Mike Nicholson was forty four and had been a teacher for 19 years when he became the type of person he had always looked down upon. He had always considered teachers, men and women, who got romantically involved with students to be the worst kind of people. People who lacked self awareness, self control, and a basic sense of decency.
He taught English and, by every measure, he was good at his job. He engaged his classes and, if he didn't impart a love of writing and literature to all of his students, it was rare that he was not able to at least elicit a grudging respect out of even the least interested.
He had friends who teased him; joking that they did not understand how he could be surrounded by young women every day and not see them as the budding sexual objects they often presented themselves as. 'Mike,' they would say. 'How can you control yourself?' He had to shake his head. It was not, he insisted, and believed, that difficult.
It helped that he was a happily married man, an adult and a professional.His students were too young and too immature to catch his eye. Sure, once they turned 18 it was more difficult not to see the girls as women. They knew they were reaching adulthood, and made efforts to let everyone know. Dressing more provocatively. Flirting more openly with everyone including male teachers like himself. Mike had, however, always been able to resist.
It probably helped that he had a daughter of his own. June had gone to the school where he taught, so it was hard to view the girls differently than he saw his own daughter. He was not comfortable with other men looking at June in a sexual way, so he did not do that to other men's daughters.
That year, however, June was no longer a highschool student. It was hard for Mike to believe but she was already 20, graduated, and living in a dorm at college a half day drive away. This left only Mike and his wife Paula alone in their small house in the city.
Paula and Mike had gotten married young. He had been 24, starting his first job. She was only 21. They had been dating for a while, madly in love. When she told Mike she was pregnant he immediately asked her to marry him and never regretted that decision. Even all these years later, he thought she was beautiful with her black hair, dyed to hide the greys, and brown eyes. She exercised regularly and kept in shape, maintaining, as best she could, her college athlete's body. While their sex life had gotten more predictable and sparse, often an afterthought rather than something they prioritised, he was still attracted to her.
Mike had tried to take care of himself as well. He did not like going to the gym and working out with weights, but he did enjoy running and going for rides on his bike. He liked hiking, and would often go paddling in his kayak in the lake. He stayed active and kept himself from developing a huge gut like a lot of guys his age. His hair was blond, kept neat. He wore a beard that grew in darker than the hair on his head. The chin, however, was going grey. He had light crows feet around his very blue eyes. By any accounts he looked good for his age.
Paula, after June entered kindergarten, had gone to school and studied to be an interior designer and had made a fine career for herself. She was highly sought after, making beautiful spaces for the wealthy. She earned much more than Mike's teacher's salary and together they had a comfortable life.
The two of them had talked about what they would do once June left home and had grand dreams of early retirement and travel. When faced with the reality, however, they discovered that we were not quite ready to stop working.
Paula had reached a height in her career that she was loath to give up. Not then, when she had the opportunity to travel for work, take on high budget contracts and even get featured in the best magazines. She was at the absolute peak and to walk away now, after all these years of hard work, seemed insane.
Mike, it turned out, was also content. He was good at his job and while it was long hours during the school year, he was able to spend the summers relaxing in their immaculately designed home in downtown. He was in no rush to change anything.
With June gone, however, Mike was a bit lonely. Paula travelled quite a bit for work, which left Mike on his own. He did not mind that too much. He was always a bit of an introvert, preferring his own company to that of others. He did miss regular sex, however.
Paula's sex drive had seemed to wane as the years went on. She thought she might be starting menopause, early, but not unheard of for a woman who was just forty. Mike's libido, however, did not seem to let up, and at forty four he was still as horny as a teenager. He made do with porn and masturbation.
To kill the time when he was alone in the house he did a lot of reading, puttered around in their back garden, and watched a lot of movies. Still. It was a pretty solitary existence. Perhaps that is why he really threw himself into the school play that year.
This is where he got in trouble.
Mike's favourite class to teach was advanced creative writing. It was only offered to those in their last year of high school and it was difficult to get into. Mike always had dozens more applications than the twenty spots he had for students. You did not have to have the best grades to get in, in fact several of the students he admitted were considered slackers or losers by other teachers, but they did have to prove they would take the class seriously.
They would have to do some creative writing. It could be an essay, a short story or a play. He would read them all and the ones who showed the most promise got in.
They worked on different kinds of writing throughout the year. Some of it was prep for college. Mike knew that most kids were not ready for the step up required for writing at the higher level and he did his best to prepare them.
The parts of the curriculum that he enjoyed best were the creative writing assignments. It always amazed him, the variety and quality of these kids' writings. It was a joy to guide and advise them, helping them craft better stories.
Every year the final project was to write something of their choice. They submitted drafts and Mike gave feedback until the final project. Some wrote stories. Some used it to prepare their entrance essays for college. The form Mike loved best, however, was those who chose to write a three act play.
Mike was lucky. He only had one extra-curricular activity he had to supervise. Some of the teachers were coaches of multiple sports, but Mike got away with only being in charge of the drama club. They put on a couple plays a year but the last one, the big one, was always a production of the best play written by one of Mike's advanced creative writing students.
The competition for that coveted acknowledgment was always fierce and each year Mike had several good plays to choose from. Once he had chosen one they would spend a month or so doing set design, practice and finally, at the end of the year, put the play on.
Mike's daughter had always loved drama and that was why he had originally chosen to supervise that club. If he had to shuttle her to and from practices he figured he might as well have more of a reason to be there. It turned out he really enjoyed it, acting as a producer and co-director to the kid who wrote the winning play.
That year, the year he was forty four, the winning play had been written by a girl named Ella. Mike knew her well. She had been around the drama club since she was a freshman, and had been a good friend to his daughter despite being two years behind her in school. Drama did that. Creating bonds across the grades.
Ella was a very good student. She had always gotten high grades, and was attentive and sharp in class without being a suck up. She was not the most popular girl in school. June had been several ranks higher in the tiers of school cliques, but Ella was not a loser either. When Mike saw groups of girls from her grades she was always on the edges of things, quietly hanging out. Likely she would have been alone much of the time if it was not for her 'twin,' Mia.
They were not actually twins. They did not even look alike. They just shared the same birthday and were always together, so people called them that.
Ella was pretty, Mike had to admit. She was only about 5'4. She had auburn hair that she wore pulled back. She had glasses but they were stylish and suited her face, the dark rims standing out against her pale skin, dusted with freckles. She usually wore leggings, covered by a hoodie that was overly large, hanging down to her mid-thighs. Unlike many of the 18 year old girls in the school, Ella chose not to flaunt her young body, hiding it away under layers.
Mia, her 'twin,' looked nothing like her. She was around the same height as Ella but the similarities stopped there. She would probably describe herself as a goth, a sub-genre that Mike was always amused to see survive from even before his own time to now. Her hair was dyed black with an ever changing rotation of neon colours streaked through it. She wore heavy, if very well done, makeup every day, and her outfits were usually complex, involving lace, black satin, corsets, fishnets, and more. She was, if you could look past the elaborateness of her fashion sense, just as pretty as Ella. Her cheeks were full, giving her a rounder face. She was not skinny but she was not overweight either. She had full breasts, often with her cleavage on display due to the corsets and low cut tops she favoured, wide hips and a nice plump ass.
Mike knew the two girls well. They had both been involved in the drama club since they came to the school, putting in the work, acting as extras, helping with set design and painting. They were both part of the group of girls who would come to sleepovers at his house that his daughter would hold. He liked them both, but did not spend too much time directly with them until their senior year.
Both Ella and Mia applied for Mike's advanced creative writing class but he was only able to admit Ella, her application with a short story about a ghost girl being very strong. Mia's essay about the online beauty influencer culture was good but not quite enough to gain her access.
That school year, as they all seemed to after teaching so long, sped by, and Mike found himself announcing the contest for writing the final play. As always there were a few students who piqued up their interest at the announcement. It was never all of them, but this year Mike guessed he would get four or five to choose from out of the class of twenty.
He noticed Ella's interest and smiled to himself. He was hoping that she would attempt an entry. She was a better writer than most students and he guessed that she had a real shot.
