Let me begin by telling you, that, regardless what others might say, our family sticks together like glue.

We've proven it time and time again, getting through anything life would throw at us together. However, last Christmas, our family was put to its toughest test ever. We nearly didn't make it this time, had it not been for the intervention of an outsider. But let me tell the whole story from the beginning.

Our family was Mom, my older sister Bobbie - Roberta, as Mom used to call her when she was really angry - and I, Fred, short for Frederick.

Mom and our father got married in Vegas when they were still in their teens, partially, because he got Mom pregnant with my sister when they were only 18, partially, because, after the row Mom had with my grandparents about keeping the baby, all she wanted was a life of her own, a family of her own, and enough money to get by.

Little did she realise then, that she wouldn't get that by running off with the first man she could think of.

Our father left us three months after I was born. I don't know an awful lot about him. I don't even know his name. Mom only called him "the coward". Obviously, taking responsibility for his family had not been his thing.

He decided to abandon us for what he thought would be a happier life, and by the time her 21st birthday came around, Mom was on her own again, well, almost. She had my nearly three-year (two years and seven months to be exact) old sister to take care of, and also me, a new born baby of three months.

After our father was gone, my mother pledged to my sister and me that - come what may - she would never allow the tree of us to get pulled apart, or even worse, separated.

Mom did a great job keeping her little family together and raising us kids, while keeping a full-time job as an office administrator in a local law firm and, on occasion, when money was particularly tight, as a night-time attendant at the local gas station.

We were bright kids, and Bobbie and I finished High School with ease. Bobbie even made valedictorian.

Mom managed to get us through college, too. Sure, both of us took on summer jobs to help with the expenses, and our college loans are hefty, but both of us made it through, well, almost.

Bobbie graduated last fall with a MSc in Industrial Engineering, and she is now working at a large factory, developing and improving production processes. She's doing well. In the year she has been working there, she has been promoted once already.

I, on the contrary, am still in college. Chemistry. Second-time Junior, to be precise. Yup, I flunked most of my classes last year and am on repeat this year. It had been that or drop out, but I'm not a quitter.

To make up for some of the damage the repeat year would do, I took on a part-time job as a Pharmacy Technician in our local pharmacy to help pay for tuition and give Mom a little bit of extra space by contributing my share to utilities and food. I even went through the hassle of getting certified, and am now the proud owner of the letters PTCB CPhT behind my name.

As far as our love lives go, I, for once, never had a serious girlfriend. Sure, I've had my share of flings, but I have never been ready to commit and usually ended things after a couple of months.

After my difficulties in college began last year, I vowed to stay celibate and focus on studying, and so I haven't gotten any for the best part of this year. In fact, the last time I had sex was on New Year's Day, when I woke up next to this pretty little freshman girl I had met at a party the night before. To be honest, I don't even remember her name.

The lack of sex left me horny as f*** most of the time. I had resorted to frequent masturbation to fight the hormones, but the effect of this strategy was limited at best. For the past couple of months, I found myself lusting after every female that crossed my path, regardless of age or appearance.

I don't think Bobbie ever had a serious relationship, either. I don't even know if she ever had a boyfriend. At least, she never introduced me or Mom to a guy, or brought one home. In fact, I'm not even sure if she ever had sex.

In school she was always hanging out with her books, and now that she had a job she spent all the time she had on her work. I don't believe she even thought of dating anyone.

Mom never brought anyone home since dad left us, either. I'm sure she was looking, as she would go out on occasion, and at times the babysitter stayed all night, but there had not been a regular guy in her life for the past 19 years.

For a while, Bobbie and I thought, more hoped, actually, she might have the hots for her boss, a filthy rich, single lawyer, but, unfortunately, that never played out.

With Bobbie working long hours and me trying to organize the repeat year in college, studying for the CPhT exams and taking on a job, we didn't have much time together as a family, especially, since Bobbie got her own place in town when she started work. She only drops by on weekends and holidays, so it's only Mom and I at home now for most of the time.

To make a long story short, we were all looking forward to the holidays this year. Some quality family time. Just the three of us. I for one was particularly looking to have Bobbie back in the house. It felt awfully empty without having her around.


At the Thanksgiving dinner table, Bobbie announced, "I've three weeks off around Christmas, guys. I'll be home from the week before Christmas, and I don't have to go back to work until January. Isn't this exciting?"

Of course, this was exciting news, especially, since I would be home during most of that time, too.

The week before Christmas was study week without any lectures. We were meant to catch up on stuff we missed during the year, and I, being there the second time around, had not much to catch up on.

After that, it was Christmas break, and the Pharmacy would run a reduced staff after the holidays. They had asked me and another part-timer to stay at home and enjoy the time off.

Mom would have to work, but that wasn't really a big deal, since she had gone part-time, too, after Bobbie had left the house. One less head to feed meant less money needed, and the two days a week she worked made her enough money to pay for her own expenses.

Having the family together again would be a welcome change to our new routine.

"I want the house decorated, though," Bobbie announced. "Proper Christmas decorations, like in the old days, when we were kids."

We put up a tree every year, but as we all grew older, decorating the house had fallen by the wayside. We simply hadn't bothered getting the boxes with garlands, lights and the little figurines down from the attic and clean and decorate the house any more.

"That's a great idea, Bobbie. We'll clean the house and bring all the old decorations out again. I have missed them over the years. When should we do it, kids?"

Mom and my sister were getting excited. I had always suspected Mom to be a bit of a Christmas-fanatic, who had missed the seasonal cheer, as our family had slowly let it slip over the years.

"Let's do it this weekend," I suggested. We're all here, anyways. I don't suppose you're going to have to go to work tomorrow, Bobbie? I'll get the boxes down from the attic, and we can spend Saturday and Sunday putting the decorations up, just like we did in the good old days."

"I'll make some mulled wine tomorrow evening, and we'll get some cookies from the store, too. That'll get us into the proper Christmas spirit," Mom suggested ecstatically.

Bobbie and I didn't have any objections, and so it was settled. Christmas decorations were going up this weekend.


I was still half asleep, when my sister stormed into my room the next morning. She was in her PJs, and was excited like a child.

"Wake up, Fred! Wake up!"

She pulled the blanket off me. She hadn't done this since we were children. Trying to hold on to the warm and cozy throw, I grabbed the next best thing I could reach, and...

"Fuck! What are you doing, Fred," my sister shouted at me, just before I felt her body fall on top of mine. In my attempt to grab the blanket, I must have pulled my sister's PJs, and she lost her balance and fell down on top of me.

Feeling her body on top of mine was strange, but not unpleasant, especially a little bit further "down below", where her belly pressed my morning erection firmly against my own stomach.

I opened my eyes just in time to see her jump off the bed and fix her PJ top, catching a glimpse of her plump, large boobs, as she hurriedly stuffed them back into her top. Her face was deep red, her breathing a little labored.

I laughed at the sight.

"Good morning to you, too, Sis, and sorry for toppling you over. That's what you get for trying to steal my blanket!"

Bobbie didn't answer immediately. She looked quite openly at my morning wood, as if she had never seen a hard cock before.

"It snowed overnight, Fred. Look. Just in time for us decorating the house for Christmas," my sister said, when she had found her composure again.

I got up and walked up to the window. Bobbie was right. The whole area was covered in a blanket of fresh, white snow.

"Build a snowman?"

"Hell, yeah," my sister answered, excited like a little girl again. "I'll get the hat. There must be an old cap in the box down in the hallway, and I'll look for a carrot for the nose, too. I'm sure there's one left over from yesterday."

"And I go look for some pieces of coal in the shed." My sister's excitement was contagious.

My sister left. I went to brush my teeth, threw on some clothes and went outside.


The moment I stepped outside the door, a snowball only narrowly missed my head. I wondered where it came from and who had thrown it, when two more balls hit me in the chest and scattered their payload all over me. I was covered head to toe in snow.

I heard excited laughter.

"Mom! Bobbie!"

I only spotted them from the corner of my eye. Bobbie must have been quicker than me and got outside first.

Mom held another ball, ready to throw, and here it came. It hit my hips, and added to the massive amount of snow that covered most of my body already.

"You're slow this morning, Fred," she laughed. "It's three to nothing for Bobbie and me!" I went down the few steps outside the door, and bent down to make a snow ball of my own, when Bobbie's ball hit me straight on the ass.

"Oops! Sorry, Fred," my sister shouted.

