I always thought of myself as a hopeless romantic. It seemed like I was always falling for the girl who would be the most unattainable for me. I think it started with my first crush on my teenage babysitter when I was 10 years old. She was so smart and nice to me and I had so much fun with her, who could blame me for getting a crush on her. When I was starting to be aware of the opposite sex, it seemed like I skipped over girls my own age and looked at girls who were years older than me. I did date a few girls my own age in middle school, but they didn't interest me as much as the girls in the next grades. I never really thought of it as a fetish or anything like that once I learned that term, I could appreciate the beauty in girls my own age, but I just wasn't fully drawn to them.

During my freshman year of high school, I had a huge crush on my Honors English teacher, Miss Walker. She had only been teaching for a couple of years and was in her mid-twenties. She was beautiful in a bookworm sort of way with her long brown hair and her black frame glasses. She was modest in the clothing that she wore but you could tell that she was fit and she had large tits that had to be D cups. Compared to most of my other teachers she seemed genuinely excited to be a teacher and found a way to make every class interesting. Honors English was the class that I excelled the most in so it was the only class that I liked to raise my hand and speak in. I got a thrill every time Miss Walker said how I was right or that I had brought up a good point.

Miss Walker was helping out with the yearbook class which the older English teacher next door taught so she always had her classroom open before and after school, and also during lunch. I took to hanging out with my friends in her class during lunchtime since I had her class the period after lunch hour. My friends had classes across campus so they would leave a few minutes before lunch ended to make it on time. I would use this time to read a little or polish off some homework. Miss Walker saw I was reading and asked what book I was reading. When I told her, she said how she had read that series a couple of years ago and how much she loved it. That got us talking about other books and then T.V. shows and movies. I loved talking to her one on one. When she would smile, I felt my heart melt at the thought that her smile was just for me. I know I was crazy for having a crush on a teacher, but I couldn't help but feel that way for her.

I didn't have her as a teacher for my sophomore or junior year, but I still hung out in her classroom for lunch almost every day. I thought it would be weird at first when I was no longer in her class, but when I spent the first week of my sophomore year away from her classroom and then decided to finally eat lunch there, she said how she had missed me and wondered what had happened to me.

I signed up for AP English in my senior year. Since I had a free period after I made my schedule, I decided to take yearbook class as well that year. The old teacher for both classes ended up getting sick and having to stop teaching that year right before school started, so I was surprised when on the first day of school Miss Walker was the new teacher for both classes. It felt good to be in her class again. I hit my growth spurt during the summer before senior year and put on some lean muscle from joining the tennis team with my friends. When Miss Walker saw me for the first time, she seemed confused for a moment and had this look in her eyes that I didn't know what it meant. Now I was taller than her by several inches and she had to look up at me.

Between having two classes with Miss Walker and spending a lot of my idle time at school in her classroom we talked more than ever. My friends teased me all the time about my crush on Miss Walker and I didn't blame them, but at the same time, I just loved being around her.

When I turned eighteen at the start of October I was surprised when Miss Walker gave me a present in between class periods. I unwrapped it and it was a box set of one of my favorite book series. I told her how they had been lost during a move and I hadn't gotten around to getting them again. I was so happy that I couldn't help myself and I hugged her. Miss Walker seemed to tense up for a moment and I realized what I was doing. I was about to let go but then Miss Walker hugged me back. The hug lingered and then she reluctantly pulled away. We had just enough time to separate before a student walked in.

For the rest of the month, something seemed different about Miss Walker. We had already talked a lot together before, but now she seemed to be paying me extra attention. She also started to come to school more dressed up than usual. Before she would never wear makeup and her clothes were often loose on her and hid her curves, but now she started to come in with some makeup that highlighted her natural beauty and wore outfits that clung to her curves better and showed off how amazing her body was. Some of my classmates speculated that she had a boyfriend.

My school held an annual bonfire the Friday nearest to Halloween, this year Halloween was on a Saturday. It wasn't much, but it was one of the only events that the school put on that most of the students liked to attend. I guess there was something about a giant fire, games of chance, food, and club booths that drew in students. My money was it was the fire that did it.

Miss Walker was running the yearbook/spooky books booth and had asked for volunteers to help out. I had raised my hand immediately to help out. I knew that a few of my classmates thought I was a teacher's pet, but I didn't care as long as I got to spend more time with Miss Walker. Another student and I were chosen to help out, but when I showed up to help Miss Walker to set up after school, she told me how the other student had texted saying that she was sick so it was just the two of us working the booth that night.

Miss Walker was dressed up in the same witch costume that she had worn during school. It wasn't super revealing, but at mid-thigh length, the skirt was shorter than anything else she had worn before, and the blacktop allowed some of her ample cleavage to be seen. Her costume looked like a sexy Hermione outfit with her long golden-brown hair, the short cloak, and Gryffindor emblems on it. I tried my best to not stare as we talked, but every now and then my eyes would be drawn to her tits. I tried to be sneaky when I would look at her tits and I was confident that she hadn't caught me. I had spent the last four years checking her out in secret. Like usual we talked about the books we liked and what shows or movies we had recently watched. We tended to have a lot of the same interests, and when we found something that the others hadn't read yet we would share books. When we talked it didn't seem like how a student and teacher would talk, but rather like two friends talking.

The bonfire was dying out and the event was ending. Miss Walker started to put her stuff away into boxes. I helped her without being asked. "You don't have to help, really, I got this, go have fun with your friends," she said.

"I have more fun with you," I said with confidence that I had no idea where it came from.

She smiled, but then said, "You really have spent enough time with me tonight."

"What if I said I wanted to spend more time with you tonight?"

I thought I saw her blush, but then she turned her back to me and bent over to pick up a box. Her skirt clung tightly to her plump ass. She looked back and caught me checking her out again, "Are you going to help me out then or just stare?"

"Sorry," I said. It took a few trips for us to take everything to her car.

"Thank you, it would have taken me twice as long to get this done," she said as we put the last box into her trunk.

"Anytime for my favorite teacher. Have a good night." I said and turned to start to walk home.

