Chapter 3

The sun heats my face through the large windows. It's comforting, I've never felt so at peace. Little did I know that would not last for long.

"Good morning Robin!" Macy says with a wave.

"Morning!" I walk into the maids quarters. A through on the white apron and tie my hair back, I realize that I'm still wearing my white crop top and a par of dark ripped jeans I changed into yesterday. Besides the skirt, these are the only close I have. I should probably get new ones. Macy says the next payday is tomorrow. So over the weekend, I can go shopping. I heard there is a town nearby. Macy told me to clean a hallway I've never been down before. I hope I don't get lost.

Finally done. Sighing I walk down the large hall to a pair of double doors. I walk in but this is not the way I can from.

" Shoot I must have gone through the wrong doors." I start to turn when a colored light flashes over my eyes. "Geeze bright," I say turning my head. I move to the left and look around. There's a huge stained glass window of a man. Wait no a king.

I'm so focused on the window I don't even notice that the princess is now standing next to me. "That's my father." I jump at the sound of her voice. "He was killed after the last war by the great Zher." I can't believe my ears. That's my father's name! No, it cant be. I'll admit I never really knew him. As a child, he was barely around and when I turned 13 he left for the first war. I knew he was not the best man but I never thought he would be a murder!

"Are you okay?" Cleo says obviously concerned.

"Yes, I'm sorry I zoned out, sorry about your dad." I manage to say. God this is embarrassing.

" Ya know you're pretty cute." I blush instantly the princess just called me cute!

"T-Thank you. Your hot too." Ohh my god did I just say that?

"Pretty sorry." I can feel my face become redder.

"It's okay." She chuckled.

I let out a small sigh of relief. I need to stop embarrassing myself.

"Anyway, I should get going now." Just before she quickly walked out of the room she turned and kissed me on the cheek! I can again feel my face become ad red as a tomato.

The rest of the day I just cleaned replaying the scene by the window over and over again. The day was over now and as I drifted to the deep slumber (Still in my jeans since I don't get paid until tomorrow morning) my thoughts were filled with Cleo.

The next morning I awoke to a small envelope neatly placed on the bedside table. Inside are 10 silver and 5 copper coins. I'm not sure what they are. The currency is different in the demon realm but I should be able to get some outfits from this or at least some pajamas. I got up and changed into the only other thing I had a skirt. I brushed my hair and set off for the village I heard was nearby.

The village was a lot different than the villages in the demon realm. People were dancing, singing and seemed happy. I spotted a booth that looked like it had some clothing and headed that direction. It's a small cream-colored booth. Jeans, shirts, and skirts are hanging up on moveable carts around the booth. On the other side of a small table sits a dark tall woman with short curls. I look around and find 2 pairs of ripped jeans, a black graphic t-shirt with a rose on it, and some high top dark brown boots.

I walk up to the tall woman she smiles at me as I set the clothing down on the table. "Hello, will this be all?" She asked clipboard in hand looking at my items. "Uhh yes thank you." I reach into my pocket for the money as she says, "That will be 5 silver please." She opens her hand ready for me to hand it to her. I count out five of the silver coins and hand them to her. She smiles and hands me a brown paper bag. The sun is still as bright as ever as I walk out of the booth. There are fewer people but still much singing.

I'm almost to the castle when there's a black flash in front of me and my bag is gone! I frantically turn to see a small black figure darting across the field next to me. I run after it, the sun s going down and it's getting harder to see. I reach out and grab the small blob. It looks at me with its bright green eyes and I realize, its a cat! I take the bag from its mouth and set it down. I expect it to run off but it just sits there staring at me.

I simply turn around a little confused heading back towards the castle. The sun is even lower so I better hurry. I turn around and the cat is following me. I just keep walking. I've never had a pet before. Mother always said no, even if I asked for one every day.

I make it to the castle doors and it's still following me. I reach out my hand and it starts rubbing agest me purring. It's really cute. I mean its probably a stray. I think ill take it inside with me. I pick it up wait no her up and I carefully walk into the castle. Its dead silent so It does not seem like I have to worry about sneaking her in.

I make it to my room and set her carefully on my bed, and the bag on the desk across the room. "I should probably name you." she just looks at me. What do I name her? "Hmm, what about Luna?" She just runts at me and turns her head. "Okay so no to Luna." This is harder than I thought. "Okay what about Nala?" She purrs as I pet her. "Nala it is!" I think she likes it. God, am I even allowed to have a cat? I hope its okay, I mean I've barely been with her an hour and I already feel attached. I'll ask tomorrow, but for now, I'm going to bed. I get under the covers with Nala who snuggles agest my chest and purrs. Feeling calmer than I ever have I fall into a deep sleep.