"Never mind, Bobbie! Take this!"

I threw my ball in the vague direction of where she stood, and heard a high-pitched squeal.

"Fred! You dirty... That one went straight down my jacket! Now I'm all wet and cold inside!"

Bobbie went back inside to change. Mom and I started building our snowman.

"I'm really glad you're both here this weekend, Fred," she said as we were rolling the big ball that would be the base of the snowman. "I've missed the action in the house since Bobbie's moved out and you have the job in the Pharmacy."

"I'm glad we're all together, too, Mom. I miss having her around, too. It's true what Bobbie said. It is a little bit like in the old days, when we were younger."

It was true. Ever since my sister moved out, the house was empty and eerily quiet at times.

Bobbie joined us again, just as we were getting ready to dress the snowman.

"What took you so long, Sis?"

"I had to shower and change after you drowned me in snow, Fred. And then I had to blow-dry my hair and put some make-up on to get ready for the day. I see the snowman is coming on nicely."

"It is, we're nearly done, Bobbie. It's just the cap and the carrot and some pieces of coal for teeth..."

"...and this." Bobbie had made two large globes of snow, and pressed them against the snowman's chest. "Now she has boobs," Bobbie laughed. "I've always wanted to make a snow-woman."

"Leave off the cap. I think I have an old beanie somewhere in the house." Mom went inside to look for the hat.

"A snow-woman, Bobbie? What brought that one on?"

"I've always wondered why people only made snow-men. I like our snow-woman."

"So do I." Mom had returned with the woolly hat and pulled it over the snow-woman's head. "She's beautiful. Just like my daughter!"

She gave Bobbie a long hug.

"I'm glad you're here, Bobbie."

"I'm happy to be with you, too."

"Breakfast anyone?"

All three of us were hungry, and I was starting to get a bit cold, now, that most of the snow had thawed and saturated my clothes.

"I'll hit the shower. Meet you in the kitchen in fifteen! Bacon and eggs for me, please, Mom."


I went upstairs. When I entered the bathroom, I was greeted by the light floral smell of my sister's shampoo. I'd never noticed it before, but this morning, when she lay on top of me, I had gotten a whiff of it from her hair.

Smelling my sister's scent was strangely exciting, especially, after seeing her boobs this morning and having my dick squashed beneath her belly.

I undressed quickly and stepped in the shower. The water was still warm from my sister's shower earlier, so I didn't have to wait. As the warm water ran down my back, images of my naked sister started appearing in front of my closed eyes.

I've often fantasized about my sister. Vividly, to say the least. Imagining her big tits usually got me off. That was even without having seen them for real.

This morning, Bobbie hadn't worn a bra, and the full, heavy orbs of her ample breasts had bounced freely off her chest. Although she was quick to grab each of them and stuff them back into her PJ top, I was still able to catch a decent glimpse of them, and of her nipples, too.

Her areolas were dark and fantastically large, about the size of a silver dollar, if you know what I mean. They easily covered 2/3rds of the front of her breasts. I could see her nipples clearly through the fabric of her top, too, and because they were sticking out, I was sure they were hard.

Remembering this morning, Fred Jr., as I affectionately called my dick, grew, and I began stroking him, slowly, with firm, even pressure, back and forth. When I was fully hard, I took a little bit of my sister's shampoo in the palm of my hands and squeezed my hard rod with my soapy palm, continuing to jerk off.

'Now I'm all wet and cold inside!' My sister's words rang back in my ears. Hell, yeah! She had probably been wet and hot inside all morning, after staring at my cock! And how she had looked at it! Had she never seen a hard dick before? My horny mind went into overdrive.

Playing along to the images in my head, my hand went back and forth quickly along my cock, the soapy lather from my sister's shampoo providing ample lubrication.

'Suck it, Sis', my fantasy took over. 'Suck my cock, yeah, put it deep inside your mouth.' My hand was following the image in my head and I was now gently but firmly massaging the plump head of my cock.

'Show me your cunt, Bobbie! Oh yes, let me see! Is it nice and wet for me?'

Images of an imaginary red and very wet pussy appeared in front of me. I licked my lips, just like I would have liked to lick her pussy.

I stroked faster, faster, faster...

My hips jerked violently when I came, and my cum shot across the shower stall, hitting the glass partition. The white goo stuck to it for a second before running down slowly. I washed it off with water.

Wow! I needed a moment to recover. I couldn't remember when I had shot my load this far.

I finished the shower, got dressed and made it down to the kitchen just in time for a delicious plate of hot bacon and eggs.


"You timed that one well, Fred. Food is ready," Mom said and placed the plate with the steaming food in front of me.

"I'll run to the store after we're done here, kids, get the wine and the cookies. Any special requests?"

Bobbie wanted her favorites: Pecan, Maple and Cinnamon. I didn't care. As long as they were sweet, they'd be OK for me.

"Surprise me, Mom. I don't care."

"Wanna come up to the attic with me to get the boxes, Sis," I asked jokingly. To my astonishment, my sister agreed.

"I'll help you get them down, Fred. No problem. I'll go up there and hand them down to you. That way you won't have to carry them down the ladder."

"Ok, Bobbie, I'll go up with you first and we'll carry them to the hatch together, though. No need for you putting your back out up there."

After Mom left for the store, I opened the hatch to the attic and pulled down the ladder. It was time to get the boxes down.

I graciously let Bobbie climb up first.

"I'll catch you when you fall, Sis!"

I went up immediately after her, my nose almost touching her butt. This was the real reason I wanted to go second. I'd have the most magnificent view of her very well-defined and very womanly ass. Perverted, right? But it got even better!

When she lifted her knee to climb up into the attic, for a second, I had a perfect view of my sister's crotch, and I imagined what her pussy might look like underneath her jeans. This would become another one of my fantasies. I was sure about that.

It didn't take us long to find the boxes with the Christmas decorations. They were in the exact spot where I had left them the last time we had used them. We dragged them to the hatch, and Bobbie handed the boxes down to me, one by one.

I caught myself staring up at her a couple of times as she was bending down, hoping to catch another glimpse of her ample cleavage, but no luck. Her bra was holding the two globes on her chest firmly together.

When all the boxes were down, Bobbie looked at me and smiled her kind and loving smile. I liked that smile. It always made me feel good.

"Thanks, Bobbie. That was great, doing it together like this!" I said, maybe a little too euphoric.

Whoa! I hadn't meant for this to come out like that.

"Eh, getting the boxes down, I mean. So much quicker than me trying to drag them down all by myself," I added, blushing. I was sure my face was fiery-red.

"You're welcome, Fred." Was I going crazy, or had my sister just winked at me?

"I'll get a cloth. The boxes are filthy." Bobbie disappeared in the kitchen.

By the time we had the boxes cleaned off, Mom was back from the store, and it didn't take long before the smell of mulled wine and cookies filled the house. Mom had a habit of warming store-bought cookies in the oven.

"They taste so much nicer when they're warm," she always said.

When the mulled wine was ready, I had a roaring fire going in the fireplace in the living room. We hardly ever used it, but today it seemed like the right thing to do. The snow outside, the smell of cinnamon and punch in the house, all this was crying out for the warmth of a fire.

While I was getting the fire ready, Bobbie had pulled the first of many garlands out of one of the boxes and draped it along the mantle. With the fire roaring in the hearth and the garland with its red and golden baubles and bows reflecting the shine of the fire, the room was beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Mom's eyes lit up when she saw what we had done to the room.

"What a wonderful idea to decorate the house, Bobbie. I missed this Christmas spirit the last few years. The room looks so cozy with the fire and the green around the mantle!"

We were on our second glass of wine, and the world was starting to look a little bit nicer than normal.

"Wait until tomorrow, Mom, when the tree is up and we have all the other decorations up as well. You won't know the place," Bobbie said, slightly slurring her speech from the wine.

"I can't wait children." She gave each of us a long hug. "I'm glad I have you. I wouldn't know where I'd be without you!"

Mom had always been an emotional person and it didn't surprise me to see her eyes well up a little as she first hugged Bobbie, then me.What did surprise me, though, was that the hugs she gave us were strangely clingy today. Maybe it was just the wine. Usually she'd squeeze us really hard and let go again, but not today. It was almost as if she was trying to hang on to us for something.

"Love you, too, Mom," I said quickly, trying to break the hug that was starting to feel more like an embrace, and gave her a quick peck on her cheek, but she pulled me close again. It felt strange to embrace my mother like this, or better, be embraced. I couldn't remember when I had last been held like this.

