When Mom and Dad were killed in an automobile accident five years ago, my brother and I each received three hundred and seventy thousand dollars and the title to the family home. I was just about eighteen and Robbie had recently turned twenty-one. I decided to go on to college and Robbie bought a truck. Of course, it wasn't just any truck. He bought a brand-new, fully loaded Peterbilt semi-tractor and trailer. It had everything- refrigerator, TV, computer and a full-blown sleeper cab.

Robbie took almost an hour telling me about all the features of his new tractor-trailer. I was very impressed and Robbie was itching to hit the open road. His first step was to get the required driver's license. It wasn't easy but he passed all the exams and got driving experience from a local driving school. In less than a month, he had taken delivery of his truck and got his driving credentials and was ready to roll. He had even rounded up some smaller runs to get his feet wet, and away he went.

In the meantime I enrolled in the local university and began classes when the summer ended. For five years, I busted my hump and I got a master's degree in both business administration and computer science. I stayed in our house and did little except chug away at my classes. To say I had no social life would be a colossal understatement. Even though Robbie was out on the road most of the time, he did better in that department than I did. Whenever he was in town, he seemed to always have a lot of friends around. Friends-yes, but no real serious girlfriends. Being on the road so much sort of inhibited his social life in this area.

By the time I graduated in June of my fifth year, I was ready for some rest and some fun. Getting two master's degrees was a real grind, but I felt it was worth it because I could probably get a position nearly anywhere. After all, I graduated near the top of my class in both disciplines. Robbie arranged his runs so that he had my graduation week at home. He said he was very proud of my drive and accomplishment and that he wouldn't miss it for the world.

As we drove home from the ceremony, he asked me what I had in mind to do next. "I'm going to sleep for the next month and maybe by fall I'll be ready to look for a job."

"Sounds like a plan. I don't think I could have kept up your schedule for five years like you did. I probably would have crashed after six months. You are amazing."

"Well, I guess I sort of amazed myself. Once I got into the grind I just couldn't let up."

"You might say you are going to sleep for a month but I'll bet you won't be able to kick back for that long."

"I'm going to try to prove you wrong."

"Rather than sleep, I think you need to work on getting a little fun in your life. I bet you don't even know what fun is. I'm meeting a couple of my friends tonight at a club for some drinks. You want to go?"

"Well, do I have time for a nap?"

"We aren't going until nine tonight."

"That would give me almost four hours to recover. I think I would like to go. What kind of a place is it and what should I wear?"

"It's a nice place but not too upscale. Anything casual would be fine. You can ride with me-Jack and Tom will just meet us there."

"Ok, just wake me up about seven."

I woke up at six-thirty and was ready to go in about an hour. I was actually sort of excited because I hadn't been to a club in over three years. I wondered if I could still dance. These five years really had taken a toll. Thinking back, I could remember only having maybe a half dozen dates in all this time.

"So, what do you guys do at these clubs?"

"Mostly sit around drinking beer and watching the girls."

"Don't you try to hook up with these girls, do a little dancing?"

"Once in a while, but usually we just sit and watch."

"This Jack and Tom-they're not losers, are they?"

"No. I've known them from high school. I used to hang around with them a lot. You probably met them back in the day. Of course, you were just my little sister then. You won't recognize them, I'm sure. They probably won't remember you either."

"Do they dance?"

"Jack is pretty good but I don't think Tom even knows how. Like I said, we usually just sit and drink."

"I think maybe I might like to dance. How about you, are you any good?"

"I'm all right."

"Well, maybe between you and Jack, I can see if I remember how. You wouldn't mind dancing with your sister, would you?"

"Nobody would know. I don't think I will tell Jack and Tom that I'm bringing you. I don't think I'll even tell them that you are my little sister. You can just be a friend I ran into."

"Yeah, that will be fun. Just don't be grabbing my ass when we dance. And I don't put out on the first date."

"Very funny. I'll be cool. We're here and I see Jack and Tom by the door."

