
Mr. Henderson had been a great teacher. I made a note to thank him should I ever meet him.

"Fuck me now, little brother," Bobbie said quietly after a few minutes of intense fingering. I had already felt the trembling in her legs and knew she was getting close.

I got on top of her and gently placed Fred Jr. at her entrance. I wanted our second time to be gentle, loving. When I had found her opening, I let my cock sink inside her. I didn't particularly push. I let gravity do its work instead.

My hard dick slowly sliding into her tight cunt felt amazing. I could feel every little ripple in her cunt walls tease my cock as he opened her tunnel inch by inch. When I reached the bottom, I pulled back again, slowly, caressing her insides with my hard tool.

Bobbie moved her hips to match my rhythm. Slowly, gently. Every time I pushed in, she moved up to meet my cock, every time I pulled out, she pulled back. It was great. It was almost like my cock and my sister's cunt had a conversation. A very loving one at that.

My mouth found hers and we kissed, our tongues moving against each other in the same slow rhythm of my cock moving in her pussy. If this wasn't heaven, it was pretty darn close. Never in my life had I felt a stronger sense of belonging.

Something special happened that Christmas morning. Something I had never felt with any of the other girls I had been with before. I developed a deep bond with my sister, and the longer my cock moved in her cunt, the deeper my feeling of love and belonging for her became.

We fucked for a very long time, gently moving our bodies against each other before we came, almost at the same time. The moment I came, I knew I had found home. I knew Bobbie was the one, the woman I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.

For the first time in my life, I had truly made love.

"I love you, Fred." It was Bobbie, my sister who said it first, and her words sounded so right, so true and so accurate.

"I love you, too, Bobbie. I want to be with you. Forever." As cheesy as this sounded, it was true.

"I told you yesterday you were mine, and I meant it. I am in love with you, Fred. I think, I have been for a while." Bobbie appeared to be very sure of her feelings.

"Merry Christmas, baby." I kissed my sister gently on the lips.

"Merry Christmas, little brother." She kissed me back.


We got up, showered got dressed, if putting on our Christmas onesies counted as that, and went downstairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, just about out of sight from anywhere else in the house but the front door, we kissed one last time, before we entered the real world. The world that would never be able to know the true story about Bobbie and Fred.

We went to the living room first. It was empty. We found Mom and Harold in the kitchen, at the fully set breakfast table.

"Merry Christmas, you two," Bobbie blurted out first.

"Yeah, Merry Christmas," I followed suit.

"Merry Christmas, children," Mom and Harold completed the round of seasonal wishes almost in unison.

"You two look cozy. Do you mind if we join you," I asked, sitting down in my usual chair, without waiting for an answer. Bobbie sat down at the table, too. Since Harold had taken her usual chair, she had the perfect excuse to take the chair next to mine. I placed my hand on her thigh and squeezed it lightly.

Bobbie wasn't having it.

"Stop it, Fred!"

"What's up, Bobbie," Mom asked, more out of habit.

"He's pestering me, Mom. Stop it, Fred!" I squeezed her thigh a second time.

"Gee, children, you're really putting up a traditional family Christmas show. Stop pestering your sister, Fred." Mom was all 'mother' again for a moment.

Harold looked on in slight disbelief.

"They're not like that every morning, honey," Mom explained quickly. "I don't know what has gotten into them today. Normally they act much more like adults these days."

"I presume it's the Christmas spirit, Helen. I've heard of people going crazy from it. Merry Christmas everyone!" Harold's eyes were sparkling. He seemed to have a good sense of humor. Good enough to cope with our crazy bunch anyways.

It was strange to hear my mother being called by first name, though. For the last 19 years she had always been 'Mom'. I presume she deserved to be herself again after all these years, but still. I'd have to get used to this.

"Show me your ring, Mom," Bobbie was all excited. "I didn't get a chance to look at it properly last night."

Mom extended her hand and lightly wiggled her fingers. The diamond sparkled like fire.

"It's beautiful, Mom. Congratulations, you two. I hadn't the slightest idea this was coming, but I'm very happy for you."

"Yeah, congratulations," I was once again left to follow my sister's lead. "That ring is stunning, Mom."

I was glad I had changed my mind about my Christmas presents. No way would the pearl necklace have been able to compete with this ring.

"Isn't it just beautiful?" Mom was excited. "I love it. I love you, Harold." She gave him a kiss.

Bobbie and I looked at each other. It was difficult to watch Mom behave like this. The highest level of affection at the breakfast table the two of us had been used to until now had been the question to please pass the milk, or whatever else had been missing from our breakfast.

Besides, I was dying to join the two lovebirds across the table in their display of affection. Sitting beside Bobbie and not being able to touch her made me incredible tense and horny, and I was sure she felt the same. She had gone awfully quiet and fidgety in the past few minutes.

"Let's go to the living room and see what Santa has brought us," I suggested. I needed a change of scenery. Plus, If I managed to get Mom and Harold out of the kitchen first, Bobbie and I would have an opportunity to grope each other quickly.

I was out of luck, though.

"You go on ahead, kids. I'll stay and clear the table first. You go on ahead with the children, Harold."

"Oh, no Helen, I'll stay and help you. You know what they say about many hands making light work."

I was sure he and I had the same plan.

Bobbie and I left the kitchen and quickly disappeared upstairs. We needed to touch each other badly. The moment we were out of sight, she grabbed me and pulled me in the biggest hug I had ever gotten.

"Oh Fred, watching those two downstairs has gotten me so horny, I thought I'd die. My pussy is dripping wet and itchy. I don't know what to do."

Neither did I. We certainly didn't have time to take care of Bobbie's itch.

"I'm the same, Bobbie. Fred Jr. has been standing up straight for the past half hour."

She reached down and grabbed my cock.

"Hmm, you're right, bro. I wish you could fuck me with it right now."

"We can't, Bobbie. Mom and Harold will have the kitchen cleaned any minute now. We need to make our way back down if we don't want them to become suspicious."

"Wait! I have the perfect excuse. I got a gift for Harold yesterday, just to be sure. It's still in my room. You can say you had to go to the bathroom or something." Bobbie slipped into her room and retrieved a small package.

"How did you know, Sis?"

"I didn't know. That's why I didn't put it under the tree. All I had was a hunch. Remember I asked you the other day if Mom had the hots for him? I've been suspecting something was going on between the two for a while."

