"Fuck," Mike muttered. "You are missing the point. Reading this one was enough."
"So," Ella said. "You did read it?"
"Of course I did," Mike said.
"More than once?" she asked.
Mike paused. Of course he had.
"No," he lied.
Suddenly Ella placed her hand on his thigh, halfway between his knee and his crotch. Mike jumped, and she squeezed her hand to keep it in place.
"Do you want to read it again? With me?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper. "Look at it. Read it while I watch. Please?"
Mike glanced at the story, the first few sentences about the protagonist's short skirt quickly read before he realized he had done so.
"I was imagining this skirt, Mr. Nicholson," Ella said, her voice almost a purr. "Look at it."
Mike glanced down, seeing her hand on his thigh, the obvious bulge of his erection, and the length of her skirt. It really was short. Sitting down had caused it to ride up her thighs and he saw the tops of her sheer black stockings, a lacy border above which was her creamy, smooth thighs.
He glanced over at Mia but she seemed to be in a world all her own, oblivious to what was happening just across the room from her.
"Ella," Mike said, but was cut off.
"Please keep reading, Mr. Nicholson. Please."
Mike was losing himself. He seemed incapable of refusing the girl. He looked down at the page again. Reading once more about the main character's ride up the elevator to her waiting man. The description of how she was already wet, anticipating her deflowering. Beyond anything else, Mike had to admit, the writing was very good. Ella's light touch on his thigh felt like it weighed a thousand pounds, like it was pinning him in place. Like it was inevitable.
He almost yelped when Ella suddenly moved her hand up his thigh and gripped his very hard cock through his chinos. He glanced at Mia then at Ella who was smiling. Ella squeezed him and he groaned slightly as she began to stroke him through his pants.
"Stop," he whispered, but was appalled by how weak his demand was. How could Ella believe he meant it when he couldn't even convince himself.
Mike put his hand over hers. To stop her, he told himself. She used her free hand to grasp his hand; she moved it to rest on her thigh, above the stockings. On the smooth flesh. Mike instinctually gripped, his fingers denting the perfect skin. Ella moaned quietly.
"Keep reading," she whispered.
Mike obeyed. The character entered the room and the man was standing there. Smiling. Her description was obviously of him. His cock twitched in Ella's hand and she pushed on the one that was on her thigh. Urging it upward.
Mike had, up to that point, believed that he had control of himself and the situation. He had thought that a calm conversation would end things. Instead he found that he was sliding his hand along her skin while she parted her legs slightly to give him access. His eyes widened when he felt the smooth lips of her pussy. He looked at her and she leaned close to him to whisper in his ear.
"No panties. For you. I will never wear panties when I see you. So you will always have easy access to me."
Mike groaned and Ella sped her hand rubbing him. He wished that he didn't have pants on. That her bare hand was on his bare cock the way his was on her bare pussy.
He pushed his finger between the lips and found that she was already very wet for him. Her clit was swollen and hard and she bit her lip as his finger pressed against it.
Mike lost track of time. He was no longer reading her story, he was reading her expressions as he rubbed her. Her blush deepened and she bit her lower lip. Mike glanced at Mia, finding her still absorbed in her book. He found himself perversely wishing she would look up. See Ella's hand on his cock. His fingers rubbing her bare cunt. He wished that Mia saw, stood up and joined them.
Ella's breath was speeding up, and she was pushing herself against his fingers. Mike manoeuvred his hand to allow his middle finger to penetrate her cunt, leaving his thumb against her clit.
Suddenly Ella gripped his cock more firmly, and her free hand clamped down on the edge of the table. Mike could tell she was on the verge of a climax and sped his fingers, pressing more firmly on her clit. She gasped, quietly, trying to keep her sounds in, and bucked her hips against his hand. She was making small gasps of breath.
Mike felt her thighs quiver around his hand and she held her breath, eyes closed tight. Then she sagged, breathing deeply. Mike felt a flood of pride and accomplishment. She had cum on his fingers.
She had cum on his fingers. The thought came crashing down on him. What the fuck was he doing?! She had begun to stroke him once more, but Mike had clarity once more. He slammed his laptop shut and suddenly stood, yanking his crotch out of her grip, painfully aware that his rock hard cock made a tent in the front of his chinos. Painfully aware that he could not hide it from Mia who looked up at that moment, a sly smile on her face.
"That's enough for today," he announced while shoving his laptop into his bag and walking quickly towards the door of the room. "Goodbye!" He said and slammed it behind stepping into the hallway.