"Put on some music, Fred," Bobbie rescued me with her request, and Mom finally let me go.

I found a Christmas Rock CD with all the old Christmas ballads on it, you know, the likes of 'Happy Christmas (War is over)' by John Lennon, or 'Jingle Bells Rock' by Bobby Helms. All the old favorites, anyways, and, of course, not to be forgotten, USA for Africa's 'We are the world'...

I put it on. It nicely fit the somewhat sentimental atmosphere among the three of us, as we snuggled up in our chairs, enjoying each other's company.

We went to bed much earlier than normal that night, a little 'under the influence', maybe, but nicely relaxed and in a strangely festive mood.


That night I had the most amazing dream.

Bobbie and I were sleeping in the same bed for some reason that wasn't really important.

We started fooling around, like siblings would do, teasing and tickling each other, mock-fighting, and Bobbie ended up sitting on my lap, trying to pin my arms down on the bed with her hands.

In my dream her tits were even bigger than they were in real life, and they were dangling in front of my face, held back just by the flimsy fabric of her tiny top. Her crotch was firmly pressing onto my dick, rubbing back and forth ever so slightly, as she was struggling to hold my arms down. I was hard, and my dick felt as if it wanted to squirt any second.

"Fred! Oh my gosh!"

Bobbie's shrill voice rudely interrupted my sweet dreams.

I opened my eyes and saw my sister standing at my bedside, still holding on to the covers she had just pulled off me. She was staring at my midriff, a flustered look on her face.

"Whassup, Sis," I asked, still sleepy and very much involved in the hot action I had been getting in my dream just seconds before.

"Your dick is hard again," she said, almost whispering, as if she didn't want me to hear.

That wasn't really any news to me. Not after the dream I just had, and anyways, I had a hard-on every morning. Fred Jr. was working just fine, thank you very much. No complaints in that department.

This morning, however, Fred Jr. had decided to make an in-person appearance. He had freed himself from my PJ pants and was sticking out through the fly, standing up straight from my body, in all his naked glory.

I don't know why I said what I said next. It wasn't really appropriate, and it wasn't really any of my sister's business, either.

"It's hard like this every morning, Sis."

My sister didn't answer. She kept staring, though, and I was way to sleepy to realize I should probably have covered up.

"Time to get up, Fred," my sister said factually after a couple of seconds silence. "Mom's got breakfast ready. Time to put the decorations up."

She turned around and left the room. I looked after her. Did I see her hips sway a little more than usual?

'Wow, she has a nice ass.' I couldn't help noticing.

Needless to say, this morning's events called for another good session in the shower. It went just like yesterday's. The thoughts of my sister's hot body that had gone around my head for the past two days or so did their magic again, and when it was time, Fred Jr. unloaded forcefully again. This time, my spunk hit the tiles.

Breakfast was a little awkward this morning. Bobbie had a hard time looking at me, and I didn't feel overly comfortable around her, either.

When Mom left to clean up after breakfast, I said, "I'm sorry, Bobbie. I should have covered up this morning."

"Is it really like that every day, Fred," Bobbie asked instead of answering me. She blushed slightly.

"Yeah, but why do you want to know?"

"Oh, nothing. Just curious."

"You shouldn't have seen it, Sis. I'm sorry," I said, thinking 'that's what you get from pulling the covers off a sleeping man.'

Bobbie didn't respond. Did I see her licking her lips?

"A penny for your thoughts, Sis," I said after a moment of silence.

"Nothing, Fred, going to take my shower now."

She ruffled my hair when she walked past me. She hadn't done that in years.

We spent the day getting the house ready for Christmas.

Bobbie and Mom got excited every time they pulled a decoration out of one of the boxes. It was my job to climb up and down the ladder, making sure everything that needed to be fixed was fixed properly.

By the time it got dark outside, around 4pm, we had most of the work done. The house was clean, and the decorations really made a difference. Little Santas, Elves and snowmen (yes, they were snow-men) were placed on every ledge around the house, alongside their tools or other relevant artefacts. We even had a tiny wintery village set up in the living room.

The ceiling lights were reflected over and over in the many baubles we had placed around the house, and together with the green and red from the garlands that were draped around the handrail of the staircase they really did give the house a festive look.

There was one important thing still to go up, yet. The tree. Putting up the tree had always been a big deal in our house, and it was very important this year, too.

It had its dedicated place, in the corner between the fireplace and the window. While I set up the tree, Mom and Bobbie went off to the kitchen to get some more mulled wine and cookies ready.

When the tree was up and decorated, I gathered all the empty boxes and was ready to put them back in the attic, when one last decoration fell out of one of them: a mistletoe. Green plastic twigs with little white balls on them.

Although it didn't look like much, the mistletoe had always been a special decoration, its traditional place being right over the living room door.

I placed the decoration on the coffee table while I was moving the empty boxes into the hallway. When I came back to the living room, Mom and Bobbie had found the mistletoe.

"Put it up where it belongs, Fred. Maybe this year, I'll get kissed..."

"...by a dark and handsome man. Mom, we know," Bobbie and I said nearly in unison, with drawn out voices. We were both tired of this story. It had been the same for the past 19 years, and never once had it come true.

I got the ladder and placed the decoration exactly in the center above the living room door. You never knew. We might even get an attractive female visitor this year. One that I could kiss...

"Sit down, Fred, and have some wine."

Mom placed a steaming mug of mulled wine on the coffee table for me.

Bobbie started the CD again, and soon, we were all in a festive mood.

"Care to dance, Madam," I asked Mom playfully, and held out my hand, as Cliff Richard began singing about 'Christmas Time'.

"I'd love to," she answered, and took the hand I had offered her gallantly, pulling me close. I hadn't expected this.

Mom wrapped her arms around my neck, and swayed her hips to the slow beats of the song from the CD.

I didn't know where to put my hands. Any place that was available seemed inappropriate, and I finally decided to hold mom by her hips. Holding my mom like that felt a little strange.

"You didn't think your old mother would enjoy a slow dance, did you, Fred", Mom said quietly as our bodies moved to the slow music.

We had only just found our rhythm, when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. It was Bobbie, who obviously wanted to be part of this, too.

"Can I take over, Mom? I want to dance with Fred, too."

Mom let go of me, and Bobbie took over her place. I put my hands on her hips, just as I had done with Mom. Bobbie pulled me close and buried her face deep into my neck. I put my arms around her and joined my hands behind her back.

Mom was ready to go to bed.

"Good night, Kids. don't stay up too late."

I was enjoying the dance. Bobbie's hot breath against my skin, her hands around my neck, her hips, her belly rubbing against me, my hands holding her...

I closed my eyes and was instantly brought back to my Freshman year in college. Homecoming dance. I had taken Millie Piatkowski, my then girlfriend, and we had danced just like I danced with my sister now.

While we were dancing, my hands had dropped onto her ass, and Millie had nuzzled the skin of my neck with her full, sensuous lips, drawing little circles with the tip of her tongue. I had gotten hard, and Millie had suggested we should go somewhere a bit more private after the song was finished.

We had headed off behind the hall. Initially, we only held hands and kissed. Then we kissed some more, and Millie moved onto my lap, reached underneath her skirt and opened my fly. I slid into her like a hot knife through butter. Millie rocked her hips slowly but steadily, fucking me gently while we were kissing.

As Bobbie and I danced, my hands dropped onto my sister's ass, too. I felt her firm cheeks rolling underneath my fingers as she moved her hips to the slow beat of the music, and I gently squeezed her firm globes, while I remembered the feeling of Millie's hot cunt on my cock that night in September.

Fred Jr. started to show his appreciation, too, and I couldn't stop him.

This was crazy. I was dancing with my sister and images of fucking Millie Piatkowski were playing inside my head. It had been amazing, although it ended a little bit too abruptly. I remember I came too soon and squirted my jizz deep inside Millie's cunt. Millie hadn't been impressed at all. We had a couple of weeks of uncertainty, and she ended our relationship soon after she got her period. This had been somewhat of a traumatic experience.

Tonight, this didn't bother me in the slightest. My sister and I were dancing, holding on to each other, molding our bodies into each other. I enjoyed the feeling of holding a female body tightly, even if it belonged to my sister.

