. She flicked it across the bottom underside of my head. Pleasure radiated out from the contact. "Oh Lilah," I sighed as my balls tightened. She repeated it again, only this time adding even more pressure. It was too much for me and I started to cum. I had wanted to warn her, but I was taken by surprise by how fast my orgasm hit me. My first load splashed into her mouth. She mumphed in surprise and some of it leaked out the corner of her mouth. "Cumming," I said weakly even though it was too late. She locked her lips even more firmly around my head as the next loads shot out. After several large bursts and a final small one I was done cumming. She still had her mouth on my dick and ran her hand up my shaft while squeezing firmly. After she was done milking the last of my cum she stuck her tongue out for me. Her tongue was curled so that the metal stud sat in the middle of a pool of my cum. I had never seen such a sexy sight before. It made me think of the beauty of an oyster cradling a large pearl. She closed her mouth and then swallowed.

She pushed me back against the couch and dragged one of my arms around her as she nestled against me. We settled in to watch the last of the movie. One by one the last of the teens got killed off. I started to get distracted from the movie as her plaid skirt rode up and my dick started to press against her panty clad ass. She started to push back and ground her soft cheeks against me. I was still recovering from cumming so my cock was only getting semi-hard. If she kept this up she would have me hard again in no time.

Since she had teased me so much I figured it was my turn to play with her. I ground back against her. She started to work her hips in a circle as she pressed against me. Abruptly I pulled away, severing the contact between us. She groaned and pushed back against me to close the distance between us. I reached up and started to rub her tits through the outside of her blouse. She sighed when I pressed my palms firmly against her tits. We laid together watching the ending of the movie, each trying to get the other the most worked up without resorting to direct contact. She wrapped her hands around mine and started to press them even firmer against her chest. Once I started to rub her the way she wanted her hands drifted away from mine and slid down her body.

I couldn't see what her hand was doing but from how she had her arm angled I was pretty sure she was rubbing her pussy. She moaned and humped quickly against me. The sudden movement let my dick spring from its downward position against her checks and slid up between her thighs. We both sighed together as my dick grazed against pussy. Only a thin layer of fabric separated us. The fabric was damp and warm. I wanted to be inside of her so badly. I placed one hand on her hip while the other kept on playing with her tits. I used my handhold on her hip to give me leverage to thrust up against her pussy.

She moaned loudly and I took that as an encouragement to continue. I kept on thrusting up against her, my dick pushing her panties deeper between her moist folds. Extra wetness started to seep out of her panties and coated her thighs, allowing me to pull back further and slide in between her slippery skin.

She moved lithely against me, her hips more than keeping timing with my thrusts, they edged me forward and got me to continue to try and thrust through her panties. I unbuttoned the top buttons of her blouse and reached down into her shirt. I slid my hand down the top of her breast. I tried to slowly lead my fingers down to cup her breast but I was too eager. My hand slid right under the bra. My fingers grazed past her erect nipple and I cupped her entire breast. She let out a sharp gasp, her free hand forced mine harder against her chest.

The feeling of her tit in my hand and her pussy sliding along my cock head with nothing but slick panties between us felt amazing. My cock was throbbing and felt like it was bigger than it had ever been before. If she hadn't already made me cum earlier, then I would have already cum on her panties.

We continued to not so dry hump against each other, the passion and the pressure building. I started to kiss and suck in a trail along her neck. She moaned and said, "I want you so badly."

"I need you," I said and sucked even harder on her neck. She let go of my hand and the next moment I felt her fingers wrap around my cock head. She pushed my dick away for a moment and I was left longing for the contact between us again. I got my wish and more. When she returned my cock against her she must have moved her panties to the side because I felt direct contact with her pussy Her moist soft lips wrapped around the side of my dick. The moisture and heat from up-close caused me to be the one to moan this time.

I switched my hand across to her other breast and started to rub it more roughly. I rolled her nipple along my thumb and fingers. Lilah said, "Pinch my nipple." I did as she said and Lilah shuddered at the contact. She tilted her mouth up towards me. I leaned down and we locked lips. Our lips lingered together and then pulled apart as our bodies separated and joined back together. The feeling of her soft lips pressed against mine and her pussy lips sliding along my dick formed a circuit of pleasure that neither one of us could stop.

She started to grind more fiercely against me, her hips rotated, allowed for my dick to hit new places along her folds. "I'm, cumming," she said in between two sharp breaths. Her body started to shake against me, her humping pressed me against the back of the couch and I held her tighter. I was getting close to cumming when she moaned out, "Oh god!" as she reached her climax. She bucked wildly against me and I sighed her name as I started to cum on her thighs and in the outside folds of her pussy. She slowed her humping and I felt her body tense up one last time before she collapsed against me.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. After resting for a few minutes, she rolled over and faced me. We lay looking at each other with our faces just inches apart. Her eyes sparkled with post orgasmic bliss. Finally, I broke the silence and said, "That was amazing."

Lilah smiled. She cleared the small distance between our lips and gave me several small pecks. The kiss evolved into one that was full of passion but without the sexual energy that the others had been filled with. When she pulled away my brain seemed to have short-circuited and I was trying to process these budding feelings I was having. Lust was satisfied for the moment and that left me with the feeling of caterpillars in my stomach, not the butterflies of love but more like its earlier form. "That was exactly what I was thinking."She turned back around and fit her body against me. I wrapped my arms around her and we watched the ending of the movie. I felt her breathing slow down and then she started to lightly snore which made me smile even more. 15 minutes later the killer was dead after a witty one-liner was said by the heroine and the movie was over. I stared at the TV as the credits rolled and thought about all that had just happened. I had always thought that Lilah was like an annoying cute little sister when I was dating her sister, but now I was having to come to terms with that little girl evolving into this sexual creature. Thinking she was sexy was one thing, but having romantic feelings for Lilah felt like a whole other type of taboo. I decided to try and not over think things and just let things play out however they may. I snuggled even more against her, rested my eyes, and fell asleep.