The hall was, thankfully, deserted. No one would be able to see his arousal or his shame. He quickly strode away, not towards the parking lot, but rather towards the staff bathroom. He was there within two minutes and locked the door to the single toilet room behind him.
He was breathing heavily, and gripped the edge of the sink, hard. He looked into the mirror seeing himself. Not seeing the dedicated husband and teacher who he usually saw. He saw himself as a fool. An idiot who was willing to risk everything for some young flesh.
He was still hard. He grunted then shoved his pants down to his ankles, gripped himself and stroked. He was pumping himself, thrusting into his own hand, as if he had Ella beneath him. Mike imagined he was inside Ella. That she was moaning under him as he used her. That their bodies were slapping together as he fucked her. He came within a minute, spraying a heavy spurt of cum into the porcelain sink. He gasped for breath then looked into the mirror once more.
"Who the fuck are you," he asked his reflection. There was no good answer.
The girls were practically speed walking their way home. Ella refused to answer any of Mia's questions before they entered her room and locked the door behind them.
Once they entered Ella threw herself onto her stomach on the bed and birdied her face in her arms.
"Ok," Mia demanded. "Spill. What the fuck? I couldn't see well while I pretended not to be looking! What happened?"
Ella groaned.
"I don't know," she said, voice full of embarrassed regret. "I think I messed up. I don't know. He ran away!"
"But what happened before that?" Mia asked. "It looked like something was happening under the table."
Ella rolled over onto her back and looked at her friend.
"I..."she said slowly. "I touched him."
"You touched him?"
"You touched his cock?" Mia asked excitedly.
"Yes! Oh my god! What was I doing?" Ella covered her eyes with her forearm. "What is he going to think about me?"
"Oh my god! This is amazing!" Mia exclaimed and climbed into the bed and sat beside her friend, pulling her towards her and hugging her. "Tell me every fucking detail!"
"Ok," Ella said. "I was so scared. I didn't know what he was going to do after reading that story. I thought he might ignore it. But he pulled it out right away. He started saying that it was inappropriate and I almost died, but I pretended to be confident. I told him to read it again. And he did! Then I reached down and grabbed his thigh. Then his cock. I was panicking. I thought I might throw up. I don't know. I was channeling my inner Mia."
Mia laughed at that.
"Your inner Mia sounds like a bit of a slut!" Ella looked at her, worried. "Don't worry," Mia added. "I like it. Since this Mia is still a virgin I think she needs to learn a bit from your inner version! Go on. What was it like? Was it big?"
"I don't know," Ella admitted. "It felt big. It was very hard. You know that I've only ever touched one before, when I jerked off Brian, but this seemed bigger. Thicker, anyway."
Ella sighed.
"It felt so right in my hand. I started stroking it. I don't even remember how it happened but somehow his hand was suddenly on my leg. And I pushed it up. Until it was between my legs."
"Oh my god," Mia breathed. "That's so fucking hot. I'm so jealous! So he was touching your panties?"
"No," Ella admitted. "He would have been but... I didn't put any on today."
Mia's eyes went wide.
"You didn't tell me you were going to do that! That's amazing. I'm in awe. In fucking awe of you!"
"Yeah. So I was stroking him though his pants, and he was touching me. I was so fucking wet. I had been already just from not wearing panties. And he was rubbing and then his finger was inside me while he rubbed and it was like we were alone in the world. I was trying to be quiet but it felt so fucking good."
"Jesus," Mia said. "Did you cum?"
"Yes. It was... It felt amazing. Not as good as when I do it myself, maybe, but better because it was him. And you were there and it was just so much. I couldn't hold back. I came."
"Did he cum too? In his pants?"
"No," Ella admitted. "I don't think so anyway. He just froze after I came then he ran off. I think I ruined it. He looked so upset. I'm not sure he will forgive me."
"Don't worry about that, Ella," Mia reassured her, and began to stroke her hair. "He might be a teacher but he's still just a man. I bet that was the thrill of his life. Damn. I can't believe you managed that."
"What if he doesn't forgive me. If he kicks me off the play and won't talk to me again?"
"Never!" Mia insisted. "Trust me. This was just the next step. You pushed him further but I promise you he will be fucking us both soon."
"God I hope so," Ella said. "I want... I want to feel him again. I want to see that cock. I'm going to dream about it, I think."
"I bet you will," Mia said and picked up her phone and opened it. "Oh. Oh damn. Ella you have to see this! Check your messages. The group chat with June and the girls!"
Ella opened her phone and her eyes went wide.
"Oh," she said.