" you want a ride home?" She asked.

"I don't mind walking," I said, playing it cool when really I was excited that she had offered to give me a ride.

"You kept me company all night and helped me out, let me repay you."

"Ok, you win," I said. I walked to the driver's side door and opened the door for her.

"Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome." It felt odd sitting in my teacher's car. It was cluttered with some books and papers that she had had to move off of the passenger seat for me to take my seat, but other than that it was clean and smelled like cherry suckers.

"Sorry for the mess," Miss Walker said as she threw some more stuff into the back seat.

"It's not that bad." She asked where I lived and when I told her she said that we didn't live too far away from each other. We drove in awkward silence for a minute. We normally talked and got along so well, but being with her right now in her car was outside of my usual environment with her so it threw me off a little. I knew that Miss Walker giving me a ride home wasn't technically wrong, but was something that would be highly frowned upon if the school found out.

"So," she finally said, breaking the silence, "are there any girls in that you like?"

We had talked about so much together, but we had rarely talked about anything overly personal like that before. "No, not at the moment," I said honestly as long as I didn't count Miss Walker, who was a woman, not a girl.

"What about Heather, you two seem to really get along in class."

"She's nice," I said.

"She is a beautiful girl, and I'm pretty sure she likes you," Miss Walker said.

"Yeah she is, but she isn't exactly my type," I said.

"Oh, what is your type then?" She asked after a moment.

"While, I like a girl who is smart, funny, and also has a nice personality."

"She seems to have all of those things," Miss Walker said.

"Yeah, but I also like my girls to be a little older, I don't really think I am all that into high school girls, to be honest," I said.

"You are still young, maybe you should give some of the high school girls a chance. I am sure Heather and some other girls are dying to get a chance at you."

"I doubt it," I said.

"Don't talk like that. You are one of the nicest and smartest students I have ever had, and you are handsome too. There has to be someone that you like," she said.

Why was she asking me about this? Did she know about the secret that I had been holding in for years? I had dreamed of the perfect moment for years to confess my feelings for Miss Walker. I questioned if this was the time. Why would she be asking me so much about this if she wasn't curious for some reason other than just wanting to make idle small talk?

"There is someone who I have had a crush on for almost four years now," I said.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"I don't know if I should tell you," I said, still debating if I should or not.

"Come on, I promise I won't tell, don't you trust me?" she asked with a pout.

"Ok, she is older than me-"

"Is she in college?" Miss walker asked. We made it to my house and she parked in front.

"No, a little older than that. She is kind and smart and beautiful, and I have had a crush on her since I first saw her." I paused for a moment, thinking about backing out, but now that I was starting to tell her there was no going back. "Every day I see her, I can't help but think about how amazing she is, and how much I love talking to her.

"Who?" she asked quietly.

"It's you." Here it was, I said it. The moment I had thought over for so many years now, what was she going to say, how was she going to react? Did I just ruin my friendship with her and was the rest of the school year going to be super awkward now? The silence stretched on for a minute as my mind went into overdrive thinking about all of the different, mostly bad, possibilities.

"Oh Justin, I'm flattered, really I am, but I am your teacher. You have to know that you liking me can't come of anything right? It would be illegal and immoral if I had a relationship with a student."

"But I'm eighteen now and I know, that's why I have never said anything," I was already starting to feel how much of an idiot I was for thinking that I had a chance with her.

"I could still lose my job. Plus, I'm way too old for you and you deserve to be seeing girls your own age and enjoying high school while you can." She must have been able to tell how upset I was because she reached out and held my hand gently.

"You're not too old for me, your only ten years older, that doesn't mean anything to me. I've tried to get over my crush on you, but none of the girls my age can come even close to you," I said.

"Justin, stop," she said and grabbed my hand.

"No. I have held this in for years now and I have tried waiting but I can't. How do you expect me to try and date other girls when you are the one who has my heart and I think about all the time? It wouldn't be fair to them when all I would do the whole time is comparing them to you. No one else is as beautiful or smart as you. You always talk about yourself as if you were some old maid but you are still young and amazing and I hate hearing you talk about yourself like that all the time. We are already such good friends. I can't help but think that if I was with you then I could show you just how amazing you really are."

I felt like I was fully spent after that outburst, I had laid it all out there, and even if this was the end of our friendship, at least I could tell myself that I had tried. Neither one of us said anything and the silence stretched on. The dread of her further rejecting me built up, but that didn't happen. She hadn't let go of my hand. I started to sense that there was something different happening, but it was hard to put a reason for the feeling. I turned and looked at Miss Walker and she looked back at me. We held each other's gaze and all of the stress of confessing my feelings for her seemed to start to melt away. I don't remember consciously thinking about doing it, I would have never tried it if I wasn't acting on instinct. I leaned over and kissed her. Miss Walker let out a small "mumph" and squeezed my hand. At first, she didn't kiss me back, but she also didn't resist the kiss, her lips parting. Her grip on my hand relaxed and she started to kiss me back.

My whole body started to tingle with excitement from having the woman who I had a crush on for years kissing me back. I had only kissed a few girls and they didn't even compare to how it felt to be kissing Miss Walker. When we finally broke apart, we were both panting.

Miss Walker broke the silence. "We shouldn't have done that." I kissed her gently. "This is wrong," I kissed her gently again. "Ohhhh fuck it," she said and kissed me deeply. I wasn't prepared for when she flicked her tongue across my lips and then slid it into my mouth. I did my best to French kiss her back, but I wasn't used to it and I was feeling so turned on that it was hard for me to keep up with her. I started to kiss up and down her neck, working my way down to her chest. I kissed her cleavage and made her moan.

After kissing and sucking on her neck and cleavage for a few minutes Miss Walker gently guided my lips back up to hers. We kissed deeply one last time and then she pushed me back to my seat.

"We really shouldn't be doing this... here," she said, the start of her sentence scared me, but then the end of it gave me hope. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?" she asked me.


"Why don't you meet me at my apartment, there is a costume party my friend invited me to if you want to go with me," she said. She seemed hesitant as she asked me this.

