Why is it not me?

Samantha was seated in her room holding a vomit bag, when a nurse, Lisa and Thanos came in with a breast milk pump.

" Hey Sam " Lisa greeted.

" We have a visitor here...."

" Where is my hus..." she gagged. band?"

" His here Sam, why do you look like that? you look like you will vomit all you intestines.

" It's the side effects of the anaesthesia." Thanos told her.

" That's...not him..." Samantha exclaimed.

Lisa had seen this scene too​ many times but it never gets old and she wondered how Sam told the difference all the time when she saw no apparent difference.

" Tha...nos, bring my husband he...reee."

Thanos was heartbroken, Samantha was talking to him with contempt in her voice.

" Here...we brought you a breast milk pump. your baby needs to feed." The nurse told her.

" Where is my husband?"

" Your baby needs to feed Mrs Miller. "The first breast milk is really important for him." Thanos told her.

" Then tell him to bri...ng back my husband."

" Sam, it doesn't work like that. I come when your husband can't face his mental issues, It's not my fault that he is a coward and isn't here right now.

The nurse was confused with the conversation that was being had between the two.

" He was fine..." Samantha cried.

Thanos felt like his heart was ripped open.

Sam, am here and yet you are crying for another man." Thanos thought​.

Samantha was crying uncontrollably with her face contorting with the pain from her wound.

" You will hurt yourself, Sam."

" I need him here Thanos, please bring him back to me."

The nurse thought Samantha had lost her mind after the surgery. She looked at Thanos and was impressed with the level of patience he had for his wife.

" He is not at all like they describe him."She thought.

" Ok, i will bring him back ok, but that's if you pump some milk for the baby."

Lisa helped her clean her hands with a disinfectant before nurse help put the pump to her breasts.

The machine tugged at her breast as thick tiny drops of Colostrum, which is the highly-concentrated and nutritious first milk the body makes after giving birth, coloured the bottle a pale yellow.

" Nigel really wanted to be here." tears streaming from her face again.

" I'll bring him back for you."Thanos said.

His voice was breaking. He had so much hoped​ Sam would fall for him, and he was willing​ to wait. But Nigel came and he didn't wait that long like he did and his Samantha fell for him.

" But Sam?"

" Hmmmm?" She was amused at the little machine that was still tugging at her breasts​.

" Is there something wrong with me?"

Lisa looked at Thanos and she felt pity for him. She knew how he felt, she had felt like that since she fell in love with Marcus.

" Why is it not me? I have the same face as him, I work hard, I love you too; why not me? I have everything he has."

Samantha was speechless. Hearing him say that, made it clear she had hurt him really badly.

" It's not that Thanos. Ok, you can stay." Samantha said.

" No, am not going to stay now.... when I know....you don't want me here, that's disrespectful...even if its you saying it."

" Am sorry Thanos."

" I know you are...."He said leaving the room.

I don't know why, you really have to differentiate between your husband's personalities because to me, it him. His crazy but it's​ him.

" I know but when he is here and his near me, I always feel like am cheating."

" I swear, it's just one person. No matter if there are twenty or thirty personalities in him, they are all your husband."

" I didn't think of it that way."

" Just think of it as your husband, waking up on the wrong side of the bed everyday...or just take it as Halloween everyday."

" It's not that easy to comprehend for me Lisa, maybe I would If I saw his face every day."


" Aren't you going to visit your son?"

" I will together with Nigel."

"Here we go again."

" I'll​ understand the situation eventually, just not now."


Thanos sat on the couch with his legs crossed in the hospital waiting room.

" You want me to go back and bring here your coward husband Sam? I can't bring him for you, he doesn't deserve you. You will have your husband here, Me! Why bring him here when i can be him." Thanos smirked.

" It can't be that hard to pretend to be him and take away from him, his son and his wife."