"Oh indeed," Mia replied with a wicked grin.
Mike did not usually drink on school nights. He hated pretending not to be hungover while he taught. That night however he was sitting at his desk in his home office sipping on his third glass of bourbon and ice.
Paula was out that night. She had a pottery night with a couple of her friends that she would attend when she was in town and not working. They always made a night of it, going out for wine after class. Mike didn't expect her home until after midnight. He looked at his glass and figured he would probably be in bed by then.
He was seething in a bout of intense self loathing. He knew he was to blame. As crazy as it seemed, Ella obviously had a crush on him. It had happened before, one of his students falling for him. Not so much these days, but back when he had been a younger man. He had always been able to spot the signs and keep things professional, keep his distance. The crushes always faded away.
This time he had failed. Failed to notice in time. Failed to put that space between them. Failed to protect Ella from herself and from him.
What had he been doing, touching her like that? Letting her touch him. He was disgusting. The worst part was that, under all his self hatred, he knew that, deep down, he was not contrite. He was exultant. He wanted more.
He had to somehow get through this school year. Put on this fucking play. Stay away from Ella somehow. And then, at the end of the year, retire. Get out of the school. To protect himself and his students. He could no longer be trusted. He could not even trust himself.
His phone began to ring on the desk beside him. He scowled. One thing he was in perfect agreement about with the young people these days was that talking on the phone sucked. Texting was far superior. He considered ignoring it but flipped the phone over to see who was reaching out.
It was his daughter, June. He had a sudden feeling in the pit of his stomach. Any time his daughter called he had an irrational fear that she was in trouble. Hurt. He supposed all fathers felt this way.
He noticed it was a video call. If he disliked talking on the phone, he hated video calls. Still, for some reason his daughter preferred them. He sighed and pressed the accept button.
June's face filled the screen and Mike couldn't help but smile. She was, as she had always been, very pretty. Her dark brown hair had a natural wave to it and it fell around her oval face. Her eyes were a striking light brown, slightly almond shaped. Her nose was small with a light dusting of freckles across the bridge that she often faded out with makeup, but tonight were bare and uncovered. Her lips were naturally dark and plump. If she was not his daughter, but anyone else he would have thought of them as dick sucking lips.
Mike could see her dorm room behind her.
"Hey sweetie," he said. "How are you? Are you ok?"
June rolled her eyes.
"Why do you always ask me that?" she said. "I'm fine. All good. I still have all my limbs."
"Ok," Mike said, smiling at her. "But how about your fingers and toes? All accounted for?"
"The last time I checked, I still had the same number,"
"Oh good," Mike teased. "Twelve then?"
"Thirteen. I grew a spare."
They both laughed.
"Are you ok, Dad?" June asked. "I don't want to be a dick but you kind of look like hell."
"I'm fine," Mike reassured her. "Just a long day. When you get old like me it shows on your face."
June scoffed.
"You aren't that old. At least not compared to a lot of my friends. Mid forties? Amanda's dad is in his seventies!"
"My god!" Mike exclaimed with mock shock. "We need to call the papers! That must break some records!"
"It's nice," June said, "that even though I'm in a different city that you don't change. Still as exactly not funny as you have always been."
"I try to be consistent," Mike said. "So, why the call? Do you need anything? I could send you some cash if you promise not to tell your mom I augmented your allowance."
"Sure," June said. "Of course I always would like some money. But that's not why I called. I just wanted to let you know I'm coming home this weekend."
"Oh," Mike said, breaking into a grin. "That's awesome! What do you want to do?"
"Mostly my laundry," June said with a laugh. "And don't get too excited. I do have a life. I have some plans."
Mike smiled ruefully. Of course. She wasn't going to want to spend the weekend with her dad. Still he was happy that he would get to see her.
"Oh yeah? Big party?" he asked.
"Not really," June said. "I invited some girls over for a sleepover. I miss them now that I'm away and thought it would be nice to hang out like we used to."
"I assume that by 'invited over' you mean to my house? I'm not sure that's a good idea. Your mom is in New York this weekend for work. I don't really want the house full."
"Dad," June said. "Don't be a dick. It's not like you have to do anything. It's just a few girls. I already invited them. Don't make me look stupid having to call it off."
Mike sighed. He was rarely able to say no to his daughter.
"Fine. How many girls? Who's coming?"
"Well, Amanda, my roommate. You met her when I moved in here. She's going to come down with me. And Lisa who is in town from school too. And a couple of the younger girls from Drama. Bridget. Ella. Mia."
Mike froze.