It didn't take long, and Fred Jr. was at full mast, pressing firmly against my sister's belly. This was a little awkward. I didn't mean for it to happen. I moved my hands off my sister's ass and onto her lower back. At least I didn't want to be groping her ass while my hard-on was pressing against her.

Bobbie briefly released my neck, grabbed my hands and put them back to where they had been before.

She whispered, "That's better, Fred," and started rolling her hips again, pressing her body a little harder against mine this time.

Chris Rea had long stopped singing. It was Bing Crosby's turn, trying to convince us that the only good Christmas was a white Christmas.

We didn't care about the songs. Bobbie and I were dancing.

We were alone. Holding on to each other. Grinding our bodies against each other. I was enjoying every second of it. I didn't care about my dick being hard any more.

When the CD was finished, Bobbie let go of me and said, "Thanks, Fred. I needed that. Good night, little brother." She looked me deep in the eyes, and left me standing alone in the living room. She hadn't called me 'little brother' in years.


We didn't see each other again, until Bobbie came home for the holidays.

"I've got a good bit of shopping still to do this week, guys. I was way too busy at work these past few days, but we were trying to get our last project finished before we closed off for the year. How's everybody else doing? Are you all set, Mom, Fred," a high-spirited Bobbie asked as we were enjoying our Saturday brunch at the beginning of the Christmas holidays.

"I'm all set," Mom answered first. "I don't have all that much shopping to do any more. I only needed one for you, Bobbie, and one for Fred, that's it, really. Oh, and we have a Secret Santa at work, so I had to get a little something for that, too. I drew Harold this year. Wasn't all that easy to find something little for him. The man seems to have everything."

Harold was Mom's boss, Harold Manssion, Manssion with double 's', of Manssion & Manssion, one of the best law firms in our town. The one Mom worked for, obviously.

Harold was also one of the town's most eligible bachelors, and I had often fantasized what it would be like to have him as my dad. I certainly would have loved to live in his place, a very respectable (pun intended) mansion in one of the best and most expensive neighborhoods.

One year he held the firm's annual BBQ at his place, and we all got a glimpse of what it could be like to be part of his family. For months after this I pestered Mom to try and snatch him up, but she had never really shown any interest, and so, over time, I let go of the topic.

"What did you get him, Mom," I asked. My curiosity had been awoken. Would her choice of gift give anything away? Was she... or wasn't she interested in her boss?

"Yes, Mom, what did you get him," Bobbie pitched in. It seemed we were both thinking the same.

"I don't know kids. What does it matter?" Mom seemed a little bit flustered by our request.

"Well, Mom...," Bobbie and I responded, almost at the same time.

"I got him a silver letter opener, if you must know. I saw it in an antiques shop the other day and it was just about in the price range we had agreed to spend. Well, almost. It was just a little over budget, I guess." She blushed again.

Harold was a little bit old-fashioned, not backwards, just conscious of tradition. I was sure he would cherish the gift Mom had chosen for him. It looked as if she had spent time finding something that was appropriate, rather going for the 'embarrass the boss and see where it leaves you' approach many employees in her situation would have taken. I was sure Harold's basement cupboard was full of mugs that read 'World's best lawyer' and 'Best boss'.

"I still have all my shopping to do," I admitted cheerfully. "Bobbie, if you like we can go to the mall together on Monday and see what we can get for each other."

"I'll give you a ride, Fred, if that is what you want, but I'm not taking you along on my Christmas shopping." Bobbie was adamant. I was ready to settle for the ride.

"OK, then. Deal. You give me a ride and I'll leave you alone, Sis."

The rest of the weekend was uneventful. We all needed to catch up on sleep and rest, and the whole family spent Sunday doing nothing, each of us in our own rooms, very happy to be left to our own devices.

On Monday morning I was awoken once again by an impatient Bobbie. She seemed to make a habit of running into my room and pulling the covers off me to wake me up when she had plans and thought I needed to be part of them, like today, when I was supposed to get a ride to the mall with her. But maybe she just wanted to see my hard cock again.

If she did, she was disappointed this morning. I lay on my side, my back facing into the room when the covers came off. Don't get me wrong, Fred Jr. was hard as always, but I was carrying concealed, if you know what I mean. I carefully tucked the big boy away and slowly turned over.

"A very good morning to you, too, Sis," I remarked sarcastically. "Thanks for waking me up. what time is it?"

"It's almost nine, Fred. I'm ready to go to the mall. I reckon we should go early, or the place will be black with people. Hurry and get up, sleepy head!"

Great! I'm on holidays, and my sister is waking me up at silly o'clock to go shopping, but hey! It was Christmas (almost), and now that I was awake anyways, there was nothing stopping me from having a shower and getting my breakfast in.

"I'll jump into the shower, Bobbie. Do you want to make us breakfast?"

"I've had mine already, Fred. I really want to get going. I'm afraid, coffee and cereal will have to make do this morning, little brother."

OK. I got it. I'd get something to eat at the mall. We'd be there early enough anyways.

"I'll be quick, big Sis. A shower will do me. I'll get breakfast at the mall."

When we were sitting in the car, driving to the mall, Bobbie asked out of the blue, "Do you think, Mom has a thing for Harold, Fred?"

"What? A thing? What does that even mean, Bobbie? Are you asking me if I think they are fucking?"

"Stop it, Fred! I wouldn't care if they did, but I'm sure they don't. Do you think she's attracted to him, though?"

"She put a lot of thought into his Secret Santa gift, that's for sure. Maybe she is. Wouldn't be the worst that could happen."

"I think they've been prancing around each other for years. Do you remember the summer we all went over to his house? He was literally all over her that afternoon."

I didn't remember that. I was probably too young to notice. All I had eyes for that afternoon was the incredible basketball court he had behind his house. A couple of other kids and I had taken full advantage of it all afternoon.

"She never went for him, though. I tried to convince her to go out on a date with him for ages, but she never did. Do you really thing she is falling for him now?"

"I don't know. She's been different lately."

"She has been acting strangely, Bobbie, you're right. The other day in the kitchen when I rescued a stack of plates, she kissed me. She's never done that before, not since I was ten or so, at least. And do you remember when she danced with me that night, before we put up the decorations? She rubbed herself against me all the time. I was hardly able to think straight. That is strange."

"I think she's horny, Fred, don't you? She needs to get laid. Big time. And what do you think is bringing it on? Right - her being around Harold all day! That's what's making her horny."

Why was my sister so concerned about Mom's sex life? As far as I was concerned, Mom was well able to look after herself. No need to be concerned. However, remembering the evening we danced together a couple of weeks ago, a devilish thought crossed my mind.

"Are you horny, too, Sis, sometimes," I asked her without warning.

Bobbie didn't answer. She turned scarlet instead. Bingo!

"I'm horny all the time, lately. It's been way too long since I've been getting my share. I haven't gotten laid since New Year's Day, Bobbie, can you believe that? Almost one year without sex. I would never thought anyone would be able to survive that."

"Stop it, Fred. You're not supposed to tell me that. You're my brother for crying out loud. That's way too much information for me." Bobbie sounded as if she was getting mad. Now it was me who remained silent for the rest of the trip.

"Meet here again at 3," Bobbie told me when we arrived at the mall. "Don't be late, Fred. I'm not going to wait for you."

I knew I wouldn't be late. How the hell was I going to kill five hours? I'd have my shopping done in about five minutes or so. Perfume for Mom, a funny novelty for Sis. The same as every year.


I managed to get through the five hours alive. Once I got over the idea of having to spend all that time in shops, it was actually quite enjoyable. I took my time selecting my gifts for once. I found a really nice necklace for Mom. It would look great on her, I was sure about that. I got Bobbie the new watch she had been on about for so long. And to make things even better, I also got a really interesting book for myself. All in all, it was a successful day.

At 2 o'clock, I was finished with my shopping. I strolled around the mall, trying to pass the last hour when I bumped into Bobbie. She was carrying at least fifty different bags, and looked as if she could do with some help carrying them.

"Let me get those bags, Bobbie," I offered, but she shushed me away.

Don't, Fred. Don't spoil Christmas."

"OK. Suit yourself. Do you have much more shopping to do? I was thinking of getting a Starbucks."

"Coffee sounds great, Fred. I'm done here anyways. Why don't we take our things to the car and get coffee then?"

"Sounds like a plan to me. Let's go."

About ten minutes later we were perched up in the local Starbucks. It was packed, but we managed to get a small table at the very back of the shop, a little bit away from the crowds.