I woke up the next day in my bed wearing only my panties. I vaguely remembered dancing a little with Jack and my brother. Robbie did grab my ass a couple times. I also recall that drinks kept coming and that I drank them right on down. The question in the back of my mind was who undressed me and put me to bed. I hoped that I really didn't put out on the first date. I finally dragged myself downstairs where Robbie was eating a sandwich.

"Well, good afternoon, Sleepyhead," he chuckled.

"Yeah, right, Asshole. Who undressed me?"

"Your big brother took care of that,"

"And I suppose you did it with a blindfold on."

"No, but it was a little bit dark."

"You liar. I suppose you got a good look, didn't you? How come you let me get so drunk?"

"You wanted to have some fun, didn't you?"

"Well, I guess, but my head doesn't feel too much like fun now."

"Yeah, you're just a lightweight. You know, Barb, I was thinking. Tomorrow I am leaving for a short little two-day run. I think it would be fun if you wanted to ride along."

"Great! When do we leave? What do I need to bring?"

"I thought we could get under way about seven and you only need to bring your jammies, make-up and maybe a change of clothes."

"Can I wear shorts and can I drive, too?"

"Shorts are all right but I can't let you drive. If I got caught, I would lose my license. I already got busted once for running overweight."

We got under way a little before seven. I was amazed how excited I was. Even though Robbie's truck was five years old, it rode pretty smooth but was pretty loud. I loved being up so high and being able to look down into other vehicles. By nine we had made our first pick-up and were on the road. We were going to drive about six hours and deliver our load and then go another two hours and stop and get our second load which had to be delivered at ten the next morning. We pulled into a truck stop right at seven. After we had dinner, we went next door to a little bar and had a couple beers before returning to the truck to get some sleep. I hadn't really thought about the sleeping arrangement but Robbie assured me that I would be safe with him in the sleeper.

I changed into my jammies while he checked the tires. When he climbed back in, he just took off his shirt and pants and slid into the bed beside me. He rolled away from me and mumbled "Nite, Barb."

"Good night, Robbie. I can't tell you how much fun my first day on the road was- I loved it. I just wish I could drive."

"Well, maybe you should take the test and I could give you lessons. Good night again."

And he was out. I couldn't get to sleep and laid on my back staring up at the ceiling. The next thing I knew it was getting light and Robbie was spooned up against my back. I elbowed him and he woke right up. "Now who's a sleepy-head?" He grumbled and quickly threw his clothes on.

"We have to get going. Why don't you go into the restaurant and order some food? I'll pull the truck around and gas up real quick. I'll just have some eggs, toast and coffee."

"Ok. Three eggs over easy, right?

"That'll do it."

We ate and were on the road a little after seven-thirty. I asked Robbie how much it costs to fill up the truck, and he said it ran over three hundred dollars almost every time. "Wow! The oil companies must really love you truckers."

"Well, I think the government loves us more. The fuel taxes are outrageous. I'm sure they make more money in taxes than the oil companies make in profit."

"Speaking of profit, how are you doing? I hope you don't mind my asking."

"Not at all. Buying the truck took a big piece of Mom and Dad's money and I lost some in the first year, but now I'm getting back on track a little. The largest problem is the time when I'm running empty and sitting idle waiting for loads, at home or at stops. A driver can only drive for so many hours in a day. There's the government again. Also, the maintenance on one of these babies is a lot. You know a full set of tires can run as much as five thousand and a major engine overhaul can be over twenty-five."

"So, the real trick is to keep on rolling like the song says. Maybe I should look into getting licensed. If we both drove we could keep the truck making money for longer times, right?"

"It doesn't make anything while it is sitting, that's for sure. But I couldn't ask you to basically kiss off your education to become a truck driver."

"Let me think about things. How do you file your taxes?"

"I'm an owner-operator so I am considered a sole proprietor. Of course I get to deduct all business-related expenses."

"Well, I'm going to give it some thought. You won't mind if I come up with some suggestions?"

"Go for it. You majored in business administration and maybe I need a little administering."