I woke up to the feeling of soft lips pressed against mine. I opened my eyes and saw Lilah. "Wake up sleepy head."

"five more minutes." I mumbled.

Lilah laughed and said, "You said that five minutes ago." I had no memory of her already trying to wake me up so I must have been sleep talking. I hoped I hadn't said anything that might have embarrassed me. "Come on, we have to finish getting ready now." I closed my eyes and she slapped her hand against my chest.


"Get up then."

I reluctantly got up from the plush couch and followed her to her room. Her bedroom was down a hallway towards the back of the first floor. Her room was filled nearly wall to wall with band posters from both modern and classic bands and musicians. She seemed to have a wide variety of music tastes which I approved of. Her twin sized bed was in one corner of the bedroom. She had a record player on a stand with three rows of records stacked up against each other with her TV mounted on the wall beside it. There was Christmas like lights strung along where the ceiling and walls met but the lights were inside of little plastic pumpkins and gave off orange light. She sat in front of her vanity mirror and started to finish her makeup and hair.

Getting into my Michael Mayer's costume wasn't going to take more than a couple of minutes so I inspected her record collection. Like the band posters, there was a wide variety of genres and eras in her collection. "Nice record collection."

"Thanks, why don't you put something on?"

"Ok." I grabbed Childish Gambino's "Awaken, My Love" album from out of the stack. I had never used a record player before and I fumbled for a moment trying to get the record in place and the needle in the groove.

"Having trouble?" Lilah teased me.

"Honestly, a little," I admitted.

Lilah walked over and pressed against me from behind and slightly to the side. She wrapped one arm around my waist and with her free hand guided me. She showed me how to move the needle to the side and set the record in. We put the needle down together and I pressed the play button, eager to show I at least knew that much. Once the music started playing she leaned up and gave me a kiss and went back to working on her makeup. I could have figured out how to set the record without her help but I was glad that I had taken her help. My body still tingled with the warmth of her holding me.

I lay in her bed and watched her get ready. The music went with my developing feelings for her and I relaxed fully for the first time in weeks. I had zoned out but snapped back to the present when the record reached the end. I flipped the record over to the other side.

A couple of minutes later she said, "I'm almost ready, you should put on your costume." I grabbed my bag and started to walk to her bathroom. "Where are you going?"

"To change."

"You can change in here." She noticed my hesitation and added, "I had your dick in my mouth earlier and swallowed your cum, I think we are past the point of modesty."

"True," I laughed. I took off my shoes and pulled down my pants. I pulled my shirt over my head and when I was done I noticed that Lilah was staring at me through the reflection in the mirror. Over the last couple of years, I had made use of the university's open gym during some of the gaps between my classes and had packed on a nice layer of muscle. I was far from having a six pack but my stomach was toned and my chest and arm muscles were well defined. Lilah had a faraway look on her face while she was in the middle of putting on plum pink lipstick. I cleared my throat and she snapped out of it and went back to putting on her lipstick.

I laughed to myself realizing that my body seemed to have the same effect on her as her,s did on mine. I pulled the navy-blue jumpsuit out of its bag and started to pull it on. The costume fit loosely last year but was a tight fit now. The material clung to my chest and arms, showing off the contours of my muscles. My movement was slightly restricted by the costume but I figured that slow movements went with the costume anyways

"Finished," Lilah announced as she bounced up from the stool. Her long hair was now in two pigtails tied with red ribbons. Her makeup was amazing looking but heavily done. Her eyelashes were curled and darkened with mascara, complementing her slightly bronzed skin. Her cheeks had a lot of rouge on them that highlighted her cheekbones. She wore a black velvet choker around her neck with a red heart pendant on it. I thought after cumming twice my dick would stay down for most of the night but looking at her completed costume started to make me hard. With how tight the costume was my cock started to bulge and strain against the fabric.

Lilah walked towards me and placed a hand on my chest. "I guess you're going as sexy Michael Myers." I was about to respond when her other hand rubbed along my shaft. "I see you like my costume too," she said with a smirk and a squeeze. She wrapped her hand around my shaft and started to stroke me. I sighed in pleasure and she stopped. She looked at me with her big doe eyes and gasped, "What is this thing in my hand? It's getting harder!" I leaned down for a kiss and she stepped back from me. "Let's go, we are going to be late!" She said in a sing-song voice, starting to get into her role as an innocent school girl.

Lilah skipped out of the room and I was left confused and wanting her even more. I grabbed the Michael Mayer's mask, turned off the record player and followed her out the door. When I stepped into the hallway she was already at the far end and she spun of sight, her short skirt lifted and gave me a view of her ass clad in tight white cotton panties. I beat myself up for zoning out while in her room, she must have changed out of her wet pair of panties while I was laying in her bed.

When I turned the corner, Lilah was standing in the doorway waiting for me. I followed her out and she locked up the door behind us. I leaned down and kissed her, not caring if some of her lipstick came off on my lips. She gave into my kiss and returned it. I tried to reach down and cup her ass but she slapped my hand away. She started to walk down the stairs and when she got to the bottom she smiled naughtily at me over her shoulder and flipped up her skirt for a moment allowing me to see her sexy young ass before gravity conspired against me and her skirt fell back in place.

Once in the car I put the address Lilah gave me into my phone and started driving. Her friend's house was only fifteen minutes away. She spent the first couple of minutes going through my favorited radio stations and letting me know which ones she approved of and which ones she couldn't stand. I was always open to new music recommendations so I let her find a radio station she liked. She settled on a station playing punk rock and then sat back in her seat.

She reached over and held her hand out to me so I held it. I was focused on paying attention to the directions on my phone when she rested our joined hands on top of her thigh. I tried to stay focused on the road but her smooth skin stole my attention. I did my best to not give her the satisfaction of distracting me. I felt like I was winning until she decided to increase her strategy. Lilah started to slide my hand up her thigh until my hand rested just inches away from her pussy. My cock started to throb at the thought of my fingers being able to explore her pussy further than earlier.