"Isn't that a bit risky?" I asked.

"Yeah, but as long as you wear a costume no one will know who you are," she said.

"Ok." I did have plans to hang out with my friends, but if they knew the reason why I was canceling on them, they would understand. Of course, I wasn't going to tell them. Miss Walker gave me her number and we kissed and hugged one last time before I got out of her car. I seemed to float to my room from the euphoria that I was feeling I went straight to my room and jumped onto my bed. I couldn't believe it, I confessed my feelings for Miss Walker and we had made out, and even more, I had an invitation to go to a party with her on Halloween. I thought about making out with Miss Walker and how much of her tits I had gotten to kiss. I pulled out my throbbing erection and started to jerk off, replying over and over again in my mind the feel and taste of her lips on mine. I was so worked up that I came just a couple of minutes. My cum shot up and landed all over my shirt. I took it off and used it to clean up myself up and then threw it into my hamper.

I lay in bed, going back over tonight and how perfect it had all gone. I had had so much anxiety building up over the years about what would happen once I finally confessed my feelings for her. I had always had fears of how it could go wrong, and fantasies about how it could go right, but it going right had always been thought of just that, as a fantasy because there was no way that an amazing woman like Miss Walker would possibly like me back. Now that I had confessed and it worked out perfectly, I felt like there was a huge weight off of my shoulders.

I looked on my phone at Miss Walker's number, tangible proof to me that what had just happened hadn't been some kind of delirious fantasy. I wanted to text her so badly but wondered if that would come off as desperate. In the end, I decided to text her asking if she made it home safely.

She responded saying that yeah, she had and added a smiley face at the end of it.

"I really had fun tonight," I texted.

"Me too," she responded. We texted back and forth for the next hour until she said that she was about to fall asleep. It was a little weird texting her for the first time, especially since it didn't seem like I was texting a teacher, but more like just a girl who I liked. I spent so long putting Miss Walker on a pedestal because she was a full-grown woman and my teacher, that it was going to take some getting used to thinking of her as a person as well. We said our goodnights and she sent me her address with a winky face saying that she would see me tomorrow, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


I woke up to a good morning text from Miss Walker, no, I had to get used to using her actual name that she had put down in the contact, Melissa. I responded good morning back and we texted throughout the day.

The party was going to start around eight but Melissa wanted me to show up at her house before then. I knocked on her door and waited a couple of minutes for her to open it. My phone buzzed and when I looked at my message from her, she said for me to let myself in. "Have a seat, I'm just finishing getting ready," Melissa called out from the bathroom.

I took a seat and looked around me. She didn't have the biggest apartment, but it was well furnished. Along one wall of the living room were three large full bookcases. After a couple of minutes of sitting there, I decided to get up and check out the books. She had a wide variety, there was a lot of the books that we had talked about reading, along with what looked like textbooks from when she was in college on teaching practices. One shelf of the bookcase was nothing but romance books. I pulled one of them from the shelf and looked at the cover, it looked like a typical romance cover with the heroine clutching at the hero's bare chest and both of them looking longingly at each other.

I heard Melissa walking out of the bathroom. I was going to tease her about her reading choices, but when I turned around and saw her outfit my jaw dropped. She was wearing the Hermione witch outfit that she had worn at school, but this version was much more sex. She was wearing high heels, fishnet stockings her miniskirt barely made it passed her midthigh, and the blazer that she was wearing that had the Gryffindor crest on it was a tight fit and was low cut so that her tits wear barely contained inside of it."Do you like it," Melissa asked.

"I love it," I said. She walked across the room and gave me a deep kiss. As we kissed, she reached down and felt my erection through my pants.

"You really must like it," she said and rubbed me through my pants. The costume was made out of light material so it almost felt as if she was touching my cock directly. If she was going to touch me, I decided to be brave and return the favor. I reached down and was about to grab her ass when she broke the kiss and stepped away from me. "I think that's enough for now, otherwise we are never going to make it to the party," she said. We ordered a lyft to take us to her friend's house which was about ten minutes away. Melissa made small talk with the female driver, who complimented her on her outfit. I was never good at making small talk with strangers, so I was impressed with how quickly she seemed to become friendly with the driver.

When we pulled up to the house the party was already underway. The large front yard was decorated to look like a graveyard and there were fog machines going to add to the spookiness of the look. Costumed partiers stood in groups outside of the house drinking and talking. I could hear and feel the base of the music from the driveway. I had never gone to a high school party, so going to this party was skipping several steps for me. Melissa seemed to sense my nerves. "Don't worry too much and just have fun with me, I don't go to parties often so I am glad you are with me."

"You are?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, squeezing my hand and giving me a quick kiss of encouragement. She led the way. The wind picked up and blew her skirt up, giving me a brief beautiful view. Her panties barely covered her ass and were made of sheer black material that let me see right through it. I did my best to burn that image into my memory.

We walked inside and the party was crowded. The house was big and the inside was as heavily decorated as the front yard was. Everyone we passed had drinks, and along with the fog machines, cigarette and weed smoke clung to the air. I had smoked and drank a few times with my friends, but the cloud was so thick here that I had to suppress a cough. Occasionally as we walked through the hallway and into the large living room people called out to Melissa. She would say hi to some and continue walking, while a few times she got held up talking to someone. The first time she introduced me as her date to one of her friends I felt intensely nervous. I was just barely eighteen and still in high school so I felt like I shouldn't have been there at all. I thought that with one glance they would know who I was somehow or the first time I talked my age would be apparent, but I was worried for nothing. All anyone said to me was that it was nice to meet me and complimented me on my costume of Westly from The Princess Bride.

After a few minutes of chatting Melissa would politely excuse us away so that we could find the host of the party and also go get some drinks. We made it to the kitchen and stopped in front of a counter that was overloaded with bottles of alcohol and mixers. Melissa asked me what I wanted to drink. I didn't have much experience with cocktails or anything stronger than beer and wine coolers so I went with something conservative and asked for a whiskey and coke. She helped herself to some soda from the fridge and poured two drinks for us. I almost said something when she barely filled up the cup halfway and then filled up the rest of it with whiskey, but I didn't want to do anything to make her question bringing me.