"And I might use my computer skills to tighten up your scheduling."

I was lost in thought for the rest of the trip and we arrived home at six. I fixed dinner and asked Robbie several questions while we ate. I didn't say much of anything and Robbie went to bed because he had another run the next morning. He got up and left before I woke up. He left a note saying he enjoyed our ride-along and that he would be back in four days.

I spent those days at home mostly, drawing up some ideas to present to Robbie when he got back. I did check on some driving schools about getting licensed. Not wanting to brag but I figured that I could get my license in seventeen days if I gunned it like I had in college. I put down the deposit and planned to start the following week. Even if Robbie didn't like my ideas about his company, I wanted to be able to go with him at times and drive. I also hit the internet and read all about the trucking industry. I got on several blogs put up by truckers. There were even some by trucker wives and trucker girlfriends. By the time Robbie returned, I was beginning to think like a truck driver and I hadn't even touched a steering wheel.

When Robbie showed up, I could barely contain my excitement and gave him a big hug as soon as he walked in the door. I told him about the driving school and showed him my deposit slip. He was surprised and said he thought I had been kidding about learning to drive. I told him that three weeks was my time frame. "Well, that will mesh right into my schedule. I leave again for a ten day run tomorrow, and then a seven day right after."

"I'll be ready about that time. I do have a lot of things to talk over, if you aren't too tired. I wish you had a short run tomorrow so I could go with you. I don't start school until Monday."

"Actually, I got a call today about a little one day run for tomorrow that I turned down. I could juggle my hours around and we could go. We would have to leave at five in the morning so that I could get back on schedule by the evening. I could pick up my load for my long run in the afternoon. I'm sure I can keep everyone happy. Do you want to try it?"

"Yes. We can talk on the road. We better get to bed pretty early. I have been getting up fairly late while you were gone."

"Ok. I'm going to call them back and see if I can pick up the small load right now. If I can, then I'll be right on schedule."

Everything worked out and while Robbie picked up the load, I fixed some dinner and packed a couple lunches for the next day. We hit the sack by eight. In the morning we were at the dock unloading by eight-thirty and back in town by one and we drove over to pick up his big load by two. He dropped me off at home and he was off. He still had several hours on his log.

While we drove that day, I told him that I didn't really want to sleep the rest of the summer. I wanted to get my license and team drive at least for the rest of the summer. He liked the idea, and then I dropped the bombshell. I wanted him to consider my plan to buy into his company. I still had a hundred forty-five thousand dollars of Mom and Dad's money. I told him that we could start a corporation and he could be the majority stockholder. He would be the CEO and I could be the chief financial officer. We could easily more than double the income by keeping the truck rolling more hours and I could spend time tightening up the scheduling while he drove. We could also do longer runs which are more profitable.

"It sounds like you have really thought this out. I think we could probably do this together, but I still am concerned about your degrees and all the investment in your education."

"I've thought about that, too. In a corporation, I would be an officer with a real salary and job title. For all intents and purposes, I would be gainfully employed which would add to my resume if I needed it later. My education would not go old and stale."

"Ok, I'll tell you what, on these two runs I'm doing, I'll put in a lot of thought about this. You go ahead and get your license and we'll go from there."

"Oh, Robbie, I know we can do this. I think we would make a great team."

We left it at that. I went to school and got my license. I spent more time on the internet reading up on trucking. When Robbie got back, he walked in the door and said "Let's do it." I ran to his arms and we hugged like never before.

"When do we leave? Tomorrow?"

"Wait a minute, Barb. I was just on the road for more than two weeks and I'm a little bit tired."

"You can sleep while I drive."

"You do have your license but you'll probably have to ease into the driving regimen. It's not as easy as you might think."

"I know, I know. I'm just so excited."

"Well, if you can wait two days, I do have a five day run all booked."

"I can wait. Maybe, after you rest up tonight, we can go to that club again tomorrow night. But I'm not going to let you get me drunk. I do feel like dancing. Do you suppose you could get Jack to go?"