I was approaching the end of the drive and I memorized the last of the route. I looked at her and slid my hand the last couple of inches and rested my hand against her entrance. Lilah smiled and closed her legs, enclosing my hand in a fleshy prison I had no intention of escaping. Since I couldn't move my hand much I started to clumsily caress her. One of my fingers slide along her slit and she sighed. I kept on rubbing her pussy, pushing my fingers deeper inside through her panties. I managed to get nearly the entire first digit of my middle finger inside of her before the panties offered too much resistance.

Lilah reclined the chair back slightly and spread her legs a little for me. Accepting the invitation, I rested my hand on the edge of her panties and started to slowly slip my fingers under them. I inched my fingers forward, damp wispy pubic hair slicked my fingers and seemed to direct my fingers forward. I hit a bump in the road and I rocked towards Lilah. My hand slid the rest of the distance and my fingers grazed past her pussy lips so that my palm rested against her entrance. I pushed my middle finger in between her lips. She was tight but my finger slipped halfway inside of her from all her pussy juices.

I glanced at Lilah out of the corner of my eye, she was looking out the window and smiling but seemed to be pretending nothing sexual was happening. I pushed my finger in the rest of the way, she tried to keep up the act but she closed her eyes and parted her lips in a silent moan. I started to slowly slide my finger in and out of her. I could hear her breathing coming in short gasps and she started to moan. I picked up the pace as I pulled into the neighborhood where her friend lived. I was determined to make her cum before we made it to her friends' house. It was an awkward angle but I reached up and started to rub her clit with my pinkie finger every time I entered her.

Lilah started to moan loudly from the attention of both fingers. She grabbed the back of my hand and pulled it tighter against her as she started to rock her hips against my hand. I turned around the last corner and was on the last street that lead to the house. Lilah started to lift her ass up off her seat as her thrusts increased in urgency and speed.

"Oh God," Lilah said as she started to buck against my hand, driving my finger as deep inside of her as possible. She froze up with her ass lifted in the middle of a thrust as her orgasm hit. Her pussy flexed and held my fingers inside of her. After her orgasm passed Lilah collapsed back into her seat just as I parked behind one of the many cars parked in front of the house.

I watched Lilah as she panted and got her breath back. There was a light glistening of sweat on her face and she had an after-sex glow that made her make up look even better. Reluctantly I pulled my hand from out of her. My fingers were slick with her juices and I started to reach towards the glove box to get a napkin to wipe my hands off. Lilah grabbed my hand and started to lick her juices up. She took my middle finger into her mouth and sucked on it. The pressure felt amazing and I wished for a repeat performance of her giving me a blow job.

Lilah took my finger out of her mouth and left me stunned for a moment. She hopped out of the car and giggled as she closed the door. She stood in front of the car with her hands on her hips and said, "Come on, we are going to be late for the party."

I grabbed my mask from the back seat and got out of the car to follow her. I looked up and noticed just how big the house was. While all the other houses were large and nice looking, this one was the best on the block. I could hear the music thumping inside the house. The house was decorated with all kinds of Halloween decorations: skeletons hung from trees, ghosts seemed to float in the air, spider webs drifted between tree branches. A fake cemetery was set up and fog machines obscured the air. There were several groups of party-goers standing in front of the house smoking and talking. I noticed most of the guys lingering looks at Lilah so I stepped closer to her and did my best Michael Myers impression as I slowly looked from one group of guys to the other, swinging my head in a slow no. My costume and impression worked because they all looked away and focused on the girls within their groups.

Lilah opened the door and the music blasted out the door, the walls must have been well insulated to quiet the music so much. We stepped into the doorway and into the crowded party. There was a sitting room to the right of the door that was full of people. Chairs and a long coffee table covered in snacks had been pushed up against the wall making room for a dance floor. All manner of monsters and creatures danced and mingled together.

The crowd overflowed onto the tiled walkway that leads from the doorway towards the rest of the house. Lilah twisted and turned gracefully through the crowd, finding the best breaks between people and passing through. I wasn't even close to being as graceful as her and I bumped into nearly every person I tried to squeeze past.

I made it to the kitchen just a little behind Lilah and I saw her talking to a petite blonde girl in a nurse's outfit. The two girls were nearly identical looking except for Lilah having darker hair and skin then the nurse.

"Amanda, this is my boyfriend Mike."

"Nice to meet you, Mike," Amanda said with a smile and held out her gloved hand for me to shake. I was confused that Lilah hadn't used my real name. The fact that she told her best friend I was her boyfriend was also a surprise to me but I wasn't going to argue against it. I gently grasped Amanda's hand and bent down to kiss her hand. Seeing a movie slasher perform such a gentlemanly act made both girls laugh.

Amanda handed me a beer and the two girls talked while I struggled to drink the beer through the mask's mouth hole opening. For some reason, Lilah had been adamant that I keep the mask on during the party and I decided to indulge her. There was just enough room to be able to fit the beer opening in and slowly drink. I doubted I would be getting drunk at this party with this handicap but that was fine because Lilah and Amanda seemed to be drinking enough for the 3 of us. The two girls switched topics rapidly and it was hard to keep up with what they were talking about. Amanda mentioned her new boyfriend most of the time and Lilah grilled her for information about him.

Once both girls had a couple of drinks in them Lilah started to drag me towards the dance floor. I looked back at Amanda trying my best to beg for help but she just shrugged and said she would join us later. Rather than take me back to the front of the house Lilah lead me through the sliding glass door to the backyard. There was a second dance floor set up out in the large backyard. There was also a pool and hot tub but only the hot tub was in use. Strobe lights flashed and the music vibrated out from large speakers against the walls and smaller ones set on the ceiling.

The first song was an upbeat hip-hop song that I was slightly familiar with. I had never been a good dancer but I decided to try for Lilah. I watched her move her body perfectly with the beat and connect one dance move to another seamlessly. Lilah used her pigtails to whip her hair out like an exclamation point every now and then between moves. Every now and then her plaid skirt would hike up and allow me to see her upper thighs and rarely the bottom curve of her ass. She was amazing.

