Steve had had a long semester at college, the classes had been difficult and challenging and he hadn't had any time off from the end of classes to when he had to pack for the trip home to his parent's house for the holiday break. Holidays were always an enjoyment at his house; the family got together and shared stories about what was going on and getting caught up on all the family events. Steve was looking forward to this years holiday break as he was going to get a chance to visit with his cousin Tiffany. Tiffany was a year younger then Steve, they had played from before he could remember; but usually only visited during the holiday's as that was when the families got together. This year was a little special since he hadn't seen his cuz for almost 3 years. Between work, school and moving he hadn't been to any recent events. He has just arrived home and began cleaning up his room as he didn't want his cuz walking in on a messy room. The day was spent with lots of activities around the house and finally he got a break to get in the shower. He cleaned up washing and even trimming his hair all over his body, chest, legs and even around his balls, he had been neglected his grooming in the past few weeks what with finals occupying his every waking moment. It felt good to get cleaned up and back "in shape" so he finished taking care of his body with some light cologne and the standard male accoutrements.

He dressing in some shorts and a sport shirt, it was going to be hot this afternoon, mid 70;s which was unusual for this time of year when it should have been snowing. He also wanted to get some sun, his complexion was lacking in that department as well. Just after getting dressed the door bell rang, he headed down the stairs, "I got it Mom", he opened the door and there stood "T", she was dressed in a light sun dress that looked stunning, snuggly clinging to her body, he was force to lift his eyes up away from her body. The smile on her face showed how excited she was, they both hesitated and then he leaned in for a hug.

She felt his arms slip around her and her heart skipped a beat. She could smell the cologne on him as she closed here eyes only briefly and felt his body against hers. As he pulled away from the hug, his eyes darted downward, he could see the fullness of her breasts in the dress and a couple of strategically undone buttons gave a hint of a fantastic cleavage. He was thinking wow she has really filled out, in all the perfect places!

Steve released her as his Aunt and Uncle walked up onto the porch; he greeted them and showed them into the house. As he turned around the closed the door he saw his cuz looking at him, but something was strange, had he just caught his cuz checking out his butt? Naw it couldn't be, he thought...She turned and headed into the kitchen giving him a brief glimpse of her ass swaying as she walked.

She had walked up onto the porch in a hurry, leaving her Mom and Dad behind, after that great hug, with her heart beating fast, she turned to see him hug them and they passed by her into the kitchen. She watched as he closed the door turning his back to her and her eyes swept down to his firm tight ass. It had been years since they had seen each other and he had grown up a lot since she had seen him last. He legs showing below his shorts sported some tight calf's and his ass was snug in those form fitting shorts making her mouth become a little dry. As her gaze scanned up she saw him turning, oh shit she though, hope he didn't catch me. Her cheeks reddened as she blushed.

Her mind had shifted back to three years ago when he had hugged her and she felt that tingle in her toes. She had noticed how much he had paid attention to her and wondered if there was more to it....could there be?.....should there be? She also through she had felt something pressing against her belly, could it be that he was getting aroused? By her?

She turn and headed into the kitchen, maybe he won't notice she was blushing, her mind quickly came back to the present as he caught up to her and put his arm around her waist.

He looked down at her; he had put on some height since they had last met and a little muscle as well; he hoped she noticed. Course those hours at the gym hadn't landed him a girlfriend yet, that always frustrated him. He made friends with women, but when it came to his love life he always stumbled, saying something stupid or wrong at the most inopportune moment. Or, unfortunately landing in the "friends zone" being the guy they could talk to but that also meant they couldn't be intimate with, that left him sexually frustrated all the time.

But this was not the "Cuz T" that he remembered, last time they had been together she was a young teenage girl, now, she was a woman, she had long flowing blond hair and blue eyes that sparkled. He noticed she had also filled out in the chest department as well, and her cleavage was showing through the sundress. He couldn't help but steal a quick peek as he leaned down to ask her if she wanted a drink.

She smiled up at him and said "but of course, are you going to be a gentleman and get it for me?" She chuckled as she teased him, emphasizing her point by poking him in the ribs. She also caught his eyes stealing a glance down her blouse, I'll have to take advantage of that she thought as his looking cause her to become aroused.

"Hey, watch it, I'm bigger then you now", "and what does that have to do with anything?" she replied. "Are you going to get me my drink, or what?" "Ok, follow me." He finally said.