"So, what did you get me then, Bobbie," I asked my sister playfully, sipping on my hot coffee.

"Oh, shut up, Fred. I'm not telling you. Did you get me anything nice?"

"Maybe. I took my time getting it, anyways," I teased my sister.

"Is it another one of those...? What do you call them? Like the ones you got me last year," Bobbie teased.

I knew she liked books, so I had gotten her a set of bookends last year. Somehow, the gargoyle-theme hadn't quite hit the mark with her, though. I don't think they ever went up on her bookshelves.

"No. I got something different for you this year. Something you might actually like for a change. Took me a while to find it, too."

"Did you get anything nice for Mom?"

"Actually, I did. I got her a necklace."

"Wow," my sister remarked a little bit sarcastically, "no perfume for her then this year, eh?"

"Well, I got her a bottle of that, too, just to keep her from having to buy it herself, but I like the necklace. It's really pretty. I can show you when we get home. I think she'll like it, too. What did you get her?"

"I'm not telling, Fred. You know you can't keep a secret, and it's still a couple of days to Christmas. I'd love to see the necklace, though."

When we got home, we went straight upstairs to our rooms. Bobbie had some serious present-hiding to do, and I figured I could, you know, take care of things for a bit.

I had just made myself comfortable on my bed and was just about to unbutton my jeans to free Fred Jr., when Bobbie burst into my room. Again.

"Show me the necklace you got Mom, Fred. You've made me really curious."

I got the small bag from the jewellery shop and took out the expensive looking case.

"Wow, Fred, even the case looks good. Go on, open it."

When I opened the box, Bobbie's eyes got bigger and bigger. The necklace was nice. It wasn't overly fancy, but it was classy. Three strings of pearls held together with three glitzy braces that reflected the light beautifully.

"Wow, Fred. It's beautiful. Are they real pearls?"

"I don't think so. I probably wouldn't have been able to afford it. The stones aren't real, either, but I think it will look great on Mom. Do you want to model it for me, Bobbie?"

"Only if you're going to put it on me. But wait. I better change into something a little more festive. I brought a black cocktail dress. Let me get it."

Bobbie disappeared to change. When she returned, I nearly fainted. My sister looked stunning.

Her long blonde hair contrasted perfectly with the black fabric of her dress. The plunging neck line showed just enough of her cleavage to be exciting, and the short, but not too short skirt showcased her beautiful long legs beautifully.

'Sex on legs', I thought when I saw her. I found it difficult to convince Fred Jr. to stay calm.

"You can close your mouth, little brother," my sister teased. "Go ahead, and put the necklace on me."

She pulled her long blonde hair to the front, exposing the back of her neck to me. Her dress was not only low cut in the front. It didn't leave much to the imagination in the back, either. It was clear my sister didn't wear a bra. My mouth went dry when I looked at her.

I stepped in close behind her and put the jewellery around her neck. The lock was a little tight and I had difficulties opening it. The fact that my fingers were slightly trembling didn't help.

I had difficulties concentrating. My lips wanted to touch the delicate skin at the side of her neck badly, and I found it difficult to stop them from doing so. Any other woman I would have had on my bed on her back in seconds.

"When were you planning to wear this dress, Sis?" I asked, my voice a little shaky, trying to fight the primal urges that tried to take control of me.

"Either on Christmas Eve or on New Year's Eve, Fred. Hurry up, I want to see how this beauty looks on me."

I finally got the lock fastened and let the pearls drop onto my sister's beautiful, lightly tanned skin. It took some restraint not to bend forward kiss her neck, but as I released the pearls I briefly squeezed her shoulders, my thumbs stroking lightly across the soft skin of her neck. I felt her shudder lightly under my touch.

"Let me have a look, Sis," I said when I was able to speak again.

She turned around.

I was speechless again.

My sister's magnificent boobs were pushed up ever so slightly, forming two supple hills inside the brassiere. They were crowned by the triple string of white pearls around her neck. The three faux-diamond braces sparkled as if they were on fire. Bobbie looked like a million bucks. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Are you staring at my tits, you perv?" My sister's voice pulled me back to reality. She smiled.

"I'm admiring the necklace, Sis. It looks absolutely stunning on you." It took me a while to get these simple words out. "Have a look for yourself, Bobbie."

I took her by the hands and pulled her towards the door. She'd have to see herself in the full-length mirror in her room.

"I didn't know you had taste, little brother. This is the nicest thing I've worn in ages. I'm almost jealous of Mom, Fred. You've outdone yourself. I'm sure she'll love it."

Before I knew what was happening, Bobbie turned around and hugged me tightly. Seconds later, I felt her soft lips on mine. I nearly died. Fred Jr. had a field day.

It was over as quickly as it started.

"You better put it back in the box and hide it or I might get tempted, Fred. I can't wait to see it on Mom. It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful," was all I was able to say. And for once I meant it.

"Can you unzip me, please, Fred?" My sister's voice was soft, almost tender.

I couldn't believe my ears. With trembling fingers, I opened the zip below her neck. As her dress opened and the fabric split, I could see the top of my sister's perfect back. She had two little moles along her spine, right at the top. I was tempted to touch them, but managed to keep my hands to myself.

Should I risk a peek?

I did, and I was rewarded with one of the most erotic sights of my life. As I looked over my sister's shoulders, the dress was peeling off her voluptuous breasts just enough to allow me a clear view of her nipples.

They were sensational. I could have sworn they were hard, too. In any case, they were sticking out quite impressively from her tits. I caught myself thinking about how they would feel in my mouth.

"You can leave now, Fred. Thanks," my sister said softly, and pressed her hands against her breasts to prevent the dress from slipping off. Once again, her voice pulled me out of my daydream. I looked up and my eyes met Bobbie's in the mirror.

"What? Oh, sorry, Sis." I left her room and closed the door behind me.

I stood in the hall for a minute or two. I was confused. My sister had kissed me. She had asked me to help her change. She hadn't even yelled at me for perving at her, even though I had, and quite obviously at that, too. In fact, she sounded almost sorry when she asked me to leave while she changed.

Still a little confused, I went back to my room and put the necklace back in its case.

Later that evening, when I was alone in my room, the images from this afternoon's modeling session came back to me.

My sister in her short black dress, wearing this impressive pearl necklace, three strings of silver-white pearls on her slightly tanned but still quite fair skin, resting on the two magnificent globes of her tits, that were framed and supported by the built-in black brassiere of her dress.

It didn't take long and Fred Jr. was ready to play. I freed him from his confines, grabbed the bottle of hand lotion I kept for this purpose and squirted a generous amount of the slippery substance into my hands.

The lotion was pearly white and always reminded me of jizz, as if my hands were coated in my slippery sauce even before I got started.

'I'll give you a pearl necklace, too, Bobbie!' The dirty thoughts took control of my brain as I slowly began to stroke Fred Jr., my fist wrapped tightly around his thick and solid shaft.

'Squeeze your tits together for me, Sis! Can you feel my dick moving up and down between them? They're beautiful, and so soft.' I kept my eyes closed as I stroked my dick. I didn't want to be distracted. I saw the two pillows of her breasts slowly moving up and down my cock.

'Oh, yeah, move them up and down, Sis. Oh, Bobbie, I can feel it coming already. Your tits are fucking me so good. Squeeze them a little tighter.' I pumped my dick furiously, my fist clenched around its pulsating shaft, mimicking the images that played in my head.

I grunted as I came. My spunk flew across the room and landed about 2 feet away from me on the floor. A second rope of jizz made it to my knees and landed on my jeans.

I tucked Fred Jr. back into my trousers and got up to wipe my cum off the floor, when I noticed something strange. The door to my room was open. I was sure I had closed it earlier. I never forgot to close the door before I jerked off.


The next morning I made another trip to the mall. I needed a new present for Mom, and I wanted to return the watch I had bought for Bobbie. There was no question that Bobbie would be getting the pearl necklace now. It was made for her.

I ended up buying another chain, a gold one, braided, for Mom. Very nice, too, but not half as exciting as the pearl necklace that soon would be Bobbie's. I found a set of pearl earrings that matched the necklace, too. I was looking forward to seeing Bobbie's face when she unwrapped her gifts.

When I came back from the mall and passed my sister's room, I heard a quiet moan through her closed door. Could it be...? I tried my luck and carefully turned the door knob. The door opened quietly. My sister lay on her bed, stark naked, her legs spread open, as wide as possible.