"You're a genius. What did you get?"

"I got him leather-bound diary. It's just a token. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."

We made our way downstairs again, Bobbie first, I followed a little later. I did have to go to the bathroom after all.

Mom and Harold were sitting in the living room already, waiting impatiently.

"Where have you been, kids. I thought you couldn't wait to get here."

"I had to go upstairs first. Santa left a last-minute gift and missed the tree. He left it in my room instead."

"And I had to use the bathroom," I added, realizing how stupid this sounded, as soon as I had said it.

"Well, anyways. Time to open presents!" I tried to make good on my lame excuse.

We opened each other's presents and, like any year before this, tried to be as ecstatic about each of them as possible, even if some of them might have been a little underwhelming.

This year, however, neither of us, with the exception of Harold, maybe, had to pretend too hard to like their presents.

Mom was elated with the necklace I gave her. Bobbie didn't quite get what was happening. She had expected the pearl necklace to be pulled from the wrapping paper. She gave me a puzzled look. I pretended not to see her.

Harold did appreciate the diary we, eh, Bobbie, had got him. Especially, since he didn't expect to get anything, given the circumstances.

I was very happy with my presents, too, as for once I got things I could actually use. Mom and Harold had bought the very expensive college textbook I needed for next year, and Bobbie had gotten me the latest scientific calculator, which had some extra functions for Chemistry built in. Looked like I was all set to pass Junior year this time around!

However, Bobbie's face when she unpacked my present was priceless.

When she revealed the case of the pearl necklace underneath the wrapping paper, she went silent, and her eyes welled up. When she discovered the matching earrings, she was completely overwhelmed. It took her a moment to get her voice back, and it was still a bit shaky when she hugged me and whispered into my ear, "I love you."

She proudly showed the jewellery around, and everybody in the room duly admired it. Mom complimented me for my taste, as Bobbie had done yesterday.

"When are you going to wear it for us, Bobbie," Mom asked her.

"I have a beautiful black cocktail dress, it will go perfectly with. I'll show you all on New Year's Eve, I presume."

"That would be perfect. Harold and I have planned a little party at his house for New Year's Eve. We'd like you to come, too, kids. If you don't have any other plans, that is?"

Neither Bobbie nor I had made any plans, yet, so we both agreed to come. It would be a great occasion to show off the new jewellery. I was sure, Mom and Harold would use the occasion to officially announce their engagement, too.

After the presents were unwrapped and the living room was habitable again, Mom and Harold went for a walk. This was the perfect occasion for me and Bobbie to do what we needed to do, too. We had been horny for each other since breakfast.

As soon as they had closed the front door behind them, Bobbie slipped out of her onesie and jumped into my lap. She was stark naked. It seemed she had given up the habit of wearing underwear.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she whispered between little kisses she planted on my neck, right underneath my ear.

"The necklace is so special. It's wonderful you decided to give it to me."

"There was nothing I could do after I saw it on you the other day. You looked so beautiful wearing it, and I got so horny putting it on and taking it off you, that I had to give it to you. Believe me, it took all my willpower not to throw you on the bed and fuck you senseless after unzipping your dress the other day."

"I wouldn't mind if you took care of that now, bro. I've been dripping wet and horny for your cock all morning, and I've got way too many of my senses still together. Get out of your onesie, and give it your older sister, little brother. Fuck me senseless!"

"I want you to wear the necklace while I fuck you, Bobbie. Wear it for me."

Bobbie got off my lap and put on the expensive looking jewellery. Even with nothing else on her body, she looked stunning. I slipped out of my onesie and got rid of my boxers, freeing a very eager Fred Jr., who pointed straight at my sister.

Bobbie didn't waste any time. She dropped on her knees in front of me and gave Fred Jr. the warm welcome he deserved.

"Well, hello little big man. Good to see you again, Fred Jr.," she greeted him and gave him a kiss straight on his head. She opened her mouth and my dick slipped into her with ease.

She didn't deep throat me this time. Instead, she let her tongue rub against me inside her mouth and stopped only when I signaled her I was ready to shoot my load.

When my cock had slipped from her mouth, Bobbie took up the same position on the couch that she had taken up last night. Her ass at the edge, her legs behind her shoulders.

"Come here little brother and fuck your big sister's horny cunt. She's been waiting for that big piece of man-meat all day."

I couldn't refuse this offer, and entered her quickly. Her pussy was hot and tight. As I fucked her, Bobbie rubbed her clit to increase stimulation. Seeing the position she was in, I had another wicked idea. It wouldn't take much to fuck my sister in the ass. All I had to do was pull out and let my dick drop a little. I knew she liked stimulation back there.

I decided to be a little less direct, and so I dropped on my knees and rimmed her ass with broad strokes of my tongue.

"Oh Fred, yes. Eat my asshole, little brother." Bobbies fingers rubbed her clit even harder when she felt my wet tongue against her back door.

"Try and stick your tongue in a little. It feels great to have my ass played with."

I pressed my pointed tongue against her puckered hole and pushed gently. The firm muscle relaxed a bit, and I was able to push my tongue inside her ever so slightly.

Having lubricated her ass and relaxed her sphincter with my tongue, I decided to give it a try. I placed Fred Jr. against the dark round of her asshole and pushed gently, until I felt her resistance give a little.

I looked up at her. She had her eyes closed. Her fingers worked her clit frantically. I pushed a little more. Her sphincter opened up and allowed the tip of my cock to enter her ass. When all of my head had slipped into her dark hole I paused for a moment.

"You OK, Sis?"

"Mhm, please, don't stop. Fuck my ass, Fred. I like that."

With this, I pushed my length inside her tunnel. It was a tight fit, but it was quite clear that my cock wasn't the first one she had up this hole, either.

Once I felt her relax a little more, I started fucking her in earnest. In and out, like a piston in a well-oiled machine. The drops of cunt juice that ran from her dripping slit provided ample lubrication.

I was nearly ready to cum, and I was sure Bobbie was close, too, when suddenly, and without warning, the front door opened, and Mom and Harold stepped back into the house.

Mom saw us first, naked, on the living room couch, my hard dick buried deep inside my sister's ass, Bobbie rubbing her clit as if her life depended on it.

I had my head turned to the door and was ready to die. I saw my mother, white as a sheet, gasping for air, speechless.