"Sounds like a plan. But Jack got a girlfriend and I guess she doesn't like going to clubs. So it will just be you and me, if that's alright with you."

"He wasn't that great at dancing anyway. We'll just have to dance together."

And that's what we did. We danced and Robbie grabbed my ass a couple times. I didn't really mind. He did not get me drunk and I undressed myself when we got home. We were up bright and early next morning and we hit the road. At the first rest stop, he let me take over the truck and away we went. It was really fun for a couple hours but after that my back started getting tired.

"See, I told you it would take a little while to get you toughened up. I'll take over for a while." I mounted a mild protest but I let him drive till we stopped for lunch.

When we took off again, I drove for three hours and by that time, my back was really starting to get sore. Robbie took over and I tried to get comfortable in the other seat.

I sort of felt like talking. "I wonder what Mom and Dad would think if they saw us both driving a big ole truck?"

"Me maybe, but I'm sure that they would never dream of you driving. Barb, do you think of them much?"

"All the time. They were so young. It doesn't seem fair."

"It really doesn't. You know, there is something I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but the time never has seemed right. I'm not sure I should actually tell you but I think you need to know something about them and us. You hadn't turned eighteen yet when they died you weren't old enough to know the whole story. Mom was pregnant, about four months, when it happened."

"Mom pregnant? I didn't think they wanted more kids. I think I'm going to cry. That's so sad."

"Please let me continue. I've got to get this out."

"Oh, Robbie, there's more?"

"Yes, a lot more. Do you remember Millie and James Young, and the card games every Friday night? Well, they really didn't play cards when they went to the Young's house. They swapped partners and it went on for several years."

"Robbie! I don't want to hear this. Mom wasn't pregnant with Mr. Young's baby. I can't believe this. Tell me it's not true."

"No, it wasn't his. But it wasn't Dad's either. Let me explain. You see, Millie and Mom decided to go off the pill behind their husband's backs and Millie got pregnant. Dad was furious that Mom had taken such a risk and Mom and Dad almost broke up over it. He was so pissed that he got a vasectomy and they stopped seeing the Youngs. The Youngs later moved away."

"Robbie, how do you know all of this?"

"That's where I came in. One day I was going to the club with Tom and Jack, but Jack was sick and I came home early. Dad was out of town. Anyway, when I came in the house, I passed the living room and Mom and Mr. Young were having sex on the couch. I stopped and just stared and Mom looked up and saw me. I then ran to my room and locked the door. About an hour later, Mom knocked on the door, begging me to let her in so she could explain."

"Where was I?"

"I think you went camping with your friends. Mom did her best to explain what had happened and basically told me the whole story. It seems that Dad did not want any more kids but Mom wanted one more. They were still fighting over that. She said that Mr. Young was moving away and that she was having one last go-around with him."

"And that's when she got pregnant?"

"No, I told you that she wasn't pregnant by Mr. Young."

"Then whose was it?"

"I'm coming to that part. Dad got home the next day, on Sunday, and I'm sure that Mom told Dad that she had screwed Mr. Young and that I had caught them. They had a terrible fight. Finally they calmed down and I could hear them talking in their room. After a couple hours, they came to my room to talk to me. They said that their fighting was over and they wanted to ask me something. Mom once again apologized for her behavior and

Dad said that he had forgiven her. Mom then said that she still wanted to have another baby. Dad said that he had finally agreed."

"But you said that Dad had gotten a vasectomy. He gave her permission to go screw someone else to get pregnant?"

"No. Not someone else. They wanted me to do it. Barb, Mom was pregnant with my baby."

"You had sex with our Mom? How could you do that? I'm going to get sick."

I started to cry and just climbed up into the bed. Robbie and I didn't speak for a long time. After about an hour, Robbie pulled into a rest stop and shut the truck down. He then stood up between the seats and leaned against the edge of the bed.