At first, I couldn't see her pussy. She had it covered with her hand, and her fingers were lightly tapping her lips.

When she pulled back her hand, I was met with an amazing sight. Between her very shapely thighs, my sister's pussy was covered in the fullest bush I had ever seen. I don't think it had ever been touched by a razor.

There was long, dark hair everywhere. Even the little gap between her pussy and ass seemed to be hairy, albeit the fur down there was rather matted and sticky. Her hair ran up onto her thighs and down into the cleft between the cheeks of her ass.

All the girls I had been with before had shaved to some extent. Some were completely bare, some had "landing strips", others a fuller triangle at the top of their cunts, but without fail, they all had bare lips.

Bobbie's lips were hairy. The fiery-red of her swollen cunt was only barely visible through the thick forest of her pubes.

My sister reached under her pillow and pulled out a pink vibrator. It was thicker and longer than I expected. A good size. Probably even bigger than Fred Jr. Well, maybe not.

It was one of those that had an additional little nub that could either stimulate the clit or the ass, depending which way it was turned. Bobbie turned it downwards before she spread her lips with her fingers and slowly inserted the big toy into her slick but very tight cleft.

I watched in amazement as inch after inch of the toy disappeared into my sister's cunt, her lips forming a tight seal around it. Fred Jr. stood at attention again, straining the fabric of my jeans.

When about two thirds of the plastic tube had disappeared inside my sister's body, she stopped, as if to allow her tight canal to adjust to the girth of the plastic penis. The little plastic nub on the underside was just about touching her puckered hole. After a short pause Bobbie pushed the vibrator in a little bit more. She rolled her hips to increase the stimulation on her ass.

I was very tempted to join her. Not on her bed, but remotely, at the door, stroking Fred Jr., as I watched my sister fuck herself with her pink vibrator, but I didn't dare pull my cock out in the hallway.

Bobbie did not spare her toy anything. It went in and out of her creamy pussy, over and over again. The plastic shaft glistened from her wetness, a white ring of lather forming at its base.

I imagined how it must feel to be inside this hot, slick and very tight little cunt, fucking her pussy, just as this pink plastic toy did just now.

Bobbie was moaning loudly as she fucked herself faster and faster. Her head was thrashing from side to side and her thighs started to tremble as she was approaching her climax.

She looked adorable when she came. Her whole body shook, her hands let go of the toy that was pushed out of her tight canal in seconds. She had her eyes closed, her mouth in a big O. Without a sound escaping her lips, she was quietly enjoying the pleasures of her release.

It was time to leave. Fred Jr. was demanding attention, and besides, I didn't want to get caught peeping. I quietly closed the door, retreated to my room, threw myself on the bed and masturbated feverishly, reliving every second of the incredible spectacle I had just witnessed.


I woke up to an incredibly delicious smell that filled the whole house.

I needed a moment to realize where I was and what day it was. Only a couple of seconds ago, I had been perched between my sister's beautiful legs, her full bush directly in front of my nose, her red pussy lips glistening with her wetness that was seeping copiously out of her excited cunt, matting the hair on her plump lips and filling the air with an incredible smell. I inhaled deeply.

Bacon! I opened my eyes and the bubble burst. I was in my room, alone in my bed. I quickly closed my eyes again, trying to prolong the pleasure, but the dream was over. Only the smell of freshly cooked bacon was still around.

I checked the clock on my bedside table. It was 9:15am, the 24th of December. Christmas Eve morning. I must have slept a solid 14 or 15 hours. The last thing I remembered was laying down to jerk off after spying on my sister masturbating. That was yesterday afternoon. After that, everything was in a haze. I must have dreamed a lot.

I remember being surrounded by dripping wet pussies and gorgeous, lavishly big tits in my sleep. At one stage I was attacked by at least a dozen pairs of ruby-red lips that sucked and nibbled every inch of my body.

Towards the very end of my dream, the body parts that had excited and teased me during the night came together to form the body of my sister, who lay on the bed in front of me, her legs spread as far as she could, her eyes begging me silently: 'Come on, Fred. Don't be chicken. Eat my pussy.'

This was where my dream ended when the delicious smell of freshly cooked bacon woke me up.

I pulled the cover back and sat on the edge of the bed. My dick was rock hard, but that had to wait. Breakfast was more important.

I quickly threw on my jeans and shirt and hurried downstairs, where I was greeted by my sister and mother, who had polished off the first round of the delicious breakfast meat already.

The Pogues' 'Fairytale of New York' was playing on the radio.

Mom stood at the stove, her back turned to me. She had thrown on a dressing gown, but Bobbie hadn't bothered. Wearing nothing but her PJs, my sister sat on a chair, one leg up on the seat, her arms around her knee.

"Good morning, Fred. Sleep well?"

"I did, Bobbie. Thank you. Like a corpse. I don't even know how long I slept, to be honest."

"You fell asleep in your clothes, Fred. When I checked on you before I went to sleep, you were passed out on your bed."

"I must have been up at some stage then, because this morning, I was just in my t-shirt and boxers."

"You weren't. Up, I mean. You looked very uncomfortable in your clothes, and so I pulled your shirt and jeans off you while you slept," Bobbie explained a little quieter than normal.

I wondered if she did anything else besides take my jeans off.

"Are you sure I wasn't 'up' when you pulled my jeans off me, Bobbie" I asked cheekily, also a little under my breath.

My sister blushed and stuck her tongue out.

"I know what you were doing last night, Fred. Your fly was still open."

It was my turn to blush.

"I told you I'm horny all the time, Bobbie." I didn't even try to deny it.

We had to stop our little conversation. Mom had finished cooking another batch of bacon and placed a full plate of the crispy delight in front of me.

"Enjoy, Fred."

"Thanks, Mom."

Bobbie reached over and took a strip of bacon from my plate, leaning forward ever so slightly, but enough for me to get a good eyeful of her magnificent tits again. I was too busy watching her to complain about her stealing my food.

"I know something else, Fred," I heard Bobbie say quietly, as she chewed on the last bit of bacon.

My mouth went dry. Everything in the room fell into a little bit of a haze, but I could hear my sister's voice quite clearly.

"I know you watched me yesterday afternoon." Her voice sounded casual, more stating the fact than trying to accuse me of anything.


"Did you enjoy the show, little brother?"

She didn't seem to be mad.

"I didn't mind you watching me. At first, I did, but then knowing you were behind the door turned me on. Did you stroke your dick while you were looking at me? I imagined you would." Bobbie smiled at me. "I imagined how big it would be, and how veiny."

This was torture. Was I dreaming, or was my sister casually telling me her sexual fantasies about me over a plate of bacon?

"Earth to Fred. Earth to Fred." I nearly choked on the piece of bacon in my mouth.

"I asked you if you had any plans for today, Fred? Gee, are you daydreaming again?"

"No plans. I need a shower." Suddenly, I was in a hurry to get up. I needed to be alone. Had I just daydreamed about my sister telling me she had noticed me watching her masturbate?


The next time I saw my sister again was in the afternoon, when it was time for our annual pre-Christmas drinks. Over the past ten or eleven years, we had established a tradition of spending the afternoon of Christmas Eve together, talking about this and that, putting our presents under the tree and generally enjoying each other's company. This year would be no different, or so I thought.

I had put on my good pants and a white shirt. Mom liked it if we dressed festively for the occasion.

"Mom's gone out. She says not to wait for her. She got a telephone call earlier," Bobbie told me, when I entered the living room, my arms full with Christmas presents. My sister wore the black dress again. This time she had also opted to wear black stockings and black high heels with it. She looked classy.

"I think she's gone to see Harold," Bobbie added, a cheeky tone in her voice. "I told you she's falling for him."

"I'm sorry I've been acting strange lately," I said as I sat down on the couch beside my sister. "This last year has been a bit much for me. Failing my year in college, starting work in the Pharmacy, the training. I'm so looking forward to a little bit of quiet."

"I'm the same. The new job, the move, it's all taken its toll. I'm really glad we're here together now."

As Bobbie moved in a little closer on the couch, I felt the urge to get up. I placed some firewood in the hearth and lit a fire. Then I put on the old Christmas CD again."Strange for Mom to be away today. She's never gone out on Christmas Eve before."

"I told you she has the hots for Harold. I bet the two are sitting in a cozy little Café holding hands." Bobbie patted the couch beside her.

"Sit down, Fred. You're making me nervous."