"Cheers," Melissa said and we touched our plastic cups together and drank. I immediately started to cough it up. "Did I make it too strong?" she said and handed me a nearby napkin.

"Maybe a little, If I didn't know any better, I would think you were trying to get me drunk so that you could take advantage of me," I said.

"Maybe I am, but would I really need to get you drunk first?" she asked with a wink. I sipped my drink again, this time managing to keep it down. "Come on, let's find my friend," she said. We walked through the house looking for her friend but ran into others instead. Again, we got caught into conversations. I tried to only talk when I absolutely had to. I didn't want to draw more attention to myself than needed. I found myself constantly sipping on my drink to give myself something to do. I started to relax as the alcohol hit me. When we went back to the kitchen to get a second round of drinks we finally ran into her friend. She was dressed up as a sexy Alice in Wonderland but must have been going for the dark look to the costume because her costume had blood splatters on it. She was shorter than Melissa and was a little curvier. The two women hugged tightly, sending my imagination into overdrive.

"I didn't think you were going to make it," Melissa's friend said.

"I decided to finally get out of the house," Melissa said.

"It's about time you went out to have fun," she noticed me standing nearby, "Who is this?" She asked.

"This is my date, Ryan, Ryan, this is my best friend Hannah," Melissa said. Ryan was the name she had been introducing me as all night long to people.

Hannah gave Melissa a quick look and then she hugged me, pressing her large tits against me. "Nice to meet you Ryan, I hope you are treating my best friend well," she said. She seemed friendly, but I could also hear the or else that she had left unsaid.

Hannah stayed and chatted with us for a bit while we all had a drink. It was nice seeing Melissa interact with one of her friends. I had only ever known her as a teacher and just recently as a romantic partner, so I was still trying to figure out who she really was. Getting to see her laugh and joke around with Hannah gave me a better insight into who she really was. Hannah brought up a couple of embarrassing stories that let me find out that Melissa had a bit of a wild side back when she was in college. After we finished our drinks Hannah excused herself to go talk to someone else but said she would see us later.

"Don't you ever bring up those stories she just told you," Melissa said as she poured us our third drinks.

"I can't make any promises," I said. She jokingly hit me. We walked to the living room which was where the sound system and dance floor had been set up. We were talking when one song ended and the next started up.

"I love this song! Come on let's dance!" Melissa said.

"I still have a drink," I said. Melissa was in the middle of downing hers, so I did too. It took all of my will power to keep the strong drink down. I wasn't the most confident of dancers, but after three drinks I was starting to lose the inhibitions that normally kept me from doing things that might make me look foolish. Melissa dragged me to the middle of the dance floor which was full of costumed dancers. Melissa pressed against me as we danced, running her hands along my body. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me, and then I slid my hand from her hip up under her skirt and squeezed her ass. Melissa didn't stop me and let out a playful squeal as I groped her. She turned around, pulled her skirt up, and ground her ass against my erection. With the light fabric of my pants, her ass pressed up against me felt unbelievable. She grabbed my hands and guided them up and down her body, pressing them down between her thighs and then right up against her breasts. While still grinding against me guided me to feel up her tits. After a few songs, we were both drenched in sweat and my erection was throbbing from all of the stimulation. I wanted to keep on dancing but my bladder was close to bursting from all of the drinks. I tried to hold it in for as long as possible because I didn't want this moment to end, but eventually, my bladder won out against my sex drive.

I told her I had to use the restroom and that I would be right back. She kissed my earlobe and whispered into my ear for me to hurry back. She gave my dick a squeeze. I gulped and said ok. I found the restroom but there was a line to get in. When I finally made it in and started to pee, I felt my phone buzzing against my thigh. When I checked it, I saw it was a message from Melissa. "Meet me upstairs, the second door on the right. Bring drinks ;)."

I felt excited and nervous at the same time. From movies and stories from classmates, I knew that people hooked up at parties, but that wasn't something that would happen to me. I had never gotten further than making out with a girl. I had wanted for years to get to do more, but I also hadn't wanted to just rush in with a random girl. Melissa was anything but a random girl, but I was still nervous about what might happen. What if I made a mistake and scared her away? Those self-doubt thoughts were there like always, but luckily the alcohol made me braver and quieted down those thoughts.

I got our drinks and walked across the crowded living room to the stairway that I had seen when we first entered the house. Some partiers were standing on the stairs talking so it made it hard to pass them while holding two drinks, but once I made it up to the top of the stairs there were only a few people up here. I saw a couple of couples making use of the secluded hallway to make out. I went to the second door to the right and entered. Melissa was sitting on the bed waiting for me. There was only a single bedside lamp on so the room wasn't too bright. She had her legs crossed, giving me a great view of her thighs but blocking my view of her womanhood.

"I've been waiting for you," she said.

"Sorry, it took me a little bit of time to make it through all of the people downstairs," I said. She uncrossed her legs. I could just barely make out her black lace panties in the dim light.

"Lock the door." I fumbled with my two drinks but managed to lock it. "Come sit next to me," she said as she patted beside her on the bed. I did and handed her the drink. My nerves were starting to burn through the liquid courage that I had built up. Here I was, at a party with the woman of my dreams and we were in a locked room together. She scooted next to me and we both drank. "So, what do you think of your first party?" She asked me.

"It's been fun, it's just that sometimes I don't exactly know what to do, I am still new to all of this." She figured out that I meant more than just being at a party for the first time.

"Oh. So, have you never been with a girl?"

"I've made out with a couple of girls, but that's it," I said.

"I wouldn't have known that from last night, you were an amazing kisser," she said. I was going to say thank you, but then she leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was sensual and gradually built up in intensity as she took it slower for me this time. By the time she broke the kiss my entire body had that tingling sensation and I was fully erect. She grabbed my drink from me and set both of them onto the nightstand. She climbed into the center of the bed and patted for me to join her. I kicked off my shoes and climbed up onto the bed. She gently pushed me down on my back and kissed me again.

