Dustin's heart

One day I got so sick and I couldn't go to school.When Dustin found out that I was sick, My friend came to visit me.It was with this opportunity that my father invited me and Dustin to go fishing with him.

I protested and so did Dustin.

But my father was to adamant that Dustin gave in. He later convinced me to go and we got in the car and left.

On our way there. We where hijacked by the five men who beat my father mercilessly and he was pushed out of the car and left for dead.

Atleast that's what we thought.

Knowing that i was sick Dustin protected me even though, he was deathly scared too.

We where kidnapped and taken to a property that my family owned. In my head, I thought, it must be my father's doing;but I had seen just how ruthless, they where with him that I decided to give him a benefit of doubt.

At first Dustin and I where kept in the same room and to our surprised, I was diligently given medicine for my Cardiomyopathy everyday at the same time.

When we talked, Dustin only talked about Heather, he wanted to leave, that Heather got really mad when he didn't keep to his promise, he had promised her they would go to the movies to watch;

The avengers: End game.

They started keeping Dustin and I separated​ and we only talked For maybe five minutes a day. To my surprise, he was starting to look sicker and paler, everytime I saw him. My living conditions where top notch while his where disheartening. We where held for more than a year. He was the first person to tell me the reason we where kept their.

His heart.

I thought we where kidnapped for random, I didn't know the price this time was unaffordable. This time the random was Dustin's heart. But Samantha how was I to know, I would be the reason, he was going to die?

Samantha let out a loud cry as tears fell from her eyes. It felt like a dream, a night mere and she wanted to woke up from it.

The first few weeks, he wouldn't​ talk to me, he blamed me. I couldn't do anything.It was the worst time of my life, there i was with a friend who was more family than anyone else, be the reason I was to live even at the point of his death.

Then one day as he sat apart from me, I heard him say.

" I'll give you my heart ..... but it's worth a lifetime with Heather. That's what I have wanted to do. You parents love you so much that they will kill me for my heart to give you...If I had know this was how I was to die, I swear I would have avoided you like a plague when I met you. But now that am here, I don't regret it...Am really bombed out that I won't see Samantha again, She is probably waiting for me...She gets really mad I tell you."

" He was about to die and both of us knew that but when he talked about Heather, his eyes sparkled. Even at that time I was jealous of him, jealous that he had such moments with her, Jealous that he talked sweetly about a girl I was in love with and knew little of her first hand information. Maybe, at that time, I might have been glad, he was going to die.

Second betrayal.

One morning, my father and a bunch of medical personnel came to my room.

I begged my father to not do it, to not make me a murderer, an accomplice. But even when I was begging him, inside I must have wanted to live, have a new heart live longer and marry Heather.

That's how selfish and ungrateful I was.