Sure enough, two weeks later, when it was time for students to hand in their plays Ella was one who walked up to Mike's desk at the end of class, a sheath of paper in her hand.
She was wearing her auburn hair back in a messy bun and looked tired. Mike suspected she had been writing until late the night before, finishing up. She was wearing an oversized sweatshirt over leggings.
Mike smiled as he took the papers from her hand.
"Good to see you trying out, Ella," he said. "I'm looking forward to reading this."
"I hope it's good enough," she said, quietly. "I had to rush a bit at the end."
"Let's hope that doesn't hold you back," he said, unable to resist slipping into lecturing teacher mode. "You know that rushing isn't the way to do this stuff."
"Oh," she said, looking down at her feet. "I know! It's just... It was my and Mia's birthday the night before last and I lost a whole day and a half writing."
"Oh, yeah," Mike said, with a reassuring tone to his voice. "I understand. And happy belated birthday."
"Thank you Mr. Nicholson," she said and smiled at him. "It's weird to be 18. I feel... older but exactly the same."
"It's like that," Mike said. "Eventually you stop noticing birthdays. At least I did as I got old."
"You aren't old," she said quickly, looking Mike in the eye. "At least... you don't seem like you are. To me."
"That's very kind," he said. "But I have another class so we better get moving."
Mike stood and gestured for her to lead the way out of his classroom, following her. As the door to the class opened he noticed Mia leaning against the wall across from his class. She was wearing fishnet stockings, a short, ruched black skirt and a deep purple corset and silk top that pushed her impressive breasts together and up in a display that Mike was sure was driving the boys around her crazy. Ella walked over to her and the goth girl looked at Mike and smiled.
"Hi Mr. Nicholson," she said. "So are you going to put on Ella's play this year?"
Mike laughed.
"I haven't even read it yet. She just handed it in. I can't make any promises."
Mia rolled her eyes, and moved across the hall to stand in front of him, looking up into his face.
"C'mon Mr. Nicholson," she said. "We both know she's the best writer you have in that class. It's obvious you are going to choose her. Why waste time pretending you aren't?"
Mike looked down at the girl. She was really standing a bit too close to him. His eyes naturally glanced at the deep cleavage her outfit created but quickly and professionally he made his blue eyes meet her brown ones.
"You might be right, Mia," Mike said. "Ella is very good. But I need to give everyone a fair shot."
Mia pouted a bit, her plump, red painted lips pushing out slightly. She had plush lips that women sought, paying doctors to inject things into their faces. The injected look, however, never could match lips like Mia's.
"I guess," she said. "I would just really, really like it if you chose Ella's play."
She reached forward and placed her hand on Mike's chest. He glanced up and down the hall. If anyone saw this they could get the wrong idea. The girl really was standing too close and the touch wasn't really appropriate. Luckily there was no one in the hallway at that moment, though the teacher knew that could, and would, change at any time.
He cleared his throat and stepped back.
"I'll be fair like I always am, Mia," Mike said. "See you later, Ella. Mia." He turned and started to walk away from the two girls.
Mike shook his head as he strode towards his next class. These girls. As soon as they hit eighteen they lost all sense of propriety. It was a good thing, he thought, he was a man with a conscience. A worse man, or a weaker one, might get ideas about Mia or any of these other girls.
"Real subtle," Ella said to her friend, watching Mr. Nicholson's back as he walked away from them. The afternoon sun was shining in through the glass doors at the end of the hall, casting the yellow light, creating a halo around her teacher's silhouette. Ella sighed, her young romantic mind buffeting her with emotions.
A bell rang and doors opened onto the hallway, spilling teenagers into it, rowdy and jostling, their loud voices filling the space that had been quiet the moment before. Ella lost track of Mr. Nicholson.
"Yeah," Mia said with a derisive snort. "What has being subtle ever done for you? You've been pining after Mr. Nicholson for years. Now that you are 18 there is nothing stopping you from going for what you want."
The two girls began to walk down the hall, navigating the throngs of students moving from classroom to classroom. They both had a spare period and, like always, they were headed to the drama room. There was no play going on at that time so they knew that they could spend time together, alone.
"You say that like you haven't been into him too," Ella said to her friend, the two of them talking quietly. "You were the one who told me first."
"Sure," Mia said. "But I'm actually going to do something about it."
Ella's eyes widened.
"What do you mean," she asked her friend. "You aren't... What are you going to do?"
They reached the door that led into the drama room and Ella pulled the key out of her pocket letting them in and locking the door behind her. A few of the key students from the club had the key and she was one of them.
Mia shrugged then sighed.
"I don't know," she admitted. "But we have to do something. We only have a couple of months left before we graduate and then our chance is gone."
"You are right," Ella said. "But I don't know what we can do. As far as we can tell he's never been inappropriate with a student. We've seen him with Mrs. Nicholson. He obviously loves her."
"Yeah," Mia said, agreeing. "But he's only a man. How can he resist this?" She reached up and cupped her large breasts from below and bounced them, making Ella laugh.
"I don't know," she said through a giggle. "Well that takes care of you. How could I get him to pay attention to me?"
"Ella," Mia said, suddenly serious, "you are crazy. I know what you are hiding under those sweatshirts! You are gorgeous and sexy! You could have any boy you want!"
"That's the thing," Ella said. "I don't want a boy. I want a man. One man in particular!"
"Well," Mia said. "We can make it happen. I know we can. First step is getting him to put on your play. Then we can spend a ton of time with him. We can convince him then, I know it."
"If he picks mine. There is no guarantee."
Mia scoffed.
"Of course he will pick yours. You are the best writer in that stupid class."
Ella shrugged.
"We will see."
Mike got through all of the plays that evening. Paula was away in another city on a business trip that week, leaving him on his own. He sat in his favourite chair with a glass of bourbon in his hand and made his way through each of the submissions.
He was close when he guessed that there would be five submissions. He had actually received six, though only five were worth considering. The last one was a throw away attempt by the one kid, Will, that Mike regretted allowing into the advanced class. The kid was nice enough and had a natural talent, but he did not apply himself or try.
The other five plays, however, were all quite good. Mike was proud of his class. They mostly seemed to understand what he had been teaching them and applied it to their work. It was no surprise to Mike, however, that Ella's play was far and away the best one.
The play was called 'Half Lives' and she had taken the short story she had written to get into the class and built on the concept, writing a moody, yet compelling play about a ghost girl who makes friends with a depressed young woman. The two of them learn from one another and in the end the living girl helps the ghost cross over to whatever existed beyond.
Mike was impressed by the sense of longing and sadness that Ella was able to work into the piece. It was difficult for him to put his finger on it but there was a longing that underlined the entire play that was almost...erotic. That obviously wasn't what she intended, but it did speak to him somehow.
Mike sighed and set the sheath of paper aside. He leaned back, sipping on his bourbon, glancing at his watch. It was only nine PM. Too early to go to bed, but he did not feel like watching TV. He wished his wife was home. He was fidgety and, if he was being honest with himself, a bit horny.
Not that that was any guarantee that Paula would be interested in sex, but he would have, if she were home, definitely tried. Instead he pulled his phone out, sighed, and opened his most used porn site.
He quickly scrolled through the videos on offer, his hand wrapped lightly around his slowly hardening cock on the outside of his jeans. He quickly flicked through, not finding anything that caught his eye until he suddenly stopped. He blinked. The girl in the thumbnail looked just like Ella!! She had the same hair, she was wearing a baggy hoodie, and her glasses were quite similar. shook his head. He knew that he should close the app or at least scroll away. Ella was 18. There was nothing stopping her from posting a video. If he opened this up and looked, and if that really was his student, he knew things would wind up very awkward. He took a breath, and then suddenly tapped on the image, opening the video attached.
Ella looked up from her laptop and around her bedroom. The lights were off, the only illumination coming from the glowing screen. After several hours working on an essay for her history class she needed to give her eyes a break.