"You feel so tense, don't worry, we can go as slow as you need," She sucked onto my neck. 'Do you want me to be your teacher," she asked and sucked hard on my neck.

"Yes," I said as I moaned.

"You want to make sure to take your time, I know how it is to want someone so badly that you just want to jump on them and rip their clothes off, and that has its place sometimes, but girls like it better when you go slow and let things build up faster." She demonstrated by slowly kissing more up and down my neck, nibbling and sucking on it. She made it back to my lips and sucked and nibbled on it. When she finally let go, I did the same thing back to her lips. I was the one who broke away this time to start to kiss up and down her neck. Her perfume smelled amazing from this close. Just like her lips even her neck tasted good. I sucked on it.

"Don't be afraid to suck harder," she said to me. I kissed lower to the hollow of her neck and sucked harder this time. Melissa let out a moan, "just like that," she said. I felt a thrill at hearing Melissa moan knowing that I was pleasuring her. I kissed across her collarbone and started to kiss down her breasts again. This time she didn't stop me. She started to loosen the front ties of her outfit, allowing me even better access to her breasts.

"Kiss slower, teasing does wonder to turn a girl on. The anticipation of something happening makes it feel even better when it finally happens." Melissa reached down between us, slowing down the closer she got to my erection. I wanted to tell her to hurry up and touch it already, that I couldn't take the wait anymore. "See how it makes you squirm?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. She rested her hand a few inches short of my dick.

I couldn't help but groan. "What is it that you want?" she asked seductively and nibbled on my earlobe.

"I want you to touch it," I said.

"Touch what?" She whispered into my ear, causing me to shiver.

"I want you to touch my dick," I said. It felt weird to be talking dirty to her, in all of my fantasies of us being together it had always been sweet and passionate lovemaking, I had never thought Melissa would be so dirty. I was seeing a completely different side to her as a lover compared to the teacher who I had befriended. I also never knew how much dirty talk could turn me on.

"All you had to do was ask." Melissa slid her hand the last couple of inches and grasped the bottom of my shaft. She gently ran her fingers up and down its length.

"You're so big and hard," she said as she gently wrapped her fingers around my shaft and started to stroke it.

I had been so distracted on her touching me that I had stopped kissing my way towards her nipple. I was almost there and wanted to jump right to where I thought it was, just barely covered up by her bra and top, but decided to try and test out what she was teaching me. I kissed her, this time starting out slow and sensual. Melissa lightly stroking me made me want to speed things up, I wanted to try and tease her back. As our kiss became more open-mouthed, I sucked hard on her bottom lip and nibbled on it. Melissa moaned and her body jerked as if a shock of pleasure had just arced through it.

I started to kiss down her neck and then her tits. While I lowered my mouth, I slid my hand up her stomach just as slow. I wanted nothing more than to finally be able to grab the tits that I had spent so many class periods looking at, but I had waited this long, what was a minute or two compared to that. As I got closer to where her nipple should be, I heard her breathing deeper. When she exhaled, she let out slight "mmmmms." My hand reached her underboob and I started to gently caress it through her top and bra, enjoying the heft of her tits as I pushed them up and let them drop back in place. With my free hand, I started to undo the lace of her top. When it was undone, I pulled the top open, exposing the black lace bra underneath. The material was the same as her panties and was nearly see-through letting me see where her nipple was but was just opaque enough to where I couldn't make out the details of it.

I kissed my down onto her bra, kissing the area around her nipple in a spiral towards it.

"You are learning so fast baby. You are always such a good student; I should have known you would learn this fast toooooo!" she said. As she finished talking, I finally kissed her nipple through the bra. I ran my tongue around it and then sucked on it, causing her to let out a shocked gasp. The more I sucked on her nipple through the bra, the more the bra clung to it and let me feel it better. I could now feel her hard nipple poking up through it. I started to knead her tits more as I gave in to my desire to feel her up.

Melissa wrapped her hand more firmly around my erection and started to jerk me off through my pants. It was my turn to let out a moan as she stepped up my stimulation as well.

I pulled her bra down and pulled her tit out. I looked in awe at her nipple, it was puffy and reminded me of the gentle pink of an eraser. Melissa stopped jerking me off and let out a loud moan when I finally licked across her stiff nipple. I flicked my tongue across her areola and nipple, enjoying how soft it was and the way it popped back into place after each pass of my tongue. I then started to kiss and suck on her nipple.

"Suck harder," Melissa said in between breaths. I did as she said, taking her nipple into my mouth and sucked hard on it and also pulled back. Melissa let out the loudest moan yet. "Yes, baby just like that." While I continued to suck on one tit, I started to play with her other tit with my other hand, kneading her soft breast and rolling her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

Melissa let go of my cock and then a second later I shivered when she started to slip her hand inside of my pants. Her soft warm hand wrapped around my shaft and she started to jerk me off again. I was normally quiet when I masturbated alone, but when she started jerking me off, I couldn't help but let out a moan while her nipple was still in my mouth.

I switched my mouth over to her other tit, taking as much of it into my mouth as I could and then sucking on it. While I sucked I also ran my tongue around her nipple. I reached down and touched her toned thigh and started to slowly run my hand up towards her womanhood. As I approached the object of my desires, I thought this is it, I am finally going to touch a girl down there for the first time. I expected Melissa to stop my hand's advance, but instead, she shifted scooted up to give me better access. I felt the soft material of her panties, and then a moment later it became even softer and warm from the slickness of her juices. I knew that girls got wet when they were turned on, but that didn't prepare me for how intensely arousing it was to experience it firsthand. Just a little further and the warmth and wetness increased as I found their source.

I pressed my finger up against her pussy, pushing my finger slightly into her pussy with just the thin layer of her panties preventing direct contact. Melissa moaned as I pressed my finger along her lips and slightly inside of her. As I touched her, she humped against my hand. The deeper my finger sunk in between her lips the more warmth and wetness I felt. I was overwhelmed by finally being able to do this, and then with a trembling hand, I slid my hand up to the hem of her panties and slipped my hand under it. I was surprised that even her pubic hair was soft as I pushed my hand down through it. I had a moment of fear as I couldn't find the opening to her pussy from this angle, but a little further and I felt the edge of her lips. When she rocked her hips, my finger slid along her opening and slipped halfway inside of her. I couldn't believe how warm and wet her pussy was. I paused sucking on her tit to take in the sensation. Melissa shivered at my touch and paused jerking me off.