The next song had a faster tempo and more people crowded onto the dance floor. Lilah and I were pressed together. She started to grind against me, causing my cock to harden. Lilah danced against me, occasionally rubbing her ass right against my cock that was straining against the costume. As the song reached its end Lilah swayed back and forth and slowly dropped down while facing me and her hand rested on my erection. She slowly started to sway upwards, rubbing first her face and then her tits across my growing erection. I did my best to grind back against her and try to hold her but she kept on dancing just out of my reach, finding gaps in the surrounding dancers and making use of them.

During the next song I noticed that some girl kept on bumping against me. I ignored the girl thinking that she was being forced up against me by the other dancers, but then the bumping became full-on grinding. I turned slightly to my side so that I could see who was behind me. A tall girl in a sexy angel costume was dancing behind me. Her white dress was low cut and nearly transparent, showing off her large tits. She had her brown hair straightened and it obscured some of her face. In the low lighting, I didn't recognize her and I was content to let another girl dance against me. I didn't know how Lilah would react but I decided to press my luck.

Lilah continued to dance and grind against my cock while this angel pressed her tits against my back and ran her hands along my shoulders and neck. After five minutes of dancing I turned and looked back at the angel. She shook her hair out of her face and one of the strobe lights illuminated her beautiful face. The face of Lilah's sister Vivian, my ex.

I hadn't seen Vivian in years since I broke up with her after I confronted her about the cheating. I tried to forgive her but I found out from her friends that it was with more than one guy and had been going on almost the entire time we were together. I was in love and was willing to do anything to stay with her but I couldn't see her as the same girl that I fell in love with.

Seeing Vivian brought up conflicting emotions. There was still an ache and yearning in my heart whenever I thought about my first failed love. She noticed me looking at her and she smiled seductively and ran her hands up and down her body in a way no angels would be allowed to. As the conflicting emotions rolled around in my head I had to admit how hot she had become. She had always been one of the most beautiful girls in school, and now as a blossoming woman, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

Lilah finally noticed I wasn't paying my full attention to her and stepped to my side to see who I was looking at. When the two sisters saw each other they both said each other's name in surprise, only it didn't seem like either one of them was. They hugged besides me, the press of people pushed the hug closer towards me and I ended up being sandwiched in between them.

To be able to hear each other over the music the two sisters had to lean in close to each other with me still in the middle. "Who is this?" Vivian said as she looked me up and down.

"This is my boyfriend, Mike."

"Well nice to meet you, Mike." I forgot that Vivian was a hugger and the next moment she flung her arms around me. I hugged her back and she held the hug longer then she should have. Vivian pressed her lower body suggestively against my crotch before letting go.

A new song started to play and the girls moved side by side. They danced together and occasionally with me. I didn't mind when they were ignoring me because it allowed me to watch them more easily without getting caught. Vivian had been a cheerleader and a dancer so she moved gracefully with her sister, they complemented each other perfectly. Lilah's budding girlish body and Vivian's womanly curves had me staring back and forth between them and I was at full hardness after just one song. I tried my best to hide it but both girls kept on accidentally brushing against it.

Twenty minutes later we left the dance floor and grabbed some beers. There was a bench away from the house tucked under a pair of orange trees. Lilah sat between Vivian and me. We sat for a couple minutes drinking our beers and cooling down in the crisp fall air. Vivian started to ask us questions about how we met and how long we had been going out. She leaned forward to see me better and directed the questions more at me then Lilah. Lilah leaned forward to block Vivian's view and answered all the questions. She lied and said how we had been dating for a couple of months and met at the college when she was enrolling for her first year. I was surprised at how easily Lilah lied to her sister. I was all for her not saying who I was but a lot of the other lies didn't seem necessary.

After telling our fake history Lilah downed the rest of her drink and went to get more for us. I was left alone with Vivian. as soon as Lilah was out of sight Vivian slid across the bench to sit with her body lightly pressed beside me. "So," she said, "Do you like dating my sister?"

I prayed for Lilah to materialize back but she didn't. I had to say something so I did my best to try and change my voice as I said, "Yeah, she is great." Between changing my voice and how the mask muffled the sound it must have been enough because she didn't seem to recognize me by it.

"That's great, it's just..." she pressed her body more against mine and rested one hand on my chest, "I'm having a hard time imagining my little sister handling all of this." Her hand pressed against me sent goosebumps racing across my skin, her touch had always done that.

"She handles it fine," I mumbled.

"And I'm having an even harder time imagining her handling this," Vivian said and placed her other hand on my cock. I jumped at her touch and she squeezed me tighter. "You were hard the entire time we were dancing. I saw this thing trying to escape the whole time." She started to rub along my shaft. I leaned my head back and sighed. She stopped stroking me. She said, "Maybe we should stop, you are my sister's boyfriend after all." Vivian may have said those words but her sly smile and the mischievous look in her eyes spoke otherwise. Vivian had always been subservient in bed and I knew what she wanted.

"No. Don't stop."

"Stop what?"

"Jacking my dick off." I forgot to change my voice and when she didn't start again I thought she had recognized it, but then she started jerking me off again. She leaned against me so that her tits were pressed against my side and her mouth was near my neck. She rubbed my dick through the costume with more pressure and speed. I started to moan when I felt her lips press up against my neck just below where the mask started. She kissed my neck and started to alternate between sucking and nibbling on my sensitive skin.

Just like that, I seemed to be falling under her spell again. Often when we were dating our arguments would end in sex. Her touching me always had a way of erasing any of the anger. The more my pleasure built the more the painful past seemed to be forgotten. I was a couple of seconds away from cumming when Vivian abruptly stopped and slid away from me. I opened my eyes and saw Lilah walking back with three colorful drinks in large glasses.