She was sitting cross legged on her queen size bed, back against the headboard, laptop in her lap. She glanced at the clock in the bottom corner of the screen. Just after nine. Not too late, but she felt sleepy and exhausted. Not as exhausted as Mia, apparently.
Ella's 'twin,' Mia, lay beside her. She was on her back, snoring slightly, legs entangled in the blankets. Ella regarded her in the computer screen light. Ella loved the look that Mia had, the whole goth aesthetic. She was envious of her friend's makeup skills as well as her bravery to just go out there and present herself to the world in the way she chose. Still, if Ella was being honest, she always thought Mia looked best like she did now. Makeup washed off, corsets, lace and satin shed, exchanged for a light sleeping tshirt and panties.
The two girls slept in the same bed almost every night and had for years, alternating between each other's homes. Their parents had long come to terms with this, and both treated the girls like family. That night they had decided to stay at Ella's.
Ella looked at her friend for a moment, taking comfort from her presence. Without makeup Ella thought Mia looked younger, but just as pretty. Her lips were still plump. The tshirt she was wearing had pulled up revealing a flat, but soft stomach and very pale skin. Mia never slept in a bra so Ella could see the way the large globes pooled to the sides as she lay on her back. As her best friend she knew that Mia wore 34DD bras.
Looking at Mia's body always made Ella feel a bit odd. Ella had realised a long time ago that she was bisexual. She had always been attracted to both males and females, but this is not something she had discussed with her best friend. Not because she thought Mia would not support her. Of course she would! She had not talked about it with Mia because she was deeply attracted to her best friend and was afraid of what that might mean. She was afraid that Mia would not be interested and that would change things and make them awkward. Or, maybe even worse, she would be interested and then everything would change. What if they got together then broke up for some reason? Then not only would Ella lose a girlfriend, but she would lose her best friend as well!
Ella looked down at herself, as she often did after looking Mia over, running her eyes critically over herself. She was wearing the same thing as her friend. A long tshirt over panties. Her breasts were slightly smaller than her friend's at 32 C, but she supposed that they were very perky. That had to be a good thing, she thought. She was relatively slim, and looking at her bare legs, she thought she had a decent enough body. She was just terrified to show it to anyone, hence the baggy sweatshirts hiding herself. She shook her head and looked away from her body.
Her eyes ran around her bedroom, taking it in. In the past few months she had often found herself regarding her room, her things, and contemplating them. She would be going to college next year, she had realised, and she would be leaving all this behind. Growing out of it. The thought was both exciting and melancholy at the same time.
It was a pretty normal teen girl bedroom, she knew. She had posters on the wall of bands she liked. She had a vanity that she had strung with fairy lights and surrounded with polaroid photos of Mia and herself. There was a beanbag chair that she loved to cuddle up in. A few years ago everything had still been bright pink, left over from her parents' assumptions of what a girl would want, but she had convinced them to let her paint the room dark blue and get blue bedding. Her and Mia had spent a weekend giggling, covered in paint, transforming it.
She had felt grown up then. Ella supposed she had always felt pretty grown up. Besides Mia, it had always been difficult for her to connect with people her age. She had always been drawn to adults for friendship and, recently, sexual attraction.
That thought made Ella bite her lip. The boys around her at school had never interested her much. Their immature actions, their ineptitude, and their obvious inexperience had always told her that she could never be content with any of them.
It had always been older guys who caught her eye. The seniors, when she was younger. Now that she was a senior herself she had to laugh at herself. All the guys her age seemed to be still children. Her attention had shifted to adults. Men. Men old enough to be her father.
It was Mr. Nicholson who had her imagination these days. She knew that he was too old for her. That he was her friend's father, and happily married. She could not, however, help herself.
When she was in class she had trouble paying attention, unable to look away from his blue eyes. Wondering what his beard would feel like brushing against her cheek as he kissed her. What it would feel like against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.
The thought made her shiver and she could feel herself getting wet at just the thought of it. She glanced at her sleeping friend, sprawled beside her. That didn't help at all, adding a second level of sexual desire.
Ella sighed, saved and closed the essay she was writing and pushed her headphones into her ears, making sure the sound was low enough that only she could hear it.
She navigated her browser to the site where she most often found porn on, an aggregate that had thousands of videos. She typed the words 'age gap' into the search bar and started scrolling through the videos that showed up.
She was embarrassed by the fact that she had watched so many of these before. She felt like such a needy slut for watching these videos. For needing to watch them. If she was being honest, that word, even calling herself that in her mind, made her ache even more.
'I am a slut,' she thought to herself. 'I am a dirty whore.' She felt herself shiver. She wished she heard those words from Mr. Nicholson's lips. His deep voice whispering them in her ear.
She paused her scrolling. There was a thumbnail that looked a little bit like her! Similar hair. Similar hoodie! She rarely saw women who looked like her on these sites. Most were blatant sexpots, more likely to look like Mia than herself.
She clicked on the video and watched it start to play. Almost without her noticing her own hand crept between her thighs and pressed against her sex, already feeling a damp spot on her panties.
Mike sighed when the video opened. He was relieved to see that the actress was not, after all, his student Ella, though there were many similarities. If he was being honest with himself there was also a seed of disappointment but he managed to push that down below his conscious thoughts.
The girl was walking towards a man sitting on a stool at a counter. She called him 'step dad' and came to stand very close to him.
The man did not look like him, Mike decided, though they both had beards. This man was obviously a bit younger and in much better shape. The acting was atrocious from both the girl and the man, Mike decided. His own students could do better but things progressed quickly past the need to act.
In the 'story' the mother of the girl was out getting groceries and she wanted to fuck him. He half heartedly resisted but as soon as she stripped off her hoodie and got on her knees and started to suck his cock he quickly surrendered and enthusiastically began to fuck her throat.
The sight of a girl looking like one of his students sucking off an older man affected Mike immediately in a way that he was not quite comfortable with, but within moments he had his own cock out of his pants and was stroking it with one hand while he held up the phone with the other.
He wondered how close this actress' body was to Ella's. The girl in the video had smaller breasts, though they were delectably perky. She was very thin. Thinner than Mike usually preferred, but she was enthusiastic in her cock sucking.
Mike was not a porn star. The man on the screen did not bring any acting ability to his role, but he did bring a thick, long cock. The guy on the screen must have been at least ten inches, Mike judged. That poor girl. The cock in Mike's hand was about seven. It was decently thick and while he did trim his pubic hair it was not shaved smooth like the actor's. The actor was also circumcised while Mike was not. His foreskin slid over the pre-cum on the swollen purple head as he fucked his fist.
Ella licked her lips as the actress sucked that massive cock into her mouth. She wondered what Mr. Nicholson's cock looked like. Was it this big? She hoped not. She wanted him to fuck her so bad but that thing was terrifying!
She pressed harder on her sex through the panties, rubbing the cotton fabric against her clit in small circles. It was all she could do to hold back her moan. She slowly moved her hand under her sleep shirt and lightly brushed her already hard nipple. She bit her lower lip and pinched, a jolt of slightly painful pleasure seemed to shoot directly though her core.
As the man on the screen took the shoulders of the actress and turned her to face the counter, Ella slipped her hand into her panties, touching her bare pussy. She was already slick, her thighs damp with her juices. She pressed against her clit again, her wet fingers sliding over it.
She considered the woman on the screen. She was much thinner than herself, Ella thought. But the breasts were much smaller. Ella knew that if it was her having a cock shoved into her from behind, her breasts would swing under her. She wondered if Mr. Nicholson would like that.
As the actor's cock was pressed into the girl on the screen Ella pushed a single finger into herself while she rubbed her clit. She had to bite her lip to stop from loudly moaning. She added a second finger, wishing it was Mr. Nicholson's cock entering her.
She began to stroke her fingers while she rubbed, looking at the screen but not seeing the actors, replacing them with herself and her teacher.
"Fuck, Mr. Nicholson," she whispered under her breath. "Fuck me hard."
Mike was pumping his cock faster now, watching the actress get ploughed from behind. The actor was really giving it to her and she was crying out with each thrust. The performance of ecstasy the girl was giving was not quite believable but it was arousing.