It didn't help, that, the very second I pulled out, Fred Jr. went off, and the thick white cream that shot from my cock covered her very exposed ass.

Under different circumstances, that is without Mom and Harold standing in the doorway, looking at us, I would have loved to give my sister an anal cream pie like this. In our current situation, it was the ultimate embarrassment.

"What in the name of all that's dear to me you two think you are doing? Roberta! Frederick," Mom screamed, while we tried to cover up as much as we could, given the fact that our onesies weren't anywhere within reach.

I angled for the suits, threw Bobbie hers and I used mine to hide Fred Jr. from plain sight as much as possible.

Harold had wisely left the scene.

"Would one of you care to explain," she asked, only to continue ranting a few seconds later. "I can't believe it. My son and my daughter. Incest. Christmas. Harold. Ruin. Family. Disappointment. Disgrace." Her words became more and more incoherent the more she yelled at us.

"We're sorry, Mom..," I started, but she cut me short.

"You're sorry? That's all you have to say? I don't think, being sorry is quite enough to make this right, you two. You two are brother and sister for crying out loud! What made you think you could...? Are you even aware that incest is a crime?"

"You weren't..," Bobbie tried to answer, but she also did not have a chance against Mom's rage.

"I wasn't what? Supposed to see you two fuck? I bet you I wasn't!"

We had never heard Mom cuss before. This was bound to mean the biggest trouble we had ever been in. And we were right.

"I want you two out of the house within the hour," Mom said quietly, but in a voice that made it very clear she meant it. "Grab your things and go. I don't care where you go, but don't you ever come back here again."

After that, she turned around and left.

Those were the last words we heard from our mother that day. We gathered our things and went upstairs, shocked. None of us said a word. We both went to our separate rooms.

After about 15 minutes, Bobbie knocked on my door.

"Come in," I said in a weak voice. I didn't care what happened any more. As far as I was concerned, my life was over.

Bobbie came in and sat down on the bed beside me. Like me, she was still wearing her Christmas onesie. Her eyes were red. She had been crying.

"Hold me, Fred. I feel as if I'm dying."

Bobbie lay down on my bed, and I lay down beside her, holding her tightly. It was good to feel her body against mine. Somehow, being with my sister gave me strength.

She seemed to be the same. After about five minutes of silence, she turned around to face me and kissed me tenderly.

"I love you, Fred, don't ever forget that."

"I love you, too, Bobbie. More than anyone else. But I love Mom, too. I don't know what to do any more."

"Well, we need to get out of here. There's no way around it. I don't think staying here would be any good. Not for us and not for her. How about we go to my place and take things from there? It's only one room, and my bed is very small, but it's better than nothing. What do you think, Fred?"

"Beats the motel I've been thinking of, Bobbie."

"You know what, Fred? Going to a motel is an even better idea! My bed really is too small. I doubt we would both be able to sleep in it, and the last thing I want tonight is sleeping without you by my side."

It took a while to find a motel with availability for tonight. There was one on the far side of our town that had a room available, and we told them to expect us soon. We'd check in as Mr. and Mrs. That would make things a lot easier, and we didn't even have to lie about our last names.

"Do you think she'll ever speak to us again, Bobbie," I asked my sister as we were driving across town. We had spent the last 20 minutes throwing essentials into two suitcases, which were now in the trunk of the car.

"I hope so. I don't think she'll be able to carry on with this for the rest of our lives. Besides, even if she decides to disown us, we'd still have to go back and get our stuff, so at some stage she'll have to start speaking to us again. I haven't ever seen her that angry, though." She didn't sound at all convinced.

Checking in at the motel was easy. The Mr. and Mrs. story worked just fine. When I lay down on the king size bed in our room, a little bit of my confidence returned, and I asked my sister playfully, "and where exactly was it we were forced to stop earlier, mylady?"

The lady didn't want to know anything of it, though. "Don't, Fred. I'm not in the mood for this. I need a little more time."

It was still early in the day, just before 3pm, and we had a lot of time to pass.

At home we would have probably played board games all afternoon, and then we would have had the Christmas turkey. After that, we would have watched 'Kevin - Home Alone' for the one-hundred and fiftieth time.

Neither of this sounded appealing. We didn't have any board games in the first place, and at least I wasn't in the mood for turkey.I had an idea.

"Be right back," I said and got up from the bed. Bobbie looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Where are you going," she asked.

"Just stepping outside for a moment."

If my plan was to work out, I needed to be quick.

I rang a small limousine service I knew and asked for Mike, the owner. His wife was very ill and he got her prescriptions filled at our Pharmacy. I was sure he could do with a few bucks on the side.

I explained what I had in mind. Collect Bobbie and me at the motel and take us to whatever restaurant would take our last-minute booking. I'd let him know as soon as I had made the reservations. I was prepared to pay premium, a) because of the day, and b) because of the short notice, of course. He wanted $400 for the night, I offered him $500. Merry Christmas, Mike.

Then, I rang the best restaurant in town. French cuisine, as far removed from turkey, stuffing and gravy as possible. I was lucky, they had a cancellation. 7pm to 11pm. Set menu, $150 per person, without wine. I agreed. Tonight, nothing would be too expensive. I had savings I could tap into.

I let Mike know when and where to take us. He would be here for 6.30pm. That left us with two hours before we'd have to get ready, and I knew exactly what to do with that time. A quick ring to reception and all was sorted.

I went back inside and told Bobbie to get up. I took her by the hand and brought her outside.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

We went to reception and I collected a set of towels for each of us and two bathing suits.

"Spa day! We're going to relax for a while, Bobbie. They have a sauna and a steam room in this place. I thought that would be perfect to wind down after the day we had. Go, get changed. I'll meet you inside."

Bobbie looked stunning in her new suit. Fred Jr. noticed it first, and made every effort to make his presence clear. I had been close guessing her size, and the suit fit almost perfectly. Maybe I could have gone one number bigger.

The tight speedos I had got for myself did not leave much to the imagination, either. I hoped we'd be on our own today.

We were. On our own. Not a soul to be seen, which was great, because the moment my sister saw me, her nipples did the same as Fred Jr. had done, and poked through the thin material of her suit. She looked adorable.

We went into the steam room together. The warm air softened my mood almost immediately, and took away any anxiety, too. Bobbie and I sat in the hot room, silently, allowing the stress of the day to be taken away by the copious amounts of steam that completely engulfed us every 10 minutes or so.