Finally acquiesced to her ribbing they headed out onto the yard, where the cooler was. They selected some "Hard Lemonade" to drink, found some glasses, and settled down. They spent hours getting caught up on what has been going on, he found out she had her own apartment now and was working. They talked about significant others and were surprised to find out that neither were dating. She had been in some short termed relationships but nothing special. She told him that most of they guys only wanted to get in her pants and then they would disappear, so she was selective on whom she dated. He said, "well I can see why they would want to..." and trailed off as he realized what he said. She teased him, asking "why would they want to get in my pants?" "Well, umm you know, they just would" "But, what would they do" She baited him with the question, causing him to blush. "You know, he looked at her eyes finally and saw the smirk on her lips, "oh you" he said as he went to push her, she turned causing his hand to land on her chest. It lasted only a second, but in the fraction of a moment, he felt the soft smooth shape of her breast, in a light bra and to his surprise he thought he felt a hard nipple. "oh shit cuz, I didn't mean to, ummm, you know..." She chuckled, "get over it" she tried to play it off by punching him in the arm. Dinner time – came the call from the inside, whew, he had been saved by the bell. As he got up, he gave her a hand to lift up, she stole that moment o check out his short, and sure enough, she could see the outline of what appeared to be a nice cock. Hmmm she thought to herself.....

Dinner was fun, they had a blast sitting next to each other during the meal with some light teasing. It seamed to him more then accidental that their legs touched during the dinner, but was he just imaging things? The parents were busy discussing some political item at the end of the meal, he helped clear away the table and they left the "adults" to solve world problems. Course with him being 22 and her 21 it wasn't like they were kids. But with her in the house, years seamed to melt away and they felt like kids again, they decided to head upstairs and chat. They went into his room and sat on his bed.

He had to ask, "So how come you're not dating?"

"I could ask you the same question" she replied.

"Well, umm, I didn't mean it to be that way, you know..." He felt stupid which he often did when he got around girls.

She saw him floundering and she lay down on her belly on the bed supporting her head in her hands. Her hair flowing out over her arms, she kicked off her shoes and looked up at him as he lay with his head up against the wall and his legs on the bed. As she looked down she could detect the slight swell of his manhood in his shorts. Was he aroused? Why would he be? She looked up and caught his eyes looking at her cleavage. She flushed and looked away. A million thoughts flooded into her mind: My cuz was checking me out, did she like it, should she? Actually yes, she did. She was thinking about the time they went to the store years ago and they were holding hands, how it made her heart flutter. She always though he had never noticed how it had affected her, but it had a lot, and that touch had started the embers glowing back then. Now those feelings flooded back in, and her heart raced again. Here she was, on his bed, the masculine smells of his room filling her senses and the visual image of him sitting on the bed, his snug short stretched across his thighs and clearly showing the beginnings of his arousal. She licked her lips and looked up at him. "Well if you must know, I don't have a boy friend as the ones I've been dating have all been jerks."

He realized he was staring at her chest, he looked up at her eyes and said "umm..." stumbling as he realized he was caught looking at her chest, "and I haven't been what you would call lucky with the ladies lately"

It was his turn to blush as he realized he was busted. But rather then chastise him, she reached out a hand and put it on his thigh, "Well I can't believe that, a handsome guy like you," she said.

Her fingers were silky soft resting on his thighs. It made his heart beat faster as she caressed him lightly. Was she hitting on him? His own cuz? And she was stunning, what to do? He was looking into the deep pool of her eyes as they talked, they were soft, comforting eyes, and something else....he noticed that her cheeks were slightly red and her pupils were enlarged, was she excited?

"Well I don't know about that handsome stuff," he said, she realized that he didn't know how good-looking he was and she was very attracted to him. Her temp was up and even though she was wearing a light sundress she felt warm. As he looked away she stole a moment to undo one of the buttons on her dress top..

He looked back in time to catch her licking her lips, making them glossy and wet, but he also caught her eyes darting to his crotch, as he looked down he realized his cock was making a nice outline in his shorts, more then normal. Having stared at her breasts and the touch of her hand it caused the desired effect. Was the outline of his cock in his shorts arousing her? Did his cuz did have some amorous feeling for him? Should he? The thoughts filled his head and the blood poured into his groin, making it harder to think straight, and causing his manhood to grow.

"Can I ask you something" he said as he cleared his mind finally. She looked up at him, "ummm...sure, anything...!"

"When did you get so beautiful?"

She smiled and looked down for a minute and then looked up, "what do you mean?"

It was time for him to be flustered, "umm well, I mean, look your body...I mean your face..." he stammered out

She liked him off balance, and pressed the issue, "what do you mean my body?" she asked coyly, rocking back and forth on her elbows, causing her breasts to sway ever so gently.