Mike couldn't stop himself from wondering what kind of sounds Ella would make if it was her and him together. Would she be loud? Would she try to hide her moans and cries? Maybe with a hand over her mouth?
The actor slapped the actress' ass and she yelped happily. Mike thought that he would like to see his own hand print on Ella's ass.
These thoughts of his student were affecting him more than he would have liked. He was closer to cumming than he usually was in this short a period of watching porn. He could feel himself speeding up to chase his climax.
Ella was rocking her hips against her hands. The actor pulled out and flipped the girl on the screen around and began to fuck her face to face.
Ella wished she was under Mr. Nicholson, looking into his blue eyes as he lost himself driving into her. She could feel her climax building and sped her fingers on her clit, rubbing along it, pushing her digits deep into herself and curling them.
She needed this. She needed it so much. She was breathing raggedly, but still trying not to move too much lest she wake her sleeping friend.
What if Mia woke up, Ella though. What if she saw what she was doing and then... joined in. Kissed her. Added her own hands to Ella's. Helped Mr. Nicholson fuck her...
It was too much. Ella bucked against her hand as she came, the bright feeling at her core exploding outwards. She claimed her teeth together around a moan and yelped as she crested her peak, feeling a rush of wetness on her fingers.
Mike groaned as he came, eyes closed, not seeing the actors but imagining Ella's face below him, imagining looking down to see his cock buried in her cunt. Imagined hearing her cry out: Cum in me!!!
His hips bucked as he came, spraying cum over his pumping hand and onto his stomach, making a mess of the shirt he was wearing.
He gasped for breath as he came down, shaking his head in disgust at himself. He should not have been imagining that. Still. He felt lighter. Happier than he had in weeks, maybe months. He sighed and looked down at himself, grabbing some Kleenex and cleaning himself up as best he could.
He got up and headed upstairs. He threw his shirt in the laundry hamper and got ready for bed. He had school the next day.
As he lay there with a book, almost ready to sleep, his phone buzzed. It was a text from his wife.
I love you. Good night, she sent.
Love you too, he replied, feeling a bit guilty.
He was asleep shortly after that.
Ella was still shaking slightly but she removed her hands from her panties when she felt Mia stir beside her.
"You say something," Mia muttered, her voice full of sleep.
"No," Ella said quietly. "Go back to sleep."
Mia rolled onto her side facing away from her friend and Ella wrapped her arms around her, cuddling against her back. It felt good to hug her friend, though she was glad she hadn't been caught.
She fell asleep herself after a few moments.
The next day Mike arrived at school and could not help but feel a bit awkward after his fantasy session the night before. He took a moment sitting in his car in the parking lot composing himself before getting out and heading into the school.
It was harmless, he told himself. People fantasised about things they probably should not all the time. As long as he did not let it cloud his judgement, as long as he remained the professional teacher he had always been, there should be no problems.
His advanced class was the last one of the day and that was the only one he taught Ella. Mike did his best not to dread it but, if he was being honest, he was not looking forward to seeing her. Or he was. And that was a problem. He did his best not to think about it.
Finally the bell rang and he waited for the students to file into the room, leaning against the front of his desk, sipping a cup of coffee. The class arrived, no one being late. Mike was unsurprised. With a class like this one, full of college destined high performers, tardiness was almost never an issue.
Ella was in the middle of the group that came in and Mike caught himself watching her walk in. She had her hair up in a pony tail, her glasses were on and she was wearing her usual baggy sweater. The similarities to the outfit in the video were immediately apparent and Mike felt himself blush. He shook his head slightly and forced himself to look away.
Ella sat in her regular spot in the front row, directly across from his wooden desk. It was hard not to look at her the most so he quickly turned and grabbed a dry erase marker and started to write on the whiteboard.
For the next forty minutes he worked his way through the day's lesson on outline building. It involved a lot of class participation as he asked for suggestions for the imaginary outline he built with them. Ella offered many suggestions but that was usual for her. This being an engaged class, however, she was not alone and he did not have to pay extra attention to her.
Finally, at the end of class, he turned and sat behind his desk.
"Ok, guys," he announced. "I have read all of the submissions for the play. Thank you everyone who gave me one. They were all very good and you can collect them as you leave. I made comments on all of them. I did choose one."
The students who submitted looked up at Mike hopefully, though he noticed Ella bite her lip and look down at her hands, clenched together on her desktop. She clearly wanted this and was afraid of what he might say.
"Like I said," he continued, "they were all very good but I decided we are going to put on 'Half Lives' by Ella. Let's congratulate her!"
The class politely clapped for a few moments. There were the odd sour looks from those not chosen, but generally people seemed happy for her. She was known to be the best writer in the class.
"So those of you in the drama club," Mike said, "this is the play we will be putting on. The rest of you, I hope you come to see it performed in a couple months! That's it! Have a good weekend!"
The class got up and began to leave. The ones who had submitted came up and grabbed their unchosen plays before leaving.
Ella was the last to approach the desk and by the time she was standing in front of Mike it was only the two of them in the classroom. Normally this would not make Mike think twice but, that day, he couldn't help but glance up and make sure that the classroom door was still propped open.
"Congratulations, Ella," he said, holding out her play. "I made some notes, but it really is very good. Once you make some edits you can email me a copy and we can work from there."
"Thank you so much, Mr. Nicholson," Ella said enthusiastically. "I wasn't sure it was good enough or if you would like it! I'm so excited! I can't believe we are going to put on my play!"
"You deserve it," Mike assured her. "Like I said. It's really great."
Ella bit her lip and looked into Mike's eyes.
"I was talking to Ali, from last year," she said. Mike nodded. Ali was the young man whose play was chosen the prior school year. Ella had had a small part in the play. "He was saying that the two of you met regularly to discuss and plan the play. Will we be doing that?" she continued.
Mike nodded. He had forgotten that. He did not regret choosing her play, it was really far and away the best, but this could add a complication.
"Yeah," he said. "We did. This play is more polished than his was so maybe we won't need to spend as much time..."
"Oh," Ella interrupted him, "it's not that. I want to spend time, I mean... discuss the play with you. Make it as good as we can, I mean."
She looked earnest and fresh and young and... delectable biting her lip like that. Mike could feel a stir in his jeans and cleared his throat.
"Of course," he said. "I mean, sure. We can meet in the drama room. As you know, Drama days are Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The crew and cast won't be chosen for a couple weeks but we can spend that time perfecting the play."
"I'd love that," Ella said, with a grin. "Ok," she said. "I'll let you go. Have a good weekend! I'll have all the edits done by Tuesday!"
She spun and headed out of the room. Mike watched her go and then gathered his stuff into his leather satchel. He followed her out and saw her just up the hall talking excitedly to Mia.
Mia looked over her friend's shoulder and grinned at Mike.
"Good choice, Mr. Nicholson," she called down the hall. She laughed as her friend, embarrassed, looked over her shoulder and swatted her arm.
Mike waved at the two of them and walked out to his car, heading home.
Paula had returned from her trip and Mike was greeted by the smells of her cooking. He guessed they would be having fajitas, one of the things she loved to make.
"I'm home," he called out.
"Hey babe" she answered. "How was work?"
He went into the kitchen and dropped his case on the counter.
Pretty good. I chose the play for this year."
"Oh," she said, raising her eyebrows. "Who's the lucky student?"
"You know her," Mike said, picking a slice of pepper out of the pan and popping it into his mouth. "Ella. She's a friend of June's."
Paula thought for a moment before she figured out who he was talking about.
"The mousy one? The one that wanted to go home that sleepover, what, four years ago?"
"Three I think," Mike said. "And I guess so. I never thought of her as mousy. But I think you are talking about the right one."
Paula laughed.
"Well, maybe she isn't mousy, but she always was so bundled up. Is that still the case?"
"It is," Mike said. "You know these young girls. They are always so conflicted about their bodies."
"They should just enjoy them," Paula said with a laugh. "They don't look like that forever. Look at me!"