"Sorry, I ran into Amanda again and we were talking. We figured out how to make some mix drinks," Lilah said proudly as she handed us the drinks. I sipped it and nearly gagged. It was harder to figure out what was stronger, the liquor used or the strawberry syrup. Lilah must have really liked the drinks because she downed hers and started to steal some of mine. Once we were all empty Lilah asked Vivian if she could get the next drinks. Lilah slurred a little as she talked.

"Sure," Vivian said as she got up and walked away.

"Are you ok?" I asked Lilah. She responded by straddling me, lifting my mask, and kissing me fiercely. There was a hunger to the kiss as Lilah smashed her lips against mine. She bit my lower lip and I sucked on hers in return.

Lilah pulled away and said, "Yeah I am fine, I'm just super horny."

"Sounds like a great superhero idea."

She laughed and hit me on the chest. "I talked to Amanda, she said we can crash here tonight."


"Yeah, we can use her parent's bedroom." We both saw Vivian emerge from the sliding glass door with beers in hand. Lilah whispered even though Vivian couldn't hear us from so far away, "Look, I'm going to pretend to get sick and run off in a couple of minutes. Follow me and meet me in the bedroom to the left when you go upstairs."

Before I could respond Lilah started to kiss me again. She started to run her hands through my hair pulled us closer together. Vivian coughed when she got back. Lilah giggled as she got off my lap. "Sorry, I just couldn't keep my hands off him."

Vivian handed us the beers and took her seat again. Five minutes later Lilah held her hands on her mouth and jumped up. "I will be right back," she said as she ran towards the house.

"Looks like she the little girl couldn't handle her alcohol." Vivian slid closer to me and placed her hand back on my dick. "I doubt she will be able to handle anything else tonight." She nuzzled against my neck, "but I could."

Spending a night with my ex was tempting in a way like when you are on a high ledge and you suddenly get the urge to jump out of nowhere. The view might be beautiful and you might enjoy yourself on the way down but the only possible outcome is one of pain. Vivian didn't know who I really was and I wasn't sure she would still want to be with me if she did, also I didn't want to hurt Lilah. I couldn't live with the thought of being the next foolish boy to break her heart and make her cry. After fooling around earlier I was eager to get to spend more time with Lilah and see where things lead us. I pulled away from Vivian. "Sorry, I have to go check on her."

I walked back inside of the house, past the kitchen, and then into the large living room that adjoined the front door and the large stairway. Glowing orange pumpkins were placed in pairs on every step against the wall, lighting the way up the stairs for me. In my tipsy state I was very careful walking up the steps, the last thing I wanted was to ruin the night with a drunken fall and injury.

I made it up to the top of the stairs. To my right down the hall was four closed doors and to the left was a pair of double doors that lead to Amanda's parents' room. I opened the door and fumbled in the dark for the light switch. Once the room was lit up I expected Lilah to be waiting for me but she wasn't in the room. I walked into the adjourning bathroom but it was empty as well. I sat on the bed facing towards the door and texted Lilah asking where she was. She didn't respond so I laid back on the bed with my legs hanging off the edge.

The day had been a long one and I didn't get much sleep the night before. The music playing below sounded far away from the high second floor. I could only hear the bass and the feeling of the rhythmic beats relaxed me. I told myself I was going to just rest my eyes a little bit while I waited for Lilah to come upstairs. I knew I was lying to myself and seconds after I closed my eyes dreams already started to weave in my mind.

I dreamed of Lilah. We were back in her living room and the scene from earlier today was playing out again, only now she was in her schoolgirl outfit. We were making out on the couch and then she dropped down to her knees in front of me and started to suck my dick. I moaned out, not caring how loud I was in my dream. Lilah responded to my moaning by taking me deeper into her mouth. The tip of my cock pressed against the back of her throat and then it was wrapped on all sides by warmth as she took nearly all of me into her mouth. I moaned even louder, "Oh Lilah."

My own voice pulled me from my sleep and I started to slowly come to. Rather than the amazing feeling in my dream fading away as I woke up, the sensation got stronger. I opened my eyes but the lights were off in the room even though I had left them on. The suction on my dick increased. I looked down but with the darkness and the mask obscuring my vision I could only see the silhouette of someone blowing me. I ran my hands through her long hair and knocked something plastic out.

It seemed like Lilah had been holding back because now that I was awake she increased her sucking. I started to tentatively thrust my hips forward, driving my dick deeper into her mouth. She moaned in response so I kept on doing it. I slipped into the confined space of her throat and she gagged a little but kept on going. Lilah must have been blowing me for a while before I woke up because I was already close to cumming. I wrapped my hands in her hair and used it as handholds to pull her down further. She started to gag more but we got into a rhythm and she started taking me into her throat between breaths.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and I started to cum and cried out Lilah's name repeatedly as I came directly into her throat. The tension in my body released and I lay back on the bed panting. I stared up at the ceiling as my night vision finished adjusting. She laid on the bed next to me. "Lilah that was amazing, you're so good at that."

"Thank you, but you have the wrong sister."

I quickly turned over and saw Vivian lying next to me. "What did you just do?" I asked in shock.

"I just gave you a better blow job then my sister ever could." I couldn't fully make out her smirk through the low light but I could hear it in her voice. "Come on do you really want to be with that little girl, when you could have this instead." She reached over and grabbed my hand, dragging it up to her much fuller chest compared to Lilah. I could feel her hard nipple through the silken lingerie that she had used for the costume. I started to rub my thumb and fingers around it and it stiffened even more. When I pulled on the nipple Vivian moaned. I started to grasp and cup her tit. I had missed her, and her body, and the way it felt to touch her and be touched by her. Besides, Lilah and I have only fooled around. We weren't official.

My mind was made up. I ignored the past and thoughts of the future and gave in to the moment. I rolled over and started to rub her tits with both hands. "Yes, don't stop," Vivian said with triumph in her voice. I reached in and placed my hand under her bra and started to roll the nipple between two fingers. She closed her eyes and arched her chest upwards. I worked on her tits for countless perfect minutes, knowing how much she liked it.