He tried to recover, with a quick thought, "well I mean you have grown into a woman and all."

"A woman, what part of me is that?" She teased, sitting up on the bed facing him. As she was maneuvering up she had secretly undone another of her blouse buttons. As she sat up she was smiling as she feel the cool brush of air across her chest.

He couldn't help his eyes, they darted to the opening of her blouse, showing off the swell of her chest down to the clasp at the bottom of her bra. He realized that not only had she gown into a woman, but she had some large breasts, and he was a breast man to boot. "Well I would have to say, that you have developed some beautiful breasts" he said as she smiled at him she said, "is that so?" "Do you like breasts like mine?" she asked leaning forward slightly letting the top gape open a little.

"Oh yes, I do" he replied, he felt his shorts trapping his cock against his leg as the shorts were snug. Although the shorts only encasing his growing arousal slightly and with his desire mounting the growing bulge was trying to escape down the opening at the bottom of his shorts. He saw her eyes dart back down to his crotch and rather then dash back up they stopped and stared. He looked down and to his embarrassment he saw that he head peeking out. Her hand slid up to her chest and she undid another button. "it looks like you would like to see more" she said in a husky voice, her eyes transfixed upon the outline of his cock in his shorts.

"I could say the same for you" he said, as her blouse opened more showing the full side of her breast and the bra underneath. The bra was silky white almost translucent lightly cupping the swell of her breast. The delicate see through material was barely holding her breasts and he though he could see the outline of her areolas through the material. He placed his hand next to his cock (it had been trapped in the folds of his shorts, causing him some discomfort) and adjusted his shorts pulling them upward and outward so that his shaft could grow.

The shaft extend past the end of his shorts, the 8 inches of meat were the biggest she had ever seen the sight was making her hot with desire. The head was now fully exposed outside the shorts she licked her lips imaging what it would be like to take it into her mouth, how it would fill her mouth, the soft texture of the spongy head, the warmth as the flesh against her tongue.

He wasn't sure what to do next, should he make a move on her or would she resent that, after all she was his cousin. They heard rumbling down stairs, he thought oh shit, their about to leave, crap! She heard the same sounds and looked up at him, they didn't have much time she thought. He reached down for her and pulled her up into a kiss. Surprised she melted into the kiss, there mouths opening and there tongues dancing together. It was a hot, sensual fire driven kiss, their mouths pressing tightly together with his tongue pushing deep into her mouth. She sucked on his tongue at the same time that her hand slide up his thigh and brushed against the head of his cock. His pulsing shaft was hot to the touch and she heard him moan deep in his throat as her fingers closed around the smooth flesh. His desire was mounting as he brought a hand up to her chest. His hand slid inside her dress and cupped one bra-enclosed breast finding a rock hard nipple underneath. The hardness of her nipple pressed against his palm, as his hand felt the silky smooth skin through the bra. It was her turn to moan as she felt the palm of his hand caressing her overly sensitive nipple.

The kiss seamed like it lasted forever but was actually very brief, impossibly short. They heard her parents call her name. They parted, their breath coming in gasps as they looked deep into each other's eyes, enflamed with passion, they didn't want to separate, but they had to. She answered her parents, saying she would be right down after she went to the bathroom. She stood up, buttoned up her blouse, took one last look at the pulsing shaft of his cock and then darted across to the bathroom. She used the time in the bathroom to splash some cold water on her face, adjusted her dress and calmed down. She asked herself, what has she done? How did she let it get out of control? Should she or more likely, would she? A thousand thoughts flooded into her mind as she calmed herself down, straitened up and then finally exited the bathroom.

When she had left, he had to reach down and squeeze his shaft to calm his rock hard erection. It felt like it took forever for his pulsing shaft to relax, as he kept replaying in his mind that kiss, the feel of her tongue, the swell of her breast and her hard nipple in his hand. He stood up and quickly took off his shorts and threw on a pair of jeans to hopefully hide his erection. He put on some cologne to hide her perfume on him and headed down to say goodbye to his family.

She descended the stairs and saw her mom and dad departing, she said goodbye to her aunt and uncle and then turned and tentatively hug him. As they hugged she asked, so what are your plans this week? He whispered, I was hoping to see you again. She felt a flush of excitement run up her spine. She pushed a piece of paper into his hand saying, call me, I have all this week off work, maybe you could come down?

She then turned and walked out of the house, down the steps and left.....(to be continued)