once we were off the boat our parents let us wonder off and gave us s certain time to be back which was great. we left and walked around got ice cream and checked out the souvenir shops and went and tried out local cuisine and bought some of the national clothing we treated it like a date like we were by ourselves and living our own life without our parents we walked to the beach and sat on the sand watching the waves come closer and closer until it was reaching out toes then we got up and left and sat on the pier we ate some candyfloss and went on the Ferris wheel but let's not talk about what happened on there we walked back to the waiting point and we told our parents we bought souvenirs and checked out local shops and ate local cuisine and went and bought some local clothing and got back on the ferry and went in our room and the night was good it was quiet but still good and in many ways.
ps. I cannot believe we have 21k reads 🎉🎊🤯 i am beyond grateful for all of my consistent readers who wait for an upload I'm sorry I haven't been on here I've been busy but I'll try to stay on top of my writing also because I got 21k I'm doing something special for 2 of my readers so dm me @jadesolaaa___ 3 underscores and 3 a's DM me webnovel you will also need to follow me good luck also follow webnovelstory_🤗