"June," he said. "Maybe..."
"Shit, Dad," June interrupted him. "I have another call coming in. I'll see you tomorrow, Friday. The sleepover is Saturday. We'll talk again when I get in. Love you, bye."
"I love you too," Mike said but it was to a blank screen, as June had already ended the call.
He sat back and finished his glass of bourbon.
"Fuck," he said. "I'm in trouble."
As he expected Mike was grumpy and hungover at school the next day. He had had another drink before going to bed and had a bit of a headache and felt a bit woozy. He did his best to keep it to himself but he found himself snapping at students a couple of times.
When his day finally ended he gladly packed up and headed home. Usually the weekend was something he looked forward to. A couple days to himself where he didn't have to teach and present himself to the world. He liked spending the days taking his time through his tasks and hanging out with his wife. That Friday, however, Paula was already gone by the time he got home, having caught an afternoon flight to New York.
He set his things down and then texted his daughter, asking what time to expect her and if she wanted him to make supper. She replied that she would be there around 7 and if he wanted to make something for her and her friend.
Mike puttered around and then made a simple spaghetti supper for the three of them.
It was closer to 8 when June walked in with her roommate, Lisa. Mike had met the girl earlier that year when he had moved June into her dorm. The girl seemed nice enough and Mike was glad that June was able to be friends with her assigned roommate.
Lisa was a pretty Asian girl who was the same age as June, 20. She had very straight black hair, that fell past her shoulders. She wasn't overweight by any means but she was thicker than June, with wide hips, a nice ass and impressive breasts. Somewhere in the upper c cup or lower d territory, Mike judged. She went against the very thin Asian girl stereotype.
June gave him a hug and Lisa smiled shyly. They ate together but the conversation was mostly between June and her freind. After they were done eating June let him know that they were going out to a party. Mike shrugged. June was an adult now so there was not much he could say.
He watched a movie and went to bed. He tried to relax but thinking about the next day was causing his stomach to knot up. He knew he would just have to hide away from the girls and avoid Ella at all costs.
It was some time after one thirty in the morning when he heard girlish laughter announce his daughter and her friend come home and he sighed with relief. He had not even realised he had been worried about her and waiting up. He rolled over, threw his arm across the empty part of the bed where Paula would normally be and finally fell asleep.
Saturday was the day Mike tried to get all of his errands done so he could completely relax on Sunday. He had a short shopping list, as it would be only him for most of the week, and he went out in the morning to take care of that. He also picked up snacks for June's sleepover.
He had lunch at a cafe alone and read a book he brought with him, then returned home. They had a cleaner who came once a week so he only had some tidying to do before he grabbed a beer and sat in the back yard. He had already told June he would order pizzas for her and her friends so he didn't have to cook that evening.
June and Lisa kept to themselves, going out in the afternoon before returning around six. June's friends began to arrive after seven.
Mike had moved to sit in the upstairs living room, watching a baseball game on the TV. The first girl to ring the doorbell was Bridget. She was in the same year as Mia and Ella, and Mike knew she would be trying out for the lead. She was a decent enough actress, if a bit vapid. She was very thin, a bit boney for his taste. He shook his head. Since when did he comment, even if it was just internally, on the girls at school?
He directed Bridget to go downstairs where June had set up sleeping bags in front of the TV in the red room down there, just like when she was still in high school.
The pizzas arrived shortly after that and he grabbed a couple slices before sending them downstairs for the girls.
Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang once more. Mike slowly stood. He wished that he didn't have to answer it, but June had asked him to let people in and he could not think of a good excuse to refuse. He crossed to the door, took a deep breath and opened the door.
Ella and Mia were on the other side, of course. Mike couldn't help but look them over. They were dressed like they usually dressed. Mia in a cute goth outfit of short black cut off jean shorts, fishnet stockings and her top clearly being a black bodysuit of some kind, which was cut low in front. Ella had on her leggings and sweatshirt combo she usually wore, though it seemed like she might be wearing more makeup than usual.
"Hi girls," Mike said, carefully. "June is downstairs. You know the way."
"Hi Mr. Nicholson," Mia said confidently, with a fair amount of eye contact. "Thanks for letting us have this here tonight!" Mike stepped back but she pushed past him, very close, running her front across his chest, her breasts pressed against him for a quick moment.
"Hi," Ella said, quieter. She met his eyes as well but she blushed and quickly looked away. Mike felt his own face flush and quickly stepped away so that there was space between them.
The two girls headed down to the basement and Mike watched them go, but quickly looked away when Ella looked back at him over her shoulder.