Sitting down next to my sister made me nervous. I couldn't get rid of the images of the pink vibrator in her pussy, or the images of her wearing the gorgeous pearl necklace, or the images of her in her PJs sitting on the kitchen chair this morning.

"What are you thinking about, Fred?"

I couldn't tell her my real thoughts, so I said, "How about a little mulled wine, Sis? Do you know how to make it?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. Mom has told me the secret recipe."

"Oh, so there is a secret recipe for it?"

"Yes, there is. Let's go to the kitchen, Fred."

We got up at the same time. We walked through the living room together, we reached the door at the same time.

"Wait, Fred," Bobbie said quietly as we passed through the doorway together. "Mistletoe!"

She got up on her toes and kissed me on the lips. Just a quick peck, but enough to get my attention, and that of Fred Jr.

"I wanted to do this ever since you unzipped my dress the other day," she whispered in my ear. "Now you. Mistletoe!"

Bobbie pressed her body tightly against mine as I closed my arms around her. She opened her lips in anticipation. It was obvious that she wasn't expecting a quick peck this time.

I bent down to her, slowly, prepared to retreat at any time. Bobbie put her arms around my neck, gently but steadily pulling me towards her. Obviously, she wanted this as much as I did.

I felt my sister's lips lightly graze mine. She gently sucked my lower lip, before she let her tongue slowly enter my mouth. Just the tip, gently probing, playing with the soft inner skin of my lower lip.

I welcomed her by lightly touching her tongue with mine.

Needless to say, we didn't make it to the kitchen. For what seemed like an eternity, we stood under the mistletoe, kissing, passionately exploring each other's mouths with our tongues.

When I felt a cramp coming on in my leg, I took my sister's hand and led her back to the couch and gently sat her down, before I sat down beside her. We continued to kiss. However, this time our hands started exploring, too.

My hand went up her leg, up to her knee and slid up a little farther, until it touched the hem of her skirt.

Her hand went down my chest and belly, until it came to rest on my belt.

We interrupted our kissing and looked at each other. My sister's eyes were filled with lust, and as I slowly moved my hand further up her leg, I felt her thighs opening up, welcoming my hands on her silky-smooth inner thighs underneath her skirt.

My sister's hands also continued their exploration. She had moved them off my belt between my legs, which I, too, opened slightly to allow her better access to my cock and balls, which Bobbie cupped and squeezed gently.

My hand was trapped between her thighs and the material of the skirt, that was a little too tight for me to be able to reach my target. I slid off the couch, and sat down between my sister's thighs on the floor. She bent over and mouthed "Zip!", offering me access to the short zipper that would allow her to remove the dress.

I opened the zip and she let the dress slide off her chest, exposing the most beautiful breasts I had ever seen in my life. They were truly magnificent.

I knew they were big. That was no secret. I had caught a glimpse of her areolas before, too, but seeing the perfect combination of her tits that were crowned by two large, dark circles of skin with incredible long nipples nearly drove me insane. I leaned forward and gently sucked one of her nipples into my mouth.

My sister let out a loud moan. Her nipple was hard, a little rubbery, and it tasted delicious. I switched to the other nipple before I planted little kisses all over her sweet belly, slowly moving down towards her sweet pussy.

Bobbie opened another zip, and I slid the dress off her hips. She was completely naked underneath, except for her shoes and a pair of thigh-high black stockings, but she was not wearing any panties. Had she planned this?

I didn't care. Planting little kisses to the right and left of her hairy mound, I moved farther and farther down, until my sister did something amazing.

She sat right on the edge of the couch and moved her long legs behind her shoulders. I knew she was flexible from watching her play with herself the other day, but I had no idea she could do this.

Her pussy and ass were wide open, easily accessible for me. She must have tidied up her pubes, too. The thick growth up her thighs and into her ass crack was gone. I was delighted that her lips were still hairy, though.

I bent forward and kissed and licked her thighs first, before I moved in on my target, licking the full length of her slit, from ass to clit in one long stroke. She tasted amazing. A mixture of grass and green tea, maybe. I opened her up with my fingers and licked her again.

Every time I tickled her clit, she moaned, her pussy contracted and drops of her liquid ran down her slit. I loved it, and decided to pay the fleshy pearl at the top of her pussy a little closer attention.

It wasn't long before my teasing and tickling my sister's clit paid off, and I was rewarded with the highest reward any man could get for eating his woman's pussy, an orgasm. Not mine, of course, but my sister's. She pressed her legs together like many girls do. This time, it was different, though. She had my head in a vice-like grip, and I found it hard to move.

And then she came. A lot. She only released my head when her orgasm subsided. By the time I managed to free my head from the strong grip of her thighs, my face was covered in her juices that were smeared around my mouth and nose, but also on my cheeks and up to my ears.

I looked up at Bobbie from between her thighs with a big grin on my face. It felt as if I had her cum inside my nose. It would be nice to smell her for a little while longer. She looked down at me and grinned, too.

"Wow, that was awesome, bro. Where did you learn to eat pussy like that?"

I didn't answer her, but kissed my way up to her face, paying particular attention to her nipples again, that were by far less hard now than they had been before.

When I reached my sister's face I kissed her long and deep. I needed her to taste herself.

"I'm covered in jour juices, Sis. You came a lot, babe."

"Poor brother, let me take care of that."

Bobbie licked and kissed every square inch of my face.

"Is that better?"

Actually, it wasn't. I felt just as sticky as before, but I didn't care. I still had important business to do, as Fred Jr. reminded me painfully. While my sister was totally naked and relaxed, I was fully dressed and still horny.

"Your turn!" Bobbie pulled me up on the couch and sat down between my legs on the floor. "Take off that shirt, Fred."

I unbuttoned the top three buttons of my shirt and pulled it off over my head. Bobbie didn't waste any time and nibbled at my nipples as soon as they came to light. Her teeth grazed lightly over the firm flesh, gently biting each of the little nubs before she started her kissing trail "down south".

She loosened my belt buckle, opened the top button of my pants and unzipped me, all with one hand, while she kissed down my chest and belly.

My pants came off quickly, but other than my sister I was wearing boxers. Bobbie reached inside the fly and pulled out Fred Jr. He was ready for action.

"It's beautiful, Fred. I've been amazed by your cock ever since I saw it for the first time."

"I thought you were staring at it a little the other morning, Bobbie, when you pulled off my blanket."

"Not then, silly," Bobbie responded, gripping my hard dick tightly in her fist and stroking it forcefully. "It was last year. You had left the bathroom door open while you were in the shower, and I watched you. I watched you a lot since then."

She opened her mouth and took my hard cock between her lips. She sucked it hard and I moaned in approval.

"Ever since I saw you that day, I've been obsessed with your dick, Fred. I knew I had to have it. It is so much bigger than the little pencils the boys in school had. It is even bigger than Mr. Henderson's."

She pushed her head over my dick, taking inch by inch of it in her mouth. Had I heard her correctly? Mr. Henderson had been one of her favorite lecturers in college. How did she know the size of his dick?

The idea of my innocent looking sister fucking her college professor made me hot. I wondered what other stories she had to share. I wasn't able to follow this thought, though. My sister's lips had arrived at my pubes.

She swallowed Fred Jr. whole, and began to throat-fuck me, letting my cock pop in and out of her tight throat over and over. I had never experienced anything like this before, and here I was, believing my sister might still be a virgin.

Just as my playing with her clit had made her come quickly, my cock didn't resist her tight throat very long. When I came, Bobbie simply pushed her mouth down, and I shot my full load straight into her stomach.

Before letting my now limping cock slide fully out of her mouth, she squeezed the last few drops of my cum onto her tongue. I had an idea what would come next, and I didn't know whether I should be looking forward to it or not.

Bobbie kissed me like I had kissed her earlier. Long and deep. Her tongue tasted of my cum. A little salty, musky, but not at all unpleasant.

We held each other in our arms.

"I didn't know you fucked Mr. Henderson," I said after a while, trying to be as casual as I could.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, little brother."

"Like what," I asked her, bursting with curiosity.

"I'll tell you sometime, maybe, Fred. If you are good, that is. Did the thought of Mr. Henderson and I together turn you on?"

"It did. I almost bust my nut right there and then thinking of his cock in your pussy."

Bobbie smiled.

"He taught me how to deep throat. Your cock was challenging, though. You are big, little brother. I can't wait to feel this tool of yours inside my cunt." It was strange to hear a girl refer to her own pussy as cunt, but I must say, I liked it. Bobbie kissed me on my nose, I kissed her back on hers, and another kissing session soon ensued.

