Pandora's Box

Ewart Group of Hotels,

Presidential Suite,


Ivy opened the door to her softly in order not to wake up anyone as she made her way to her makeshift office in one of the rooms.

Her quick nap in the afternoon turned out to be a total of six hours of sleep, making her unable to sleep at night.

She tip-toed to the room but decided to change her destination upon seeing how beautiful the moon looked tonight. Giving up her plan to finish some of the papers from the ever-increasing pile of papers on her table, Ivy decided to do what any other person would do in her position. Procrastinate and then pass them to her assistant tomorrow.

Opening the large sliding glass doors to the window, Ivy entered the balcony as she leaned on the railing and gazed upon the renowned New York skyline.

Seeing the lights twinkle in the distance, she thought to herself,

'This was worth it.'

After an unknown amount of time, Ivy stood up and turned back. Closing the door behind her, Ivy navigated her way into the pitch-black room.

Just as she was approaching the passageway to the rooms, she hurt her little toe against the leg of the couch in the living room.


Ivy let out a wordless cry as she punched the couch repeatedly with her hand.

After a few minutes of her writhing in pain, Ivy took in a deep breath as she stood up, and that is when she noticed it was still there.

In the exact position in which she had left it in the morning.

The investigation report on Damon Wood.

Walking forward, Ivy took a seat on the sofa as she stared at the file wordlessly as she thought what it might contain.

To her, the file was Pandora's box, for she knew from previous experiences that reading it will only bring her misery and pain.

And just like Pandora, she too could not quench her curiosity as she opened it.

Picking up the folder, she slid her fingers on the cover as she opened it and skimmed through the first page.

Name, parents, family members, educational qualifications, occupation.

She quickly read through it but paused when she reached the third page.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she read and reread the page, not being able to believe what she was seeing was true.

'' is this possible....?

She thought out loud as she felt her heartbeat rising.

If not for the fact that this report was made by people who worked under her, she would have doubted its authenticity for sure.

But just the fact that it was produced by the alykas forces was proof enough that all the information provided was accurate.

She sat there still as she stared at the page, her hand unconsciously clutching the paper in a tight grip.

''It's true....''

Said a voice.

Turning her head, Ivy found Edward standing near the door as she leaned against the frame with his hands crossed.

''Since when were you standing there?''

She asked as she tried to control her erratic heartbeat.

''Since you stubbed your toe.''

He replied before standing up straight and stepping towards Ivy.

He stopped right in front of her as he took the report from her loose grip and saw the page she was focusing on.


Ivy gave a dry laugh as she asked,

"You mean to say that this is true?''

She asked even though she knew it was true, but maybe, somewhere in her heart, she wanted Edward to say no, to say that it was not true.