Mike groaned inwardly. He wanted nothing more than to rush over, grab her and drag her into his bedroom, throw her down and ravage her. He needed to get a grip.
He looked at the TV and then sighed, turning it off with the remote. He did not feel like watching baseball. He crossed to his home office and shut the door behind him. He wanted to hide away before any of the girls came upstairs.
Ella was glad that her personality as the 'quiet one' was well established with the group. She was too distracted by being in Mr. Nicholson's house to really focus on the conversations around her. She was left alone by the other girls while she chewed her lip and wondered what he was doing on the floor above them.
All of the girls had slipped into their sleep wear. June and Bridget had on pyjamas while Lisa, Ella, and Mia wore sleep shirts and panties. Ella's came halfway down her thighs, and had a cartoon of a cat on it. Her panties were plain white cotton ones. She had considered wearing something sexy but was worried one of the girls might spot them and say something.
June and Lisa had smuggled a case of wine coolers into the basement, though no one suspected Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson would have cared too much, and the girls were happily sipping away developing a bit of a buzz.
Bridget and Mia were asking June and Lisa about college life and the exciting adventures they were up to. If Ella was honest June's responses sounded like pretty much the same things she had been doing in high school. Studying, going to parties, and hanging out with friends. She guessed it was exciting but not the world shaking change that she had always imagined.
Ella, frankly, thought she had changed more when she came on Mr. Nicholson's fingers than she ever would going to school in a different city. That had actually changed her, she thought. She might still be Ella, the quiet one, but she had discovered something about herself.
She had needs. And she knew who she wanted them filled by. The other day Mia had said that Ella's inner Mia was a bit of a slut and Ella had liked it. Being called a slut had made her pussy clench and get even wetter than she was, describing Mr. Nicholson's fingers on her. In her. In that moment Ella knew what she wanted to be.
She wanted to be a slut. Specifically Mr. Nicholson's slut.
At some point the conversation turned to the upcoming school play so Ella had to join into the conversation, answering some questions. She talked about it and told the girls the basics of the story. She told them she was working with Mike to develop the script but obviously left out her and Mia's plan to use the opportunity to seduce their teacher.
Eventually the conversation died down and they put on a movie. Ella waited for twenty minutes before attempting to slip away. Mia glanced at her and gave her a secret smile. The two of them had discussed this earlier.
"Where are you going?" Bridget, the only other girl who noticed Ella's movements, whispered to her as she started to tiptoe away.
"Bathroom," she whispered back. "I've already seen this movie anyways."
Bridget nodded and looked back at the screen.
Ella looked back over her shoulder as she reached the bottom of the stairs that led to the main floor, confirming that no one was paying attention to her.
Satisfied, she mounted the steps and began to ascend.
Mike was at the computer in his office, typing away. He had always enjoyed writing, but had never had any success getting published beyond a few short stories that got into literary magazines. He used to feel bad about that but had long ago realised that he enjoyed the act of writing enough that he could be content as a teacher and have this just as a hobby.
He leaned back, looking at the screen. He was trying to write a short story about a young woman lost in the woods, having been separated from her friends. It was supposed to be spooky and have a tinge of a supernatural element. He was not sure he was succeeding. It had also occurred to him earlier that evening that all of the descriptions of the girl were very similar to Ella. He wondered if he should just scrap it and try something new.
He looked around his office. Shortly after they had moved into this house, many years ago, he had set this room up, imagining himself as a novelist tapping away writing stories. In reality he rarely used the room. He found pretty quickly he preferred to work at the kitchen table, in the middle of his family's life, a part of things. He might get less work done, but he was happier.
The large wooden desk was an antique, with his desktop computer on it. There was a bookcase with his favourite books, and a comfortable couch against one wall. He liked to nap there sometimes.
That night, he believed, the office was acting as a sanctuary for him. The girls could wander around the house without him being around and he could avoid Ella.
He took a sip from his glass of bourbon and was about to get back to work, maybe rewriting the character to seem less familiar to himself, when he heard the door open.
He looked up and his mouth went dry. Ella stepped into the room and closed the door after her, leaning against it after it clicked shut.
"Ella," Mike said. "What are you doing here? Do you need anything?"
Mike was trying to keep himself under control but he could not stop his eyes from running up and down her body. Her sleep shirt that hung to her thighs was not overtly sexy, but the way the thin fabric clung to her clearly braless breasts made it very much so. Her bare legs looked smooth and inviting and her toes were painted a cute pink.
"I just wanted to talk to you, Mr. Nicholson," Ella said, still leaning against the door.