She opened her eyes and looked intensely into my eyes. "I want you to take off that stupid mask." I panicked, knowing that she would recognize me, even in the near dark.

I pulled on her nipple roughly, causing pleasure and pain. "Ok, Close your eyes first." She closed her eyes and I sat up at the edge of the bed. I walked to the closet and reached in. I fumbled for a moment to find what I wanted but I wasn't about to turn on the closet light. Finally Along one wall was exactly what I wanted. I grabbed it and walked back to Vivian. I wrapped the silk tie around Vivian's eyes. "Kinky, I like that." She lifted her head so I could tie it behind her head.

When I was done she said I stood back up at the foot of the bed. I took off the mask and dropped it to the floor. The cool air felt amazing on my face after being confined for so long. I looked down at the beautiful angel before me and admired her body. She must have been working out too since we broke up because her body seemed a lot more toned. I stood above her letting the anticipation build for her. Vivian's chest rose and fell rapidly and she bit her lips. Her angel wings were spread out on either side of her on the bed. Her tight stomach was made even sexier by a belly button piercing I had failed to notice earlier in the night. I admired her long legs that she had parted. Her short costume barely covered her pussy and I started getting hard again at the thought of reclaiming the first pussy I ever had.

I leaned down and kissed her outer thigh. She gasped sharply and shivered. I kissed a little higher and goose bumps broke out along her smooth skin. As I kissed closer to my goal she opened her legs wider for me. The hem of her outfit rose up past her pelvis. Her panties were white and wetness was already starting to soak the cloth, causing the fabric to cling to her pussy and become semitransparent. I kissed in along her innermost thigh and then paused with my face a couple of inches from her sex. I inhaled her familiar feminine aroma, memories of late night love making sessions made me feel almost like I was home in a way.

I remembered how much she liked to be teased when I would go down on her so leaned down and kissed the bottom of her pussy through the fabric. She stiffened up at the touch. After planting one more kiss I pulled away and started to kiss her thighs again. "Don't tease me," she pleaded in a tone that implied the opposite. In response, I kissed even further away from her pussy. She was squirming with frustration as I made it almost down to her knee. I stopped kissing and looked down. She gasped for breath, waiting for me to continue. "Please." She said.

"Please what?"

"Eat me out, stop teasing me." I kissed her one last time on her inner thigh and then pressed my mouth against her pussy and sucked on it. She moaned as I started to press my tongue through the fabric along her outer lips. The sweet and slightly musty taste of her pussy brought even more memories back and I couldn't take my time anymore. I pulled her panties to the side and returned my mouth back to her pussy.

I licked her outer folds and then drove my tongue as far as I could to get the full taste of her. After a couple of minutes I pulled my tongue out and licked from the bottom of her pussy to the top and my tongue grazed against her clit. Vivian moaned at the contact and she thrusted up at the contact. As I spread open her lips to give me easier access to her clit I realized that her pussy was completely smooth. I started to lap against her clit and alternated between series of quick licks and slow ones with more pressure. She met my speed changes and thrusted against me with each lick.

"I'm going to fucking cum," she said. Now she set the pace and started to hump frantically against my tongue. She grabbed the back of my head and held me still as she took control and started to fuck my mouth and tongue. "Oh God!" She screamed and her whole body started to convulse as she hit her orgasm. "Fuck, Fuck, fuck," she cried out with each breath as her orgasm rocked her. After three minutes, she let go of my head and fell back against the bed. She lay gasping for breath and I was about to lay beside her thinking she needed a moment to recover when she said, "What do you think you are doing? Fuck me."

I was amazed at her recovery time and didn't need to be told a second time. I kicked my shoes off and unzipped the costume. As I pulled it down I dragged my boxers down with it. I grabbed Vivian by the hips which caused her to giggle and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. I grabbed at the waistband of Vivian's panties and started to pull them off. The drenched panties clung to her pussy as I pulled them off. She lifted her ass so I could get them past her cheeks and then lifted her legs straight up into the air. As I pulled the panties up her legs I could see her smooth pussy waiting for me.

The bed was the right height for me to be able to fuck her in it while I stood next to it. I positioned myself and she rested her legs up on my shoulders. I rubbed my cock head along her entrance. "Fuck me already," she begged.

I wanted to take it slow and tease her, but once I started to squeeze into her I gave up on that idea. Her pussy was a perfect fit for me and she was so wet that my dick seemed to slide in with a mind of its own. In one quick thrust, I was all the way inside of her. I held on to her hips with both hands and started to rapidly slide in and out of her. Normally I would try and take things slower to make sure the girl got the most pleasure possible, but not this time. I remembered all the heartache I had suffered from our relationship and having Vivian not know it was me made me not care to be as compassionate of a lover as usual.

I rammed into her harder than we had ever fucked before. Even though I wasn't trying to please her I was doing exactly that. and she was moaning louder and louder. With the music blasting below us we didn't have any fear of being heard. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she chanted as I rammed into her. Thinking that I might be pushing her comfort zone already she surprised me when she cried out "Fuck me harder."

"You want me to fuck you harder?" I punctuated the sentence with a rough thrust and pulled her body against me.

"Yes daddy, fuck me harder." I didn't know I would like being called that in the bedroom until now. I fucked her as hard as I could. She seemed to alternate in her sex chant between, saying fuck, calling me daddy, and screaming out oh God. She lowered her legs from my shoulders and wrapped them around my waist to anchor me against her. I had already lost track of the number of times I had cum today. After cumming so much my dick seemed to be able to hold out for much longer than I usually could.

If this was going to be my last time fucking Vivian then I was going to make the most of it and have her in as many ways as possible. I pulled my dick fully out and didn't put it back in causing Vivian to cry out in protest. "Turn over," I commanded. Vivian first pulled her angel custom over her head revealing her tits. Her nipples were small and a bright red. She turned over for me and waved her ass in the air for me.

