There once a girl named Hannah and she lived in Florida. She was sixteen years old when she got murdered by her beloved boyfriend Maxwell. Her boyfriend Maxwell was seventeen years when he murdered Hannah. He murdered Hannah because she broke his statuses by accident. He was obsessed with his family heirlooms of statuses. When he was sitting in jail for ten years he decided that his statues weren't as amazing as his beautiful princess Hannah was. Then when Maxwell tried to say his apologizes to Hannah's family and they slammed the doors on him and denied him access to her grave site. He found it and would sleep by her grave site everynight and play his guitar everyday for her. Hannah's family found and had him killed while asleep by his beloved princess Hannah. Then later that day his family and Hannah's family went to war killing each other off. It was like the whole section of the graveyard was made for their families and them after they declared war on each in the graveyard. The judge decided to personally have the section of the graveyard called Family War. He knew how much Maxwell felt awful about everything he did and he just wish he could have gone back in time but knew he couldn't. So the judge suggested that he pay his respects and show how remorseful he was to the family of Hannah. Life was truly hard for Maxwell and Hannah to begin with because the two families were always fighting about who has more valuable things and who's richer. No one ever even stopped to see how it affected the children. The judge saw the families a lot of times in the courtroom for their stupidities. So he knew from talking with the young love birds that their families were destroying them and then when Maxwell finally snapped about his statues the judge just knew it was in fact because of how his family acts. The judge truly felt sorry for the young love birds and then even more sorry for Maxwell after the misunderstanding accident happened with his beloved Hannah. The judge even in fact blamed himself for not being able to stop the situation before it got to where it went. The judge felt as if everything that happened that summer was all of his fault. He ended up dying from being severely depressed and old age. He wasn't the same laid back judge after the family war happened. He was harasher and more controlling about what happened around his town. Making it harder on the judge to be leanit at all to anyone that walked through his courtroom.