Mike spoke slowly and carefully.
"Oh yeah? About what?"
"About my story," Ella said and pushed off of the door and started to walk towards the desk. "You took off before we had a chance to finish talking about it."
"That's ok, Ella," Mike said. "I think we covered it. We can move on."
Ella rounded the desk and hopped up, setting her ass on the edge of the wooden surface. Mike rolled his chair back, attempting to make more space between them. He wished the room was larger, as he could only move a short distance away. He wished that he had not gotten hard the moment she walked into his office.
"I don't think we totally covered it," Ella said. "I mean, I was satisfied, but... I don't think you were, were you?"
"That," Mike said and took a deep breath. "That was all a mistake, Ella. I'm sorry if I somehow gave you the wrong idea but we can't do anything like that again. You have to know that."
"All I know, Mr. Nicholson," Ella said, "is that I want you. I need you. And I think you want me too. You do, don't you? I see you looking at me. I felt your hands on me. They felt perfect. Didn't it feel right to have them on me?"
"Do you have any idea how much trouble I can get into if anyone knew?" Mike said, his voice angry now. "You are playing with my fucking livelihood. My life!"
"I'm not a kid," Ella said. "I'm eighteen."
Ella suddenly raised one of her legs and placed her foot in Mike's crotch. He groaned as her foot made contact with his hard cock. He knew he should grab her leg, force her off of him, drag her to the door, throw her out and lock the door. Instead he sat there with the pressure against his sex.
"Ella," Mike said. "Eighteen is a kid. To me, anyway. I'm old enough to be your father."
"Maybe that's what I like," Ella said. "Maybe I want to call you daddy. Lots of girls do that in porn I watch and I like it."
Mike felt his cock twitch when she said 'daddy.'
"Oh," Ella said. "You like that? You like it when I say Daddy? Like, please fuck me, Daddy?"
"Jesus Christ, Ella," Mike said. "You have to stop!"
He pushed her foot out of his lap and stood, painfully aware of the tent in his jeans, his cock straining to escape.
Ella moved quickly, slipping off of the desk and dropping to her knees in front of her teacher. Mike tried to reverse away from her but his back hit the bookcase behind him. Ella moved forward with him, her hands reaching for his cock, squeezing it though the jeans.
"I need you," she said. "I need this so bad."
Her fingers were almost a blur and Mike was too transfixed by the sight of the young girl kneeling in front of him to react. Within seconds she had unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, yanking them open, shoving them down, the clothing catching on his hips. His cock sprang free, bouncing in front of her face.
Ella grabbed his cock in her hand and opened her mouth, wrapping her lips around it before he could do or say anything. She seemed to know that if she gave him a moment to think she would lose this chance. Mike groaned as her hot wet mouth engulfed him.
Mike knew, the moment she had him in her mouth, he had lost. All of his resolve to behave himself had left his body. He had been on edge for weeks, wanting her and now, she was clearly his. His hand dropped to the top of her head and he pulled on it while pushing his hips forward. Ella's eyes widened as he pushed towards the back of her throat.
Her eyes watered and she felt herself begin to gag but she did her best until he released her head and she was able to pull his cock out of her mouth and take a deep breath. She kept stroking him as she did, using her spit as lube.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Nicholson," she said. "I've never sucked a cock before. You will need to teach me how to do it properly. But you have always been my favourite teacher."
She opened her mouth and took him in again, slowly bobbing her head, holding the base of his cock with her hand. Mike let her take the lead, not forcing himself into her, allowing her to take him a bit deeper each time.
A small voice in Mike's head was screaming at him. Telling him to stop. That there was still time to do the right thing. To think about his career. His wife. How bad this all was. The voice, however, was drowned out by the amazing sensation of her sucking him.
He looked down at her and marveled at how pretty she looked with his thick cock in her mouth. The way her cheeks sunk in while she sucked. The way her eye makeup was smearing a bit as she took him deeper and deeper.
"God," Ella said, pulling him out and looking at his cock in her hand. It was fully erect, 7.5 inches, filling her hand. As she stroked it the foreskin moved back and forth over the swollen purple head. The heavy vein that ran along the top of it glistened with her spit. "It seems so big. I've been imagining it. It's perfect."
She opened her mouth and took him as deep as she could. Mike could feel the head of his cock press against her throat.
"Good girl," he said, instinctually, and was rewarded with her moaning around his cock. He felt himself getting closer and closer to his climax and wanted to prolong this experience.