"It wasn't nasty or perverted. We just wanted to have a baby without going outside of the family. You know that I loved Mom and Dad and I just fell in love with Mom in a new and different way. The three of us were very happy. We wanted to tell you but just didn't know how. We even talked about maybe bringing you into our relationship."

"I don't know, Robbie, it sounds so strange. I do feel bad that they died and all, but I'm not sure that I can accept your part in all of this. Didn't you feel funny having sex with Mom?"

"Well, it was a little uncomfortable at first, but they helped me get used to it. They made it a very loving situation. Dad was right there with us so that there was never any feeling of going behind his back or cheating. He was right there with us most of the times. We were all ecstatic when she turned up pregnant. We didn't stop. We continued right up to the time of the accident."

"Oh, Robbie, you must have been devastated."

"I was. I just about fell apart. Luckily I felt like I had to hold it together for your sake. I was very depressed-losing both Mom and Dad and our baby. I didn't even have anyone to talk to."

"I'm so sorry, Robbie, I didn't think about the baby."

I started crying again and Robbie pulled me to the side of the bed and held me tight. After a few minutes, he sat back down in his seat and started the truck. He looked back at me and said "I've got to get driving or I'm going to start crying myself."

"I bet you have cried a million tears in the last five years, haven't you?"

"Yeah, but not nearly as often for a long time. I think my tear ducts have dried up."

I dozed off and I slept for a couple hours. Finally I got myself together and climbed back down to my seat. "I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. I am sure that it was a difficult situation and that you probably handled it the right way. It doesn't sound like you were just a guy who wanted a piece of ass. I wish you had told me a lot sooner. Why didn't the three of you tell me what was going on? I think I would have been shocked but I would probably have understood."

"We just thought it would be better to wait until you were eighteen."

"Well, don't ever leave me out again. We are all we have now and we have to hang together."


"Robbie? Would it be ok if I started calling you Rob instead of Robbie? Rob sounds so much more grown up. I think you aren't just my big brother but a full grown man now."

"It would be alright with me. Most of my friends call me Rob anyway. You are just about the only holdout. I'm hungry. Do you want to stop for lunch?"

"Lunch? You haven't looked at the clock lately-it's almost five."

We did stop and ate dinner and then I drove for two more hours. Rob drove for another two before pulling into a rest stop. We got dressed for bed, hugged for a minute or two, and then Rob rolled over and immediately went to sleep. I laid awake for a while and then spooned up against Rob's back. I pulled myself tight against his body and whispered in his ear "I would have joined you, you know."

In the morning we decided to hit the next little town and grab some breakfast since we actually had missed a meal the previous day. While we were waiting for our food, Rob quietly said "I was awake last night. Did you mean what you whispered?"

Suddenly flustered, I gave Rob a little nod just as the waitress brought our food. She saw my face and asked if everything was all right and I managed a quick nod and Rob replied "Never better." We both smiled and ate our breakfast, gave her a big tip and left the diner. Rob said he was going to check the tires and I went next door to the little store and bought a loaf of bread, some sodas and some lunch meat.

When I walked back around the end of the truck, Rob grabbed me and kissed me like I had never been kissed before. "We need to get going and find us a rest stop-like right now. One with trees."

Thirty miles later and we were in the bed making love. Rob was ever so gentle because I was nearly a virgin because I had not been with anyone since high school. It didn't take long for me to get in the swing of things and I soon had my first-ever orgasm and Rob unloaded in me twice. I couldn't get enough of Rob's kisses. Finally Rob said that we had better get to driving. It was after ten and we had only gone about fifty miles.

I took the wheel but we only made it about three hundred miles when we saw the next rest stop sign. I pulled down toward the end and nestled up against some fine oak trees. This time I got off twice and Rob finally came again. He said that if we kept this up, we'll have to drive till midnight to keep on schedule. I didn't think either of us cared about the schedule right then but we did get dressed. I stuffed some tissues in my shorts and we hit the road.

"Barb, it seems to me that we are going to make one hell of a great team. I can't tell you how excited I am right now."