I was about to mount her when I heard the door quietly click shut behind me. I turned and saw Lilah walk into the room wearing a black silk bathrobe. I panicked and was about to try and explain myself to her when she put held her finger up to her lips for me to keep quiet. As Lilah started to walk to the bed Vivian said, "I'm waiting," and wiggled her ass again for me. Not knowing what Lilah was up to I stalled for time by spanking Vivian's toned ass. She moaned out so loudly that I quickly spanked her other cheek. She cried out in pleasure.

"Be a good girl and wait."

"Ok daddy, but I've been a bad girl and need your dick."

When Lilah was beside me she undid the sash that held the bathrobe closed and I saw she was fully naked underneath it, while almost. She had a black belt and harness buckled on and sticking out from it was a strap-on dildo that was thicker and a good three inches bigger than my dick. Lilah leaned up towards my ear and whispered, "She tries to steal every one of my boyfriends from me."

I spanked Vivian some more so that the slaps and her moans would cover up our conversation. "So, did you use me?"

"No, while a little bit. I really like you. I wanted to steal the best boyfriend she ever had." She leaned up and quietly kissed me on the lips. "Help me get her back." She briefly told me what she wanted me to do and I nodded in agreement at her plan. I stepped back and Lilah climbed up onto the bed behind her sister. Lilah tapped her strap-on's head against Vivian's pussy.

"Hurry up and fuck me," Vivian demanded. Lilah smiled at me and then thrust deep into her sister. "Oh God, you're so big," Vivian said as Lilah thrust deeper. I stood for a moment and admired the view of the petite Lilah fucking her older sister. Lilah held on to Vivian's hips and thrust expertly into her sister. I made a mental note to ask Lilah about this later because it seemed like she knew what she was doing.

I walked to the light switch. The sounds of Vivian moaning and their two bodies connecting urged me to walk quickly so that I could rejoin the action. I slowly turned the dimmer on the light switch a little brighter so that Vivian didn't notice through her blindfold. I walked to the other end of the bed and watched Lilah's revenge from another angle. Lilah had a look of concentration and pleasure on her face as she fucked her sister. Her small tits bounced up and down as she thrusted.Lilah saw me staring at her and smiled at me and then nodded her head towards Vivian. I nodded back. I slowly climbed on to the bed on the same side Vivian's head. When I was on the bed and a foot from her she started to notice me climbing on the bed. "What the-" Vivian started to say as I pressed my cock against her mouth. I pulled her blindfold off as I thrust my dick into her mouth. Lilah looked up at me with shock in her eyes as she recognized me. I pulled my dick out and she said "James? What are you doing?" I pushed my dick back into her mouth and this time she more willingly took me into her mouth.

When I pulled back out of her mouth she seemed to piece together some of what was going on. "Your Lilah's boyfriend?" At the mention of her name Lilah roughly rammed into her sister. The thrust pushed her mouth back onto my dick and Vivian couldn't help but moan around my dick as she gagged on it. She pulled my dick back out of her mouth and said, "Who is that."

"Hiya sis," Lilah said as innocently as possible.

"What the Hell!" Vivian screamed as she tried to scramble away from Lilah. We held her in place. "What the hell do you guys think you are doing! This is rape. And incest."

"To be fair, I was asleep and you were the one who snuck in here and started to blow me," I said.

"But-" Vivian started to try to say but was interrupted by Lilah.

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to get consent from your sister's sleeping boyfriend," Lilah added and started to punctuate each sentence by slowly thrusting in and out of her. "You have stolen every one of my boyfriends from me. You fuck them, make them break up with me, then dump them. This time I offered him up for you, I saved you the trouble of having to sneak around behind my back to steal him from me." With this final sentence Lilah thrust in one last time deeper then she had before and then stopped moving.

"This is so wrong," Vivian complained but she was still gently rocking her hips to ease the strap-on in and out of her.

"Yeah so? If it's so wrong then why are you still enjoying it."

"I. Am. Not." Vivian said in between breaths as she suppressed her sounds of pleasure.

"I stopped humping you a minute ago. You're the one who keeps on pushing back against me," Lilah said matter of factly. Vivian closed her eyes for a moment and rested her head down on the bed. She slowly slid back and forth against the strap on, almost as if her body had a mind of its own. With each movement Vivian slowly took it deeper inside of her, until with one final push she seemed to take it all in. Vivian kept her head down for a minute and then looked up at me. The anger was gone from her eyes, now they simmered with her arousal.

Vivian pulled back away from the strap on and thrust back hard against Lilah, taking the entire strap-on into her in one movement and moaned. No words were needed. Lilah started to fuck her again, the two moving in harmony together. Watching Lilah and Vivian knowingly fuck each other added so much more to the sight. They moved perfectly together, just like when they danced earlier. Their bodies slammed against each other and drew apart simultaneously, only to thrust back into one another once again. When Lilah thrusted her tits bounced, and when Vivian pulled away she jutted her tits out towards me.

I started to absently stroke my dick while enjoying the show of the two sisters going at it. Vivian looked at me and said, "Fuck my mouth again." I leaned forward and Vivian took me back into her mouth. I would never admit it to Lilah, but Vivian was better at sucking my dick. Vivian looked up and made eye contact with me as she bobbed her head up and down, taking me deeper into her mouth. Even though she had an amazing body I had always found Vivian's eyes one of her best features and her looking up at me caused my cock to twitch in her mouth.

I looked up and saw that Lilah was looking down and focused on fucking her sister. Her face glistened with sweat. When she finally looked at me she smiled and lifted a hand to rub her tits. It took me a couple of minutes to get into a rhythm with Lilah's thrusts, I would sometimes time it wrong and nearly pull free from Vivian's mouth. Once I had it timed right I would hump at nearly the same time as Lilah so that Vivian was being skewered by the both of us.

Vivian started to hump erratically against Lilah and sucked me into her mouth more rapidly. I recognized the signs and told Lilah, "She is about to cum."

"Ok," said Lilah as she pulled her strap on out of Vivian and kept the head pressed against Vivian's pussy.

Vivian pulled my dick from her mouth and said, "Please don't stop."