After 3 cycles of steam, Bobbie got up and said. "I'm going to cool off for a moment, Fred. I'm going to fall asleep if I stay in here any longer."

I followed her outside, and we took the cold shower together, quickly rubbing each other's bodies. The cold water made us shiver.

Afterwards, each of us lay down in one of the available loungers.

"This is great, Fred. Thanks for organising it. The spa is exactly what I needed after all we've been through today."

Bobbie seemed happy.

"The day is not over, yet, Sis. There's more to come", I announced.

"Really? What is it, Fred? What else have you planned?"

"You'll see," was all I said. I would show her that I was well able to keep a secret.

We went for another session in the steam room. Another 30 minutes, a cold shower and some relaxation in the loungers later I checked the time. It was nearly 5:15pm, and so I said, "Let's go, Bobbie. We need to get ready."

"For what, Fred? Tell me."

I smiled at her. My lips were sealed.

"I'm not telling you. Just that much, I want you to shower and put some make-up on. I also want you to wear your black dress, heels and the pearl necklace. You did bring them, didn't you?"

Bobbie got a little excited. "I did, Fred. What do you have planned? Don't keep it a secret. I want to know."

All I did to answer her was kiss her deeply, longingly.

"Trust me, Sis. It's going to be great!"

We got ready just in time, which was great, because we didn't have to wait, dressed up as we were. For some reason I had decided that my black suit and tie, together with a white shirt was an essential, and had brought it, too.

Bobbie and I looked stunning. My sister in high heels, black dress, wearing this stunning piece of jewellery, I in my black suit and tie.

It was my turn to be surprised when Mike turned up to collect us. I had expected him to arrive in his slightly beat-up 15 year old Cadillac limo, but he pulled up in a pearly-white, perfectly polished Lincoln Town Car. The latest model.

Bobbie didn't believe her eyes.

"Wow. Fred. Where are we going?"

The look on her face was similar to the one she had when she discovered I had gifted her the pearl necklace earlier today.

"Surprise, baby." I kissed her again. I got Mike to take our picture just before we stepped into the impressive car.

The drive was only about ten minutes, but Mike took a long detour to make sure the ride to the restaurant was as memorable as possible for us, and it was. The interior of the car was made entirely of white leather with silver trimmings. The seats were soft, and the car even had a little fridge. I opened it and found a chilled bottle of Champagne and two glasses.

I opened the bottle and poured each of us a glass of Champagne.

"To us, Bobbie."

"To us, Fred."

We kissed before we drank.

When we arrived at the Restaurant, Mike opened the door for us, and Bobbie left the car first. I followed her, patted Mike on the back and said, "Thank you man. That was perfect. I owe you."

All he responded was, "Happy Christmas, Fred." He'd be back shortly after 11 to take us back to the motel.

The Maître d' greeted us at the door and led us to our table. It was beautifully set, a little bit separate from the rest of the guests. This was perfect.

As I sat down, it dawned on me that this was really our first date.

I hadn't ever done anything like this for a girl on a first date. Usually, I'd take them to the diner, and if things worked out, we'd park up for a while afterwards.

"This is beautiful, Fred. Thank you so much. Do you know that this is our first date? At least if we don't count the coffee a couple of days ago, but then we were just brother and sister, not lovers." Bobbie didn't seem to be shy about our relationship status, or the fact that we were siblings and not supposed to date in the first place.

"I was just thinking the same, baby. You deserve the best. I love you."

"I love you, too."

The sommelier arrived at our table, asking us what we'd like to drink. He suggested two wines. A white for the first half of the meal, and a red to finish off.

The meal was spectacular. We were served seven different courses, from soup to fish, to meat, you name it, and by the time we had finished the second bottle of wine we were quite tipsy, too.

We had been flirting shamelessly over our food, sharing bits whenever we could, holding hands and generally behaving like the young lovers we were. By the time the meal was finished, each of us was quite worked up, not to say horny.

At least I was, but I could tell from the look on Bobbie's face that she was ready for some action later on in the motel, too.

We had a few minutes before Mike would be there to pick us up, and we decided to go for a little stroll. The restaurant was in a busy shopping district, and there were a lot of shop windows to look at, each with more expensive things in them, than the ones before.

"Look at those," Bobbie said, looking at a pair of wedding rings. "They are really pretty. I'd like rings like that one day."

"We can't get married, Bobbie. You know that, right?"

"Who says we've got to get married to wear those rings," she responded, and, of course, she was right.

I pulled her close and kissed her gently. "We'll get rings like these someday. Promise."

It was time to go back to the restaurant. Mike would be there, waiting for us any minute.


Bobbie threw herself on the bed in the motel and exclaimed, "That was the best evening of my life. Thank you, Fred."

I dropped down beside her and said, "It was, Bobbie. I hope we'll have many great evenings together, even if they don't all involve Limos and fancy Restaurants. Merry Christmas, baby."

"Merry Christmas, honey. I've been hot for you ever since we came back from the spa. I don't know why. Maybe it was because your speedos were about two numbers too small?"

Bobbie chuckled, turned to me and kissed me passionately, trying to loosen my tie while our tongues were dueling.

I couldn't answer her straight away.

When we took a break to catch our breath, I said, "Me, too, Bobbie. I was glad no-one else was there. Your nipples were literally poking through your swimsuit. I've been ready to make love to you all night."

"I'd like that, Fred, to make love to you tonight."

She felt for Fred Jr. through my trousers.

"I see, he is ready, too!"

He was, indeed. As soon as we were both naked, Bobbie climbed on top of me and sat down on my hard cock. We took our time, making slow and sensual love, intensifying our new bond as lovers even more. Bobbie came first this time. I released my seed deep inside her soon after her orgasm subsided.

Bobbie didn't get off me after we came. She kept Fred Jr. inside her, even when he went completely limp, constantly massaging him with the muscles of her pelvic floor, and soon after our first orgasm, he was ready to play again.

"Wow, Sis. That was extra special," I said after she began to rock on my cock again. "Is there anything else like that you can do that I should know of?"

"You'll find out, little brother. You'll see."

This time she was a little more forceful riding me, although still very gentle. After my first orgasm I was able to last much longer, and Bobbie came twice, before I was ready to shoot my load again.