Mike did and couldn't help but laugh. Paula had taken care of herself. She had always been thin. She had smaller breasts so they had not sagged, and she worked out. No one would confuse her for an 18 year old, but she did not look a day over thirty, despite being ten years older than that.
"I like what I see," Mike said and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her.
After a moment she pushed him away.
"Later, maybe," she said. "I'm making supper."
Mike stepped back.
"So this means," Paula said, "that I'm going to lose you for a few months to the play? Like always?"
Mike nodded.
"A bit I guess. There is always a lot to do."
Paula sighed.
"That's good actually," she said. "I just got a new contract. In New York. I'll be working hard here and have to travel there a whole bunch over the next four or five months."
Mike tried not to be disappointed in his response. He was proud of her success but he missed her when she was in crazy work mode.
"Congratulations!" he said. "That sounds like a good one."
"It is," Paula agreed. "But I'm getting tired. This might be the last out of town one I take on."
Mike did not respond. Paula had said this the last four times she took on a design project like this.
They ate supper and watched some TV after. Eventually they went to bed. Mike rolled over and kissed his wife. She kissed him back for a few minutes before breaking it and sighing.
"I'm sorry," she said, "but I'm beat from the trip. Maybe tomorrow night?"
Mike sighed.
He opened a book and started to read. After half an hour he sensed that his wife was deep asleep, but he was not even close.
He got out of bed and went down to the living room, considering watching a movie or TV. He had his hand on the remote but put it down. He picked up his phone and opened the Instagram app.
He pulled up his daughter's page, to see what she had been up to lately. He knew kids didn't share much on here anymore, especially if they knew their parents could see the pages, but he was curious how she was doing at college.
He noticed the part that showed her friends and Ella was near the top of the list. He knew he should not do it but he tapped on her profile bringing up her page.
There wasn't much on there, but there were some photos from her 18th birthday party. He clicked on them and saw her with some friends at what looked like an arcade.
It seemed like a small gathering but, of course, Mia was there. She looked... uncomfortably good, Mike realised. She was wearing a corset and a low cut top that showed even more skin than she usually did at school.
Mike flicked through a few photos until he found one where it was Ella, smiling widely, cheeks flushed. He suspected there might have been some drinking involved but she had clearly been careful not to post any photos of that. Mia was beside her, body facing the camera, head turned and was playfully licking the side of Ella's face.
Mike stared for a moment, transfixed. He slowly pushed his hand into his pyjama pants, and found that he was already rock hard. He gripped himself and began to stroke, looking at the photo.
Thoughts ran through his mind. He wondered what was under that sweatshirt Ella was wearing, even on her birthday. He didn't have to wonder about Mia. He could see how lovely her breasts were. He imagined how soft they would be under his hands. He stared at that tongue against her friend's cheek. How sexy would it be, he asked himself, if Mia was licking his cum off of Ella's face...
Mike grunted, surprised by his own climax, cum spraying up from his fist. He pumped several more times, looking at the photo, before dropping his phone, disgusted with himself.
He grabbed a tissue and cleaned himself off as best he could before heading up to bed and to sleep. He had to stop doing that, he told himself. That was a path only to trouble.
For most young girls at 18, Friday would be a night out, possibly at a party. For Mia and Ella, however, it was not that different than most evenings, save they were not worried about waking up for school the next day.
They were at Mia's house, in her bedroom. A movie from their childhood that they had seen several hundred times was playing on her small TV, mostly ignored.
They were in their sleep clothes, panties and tee shirts, and leaned up against the headboard, chatting.
Mia's room was suited to her goth aesthetic. She had candles burning, scarves tossed over lamps to give eerie red lighting, and posters of bands on the walls, mixed with art she had drawn or painted. She had an easel against one wall in an art nook with an unfinished painting of Ella on it.
"So what's the next move," Mia was asking Ella.
"What do you mean? Next move?" Ella asked, biting her lip as she painted one of her toenails red.
"With Mr. Nicholson?" Mia continued. "I mean, you are going to be able to spend so much time with him alone. Now's your chance to jump him!"
Ella scoffed.
"There is no 'next move,'" she said. "He's a teacher. He's way too old. And he's married. He doesn't want anything to do with me."
"I doubt that's true," Mia said. "I bet he secretly lusts after you. I bet he sits at home and jerks off thinking about young girls, you specifically."
"There is no way," Ella said. "Nobody is lusting after me. You, maybe. If he's horny for any girl at school I bet it would be you! You are the sexy one."
"I'd be ok with that," Mia said. "I'd happily show him how much fun a young girl could be. But I would never do that to you! How could I fuck the man you are mooning over?!"
Ella shook her head, laughing.
"I wouldn't care," she said. "As long as you were happy. And you could tell me about it I guess."
There was a pause, as Mia carefully considered what she was going to say next. She had planned this conversation in her mind for some time.
"Well," she said slowly, "maybe we could both get what we want."
"What do you mean?"
Mia turned to her friend and licked her lips. She knew that this was a turning point. No matter what Ella said in response to her plan, things would not be the same between them. If Ella agreed, their relationship would be very different. If she refused, the suggestion would hang over their friendship like a cloud.
"Ok," Mia said. "Hear me out. We know that you want Mr. Nicholson. You've told me so many times. And I get it. He's hot, he's kind, he's pretty cool for his age. I wouldn't mind being with him either. And, look, I know that it's stupid to put pressure on ourselves because of this, like, arbitrary number thing, but, I don't know about you, but I didn't think I would still be a virgin at 18. I really don't want to graduate a virgin!"
"Me either," Ella agreed. "I mean, whatever, but... I would rather not start college without... that."
"Right?! But we have both said that there aren't any guys at our school who we would even consider! And we don't go to parties or anything so it's not like we are going to meet some college guy. So our choices are limited."
Ella nodded, letting Mia carry on.
"So why don't we just fuck Mr. Nicholson?"
"You say that like it's so easy," Ella said, screwing the top onto the nail polish and tossing it aside. "We are kids to him. And I've never even heard a rumour about him being interested in a student. And, what do you mean, 'we'?"
Mia moved and sat beside her friend, shoulder to shoulder, and put her arm around her.
"I think you are forgetting that he's a man and we are young and hot. If we try, I mean really try, I don't think he will be able to resist us."
"You maybe," Ella said. "You are hot. I'm just," she gestured to herself, "me."
"You are pretty fucking stupid for someone so smart," Mia said. "You are totally hot, and you have an amazing body. You just hide it for some reason I have never been able to figure out.
"And," Mia continued, "we, I mean, we share almost everything. I'm happy to share Mr. Nicholson with you. If you are ok with that. We can help each other get with him and once we do... we share him. Ok?"
Ella bit her lower lip and looked into her friend's eyes. She slowly took a breath.
"I don't think this will actually work," she finally said. "But... I'mwilling to try. If you help me."
Mia broke into a grin.
"Fuck yeah!" she said excitedly. "Ok. First step, let's talk about how you dress..."
It was just after seven when Mike used his key to open the drama room. There were students and other teachers wandering the school halls. After school activities often started around this time, giving everyone time to go home and eat a meal before returning for whatever thing they were signed up for.
Mike kicked the sandbag that sat beside the heavy door for just this purpose to block it from swinging shut and locking behind him.
The room had an open area for rehearsing and for building sets. There were beanbags along the far wall, in the shadows for the kids to lounge on, and a few tables with chairs along another. Mike crossed to one of the tables and sat behind it, opening his laptop to do some lesson planning while he waited for Ella to arrive.
For the previous couple of days Mike had wrestled with his own conscience. He knew the kind of thoughts he had been having about Ella were wildly inappropriate, and he knew he had to get himself under control. He had come to terms with the fact that she was an attractive girl, but it was his duty to be a good teacher and a good man and be only professional. By the time he was waiting for her he felt strong enough to behave himself and keep his imagination in check.
