"We're finally here!" I happily yelled out as I couldn't wait to start fishing so I can begin my hunt for the Dragonhead Catfish. My excitement was viewed by Leek and Zola while Rukk had Polg set up the net for our fishing. It was Rukk's idea and for a goblin, it is pretty smart, the net is set out to be like a basket so when we grab the fish, we throw them into it as fast we can as to not let them slip away, then in the end, Polg hauls the fish onto land, and usually we get a large amount. However thanks to the year being in Spring time, the fish are literally hopping as there is so much of them, especially the Golden Salmon who migrate to this area for breeding.
Once everyone was set up, everyone got naked as to not get they're gear wet, which I dont mind, the water feels great on my bare body, and goblins dont get to bathe often. Stepping into the crisp cool water that made me shudder in delight, I trudged to my usual fishing spot before taking a stance and waiting for the leader's start. It takes a bit as the fish swim together in a school that circles the island every a couple or so minutes, but suddenly Rukk dives right in, when we start, we are literally diving in at the fish to catch them.
Just seconds after Rukk, I saw a gleam of gold and dive right in the water with my arms spread wide. Grabbing onto a struggling Golden Salmon with both my arms, once I have a good hold and I get up onto my feet, I aim and throw the fish into net area, successfully catching it. My first time, like Leek, I sat off to the side watching and learning as fish filled the net one by one, and when I first began fishing, it took me a couple tries, but soon I was a great fisherman, mainly thanks to my natural hunting instincts from my mother.
We fish for a good while until Rukk decided we did enough and caught out of the water. I stretched a bit before plopping my whole naked body into the cooling water to help restore some of the energy I used, and ofcourse my boobs act as floaties for me, keeping them along with my face above the surface. After a bit Rukk called out we can do as we wish for a little while, which I expected as we caught a great amount of fish today, but hearing him say it still makes me feel joy for the hard work. I am off, swimming for the island.
The first time I encountered Big Red was when I decided to let my body drift with the current, floating along as I enjoyed the sunlight and cooling waters. It been about a couple minutes when I heard a massive splash as I notice something big and long swim along the surface, then the screen popped up. I was stunned at first but then I felt challenged to catch it, and so I tried, over and over and over again, to catch the massive catfish, yet she keeps dodging or slipping from my grasp. I swore to catch her before I become a adult and face many male goblins in the battle over my virginity, hoping with showing her as a trophy, they will be too afraid to come near me. I learned this from Zola who on her first day of being a adult, she knocked out a hobgoblin with her small bare hands, afterward no goblin dared to touch her unless they ask and are approved.
I just know if I catch Big Red, I will be ultimately respected and untouchable! Theres the red shine I know and love! Just as I arrived to the island's shore, I spot the Dragonhead Catfish gently swimming along against the water current's push. Gently moving on top of a rock beside the massive fish, I readied myself for a sneak attack, watching as the red hide of the catfish shine from the sunlight coursing through the watery surface. I can picture it now, Polg hauling the fish over one shoulder and with me sitting on the other as we enter the cave, goblins gathering around as I show off my amazing trophy, then me walking about with goblins cowering some as to avoid my attention, yes that will be amazing!
Suddenly, without me realizing, Big Red had disappeared from sight. Noticing I got caught up in my thoughts, I looked about searching for my target. 'Where could a massive fish as gentle as her go that fast?' I think to myself as then I noticed it, the tail end of Big Red disappearing into a underwater cave. 'NO WAY!!!' I thought to myself as I dive into the river and swim over to the entrance curiously. Looking in I was a amazed to see glowing moss on rocks along the tunnel, quickly I raise from a quick breath if air before beginning to pull myself along into the tunnel.
It went a bit deep from what I can tell, thankfully there were air pockets here and there I can refresh my lungs with. Suddenly I pull myself into a large open area where I find oddly find columns of stone brick covered in moss and water plants. Amidst the columns was a alter with large stone bowl of some sort, with large red balls piled in it. Swimming over, I realize they weren't balls... They are eggs! Big Red is gonna be a Big Red Mama!
Astounded by the sight, I failed to noticed Big Red swimming towards me rapidly, ending up knocking me away with a slap from her powerful tail. It nearly took the little bit of breath out of me, looking at the fish who clearly is defending her nest, I was surprised some as Big Red was never violent until now. Looking around I tried searching for something to use as a weapon, I managed to dodge another incoming tail slap from Big Red. Feeling something beneath my feet, I look to see the end handle of a weapon sticking out of the sand, upon grabbing and pulling it out, a goblin skeleton gets pulled out with it which made me internally scream. Noticing now there are quite a few skeletons, mostly of goblins, I looked at Big Red in shock. 'She isnt a hunting challenge. Big Red is a mini boss!!!'