Waking up in the motel the next morning felt a little sore, although the new love of my life, my sister was beside me, naked, her warm mouth kissing and nibbling on my morning wood.

"Good morning, love," she said as I opened my eyes, only briefly interrupting what she was doing. "I hope you slept well."

"Mhm, I love being woken up like this, Sis."

"I couldn't help myself when I saw your dick standing proud when I opened my eyes this morning. You were right. He's hard every morning." She took me in deep again, past the tight ring of her throat.

I reached out to her. The least I could do was finger her as she sucked me off.

Bobbie understood quickly and repositioned herself, her open cunt hovering directly above my mouth. All I had to do is bunch up my pillow a bit and lap up the copious amounts of nectar that flowed from her sopping wet flower directly into my mouth.

I licked her hot cunt for all it was worth, my sister throat-fucked my hard prick, and it didn't take long before both of us came. What a great way to start the day!

We took a shower together that morning. I think, after having been kicked out of the house, we were both eager to be as close together as we could.

After our shower, we got dressed. Time for breakfast. I hadn't a clue where to go, but Bobbie knew a place that was most likely open. It wasn't fancy, but the food was good and plentiful.

After breakfast, neither of us fancied going back to the motel. It was a depressing place, and a constant reminder of our fate. We decided to spend the day at Bobbie's place. At least that would allow us to pretend all was OK, but soon, the depression we had been able to keep away so well caught up with us again.

We were sitting in Bobbie's one-room 'apartment', physically holding on to each other, as if to keep each other from drowning, when my cell phone rang.

I didn't recognize the number, at least it wasn't in my contacts, and I was ready to click the call away, when a curious feeling I can't describe made me answer.

It was Harold.

It was a long call. At some stage I put the phone on loudspeaker, so Bobbie could hear what was said, too.

To make a very long story short, Harold had managed to calm Mom down enough that she was willing to talk to us again, if we were up for it. He'd understand perfectly well, we might need another couple of days, and that would be OK.

Harold suggested a meeting on 'neutral ground' as he put it, and he mentioned his house as the venue for our first meeting on the way he described as 'reconciliation'.

What was most important, and what made the difference, at least to me, is that never once during this conversation, Harold tried to judge Bobbie or me for our relationship. Without that, I would have probably not even let him finish.

When he was done delivering his message, Bobbie and I told him we'd consider and be in touch with him soon, and we said our goodbyes.

"Wow. That was quick," Bobbie remarked sarcastically after the phone was off. "Only yesterday, we were the antichrists that needed to be removed from her life, and today she's offering signs of peace? Through an intermediary? Hell, what should I make of that?"

"I know. I feel the same. I'm hurt and angry about Mom's reaction, too, but I still think it's a good idea to talk to her, hear what she has to say and why she changed her mind. I don't think either of us would be happy living our lives without her."

"You're probably right, Fred, but I don't think today is the day for it. I need a little longer, I think, to allow the immediate pain to go away."

"That's OK, Bobbie," I reassured her. "I'm sure they'll understand. I do, anyways. Should I ring them and let them know to meet tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but not at his house. That's not 'neutral ground'. The motel would be more neutral than his house."

"OK. Where should we suggest to meet? Somewhere that's quiet, secluded and nobody's home. Do you know of such a place, Bobbie?"

"I think I do, Fred. Marty has a cabin. I don't believe anyone is there at the moment. His family always spends Christmas at one of their homes. They only go there for New Year's. I could give him a call and see if we can have it for a couple of days. He still owes me a favor or two."

"Who's Marty, Bobbie? Should I know him?" I was a little bit jealous.

"Mr. Henderson, silly. I told you, I was dating him in college. The guy who taught me how to deep-throat."

The guy I had made a mental note to thank for teaching my sister everything she knew about sex. And now, he was even going to rescue our family. This man was a true saint.

"Go ahead and call him. Have you ever been there, Bobbie? The cabin, I mean?"

"Once or twice, maybe," she answered vaguely. "The beds up there are very comfy."

Marty was surprised to hear from Bobbie again, of course, but the cabin was available, and he didn't have a problem with us using it for our little family get-together, as Bobbie had put it. We'd have to bring food and drinks, but there was firewood available, that we would be welcome to use.

This was great. Bobbie must have done incredible things to him when they had been together. I was starting to get horny thinking about the surprises Bobbie still had up her sleeves, that might have caused this generosity.

I rang Harold back and let him know our plans. He was happy with everything I said.

Mom and he would travel to the cabin. It might be for the best of it, he said, to meet in a place where neither of us could get away easily. That way, we'd be forced to talk things through.

We planned to meet up there tomorrow after lunch, at 2pm, to be exact. That allowed all of us plenty of time to get there. If it got too late to travel back tomorrow, we would stay the night. That way we wouldn't have to rush.

After all was settled I felt a little better, and I think Bobbie was the same. Now that we were talking again I knew we would be able to resolve any differences we might have, even if this involved accepting unconventional living and loving arrangements.

"I'm glad Harold rang," Bobbie said when I had ended the last call. "I was beginning to lose hope. I don't think I've ever gone this long without talking to Mom before."

"Yeah, me neither. Not even when I told her I had flunked College. Even then she was looking for solutions right away."

"Let's get back to the motel, Fred. We paid for two nights, we should spend them there. Plus, I could do with another session in the steam room. I'll grab a proper swimsuit, though. Go ahead to the car, Fred. I won't be long."

We didn't talk much during the drive back to the motel. We both needed a bit of time coming to terms with meeting Mom and Harold tomorrow, it seemed.

Back at the motel, we didn't waste much time. We grabbed our swimsuits and towels and headed over to the spa.

The time in the steam room did us good. We went for two sessions again, the same as yesterday.

"Come here, Fred! I want to cuddle a bit before we go for dinner." Bobbie lay stark naked and spread eagled on the bed and looked at me, as I was coming back from my shower. Her hairy bush looked delicious.

I quickly hopped on to the bed and squeezed in beside her. Cuddling sounded good. We had fucked a lot in the past 24 hours. It was fair enough to be taking things a little bit slower today.

We slipped under the covers and held each other tightly. It was Bobbie who spoke first.

"I'm nervous about tomorrow, Fred. What if she yells at us again?"