He reached down and pushed her mouth off of him, popping free of her mouth with a small sound. He reached under her armpits and lifted her, and she obediently stood.
"Ella," Mike said, not sure what he was going to say next. Before he could continue she kissed him, cutting him off. Her tongue pushed into his mouth and he reciprocated.
What he was about to say was forgotten, and he ran his hands up her body, along the cotton of her sleep shirt. He found her breasts and ran each hand over the swell of them, feeling her hard nipples against his palms. They felt firm and full, and Ella moaned as he squeezed them. He dropped his hands and grabbed the shirt, breaking their kiss as he pulled the top off of her.
He stepped back, looking at her topless for the first time. The breasts he had been imagining finally revealed to him. He could not help but lick his lips as he saw them. Heavy yet still pert with youth, slipping down to erect nipples that were a pale pink. He lifted one in his hand and dropped his mouth, sucking the nub between his lips, flicking his tongue across it.
Ella moaned and arched her back, pressing her breast against his face. Mike slid his free hand down, into her panties and, for the second time, ran his fingers through the lips of her pussy. She was already very wet and he was able to easily curl his fingers, pushing two into her. Ella gasped, and her hips bucked against his hand.
"I've waited so long for this," Ella whispered and reached between them to stroke him as he played with her. "Will you please fuck me now, Daddy? I need you."
Mike grabbed Ella by her ass, lifting her and kissing her as he walked them the short few steps to his couch. He dropped her and had to smile as she giggled as she bounced on the soft leather.
Mike pushed his jeans down and stepped out of them, looking down at Ella who looked up at him biting her lip, a blush that went from her cheeks across her chest and breasts lighting her up. He pulled his shirt over his head and stood there naked above her, his hard cock swaying in front of him.
Ella reached down and grabbed her panties. She kickedher legs, let them fall to the floor beside the couch, and lay there naked. He could finally see her sex, puffy, bare of hair and glistening with her wetness.
"You are beautiful," Mike said and she smiled.
He moved onto the couch and pushed her legs apart, watching a string of her juices connect the lips of her pussy before it broke as her pink inner lips were revealed. He lowered his face towards her sex and licked along it, from her asshole to her clit and she moaned above him.
"Stay quiet," he said. "Be a good girl and stay quiet."
He began to lick her, sucking her clit, massaging her sex with his tongue. He pushed two fingers into her and stroked as he did. Ella began to move her hips in time to his mouth, making small sounds, muffled by her hand over her own mouth.
Mike realised how worked up she must have been as suddenly, after only a few moments, her thighs clamped around his head, and she let a cry escape. He felt her buck under his mouth and he held her in place as she came.
He slowed as she came down, easing her out of her climax, until he looked up at her and grinned, face wet with her juices.
"Oh my fucking god," she said. "That was... thank you!"
Mike kissed up her stomach, across each breast sucking on each nipple in turn before kissing her. His cock lay pinned between them and he could feel the heat of her pussy agianst it. After a moment he broke the kiss.
"So," he said, "how do you taste?"
"Pretty good, I think," she said, chuckling. "But... you've made me cum twice now and you haven't yet."
"Do you want that?" he asked. "Do you want to make me cum?"
"Yes," she said. "So much. I want you to cum for me, Daddy. I want you to cum for your slut."
"Is that what you are?" Mike asked with a chuckle. "A slut?"
"I'm your slut, Mr, Nicholson," she said. "Please use me like your slut."
Mike reached between them and gripped his hard cock in his fist, shifting his hips so that the purple head brushed the lips of Ella's pussy. The girl responded with a moan and pushed her hips upward, but Mike moved with her, allowing only the light contact.
He started to rub his cock against her clit, holding her down on the couch by his other hand on her chest.
"Was your story true?" he asked. "Are you really a virgin?"
"Yes," Ella said, shyly. "Is... Is that ok? You don't mind?"
Mike stroked her cheek.
"I don't mind," he said. "But are you positive this is what you want? An old man for your first time?"
Ella looked up at her teacher solemnly.
"I want you. Only you. I want you to take my virginity. I want you to be the first man I fuck. Please. Please fuck me, Daddy."
Mike pushed forward with his hips, feeling the head of his cock enter the girl under him. He looked down into her eyes, seeing them widen as she felt him begin to stretch her. He felt the almost searing heat of her sex as she began to accept him. The way that she gripped him, tighter than any cunt he had ever been in.
"Oh fuck," she moaned. "Is that... Oh god, I feel full. Are you all the way in?"
Mike looked down and saw that she had accepted about a third of his cock.