It was about fifteen minutes before he heard the door being pushed open. He glanced up and saw Ella. She had her hair down around her shoulders and was wearing her usual baggy zip up hoodie. One thing different, he noticed, was that she was wearing a skirt. He quickly thought back over the years and could not remember her wearing one before.
It might have missed his notice but it was actually pretty short. It was plaid, and stopped pretty high up on her thighs, which turned out to be milky white and ample without being fat. If school was in session it would not be considered appropriate due to the school standards, but after school there was not much anyone could say.
He blinked and pulled his eyes from her thighs and smiled at her, reminding himself to behave. He noticed Mia step through the door behind Ella. That made sense. They were always together.
"Hi girls," he said and waved. They both smiled back at him.
"Mia," he continued. "I'm assuming you will be part of the props and set design team again? We won't have much for you to do today."
"That's ok," Mia said and kicked the sandbag out of the door. Mike was about to tell her she should put it back when a loud noise came from the robotics lab. They were building fighting robots and were not quiet. He supposed with two students in the room he was safe enough to have the door closed.
Mia was wearing a loose black satin blouse with a few too many buttons open, belted around her waist, making it a very short dress. On her legs she had some fishnet stocking that were artfully torn in several places.
"I'm just going to work on some homework while you two do whatever," Mia continued and went and crawled onto one of the beanbags across the room. Mike belatedly averted his eyes when she leaned forward, the loose blouse falling forward giving him a view of her deep cleavage and the black bra that contained her ample breasts. She sat, back against the wall, facing the two of them.
Meanwhile, Ella had crossed the room and sat on the chair beside his own. Mike had assumed that she would take the seat opposite him and was about to suggest it when she placed her laptop down beside his and opened it, showing her word processing program and her play.
"I was hoping that we could work on this today," she said before he could say anything. "I'm not sure I understand all of your comments."
Mike glanced down. The way the chairs had been, when Ella sat beside him, her thigh pressed against his. He could see her smooth skin pressed along his jean leg. The skirt had pulled up a bit and he could see most of her thigh. He looked away, at the screen.
Ella had taken each of the comments he had made on her paper and highlighted the areas he had made them about.
"Like this one," she said. "You wrote that the dialogue is unnatural. What should they be saying instead?"
Mike quickly was able to ignore how close Ella was to him, slipping into teacher mode.
"Well," he said, "you should be saying all of your lines out loud. That way you can spot some that might feel weird to actually speak. As to what they should say, that's up to you. I can't write the play for you. Only provide feedback."
Ella nodded then scrolled to the next comment and soon she and Mike were deep in a back and forth discussion about how they could pull off a complicated scene. Mike did not notice that he was leaning against the young woman, his shoulder against hers, nor how Mia was not doing her homework, rather watching the two of them with bright eyes.
After some time Ella reached up to the zipper of her hoodie. She wore this garment, and others just like it most days, and they were always zipped up to under her chin. She glanced at Mia who gave her a discreet nod across the room
"It's warm in here," Ella muttered under her breath and pulled the zip down, slowly, like Mia had instructed her to do. She was afraid that her fingers would shake, giving away just how scared she was, but she was relieved to find them solid and unwavering.
Mike was reading something on Ella's screen and did not register the words but he did notice the movement of her hand which he glanced at as it began to draw downwards. If he had given it any thought Mike would have looked away, but by the time he realised what he was looking at, it was too late.
Over the past few days Mike had often found himself wondering what Ella had on under her hoodies. As the zipper came undone it seemed, at first, like the answer was: Nothing. Instead of a tshirt he saw only pale flesh with faint blue hints of veins running under the skin. His eyes widened but he could not make himself look away.
Mike almost let out a sigh of relief when he glimpsed the fabric of a white tanktop revealed by the opening zipper. Thus far it had seemed as if time had slowed, like a scene in a movie where the camera follows the path of a bullet. In this case it was the path of the zipper and, like the movies, time suddenly snapped back to normal and Ella quickly finished unzipping and shrugged out of the hoodie.
Mike's mouth was dry as he gazed at the girl beside him. The tank top was white cotton, with a deep scooped neckline, showing a wide expanse of creamy skin before cutting off the view just above the areolas of her nipples. There was clearly no bra under the tank top, and her nipples stood out against the fabric clearly.
Ella leaned further forward and concentrated on the screen in front of her. Mike licked his lips as he realised that he was suddenly hard as a rock beside her, his cock straining against his jeans. He was so very aware of her bare leg pressed to his.
He shook his head and tore his eyes away from the intoxicating view and glanced at Mia across the room, checking to see if she had noticed his leering.
Mia was looking down at a textbook on the beanbag chair in front of her, playing with a yellow highlighter in her hand. She had shifted and Mike received no reprieve from looking at young flesh.
Mia was leaned forward and her own ample breasts were on display, her blouse falling rather wide open. One of her legs was stretched in front of her, the other bent, heel against her ass. Her fishnet stockings ending halfway up her thigh and above that Mike could see to where her leg met her pelvis. He could just see a thin line of red, the panties she was wearing.
He looked away, at the screen that Ella was concentrating on. She was tying in a change to the dialog that he had suggested.
She looked at him and he met her eyes, willing himself not to look down. To ignore what was on display for him.
"How's that, Mr. Nicholson?" she asked.
"Great," he said without looking at it. "Perfect."
Ella smiled and he couldn't help but smile back.
"Ok. Now this note," she said and scrolled through the document. "I have a question."
Mike looked down again, unable to resist looking at her. Marvelling at her nipples, wondering what colour they were. What they would feel like between his lips, flicking his tongue across them...
He shook his head.
"I think that's good for today," he said. "You girls should be getting home."
Ella blinked and pouted a bit, an expression Mike had never seen on her face before. It was cute and he had an almost overwhelming urge to kiss her.
"Awe, really," she said. "We were just on a roll."
"Yes really," he said. "We have lots of time. Months. We can pick up next week." He licked his lips unconsciously, realising how much time he was about to spend with this girl.
"Ok," Ella said. She reached out and placed her hand on top of Mike's, and he twitched as it almost felt like a spark danced between them. "Thursday we can pick up right where we are now." She looked at Mia. "Let's go," she called out. "Mr. Nicholson says we are done."
Mike watched as Mia climbed out of the beanbag chair, transfixed by the view of her cleavage as she crawled forward. Then he saw Ella stand then walk towards her friend.
If he had not been sure that she was braless before, the way her breasts bounced, full of youth's perkiness, as she hurried over to Mia, would have convinced him. He felt his cock twitch in his jeans.
"Are you coming, Mr. Nicholson?" Mia called out to him.
"In a few minutes. I have to finish something up. I'll lock up behind us."
In truth he had nothing to do, he just didn't want to stand and put his tented pants on display. The girls said goodbye and left.
It took a minute of deep breaths and clear thoughts to calm his hardness before Mike was ready to stand and leave. He was glad no one was in the hallway to see how flustered he was.
He went to his car and headed home.
"I don't think it worked," Ella said to Mia as they walked out of the school. She was hastily putting her hoodie on, feeling incredibly exposed, wearing only a tanktop and no bra.
"Are you crazy," Mia laughed. "He couldn't look away from your tits! If we ever had a doubt he was a boob man, we know now. He was practically drooling. At mine too!"
She was walking with a spring in her step. She felt like the first step had gone well.
"Really?" Ella asked. "He didn't look, like, grossed out?"
"No," Mia said. "I was watching him. His eyes were wide and he was trying not to stare but failing. He loved it! And when he tried to look away I gave him my own show. And I could see under the table. I think he got hard. I could see a lump! We will have is cock in us in no time!"
Ella chuckled nervously and looked around, worried someone might overhear but they were alone as they walked the few blocks towards Ella's house.
"I hope so," Ella said. She paused, uncomfortable to admit this but, in the end, trusting her friend. "I... I was excited too."
Mia grinned mischievously.
"Really,"she asked, pretending innocence. "What do you mean?"
Ella blushed deeply.
"I was... aroused, ok?" she said.
Mia hugged her friend, making her squeak.
"Did little Ella get wet for her teacher?" she teased. "Horny Ella dripping from him just looking at her tits?"