"She won't, Bobbie. Harold will be there. And if things go out of hand we can always leave. I think everything will be god, though. It has always been, and it always will be. This time, Mom just needed a little bit of help. I'm positively sure she loves both of us. Separately or together. We should give her a bit of time to accept us being a couple, though. She might find that hard to come to terms with."

"I think I'm kind of glad she has Harold to help her out now and then," Bobbie said.

"I sure am, too. He saved the day this time, that's for sure. We owe him big time, Sis."

"I think so, too. I would never have thought Mom would be ready to even look at us again so quickly. I just hope she'll be civil tomorrow,"


The following day we got up and left early. It was quite a drive to the cabin. Bobbie knew a cozy little country restaurant, about half way there, that served a great breakfast.

The place was lovely. A real country-diner, rustic atmosphere and good food. It also had a little shop, where we stocked up with some basics for dinner, just in case we would have to stay the night.

We didn't talk much during the ride. I think, we were both quite nervous and anxious to get the meeting with Mom and Harold over with.

The cabin was freezing cold when we arrived. I went to gather firewood and lit the fire. While I stoked the fire, Bobbie made coffee, and by the time Mom and Harold arrived, the smell of fire and fresh coffee filled the place.

The cabin was so homely, it was hard to believe the four of us could have a hard fight, or at least a strong argument later on.

We didn't argue or fight. The 'meeting' was a quick and relatively quiet affair.

Harold had done his work well. While emotions were tense when we first met, they quickly softened. Mom apologized unreservedly for kicking us out of the house, and Bobbie and I apologized for the very rude and embarrassing display they had been forced to see.

With the formalities out of the way, we gradually found back to the usual and very open way we used to have with each other.

Harold was surprisingly open minded about Bobbie and I being together, and he had no difficulty understanding, or at least accepting, when both of us explained that we were in love with each other. He had done no small bit of convincing Mom that nothing we did was actually illegal in our State, or would end us up in jail."I've only one more question before I let this topic rest," Mom remarked after we had discussed things for about an hour or so. "How did you two know you are in love? I've never felt that way for uncle Mike, but I still loved him dearly until the day he died."

"I don't know, Mom," Bobbie answered first. "I think I've been in love with Fred for a long time, but I only realized it after I moved out last year. For weeks, I felt physical pain, and I was only happy when I was back home with you, and around him again. When I saw you two dancing together after we decorated the house, I was so jealous, I could have kicked you, Mom, just because you held the man I wanted to hold so badly. Does that make any sense?"

Mom didn't answer. She had a puzzled look on her face. I could see her trying to process her daughter's words.

"I'm pretty much the same, Mom," I continued. "For a long time, I was only really happy when I was around Bobbie. I've had a good few girlfriends, as you know, but with none of them I felt what I felt when I was around Bobbie, and when she moved out last year, I was as devastated as she. Of course, I knew that loving my sister was not right, so I embarked on a quest: I wanted to find love with someone else. Last year I dated virtually every girl that was interested in going out with me, but I did not fall in love with any of them. I flunked the year, though because I neglected studying so much."

Bobbie listened attentively as I spoke. When I was finished, she took my hand, looked at me and squeezed it lightly.

"I didn't realize any of that, Fred. I'm sorry, you had to go through all this." My sister looked at me and continued, "After being home again, and being around you last week, I realized that I needed to do something. I needed to know. For my own sake and for yours. Of course, I noticed how you were looking at me, and not in a way a brother would look at his sister, too. So, I kissed you under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve. I was so happy when you kissed me back, I could have cried."

My sister's eyes welled up. It was my turn to squeeze Bobbie's hand. I didn't care about Mom or Harold. At this stage, they were mere onlookers as we confessed our love for each other.

"Yeah, at first, I was confused. I hadn't expected that kiss, at least not one like that, but it made everything I felt fall into place. When you kissed me that day, I knew that I love you, Bobbie."

"I love you, too, Fred."

Harold let out a little cough. All of this must have been more than a little surreal for Mom and him.

"See, Helen, that's what I assumed. Your kids are in love," he said, a little timidly, holding Mom's hand.

"I didn't expect this. I didn't expect any of this," Mom said, still with the same puzzled look on her face. "I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Did I do anything wrong? Is this because of something I did?"

"No, Mom!" Bobbie and I said at the same time.

"This is between Fred and me, Mom," Bobbie continued, "Everything is good. Heck, I am much better than good. I haven't been this happy in years, and I'm sure, Fred is the same. I love him and he loves me. We just don't love each other like brothers and sisters normally do." She smiled and went up to Mom to give her a long hug.

"I love you, too, Mom. For the last two days I feared I had lost you forever. I hope I haven't." Bobbie said, tears in her voice. "I'm sorry to have hurt you so much."

The ice was finally broken, and for the next ten or fifteen minutes we all reassured each other of our love. When it got too much, Harold suggested to go for a walk.

Mom and Bobbie walked ahead, chatting and joking. It was amazing.

I stayed back with Harold.

"I'm not sure if you are fully aware, but I think you have saved our family today, Harold. I don't think I, or Bobbie, will ever be able to pay you back," I said, as we were both struggling to keep up with the women's pace. "Thank you for helping us sort this out. You've probably given us one of the best Christmas presents ever."

"No need to thank me or pay me back, Fred. I've always believed in family, and that's what family does, be there for each other, isn't it?"

"It is, Harold," I said. He was right, of course. Nothing else needed to be added.

When we returned to the cabin, night had started to fall, and Harold suggested we should take it easy and not try and rush home today. The drive home would be much safer in the morning.

I went out to the car and got the provisions Bobbie and I had bought earlier, and Harold went and got the food Mom and he had brought, Turkey and all trimmings that were left over from our Christmas dinner that had been cancelled so abruptly.

It was delightful. With all the food on the table, it felt like Christmas all over again. The fire was crackling and the wine was flowing. I think I've never tasted better turkey before.

We sat together for a long while after dinner, chatting about this and that and nothing in particular, and as time progressed, we found our family rhythm again. It was a new rhythm, but we were a new family, too.

We weren't a mother and two kids any longer. Our family now consisted of two very happy couples, although, apart from relatively openly holding hands, all of us were still a little reluctant to show our affection in front of each other.

At the end of the night, Mom got up and announced she'd retire. Bobbie showed her and Harold their room.

When she returned, she sat on my lap, put her arms around my shoulder and kissed me long and deep.