"Not yet, baby," he said. He drew back and thrust again, not too hard, but insistent, pressing deeper. And again. Gaining an inch or two each time. Before long he was completely sheathed inside her.
"There you go," he said. "How do you feel? Does it hurt?"
"It's," she said, taking a shaky breath, "it's a lot. It hurts a bit but... fuck. It feels good. Right." She chuckled. "Mia is going to be so jealous!"
"Mia?" Mike asked, surprised.
"Yeah. She wants to fuck you too. Maybe the first time you fuck her I can watch."
Mike's cock twitched at the thought of that other young woman and Ella laughed lightly.
"You like that, Mr. Nicholson?" she asked, teasingly. "You like the idea of more than one young slut to fuck? We can make that happen. I'll bring you other girls if you want. If you promise to keep fucking me."
Mike grinned and then pulled back and thrust, making Ella yelp happily.
"Yes!" she cried out. "Yes! Fuck your slut!"
Mike could not hold back any longer. He had been imagining this moment for weeks. He needed to fuck Ella. He needed to take her.
He began to steadily thrust, his hips slapping loudly into hers. The sounds of their sex filling the room. She cried out each time he bottomed out inside her, so he covered her mouth with his hand, trying to muffle it.
He could see her heavy breasts move between them, each driving thrust making them bounce up and down her chest. She was moaning against his hand. She was incredibly tight, her cunt almost sucking at his cock, clamped around him like the perfect fist. After a few thrusts she began to move her hips, driving up to meet his descending stroke.
Mike was very pent up and knew he could not last too long, but he rode it out as far as possible. Feeling the way his balls tightened, the feeling at the pit of his stomach.
"Gonna cum," he grunted. "Gotta pull out."
Ella shook head and wrapped her legs around Mike's bare ass.
"No," she said, muffled against his hand. "In me! Please! Cum in me, Daddy!"
That was enough and Mike arched his back, driving deep into her, holding her tight against him as he released. She cried out as he came; he felt her cunt spasm around him, another climax from the feeling of his hot cum releasing inside her.
Mike groaned, a deep guttural sound, as he came, holding her hips, pressing himself as hard against her as possible as he let out spurt after spurt. In the back of his mind he thought he heard a sound at the door of his office but could not get his thoughts together to register it.
Finally he collapsed on top of Ella, gasping for breath. He smiled at the girl and kissed her.
"So," he said, his voice still shaky, "how was your first time?"
Ella smiled, her face dreamy.
"Perfect," she said. "I can't wait to do it again."
Mike chuckled, then rolled off of her, allowing his cock to slip out of her. He looked down to see a trickle of his cum leak out of her used cunt.
"What am I doing?" he asked. "What the fuck am I doing?"
Ella nuzzled against his chest but didn't answer. He knew she couldn't. How would she know when he had no clue.
He knew he Should be upset with himself. Angry that he had been so weak, but at that moment all he felt was perfect contentment.
He closed his eyes, enjoying the young body pressed against his for a few moments before he knew he would have to send her away.
June was leaning against the wall just outside of her father's office, hand over her mouth, heart pounding.
What did I just see? she thought. Was my dad really fucking Ella?
The girls were still downstairs, watching the movie, though a couple had obviously fallen asleep. June had decided she wanted a glass of water and had come upstairs. She had not even noticed that Ella was gone.
She had heard something from her father's office and thought that she might go in and say good night and thank him for hosting her and her friends. She had not been ready for what she had seen.
Her father had been naked, his bare ass bouncing as he slammed into a woman under him. June's first thought was that Mom was not supposed to be home. Then she saw who it was under her dad.
June had frozen. She stood there silent, mouth open and watched as her father obviously came into her friend. She had wanted to scream. To run in and push him off. To call him a cheating bastard. But she had done none of those things. She had watched her father cum then shut the door, leaning against the wall beside it, in the hall.
June knew that she should be furious. At her father and her friend both. But... standing there in the hallway, she was so confused. What was she feeling? Why were her nipples so hard that they felt like little pellets? Why did she have that feeling in her pussy? Why was she so wet?
She slowly walked away from the office and headed downstairs. She crawled into her sleeping bag and pulled it over her head. She reached between her legs and began to rub her wet pussy, tugging at her clit.
June bit her lip, squeezing her eyes shut, trying not to make a sound as she made herself cum to the fresh memory of her father fucking her friend.
What the fuck am I doing? she asked herself as she came down, legs shaking. What kind of person am I?
Then the thought came to her unbidden.
I wonder how I can get my Dad to fuck me too?