"Stop what?" Lilah asked.

"Don't stop fucking my pussy Lilah." Lilah was satisfied with the answer and she roughly slammed into Vivian, causing her to take my dick deep into her throat. Lilah continued to pound into Vivian, and within a minute Vivian was trembling and then shaking. She moaned loudly as she came with my dick still in her mouth. Her moans felt amazing as the vibrations went along my entire cock. Vivian slowly came down from her orgasm, when it was over she collapsed on the bed between us.

Lilah unbuckled the strap on from her waist and said, "I think that is a good start in paying you back for all these years." Lilah Climbed towards me on the bed and ravenously kissed me over her panting sister. There was no subtlety to our kiss, we were both fully aroused. "I want you to be my first James."

I wanted to say some witty comment about how she was still a virgin, yet seemed to know her way around a strap-on, But I was too horny for wit and just said, "Ok." I started to lead her to lie on her back but she shook her head no and lightly pushed against my chest. I ended up laying on my back right next to Vivian who was still in a post-orgasmic stupor.

Lilah straddled my cock and lined it up with her pussy. She started to slowly sink down, and my head slid snugly into her. Her pussy felt incredibly warm and wet, her velvet walls constricted against my dick causing every inch gained to be slow going. When I was just over halfway in Lilah started to rise and lower herself on the top half of my dick. I laid still, letting her figure out how she wanted to do this.

She only rode the top half of my dick. Felling her tight pussy work its way on top of the head of my dick felt amazing. After a couple of minutes, she got more confident and started to hump more against me and took in a couple more inches. She muttered something to herself and then slammed down, her pussy enveloping my whole cock. We both gasped at the contact and Lilah fell so that her body was draped over me. She leaned down and kissed me. As our tongues entwined she started to rock her hips, pushing me in and out of her. I started to hump upwards and together we built up the pace as we took turns kissing and suckling on each other's necks.

After five minutes of me sliding in and out of her Lilah sat back up with me still inside of her. She bounced up and down my cock, burying it as far into her pussy as I could. I didn't know where to look as I alternated between looking at her face filled with passion, her tits heaving and bouncing with each thrust, and watching as my cock slid in and out of her tight pussy.

Lilah slid down so that my cock was fully inside of her and then started to grind against me, causing new waves of pleasure in both of us. While she was riding me, Vivian started to stir next to me. I wondered how Vivian was going to react to me fucking her sister next to her. Vivian rolled over so that she was facing me. She turned my head to face her so that our lips were inches apart. I stared into her beautiful eyes for a moment, and then the next our lips were locked. Our lips mashed against each other and she nibbled on my lower lip. I bit hers back in turn. While in the middle of an open mouth kiss I probed into her mouth with my tongue and her soft tongue pressed back against mine.

While we were French kissing Vivian grabbed my hand that was holding Lilah's hip in between us and she dragged it away and pulled it up towards her tits. I started to squeeze and knead them, trying my best to pleasure her while I was also fucking her sister. Lilah grabbed my hand that was still on her hip and pulled it up to her tits. I was in heaven as I played with two different amazing pairs of tits.

Vivian pulled my hand from her tits and down towards her pussy. My hand slid down her hairless mons pubis and then my fingers were sliding between her pussy lips. As Two of my fingers slipped inside of her I started to slide my fingers in and out of her. Vivian held my hand still and started to hump against my hand, driving my fingers in and out of her. I let her use my hand as a dildo and I focused on Lilah. While playing with her nipple I thrust up when Lilah's rocking pushed her pussy against my pelvis.

"Oh God," Lilah said and started to rapidly rock forward and backward on my cock, sometimes almost pulling back to where my cock head was just barely inside of her, and other times only lifting a couple of inches away before rocking back into me. I couldn't take it anymore. The variation felt amazing and I was getting close to cumming.

I was about to tell Lilah I was close when Vivian pulled my hand from out of her pussy. Vivian quickly sat up and straddled my face as I opened my mouth to warn Lilah. Vivian pressed her pussy onto my mouth and my warning disappeared. I could breathe through my nose still so I started to suck on Vivian's pussy and stuck my tongue as far into her as I could. With Vivian straddled my head I couldn't reach her sister anymore so I used both of my hands to reach up and grope her c-cup tits. Vivian tasted and smelled similar to her sister. I doubted if I would be able to tell them apart if I did a blind taste test. I hoped that was a scenario that could be arranged.

I was getting ready to cum and wanted to warm Lilah but when I tried to angle my face so that I could speak Vivian pushed my mouth back towards her pussy. Lilah started to moan louder and her body started to tremble on top of me. She cried out, "I want you to cum in me!" With her erratic grinding and invitation, I let go. With one more deep thrust, I started to cum inside of Lilah's no longer virgin pussy. At this point I didn't know how much cum I could have left in me but I shot a couple of decent sized loads inside of her, followed by a smaller load that must have barely trickled up into her pussy.

As Lilah started to slow down as her orgasm ebbed, Vivian's began to flow. All she had time to say was "Fuck," as she started to shake on top of me. Her pussy pressed roughly against my mouth and I licked it as much as I could, hoping to extend her orgasm. Lilah collapsed into the bed and laid against me. A minute later the last of Vivian's orgasm pulsed through her. She had just enough energy to fall onto my other side and drape an arm across my chest. I held a sister in each arm. We all struggled to catch our breath after what we just did.

Lilah's breathing evened out first and then she started to lightly snore. I looked over at Vivian and saw that she was sleeping peacefully as well. While I was watching Vivian I started to drift off to sleep. Right before I fell asleep I realized I had seen something while looking at her. I strained to hold up my head and look past her without moving too much and disturbing the girls. I confirmed what I thought I saw. Mixed in with the DVD's on a shelf next to the TV was the steady burning red light of a camera recording us. Now it made more sense on why Lilah had risked turning up the lights earlier. I smiled as I rested my head back on the bed and wondered what else Lilah seemed to have planned as I drifted off to sleep.