"I have been dying to do this for hours, Fred. I'm so happy things are finally getting back to normal. Harold is a true saint."

"I've already thanked him, Bobbie. Do you know what he said in response? He said there was no need to thank him, that's what family did. Isn't that sweet?"

"It is, Fred. Very sweet."

"I think I'm happy that Mom has finally found her partner."

"So am I. I felt sorry for her the last few years, thinking she was all alone. I wonder when the two started dating?"

"I've no idea, Bobbie. But they look very comfortable around each other. I think they really are in love."

"Ssh, Fred, listen!"

We were quiet for a moment, and there was no doubt. Mom and Harold were at least as much in love as Bobbie and I. The noises coming from their room did not leave much to the imagination.

I scooped Bobbie up, and carried her to our room. She let out a little squeal, and held on tight to my neck when her feet left the floor. Back in our room, I carefully laid her down on the bed and slid in beside her.

We undressed each other slowly, taking our time to explore each other's bodies.

When we were both naked, Bobbie spread her legs and said quietly, "Fuck me, Fred! Fuck me like Harold is fucking Mom."

After confessing our love this afternoon, it was time to celebrate our feelings for each other. I wanted this to be slow, tender, passionate love-making. We could fuck again another time.

"Ssh, baby." I kissed her again. "I'm not going to fuck you tonight. We can fuck again some other time." I kissed my sister tenderly. "Tonight, I want to make love to you."

I climbed between my sister's legs, placed my hard cock at her swollen entrance and let it slide inside her hairy cunt, slowly opening her tunnel. We were gentle as we made love, rocking our bodies against each other, kissing and caressing our bodies, slowly building up our excitement to a sweet and very satisfying orgasm.


We were all up early the following morning. Bobbie suggested to stop at the country diner for breakfast, and we all agreed.

Over the excellent food, Harold invited us to his New Year's Eve party again, and, of course, we accepted. Bobbie was excited. She was looking forward to showing off her new pearl necklace.

I was excited, too. I was certain that Harold would announce their engagement at his party, and I was ready to ask Bobbie to marry me, too. She had pointed out the rings she liked after our Christmas dinner, and I had secretly placed an order with the jewellery shop.

I knew Bobbie and I could never legally be husband and wife, but I didn't care about the certificate. For me it was all about sowing my commitment to stay with her for the rest of our lives. If things went the way I hoped they would go, I would be attending the party at the side of my lovely new wife.

Harold had another announcement to make. He and Mom had decided she would move in with him in the New Year, and our family home would be available for Bobbie and me to live in, if we wanted to. Should we decide not to live there, they would be willing to sell the house and split the proceeds in three.

I for one did not have any intentions to move out of the house any time soon. It would be up to Bobbie to decide if she was willing to take up commuting to work, instead of living in her apartment in town. She didn't need much convincing. She did not have any intentions to live apart from me, and her apartment was definitely too small for both of us.

The matter was settled quickly. Mom would be moving out of the house in the New Year, and Bobbie would be moving back in.

The next couple of days were quiet in our house. Bobbie had gone back to her apartment to pack up her things to move back, and Mom was busy packing her things, getting ready to move out.

The only person with nothing to do was I, and so I used the time to visit the jewellery shop and pay for the rings. I even got them engraved, 'Bobbie & Fred'.

I paid extra to fast-track the order, too. I needed the rings to be ready in a couple of days, if I wanted to carry through with my plan.

The rings were ready on the 30th, and I went back into town to collect them. On the way back, I picked up Bobbie and her things at her apartment. My car was loaded to the top, but I'd have to make another trip tomorrow to get the last of her things.

I smiled all the way back to the house, thinking about the little packet in my pocket and my sister's reaction when I'd put the ring on her finger the following day.

"What are you smiling about, Fred? Are you keeping secrets," Bobbie asked me, when she noticed my ridiculously happy face.

"Oh, nothing, really. I'm just happy you're coming back, Sis. I've missed you terribly over the last few days."

When we arrived at the house, Mom was already gone, the boxes with her most important personal things neatly stacked in the Garage. They would be picked up by the removal company next week, together with some more of her things that she didn't want to pack herself. All of the furniture would stay here.

From now on, Bobbie and I had the house to ourselves.

The first thing we did was change the sheets on Mom's bed. We would sleep in the master bedroom from now on. We also made sure we had everything we needed in the master bathroom.

Once all the preparations for the night were made, we went out for dinner.

"I'm really looking forward to living with you again, Fred," my sister said when we sat down at the table of our favorite Italian restaurant.

"Me, too. It will be strange having the house to ourselves without Mom, though."

"We'll get used to it, soon. I've got some ideas to redecorate already. What do you think if we painted the bedroom first. I presume it will be the room we're going to use most?"

We discussed our plans over dinner. I hadn't thought as much about redecorating the hose as Bobbie had, and so I mostly listened to her plans. I would turn my old room into a study. That way I could spend time at home to prepare for my college exams.

We enjoyed the meal. The food at the restaurant was reliably good, and the atmosphere was relaxed. Just what I needed to carry out my plan.

As our meal came to an end, I had butterflies in my stomach. In fact, I was outright nervous, even though I knew that this would go as planned. After what was said yesterday, there was no doubt, my sister would agree with everything I was about to say and do.

I ordered a glass of Champagne for each of us with dessert, and Bobbie gave me her 'I don't quite get it' look. As soon as the dessert and the drinks arrived, I got up from my seat and pulled the little box with the rings from my pocket.

When she saw the box and realized what was about to happen, Bobbie's eyes widened. I was ready to die, but as this was not an option, I got down on one knee and looked Bobbie deeply in the eyes.

"I didn't have to think very hard about this, Bobbie. When you pointed out the two rings in the window of this jewellery shop on Christmas night, I knew that our lives were about to take a dramatic turn. I knew there was nothing I wanted more, than to be with you for the rest of my life, and when you explained that we didn't have to get legally wed to wear wedding rings, everything became crystal clear to me."

I cleared my throat.

"Roberta Jane, I love you more than life itself and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Do you want to take me as your husband, and spend the rest of your life as my wife with me?"

After I popped the question, Bobbie was silent. I could see her eyes well up, before her face began to beam with happiness and pride.

"Yes," she whispered, and pulled me up in a tight hug. I could feel the wetness from her tears on her cheeks. "Yes, I do. In fact, there is nothing I would like more, than to spend the rest of my life with you, Frederick Michael."