Ella pushed her away and looked at her feet, embarrassed.
"Don't be like that," Mia said. "It's ok. I'm fucking wet as hell! I'm going to need some alone time in your shower later!"
"Really?" Ella asked.
Mia nodded.
"Me too," Ella said, blushing deeply.
"That was step one," Mia said. "Let's go home and talk about step two."
Paula was reading a book when Mike got home. She looked up at him and smiled.
"How was the first session?" she asked as he shed his jacket and dropped his bag. "Everything go well with, what's her name, Ella?"
"Good," Mike said. "Pretty boring. Just working on the dialogue tonight." He did not mention the display she had put on for him, or his reaction to it, though his stomach churned with self loathing tinged with lust. "How was your night?"
"Oh, pretty quiet. Watched some of that reality show you hate. The one about the couples. I know you won't be mad I watched without you. I'm pretty tired and was about to head up to bed."
"Maybe I'll join you," Mike said and followed his wife upstairs.
Mike knew Paula's routine well. It took her about half an hour to get ready for bed, a process involving teeth brushing, of course, as well as a full facial routine. It obviously worked, Paula having the skin of a much younger woman. He also knew that if he let her get through it the chances of them making love were almost zero.
Paula was in her pale pink nightie and he had quickly gotten into pyjama pants and no shirt. As she was about to go into the bathroom he caught her hand and pulled her into a hug and kissed her, happy when she returned the kiss. Again, he knew her well, and the way she melted against him bode well for the night.
He slid his hand up the smooth fabric of her nightie and cupped her breast as he kissed her, lightly teasing her nipple, feeling it harden and respond under his fingers.
He turned them both so her back was to the bed and walked them that direction, still kissing his wife, until the backs of her legs met the mattress.
"Shall we," he asked quietly. Paula smiled.
"Why not," she said and climbed onto the bed and lay on her back. Mike grinned and climbed onto the bed and used the palms of his hands to spread her legs as he kissed the insides of her thighs. Working his way up to her sex. She was not wearing panties and her trimmed bush met his lips.
He licked her slit, from her opening to her clit and heard and felt her sigh above him. He began to lick her and suck her clit, pushing two fingers into her, curling them along the top of her canal.
They had made love countless times, and he knew her body as well as he knew anything in his life. He knew everything that she loved and responded to, knowing that he would be able to make her cum within minutes. Though he wanted to take a bit longer that night so he was more teasing.
She began to move her hips and he grinned savouring the slightly tangy salty taste of her sex. Unbidden, a thought occurred to him. He wondered what Ella's pussy tasted like. What did Mia's? Did they taste like his wife? Did they taste like one another? It had been so long since he had tasted another woman. He tried to push the thoughts away.
His wife began to move with this tongue, grinding herself against him. He knew that she was getting close and broke the kiss with her sex and moved up her body. He paused at her breasts, pushing the straps of her nightie down, pulling her tits out, the light brown nipples standing hard.
Both Ella's and Mia's breasts were larger than his wife's, he thought. He imagined the heft of them in his hands. Wondered what colour their nipples were. How they would react to the way he ran his tongue around his wife's. The way he tugged on them with his lips.
His wife pulled him higher to kiss her and then reached down and shoved his pyjama pants down over his hips, freeing his very hard cock. She grasped and stroked him, rubbing the head of it against her clit.
"Let me on top," she said. Mike knew this was the fastest way that she would cum, riding him, so he knew that this was not going to be a long session. That was fine with him. He needed release.
He rolled on his back and she threw her leg over his hips, straddling him. She gripped his cock and lowered herself, slowly letting him fill her.
Mike groaned as he felt the wet heat of her cunt engulf him. She gasped as he entered her. Mike was trying to remain in the moment, to stay with his wife, but his imagination, of its own accord, pictured his student above him. He imagined the flush on her cheeks as she took him. He wondered how tight she would be. What it would feel like to be inside her, not his wife.
Paula began to ride him, grinding herself against his pelvis. He gripped her hips and met her, clenching his ass, maximising the contact. Paula was soon groaning and Mike was grunting as they fucked.
A kaleidoscope of images danced in Mike's mind's eye. His wife, Ella, Mia, a cycle of the three women and he stopped resisting it. He let himself get lost in the moment.
It wasn't long before Paula began to gasp and grind faster. Mike gripped her hips hard and met her every thrust. Finally she arched her back and cried out as she came, fingernails digging into his chest.
Mike let her crest and held her there, buried deep in her as she came. Finally she caught her breath and he rolled her off of him and lay on top of her, chest to chest, face to face.
He began to thrust into her, chasing his own orgasm. Again he lost contact with his wife in his mind and was fucking Ella. And Mia. They interchanged in his imagination. He needed to fuck them and fuck them hard. He needed to show these two young sluts what happened when you teased an older man. He grunted as he fucked them until he felt himself get close. He sped up and then slammed deep, imagining hearing one of the girls say 'Please, Mr. Nicholson, please cum in me.'
He gritted his teeth and groaned as he released. Filling her with his cum. Gasping as his cock twitched inside of her.
Finally he fell to the side, slipping out of his wife, gasping for breath.
"Wow," Paula chuckled beside him. "I think I left you too long. That was pretty intense! I'll feel that tomorrow."
"I'm sorry," Mike said, suddenly aware how hard he had been fucking his wife. "I guess I got a bit carried away."
"It's ok," Paula said. "Next time a bit more gentle if you don't mind."
"I promise," Mike said.
Paula got up to clean up and finish getting ready for bed. Mike lay there, wondering what was going on with him. He needed to get control of himself. He had hoped that fucking Paula would get Ella and Mia out of his system, but now that he had, he realized that he just wanted his two students even more.
He groaned at his own weakness and, eventually, went to sleep.
The next day was Wednesday so he did not have to have Drama club that evening but he did have Advanced Creative Writing as the last class of the day. That meant there was no way to avoid Ella.
Still, he had spent the day rationalizing his thoughts and actions. He had done nothing wrong, and if he thought about it, some might say he showed restraint.
Ella sat at the front of the class as always. She was wearing her usual zippered hoodie, but below that was a short black skirt. Mike did his best not to notice this but it was impossible.
He had assigned them a flash story project for the class. They had the full forty five minutes to work on it, aiming to craft a beginning, middle and end in the short time frame. At the end of class they could hand them up to him and he would review them, picking the best few to discuss with everyone the next time they met.
Mike liked assignments like this because it honed their quick thinking skills, and revealed lazy and ingrained errors that could be squashed. It also allowed him to sit at his desk and try to catch up on marking for other classes while they worked.
He couldn't help himself from looking at Ella in the front row, almost blushing, remembering his imagination the night before. She was bent over her paper, writing. At some point she had lowered the zipper of her hoodie without him noticing. She was not indecent by any stretch of the word, but he did see a fair bit of cleavage. He looked away. For a time.
He could not, however, prevent returning his gaze to her. It was as if she was hypnotising him with her display of milky white inner curves of her breasts and the dark crevasse between them. He glanced lower and saw that she had spread her legs.
They were not that wide apart, but sitting at his desk, with her in front of him he could see very high up her thighs before they met. He unconsciously licked his lips and then his eyes widened.
Ella slowly opened her legs wider. He glanced around and saw that she was still concentrating on her pen and paper, and no other student seemed to notice. He looked back under her desk.
Time seemed to slow as her thighs parted, more and more flesh exposed. Finally he saw a glimpse of red fabric. This must be her panties. All he wanted to do was cross the space between them, pull her to her feet and throw her chest down on the desk and slam himself into her, forgetting all the other students in the room.
Mike was happy for the wooden desk his legs were under because it hid his erecting cock that strained against his chinos. He was as hard as he had ever been in his life.
Finally she closed her legs and Mike looked up at her, guiltily. She met his gaze, her face inscrutable, and Mike blushed and looked down at his desk.
Had she caught him, he wondered. How much trouble was he in? He risked looking at her again and she was looking at her work once more.