I had been close to cumming so the pause was well-timed, I would have hated myself if I came so quickly the first time I was with a girl. Melissa started to hump against my finger. I held still as she inched her pussy up and down, her tight pussy gripping onto my finger as it slid in and out of her. She took my entire finger inside of her and then pushed harder, driving it as deep as possible. I started to press my finger in and rub along the soft walls of her pussy, trying to explore her as thoroughly as possible. As she lifted her hips up, I slid my finger out of her. When she humped back down, I pressed my finger back up, our opposite movements driving my finger all the way into her quickly.

Melissa's jerking me off got more erratic the harder I fingered her. What she was doing did feel good, but she had less of a set pattern to her stroke speed and how hard she gripped me so I couldn't get used to any one sensation. Sometimes she would get me really close to cumming, and other times she would be so distracted by me fingering her that she wouldn't do as well so it would give me a moment to cool down. I fingered her, the scent of Melissa's pussy started to permeate the air. At first, it was faint but wetter she got the more I could smell it. Her scent was intoxicating if it tasted half as good as it smelled then I would know what ambrosia tasted like. She trembled and let out a loud moan when I slipped a second finger into her. I was glad for the loud music downstairs to cover up how loud she was being. Melissa leaned forward and started to roughly kiss me as she gyrated her pussy up and down on my fingers. She humped so hard into my hand that it started to hurt to keep it in position, but I wasn't going to stop now. Her breathing and movements got even more erratic and she clutched at my dick as she jerked me off. Luckily for me, my precum lubed up her hand and while feeling a little rough, it also felt amazing. Her rough humping pressed the palm of my hand against the top of her pussy and I felt the little bump that I realized was her clit. Melissa shook at the contact so I continued to rub her clit while fingering her. Just when I was about to cum, she cried out "Oh fuck," and she started to shake on top of me as her orgasm rocked her body. I couldn't take my eyes off of her face contorted in pleasure and the way her tits jiggled back and forth. Melissa continued to jerk me off as her orgasm hit. Her fingers pressed along the sensitive underside of my cock; that combined with the sight in front of me was too much for me to handle and I started to cum all over her hand. Melissa slowly stopped humping my hand, and when her body relaxed, she collapsed on top of me.

We must have both been so tired after that and all the drinks we had because we fell asleep for 30 minutes. I woke up and we were hugging each other tightly. When Melissa started to stir, I woke her up further with a kiss.

"If only I could always wake up like that," she said. Melissa stretched and looked at her phone. "Come on, let's go back to my place," she said. We did our best to put our costumes back in order before we went downstairs. We ran into Hannah and she seemed to know what we had been up to from the look in her eyes.

Heather had offered for us to spend the night, but Melissa said that we could take a lyft home, but maybe some night in the future she said with a wink.

"Come on, let's go home," She said linking arms with me as we walked outside to our waiting lyft ride. Melissa couldn't take her hands off of me the whole car ride back to her house. I tried to hold back, but with how intensely we were making out and her hand pressing against my dick the whole time, I honestly didn't try too hard. When we made it back to her house I was fully hard and wanted nothing more than to explore my favorite teacher's body. I thanked the driver and said sorry for the P.D.A.

The driver said it was fine and how they have had to deal with worse. When she told me to have a Happy Halloween, it seemed like she knew what Melissa and I were about to do.

We held hands as we walked to her apartment. As she fumbled to get her keys out of her small clutch bag, I couldn't help myself and slid my hand under her skirt and grabbed her ass.

Melissa let out a little yelp. "Stop it, I am trying to focus," she said as she pulled her keys out. Rather than stop, I slid my hand down and pressed it against her pussy, feeling her warmth and wetness. She stopped fumbling with her keys and leaned against the door, pressing back against my hand. I knew we shouldn't be doing this in public, even if I was in a costume, it was still too risky, but after having a taste of the delights that Melissa and I could share in together, I couldn't control myself. I was done waiting. While I continued to rub her, I leaned forward and started sucking on her neck. She moaned and pressed back against me even more. I kissed my way up her neck, along her jawline, and then her lips. We made out for a time like this until we were both panting.

She broke the kiss and leaned back against me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the check. "So, are you going to let us in or what?" I asked her.

She turned and playfully hit me on the shoulder. "You were the one who distracted me," she said laughing. I let go of her and took a step back.

"There, now you are distraction-free," I said.

She unlocked the door and pulled me inside. "Come in you smart ass," she said. When we stepped inside, she threw herself back at me, pressing me against the door to close it as she kissed me fiercely. As we made out, she slipped her hand down inside of my pants and started to jerk me off. I was torn, I wanted to touch her all over at once and was so overwhelmed with the options before me. I wrapped an arm around her and started to squeeze her ass and rub her pussy with one hand, while with the other I pulled at the tied lace of her top. I pulled until it was loose enough to start to fall on its own. I admired how her tits were pushed up by her black lace bra and then slid a hand under it. I palmed her tit from that angle and started to play with it. Her nipple was hard the moment I first made contact with it. I had always enjoyed seeing bare-chested girls in porn, and the rare times of seeing a girl's nipple poking out of her shirt had always turned me on, but I had only ever attached a visual sensation to breasts since that was the only way that I had ever perceived them. There was no way for me to have known how satisfying it would be to finally feel how soft they were or the way her nipple was both soft yet firm as it poked into my hand.

Melissa moaned as I fondled her tit. I pulled my hand out from its awkward angle and then pulled her bra down and out of the way to finally free her tits. I paused and admired both of them. I reached for the breast that I had neglected before and played with it, enjoying the slight heft of it as I gently squeezed and lifted it. I ran my fingers around her stiff nipple and started to play with it. When I pulled on it she cried out. I leaned down and latched onto her nipple, sucking hard on it. Melissa inhaled sharply. I started to suck on them harder, enjoying the way her stiff nipple felt pressed against my tongue as I sucked hard on it.