She held out her left hand and I put my ring on her hand. Then I held out my hand and she put her ring on mine. We kissed briefly, before we sat down again.

"You're crazy, Fred." I've never seen a bigger smile on my sister's face.

I took my glass and toasted her. "To you, my lovely wife."

She took hers and toasted me. "To you, my lovely husband."

"Thank you for marrying me, Bobbie. I know we'll never have a legal ceremony, but I don't care about that. I only care about you, about us. That's all that matters."

"I can't believe we're married quicker than Harold and Mom, Fred. I love you so, so much. Thank you for asking me to marry you, you crazy, crazy boy!"

Bobbie tried to seduce me on the way home, and I must say she did a very good job. First, she put her hand on my leg. Very high up, but not quite high enough to touch Fred Jr.

She scratched me lightly with her fingernails. After that, she resorted to telling me how good my hard cock would feel in her mouth once she got her hands around it.

"If you think I've shown you everything Marty taught me, you are wrong, little brother. Just wait and see. First, I'll swallow you whole, and then..."

After that, she opened the button of her jeans, stripped down to her panties and started masturbating, all the while telling me how good my hard cock would feel in her pussy, and how she would make sure Fred Jr. had a good time, too.

I nearly went crazy, when I heard the squishy sound of her fingers inside her wet cunt, while she told me how she would bounce up and down my hard dick, or how she would enjoy Fred Jr. pumping in and out of her pussy.

"...and then I want you to fuck me doggy-style, Fred. We've never done that. I bet Fred Jr. would like it, too. Marty always told me my cunt was extra tight that way, and I liked it when he pushed his fingers inside my tight ass while he fucked me with his prick.

"Have I ever told you that Fred Jr. is at least twice the size of Marty's dick, Fred? Oh, I'm dripping already just thinking about getting split open by that monster dick of yours."

Thankfully, we had the house to ourselves that night. We didn't hold back. I fucked Bobbie in every position imaginable, and she made true on her promise to show me things I never knew she could do. I don't think any hole was spared that night, none of hers and none of mine, either.

I don't know how many times we came that night. I remember the first time I came was deep inside her mouth, when she, without warning, inserted two of her slender fingers knuckle-deep into my ass and finger-fucked me.

The first time Bobbie came, I think, was when she squatted down on my face and I tormented her clit with the tip of my tongue. I don't think I ever had to swallow as much cum before. She positively exploded in my mouth.

I also remember the last time we came that night. Bobbie lay on her back, her legs locked behind her shoulders. Fred Jr. had a field day inside her tight cunt. without warning, my sister released her legs and pushed me deep inside her by locking her feet behind my back. Her cunt massaged Fred Jr. so hard that it didn't take long and he surrendered, and unloaded his last load deep inside her belly.

"Mmh, Fred. That was wonderful." Bobbie purred into my ear. I don't think I've ever been fucked like this before. I don't think I will be able to walk tomorrow. My poor pussy is very raw."

"I'm surprised Fred Jr. was able to do what he did tonight. He's usually tired after two rounds and needs his beauty sleep," I whispered back to her. "You did amazing things tonight. I love you, my beautiful wife."

"I love you, too, husband. Let's see if I can convince Fred Jr. to get up one last time."

Bobbie took Fred Jr. in her mouth and sucked on him, but this time she didn't manage to revive him. He was out for the count.


We stayed in bed until noon. With nobody in the house expecting us for breakfast, we decided to take it easy. We tried to have a morning quickie, but both, Bobbie's pussy and Fred Jr. were not impressed by our attempts to get them to play, and we resorted to cuddling instead.

I took off my ring and showed Bobbie the engraving, and she took hers off to see it in her ring.

"I love you so much, Fred. I don't want to be with anyone else but you ever again. Thank you for asking me to marry you."

"And I love you, too, Bobbie," I responded. "Thank you for agreeing to marry me, and thanks for playing along. I'm sorry, I can't give you a proper wedding."

"Why not, Fred? Why can't we have a proper wedding. It doesn't have to be a legal one, but we can still celebrate in style."

"I don't think your or my friends would understand, Bobbie...," I started to respond, when I realized how wrong I was. Our friends would have to accept the two of us together. There was no way around that. If they couldn't, they wouldn't be our friends for much longer.

"Are you afraid of losing your friends over this, Bobbie," I asked my sister, once I had realized the potential consequences of us being the couple we had become.

"I don't think so, Fred. First of all, I don't have all that many friends. I'm sure, Becky will understand, but if she doesn't, there is nothing I can do, is there?"

Becky was Bobbie's best friend since Kindergarten.

"I wonder what people will think when they see us together at the party tonight. I don't plan on hiding our relationship, do you?" Bobbie sounded quite determined.

"I am actually looking forward to their reaction. I'm pretty sure, Mom and Harold are going to formally announce their engagement tonight. I don't plan on stealing the show, but I surely plan on introducing you as my wife to anyone who asks."

"Let's celebrate our wedding tonight, Fred. Let's make Harold's party our private wedding celebration." Bobbie's eyes glowed.

"Oh, I like that. Our own private party within the party. That's a great idea."

We arrived about an hour late to the party. Just as we were ready to leave the house, Bobbie turned around to me and said, quite factually, "I'm not wearing anything underneath my dress tonight, Fred."

I don't think she anticipated the reaction she got, but after we were done with each other, she and I had to take another shower.

The party was a great success. As expected, we only knew a handful of people. Most of them were Mom's work colleagues. It was easy to introduce Bobbie as my wife. We didn't have too many questions to answer. Our new life together seemed to start out just the way we wanted it, as Mr. and Mrs. No questions asked.Shortly before midnight, Harold announced his engagement to Mom, and everybody in attendance made a toast to the happy couple. Bobbie and I made two toasts. One to them, and one to us. Just to be safe.

When the music played 'Auld Lang Syne' to bid the old year farewell, we moved a little away from the crowd, and Bobbie leaned into me. Our New Year's kiss was a little bit longer and probably a little bit deeper than most other kisses at the party.

My hand might also have slipped underneath my sister's skirt as we kissed. Her pussy was hot and wet.

"Happy New Year, my love," I whispered in Bobbie's ear as I pulled her close.

"Happy New Year, Fred. I love you."