Mike almost jumped out of his seat as the bell rang. The class stood and filed up to his desk to drop their flash fiction on it. Mike remained where he was, hiding how aroused he remained.
Ella did not meet his eyes as she dropped her paper on the pile and turned to walk out of the room, but he noticed that she had zipped her hoodie back up.
His mouth was dry as he watched her walk out of the room.
"How did it go?" Mia asked Ella the moment they met at Ella's locker after class.
"Good," Ella said, grabbing her bag. "Let's not talk about it here."
The two girls walked to a nearby coffee shop, got iced drinks and walked to a nearby park to sit at a table and chat.
"So," Mia said the moment they sat down. "Tell me. Did you do it? Did you show him? Fucking tell me!"
Ella's blush was all the answer that Mia needed but still she wanted to hear her friend say it.
"Yes," Ella said, looking away. "I did. I spread my legs for Mr. Nicholson."
Mia shrieked and leaned over the table and hugged her friend.
"I can't believe you did it," she said, grinning. "I thought you would totally chicken out! This is amazing! Did he see?"
Ella smiled shyly at her friend, happy that she had surprised her, proud of herself for putting herself out there.
"He did," Ella said. "I'm sure of it. He was looking at my tits all class but trying to hide it."
"I told you," Mia interrupted. "I told you! I just knew he was a tit guy! So! What next?"
"Well," Ella said as she sipped her drink. "I noticed him looking, of course. He kept looking at my legs as well as my chest, so when I saw him look down I did like you said. I slowly opened my legs. He was staring so I could watch him and he didn't even notice."
"I'm so fucking proud of you, Ella," Mia said with admiration. "Look at you being such a slut! Who knew? I'm so glad I loaned you my panties!"
Ella blushed deeper. She thought about the red panties she was wearing. They were a thing, cut high on the hips, made of sheer red fabric, sexier than anything she personally owned. It had been Mia's idea to wear them and display herself to Mr. Nicholson, and the act had aroused her greatly. She had not realised that showing herself off would get her so excited, but if she was being honest with herself it was not the only reason.
The fact that these panties belonged to her best friend did something for Ella. The idea that the same fabric that pressed against her pussy also pressed against Mia's... Ella had gotten wet the moment she pulled them on and looked at herself in the mirror. She had been aroused and wet all day. She hoped she had not ruined them and knew that she would have to wash them before returning.
"I did something else too," Ella admitted. "Something we hadn't talked about."
Mia glanced at her.
"Oh yeah?" she asked. "What did you do?"
"I wrote a dirty story for him. Oh fuck. Why did I do that?!"
Mia cackled.
Mike sat at the dining table at home that night, reading through the stories the class had submitted. Paula was out, having supper with a friend of hers, so he had the place to himself. He had a beer open beside him and his red pen in hand, jotting suggestions or criticisms on the papers.
He flipped over a weak submission, heavily marked up in red, and saw the next one was from Ella. He smiled. Finally something he knew was going to be good.
He read the few first lines:
The girl tried to calm her shaking hands as she tugged on the hem of her skirt. It was too short and she rarely dressed like this. That was the point, however. To wear a short skirt for the first time her older lover fucked her.
Mike dropped the paper and blinked. What was going on? He checked the name on the top of the page, confirming that it was Ella's, despite recognizing her handwriting. He licked his lips and quickly read the three pages of handwritten story.
By the time he was done his own hands were shaking. He was uncomfortably aware of the erection he was sporting, straining against his jeans. Ella had written a sex story.
He could hardly believe it. She had never written anything like this in his class. He would never have expected it from her. He had to admit it was well written, but outside of that it was entirely inappropriate.
The very short story was about a young girl of eighteen who was meeting a man, who was described in a way that Mike could only think was based on himself, at a hotel room. The girl was a virgin, and the man seemed to know this. The sex scene was brief, but descriptive. She described the discomfort of the man entering her, but this was overwhelmed by her desire to give herself to him. She gave into the sensation, was able to climax, and then he finished inside of her.
It was porn. Well. Erotica was the better description, Mike decided. Definitely not appropriate for a school assignment. Mike did not know what to do with this. He realised he was gripping his hard cock through his jeans, tugging at himself.
Suddenly, unzipped his zipper and, while reading the story once more, pumped his cock until he groaned as he came over his hand, making a mess of the front of his jeans.
"What the fuck," he muttered, gathering up the papers and throwing them into his bag. He went to get changed, at a loss of what to do.
The next day was Thursday, and while Mike did not have Ella in any of his classes, he knew that they would be meeting for Drama Club, to go over the script some more, so he was on edge. He found himself distracted and even snapped at one class for not paying attention, something he rarely did.
After school let out he headed to a nearby burger place to grab some supper and attempt to relax a bit before the meeting at seven. He had decided that he needed to confront Ella. To nip whatever was going on with her in the bud. He was the adult here and he was going to get control of the situation.
Mike arrived first and set up at the same table, and tried to do some marking but was too distracted. Ella's story was sitting beside him, the printed papers drawing his eyes again and again. He wanted to read them again, for the seventh or eighth time, but did not want to have an erection when the girls arrived.
It seemed like a long time but Mike was only alone in the room for about fifteen minutes before the door opened and Ella and Mia walked in. He almost groaned out loud.
Ella had forgone her usual hoodie, wearing a black tank top. The way her very full tits moved as she walked made it clear that she had skipped the bra as well. She had on a short skirt with black stockings beneath them. Mia was wearing a low cut top, and a long black skirt. Both were so sexy that Mike found himself growing hard just from watching them enter.
Mia waved at her teacher and then went to the beanbags and lay down on her stomach, facing the table Mike was sitting at. She pushed buds into her ears, selected something on her phone, then removed a book from her bag and started to read.
Ella smiled at Mike and crossed the room, each step causing a lovely bounce to her chest, and sat down on the chair beside him, pushing it so she was sitting with her thigh pressed against his.
"Hi, Mr. Nicholson," she said with a small smile. "How are you today?"
"I'm good, Ella," Mike said, trying to keep his discomfort out of his voice. "How about you?"
"I'm good," she replied. "I actually have some thoughts on the second act I wanted to go through with you." She opened her laptop and pushed it in front of him, her writing program open.
"Right," Mike said, then took a deep breath. "First I wanted to talk to you about this." He dropped the papers that were her short story on the keyboard.
Mike watched as Ella's face flushed, then noticed how it spread down her chest. He wondered how far that blush went, how close to her nipples? He noticed then that they were very erect, pushing out against the fabric of her shirt.
"Oh," she said quietly. "You don't want to talk about that in class?"
Mike cleared his throat quietly, slowly forming his thoughts and words.
"I think you know that this wouldn't be appropriate to discuss there. What..." he picked up the papers and glanced over them, "what were you thinking? This isn't appropriate for a class assignment."
Mia looked into Mike's eyes, and he swallowed past the lump in his throat.
"Why?" she asked, her voice almost defiant. "You said to write what we had on our minds. This is what I had in my mind."
"Ella," Mike said, keeping his voice low, almost a whisper. He glanced at Mia. She seemed to be bobbing her head along to music so he supposed she could not hear them but was still very careful. "This is... practically pornography."
"I think the term is erotica, Mr. Nicholson," Ella said with a slight smirk. "And it's fiction. Like you said the assignment was."
"Fiction?" Mike said, slightly incredulous. "You wrote it first person. And the male character... seemed familiar."
"Really," Ella asked. "Who did he remind you of?" There was a teasing tone to her words that set Mike on edge. "Besides. Maybe it's more of a fantasy than fiction. But I still think that was within the parameters of the assignment."
"Jesus, Ella," Mike said. "I think you know what I'm telling you. What you write in your free time has nothing to do with me, but you can't write stuff like this for school. People will get the wrong idea about you. And, frankly, about me. They might think I'm encouraging this. I could get in trouble."
"I do, actually," Ella said, that same sly smile dancing on her lips. "I write a lot in my free time. About similar themes. Longer and more... detailed, of course. Would you like to read any of those stories?"