I was glad Bobbie liked kissing. Nothing aroused me more, than the feeling of my tongue against someone else's. She was a good kisser at that, too.

We were lost in the depths of each other's mouths, sitting naked on the living room couch, our clothes strewn across the room, when we heard the key turn in the front door.

I don't remember getting dressed faster, ever.

I jumped up, grabbed my pants, pulled my shirt over my head and fastened the three open buttons. I got done just in time. Bobbie was only a few seconds faster than I.

When Mom entered the living room, we were both dressed. I sat on the couch, Bobbie sat in one of the chairs. We looked far from relaxed, and I was sure the room smelled of much more than Christmas spices.

We were lucky, because Mom's attention was not focused on us at all. She had brought a guest, it seemed. Dragging him by the hand, when they stood in the door, she exclaimed "Mistletoe", and kissed whoever she was with forcefully on the mouth.

She laughed as she entered the living room, dragging a rather sheepish-looking Harold Manssion behind her by his hand.

"Hi, kids, you are still up? I didn't expect you here." Mom appeared more than just a little tipsy. She dropped down onto the empty chair, dragging Harold with her. He came to sit on her lap.

Bobbie and I watched this spectacle in disbelief, looking at each other, trying not to burst out in laughter.

Mom turned to Harold. "You made me the luckiest woman on earth tonight, honey," she said a little too loudly. She extended the fingers of her left hand, admired the significant sparkler on her ring finger and kissed Harold. This time she hit his cheek.

"Look, kids, Harold gave me this tonight," Mom said, and pointed out the new ring on her finger.

It was hard not to see it. The ring was beautiful.

"Congratulations, you two," I said. "I was just getting ready to go to bed. I think I'll leave you alone. I'm sure you have lots you want to talk about. You coming, too, Bobbie."

"Yeah. Congrats, Mom, Harold. I'm coming, Fred."

I held my hand out in her direction and she took it. We interlaced our fingers, properly holding hands. Mom and Harold were too busy with each other to notice.

Bobbie and I rushed out of the room and went upstairs. In the hallway, outside her room she turned to me, gave me another kiss and asked, "My place or yours, Fred?" She tried to sound serious, but somehow, Mom and Harold had put a significant damper on romance tonight.

"Wherever you like, I said," and she opened the door to her room, pushed me onto the bed, and closed and locked the door.

Bobbie sat down on the bed beside me and we burst out laughing.

"Wow, hat was that," I asked my sister when I was able to speak again.

"I believe, Mom and Harold have got engaged this evening, Fred. I'm happy for them. Mom deserves it, and I thing, Harold does, too. He's a decent man."

"Yeah, and only seconds earlier I thought my last moment had come. My heart nearly stopped when I heard the front door open."

"Same here, I don't think I ever managed to get this dress on that quickly."

I turned to Bobbie and gave her another kiss.

"Care to continue where we left off, Bobbie? I think we have some unfinished business."

She kissed me back. I squeezed her right breast.

"Pull down the zip again, Fred. Time for round two..."

I unzipped her and then dropped my own clothes, including the boxers and my socks this time.

"Do you have..," I started, afraid the answer might be no.

"Condoms? No need. I'm on birth control. I want to feel that big cock of yours inside of me without anything taking away from the feeling. I bet it will stretch me out nicely."

"You like it big, Sis. I..." I started, but stopped immediately. Shit. I almost told her I had been watching her, too.

"I do, Fred, but how do you know? Were you watching me play with myself, too?"

I blushed. Hell, she had told me she had watched me loads of times. What difference would once make?

"Yes, but only once, I promise," I admitted a little reluctantly, waiting to be thrown out of her room any second.

"Did you enjoy what you saw, little brother?" She lay back on her bed and spread her legs wide again, just as she had done when I watched exposing her hairy pussy once more.

"Stand at the door, little brother, just like you did when you watched me." My sister's voice was a little raspy.

I did as I was told and stood at the door, watching my sister intently.

"Grab your cock and start wanking, Fred. I want to see you play with yourself, too."

Again, like on remote control, I grabbed Fred Jr. and stroked it slowly. Bobbie was cupping her cunt again with her hand. This time, however, she spoke as she played with herself.

"Hmm, Fred. I really like your tongue on my pussy. Lick me a little harder, please." Her fingers stroked gently up and down her slit, just as I had done with my tongue.

"Don't forget my clit, Fred. Lick there, too." Her finger circled the hard little nub at the top of her cunt, slowly at first, that faster and faster.

"Oh my god, little brother, you're eating my cunt so good. I'm nearly there, yes, yes, now."

I loved how my sister played out her fantasy for me. As I started to get into our play, I, too stroked myself faster and faster. This time, however, I was careful not to make myself cum, yet. The next time Fred Jr. would release his charge, it would be deep inside my sister's cunt, just like she had asked for.

"Yes, Fred, yes. That's it. Oh, oh, oh, I'm..., I'm... I'm coming. Quick, put your hard cock inside me. I want to feel you splitting me open while I cum."

I jumped on the bed, climbed between my sister's legs and entered her with one single push, burying the full length of my cock in her spasming hole.

She nearly screamed as my cock pulled the walls of her pussy apart. She had to bite her hand not to make too much noise.

"Wow, Fred. You're big. Give me a second to adjust," my sister said when she was able to speak again.

After a couple seconds she said, "Now, stud, fuck me. Give it to me hard."

I did as I was told. I fucked her as hard as I possibly could.

I didn't last very long. I have a tendency of coming quickly when I'm excited, and today was no exception. After about fifteen or twenty strokes, I shot my load deep into my sister's cunt and collapsed on top of her, spent and happy, breathing heavily.

"Wow, Fred, that was excellent. We have to do that again. Don't you think for one second, I'll let you go again. Ever. I've waited way too long for this." Bobbie kissed me tenderly.

"I'm the same, Sis. Pushing my cock into your cunt was like coming home. No girl I ever fucked compares to what I felt when I was inside you. I don't think I'm going to fuck anyone else ever again."

"I hope not, Fred. You're mine now. Ssh, be quiet, brother. Listen!"

We were quiet and listened. It sounded like we weren't the only ones in the house having fun tonight. The noises coming from Mom's bedroom could not be mistaken for anything else.

"I'm happy for Mom," Bobbie said. "She really deserves a man like Harold."

"I am, too. I was hoping to get him as a dad since I was ten. Well, better late than never, as they say."


Christmas day was a relaxed day in our house. It was one of the few days where the whole family refused to get dressed. A couple of years ago, Mom had bought all three of us onesies so we wouldn't have to sit in our PJs all day, and we had worn them ever since.

When I woke up, Bobbie was still asleep. I had to pee, so I took my arm off my sister's body and got up. Bobbie turned in her sleep, but she didn't wake up.

I went to the bathroom and got my onesie from my room. I also the covers off my bed and made sure the sheets were disturbed as if I had slept in them. Who knew, Mom might want to wake me up. It would be awkward to explain where I had spent the night. At least now I could pretend I was in the bathroom.

When I returned to Bobbie's room I slid back into bed beside her.

"Where were you, Fred. I missed you." Bobbie pressed her warm body against mine.

"Ooh, you are cold!"

"I had to pee, and I messed up the bed in my room a little. At least now it looks like I have slept in there last night. Oh, and I also got my onesie."

"Hold me, Fred. I felt lonely without you," my sister responded sleepily.

I wrapped my arms around her body and hugged her tightly, and soon my hands began wandering. My right hand that was trapped underneath her body ended up cupping one of her tits and my left hand that was able to roam freely quickly found the furry triangle between her legs.

Bobbie adjusted her position slightly to allow me better access, and soon, I was teasing her nipple and playing with her pussy at the same time. I was also planting little kisses on her neck. My sister was rolling her hips in response, and so Fred Jr., who was resting comfortably between her ass cheeks, got the wake-up massage he wanted.

It wasn't long and we both were ready for more. Bobbie turned on her back and we kissed. She soon found Fred Jr., and continued massaging him with her hand. She was great at giving hand jobs, too, even when she didn't see what she was doing.

I had gotten plenty of bad hand jobs in my time. This was definitely not one of them. Bobbie knew exactly how much pressure to apply or how far to pull to cause me pleasure, not pain. She had an instinct for the right speed, too, and stroked my cock just right.