Melissa gently pushed me away from her and held my hand. She led me to her bedroom, and guided me down onto the edge of the bed. She kissed me she slipped a hand down inside of my pants and started to jerk me off again. She stopped kissing me and straightened up, putting her breasts at eye level to me. She pressed her large breasts forward and shook them side to side. Her soft breasts brushed across my face with her stiff nipples tracing along my face. I timed it right and caught one her nipples in my mouth for a brief second as it passed by.

Melissa grabbed at the bottom of my shirt and started to take it off of me. As I was helping pull it passed my head, I felt the tickle of her fingers on my stomach as grabbed at the top of my pants. I was nervous and excited about being fully naked in front of a woman for the first time. I felt my cock spring free from my pants as she pulled them down. Melissa got down on her knees in front of the bed.

"It looks so good," she said as she held my erection gently at the base and looked up at me from past it.

"It does?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it is so big and hard in my hand," she gently stroked it, "But I wonder what it would be like," she paused, and then with each word leaned a little closer, "in my mouth." She said. Before I had a chance to respond she pressed her lips forward, gently enveloping the head of my cock inside of her mouth. I Inhaled in shock at how good it felt. She then swirled her tongue around the head of my cock, pressing it against my sensitive head, causing me to moan as I let go of my breath.

I watched in fascination as inch by inch my cock disappeared behind her soft lips as Melissa slowly took my seven inches into her mouth. She struggled for a moment to get the last of it inside and gagged a little before she relaxed her throat and took me the rest of the way in. I had never liked watching deep throating in porn, I always felt sorry for the girls, but the feeling and sight of it happening to me was more intense than I thought. Her mouth had already felt amazingly soft, moist, and warm, but when my cockhead entered into her throat all of those feelings were amplified even more.

Melissa froze there for almost a minute, and then she pulled back to catch her breath. She slid her lips all the way back just the tip of my head, caught her breath, and then took my whole cock back into her mouth in a couple of bobs. The next time she was able to take it fully in just one quick motion, my dick popping into her throat again but she didn't gag this time. She held it there for longer this time. Now that she had gotten a feel for my dick, she seemed a lot more confident as she increased the speed and suction as she blew me.

I wanted it to last forever, but fucking Melissa's mouth felt too good and I could feel my orgasm starting to build. I wanted to warn her, but I was struggling to find the words to say and the ability to speak from how good it was feeling. Right when I was about to open my mouth, Melissa started to massage my balls while she deep throated me again. I grunted my best warning to her, but she continued to blow me as my load shot into her mouth. Melissa let out a surprised "mumph," around my cock. The vibrations felt amazing. I became super sensitive as I came and felt it when she swallowed my load. It made me shudder in pleasure. To my surprise, Melissa continued to gently massage my balls and wrapped her lips around my head. She then jerked me off, maintaining upward pressure to milk all of my cum out of me. She made eye contact with me as she sucked hard on my dick one last time before pulling off of it with a pop sound.

I collapsed back onto the bed and held my head up with my arms folded underneath it as I stared up at the ceiling. I was in shock that I finally had my first blow job, and it was from my teacher. Melissa climbed up onto the bed beside me and held me, planting kisses on the top of my head and gently touching me.

"Sorry, I should have warned you when I was about to finish. It just felt too good."

"It's ok, so what did you think?" She asked.

"It was amazing, you were amazing. I never knew that anything could feel so good before," I said.

We lay there cuddling and caressing each other for a bit. As the minutes passed, I noticed how Melissa kept on kissing my neck and how her touches kept on straying closer to my dick. I traced around her breasts with a fingertip, working my way slowly inward and then started to lightly fondle her. She kissed her way up my neck and towards my lips. For a moment I was scared, I didn't want to taste myself on her tongue. I almost pulled away, but then fought through that feeling. I didn't want to shy away from our intimacy now and put a damper on what we were building towards. I kissed her passionately as I started to play with her nipples again. My fear had been for nothing, there was only a slight taste leftover in her mouth from my cum, but for the most part, I couldn't really taste it.

I started to kiss and suck on her neck as I trailed my hand down lower. I sucked hard at the nape of her neck and she shivered and moaned so I kept on doing it. I was afraid of leaving a hickey on her neck, but at the same time, the thought of leaving a love mark on Melissa and getting one from her intrigued me. I knew that we couldn't be public with our relationship, yet I still wanted some sort of reminder that tonight really happened.

Melissa's panties were damp from her arousal when I slipped my hand inside of them. I found her pussy easier this time and slipped a finger inside of her. I explored her pussy slowly and every now and then pulled my finger back out to rub her clit. While I played with her, she lightly jerked me off. At first, it just felt good like a massage, but the more I pleasured her and the more she touched me, the quicker I started to recover from my recent orgasm.

When I was almost fully hard Melissa whispered into my ear "I want you inside of me." I froze up, not believing what I was hearing.

"I want you too," I finally managed to say. Melissa scooted so that she was in the middle of the bed. She unzipped her skirt and took that and her top off so that she was just in her bra and panties. She lay there for a moment, letting me take in her beauty. What I wouldn't give to have a photographic memory and the ability to draw such beauty. She undid the clasp at the front of her bra, freeing her tits.

"Can you help me out?" she asked me. With trembling hands, I grabbed at the hem of her panties and started to pull them down. Melissa lifted up her ass to make it easier for me. The panties clung to her moist lips, holding back for a moment as I pulled them partially down her thighs before they finally pulled away from her pussy. From watching porn, I wasn't used to seeing much pubic hair, while her pubic hair wasn't unkempt, it was more than I was used to seeing. It was trimmed away from her pussy so that I could see it in all of its glory. Her pussy looked so tight, with just a slight amount of her pink lips visible. I finished pulling her panties free and set them at the end of the bed.