"I'm so happy now. You and I will be great together just as long as you don't get tired of me and dump me along the road somewhere."

"Not a chance."

We had some sandwiches later so we could keep on trucking. We didn't make it clear to midnight because we were both pretty tired. I didn't put my jammies on when we went to bed and I teased Rob a little because he couldn't get it up for the fourth time in one day. The next morning was a different story and we got a little bit of a late start. With my driving time added to Rob's, we actually could make up for any lost time. I was starting to get my body accustomed to longer hauls at the wheel.

By the end of the summer, we had our routine down pat. On some short runs I didn't go with Rob so that I could get all of the corporation filings done. We set up a business checking account, changed the insurance policies and all the little things that needed to be done. When we were both on the road we usually drove in shifts and kept up a steady twenty hour per day pace. We didn't stop at every rest area but our sex life was pretty fantastic. Already I was looking at Rob not as my brother but as my lover and mate.

While Rob drove, I was able to keep our scheduling tight as a drum and by October we were banking almost a five thousand dollar profit per month. Things were pretty rosy but then something came up in January. I missed my period! Tests and a visit to my doctor confirmed that I was indeed pregnant. I knew that this would change our financial picture somewhat so I started right off trying to figure out ways to keep us on our upward spiral.

I waited until Rob got back to give him what I considered to be good news. I wasn't sure how he might take the news about our baby but he surprised me. He was ecstatic even though we had never really talked about babies before. He wanted to get married but I told him that probably was not possible. I guess he didn't think of me as his sister any more. I told him that I had been thinking a lot about our situation while he was out on the road.

"I don't think we can get married but we can live together as man and wife if we move to a place where no one knows us. Another thing, I don't think Denver is really the ideal location for a trucking company. I've been doing some research and I think Southern Illinois would be better. It is centrally located and if we concentrate on the part of the country east of the Rockies, we wouldn't have to fight our way to the West. Trucks just can't keep up a good speed going up or down these mountains. And it is dangerous during bad and even good weather. You don't see run-away truck ramps in other places."

"In addition, house prices are less there if we would stay out of the bigger cities. I asked around to a couple realtors and you would not believe how much our house is worth now. We probably could buy a house in Illinois and clear a couple hundred thousand selling this house. That would give us just about four hundred thousand in the bank."

"I guess we are sitting pretty, but how would we make up for you being unable to drive? That generates quite a bit of our income."

"I've been thinking about that too. Remember when we went to the club with Jack last month? He was grumbling about his job at the auto parts store-how he was only making about thirteen dollars an hour. And he and that girl he was seeing broke up."

"Yeah, he was pretty down."

"I'll bet if you talked to him and offered to move him and get him set up with a license, he might go along with us. Keep in mind, too, he doesn't even know that I'm your little sister. He thinks I'm just your girlfriend and that if I were knocked up, it wouldn't even be that unusual. Everyone else that we would be around would just assume we were married. I think he might be a really good fit to be your team driving partner."

For the next month, Rob and I discussed our ideas. As soon as driving the big truck became too much for me, we sold the house, one of our cars and lined Jack up. One weekend we loaded up all of our belongings, all of Jack's, and drove our little caravan to our new digs in Illinois. It hadn't even taken the realtor two months to find a great house on five acres with a barn, a mother-in-law apartment for Jack and room for a lot of trucks, if need be.

A lot has happened in the last five years. I'm pregnant with my third baby and I'm still a bit of a workaholic. Jack and our new team driver still take care of the longer hauls. Rob bought a used Kenworth and makes all of our shorter runs so that he can be home more. Jack is tickled pink with his situation. He bought a brand new Corvette and he is going to get married in two months.

It is amazing what a person can do with a cell phone, the internet and a couple of hot-shot computers. In addition to handling all of our scheduling, I have started a scheduling and dispatch service for eight trucking companies in our area. One has seven tractor-trailers. Rob and I are well on our way to becoming millionaires. Not a single person in the world knows that Rob and I are brother and sister. I am sure that Mom and Dad would be so proud.