She spread her legs, her pussy opening up to give me even a better view. I was so close to losing my virginity, I wanted so badly to give it to Melissa, but as I looked at her pussy, I had one more moment of curiosity I wanted to quench before moving on to the main thing.

Melissa seemed confused when I started to lay down in front of her. I lowered my mouth to her pussy and stopped just a few inches from it and inhaled. Her pussy smelled so strong, but in such a good way, like the sweet and slightly musty aroma of a garden of flowers. "What are you doing?" Melissa asked.

I answered her by sliding my tongue along her lips. Melissa moaned at the contact. My first lick had been hesitant, but once I realized that she tasted even better then she smelled I started to lick harder. As I licked along her inner lips her wetness and taste increased. I loved the way her inner lips felt under my tongue; I couldn't get enough of their silky smoothness. It reminded me of how good her mouth felt wrapped around my cock, but I knew that this would feel even better. I pressed my mouth against her pussy and pressed my tongue in as deep as it would go and licked along the top of her pussy. Melissa grabbed roughly at my hair and moaned. I pressed forward so that I couldn't breathe and licked as hard as I could. The more I licked the more of her juices came out and I was addicted, if I could have stayed there forever, I would have, but after a minute I had to pull back to catch my breath.

I saw at the top of her pussy the little change in her pussy lips that allowed me to just barely make out the pearl-like shape of her clit. I licked it and her entire body spasmed. I kept on doing it, causing her to continuously shake. As I licked her clit, she rocked her hips in time with my tongue to increase how hard my tongue pressed against her clit. Her breathing became increasingly ragged and her moaning drove me to keep on licking harder. As she humped and gyrated her pussy into my face, she also used her handhold in my hair to hold my face against her. I switched between licking her clit and driving my tongue inside of her. Melissa humped even harder against my face as her moaning seemed to be reaching its crescendo. My tongue was getting sore but I pressed on. "Oh, Justin yes, keep on licking me, don't stop!" I licked as hard as I could and was about to have to stop when she let out the loudest moan yet and started to roughly hump against my face. Every time I licked her clit it caused her to shake all over again. She squeezed her thighs around my face as she tensed up.

As Melissa started to calm down, she pulled me away from her pussy and up on top of her. I was surprised when she kissed me deeply, her tongue entwined with mine. She then kissed around my mouth and sucked on my lips, lapping up every trace of her juices. The passionate kisses gave way to cute and intimate ones as Melissa's orgasm ended. She looked up at me with a smile on her face and her eyes were full of happiness.

"What?" I asked, smiling back.

"That was the first time anyone has ever done that for me. I haven't had a lot of boyfriends and... while they never really seemed to care about satisfying me," she said.

"While they were missing out. I loved doing it for you, you taste amazing," I said. Melissa started to kiss me again. While we gently made out, she fondled my dick and kept me hard. After about ten minutes of this, she started to jerk me off more seriously and her kisses became deeper.

Melissa stopped jerking me off and positioned the tip of my dick at her entrance. Even this tiny amount of contact made my cock twitched with excitement. Melissa sucked on my neck and made her way up to my earlobe. When she was done nibbling on it, she said huskily in my ear "I want you inside of me, but wait." Melissa reached into her nightstand table and brought out a small unopened pack of condoms. She opened the box and ripped one free from rest. She used her teeth to rip open the condom and then reached down between us and started to roll it down my shaft. I wished that she hadn't pulled out a condom, I wanted to lose my virginity with full contact between us, but I was thinking enough with my actual head that I knew we needed to be careful.

Her pussy wrapped around my cock as I pushed forward. The condom reduced what I was feeling, but was thin enough to where I could feel most of the sensations, especially her warmth and tightness. I bottomed out inside of her. I looked down, still in disbelief that this was really happening. I pulled out till just the tip was inside of her and then fully thrust inside of her. I kept on doing this, slowly increasing my speed. Every time I pulled out her pussy seemed to grip my erection, adding to the friction as I pulled out.

I was glad that I had already come earlier, otherwise, I would have cum inside of Melissa's tight pussy after a few strokes. It was awkward at first thrusting into her, but she guided me by grabbing my ass and pushing me in and out of her. As I started to build up speed and get into a rhythm, I started to feel my orgasm building. I did my best to try and slow it down, but everything about this moment was turning me on so much. While I knew that the condom was reducing the pleasure I was feeling, I was also glad for it because it was helping me last longer. I seemed to stay at that starting point where my orgasm was building, but it was advancing slowly from there.

At first, Melissa rocked her hips slightly as I thrust inside of her, but as I sped up my thrusts, she started to hump harder against me. I loved the way she moved her body in time with mine, the way when our bodies would collide her tits would bounce, and the sound of our bodies pressing together.

She clutched at my ass as I pounded inside of her. Her nails dug into my skin but the pain also felt good somehow. With each thrust, Melissa humped roughly up against me and pulled me into her so that I was going as deep as possible into her. She started to moan with every exhale as her breathing became shallow. She humped up against me, but this time instead of pulling back she started to rock her body with me inside of her doing short thrusts. Melissa squeezed me into her and took over thrusting up against me, her lithe body rippling as she expertly fucked me. Melissa let out a cry and she started spasming. I was close to cumming but I wasn't sure if she was having her orgasm yet and I don't want to finish early. "Are you...?" I started to ask and then grunted when one of her thrusts nearly made me cum."Yes," she moaned. The next thrust pushed me over the edge. We continued to make love as we finished, trying to enjoy every dose of pleasure that we could as our orgasms washed over us. We collapsed into bed together with me still inside of her. I started to pull out of her when she said, "wait, stay inside of me." I wasn't going to argue with that so I lay against her as my dick slowly went limp and then slipped out of her.

We stared into each other's eyes and then Melissa kissed me deeply. She turned off the lamp and then pressed her naked body against me. I held her and in just a couple of minutes, I could tell from her breathing that she was asleep. My body didn't know how what to do as I was full of adrenaline from my first-time having sex but also the drowsy euphoria of an incredible orgasm. I lay there, half awake and half asleep as I thought about how my fantasy of nearly four years had finally come true.